How to deliciously soak chicken kebab. Chicken kebab in kefir

A marinade prepared in a special way can give chicken kebab softness and juiciness. Knowing the recipe, it’s easy to understand how to make shish kebab soft and juicy from chicken, or from champignons. There are several marinade recipes to add juiciness and softness.

Soft kebab marinade

Often used for chickens. It is made from garlic and basil, although there may be other ingredients. In our case, we take half a kilogram of tomatoes, cut them into pieces and place them in an enamel bowl. Then they need to be turned into pulp with a fork. Cut two onions into half rings. Add fresh herbs. Cut a kilogram of chicken pulp into small pieces. Add the chicken to the rest of the ingredients. Now you need to pour the juice of one orange over the chicken, season with spices and mix everything thoroughly. We send our chicken to marinate in the cold for eight hours.

Mineral water marinade

Can be used for pork, turkey, and chicken skewers. Cut one kilogram of chicken flesh into small pieces and pour a liter of mineral water for two to three hours. Meanwhile, we pass half a kilogram of onion through a meat grinder. After two to three hours, add the juice of one lemon and onion to the chicken and mineral water. Salt and pepper (you can add cardamom). Let it marinate for six hours.

Citrus marinade

Suitable for chicken, duck, pork and other meats. Mix the juice of two lemons and two oranges, add two tablespoons of sugar and mix. Cut a kilogram of onion into half rings, chop 50 grams of cilantro. We take enamel dishes. Layer onions, chicken, cilantro, and marinade in layers. Repeat layers until you have ingredients. Place in the refrigerator overnight. Before cooking, season with coarse salt and black pepper.

Marinade in vinegar

Take 200 grams of vegetable oil and mix with 100 grams of vinegar. Cut the chicken into pieces and pour this solution over it. We pass one kilogram of onion through a meat grinder and add it to the meat. Season with spices and marinate for two to three hours.

Kefir marinade

Suitable for chicken, pork kebabs. Wash a kilogram of chicken pulp with running water. Cut into equal pieces and place in a glass or enamel bowl. 4 onions, grated or cut into rings and added to the chicken. Stir, salt and pepper. Add half a liter of kefir and 10 grams of sugar, mix.

Chicken pieces should not be drowned in kefir

Take 3 onions and cut them into thick rings, then place them on the meat. We will use these rings for frying. Being on top, they will be saturated with the marinade, but will not become soggy. Cover the dish with a lid, keep it at room temperature for an hour, then put it in the refrigerator for 10 hours. The longer we marinate, the juicier the kebab will be. After marinating, place the chicken on skewers, along with the onions. It is necessary to fry on hot, but not burning coals.

Is it possible to cook shish kebab from chicken fillet so that it is juicy and tasty? This article will not only help you answer your question, but will also give you the opportunity to learn some truly amazingly delicious recipes. You will learn all the secrets of cooking chicken meat and, for sure, you will learn something new for yourself that you had never thought of before.

Chicken shish kebab – TOP 5 most delicious recipes

When you go on a picnic, you probably have thoughts of trying something new. It would seem, what else can you come up with to surprise guests with incredible taste? But new is not always better than old. That is why today we have prepared for you the TOP 5 chicken shish kebab recipes. Marinades for it are prepared very simply, and kebab marinated in them will certainly turn out soft, juicy, and tender.
We suggest you skip all the prefaces and go straight to the preparation. Note that the recipes are arranged in the text not by importance or deliciousness, but simply in order. Go!

Option for marinade No. 1

Probably everyone, at least once in their life, has cooked fillet shish kebab marinated with sweet honey and salty soy sauce. You can marinate not only chicken, but also pork or beef in this mixture. The marinade has a sweetish taste, but the taste is not tart.

In general, what can I say? Prepare and try it yourself.

  • To prepare shish kebab from chicken fillet with soy sauce and honey, you will need the following products:
  • chicken fillet – 1 kg;
  • soy sauce – 150 ml;
  • honey – 1 tbsp;

garlic – 3-4 cloves;

  • Let's start cooking:
  • Rinse the chicken breast, remove films, veins, fat, and dry with a paper towel.
  • Add soy sauce, a melted spoon of honey, crushed garlic, and all the desired spices to the chicken. Mix well, put in the refrigerator and marinate for several hours (you can leave it overnight).
  • It is best to cook these kebabs on skewers (wooden skewers). Thread the pieces onto them, and then place the mini-skewers on the grill and on the fire.
  • The chicken takes 15-20 minutes to cook. Don't forget to constantly turn it over so it doesn't burn.

Option for marinade No. 2

The next way to cook fillet shish kebab is also popular among many housewives. Without preludes, let's immediately begin preparing the necessary ingredients:

  • chicken fillet – 1 kg;
  • garlic – 6-7 cloves;
  • olive oil – 4-5 tbsp;
  • various greens (dill, parsley, cilantro, etc.) - to taste;
  • salt, pepper, spices - to taste.

Let's look at the stages of preparing a delicious kebab:

  • Be sure to wash, peel and cut the chicken into portions.
  • We chop the greens. We peel the garlic and also chop it, or put it through a press.
  • Mix all the previous ingredients, add oil, salt, pepper, spices. Squeeze the chicken a little with your hands and send it to marinate in the refrigerator. The workpiece should be allowed to stand from several hours to the whole night.
  • You should thread the marinated fillet onto a skewer. Place the kebab on the fire.
  • The chicken takes 17-23 minutes to cook. Don't forget to turn it over.

Option for marinade No. 3

Also a very popular marinade for chicken is mayonnaise.

  • It is often used not only for frying meat over a fire, but also for baking in the oven or cooking in a frying pan. In general, this recipe is also very simple; for it you need to prepare the following products:
  • fillet – 1 kg;
  • onion - 2 medium heads;
  • salt, pepper, spices - to taste.

mayonnaise – 150 g;

Let's look at how to cook shish kebab from chicken fillet with mayonnaise step by step:

Option for marinade No. 4

  • You can cook chicken on the grill by marinating it in ketchup. This will give the dish from the fire a more piquant flavor. By the way, you can replace ketchup with your favorite tomato juice or tomato paste. Prepare everything you need:
  • chicken breast – 1 kg;
  • salt, pepper, spices - to taste.

ketchup – 150 g;

  • Let's start cooking:
  • Of course, the chicken needs to be washed, cleaned, and cut into kebab pieces.
  • Add ketchup, salt, spices and pepper. Mix well, and then let marinate for 5 hours in a cool place.
  • Thread the pieces onto a skewer and start frying.

As in previous methods, it takes about 20 minutes to cook the dish. Don't forget to turn it over, otherwise the chicken will burn.

The last recipe for today is chicken in sour cream and mustard sauce. For cooking you will need:

  • It is often used not only for frying meat over a fire, but also for baking in the oven or cooking in a frying pan. In general, this recipe is also very simple; for it you need to prepare the following products:
  • low-fat sour cream – 250 g;
  • mustard (Dijon) – 3-4 tbsp;
  • garlic – 4 cloves;
  • grated white horseradish – 1.5 tbsp;
  • liquid honey – 2 tbsp;
  • salt;
  • pepper, spices - to taste.

Let's look at the steps of cooking chicken step by step:

  • We wash, clean and dry the meat. Cut into pieces and place in a deep bowl.
  • Add sour cream, mustard, crushed garlic, grated white horseradish, honey, and all the necessary spices to the bowl. Mix well, and then let the chicken stand in the cold for a couple of hours.
  • Now all you have to do is thread the pieces onto skewers and send the kebab ready. That's what we'll do.
  • You need to fry it a little longer - about 25 minutes, but on low heat. Don't forget to turn over.

As you can see, we have prepared recipes for you for literally every taste. So just choose the one you like and cook with pleasure for yourself, family, and loved ones.

Chicken kebab, probably as common on the grill as meat kebab. It’s not without reason that in any store that sells meat, or in the meat aisles at the market, you can find buckets with incomprehensible contents and proudly labeled “Chicken kebab.” Often fried on skewers, but in this case, let's talk about chicken kebab.

Let’s say right away that store-bought chicken kebab is not at all what you should strive for. I can understand when suddenly you urgently need to get some amount of already marinated meat - then a store-bought bucket can help out. For example, guests arrived very suddenly, and there was simply no time left to marinate the meat.

But still, if you are already planning to grill shish kebab and know about it in advance, who is stopping you from putting in some effort and completely preparing it yourself. Moreover, this is not difficult, and the entire preparation will take about 1 hour (based on 3-4 kilograms of chicken meat). Next, the kebab will marinate on its own and will not require your attention, much less any action.

For chicken kebab you will need:

Calculated for approximately one kilogram of chicken meat.

  • Chicken, or chicken ingredients. In this case, chicken thighs without a backbone.
  • Onion. One medium onion
  • Garlic. 2-4 cloves.
  • Vegetable oil, odorless. Gram 40.
  • Spices. 1 heaped teaspoon. Everyone chooses to their own taste. In my case, the spice mixture consists of:
    • Chilli.
    • Paprika.
    • Coriander.
    • Black pepper.
    • Parsley.
    • Caraway.
    • Oregano.
    • Ginger.

    All the ingredients of the spice mixture were dry, and I simply ground them a little in a mortar, not into dust, but rather mixed them and slightly crushed the large components.

  • Freshly ground black pepper separately.

A few words about chicken meat.

I prefer to buy chicken thighs for barbecue. And without a backbone. There are at least three reasons.

First of all, chicken thighs are the softest and juiciest part of the chicken.

Secondly. In the thigh, if you bought it without a ridge, there is only one bone, and it is very easy to cut it out without particularly stripping the meat.

And thirdly. There is enough meat in a chicken thigh to make from 2 to 4 more or less high-quality, convenient and fairly equal-sized pieces of meat for barbecue. The number of pieces depends entirely on the size of the thigh itself.

So let's take a chicken thigh. Very carefully, using a small and sharp knife, cut out the bone from it. The piece of meat that remains after removing the bone is easily cut into two pieces, exactly in the place where the bone was originally. Each of these pieces, if the size allows, can be cut crosswise in half.

Now about the marinade. Chicken meat is a rather delicate product. And it absorbs very well the aromas of spices and, already during frying, the aromas of coal smoke. So, when marinating chicken meat for barbecue, you should remember this and do not pour in handfuls of spices. Just a few spices, onions and garlic are enough to get the desired flavor of the meat, and at the same time not destroy the own taste of the chicken.
This is why I don't often use wine or good grape vinegar as one of the marinade ingredients.

Marinating meat for chicken kebab

So, chop the onion and garlic quite coarsely. Press the garlic flat with the blade of a knife.

Place the onion and garlic in a saucepan for marinating and squeeze and mash with your hand so that the onion releases juice.

Add spices and vegetable oil to the onion.

Mash again so that the oil and spices are dispersed throughout the onions and garlic.

Place the chicken in the chicken marinade. Sprinkle with black pepper from the mill and gently mix everything together with your hand.

There is no need to add salt; we will add salt before we start threading the chicken pieces onto skewers.

If you want to get a slight taste of marinated chicken, you can add just a little dry white wine or good grape vinegar.

But just a little. If I add, then about 20-30 grams of vinegar (half a glass) per two to three kilograms of meat. When you add vinegar or wine, you need to mix everything properly again.

Let everything marinate, preferably overnight.

Frying chicken shish kebab.

Salt the marinated meat and mix again so that the salt is evenly distributed throughout the meat.

Thread the pieces onto skewers.

It is my firm belief that there is no need to alternate meat and any vegetables on the skewer. This also applies to chicken kebab and from, from and. Any vegetables, especially juicy ones like tomatoes.

As soon as the vegetables begin to fry, and their juice, accordingly, begins to boil, this will immediately sharply reduce the temperature of the meat over the entire area of ​​​​contact between the vegetables and the meat. So in these places the meat will not be fried, but boiled. The conversation that vegetables will add additional juiciness to meat is somewhat incorrect, in my opinion. Proper roasting will definitely leave the meat juicy.

If you want to grill vegetables over coals, for example for a salad, use a separate skewer.

By this time, the coals in the grill had already burned out and were covered with thin gray ash. This is exactly the state of the coals that is ideal for frying.

I think there is no point in mentioning that firewood for coals should only be from deciduous trees, and in no case coniferous. The resin contained in the wood of coniferous trees will give an unpleasant odor and bitterness to the kebab.

Firewood from fruit trees - apple, pear - is best suited. The most ideal would be to get grapevines somewhere, but in central Russia this is somewhat problematic. You can also use purchased coal from bags. Birch or oak - both will do.

The distance between the coals and the meat should be 8-10 cm. The hotter the coals, the greater the distance.
And do not use any kind of lighter fluid. The smell that these liquids give off during combustion is indestructible, and does not at all have a positive effect on the taste of any kebab.

It is better to use either dry branches (remember that coniferous branches are not suitable), or, by rolling up a pound of several napkins or paper towels, moisten it well with ordinary vegetable oil, and inserting the pound into the prepared coal, set the napkins on fire. There should be 2-3-5 such napkin pounds, depending on the size of the grill.

Place skewers with chicken kebab on the grill.

We try to ensure that the meat is immediately baked on one side, then turn it over to the other and bake the other side. It is necessary that the meat is immediately covered with a baked crust, so that all the juices remain inside and the kebab does not dry out.
If the kebab starts to burn immediately, then remove some coals, thereby increasing the distance between the meat and the coals.
If the kebab is barely warming up, then, on the contrary, we rake more coal under the meat, reducing the distance.

Fry the shish kebab until done. Since this is chicken, it needs to be cooked completely. And at the same time, do not burn or dry out. Therefore, attention, attention and attention again. But this phrase also applies to any other type of kebab.

Serve the kebab with herbs, vegetables, your favorite sauces and dry wine.
Even though it's chicken, it's still grilled over coals. So dry red wine is best suited for chicken kebab.

It is believed that chicken kebab is a budget option for a dish cooked over charcoal. And indeed it is. Poultry meat is much cheaper than pork, lamb, veal and beef. But despite this, chicken kebab always turns out very juicy and tasty.

There are many ways to make such a dish for a holiday or camp table. At the same time, the taste of the kebab depends entirely on the marinade chosen.

In this article we will present you with several options for how to soak meat for further roasting over charcoal.

Meat selection

What part of the bird should you use to make a very tasty and juicy kebab? As a rule, chicken breasts, legs, thighs, white meat or wings are used for this. As for the back and neck of the bird, they are not suitable for such a dish, as they have a large number of bones.

It should also be said that kebab made from chicken hearts and gizzards is very unusual. However, not all housewives like a dinner made from offal. Therefore, we decided to present several ways to prepare a meat dish over coals.

The easiest chicken kebab recipe

The easiest kebab to prepare is considered to be the one made using white poultry meat. This dish turns out very tender, juicy and tasty.

So how to make chicken kebab on skewers? To do this we need the following set of products:

  • medium fat mayonnaise (it is better to take olive) - 150 g;
  • dried cumin - ½ dessert spoon;
  • large chicken breasts - 4 pcs.;
  • table salt - 1.5 dessert spoons;

Processing and marinating meat

Before marinating chicken kebab, poultry meat should be properly processed. If the breasts were frozen, then they are completely thawed and washed. At the same time, the skin and bones are carefully removed from them. As for the remaining pulp, it is cut into large pieces. They also peel the onions separately and chop them into thick rings.

After the meat has been processed, it is placed in a bowl and then seasoned with table salt, dried cumin, mayonnaise and ground pepper. After thoroughly mixing all the ingredients, add onion rings, cover with a lid and leave in this form for 1-2 hours. During this time, the meat should marinate well, become softer and more flavorful.

Heat treatment

After marinating the meat, it is carefully threaded onto large skewers, alternating with thick onion rings. Next, the dish is placed over hot coals and cooked for about 20-25 minutes. To ensure that the poultry meat becomes golden brown and soft, turn it regularly and make sure that it does not burn.

As soon as the chicken breast kebab is ready, it is removed from the grill and placed on a large plate decorated with green lettuce leaves. This lunch is served at the table with fresh vegetables or some other side dish.

Making shish kebab from chicken legs

We talked above about how to cook chicken kebab on skewers. But if for such a dish you decide to use hams rather than white poultry meat, then you will need real skewers. But first things first.

The presented recipe for chicken kebab is good for those who want to prepare a hearty and tasty dish, but do not want to spend a large amount of money. To implement this option we will need the following products:

  • semi-sweet red wine - 150 ml;
  • dried rosemary - ½ dessert spoon;
  • large chicken legs - 6 pcs.;
  • table salt - 1.5 dessert spoons (add to your taste);
  • white onion - 2 medium heads;
  • ground pepper - a few pinches.

Meat processing and marinating process

How to marinate chicken shish kebab from hams? First you need to process the meat. It is completely defrosted and washed thoroughly. Next, the pieces are cut into thighs and drumsticks (they should not be very large). After this, the meat product is placed in a deep bowl and marinating begins. To do this, the onion heads are peeled and grated on a fine grater. The resulting gruel is placed over the meat along with ground pepper, dried rosemary and table salt.

After mixing all the ingredients, cover them with a lid and leave them like that for 60 minutes. After time has passed, a little red semi-sweet wine is poured into the meat. After mixing the products again, they are left at room temperature for 1.5 hours.

How to cook?

Chicken shish kebab from hams must be cooked over very hot coals. To do this, carefully place the thighs and drumsticks on skewers and make sure that they do not have dangling ends.

Due to the fact that this kebab turns out to be quite large, it should be fried a little longer than the previous option. After placing the skewers on the grill, the dish needs to be cooked for 35-40 minutes. In this case, the meat should be constantly turned so that it is well browned, but not burnt. By the way, it was for this purpose that we did not remove the skin from the thighs and drumsticks.

As soon as the chicken shashlik from the hams is cooked, it is removed from the grill and removed from the skewers. It is advisable to eat this dish hot along with boiled potatoes and plenty of fresh herbs.

Cooking shish kebab from chicken wings

Using chicken wings, the kebab always turns out tender and juicy. It is very important to use a honey-tomato marinade. With it, the dish will acquire an unusual taste and appetizing gloss.

So how to make shish kebab from chicken wings? For this we need:

  • fresh chicken wings - 10 pcs.;
  • khmeli-suneli - 2 dessert spoons;
  • olive oil - 2 large spoons;
  • table salt, black pepper - add to your taste;
  • fresh honey - 1.5 large spoons;
  • tomato paste - 2 large spoons;
  • green onion - 1 large bunch.

How to properly process and marinate meat?

Before preparing marinated chicken kebab, the meat product should be properly processed. The wings are completely defrosted and washed thoroughly in cold water. If there are hairs on the skin, they should be singed over an open fire.

Don't cut the chicken wings in half. But if you think that such pieces are too large, then they can be divided into 2 parts.

After the meat has been processed, dry it with paper towels and place it in a deep bowl. Next, start preparing the marinade. To do this, combine olive oil, fresh honey, table salt, suneli hops, tomato paste, black pepper and finely chopped green onions in one bowl.

Spread the resulting mixture onto the wings and mix them thoroughly. Having covered the meat product with a lid, it is left aside for 60-180 minutes. During this time, the wings should marinate and acquire a pleasant aroma and color.

Cooking on the grill

Due to the fact that chicken wings are a rather bony part of the bird, it is better to fry them not on skewers, but on a regular barbecue grid. It is placed on the grill, over hot coals, and then all the pieces of meat are laid out one by one.

Regularly turning the wings using tongs, periodically brush them with the sauce that remains in the bowl after marinating the product. After 25-35 minutes, the kebab should become completely soft and acquire a pleasant blush.

After preparing the chicken wings in honey-tomato sauce, they are placed on a large dish and immediately presented to the table. It is advisable to eat this lunch with a lot of greens and a side dish in the form of french fries.

Cooking delicious shish kebab in the oven

Surely many have heard that chicken kebab in the oven is in no way inferior to a dish made using hot coals. Of course, such a dinner does not have the smoky taste and aroma that is inherent in classic barbecue. But if you don’t have the opportunity to go out into nature, then barbecue of chicken hearts in the oven will serve as an excellent alternative to a camp dish.

So what ingredients do we need to make said lunch at home? In fact, there is nothing difficult in preparing such a dish. To make it, you need to purchase the following products:

  • table salt, suneli hops, ground pepper - add according to your personal taste;
  • chicken hearts (use only large ones if possible) - 400-600 g;
  • soy sauce - approximately 100 ml;
  • tomato paste - 1.5 large spoons;
  • olive or any other vegetable oil - 2 large spoons.

Preparation of the main product

Before making such an unusual dish in the oven, you should thoroughly process the chicken giblets. Frozen hearts are thawed, and then washed and unnecessary veins and ducts are removed. After this, the offal is laid out on a towel, dried and placed in a deep bowl.

To make chicken heart kebab as tasty and aromatic as possible, it must be marinated. To do this, combine olive oil, soy sauce, table salt, tomato paste, ground pepper and suneli hops in one bowl. The resulting mixture is placed on the hearts and mixed thoroughly. In this form, the offal is covered with a lid and left at room temperature for 60-90 minutes.

How to form a kebab from hearts and cook it in the oven?

To get a real kebab in the oven, it is recommended to place chicken hearts on wooden skewers. This can be done in any way (along or across).

As soon as all the giblets are strung on peculiar skewers, they are laid out on a baking sheet, where baking paper has been laid in advance. If desired, this dish can be cooked on a wire rack. However, you will have to install a tray down onto which the juice of the hearts will drain. By the way, you can pour a little liquid smoke into it. In this case, the kebab will be more aromatic and tasty.

After the offal is placed in the oven, close it and set the temperature to 190 degrees. With this mode, the kebab is cooked for half an hour. In this case, the chicken hearts should become soft and rosy.

How and with what to present it to the dinner table?

Having prepared chicken kebab at home, it is immediately presented to the table. To do this, wooden skewers with hearts are placed on a flat dish decorated with lettuce leaves.

It is advisable to eat such a lunch together with aromatic sauce or some kind of side dish. Chicken hearts go perfectly with potatoes, as well as fresh vegetables and herbs. Bon appetit!

With the onset of the first warm days, many people begin to wonder how to make it tasty and juicy. In addition to the classic version, which involves the use of vinegar, there are several unusual recipes that allow you to make the dish especially aromatic and appetizing.

Shish kebab made from chicken is not inferior in taste to meat, but requires some cooking skills from cooks, since poultry meat reaches readiness faster than pork or lamb. That is why one of the answers to the question of how to make a delicious chicken kebab will be attention and accuracy when frying over coals or a fire.

Chicken kebab in kefir is one of the most unusual, but at the same time popular options for preparing a summer dish. This marinade has a delicate and refreshing taste due to the sour taste of the main ingredient - kefir.

In addition, this fermented milk product helps moderately soften and maintain the juiciness of chicken meat. Chicken fillet shish kebab using kefir will require the presence of the following ingredients:

  • chicken fillet – 2 kg;
  • kefir (it is better to choose 3.2% fat content) - 0.5 l;
  • onions - 1 kg;
  • parsley - 100 g;
  • spices (selected to taste for chicken or kebab) - 2 tbsp. l.;
  • table salt - to taste.

You can also replace the fillet with chicken thighs or legs.

Cooking step by step.

  1. Chicken kebab in kefir will require processing of the chicken meat - it should be washed, cut into portions (if fillet is used), and the skin should be removed.
  2. The onions are peeled and cut into thin rings or half rings (as an option, one onion can be divided into 3 parts).
  3. In a container (deep basin, large bowl or saucepan), combine chicken and onion.
  4. Then pour in kefir and add all the spices.
  5. Add salt.
  6. Finely chop the parsley (without stems) and add to the marinade.
  7. Mix all the ingredients and leave to infuse for 12 hours (the time can be reduced to 3-4 hours).

Fry the pieces until cooked - wait for a beautiful golden brown crust to appear. This will take 20 to 30 minutes. This marinade for chicken kebab assumes that it will be served with fresh vegetables or herbs - dill, green onions or cilantro.

Marinade for chicken kebab with mayonnaise and fresh garlic is an excellent option for preparing a delicious dish over an open fire.

This recipe is suitable for preparing delicious chicken kebab on, since not everyone has the opportunity to travel outside the city.

To start cooking, you will need to make sure you have the following ingredients:

  • chicken (fillet, legs, leg) - 2-3 kg;
  • fresh garlic - 10 cloves;
  • mayonnaise 25% fat - 100 ml;
  • salt, black pepper - to taste;

Barbecue spices or for chicken - to taste.

Cooking steps.

  1. Chicken kebab in mayonnaise using a whole carcass will require dividing it into 8 parts, the fillet must be cut into large portioned pieces.
  2. Rinse the meat, remove the skin if desired.
  3. Peel the garlic and cut each clove lengthwise into thin slices.
  4. Mix the spices chosen for preparing the dish with salt, black pepper and mayonnaise.
  5. Place the prepared garlic plates in the marinade (or under the skin if it has not been removed).
  6. Next, carefully coat all the pieces with the resulting mixture.
  7. Place them in a deep container and leave to marinate for 1 hour to 12 hours (optional).
  8. Place the prepared shish kebab on the grill and fry over coals until fully cooked.

Serve the dish with fresh vegetables and herbs. Using the same recipe, you can prepare delicious grilled chicken wings. The answer for those who don’t know how to marinate chicken wings for barbecue is to use the marinade ingredients with the addition of hot red pepper for extra piquancy.

For those who do not know how to marinate chicken kebab, we can recommend a simple and proven recipe that includes ingredients such as vinegar and onions. It is important to remember here that acetic acid can make chicken meat dry, so its amount in the marinade should be small.

This ingredient will give a characteristic sour taste and aroma to the dish, and onions and spices will add pungency and piquancy. That is why the classic version does not disappear from culinary collections and remains in demand and popularity among lovers of meat fried over a fire.

Based on the aging time of the marinade, we can say the following: delicate taste and softness will require 1-3 hours, richness and piquancy will require 6 hours of aging or more. For cooking you need the following ingredients:

  • chicken (whole or fillet, legs, thighs) - 2 kg;
  • onions (except red) - 1 kg;
  • ground red and black pepper - 0.5 tsp each;
  • table salt - 1.5 tsp;
  • bay leaf - 1-2 pcs (optional);
  • spices - to taste;
  • vinegar (table, apple or wine) - 100 ml.

The process of preparing the marinade.

  1. If a whole chicken is used, then it should be washed and cut into 8 pieces, if fillet - washed and cut into portions.
  2. Peel the onions and cut into rings (thickness is optional).
  3. In the container that will be used for marinating, place the prepared chicken, chopped onions, add all the spices and vinegar, add salt, and mix (by hand).
  4. Cover the container and place a weight on top.
  5. Leave to marinate for at least 1 hour.
  6. Fry the shish kebab until a brown crust appears.

Serve the dish with vegetables and tomato juice, as well as sauces to taste. A similar chicken kebab is ideal in the oven on skewers or on the grill, but the classic method remains cooking over an open fire.

Soy marinade for chicken kebab

For those who don’t know how to marinate chicken kebab in a non-standard way, who want to add some spice to the dish, or who love Asian, Japanese or Chinese cuisine, you need to use this unusual and very tasty recipe.

  • garlic cloves – 3 pcs.;
  • black pepper - to taste.
  • Also, if desired, you can add fresh honey (2-3 tbsp), then the dish will acquire a characteristic sweet-spicy taste and aroma.

    Chicken kebab in soy sauce is prepared as follows.

    1. Wash the chicken and then cut it into pieces.
    2. Cut the onion into thin half rings.
    3. Grind the garlic cloves in any convenient way.
    4. Mix soy sauce with lemon juice and pepper (no additional salt is required, due to the fact that it is already present in the sauce).
    5. Prepare a suitable container in which to further marinate the chicken.
    6. Place the prepared chicken pieces in it and pour olive oil on top, mix (by hand).
    7. Add onions to the container.
    8. Pour over the marinade.

    Leave to marinate for 2-3 hours, then fry, preferably over hot coals, until fully cooked.

    The advantage of chicken kebab with vinegar or other types of marinade is its low calorie content. Marinating delicious chicken for barbecue also does not take much time, so the dish can be prepared very quickly.

    Thus, a variety of marinade recipes allow you to cook chicken kebab in different ways and surprise your family and friends with your culinary knowledge. The question of how many calories are in chicken kebab is not relevant, since the meat of this bird is a dietary product.

    The dish can also be prepared in urban conditions - the chicken kebab turns out tender and no less aromatic, so the season of summer dishes can be extended at the request of a person.