Wooden and metal head: features and application. What is a dowel Assembly on a dowel: important nuances

are pins used during the construction of a wooden house in order to prevent the building elements from moving relative to each other. A timber structure, no matter how well dried it is, is always subject to deformation.

Nagels are round and rectangular, they can be made of both metal and wood. The main requirement for the dowel is the smoothness of its surface. Condensation does not form on wood pins, if there is a temperature difference, as on metal pins, in addition, they do not rust. The dowel installed in the wall of the log prevents the rotation of the logs during the shrinkage of the house.

Types of wooden dowels.

According to the types of wood, hard species are used, in cross-section they can be round and square.

It is difficult to make holes in logs under square pins, which explains their rare use.

Round pins are turned on wood lathes, for this only dry wood of the highest or first grade is used, without visible defects and fungal damage. With a minimum amount of knots, with a normal wood structure. The diameter of the dowel is selected taking into account the parameters of the logs, but in any case it should be more than 2.5 cm.

Metal pins, some recommend using them along with wooden fasteners, others advise to abandon the latter. The metal dowel can be either solid or empty inside, very often pins are used directly from construction waste - pieces of fittings and pipes.

Wall device with pins.

Wooden pins cannot keep the upper layers of wood from twisting.

In the process of natural shrinkage, the pins begin to come out of the hole and wobble.

The wood dowel prevents the normal installation of the insulation.

In the case of using wooden fasteners, the possibility of using

spring ties, which have proven themselves very well during assembly

structures from a bar.

The technique of installing iron structures should be carefully studied so as not to damage the material. It should be borne in mind that too thin pins will dangle in the holes, and too thick will lead to cracks and breaks. Dowels for timber are an extremely important component of construction; this stage must be approached in a weighted manner.

Technology for assembling walls on wood pins.

Nagels in the construction of houses from a bar. The pins must be long enough to hold 2 crowns. First, with the help of pins, the first 2 crowns are fastened, then the next row of bars is laid on them and a hole is drilled to the depth of 2 crowns to capture the upper bar. It must be remembered that the holes for the pins must be drilled only vertically, otherwise the wooden rod will create obstacles for the timber to slide during shrinkage.

The distance from the corner of the 1st nail is approximately 50 cm, the rest of the pins are located at a distance of 1.5-2 meters. The pins are hammered into the bars with a little effort with a hammer or a wooden mallet, while leaving about one centimeter of space between the bottom of the hole and the end of the pin.

But all the same, the question arises: nails or dowels, which is better?

The positive qualities of the nagel were noticed when they built old boats. The seawater corroded the metal joints, and the wood dowels got wet and expanded. No leaks were formed, the joints became tight. Noticing this, the dowel began to be used in the construction of wooden houses.

Collecting walls from a bar at a cost is cheaper and faster from nails. But they rust, bend easily and don't hold vertical beams as securely as wooden dowels.

Observing the technology of building wooden houses using pins, you can completely avoid problems such as the appearance of gaps between the crowns and twisting of wood. A wooden house, in the construction of which wood pins were used, will delight its owners for more than a decade with even and smooth walls.

Depending on the purpose of the dowel, the load on the building structure may be different. These elements are designed to resist pressure and provide a bond that prevents bending. Fasteners are offered for sale in several varieties. It can be classified according to the material in the base, form and purpose.

What is a dowel

If you are interested in the nog, what it is, you should find out. Translated from German, this word means "nail", but it is not typical. The product is a pin that can have a round or square cross-section. The fastener has neither a cap nor a point. It is smooth, and the thread in some joints is completely undesirable. The length can be 150 mm maximum. But sizes are not regulated in practice.

If you want to buy pins, what they are, you should know. This information also includes the material at the base of the products. Usually it is metal or wood. The latter option is more common, because it is used for the construction of wooden buildings. The main challenge that builders are trying to achieve when installing wooden dowels is to resist shear.

Boards, logs and beams change their dimensions when exposed to external factors such as humidity and temperature. This happens disproportionately, depending on the direction of the fibers. Parts during operation move in different directions. If you use a pin that holds them, then a rotation will occur, due to the crumpling of the material.

Bending is then carried out. The contact area of ​​the fastener with the wood increases, and the shear resistance also increases. The connected elements and the dowel are not subject to destructive deformations.

In construction, pins are often used, what they are, you should know if you are planning to build a wooden house. You should be aware that when you change the volume of wood pieces, a reverse shift will occur. In this case, the pressure on the fasteners will decrease, and the pin will return to its original position.

The dowel is selected taking into account the expected load. Otherwise, the pressure can be critical and the pin will collapse.

Such a connection is more practical when parts shift, which occurs constantly. When deciding what it is - a dowel, you should know that this fastener is also offered for sale in the form of plastic products. But they are not so widespread today.

The main types of dowels by material: wooden fasteners

The wooden dowel has many advantages. Firstly, such a pin changes in volume and size, and this happens in proportion to a wooden bar, because the characteristics of the material and fasteners are similar.

Secondly, wood is a more flexible material than metal. Therefore, such a product is better able to withstand bending stress.

Thirdly, when the pin is exposed to moisture, it expands, which contributes to an increase in the tightness of the entire structure. A similar effect has been used for centuries in boat construction.

But it is worth considering that a wooden dowel does not differ in a long service life, unlike a metal pin. It will not be able to withstand high pressure loads, which explains the installation features.

Metal pin

The metal fastener is a rod, which is used much less often. This fact remains true, despite the durability and higher strength of such products. Among the main disadvantages should be highlighted the high strength of the fastening, which excludes the shear of the wood.

But metal pins have many advantages, namely:

  • invariability of size;
  • the ability to resist warping of the upper layer of the material;
  • lightweight installation.

As for the first factor, this cannot be said about wooden dowels, which, when dried, will come out of the holes. If ease of installation is an important point for you, then you will choose metal fasteners, since during installation it is possible to use spring ties, which simplifies construction. But the metal has a high thermal conductivity, which certainly becomes the cause of cold bridges.

Such fasteners hold the wood extremely rigidly, while the difference in thermal conductivity causes condensation to appear in the places where the fasteners were made. Usually metal pins have grooved surfaces that can damage the material. In order to achieve positive results, builders quite often combine the fasteners described above.


The use of a dowel for a bar is very limited. With its help, wooden buildings are being built. That is why the features of installation are associated with the laying of a bar or log. Holes for fastening are drilled through the top of the log, and only halfway from the bottom. The socket runs vertically.

The bar should slide over the bar as it shrinks. The holes should be centered. The dowel for the timber is usually installed at a distance of 50 cm from the corner. The rest of the holes are made in a checkerboard pattern. The minimum distance between them should be 150 cm.

Installation features

The depth of the hole should be 2 cm more than the length of the dowel itself. This requirement is due to the fact that when shrinking, the log should not hang on the fasteners. The connection by pins is accompanied by a tight fit of the rod into the socket. However, you should not make much effort when doing this. But the mallet must still be used. It is important to take into account that the fasteners should not dangle in the hole.


Dowel and dowel are the same name for fasteners that are used in construction. Its cost depends not only on the length of the product, but also on the type of wood. If the fastener belongs to the first grade, and its length reaches 30 cm, then for one unit of goods you will have to pay from 4 rubles. and higher. With an increase in length to 60 cm, the minimum price becomes 8 rubles.

The price for one piece will increase to 11 rubles. minimum, if the length of the dowel of the 1st grade is 120 cm. Larch fasteners are more highly valued. This is due to the material's resistance to moisture. One dowel can pull 30 rubles if it belongs to the first grade, and its length is 25 mm.

Nagel - what is it? Translated from German simply "nail". Initially, this was the name of wooden nails used to fasten beams and logs in the construction of houses.

Even in the old days, wooden pins were used to build sailing boats, which worked well, because, unlike metal pins, which rusted from sea water, wooden pins swelled without leaking, the connection became sealed and became airtight. This useful property of a wooden dowel was subsequently used in wooden housing construction.

But some construction firms, in pursuit of cheaper construction, wanting to save money, use metal dowels instead of wooden dowels, which is categorically not recommended to do! The main disadvantage of a metal dowel in wood is that it is too strong and does not allow the timber to move during shrinkage, firmly holding it in its original position, preventing shrinkage. Metal also has a high thermal conductivity property, while wood, on the contrary, has a low thermal conductivity. Thus, the difference in thermal conductivity leads to the formation of the so-called. "Cold bridges" in the timber, which is why condensation forms, which, in the end, leads to metal corrosion, rusty smudges are formed on the wooden walls of the log house.

Working with metal pins greatly reduces the cost and simplifies construction, which plays into the hands of unscrupulous developers. But construction companies that care about their reputation and build high-quality and will never use these cheap methods in the construction of wooden houses and use, albeit labor-intensive, but high-quality parts - wooden pins.

The density of the wooden dowels should be of hardwood, i.e. higher than the wood used in the construction of the house, therefore the carpenters from the company "Houses and baths from Vanya" use birch pins. In addition, the moisture content of the wooden dowels should be lower than that of the timber, so that after equalizing the moisture content in the joints, the fit does not weaken.

Nagels in a log house are fastened in a checkerboard pattern at a distance of about 2 m, but with a deviation from the corners of at least 20 cm. The holes in the bar are drilled vertically, strictly in the center of the wooden bar, 2-3 cm deeper than the length of the wooden dowel. Then, with the help of a mallet, with small blows, the dowel is hammered into the hole. Smooth cylindrical wooden pins should be the same diameter as the hole. Thus, good adhesion is obtained in the frame during shrinkage.

Subject to the technology of dowel assembly, the structure of a wooden house will be strong and durable.

The construction of wooden houses has been and continues to be popular. The fact is that such structures are not only beautiful, but also energy efficient. And also wood is an environmentally friendly natural material. For the construction of the presented structures, pins for the timber are most often used. You will learn more about what they are and how they are used.

What is the product?

Timber pins are special nails made of wood. It should be noted that it is not necessary to buy them, as you can do it yourself. In addition, such a fastener prevents horizontal displacement of the beams, because it can grip several elements at once.

It is especially important to use dowels for timber if the house was built from raw wood, which can deform before shrinkage. Naturally, the number of such elements must be calculated in advance. It all depends on the type of timber and the design of the structure. In any case, the fastening is reliable.

Product advantages

Dowels for timber have the following advantages:

Easy to install, because a hole must be drilled under the element.

The beam is fastened securely and tightly.

The building shrinks evenly (if the wood is dry).

You can make fasteners yourself from scrap materials.

Dowels for timber do not corrode and rust.

Resistant to temperature changes.

As you can see, the presented elements are much better than ordinary nails or other fasteners.

Varieties of dowels

Dowels for timber are the same wooden nails that have a special shape. They have small ribs.

There are such types of dowels:

1. By material of manufacture:

Metallic. They are more durable, but can rust and corrode. In addition, shrinkage is more difficult.

Wooden. They are very easy to manufacture and use, reliably hold the bars together, promote "painless" shrinkage, and are an environmentally friendly natural material.


2. In form:

Square. Such elements are used less often, since their shape provides for making complex holes.

Round. They are the most common. For the manufacture of such parts, only dry wood is required.

Wooden pins are most often made from birch, oak, beech or others.They have different lengths and diameters. The selection of material depends on what kind of logs are used for construction, as well as on which hole was made. Naturally, it is better to choose long elements, but it will be more difficult to mount them.

Features of mounting a bar using pins

Fastening a bar with dowels requires adherence to a certain sequence of work:

1. Determination of the installation site. Please note that the pins need to be mounted around the entire perimeter of the timber, on the lock joints. The distance between the pins is about 50 cm.

2. Drilling a bar can be done using a perforator.

3. Installation of the dowel. This should be done as carefully as possible. If the mallet slides off the element, you could get hurt. He, in turn, can be damaged. The shorter the pin, the easier it is to hammer, but then it is less effective.

Please note that during the installation of the structure, it will need to be insulated with jute tapes or tow.

Naturally, during work, you need to follow certain rules that will ensure you the correct installation of fasteners and reliable fixation of the building material. For example, you can use these tips:

Please note that each row must be fixed separately. Otherwise, you can provoke a breakage of the pins.

One element is able to connect 2 crowns.

A mallet is used to drive the nail. A hammer should not be used as it can destroy the integrity of the stakes.

All holes in the log house must be made strictly at an angle of 90 degrees.

The pins are staggered.

In the place of installation of window and door frames, the timber must be fixed at a distance of 15-20 cm to the cut-out area.

The dowel can connect 2 building elements. In this case, he should go into the third to a depth of 7 cm.

During work, keep in mind that you need to drive the pins at a certain distance from the corner: 30-50 cm.

The length of the dowel should be slightly less than the depth of the drilled hole. This will promote complete and uniform shrinkage. And the diameter of the element must also be 3 mm less.

If the purchased dowels were not enough for you, you can make them yourself. The easiest way is the production of dowels from them, you just need to cut them in accordance with the established parameters. Naturally, before starting construction, it is necessary to collect all the necessary material. That's all the features of using pins for the construction of a wooden house from a bar.

Nagel - an element for creating a movable connection between adjacent parts, in particular between beams and logs when building a house. Also found in window manufacture, shipbuilding, etc. Not many have heard of such a device, but the construction of wooden houses and the creation of elements of familiar structures cannot do without it, even though these connections are not visible to us.

What you need to know about nagel

Another name for the dowel is dowel. The word "nail" of German origin means "nail", which, in fact, is. "Shkant" came into our speech from Vyatka, where the active construction of wooden houses from logs began about 300 years ago. Even then, carpenters introduced into the usual technology the use of wooden fasteners for the stability of the log house, which are not visible with assembled structures.

Initially, the dowel was made of wood; nowadays, fasteners made of wood and steel are used. They serve at sites with different levels of responsibility, since they can perceive different loads.

The dowel has a round or square section of various sizes, which is determined by calculation.

Making dowels

The best wooden dowel is birch or oak. These types of wood are hard and tough enough to support any size of log structure. The material should be thoroughly dried, ideally to match the water content of the timber for uniform shrinkage of the volume after assembly. It is recommended to use force-dried wood to reduce the risk of shrinkage, which will lead to a weakening of the connection.

A square dowel is made on a sawing machine strictly according to the established dimensions, since in the future they will need to make a hole in a bar or log using similar parameters. Unified dimensions are often used: for example, they order a blockhouse with ready-made holes for the dowel, and the fasteners are ordered separately, but of the same section. Coincidence of parameters is necessary for normal and fast operation, so that the products do not have to be adjusted on site.

For the manufacture of a dowel with a round section, it is rational to use a lathe. With its help, you can make fasteners yourself. To do this, we use a piece of wood of a suitable size, attach it to the twisting mechanism of the machine and gradually remove the excess layers of the trunk. In order not to remove the excess, we constantly check the diameter of the semi-finished product with a caliper. It is also important that the workpiece is evenly processed along its entire length so that the product can easily enter the hole prepared for it.

The metal head is made from steel of different grades and from finished rolled products by casting or rolling. The sectional shape of the product can be different: round, square, polygonal. The steel dowel is more suitable for the assembly of metal and concrete structures. Made of reinforcement, fasteners, when wood shrinks, injure the log, mold and rust subsequently develop at the site of loosening, which significantly reduces the load-bearing characteristics of the structure.

Which dowel to choose

The dowel for a bar can be metal or wood, square or round. Which one to choose for building a house from a log and a bar?

Wood or metal

For a log, it is better to use a wooden dowel. Metal, although it has a large margin of safety, nevertheless rusts over time and spoils the wood. Rusty foci are fed with moisture by the log itself, which dries out for several years, and then begins to get wet and dry intensively.

A wooden dowel has the same characteristics as a log, so there will be no dissonance between the elements.

Circle or square

The sectional shape can be determined by calculation method. In short, the round dowel is suitable for installation on small houses of lightweight construction, the square one is more reliable, therefore it is used to fix the timber and logs in large cottages. The minimum diameter that should be chosen is 25 mm, as much as possible.

Drilling holes for pins

The distance between internal fasteners should be no more than 1.5-2.0 meters. A hole is drilled through in the designated places on the log house assembled in several belts. This can be done with a powerful drill with two handles and a large diameter drill bit for wood.

In practice, they often fix 2 logs in a checkerboard pattern, but it is better to put the dowel to a depth of 3-4 logs. It turns out that one log is connected with both the upper and lower neighbors through a step.

The width of the holes in the log for the round and square section of the dowel should be less than the actual one by 2-3 mm. For 25mm square dowel - 32mm hole. The stock is taken taking into account the estimated amount of shrinkage of fasteners and walls. After drilling, it will not be easy to hammer the pins into the holes, especially in the case of a square section: there is always a risk of even a slight displacement of the bar relative to the belt by 1-2 mm, then the driving process becomes difficult. If you plan to fix 3-4 logs internally, it is better to order a log house with holes already sawn at the factory in advance.

Assembly on the dowel: important nuances

When the hardware is ready and the holes are drilled, it's time to start assembling the main structure. Important to remember:

  • There is no need to coat and lay the nest before inserting the dowel.
  • It is forbidden to use wood glue so that the timber and the dowel can move relative to each other during shrinkage.
  • The dowels must be installed strictly vertically so that the strung bar is fixed in one plane and does not change its position when shrinking in the horizontal axis.
  • Driving should be done with a wooden or rubberized mallet. The metal head of the hammer will damage the wood and damage processes will begin in it.

In construction from a bar there is another technology for planting logs and felling:

  • 1) On the tier of the lower harness, holes are drilled into which the pins are inserted.
  • 2) The subsequent rows of harness are strung on the installed pins. To do this, you need to drill holes for installation in a bar or log in advance.

Nagels for a house made of a bar or log is a necessary thing. Let them not be seen in the volume of the tree, but you can feel the strength of the structure and be completely confident in it.