Passive phlegmatic. Phlegmatic man: who is this? Strengths and weaknesses of temperament

A stable set of innate individual personality traits is temperament. It is customary to distinguish four types: phlegmatic, sanguine, melancholic and choleric. Each type has advantages and disadvantages, in order to determine whether you have expressed phlegmatic traits, you should carefully study his demeanor, communication, and so on.

Description of temperament

A phlegmatic person is considered a balanced strong inert type of temperament. It is difficult to remove such people from a state of equilibrium, since they have a stable nervous system. This phenomenal calmness contributes to the fact that a person tolerates stressful situations well, and in appearance you cannot even say that he is outraged. A phlegmatic person does not like to fuss, he is also devoid of ambition and is content with what he has, does not strive for perfection. It is not difficult to recognize a phlegmatic person in a person, such people are always restrained and one cannot notice expressive facial expressions on their faces, they always avoid conflicts.

Definition test

There are many laborious techniques to determine the type of temperament. The easiest way is to determine the character traits characteristic of the phlegmatic. To do this, you need to highlight those inherent in you from the qualities below.

  1. Attentive.
  2. Sad.
  3. Methodical.
  4. Shy.
  5. Balanced.
  6. Persistent.
  7. Passive.
  8. Learns slowly.
  9. Peaceful.
  10. Loving routine work.
  11. Slow.
  12. Dreamy.
  13. Pensive.
  14. Controlling yourself.
  15. Calm.
  16. Quiet.
  17. Restrained.
  18. Measured.
  19. Inflexible.
  20. Relaxed.

You can not expect a complete coincidence of qualities, since there are practically no “pure” temperaments, but if more than half suits you, you can confidently call yourself a phlegmatic.

Principle in communication

The perception of people and the environment in phlegmatic people is very different from other types of temperament.

Phlegmatic child

A phlegmatic child is one that seems to be a gift for parents. He usually sleeps well, he is calm and is not constantly in the arms of adults, such a baby is rarely capricious.

Slowness and inertia can manifest itself from infancy, a healthy child can lie in one place for a long time, sit or walk. Usually, such behavior for parents becomes a cause for concern, but having matured, the baby often plays on his own, surprises the parents with his peacefulness and poise.

However, the pursuit of permanent stability is not always positive. Often such a kid hardly gets used to kindergarten, it is difficult for him to communicate with the team. Basically, a child with a predominantly phlegmatic type communicates with one friend, but becomes a devoted companion for him.

Phlegmatic woman

A phlegmatic woman cannot be called romantic and light, she is rather restrained and closed. It is very difficult to achieve emotions from her, such a person is close to a man in tactics of thinking. Phlegmatic girls try to avoid quarrels and conflicts, so they easily compromise, life with them can please with confidence and calmness, but you should not expect surprises and a riot of colors. Despite the coldness of feelings, such women are attached to a person quite tightly, in a relationship they strive for constancy.

Phlegmatic women in their work are characterized by such qualities of patience and perseverance, so it is difficult to distract her. But in a team, this person can easily get along with representatives of other temperaments.

Phlegmatic man

A phlegmatic man is silent and calm, he is characterized by a cold mind, prolonged reasoning and self-control. He is always balanced, has a firmness of character and a sense of confidence. Such a man will not rush even if he is rushed. He is distinguished by his seriousness and restraint from other representatives of the stronger sex. Often he does not take part in discussions, trying to remain silent and hide, but if you ask his opinion, he can easily voice it. The manifestation of emotions in such a man is extremely rare; only highly significant situations can stir him up. Without assessing the consequences, a phlegmatic type man will not take a single step.

Phlegmatic introvert

As a rule, a phlegmatic person is considered an introvert, since he is mainly focused on himself, on his personal inner world, and in friendship he is guided not at all by a large number of connections, he is more interested in their depth. Usually, such individuals do not initiate and are not inclined to long-term communication, although from time to time they still prefer to spend their leisure time in a quiet company.

Phlegmatic extrovert

A person with a predominantly phlegmatic type reacts to everything slowly and calmly, he is monotonous and unwilling to change his environment. And the extrovert is sociable, such a person can be easily noticed in the company of people, he does not hesitate to share his emotions with others and does not tolerate loneliness at all.

The phlegmatic extrovert is a very complex and contradictory personality type and is extremely rare, since these characteristics are opposite in themselves.

Character virtues

Among the strengths of a phlegmatic person, one can single out organization, resistance to stress, he spends energy measuredly, is reliable and is obsessed with order, both in things and in business. Outwardly, he is confident and calm, therefore he creates the impression of a stone wall.

Character flaws

Among the shortcomings, the first place can be given to high inertia, since such a person is not inclined to change, which is why he often does not switch well to other things. He would have preferred to do one thing all day, even if it was confusing and difficult. Excessive restraint sometimes prevents the interlocutors from understanding his attitude towards them and the conversation in general, often the phlegmatic person is considered indifferent to everything due to the lack of expressive facial expressions. Secrecy scares others away from such personalities.

Temperament is a kind of visiting card of every person. It is by this criterion that one can determine character traits and analyze the personality as a whole. Who are phlegmatic people? As experts in the field of psychology note, phlegmatic people are a real "golden mean" among all. Phlegmatic people do not have excessive activity, like choleric people, positive energy of sanguine people and pessimistic moods of a melancholic.

Who are phlegmatic people? Common features

The character of phlegmatic people is characterized by such properties as balance and restraint of emotions. It is almost impossible to piss off such a person, since a phlegmatic person does not particularly take everything to heart. In any situations, he tries to think things over well, without haste, so his decisions are based not on emotions, but on facts. This is a real realist, he is fair and reasonable. Phlegmatic people are good leaders, because they have a beneficial effect on other people: they do not exude negativity, they are able to sort out and solve any problem with a cool head, acting according to a clear plan, taking into account all the pros and cons. They are practically devoid of ambition, do not like fame, public appearances, do not particularly strive for improvement, are mediocre.

Sanguine-Phlegmatic. Are there any similarities?

It is a little difficult to communicate with a phlegmatic person, because, unlike a sanguine person, he almost does not express his emotions. A very funny situation may not even cause a smile; a slight grin will be enough. These people are mostly introverts. It may seem that he is indifferent, but he is not. Energy in any case accumulates inside and waits for its moment to exit.

Phlegmatic, melancholic - these are two types of people who are rather difficult to adapt. At a new place of work, in another team, it will be difficult for a phlegmatic person at first, he can withdraw into himself. In any relationship, phlegmatic people are in no hurry, they look closely. Love begins with friendship, but only well-proven. They are devoted to their friends and relatives, of whom there are not many - the circle of communication is quite narrow.

Who are phlegmatic people in life? You will not find as much patience in any existing temperament as it possesses. This is a persistent person, bending his line all the time. It is almost impossible to disable such a workhorse until the final result is achieved. Despite the stressful situation that has arisen, he will do what he sees fit. They usually get along well with such people, you can easily negotiate with them, since they do not show special requirements for others, they try to avoid conflict situations and disputes, they are agreeable. Their self-esteem is usually normal.


Phlegmatic people are uncommunicative people, which prevents them from showing their inner world to people, revealing themselves in different spheres. They are rather slow, sometimes too slow. A superficial calmness and a certain hint of passivity can only do much harm. They often lack the emotion to move upward, to leap forward when they really need it. Such a person does not like changes in life and does not concentrate well on various matters at the same time.

Each temperament has its own unconditional pluses and minuses, which is absolutely natural in life. A phlegmatic person is a reliable support for a loved one, he has a loving heart, although he does not particularly show sentiments. But aren't actions more important than words? I am sure that you have now figured out who phlegmatic people are.

It's no secret that every person is unique, individual. This individuality is determined by a set of many characteristics and personality traits, its behavioral reactions. In psychological science, it is customary to separate what is given to us from birth and what we acquire with life experience and the influence of the social environment.

Human temperament

We rarely hear the word "temperament" in everyday life. Most often, we pay attention to a person's character, his social skills. People seem to scold themselves for the bad character of the person next to them when they discuss his bad traits. Indeed, a person is not always to blame for the fact that he grows up indifferent, greedy, dissatisfied with life, envious. If his whole environment is like that, then he does not know what could be different.

Temperament, in turn, is called the strength of the nervous system, which is laid even in utero and is inherited. For example, if mom or dad is a pronounced choleric person, then at least some of the traits inherent in this type of temperament will appear in the child. It is difficult for a person who is far from psychology to understand who phlegmatic, choleric, melancholic and sanguine people are. These are not some offensive nicknames, but a classification of people according to the intensity and speed of nervous reactions in the body. Let's try to figure out who the slow people are and are they to blame for their slowness?

Who are phlegmatic people?

Have you ever met a person who takes a walk for a walk and two hours is not enough. Or who cleans one room all day? And people who formulate their thought for 40 minutes do not irritate you? How do you feel about the fact that when asked to tell as much about themselves as possible, some people only give their name? If you are angry when faced with such people, congratulations - you are a choleric person, and the object of your anger is a phlegmatic person.

Who are phlegmatic people? This type of temperament infuriates some with its calmness and regularity, while helping others to find the right employees in production. A phlegmatic person has an enviable resistance to various emotional outbursts of others, a strong nervous system. But it is also characterized by some lethargy. This is not a human flaw, but just his peculiarity. The main criterion by which temperament is determined is the intensity and reaction rate of the nervous system.

Physiological intensity is defined as the ultimate resistance or endurance of nerve cells. If some stimulus acts on them for a long time, and they withstand, then such a nervous system is characterized as strong. For example, music is playing loudly in the room. Some people get tired of it in five minutes, start to get nervous, complain of headache and ask to turn it off. Others do not react to it at all, they may even fall asleep under it. The second behavioral reaction is inherent in phlegmatic people.

The rate of occurrence and course of processes of the nervous system is also included in the concept of temperament. Two processes play a key role here: excitation and inhibition of nerve cells. In phlegmatic people, inhibition prevails. That is why they do everything carefully, but slowly.

Phlegmatic: a description of the main character traits

As we have already understood, a phlegmatic person is characterized by strength, balance and inertia of the nervous system. It is difficult to infuriate such people, but if someone manages to do this, he will "wake up the beast", since phlegmatic people will not forget this for a long time. The peculiarities of a phlegmatic person can be described by low initiative in life and work, but on the other hand, he perfectly does everything that is told to him, the performer of him is irreplaceable.

The emotional life of a phlegmatic is not bright, he cannot notice the smallest reasons for joy in nature, at home, at work. But at the same time, he is able to sincerely and heartily rejoice at any significant events in his life. This low emotionality helps them to protect themselves from situations that can distract from the intended action plan. Such a clear adherence to the outlined plan in everyday life or in work is also due to the fact that they are inhibited due to the peculiarities of their nervous system. Phlegmatic people are characterized by the sequential performance of any action; it is extremely difficult for them to switch from one type of activity to another. Such people cannot do several things at the same time.

Phlegmatic people for the most part have adequate self-esteem, since they realistically assess their strength and soberly look at the world. In this way, they can avoid many mistakes, dictated by emotion or haste.

How do phlegmatic people manifest themselves in everyday life?

It should be noted that there are no people with a pure type of temperament, they are found mixed. For example, a person may have a dominant type - phlegmatic, and an additional - sanguine or melancholic. Who are phlegmatic people in everyday life? These are slow housewives who choose not speed, but quality in their work. They can clean all day in the same room, but there will not be a single dusty corner in it. These are the owners who can nail one shelf for more than half a day, but then it is impossible to remove it. In family life, choleric wives find it difficult to get along with phlegmatic husbands. After all, a woman needs initiative, which people with this type of temperament do not have.

Where is the best place for these people to work?

These people are performers, in leadership positions it is difficult for them to be flexible and fast. Phlegmatic people do an excellent job with monotonous work, it does not tire them. People with such a temperament make excellent seamstresses, cashiers, dispatchers, pharmacists, physicists, programmers, joiners, carpenters and other working specialties. Good musicians are often found among phlegmatic people.

How to determine your type of temperament?

It can be very easily determined by passing psychological tests, as well as visiting a psychologist. There are tests that will definitely show that your dominant type is sanguine or phlegmatic. The test, of course, does not give 100% of the information, but it can show both the dominant type and the additional one. The main ones are:

  • Eysenck's test;
  • Jan Strelyu's technique;
  • test to determine the strength of the nervous system.

A phlegmatic person is a person who is primarily associated with serene calmness and slowness. Each of us has individual characteristics of the higher nervous activity (HNI), which is programmed even before our birth. GNI characteristics are determined by genes and are constant throughout life. Features of the central nervous system (CNS) determine:

  • the speed of the course of mental processes;
  • switchability from one activity to another;
  • working capacity;
  • intensity, strength and maximum duration of all conditions.

The phlegmatic is one of the four Hippocratic types of temperament, which today are of exclusively historical interest for academic science, but still remain "in use" among ordinary citizens and even practicing psychologists.

Of course, it is worth noting that there are no “pure” Hippocratic types: in each person, one way or another intertwines a sanguine person, a choleric person, a melancholic person and, in fact, a phlegmatic person. Today we will talk about the features of a phlegmatic temperament.

According to the doctrine of temperaments, the physiological substrate of the central nervous system of a phlegmatic person is strong pathways in which the processes of activation and inactivation of nerve impulses are well balanced. In principle, it is an inert, more braking type.

Neuroanatomy of the central nervous system determines the poor switchability of the phlegmatic from one activity to another, the slowness and heaviness in mastering new types of behavior, but their further resistance. Thus, any extreme situations requiring almost instant decision making are a serious stress factor for the phlegmatic person.

In order to fully switch to a new type of activity (get rid of habits, obsessive thoughts about what has not been done, etc.), a phlegmatic person needs to use the maximum of his resources. At the same time, harmony in the processes of inhibition and arousal helps people of this temperament maintain high performance for a long time, as well as function well in monotonous conditions.

At the same time, on the basis of monotony, phlegmatic persons may develop pathological rigidity in activity.

General portrait

Phlegmatic people are people who are slow to decide and slow to act. In modern conditions, this is not the most optimal characteristic, although one should not forget about the hard work and responsibility that is characteristic of people of this type. If a phlegmatic person takes up something, he does it slowly, but meticulously. An excellent sense of time and the ability to accurately predict their own actions makes phlegmatic people valuable personnel in areas where time analysis is required, for example, project activities.

At the same time, any unpredicted events, as well as abrupt changes in the conditions of activity, can seriously shock such a person. In such cases, a kind of "curtailment" of social activity occurs, a person needs to stay tete-a-tete with himself in order to carefully reflect on what happened.

At the same time, people of this temperament are often inclined to take the blame for everything that happens, not really experiencing a sense of justice. It is also very important that phlegmatic people for the most part take full responsibility for their lives and well-being, which helps them to live their lives more fully. Openness to any experience, both pleasant and unpleasant, contributes to the deepest understanding of oneself.

At the same time, many phlegmatic people are distinguished by obvious pessimism and deep introversion.

If we talk about potential pathologies, then a phlegmatic person is a person prone to the development of social phobias, "secondary autism" and obsessive-compulsive neuroses.

World picture and behavior

"Stone face" is a common condition of a phlegmatic person. Despite the good ability to experience their emotions, outwardly these people seem to be constantly calm, sometimes even sleepy. Their movements are somewhat constrained, smooth, and their amplitude is extremely small. A special feature of this temperament is the poverty of facial expressions and gestures, which, under certain conditions, can impede full-fledged communication. For many, the phlegmatic person seems to be an inexpressive and incomprehensible interlocutor, because in addition to direct speech, the most important information is transmitted through other channels.

External composure is both a hindrance and a strong point of a phlegmatic person. Judging by outward signs, the emotional life of a phlegmatic person may resemble apathy, although de facto a phlegmatic person is a very emotional person.

Of course, in subjectively unpleasant situations, such external firmness is an undoubted plus, but on the front of interpersonal relationships it is a serious obstacle. Disinterest in maintaining close contacts (even with the opposite sex) severely limits the phlegmatic's social circle of communication, at the same time it is highly consistent. For phlegmatic partners, the relationship will definitely not seem harmonious if they cannot see the reasons in the person's temperament.

Even despite the great openness and sincerity in relations with close people, it is extremely difficult for a phlegmatic person to express their experiences "outside", so that they are correctly understood by others.

The breakdown of a relationship is often the cause of severe depression for people of this warehouse.

Another interesting feature is the good development of aesthetic feelings and the practically absent egoism in the actions of the phlegmatic person. The depth of emotional life helps them to get pleasure from works of art, finding in them those meanings that are closed from ordinary people.

Social activity

A phlegmatic person, as a rule, is reputed to be a man of action, ready to bring any enterprise started to the end. If we talk about the type of activity, then the professions for the phlegmatic, the list of which is very large, can be summarized under two large categories:

Even at high loads, a phlegmatic person is able to maintain optimal performance for a long time, and in activities that are interesting for him, he assesses some difficulties as personal challenges that help to improve in his field.

In terms of direct interaction with colleagues in the workplace, phlegmatic people are very reliable companions. Firstly, they are always ready to act as a mentor for people in need of help, and secondly, helping others to get used to the profession, they accept responsibility for someone else's professionalism, which makes them irreplaceable specialists in training new personnel.

The tendency to avoid conflicts, however, does not always play into the hands of phlegmatic people. Some sensitive situations that require resolution can be hushed up for a long time, which leads to an exponential increase in problems.

The inability to sharply change the direction of his activity sometimes leads to the fact that the phlegmatic person - even being a good specialist in something - cannot fully reveal his potential.

The unwillingness to change your style and rhythm of life can also lead to some "lag" behind socially significant changes. Innovation is inaccessible to the phlegmatic. Mastering new areas, especially if this happens out of need, and not of their own choice, phlegmatic people can find themselves in a very depressed state, and pessimism can bring him to the brink of a depressive episode.

Finally, phlegmatic people are good workers, but not leaders. Rather, they are very conformable performers, not ready to oppose the dominant majority. Such a person will feel more comfortable under certain conditions, though not the most pleasant.

We will conclude our article by recalling the famous phlegmatic people. Let's remember Sakharov, the inventor of the atomic bomb - his colleagues considered him extremely slow, which did not prevent him from becoming a genius of the 20th century. Among Russian poets - A.I. Krylov. was known as a lover of solitude and tranquility. And, it would seem, what a phlegmatic of the commander, but Kutuzov M.I. - a genius strategist - preferred the planning of military operations more than the battles themselves.

A person of phlegmatic temperament can be characterized as slow, calm, with stable aspirations and a more or less constant mood, with a weak external expression of mental states.

A phlegmatic person is a subject with one of the four main types of temperament, characterized by a low level of mental activity, slowness, and inexpressive facial expressions. It is difficult for a phlegmatic person to switch from one type of activity to another and adapt to a new environment. A phlegmatic person is dominated by a calm, even mood; his feelings and moods are usually consistent. It is characteristic that new forms of behavior in the phlegmatic are developed slowly, but persist for a long time. He rarely loses his temper, is not prone to affects; he is characterized by evenness, calmness, endurance, sometimes lethargy, indifference to others, laziness.

Under unfavorable conditions, a phlegmatic person may develop lethargy, poverty of emotions and a tendency to perform monotonous habitual actions. Pavlov believed that a phlegmatic person has a strong, balanced, inert type of nervous system

19. Psychological characteristics of the melancholic type of temperament

A person of melancholic temperament can be described as easily vulnerable, inclined to deeply experience even minor failures, but outwardly sluggishly reacting to the environment. Nevertheless, among melancholic people there are such outstanding personalities as the French philosopher Rene Descartes, the Englishman Charles Darwin, the Russian writer Nikolai Vasilyevich Gogol, the Polish composer Frederic Chopin, the Russian composer Pyotr Ilyich Tchaikovsky. They were able to overcome the shortcomings of this temperament and creatively use the advantages: high sensitivity of the nervous system, a subtle reaction to the slightest shades of feelings, deep emotional experiences, characterized by great stability. Aristotle even argued that all famous and outstanding people were melancholic. Melancholic people are characterized by a low level of mental activity, slow movements, restraint of motor skills and speech, as well as fatigue. Melancholic people are distinguished by high emotional sensitivity, depth and stability of emotions with a weak external expression, and negative emotions prevail. Under unfavorable conditions, they may develop increased emotional vulnerability, isolation, alienation. Melancholic have an increased intuitive perception of the attitude of the people around them. Melancholic people are introverts. They are shy and indecisive. However, in a calm, familiar environment for them, melancholic people can successfully cope with life's tasks.

20. Temperament and activity.

Depending on how a person relates to certain phenomena, to life tasks, to the people around him, he mobilizes the appropriate energy, becomes capable of prolonged stress, forces himself to change the speed of his reactions and the pace of work. A well-bred and sufficiently strong-willed choleric person is able to exercise restraint, to switch his attention to other objects, although this is given to him with more difficulty than, for example, a phlegmatic person. Under the influence of life conditions, a certain way of acting, a choleric person may develop inertia, slowness, lack of initiative, and a melancholic person may develop energy and decisiveness. Life experience and upbringing of a person mask the manifestation of the type of GNI and a person's temperament. However, individual strong mental shocks, complex conflict situations can suddenly unmask, exacerbate one or another natural dynamic feature of the human psyche.