Suspended ceiling plasterboard lighting. Do-it-yourself two-level plasterboard ceiling with illumination

For any person who has just thought about repairing his apartment or house, sooner or later the question of finishing the ceiling arises. And, naturally, this question is not simple. After all, ceilings are different. You can simply stick on foam tiles, but it seems that this is already the last century. A stretch ceiling will look great, besides, it will hide all surface irregularities, but you cannot do without hiring a professional in its installation, and you want to save money when doing repairs at work.

And then the idea of ​​making such a structure as a plasterboard suspended ceiling with illumination comes to mind. If you also execute it in several levels, it will look very beautiful, it will give the room an aristocratic look. In addition, built-in lighting will add charm and comfort to the room. But you need to figure out whether it is possible to install it yourself?

The first steps

How to make a backlit plasterboard ceiling? Difficult, but possible if desired. Installation of such a structure is a laborious, difficult process, but quite feasible for someone who has at least the slightest idea about working with drywall, and also understands how electrical installation is done. First you need to decide what kind of lighting will be used for electrical installation, and also sketch an approximate layout of the lighting fixtures. After all, it will depend on how the suspended ceilings will be mounted.

Lighting can be done in two versions:

  • In the form of open backlighting - the luminaires will be visible on the ceiling.
  • In the form of hidden lighting - with this option, only the light will be visible, while the sources themselves will be hidden from view.

After this issue is resolved, you can think over the shape of the structure of the plasterboard ceiling with lighting (it does not always happen with right angles) and the number of levels. Of course, the best option if you have a sketch of the future ceiling made of plasterboard sheets. And already based on this, you can think over where and how the ceiling lighting will be located.

If the option of open lighting was chosen, then the suspended structure can be located at the level of seven centimeters from the ceiling. At the same time, there will be no special difficulties in the work, it is only necessary to drill holes in the drywall where the spotlights will be located.

The situation with hidden lighting is a little more complicated. The level of the false ceiling should be below ten centimeters from the main one for the possibility of mounting a box in which it will be possible to hide the lighting fixtures.

Installation of a structure from a guide profile

When all reflections on the theme of what the backlit plasterboard suspended ceiling will be are over, you can begin to implement your plans. Ceiling installation takes place in several stages.

Stage 1

The first stage of work is the installation of the base from the profile for the entry level, which will be the upper one. To do this, ten centimeters from the ceiling, you need to draw a guide line along all four walls, along which the guide profile is attached. It will be the starting one.

Further, it is necessary to insert the carrier into the initial profile, which is attached to the suspensions to the ceiling every 40–45 cm. Jumpers are installed between the bearing profiles in order to make the frame more rigid. The parts of the structure are connected to each other using special metal connectors - crabs.

As a result, you get the frame shown in the figure. After that, drywall is attached to it using self-tapping screws (it is necessary to fasten it as tightly as possible, but not overtightening, otherwise there is a danger that the self-tapping screw will pass through the drywall sheet). Work on the first, main level is completed at this point.

Stage 2

The next stage in the installation of a plasterboard ceiling with lighting is the construction of a niche, in which lighting devices will be hidden in the future.

At the initial level, we mark the boundaries of the new one, after which the profile is attached along the marked lines. It should be noted that the guide profiles that are mounted on the ceiling are directed with shelves to the bottom, and those that go along the wall are directed to the opposite side. The ceiling profile is fixed to the starting frame guide.

Further, it is required to cut segments from the profile (length along the height of the second level of the frame), lintels (based on their fastening every 45–65 centimeters). They will need to be cut along the fold by 5-6 centimeters, bending the inner part, and then secured by inserting into the guide with the side that is not cut off.

Along the length of the frame (its lower part), we cut the parts of the profile in an amount equal to the previous workpieces already made, to which they are attached at right angles. On the other hand, they are fixed to the guide profile with the shelves up, and the segments protruding from the frame are muffled by the profile from the inside. The result is a double ceiling with hidden lighting shelf. After completing all the work, a structure is obtained, which is shown in the photo.

It may seem that all of the above is incredibly difficult, and without proper experience it is almost impossible to make a drywall ceiling with your own hands, but this is only at first glance. You just need to start installing the frame, and then everything will go simply and without unnecessary complications. No wonder they say: "The eyes are afraid, but the hands are doing." Everyone can be convinced of the simplicity of this design, as well as of this statement.

Stage 3

The cladding of the frame must be done with narrow strips of drywall. The order of their attachment is as follows:

  • fastening the strip to the shelf of the resulting niche along the perimeter of the ceiling;
  • sheathing of the vertical part by attaching the cladding to the profile located on the ceiling;
  • facing of the horizontal part;
  • fastening the strip to the end of the frame in order to get a recess into which the lighting devices will "hide".

It looks something like the picture; of course, with its own nuances for each specific case. Now it is necessary to complete the finishing work, putty the seams at the joints of the drywall sheets (we will not dwell on this in detail, since such work does not need advice and recommendations), after which you can proceed to the installation of the ceiling lighting around the perimeter.

What is the best backlight?

In general, backlit plasterboard ceilings have begun to be made for a long time, but nowadays there are immeasurably more options for lighting devices for it. Perimeter lighting (backlighting) has many varieties, but you only need to dwell on some of its most common types:

  • LED-based false ceiling illumination;
  • spot or directional lights;
  • classic chandelier;
  • neon lights;
  • duralight.

Here are five options to look out for. Particular attention can be paid to the plasterboard ceiling with LED lighting when decorating a bedroom.

Of course, there is also a fiber-optic illumination of a plasterboard ceiling, which has a very long service life, is fireproof and has the ability to create various lighting effects, but now you should not focus on it not so much because of its high cost, but more because of the very its complex installation and commutation to the suspended ceiling. Without the necessary knowledge and experience, it is very problematic to make ceiling illumination with optical fiber.

The ceiling with diode illumination looks very aesthetically pleasing precisely on plasterboard ceilings in several levels with niches along the sides. Both lamps and LED strip are used for lighting. The functionality is almost unlimited.

The suspended ceiling with LED lighting allows the use of different colors of the light elements. The color gamut is controlled using an RGB controller or dimmer. The advantages of this option are that the backlighting elements do not heat up at all, which means that the fire safety is at a high level.

Also, LED strip, as well as lamps, consumes a minimum amount of energy, being one of the most energy-efficient types of lighting. In addition, such lighting is very easy to place in the niches of the plasterboard ceiling.

Of course, any item and equipment, with some advantages, has its drawbacks. And LED backlighting is no exception. To connect it, you will have to redo the wiring, and then also install a step-down transformer. But that's not the point. The main drawback is that such lighting illuminates the room very mediocre. Perhaps, as an "intimate" lighting in the bedroom, it will be appropriate, but she cannot paint the living room or hallway with bright colors.

Spot or directional lights

A suspended ceiling with these lighting fixtures is quite common. The luminaires are built in pointwise, for which the installation places are marked and "nests" of the required size are drilled out according to the marking. The number and location is determined by taking into account the size of the room and natural light.

They have few advantages over other species. They look great on plasterboard ceilings and are easy to do-it-yourself installation. But of the shortcomings, it should be noted that an incandescent lamp is used in these lamps, as a result of which energy consumption increases and heating increases. And, as with LED backlighting, wiring changes are required and the lighting level is low enough.

Classic chandelier

How to make a ceiling illuminated in the form of a classic chandelier is probably clear to everyone, since in this case there are practically no difficulties. You just need to choose the number of lamps, decide on the color, shape, and then, using the old wiring, power it up. Of course, the use of energy-saving lamps is desirable. And to get slightly different shades, it is acceptable to use warm and cold colors.

Advantages - installation of such an element is simple and quick. In terms of room illumination, it is five out of five. The disadvantages include the fact that visually the chandelier (since it is a hinged lighting device) reduces the height of the ceiling, and also does not fit very well into the modern interior.

Neon lights

With the help of neon lamps, it is possible to create a very original illumination with blurry borders, a unique design using different colors. The ceiling with lighting along the perimeter and niches in the walls will look very aesthetically pleasing. The location methods are similar to LED strips, but in this case, knowledge and experience of performing such work may be required.

The advantages can be safely attributed to a huge selection of colors and a modern style of execution. But the fact that installation experience is required, and the complexity of the work - albeit not critical, but still disadvantages.


This type of lighting has its own peculiarity. The fact is that incandescent lamps are located here in tubes, and they are connected in series in a small segment. For this reason, when one of the lamps burns out, a whole section must be replaced. When installing a false ceiling with backlit duralight, you need to be ready for this. Now, of course, it is more modern, and instead of old lamps, LED lines are mounted in it. Naturally, when operating this type of backlighting, electricity consumption and heat generation are reduced. The lighting becomes brighter.

This type has only one advantage - this is the cheapest option of all of the above. But the drawback, albeit one, is still big. You can forget about reliability and durability when installing duralight based on incandescent lamps.

So what should you choose?

There is no definite answer to this question. There are many factors to consider here that can influence the choice of backlighting. These are financial opportunities, knowledge and experience, and the availability of time for work should not be excluded from this list.

A very good option with combined lighting for a plasterboard ceiling (several types are used in one room at once). But here, too, experience and knowledge will be required, not to mention the great expenditure of effort and time, and therefore this question remains for everyone with the only correct, but personal answer. In any case, a do-it-yourself illuminated ceiling is an irreplaceable experience in home renovation work.

Plasterboard ceilings backlit are in great demand due to their primitive design and functionality. The use of lighting on the ceiling is an effective technique for modern designers.

A plasterboard ceiling is a suspended structure that can hide irregularities in the ceiling surface, hide wires and communication pipes. Men make such a design with their own hands, without having similar experience. A suspended plasterboard ceiling with decorative lighting is a standard way to transform living rooms. The surface of the gypsum plasterboard sheets is even, besides, plasterboard is a flexible material, but at the same time durable.

A plasterboard ceiling is a suspended structure that can hide irregularities in the ceiling surface, hide wires and communication pipes

What is so remarkable about the overhead lighting in the room? Ceiling lighting helps to visually change the geometry of the room, the perception of space and the style of the interior. Nothing will repeat the volumetric effect of a two-level backlit plasterboard ceiling.

How is decorative lighting installed?

The first way is to use a polystyrene cornice. Before mounting the ceiling, niches for voltage converters are arranged in the walls.
The second way is ceiling niches. This method of plasterboard ceiling construction creates a unique visual effect. Light sources are placed inside a niche (inside a structure) randomly or in a selected sequence.

Advice! Low power ceiling lights cannot be used for main room lighting. For public places, the normative documentation SP 52.13330.2011, SNiP 23-05-95 "Natural and artificial lighting" was adopted.

Specialized firms:

  • will appreciate the complexity of the ceiling in each specific room;
  • provide a plan for the installation and decoration, estimate documentation for materials and work;
  • will draw up a service agreement and a warranty service coupon.

When ordering a turnkey ceiling, it will be possible to save money (the designers will accurately calculate the required amount of building materials), as well as time and nerves. It will be difficult for an inexperienced person to cope with work at height.

Low power ceiling lights cannot be used for main room lighting.

A prerequisite for any repair process is the drafting of a ceiling project, namely:

  • number of levels
  • backlight location
  • geometric dimensions
  • list of required materials

Plasterboard ceiling arrangement plan:

  1. Workers, using an agreed plan, create a ceiling layout;
  2. If the upper floors in the apartment or house are concrete, then use anchor wedges, having previously drilled holes for them;
  3. Fastening of guide profiles or, in other words, straight plumb lines;
  4. Installation and fastening of bearing profiles for plasterboard sheets;
  5. Using a level, all profiles are aligned to one horizontal plane;
  6. Fasten drywall with self-tapping screws.

Experienced craftsmen work very smoothly and quickly, installing a ceiling of 15 - 20 square meters takes one working day. The work must be of high quality, as it implies connection to electrical networks. With a negligent approach, cracks and distortions may appear on the ceiling, and the backlight will cause a short circuit and a fire.

Despite the large number of nuances, you can make a ceiling of plaster with backlighting with your own hands. Before you start working, you should think over all the design details, the number of tiers of the ceiling - make a general sketch of the room with the ceiling. After everything is drawn up, you need to calculate the amount of all building materials, and also think over what tool you need.

Despite the large number of nuances, you can make a ceiling of plaster with backlighting with your own hands.

Ceiling with backlit drywall

Installation work is quite simple, it is more difficult to adjust the lighting in the ceiling.

Work plan for self-assembly:

  • Using a building or laser level, you need to set the zero level (zero point).
  • Mark the ceiling for attaching the profile system.
  • Guide profiles are installed along the outlined lines, rack profiles are attached with the help of suspensions.
  • To make the structure as strong as possible, longitudinal profiles are used.
  • When all the profiles are securely fixed and brought to one horizontal level, you need to lay wires to connect the light sources.
  • The device of plasterboard structures is carried out using self-tapping screws, the caps of the self-tapping screws were completely immersed in the drywall.
  • The joint seams between the sheets are putty and sanded. To reliably hide the seams, use self-adhesive tape, which is also covered with putty. The tape should be overlapped.
  • Installation of the backlight is carried out after the end of work with drywall. You can cut holes for lamps in drywall before and after attaching it. The main thing is not to forget about the location of the wiring.

The last stage of work is the priming of the ceiling. Also, the plasterboard ceiling can be painted, plastered or wallpapered.

Features: All cables should be located in protective cable channels and specialized sleeves. It is forbidden to place wires in metal profiles.

Installation work is quite simple, it is more difficult to adjust the lighting in the ceiling

Installation of a multi-level ceiling is more difficult, one person cannot cope with such a task.

Ceiling lighting features

Plasterboard decorative lighting can be hidden or open. Open lighting is the use of spotlights around the perimeter of the room, which are fully visible or partially recessed into the plasterboard structure.

With hidden backlighting, only the radiation itself is visible, but not the light source. This method involves the installation of a box with shelves at the lower level of the plasterboard ceiling. All lamps are hidden in this box.

Having made a decision on the device of a suspended plasterboard ceiling, it should be remembered that the backlight is only a decoration for your interior. The stream of light coming from the ceiling will always be diffused, since it is directed towards the ceiling, and not into the room.
With the help of a competent lighting device, you can visually change the height of the room by visually raising the surface of the ceiling, but you will not be able to change the level of illumination in the room. To illuminate the room, you can use built-in lamps or traditional hanging chandeliers.

With the help of a competent lighting device, you can visually change the height of the room by visually raising the surface of the ceiling, but you will not be able to change the level of illumination in the room

There are several ways to arrange lighting in the ceiling, but only two are widely used:

  • LED sources: tapes, duralight;
  • neon tubes.

This is a set of LED luminaires connected in series. Power is supplied from 12V and 24V. Tapes are divided into monochrome (white, red, blue, green) and universal. The monochromatic luminescence daylight provides constant illumination of the ceiling in one color, the luminescence of the universal sources can be changed with the help of the controller and the control panel. The ability to change the backlight at the touch of a button to any shade, and you can also change the intensity of the glow from day to muted night.
LED strips are most commonly used by designers. Classification by type of execution:

  • Conventional, without a protective shell. Such tapes are used in rooms with low humidity coefficients.
  • Insulated tapes with lacquered surface. This lighting can be used in bathrooms and kitchens.
  • Moisture resistant tapes or duralight. Such tapes are reliably protected by a polymer casing. For home ceiling lighting they are used very rarely, most often duralights are found in aquariums and swimming pools.

LED strips are most commonly used by designers

Benefits of LEDs:

  • Reduced energy efficiency of lamps, which is ideal for decorating lighting in large areas.
  • LED light sources remain cool even during continuous operation. Only the lighting power supply itself heats up, but not the lamps. Such lighting is used in the decor of public places to comply with fire safety techniques. You need to stop your choice on LEDs if the house or floors are wooden.
  • The service life of LED lamps reaches six years. One LED lamp can work continuously for several days in a row.
  • LEDs rarely burn out under normal power supply.
  • Price.
  • Simple and quick installation. The reverse side of the tape is adhesive, it is enough to remove the protective paper and attach it in the right place. If the adhesive seems to be insufficiently secure, a construction stapler can be used, but be careful not to pierce the LED strip itself.

The main disadvantage of LED lighting is that all ceiling defects are visible. With a uniform LED room, it is noticeable that the ceiling is uneven. Many people are not satisfied with the presence of an adapter, as it also needs to be placed under the ceiling.

The main disadvantage of LED lighting is that all ceiling defects are visible

Neon lighting

Neon tubes are glass tubes filled with inert, luminous gas mixtures. Lack of neon lighting - control convectors are installed under the ceiling after five meters. A step-up transformer is also needed, since there is not enough voltage in the network. Tubes are a fragile material, energy consumption is very high, so this method of decoration is not used at home.


A plasterboard ceiling is a decoration of a room, but if you use a variety of volumetric plasterboard figures (flowers, clouds) and correctly calculate the lighting, the ceiling will be the subject of envy and admiration!

Backlit plasterboard ceiling, assembly instructions

Plasterboard ceiling systems give considerable room for creative imagination to maneuver. Designs equipped with internal lighting are especially popular.

general information

Backlit plasterboard ceiling is a very popular design solution. It is distinguished by external beauty and practicality. For the arrangement of the electrical part, you can use a variety of combinations of different lighting devices. As a result, it is possible not only to change the intensity of the luminous flux, but also to influence the spatial perception of the room.

Strengths of using a backlit false ceiling:

  • Creation of an absolutely flat base on the surface of the base without the use of time-consuming screed and plaster.
  • Significant simplification of the procedure for preparing the rough base. It is allowed that the previous finish, drops, cracks, etc. remain on it.
  • The possibility of convenient camouflage under the suspended canvas of various communications - cables, wires, pipes, ventilation ducts, etc.
  • High decorative possibilities. This is especially true for the creation of a multi-level suspended ceiling made of plasterboard with lighting.

The designs also have disadvantages:

  • Understatement of the total height of the room by about 10 cm due to the frame. This applies to both stretch and backlit plasterboard ceilings.
  • The complexity of the procedure. In any case, you will need an assistant and some experience in arranging electrical systems. If you install and connect lighting fixtures incorrectly, this can have very sad consequences. The resulting short circuit is sometimes a fire hazard.

When developing a plan for installing a plasterboard ceiling with lighting, it is recommended to pay special attention to the following important points:

  1. Using multiple lighting zones in the room. As doctors say, for eye health, it is better to use several low-power lamps than one bright lamp.
  2. A drawing of the location of spotlights is developed in the most careful way. In the kitchen, the work surface and the eating area need separate lighting. In the bedroom, contour lighting around the bed has proven itself well. Additional lighting for the cabinet, bookshelves and desk is often used. Lighting zoning is also used in the hallway: a hanger, mirrors and the perimeter of the ceiling are equipped with spotlights.
  3. Light imitation of sun glare, aurora borealis and the starry sky has excellent decorative characteristics.
  4. It is necessary to position the lighting devices in such a way that they do not blind the eyes.
  5. By correctly placing the backlight, you can correct the proportions of the room. If you direct the light to the walls, there will be an effect of visual expansion of the space.
  6. Each group of luminaires in different functional areas of the room needs an independent switch.
  7. It is advisable to decorate small rooms with multi-level plasterboard ceilings with LED lighting.
  8. Before making a backlit plasterboard ceiling, a detailed diagram of the future design is being developed. It contains information about all sizes, types and locations of fixtures.

What are the lamps

In order to make a backlit ceiling, as a rule, the following types of lamps are used:

  • Point... With their help, night illumination, emergency lighting, zoning of premises, illumination of the working area, etc. are set up. This type of lighting belongs to the budget, and is suitable for lighting plasterboard ceilings of any configuration. Such schemes are very simple to implement: as a rule, such work is performed on their own, without the involvement of a professional electrician. To achieve the final aesthetics of the finished structure, it is necessary to carefully arrange the holes in the plasterboard, strictly according to the diameter of the lamp. Spotlights most often play a supporting role in combination with basic lighting.
  • Chandelier (ordinary or LED)... Products of this type are presented in a significant variety of shapes and colors. No replacement wiring is required to install them. In combination with suspended plasterboard systems, surface-mounted and pendant lights are not always the best solution. The fact is that their use further exacerbates the effect of the lost height of the room.

  • Daylight... They are mainly mounted in non-residential premises. They are distinguished by their low cost and ease of installation. They consume little electrical energy. The service life of fluorescent lamps, in the presence of a stable voltage, is quite long.
  • Fiber optic... These lamps are an innovative development that allows you to create the effect of a starry sky. Installation of fiber optic luminaires is expensive and laborious. These systems look best in rooms with high ceilings.
  • LED strips... An excellent option for arranging multi-level ceiling systems. These inexpensive lighting fixtures have a number of strengths. They are able to create uniform diffused lighting, replacing a conventional 200 W lamp. It is very easy to install the tape: one of its sides is specially equipped with a sticky base. The LED strip in the plasterboard ceiling demonstrates high energy efficiency and durability.

How to choose an LED strip

Light-emitting diode (LED) tape is a narrow flexible strip no more than 9 mm wide. Conductive tracks, diodes and resistors are applied on top of the product.

When choosing a suitable option for installing a plasterboard ceiling with diode lighting, it is recommended to pay attention to the following points:

  1. Diode type. The most common diodes are SMD3528 and SMD5050. The first variety (3528) always gives one lighting color, the second one can be white or multi-colored. The SMD5050 diode is more expensive and consists of three crystals, which ensures its durability. SMD3528 strips last less, due to the gradual burnout of the phosphor. The tint of the light turns blue because of this.
  2. The frequency of concentration of LEDs on the surface of the tape. Most often, there are bands with a frequency of 30,60,120 bulbs per 1 running meter. As the density increases, the brightness of the lighting increases. To equip a plasterboard ceiling with lighting around the perimeter, the density of the SMD3528 tape should be at the level of 30 or 60 diodes. If the goal is to illuminate a stretch glossy ceiling or partial illumination of the room, it is recommended to use SMD5050 tape with a density of 60 diodes or more.
  3. Shades. To achieve multi-colored illumination, it is necessary to purchase 5050 strips, the base of which contains blue, red and green diodes.
  4. Degree of protection. The belts can be equipped with additional protection against moisture. Such products are torn by special silicone insulation, which effectively resists flooding from above.
  5. Equipment. LED strips must be completed with a power supply. As an option, SMD5050 belts can contain a remote control system and a controller. You also need to choose skirting boards for the LED strip that will best fit the ceiling.

What are the backlit plasterboard ceilings?

Plasterboard ceiling with LED strip can be equipped in an open and closed way. In the first case, much less work will be required: it is enough to arrange neat holes in the right places of the slab and mount lamps there. The main thing is to adhere to the recommendations on the weight of the lighting devices used: the total indicator should not exceed 10 kg. This is due to the weakness of the frame structure and sheathing sheets.

How to make a backlit plasterboard ceiling

To equip a plasterboard ceiling with hidden LED strip lighting, you will need the following tools and materials:

  • Plasterboard boards.
  • Components for the construction of the frame - guides, wall profile, ceiling direct hangers.
  • Mountings. Dowels, screws, etc.
  • Fastening mesh for additional reinforcement of the butt joints.
  • Metal scissors, pliers, screwdriver, knife, screwdriver and hammer drill.
  • Simple pencil, building level, twine.
  • A set of spatulas and putty.
  • LED strip kit. In addition to the luminaire itself, there is a power supply unit, wiring with a cross section of at least 0.75 mm, insulating materials.

Installation of the frame of the upper level of the suspended ceiling with illumination is carried out in the following sequence of operations:

  1. An indent of 10 cm is made from the floor slab and a solid line is struck along the perimeter of the room to be finished.
  2. The starting profile is screwed along the broken line. It acts as a guide for the main profile, which is fixed to the ceiling using hangers. The installation step of the mount is about 40 cm.
  3. The elements of the main profile are reinforced with additional lintels, which are cut from the same profile. This makes the frame more rigid.
  4. The finished structure is sewn up with plasterboard plates using self-tapping screws.

After that, they move on to arranging the box for lighting:

  1. The base surface is equipped with a drawing of the lower level configurations. The applied markings act as a guideline for the installation of the guide profile. The shelves of the ceiling element should be directed downwards, and the shelves of the wall element should be directed towards the opposite wall. The profile of the main frame is used to fix the ceiling rail.
  2. Suspension racks are made from the main profile. When cutting blanks, the height of the ceiling of the lower level is taken as a reference point.
  3. One of the sides of the suspension is equipped with an incision (4-5 cm), followed by bending the back wall inward. When calculating the number of suspensions, the dimensions of the ceiling are taken into account. Installation step - 1 suspension / 50-60 cm.
  4. The finished elements are mounted inside the guide profile with a whole end. Self-tapping screws are used for fixing.
  5. The ceiling profile also serves as a material for the manufacture of lintels, the length of which corresponds to the length of the lower part of the box. The number of such elements must match the number of suspension posts.
  6. The workpieces are immersed inside the wall guide profile, fixing them on self-tapping screws. When joining the opposite edge of the workpiece with the hanger, an angle of 90 degrees must be observed.
  7. The result is a backlit false ceiling niche skeleton with a protruding profile. All protruding parts are decorated with plugs from the same ceiling profile. Plasterboard sheets will subsequently be installed on top of the finished base.

Installation of plasterboard sheathing

Prepared in advance narrow strips of drywall are installed as follows:

  • Plasterboard elements are screwed along the niche shelves.
  • Next, the vertical sections of the structure are sheathed: the sheets are installed here on suspension racks and ceiling rails.
  • In the next step, the horizontal area of ​​the niche is sewn up.
  • At the end of the procedure, the end sections of the box are made out with plasterboard strips, inside which the backlight will be placed. The upper and lower levels must be separated by at least 50 mm.

Electrical connection

The list of operations on how to make a backlight in a plasterboard ceiling:

  1. There are marks on the LED strip where cutting can be done.
  2. Switching of individual pieces of tape is carried out using a soldering iron or special LED connectors.
  3. When choosing a power supply, it is recommended to provide a power reserve of 20-30%.
  4. Installation on metal parts of the frame requires the mandatory use of insulating pads. Before starting installation work, the system must be de-energized.
  5. When installing a multicolor diode, it is important not to mix up the polarity: the blue and black wires are a minus, and the red is a plus.
  6. Before the final fixation of the tape, it must be tested for operability.
  7. Long sections of tape are switched in different ways when connected in series. As practice shows, parallel connection of segments from 5 m in length demonstrates greater safety. For this, wires with a cross section of 1.5 mm are used. In this case, the power supply unit must be taken more powerful than usual.


The finished plasterboard structure is impregnated with a primer and putty, paying special attention to the joints. After drying, sanding and painting are carried out. Instead of paint, you can use wallpaper.

A beautiful, practical and stylish plasterboard ceiling with backlight can be done by anyone who is ready to seriously study the installation scheme, following the recommendations of specialists. The installation of the structure will depend on the choice of type of lighting, as well as the number of levels and configuration.

Plasterboard ceiling lighting: varieties

By the type of installation, the backlight can be either open or closed. It is easier to install a multi-level open-type backlit ceiling, therefore, without any experience, it is worth starting with such structures. In this case, the luminaires are fixed in pre-prepared holes, remembering to comply with the requirements for their weight (no more than 10 kg in total).

Hidden lighting implies the installation of additional levels to mask lighting equipment in the interlevel space. The process is more complicated and time-consuming, but the final effect is much more interesting than in the first case with open lamps.

DIY backlit plasterboard ceilings are compatible with the following lighting fixtures:

  • LEDs;
  • neons;
  • fiber optic.

LEDs are the most economical option in terms of electricity consumption. They are realized at an affordable price, have the ability to adjust the light intensity, are used in ceilings with perimeter illumination (contour) and for full-fledged bright lighting.

Neons are the most durable lighting option, are characterized by a low level of heat transfer, are available in a huge range, but surpass LEDs in price.

Fiber optics also offer a long lifespan, opening up new opportunities for creative, safety-conscious ideas with minimal energy consumption. Fiber optic backlighting is one of the most expensive options, requiring certain skills and experience to install.

It should be borne in mind that the scheme of a plasterboard ceiling with lighting will also depend on the choice of the latter's functionality. Allocate general lighting based on lamps and wall-mounted lamps, zonal to create accents in certain areas of the room and decorative to implement bold design ideas.

The most popular among those who decided to make a plasterboard ceiling with their own hands with lighting is the open type option with decorative LED lighting. It is easiest to mount such structures while maintaining the desired effect.

Foundation preparation - start of work

Before starting the installation of a backlit plasterboard ceiling, it is necessary to work on the preparation of the rough base, to carry out the markings for the installation of the frame. To do this, they are determined with a scheme according to which the work will be carried out. There are two paths you can take.

First, the devices are connected to a network with standard voltage and frequency. The second - a step-down transformer is used, which makes it possible to obtain 12 V. The first option is simpler and more convenient to implement. The disadvantage of choosing in his favor is a huge risk of a short circuit if the insulation layer is damaged.

So, for example, if a short circuit occurs and the wiring with plastic insulation begins to smolder, the risk of death of people, not so much from fire, as from toxins, will increase several times.

A smart backlit ceiling design using a step-down transformer is safer. Its disadvantage lies primarily in the price - such a ceiling will cost more. That is why, in order to save money, experts recommend installing structures with standard illumination connected to the network in ordinary rooms, in rooms with a high level of humidity and a risk of fire - with a transformer.

After determining a suitable lighting scheme, you can proceed to the installation of a structure based on gypsum board. To do this, you will need to prepare the materials and tools necessary for the work. In addition to the fastening elements, you will need:

  • lighting equipment;
  • wires with plastic insulation and a cross-section of 0.75 mm sq;
  • insulating tape;
  • corrugations and boxes made of plastic;
  • switches;
  • terminal blocks and junction boxes;
  • wire stripping tools;
  • wire cutters;
  • screwdrivers;
  • a probe for determining the phase.

With a ceiling drawing at hand and a list of tools, you can start marking. For this, a measuring thread or a more modern laser level is suitable. The markings are applied at a distance of up to 70 mm from the lowest corner, a line is drawn at the installation site of the proposed lighting cornice.

Frame - the basis of the structure

Exclusively all options for a plasterboard ceiling with lighting imply the installation of a frame. At this stage, it is important to carry out the correct calculations, not forgetting about the need to mask communications and elements of lighting equipment.

A guide profile is mounted along the perimeter of the wall. To obtain a curved box, you will need a special flexible profile, on which cuts are made to further form the frame of the desired shape. In the process, it is better to use a proven tool - a grinder.

Precisely according to the marking, the profile is fixed with screws, dowels of nails with a fastening step from 250 to 300 mm.

At this stage, it is important, using a detector, to determine the zones of hidden wiring in order not to damage the wires.

On the ceiling overlap, direct suspension brackets are attached to fix the main profile on them. The next step is to fix the main profiles using a level to control the horizontal position. Next, the elements of the main profile are cut with a grinder, fixing them perpendicular to the already fixed parts with the help of crabs (step 40 cm). The resulting structure is a first level frame, on the basis of which a double ceiling with illumination will be built.

Installation of the second level frame

Each plasterboard ceiling has a frame holding it in the base, but not only. To arrange the selected lighting option, you will need to think over the organization of a niche for the location of devices, for example, a popular LED strip.

As in the case of the installation of the first level frame, the process begins with marking the location of the starting profile with transitions between the tiers. The next step will allow you to determine the areas of the location of the lighting equipment, followed by the installation of wiring.

As soon as everything is ready, proceed to the preparation of the starting profile, which is fixed to the ceiling with screws according to the markings at the locations of the main profiles of the previously set level.

Plasterboard finishing - how to do it right

For finishing the structure of two levels with backlighting, drywall sheets with a thickness of 9.5 to 12.5 mm with parameters 1.2 × 2.5 m are used. The sheets are fastened with metal screws with the usual pitch of 250 mm. To achieve the most even surface of the canvas, the joints are sealed with putty, using a serpyanka or construction bandage.

The decision will fully justify itself - to hem the two-level plasterboard ceiling in two layers. Thus, it will be possible to increase the strength and service life of the structure. The disadvantage of choosing an additional layer is an increase in costs and weight of the structure.

After finishing the finishing with plasterboard sheets, the structure is leveled, glued with a serpyanka and carefully putty. Only after that do they proceed to the installation of holes and baguettes around the perimeter.

What a ceiling looks like with a modern minimalist design

You can assemble a modern plasterboard ceiling with diode lighting with your own hands in several versions. Let's consider a simple and effective scheme. It consists of several stages:

  1. The frame is installed along the perimeter of the wall at a distance of 120 mm from the rough base.
  2. The next level is located behind the first level, at a distance of no more than 50 mm from the overlap.
  3. Arrange the third level - this will be the center of the ceiling, extending from the ceiling by 80 mm.

In this case, the LED strip is located inside a niche arranged in the side of the second level. For a lighting device, spotlights placed along the perimeter of the first level, which are more distant from the ceiling than others, will be an ideal option.

The subtleties of connecting and setting up the LED strip

A stylish perimeter plasterboard ceiling with LED strip can be not only a decorative element, but also perform the main function - to fully illuminate the room along the contour of the ceiling. You can buy the tape in a set or by picking up individual components, taking into account the selected scheme. There are two options for LED strips:

  • monochrome;
  • multicolor.

The first one illuminates the ceiling and the room by means of diodes of the same color, with the possibility of dimming. The second allows you to experiment with different colors of diodes. You can simply connect the LED strip using scissors, screwdrivers and a soldering iron.

The connection process begins with the separation of the parts of the tape according to the mark with the pictogram. You cannot connect more than two five-meter tapes - this is the main rule. It is also important to insulate the adhesion area.

Following the step-by-step photo instructions, you can install recessed spot-type lamps with your own hands. To do this, you will need an electric drill with a crown, a well-sharpened assembly knife, and a curly screwdriver.

Luminaires are mounted taking into account the laid wiring and markings. Place the fixtures in the prepared holes.

In conclusion, it is worth noting that a backlit plasterboard ceiling is not so difficult to assemble with your own hands if you act consistently. The main thing is to start by choosing not the most complex designs and easy-to-implement lighting schemes, for example, based on an LED strip.

In all design work, lighting is of no small importance. The illuminated plasterboard ceiling makes a unique design of the room, in which it is pleasant to relax and easy to work. A do-it-yourself plasterboard ceiling can be made without any effort, you just have to set some tasks for yourself and have a great desire.

The original design of the backlit plasterboard ceiling

Such a ceiling plays a major role in the decoration of the room. The backlight can be combined with different types of light illumination. The electric light is dimmable. With the help of light decoration, the room can be divided into a recreation and games area, for example, in a children's room.

Advantages, disadvantages of this design

Such a ceiling has many advantages that even a skeptical person cannot fail to notice.

  1. The top of the room becomes perfectly smooth and even.
  2. Before starting work on the manufacture of the ceiling, it is not necessary to do a complex preparation of the base coat.
  3. Plasterboard construction hides many different wires, hoods, ventilation outlets.

    Cable outlets in plasterboard ceilings

  4. The ability to realize your most fragile ideas with ceiling levels, as well as room lighting.
    1. The height of the room decreases.
    2. A backlit plasterboard ceiling requires minimal knowledge of electricity, but sometimes this knowledge is not enough to make electrical wiring.

    ATTENTION! If the wiring and connection of the luminaires are improperly done, a short circuit may occur. This will not only ruin the wiring, but also render the luminaires unusable.

    When carrying out repair work on a backlit ceiling, it is necessary to take into account the following nuances:

    Before starting work, you should think over and write down everything to the smallest detail.

    Types of backlighting that can be implemented

    In the assembly of a plasterboard ceiling, the following types of lighting devices are used:

  • Spot light emitters are used for night light and area illumination in a room or kitchen. They are a budget option. They can be installed in any pre-assembled and sheathed ceiling. This type of lighting is used as an additional light in the room. The main light source is a chandelier or diodes. Their cost is low with a large selection of design solutions.

Watch the video: how to make a backlit drywall box.

The choice of LED strip

A strip of diodes for lighting looks like a strip with a width of 9 mm. This strip is made of flexible material. In the tape itself there are resistors, diodes and tracks - current conductors. This tape can be installed in the ceiling both in the hall and in the kitchen.
Main parameters:

To ensure that the supply of current is uninterrupted, transformers are installed. The pipes themselves are very fragile in structure, their installation is difficult, requires a lot of time and patience. Flexible neon. Consumes little electric current. Also used for auxiliary lighting.

It differs from other devices in an extensive selection in a color palette of shades. It does not heat up, which is a big plus. The cost of such installations is quite high.

Ceiling construction

How to make a backlit plasterboard ceiling?
not difficult. If a person adheres to the classics, and it is not possible to make many illuminated levels on the ceiling, you can design a two-level illuminated plasterboard ceiling step by step. In this case, the backlight can be placed in the side, which is the second level. For him, a height of 12 cm should be allocated.

Open backlit ceilings

Open backlighting includes built-in lighting fixtures. With a ceiling made entirely of plasterboard, the luminaire is installed directly into it.

An example of a plasterboard ceiling with open backlighting

But, it is also possible to install the device in a box intended for installing a luminaire. This option is chosen to preserve the same ceiling height. The box can run along the walls of the room, or it can appear in the figured image of boxes on the ceiling. An ordinary box along all walls has dimensions: width 50 cm, height up to 70 cm.

Ceilings with hidden lighting

Both in an open backlight and in a hidden one, you can make a box along all the walls of the room.

Ceiling design diagram with hidden lighting

The box for illumination can be open and closed. This is done for the play of light. In a closed niche, light is refracted and there is a clear line of light

An open box is made with a protrusion of 5-10 cm. To create a closed niche, a guide profile must be attached to the edge of the protruding part. Then - drywall 5 cm high.

Affects the lighting of the ceiling. If the distance between the niche and the ceiling is small, then the strip of light will be narrow and very bright. Conversely, the greater the distance, the more the light is scattered.

Combined illumination

When planning a combination backlight, you need to focus on such nuances as:

To make a two-level plasterboard ceiling, you should calculate everything at once, and not after completing the work on.

Ceiling lighting installation

When buying an LED strip, you need to look at:

  1. Ribbon type by number.
  2. Color palette.
  3. Power.
  4. Security.


Before you start assembling the frame for the backlit ceiling, you need to have an idea of ​​what it will be like and what type of lighting will be used in this design.

ATTENTION! Before assembling the ceiling, the room should be disconnected from the electricity in order to avoid electric shock, if this is not possible, then all bare wires must be insulated.

Initially, you need to prepare the old ceiling for installation. For this, old plaster is removed, which may soon collapse. Mold and rust stains are also removed. Everything is cemented. After drying, you can pick up the drawings for drawing dots. This is done in stages.
When drawing control points, take into account the distance at which they will be.

Fastening profiles to a concrete ceiling

And also it is worth deciding on the place of passage of the wiring and other wires (cable TV, Internet). Places of external lighting fixtures did not coincide with the place of fixing the profiles.

1st level wireframe

After drawing control points on the ceiling, step back 10 cm down the wall. Draw a line along all the walls of the room, a horizontal ceiling and a floor. Attach along the marked line. Suspensions are attached to the NP every 40 cm. The lintels are also attached to the ceiling base using "crabs". Now we collect the electrical wiring. This takes into account both the main lighting and additional lighting. The best example is the kitchen ceiling. It is small in size and includes a combination backlight.

Nuances when conducting wires:

ATTENTION! When working with construction wool, you should remember about safety measures. When the frame with wiring for the 1st level is prepared, it can be sheathed with drywall. Caps from fasteners are required to be "drowned" in drywall to achieve perfect evenness.

Second level

This stage is done with backlighting. At this level, a structure is being constructed for future illumination.

Ceiling light mounting structure

With certain intentions, you can make a frame for a structure with lighting. In this case, the second level is done with a step of 10-17 cm from the walls. The center of the ceiling seems to hang in the air and is illuminated by lighting fixtures. But, there is an option to do the opposite, when the box protrudes above the ceiling. And the ceiling itself inside remains above the box. With a certain amount of lighting, the impression of a high ceiling is created.

A plasterboard ceiling with LED lighting is made in this way:

If the two-tiered ceiling is not rectangular, but curved, then it is required to prepare in advance sketches of the curves of proportions. Apply a drawing on the 1st level, and then, on a drywall sheet.


If the plasterboard ceiling is one-level, then:

Box plan

Near the windows, there is a place for a cornice measuring 60 cm. The box is lowered from the ceiling by 12 cm. The side in the box is 5 cm. The protruding shelf is 6 cm. Roundings are made for the decor in the corners. This can be seen very clearly in the diagram.

Diagram of the box for lighting

ATTENTION! Lines on the double ceiling are drawn every 54 cm and not every 60, because there will be a step under the lighting. The extended shelf will be 6 cm. To keep the lines straight, a special cord is used. If you make a circle on the ceiling of plasterboard or rounding, then the drawing should be done with a step, and not where the profile will be laid.

Circuit diagram on a plasterboard ceiling
  • 1 - a place for fastening profiles;
  • 2 - the line where the step ends.

After the circles are applied to the ceiling, it follows. For this, the profile is cut on the sides, the base remains intact. A cut-out GKL strip is attached to the guide profile, the width of which is 12 cm. It will be the back wall of the box. A strip covering the cornice should be attached near window openings.

From the vertical sections are attached every 50 cm, the length of which is 9.8 cm (12 cm height minus 1 cm installation of profiles minus 1.2 thickness of the gypsum board). After that, the NP is also attached to the vertical segments at the bottom. Thus, the bottom of the box matches the profile on the wall.

Jumpers are horizontally installed to fasten the drywall sheet. He will make a shelf-step and close the box.

Rounding and sheathing of the box

In order to sheathe the box around the perimeter, you just need to cut strips of drywall of the required size. In order to sheathe a strip of gypsum board of the required size is taken and an incision is made every 5 cm - the gypsum breaks. These pieces need to be attached to the frame.

Each piece of plaster is fixed with 1 self-tapping screw in the middle, so that the piece does not break. If extra fragments have formed from the bottom and along them, they are carefully removed using a construction knife.

Oval shapes are made in the same way. The installation of the backlit plasterboard ceiling is almost complete. Until the box is hemmed, it needs to be putty, then it will be extremely difficult to do because of the protruding step.

An example of mounting a frame of a round figure for a plasterboard ceiling

After the putty, the plasterboard box is sewn underneath. The width of the filing is 60 cm. The sheet must be cut into strips and the box must be hemmed. When the hem reaches the circumference, then you also need to initially cut everything out, and then hem. After that, a guide profile is screwed to the resulting step. A side will be attached to it (at will) to cover the direct rays of the illumination. At the end, the assembled structure is putty and brought to a perfectly smooth surface.