Breakage of a garden rake. Learning to choose a fan rake

Hello to all homemade lovers!

Recently, my almost completely new fan rake broke down.

And I managed to work with them only three times, for 15-20 minutes. Already during the second time, they began to bend strongly so that they constantly had to straighten them. And for the third time, it became almost impossible to work with them.

Here's how they looked.

Upon closer examination, it turned out that this rake was made of completely useless metal (in fact, as thick as roofing iron), which from the very first minutes of work could not stand it and began to collapse at literally catastrophic rates.

The photo below shows that quite large cracks have already appeared in the metal.

In general, those who do the devil! : e101:

In my hearts I wanted to immediately throw this rake away, but, nevertheless, I felt sorry for the money spent and as a result, I decided to fix it.

At the same time, I decided to make a rake out of these, a mini-rake with a short handle, since such a rake is also often needed.

As a result, I put a spare fan rake on the long handle.

And in the broken ones the rake finally broke off the handle.

And the rest, he straightened a little and at the same time strengthened it with a hammer.

In order to turn a broken rake into a short handle mini rake, I needed the following accessories.

Materials and fasteners:

Broken handle from an old shovel.

Two screws with a 4x35 mm press washer.

The broken rake itself.


Drawing and measuring tools (pencil, tape measure and square).

Electric jigsaw with a file.

Electric drill-screwdriver.

Electric planer.

Drill for metal with a diameter of 4 mm.

Hole saw for wood with a diameter of 19 mm.

Screwdriver bit PH2, for driving screws.


First, I used an electric plane to cut a broken handle from an old shovel.

Then I sawed off a part about 40-45 cm long from it.

At one end of this handle, I drilled a hole with a hole saw in wood. This hole is needed so that you can hang the rake on a nail or hook.

After that, I processed the handle with sandpaper and painted it with paint that was at hand.

Then he drilled two holes in the broken fan rake (at the base and in the middle of the upper lintel) with a 4 mm drill.

And he screwed this rake to the handle with two screws with a press washer.

And this is how they are hung on the wall on a nail, which is very convenient.

After a while, I experienced this rake in foliage harvesting. It turned out that they are quite convenient to rake foliage, especially in hard-to-reach places, for example, under low bushes, or low-growing tree branches, where it is inconvenient to use a fan rake with a long handle.

However, it should be noted that due to the fact that I screwed the end of the handle to the middle crosspiece, this rake became somewhat more rigid. But I think that for such a rake with a short handle it is even better, because when you work they basically have to be held with one hand, it will be even more convenient to work with them.

Well, that's all for me!
So far, all successful, and most importantly - useful homemade products!


To keep the lawn clean, it is enough to brush away debris and foliage with a special rake every day. Let's find out which fan tips are best for this purpose.

The name of the instrument comes from the word "plunder" - the outdated sound of the modern word "rake". Initially, this agricultural tool with a long, human-sized handle was intended only for crushing the loosened fertile layer of the earth by breaking clods, as well as for raking hay into haystacks. Moreover, it was made exclusively of wood.

Only later did the teeth begin to be covered with metal, and already closer to the middle of the last century, all-metal ones began to appear everywhere.

All-metal hand rake

However, such models are poorly suited for cleaning lawns, since they catch and pull out ornamental grass by the roots. Therefore, a fan rake was invented, presumably in Japan, where the famous rock gardens were lined with dozens of neat winding grooves with perfect observance of the intervals between them. Yes, and fans were always in use there, including fighting, rigid with pointed ends. Perhaps it was such a tool that prompted the creation of a fan-shaped garden tool. It differs from conventional toothed ones in that there is no transverse ridge, rods or plates diverge from a common point of connection at different angles with equal intervals.

It should be noted that fan rakes are of two types: plate and wire... The difference between them is visible in the names. The former are made of thin narrow plates, and the latter are made of a sufficiently strong wire with a diameter of at least 3 millimeters. Models are distinguished by the number of elements in the structure, by material and size. Also, a fan rake may differ in the distance between the teeth or, in other words, the angle between the elements, that is, the spread at the tips of the plates or wires may be different depending on the model.

So, we know by what features the models of fan nozzles for garden rakes are distinguished. Now it remains to figure out which option is preferable, and in what cases. The difference between the above two construction types is the degree of elasticity. Wire elements are made from wire, which is often coated with a polymer layer to increase tool life. Because of this, they are made as rigid as possible and are very convenient for working with flat surfaces and low, not too thick grass.

Fan nozzles for garden rakes

A completely different thing is the rake plate fans. They are made of very elastic thin plates that bend on any surface relief, repeating it with precision. As a result, it is convenient to work with such a rake on uneven terrain. However, it should be remembered that with high flexibility, such plates are quite vulnerable to excessive pressure, therefore, scraping along the ground with a tool of this type is not recommended, it can only be carried out in the thick of vegetation, sweeping away the leaves. However, the wire version has the same drawback, and if the elastic plates, bent, then take their previous form, then the wire is deformed irreversibly.

Plate fan rake

As for convenience, it all depends on what kind of debris you want to remove from the lawn, and what is the density of vegetation on the site. The fact is that wire garden models most often have a 90-degree fold at the ends of the raking elements, which provides excellent traction of debris and fallen leaves. Lamellar nozzles in dense elastic vegetation begin to bend upward, unable to penetrate between the stems, which is why most of the small twigs or the same fruit padanses can remain in the grass. On the contrary, the hard wire nozzles begin to scratch the ground, and the plates do an excellent job.

As already mentioned, the plate rake can be made not only of flexible steel, but also of plastic, which is also given a certain degree of elasticity. Which of the materials is better to choose, and what are the advantages and disadvantages of each of them? Start with durability. Metal corrodes, everyone who deals with agricultural implements knows this.

Plastic rake

There is no exception for elastic plate rakes, since they are made of ordinary steel, which is easily susceptible to rust. In this respect, plastic is preferable, since it does not deteriorate at all from time to time. However, there is another side to the coin. When choosing a rake for a garden, fan plastic models must be considered very carefully for the quality of the material. If there is even the slightest suspicion that flexibility at any time may turn into fragility, it is better not to take such a tool.

This is precisely the main problem of plastic fan nozzles - they break very easily, especially with heavy use. In addition, they can have a rather weak connection with the handle, since the sleeve is often also made of plastic. However, the main difference between the above materials is the price. It is logical that a plastic fan will cost you much less than a metal one, and even made of elastic steel. Therefore, if you need to rake several leaves a day from your lawn, it is better to choose a plastic rake attachment.

Plastic nozzle for garden tools

If the area sown with grass is very large, and you need to regularly rake out a huge number of acorns, fallen from fruit trees and foliage with knots - purchase only a metal model. Moreover, with proper care, that is, by wiping it after work and lubricating it with oil for the winter, you will be able to keep the steel tool in good working order for a long time. Attention - there are models that combine metal and plastic parts, for example, wire raking elements in a plastic base.

What models can be purchased for the garden?

Owners of a large area should pay attention to the reinforced fan nozzles for a rake produced today. If conventional options have rather short raking elements, both wire and plate, in order to exclude their too rapid deformation during operation, then reinforced ones can be quite long. This allows you to capture a much larger number of leaves, sweeping them away in whole bales.

What is the reinforcement of the nozzle? Approximately at a distance of one third of the length of the elements from the place of their connection, a crossbar is installed, rigidly connected to each rod or to each rake plate. As a result, deformation of each individual element is eliminated, which greatly increases the reliability of the entire structure. It is especially worth highlighting the fan rake, 22 teeth of which provide maximum coverage of the surface in front of the operator. They are always sold together with a plastic or aluminum handle, which, among other things, can be telescopic, that is, it can be easily adjusted to your height.

It should also be noted that other fan rakes are reinforced with an additional element in the form of a movable transverse bar through which the wire elements pass. This option allows, by pulling a special wire lever towards the handle, to move the raking wires to the required angle, changing the intervals between the teeth. In some models, the control unit for changing the angle is made more neat. The cross bar is tightened by rotating a wheel installed under the handle, on the nozzle sleeve, which is connected to a shaft that tightly adjoins the lever and moves it along the base of the rake.

Mozhginsky District Court (Udmurt Republic) - Civil

Mozhginsky District Court of the Udmurt Republic

Mozhginsky District Court of the Udmurt Republic - Adopted judicial acts

Case No. 2-1101 / 12

SOLUTION(did not enter into force on the day of publication)

In the name of the Russian Federation

Mozhginsky District Court of the Udmurt Republic consisting of:

The presiding judge Kozhevnikova Y.A.,

Under secretary A.R. Akhmetova,

With the participation of representatives of the plaintiff Vechtomova L.L., Lekontsev A.V., acting on the basis of powers of attorney from and, respectively,

Defendant Alekseeva P.I.,

Having considered in open court a civil case at the suit of the Limited Liability Company "" against Alekseev P.AND. on compensation for damage caused in the performance of labor duties,


LLC "" filed a lawsuit against Alekseev P.AND. on compensation for damage caused in the performance of labor duties.

The statement of claim is motivated by the fact that an employment contract was concluded between the parties, which was terminated by under paragraph 3 of Part 1 of Art. Labor Code of the Russian Federation.

During the period of work,, the defendant, working on an MTZ-82 tractor with a ROTTINGER trailed rake, exceeded the maximum maximum speed set for the rake, did not reduce the speed when driving over bumps that he could not help but see, as a result of which the fastening was broken gearbox and propeller shaft. As a result, one rake fell off, the propeller shaft of the rake was lost, the gearbox was out of order.

In accordance with the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, the General Director of LLC R.Yu.P. demanded written explanations from the tractor driver about the breakage of the rake, but the defendant refused to give written explanations. Based on Part 2 of Art. LLC "" has drawn up a corresponding act.

To establish the amount of damage caused and the reasons for its occurrence, by order of the head of LLC "" from, a commission was created, which determined the cause of the damage - the deliberate actions of the defendant, who foresaw the possibility of the rake breaking, but was indifferent to it (indirect intent). The specified reason is reflected in the act of the commission from

The Commission was unable to determine the amount of damage caused, however, in accordance with Art. direct actual damage is 12,100 rubles and consists of the following: repair of the gearbox mounting 5100 rubles, purchase of a propeller shaft - 7,000 rubles.

The average monthly salary of the defendant during the period of work in LLC "" was 9755.53 rubles.

The article establishes that the material liability of a party to an employment contract occurs for damage caused by it to the other party to this contract as a result of its guilty illegal behavior (actions or inaction), unless otherwise provided by this Code or other federal laws.

Each of the parties to the employment contract is obliged to prove the amount of damage caused to it.

Clause 4 of the Resolution of the Plenum of the Supreme Court of the Russian Federation of November 16, 2006 No. 52 "On the application by courts of legislation regulating the material liability of employees for damage caused to the employer" explains that, among the circumstances that are essential for the correct resolution of the case on compensation for damage by the employee, the obligation to prove which lies with the employer, in particular, include: the absence of circumstances precluding the financial liability of the employee; unlawfulness of behavior (action or inaction) of the inflictor of harm; the employee's fault in causing damage; a causal relationship between the employee's behavior and the resulting damage; the presence of direct actual damage; the amount of damage caused.

According to Art. the employee is obliged to compensate the employer for the direct actual damage caused to him.

Direct actual damage means a real decrease in the employer's cash assets or deterioration of the specified property (including property of third parties held by the employer, if the employer is responsible for the safety of this property), as well as the need for the employer to make expenses or excessive payments for the acquisition, restoration of property or compensation for damage caused by the employee to third parties.

By virtue of Art. for the damage caused, the employee bears material responsibility within the limits of his average monthly earnings, unless otherwise provided by this Code or other federal laws.

According to the article, the full financial responsibility of the employee consists in his obligation to compensate the direct actual damage caused to the employer in full.

Material liability in the full amount of the damage caused may be imposed on the employee only in cases provided for by the Labor Code of the Russian Federation or other federal laws.

One of the above cases is clause 3 of part 1 of Art. , according to which material liability in full amount of the damage caused is imposed on the employee in the event of deliberate damage.

Based on the general legal norms, the intention of the employee in causing damage to the property of the employer is that the employee knowingly committed actions aimed at causing the employer direct actual damage, knew about the onset of such consequences and wished their occurrence or treated them indifferently. At the same time, in order to be held liable, it is necessary to have a causal relationship between the deliberate actions of the employee and the consequences of the employer.

According to Art. before making a decision on compensation for damage by specific employees, the employer is obliged to conduct an inspection to establish the amount of damage caused and the reasons for its occurrence. To carry out such a check, the employer has the right to create a commission with the participation of relevant specialists.

It is mandatory to request a written explanation from the employee to establish the cause of the damage. In case of refusal or evasion of the employee from providing the specified explanation, a corresponding act is drawn up.

The employee and (or) his representative have the right to get acquainted with all the materials of the inspection and to appeal them in the manner prescribed by this Code.

The plaintiff's arguments about the presence of intent on the defendant are based on the act on establishing the amount of damage caused and the reasons for its occurrence from However, this act in itself does not unconditionally prove the fact of deliberate damage by the employee and the amount of damage caused. The commission consisted of a chief accountant, an o / c inspector, who did not have special knowledge in the field of technology. In addition, it is not clear from the act, on the basis of what data, the commission came to such conclusions (there is no act of inspection of the tractor on the day of the breakdown, eyewitness explanations, testimony of special technical means, instructions on the rules for working on a tractor with a rake, etc.), not established with what speed the respondent had to drive and actually operated the tractor during the work. Defendant Alekseev P.AND. he explained to the court that during the work he was driving the tractor at a speed of about 10 km / h, which was permissible. After the rake broke, he took measures to repair them, but failed to weld the rake. After that the rake was transported by a loader to the garage of LLC "". After the rake broke, the cardan shaft was on the tractor and was also delivered to the garage. Witness T.T.V. confirmed the explanations of the defendant.

In addition, the plaintiff has not proven the amount of the damage caused. In support of the amount of damage, the plaintiff referred to invoice no. *** from and invoice no. *** from , not proven. In addition, the plaintiff points to the breakdown of the ROTTINGER rake, while the Eurotop 651A Multitast rake appears in the fixed assets of the enterprise.

Under these circumstances, the court concludes that there is no sufficient and reliable evidence confirming the unlawfulness of the employee's behavior Alekseev PI, his guilt in causing damage and the amount of damage caused.

In accordance with Art. material liability of the employee is excluded in cases of damage caused by force majeure, normal economic risk, extreme necessity or necessary defense, or the employer's failure to fulfill the obligation to ensure proper conditions for the storage of property entrusted to the employee.

The actions of an employee that correspond to modern knowledge and experience can be classified as normal economic risk, when the set goal could not be achieved otherwise, the employee properly fulfilled the duties assigned to him, showed a certain degree of care and discretion, took measures to prevent damage, and the object the risk was material values, and not the life and health of people (paragraph 5 of the Resolution of the Plenum of the Supreme Court of the Russian Federation of November 16, 2006, No. 52).

From the job duties of a tractor driver of agricultural production, it follows that a tractor driver is obliged to perform agricultural work on a tractor in a unit with trailed and mounted implements, self-propelled and other agricultural machines in accordance with the agrotechnical requirements and rules of tractor work; identify and eliminate malfunctions of the tractor and unit with trailed and mounted implements, self-propelled and other agricultural machines, etc. The tractor driver-driver is responsible for non-fulfillment or improper fulfillment of his duties stipulated by this job description; for causing material damage - in accordance with applicable law.

The parties do not dispute that at the time of the breakdown of the rake Alekseev P.AND. performed his labor duties on the MTZ-82 tractor assigned to him within the established limits. The fact of improper performance of labor duties was not established. Thus, in the absence of evidence of the defendant's guilt, his actions can be attributed to the normal production and economic risk, as a result of the economic activity of the enterprise. In addition, as indicated above, material damage can only be caused by the unlawful behavior of the employee, which in this case has not been established by the court.

Considering the above, the court concludes that during the trial, the circumstances with which the Labor Code of the Russian Federation connects the possibility of material liability of the party to the employment contract has not been established, namely, the guilty, unlawful behavior of the employee, the causal relationship between the unlawful behavior of the defendant has not been established and the resulting damage. Under such circumstances, the grounds for satisfying the claims of LLC "" to Alekseev P.AND. compensation for damage is not available.

Guided by Art. - , court

We have chosen such a rake this time. The next step is to buy a plate fan.

A fan rake is a fairly popular garden tool. Once, having been flattered by the stories of experienced summer residents, I bought these, moreover, the first ones that came across, but I was very unhappy with this tool. So she threw him into the barn.

Time has passed. Experience (alas, someone else's) has shown that a fan rake is not such a bad and very necessary thing on a garden plot. But, unfortunately, the last purchase was irretrievably lost, and I had to go to the store again for a rake. It was then that a number of discoveries awaited me.

- Something small, they are somehow, - I complained, considering the only kind of this instrument available at the moment in the store. - I had more past ones, and soft, flexible. And this rake is tough.

- So it depends for what purposes to acquire a fan rake. They are completely different both in structure and in size. And although the main purpose of fan rakes is garbage collection, they are intended for different jobs, - said Tatyana Kolach, a sales assistant at a specialized shop for gardeners.

Fan types

It turns out that there are several types of fan rakes: wire, plate and plastic fan rakes.

* Wire rake stiffer, their teeth are made of thick wire, and the ends are bent at right angles. This helps to avoid damaging already sprouted plants when cleaning up the garbage.

But they are not intended for collecting foliage, since they will string leaves on themselves. After several movements, the tips of the fan are covered with a dense "skirt".

When cleaning a mowed lawn, excessive stiffness and sharpness of the tips can damage the lawn. The surface of the earth will be scratched, the grass suffers from this or is completely uprooted.

* Plate rake are based on a series of narrow curved plates. They spring well and do an excellent job on uneven surfaces.

They do not get entangled in dense grass, foliage is not strung and is swept away in whole bales. Garbage collection is fast and targeted. The flexibility of the material does not provide for excessive pressure, but in any case, deformation of the fan does not occur, and it always returns to its previous position.

The lamellar fan, due to its flexibility, cannot cope with tall, dense grass. He is unable to collect small twigs and twigs. It is useless for picking fallen apples, plums and other fruits, the prongs will bend and leave all solid objects on the ground.

* Plastic rake are seriously inferior to the previous ones in terms of their characteristics and strength.

Plastic is not afraid of moisture and rust. But such fan nozzles lack elasticity, they are more fragile than iron ones. Can break under strong pressure and vigorous use. Most often, they suffer from the bushing - the connecting place with the handle. This problem makes them short-lived.

How to choose a fan rake

- If you have decided on the type of fan, then when buying, you need to check the flexibility - put it on the floor or counter and press on the work surface, - Tatiana continues. - Make sure there are no cracks. On metal, check the integrity of the protective coating.

The best option would be a rake with maximum surface coverage. They consist of 22 prongs and are always sold with a shank. The handle can be telescopic, aluminum or plastic.

If you have a small area, and you rarely use a rake, then buy plastic ones, they are much cheaper. In large areas, where there are many garden trees and shrubs, metal models are needed. Caring for them is quite simple: treat with oil before winter storage and the rake will serve for a long time.

The cost of a fan rake can fluctuate depending on the number of teeth, material, general appearance and manufacturer.

A bit of history

The homeland of the fan rake is Japan. Initially, they lacked a transverse ridge - the teeth diverged from the attachment point. Then, for convenience, they began to modify the rake.

A tractor rake is an indispensable thing when collecting hay. Due to the peculiarities of production and ease of use, rakes and tedders quickly collect hay using a tractor machine or walk-behind tractor. Actually, there is no significant difference between a rake and a tedder. Their main purpose is to stir up the cut grass and collect the finished product. Mounted rakes / tedders for a tractor can be purchased in a specialized store or made by hand.

Design features

Wheel rakes / tedders

All tractor machines and walk-behind tractors accept 4 and 5-wheeled tedders. Such a rake works well with low-power tractor devices (up to 25 horsepower), agricultural walk-behind tractors and walk-behind adapters. The rake is presented in the form of wheels with curved rods. Two types are most popular in use:

  1. Rotary... The design, named "finger", is fixed on the rotating motor sections. Special beams are attached to them by installing springs that are directly involved in the assembly and tedding of grass and hay. This allows you to easily control and change both the height and the angle of tedding.
  2. Wheeled... Convenient to use: wheels (their number can be from 3 to 5) are obliquely from each other. This significantly increases the productivity of work and the speed of their implementation. The wheels are capable of replacing each other, each of them is mounted on two bearings: this greatly simplifies the repair process in the event of a breakdown.

Regardless of the choice made, the quality of harvesting, tedding, and the speed of work performed will many times exceed the quality and speed of manual execution.

Preparatory work

Rotary rakes / tedders

Any agrarian can learn how to make a rake on a tractor with his own hands. If a person already has the skill of handling or creating such a technique, it will not be difficult to make a hay tedder for a tractor on your own. In order to independently make a rotary tedder, it is necessary to make a metal frame from a pipe of round and angular cross-section. The rotor, without which the tedder process becomes impossible, can easily be changed to the rear axle of a conventional car.

Before starting work, you need to sketch out the drawings, which will gradually be embodied in the design. If a hay rower is being made for a tractor, it is important to put a reduction gearbox on the power take-off shaft. In many tractor machines, the number of shaft revolutions per minute is approximately 540. And this is already an impressive figure for tedders. 10 tubes in the form of a "sun" are welded to the disc of the machine. The rake teeth are made of sturdy steel and are attached to the rotor with a welding machine.

Manufacturing process

Homemade tedders are easy to use, however, repairs may require the services of a foreman - especially if the rake was made from low quality materials.

The manufacture of mounted wheeled tedders is carried out mainly for mini tractors and motoblocks. For motoblock units, a three-wheeled tedder is used, for tractors - a five-wheeled one. To start making a tedder, you need to prepare the following tools:

  • Metal pipe.
  • Wire up to 0.7 cm thick.
  • Steel layers 3-4 mm thick.

A frame is made of a pipe, brackets are placed on it. Wheels are attached to them. Special bends are made from the wire - "fingers", intended for raking the cut grass. They are attached to the discs with special bolts. To install the wheels, two bearings installed in the hubs are useful. After that, the hitch is made, and only then - the installation of the rake on the tractor.

A well-made rake and tedder will help ease the process of picking, tedding and baling hay. Rotary models are distinguished by careful handling of crops that require careful harvest (such crops, for example, include alfalfa). Tedder tractors handle tough jobs with ease: turning and collecting wet, heavy hay.