Sliding systems for hidden doors. «Sliding mechanisms for doors Sliding door with hidden guide

Sliding interior doors are increasingly being installed not only in apartments, but also in country houses and office buildings. Such sections have a number of advantages, the main of which are space saving and an increase in the usable area of ​​the room.

Advantages and disadvantages of interior sliding doors

The choice of this functional element of the interior is due to a number of advantages:

  • increase in the usable area of ​​the room;
  • do not slam in drafts;
  • pets cannot open them;
  • the possibility of automating the mechanism;
  • lack of thresholds.

Sliding systems for interior doors also have disadvantages: first of all, poor sound insulation and high cost of fittings. The first takes place when the mechanism is built into the wall. If you place the sliding door mechanism along the wall, the sound permeability will decrease.

Mechanisms for sliding interior doors can be improved by installing special sensors. In addition, access levels can be taken into account when automating sliding doors. That is, the door can be opened by a code, plastic card or fingerprint.

Design and types of sliding doors

Sliding systems for interior doors consist of the leaf itself, guides and a roller mechanism. Different types of doors can provide more than two roller mechanisms, several leaves and guides. Let's consider the principle of operation and the device of sliding doors. The mechanism for a sliding interior door works as follows: the roller mechanism is attached to the leaf, as a result of which the rollers move along the guides, opening or closing the sash.

There are many types of such products, but the most popular are the following: interior sliding doors; cascading sliding; folding "accordion" type; radius. The latter are the most difficult to install. Most often, compartment doors are used, which are the easiest to install.

About the quality of components

The mechanism for a sliding interior door is selected based on the following factors: weight, material and height of the leaf, the need for embedding into the wall, the number of rollers. The more complex the system, the better the fittings should be. So, single-leaf sliding interior doors are lighter in weight than double-leaf doors, and components for such a product can be chosen simpler and lighter.

Most ready-made kits are equipped with plastic casters that are not durable. It is necessary to choose a mechanism for a sliding interior door in advance, even in the process of finishing work, so that you do not have to fix the finishing of the walls and floor.

Canvas material

Most often, classic wooden interior doors are installed. High-quality material (oak, maple, cherry) is quite expensive, but the most durable.

Fiberboard products are cheaper, do not deform, but are inferior in quality to their more expensive counterparts. These doors are distinguished by low strength and fairly good sound permeability.

MDF canvases are characterized by an average level of quality and durability. The most sophisticated doors are made of solid wood, but such products will also be very expensive.

Glass sliding doors are becoming more and more popular. For them, special safety glass is used, which makes them safe to use.

Glass is tempered by processing during the manufacturing process, so its strength can surpass wood. Products made from this material differ in many parameters: material thickness, surface appearance, properties. They can be installed in rooms with high humidity - swimming pools, bathrooms. The glass door is easy to maintain and environmentally friendly.

Plastic sliding doors are better suited for installation in administrative premises.

To decorate the interior, you should give preference to a door leaf made of solid oak or tempered glass. Such products can become a highlight of the premises and emphasize the status of the owners.

Choice of components

Accessories are of great importance. Poor quality will lead to a quick breakdown of the door mechanism. It is better to give preference to steel or aluminum when choosing a material, but it takes on the main load. Despite the tendency to equip the mechanism with plastic wheels, it is more optimal to replace them with metal ones.

The more metal parts, the more durable the door will be. High-quality components are capable of providing, with proper care of the system, more than a dozen years of service. Fittings for sliding interior doors also include a special cassette if you plan to install the mechanism into the wall.

Locks and door handles in interior doors also differ. They are "recessed" into the canvas, while in conventional swinging ones they are installed on the surface. Locks and handles are usually included and match style with other parts.

Installation steps for sliding doors

Fasteners and instructions with step-by-step installation are usually included in the ready-made kit. Usually sliding systems for interior doors differ in profile and type of roller system. Therefore, the general installation principle will be the same.

Installation of a sliding door can be conditionally divided into several stages:

  • marking and installation of guides;
  • installation of brackets for roller carriages;
  • installation of the canvas;
  • installation of handles and locks;
  • decorative trim for masking slopes and roller mechanism.

Information on how to install sliding interior doors is given in general terms. When installing a sliding door, two installation options are possible - placing the canvas along the wall or in the thickness of the opening.

Marking guides

To mark the guides, it is necessary to measure the height of the door leaf and postpone its size on the wall above the doorway. From this point, it is necessary to retreat seven centimeters up and draw a horizontal line with the help of a horizontal line.

Installing the guides

The bottom edge must be applied to the bar to the drawn line. should be 50 x 50 mm. The timber is screwed to the wall using anchor bolts. Moreover, its position should be strictly horizontal.

Several mounting holes are drilled in the metal guide in increments of no more than fifteen centimeters. This part is attached to the lower end of the timber at a distance of 5 centimeters from the wall. This distance is due to the need for free movement of the door along the wall.

Installing Brackets for Roller Carriages

The rollers are assembled by connecting with carriages and inserted into the guide. In this case, it is necessary to check the walking of the rollers along the guides. The wheels should move freely and without unnecessary noise. The ends are closed with plugs that serve as a stopper for the rollers.

Brackets are installed on the upper end at regular intervals. In this case, the number of brackets must correspond to the number of carriages.

Door installation

The canvas must be hung, at the same time connecting the carriages with brackets, while it must be easy to move and not touch the wall.

If everything is done correctly, you can continue with the installation. To do this, the door leaf must be opened as far as it will go and mark on the floor the place where the lower guide element will be attached. After that, the door is removed again.

Using a router, a full-length groove is made at the bottom end of the blade. In this case, the depth and width of the groove depends on the size of the lower leash. For free movement along the mechanism, it should be slightly larger.

The plumb line is attached to the top rail. After careful measurement, the most accurate position of the leash is determined, which is screwed to the floor with self-tapping screws.

The canvas is installed in a vertical position and is put on a leash with a groove. By adjusting the bolts of the carriages, it is necessary to achieve their correct placement. The mechanism for a sliding interior door at this stage can be considered installed.

Next, you need to embed a lock and a handle into the door leaf, as a rule, the hole for installation is already provided by the manufacturer, and the installation process is described in detail in the instructions. Often the kit comes with a lock and handle already installed.

Decorative finishing

Mechanisms for sliding interior doors have been installed, and only the final part remains - the masking of structural elements. The decorative box is designed to hide the load-bearing beam. Platbands are installed around the perimeter of the entire structure to give it a complete look.

Useful information

Sliding mechanism for interior doors

So that the work of interior door panels in the house does not take up useful space when opening / closing, it is enough to install mechanisms for sliding doors with sections built into the system. The principle of operation of this design is simple - the canvases are equipped with rollers and move along special rails (guides) back and forth. To prevent shock loads, they are equipped with stoppers, limiters. They are distinguished by their quiet operation, unpretentious care, reliability, and visual appeal. For the production of the gate, MDF boards, glass, mirrors, solid wood are used. Fittings for sliding doors are selected depending on the weight and area of ​​the canvases, the type of material from which they are made is taken into account.

The sliding mechanism for interior doors is structurally divided into types and differs in the method of mounting (location) of the working rollers. They are installed at the top or bottom and can have a combined sliding mechanism. In the first case, the main load is placed on the upper rollers, while the lower mechanism supports the door movement and prevents impacts when opening. In the second version, the lower rollers are working, and the upper ones are auxiliary. In the third, the load is distributed to two mechanisms at the same time. The number of rollers is determined depending on the weight, design, gate area. Their number varies from two pieces.

Sliding fittings guides are made of steel or aluminum. They are available in single and double types. Attached to the stream and / or floor.

Buy high-quality sliding door mechanisms in Moscow

The TBM-Market company offers to purchase high-quality sliding mechanisms for compartment doors. Experienced company managers will help you choose the necessary system for the flawless operation of your doors and accessories for their installation - from fasteners to seals.

A convenient and functional mechanism for sliding doors will help make the space more comfortable and modern. Fittings for sliding mechanisms and the possibility of its replacement allow you to maximize the life of the product without the need for replacement, saving you money. Equip your home or office with ever-changing comfort requirements and enjoy convenience in every detail.

Buy a sliding mechanism for doors: interior, entrance

The catalog of the online store contains a large selection of devices that provide smooth opening and closing of door structures. Including you can buy sliding mechanisms for:

  • wooden doors;
  • plastic;
  • glass;
  • metal (garage doors).

All presented models are classified according to the type of action and can be:

  • synchronous;
  • folding; hidden;
  • telescopic;
  • with closers and others.

The difference lies in the principle of opening and depends on the design of the door, its weight, dimensions, the presence of a threshold and other related factors. You can choose suitable products for door leaves weighing from 20 (wardrobe) to 300 kg (metal gates), which fully covers the demand, as well as with a single leaf length of up to 1.5 meters with a rail length of up to 3.
Additionally, you can choose them to order accessories for sliding mechanisms: an aluminum profile, decorative overlays, various fasteners, carriages, lower leads. The opportunity to purchase everything you need in one place is especially appreciated by our wholesale clients, who are professionally engaged in the repair and decoration of houses and apartments. In addition, the price of sliding mechanisms and accessories for them in "Maximum" is one of the lowest in Moscow, and the assortment will delight even fastidious buyers.

Traditional swing doors are not suitable for everyone. But sliding systems have a lot of advantages - they do not "clap", move silently and do not take up part of the usable space of the room. So that the result of the work on their installation does not disappoint, you need to know what the mechanisms for sliding doors are, how to choose them for a specific design.

On a note!

  • When looking for a ready-made set of mechanism, one should take into account not only the specifics of the displacement of the canvases, but also the complexity of installation and adjustment of the system.
  • When self-manufacturing structural elements, the peculiarity of moving the door leaves and the place of their installation are taken into account.

Components of the kits

In terms of their structure, the various mechanisms of sliding doors differ little from each other, except perhaps in the specifics of the displacement of the sashes. Therefore, the kits include almost the same elements; the only difference is in their number and design.


Profiles are mainly used as guides in sliding door systems.

The difference between them is in the number of "tracks". The specificity of the application depends on how the canvases cover the opening: end-to-end or with an overlap. In fact, these are traditional compartment doors, familiar to many. When choosing a profile, the metal from which it is made is also important. It is better not to use aluminum for massive doors (although it is cheaper); due to deformation, there will be problems with sliding doors - only steel.

Roller supports

They also differ in design features. The required number of wheels (and there may be up to 8 of them in the upper mechanisms) is determined by the mass of the web and the type of sliding system. There are also differences in the arrangement of the wheels: symmetrical or offset (asymmetric). For doors weighing up to 80 kg, roller mechanisms with two supports can be used. But for massive canvases, at least four are mounted, which is associated with an increased load on the structure.

Retaining elements

They are not basic, but they serve important functions. The first is to prevent a "hard" impact of the door against the wall (if the opening is located close to it) or the roll out of the guide. Such details are called motion restraints. The second is to fix the door in a certain position. This is necessary in order to prevent spontaneous displacement of the web. This is possible, for example, with a strong draft, violation of the horizontal orientation of the rails due to shrinkage of the structure.

The sliding door mechanism can be additionally equipped with automation elements (door closers, mini-electric motors, cables, hooks, etc.). But they do not make any changes to the principle of its functioning; only increase the usability, nothing more.

Types of sliding systems

Open type

These are the simplest modifications. The sliding mechanism consists of roller bearings and guides. The number of the latter determines the specifics of door operation, its stability in the opening and a number of other factors. Why open? The fact is that such designs are universal in installation. They can be mounted in any opening, regardless of the wall material and its structure; it does not matter if it is solid or hollow (that is, the partition).

With one rail

Such systems are called suspended, non-threshold, top. They are the easiest to install, and therefore are often installed in apartments. This is due to the standard openings, therefore, the dimensions of the doors are chosen relatively small. The disadvantage is that only limiters are located at the bottom, and there is no fixation of the position of the web. Therefore, there is some difficulty in determining its optimal thickness, that is, mass. Too light a door will swing in a draft. This will not particularly affect the design itself, but in terms of comfort, such a prospect is unlikely to suit anyone; periodic "tapping" will irritate any person.

There is one more negative point - you can forget about soundproofing the room. Therefore, the installation of such a system has a number of limitations. For example, if we are talking about an opening leading to an office or bedroom, it is not the best option for a sliding door. But here you can also find a positive moment - suspended canvases do not interfere with the natural circulation of air currents.

It should be noted that in such systems, not only profiles are used as a guide, but also metal rods and pipes. And this diversifies the choice of installation options.

With two guides

Such systems are called floor-standing. The difference is that the rail is meant to be fastened both at the top and at the bottom. Accordingly, the number of roller mechanisms also increases. Despite the certain complexity of installation (for example, the accuracy of projection of the axis of the rail from the ceiling to the floor when marking), such a sliding mechanism provides a number of advantages.

  • It can withstand significant stress. That is, it allows you to install massive canvases in the opening, without special restrictions.
  • Sliding doors are always static. If the clamp is installed, then the canvas will not "knock" even in a strong draft.

Closed type

Such systems are installed much less frequently. Their difference is that the doors "go" into the wall, that is, after opening, the sash is partially or completely hidden in it. But this is possible only in the case of an interior partition, moreover, of a frame type. It is hollow inside, and therefore there are no obstacles to displacement of the door.

  • The originality of the system.
  • Ease of use. There are no guides on the floor or ceiling, therefore, their useful area does not decrease.
  • Low maintainability. If there are problems with the stopper or sash, then you will have to dismantle part of the cladding from the partition. Replacing the roller mechanism will also be quite difficult. Especially if the sliding door closes with an overlap of the canvases. Their dimensions in width exceed half of the same parameter of the opening, and therefore one cannot do without removing part of the cladding from the wall.
  • The complexity of leaving. No matter how clean the owners are, dust will gradually cram into the profiles. As a result, incorrect operation of the sliding system, jamming of doors, and so on. How to remove contamination is a separate question, but it should be taken into account.

In terms of the device, the hidden mechanism for sliding doors is not much different from that used in open-type structures; its composition is completely identical. It is so called from the fact that various decorative strips are applied on top, which cover the structural elements.

There is also a combined version of the system with two guides. It is installed if heavy blades are selected that place a heavy load on the rollers. It is not always possible (or advisable) to increase their number. Therefore, the solution is as follows - use both the lower wheels and the upper ones as supporting elements. This allows the weight of the sliding door to be evenly distributed over the entire area. Convenience is obvious - sash control is greatly simplified. They move even from a light touch on the handle. For families with small children - the best option for the system.

When choosing (or self-manufacturing) a mechanism for sliding interior doors, first of all, you need to take into account such a characteristic as its carrying capacity. All other factors - the specifics of installation in place, opening / closing - should recede into the background. Otherwise, even with a professional installation of the system, its repair will have to be dealt with in a couple of months.

Sliding products in the interior of the room

A permanent trend in interior design is the device of a sliding door system. It is not only a refined and elegant design appearance, but also excellent functionality, practicality and ergonomics.

A variety of sliding door options allow you to successfully zone a room or combine mating spaces, without compromising on reducing their area. How to choose the right sliding door mechanism, the article will tell you.

The correct choice of a mechanism for moving door leaves depends on the way they are opened and the number of leaves.

In this case, the doors can be:

  • . With one sash that slides along guides parallel to the wall, or with two. They move in different directions.

Coupe with one door

  • Cassette. They differ from the previous version by the presence of special niches in the wall, in which the door leaves are hidden when the opening is opened. A niche can be constructed with your own hands from drywall, or purchased ready-made along with the design of a sliding door.

Cassette products

  • Radial... They are characterized by the correct rounded shape, spectacular and original appearance. The movement of the canvases takes place along special guides that follow the radius of the doors.

Product along the radius

  • Cascading... They include one stationary canvas, and several moving ones. Each element moves along its own guide, and is collected together from the selected side of the opening.


  • Intra-doorway. In this case, the structure is placed inside the opening. The sashes move towards each other, and at the same time only half of the opening remains free.

Sliding (analogue of sliding) products inside the opening

  • Sliding and folding door designs. They are performed in the form of an "accordion" (see) and a "book". They are compact, easy to use and aesthetically pleasing. There are single and double leaf models. Moreover, each canvas includes several vertical sections, which are interconnected by a hinge.


This design does not require a free section of the wall for opening, which is needed for compartment doors. They can be folded in one direction or opposite, but at the same time the sashes occupy part of the opening, which reduces its width.

However, the thinness of the canvases reduces the loss of space, they are negligible. These models are well suited for installation in narrow aisles and corridors where other door designs cannot be used.

The device and principle of action of the sliding mechanism

Different variations of the sliding system in different models of door designs have similar devices and principle of operation.

Any sliding door mechanism consists of:

  • Carriages with rollers.
  • Rail.
  • Latch or flag.

Carriages with rollers are fixed to the sash at two, three or more points, which depends on the size of the door leaf, material of manufacture and weight of the structure. The rollers move along a special rail attached to the wall or installed inside it. The design of the sliding door structure resembles a monorail.

Guide bars or rails are:

  • Open... In appearance, it is a pipe of round, square or rectangular cross-section. The carriage moves along the top of the bar.

  • Closed. This is a metal profile, usually square or rectangular, with a groove along its entire length. In such designs, the roller carriage moves within the groove. For multi-leaf structures, a special strip is used, with several grooves for each leaf.

  • With a special stop at the ends of the rail, which prevents further movement of the door leaf.

In order not to damage the plastic, silicone rollers over time, the stops are also made of dense rubber or similar material. The latch is placed on the opposite side of the carriage with a guide, vertically. If it is at the top, then the flag is attached to the floor.

It is a metal base with a vertical pin, sometimes in bearings. When the sash moves, the pin with bearings moves inside the door, keeping it in a vertical position. For this, a special channel is made at the bottom of the sash end.

In addition, if desired, an automatic opening system with a built-in sensor is installed, but the price of such a device is quite high.

Sliding door assembly mechanisms

For different types of structures, certain options for fittings are used.

The weight of the door itself, its size and type of model depend on:

  • The method of fastening the canvas.
  • The shape of the guides.
  • Number of gutters.
  • Numbers of roller mechanisms.

The designs of the roll-out systems used to move the canvases can be:

  • With two guides that are located at the bottom and top of the opening.

The door moves on roller mechanisms along special guides: one of them is on the floor, the second is above the door. With this design, the door is securely fixed in an upright position, providing good sound and heat insulation of the room.

Disadvantages of this option:

  1. The floor and ceiling must have perfectly flat surfaces, strictly parallel.
  2. There should be no structures on the ceiling, including tension, suspended and rack-and-pinion structures.
  3. The need for frequent cleaning of the gutter located on the floor, it quickly clogs up.

  • With one rail mounted on top.

Such a mechanism provides for the movement of the structure on rollers only along one rail located above the product. The element must be mounted to reliable and sturdy walls. The design of this sliding system includes:

  1. Aluminum profile.
  2. A set of elements for mounting the frame.
  3. Roller mechanisms.
  4. Retaining elements.

The number of rollers is calculated according to the following scheme: for a web weighing up to 70 kg, it is enough to use one set, with a greater weight, the number of rollers also increases.

Tip: To avoid accidental derailing of the structure from the upper rail, it is necessary to install a stopper, and special flags - to prevent the formation of backlash in the door leaves.

The advantages of such designs include:

  1. Silent and smooth movement of the shutters, which is ensured by ball bearings and silicone coating of the surface of the rollers.
  2. System security.
  3. Long service life. This provides increased rigidity and strength to the top rail.
  • For sliding / folding doors.

This option is used for the installation of doors such as "accordion" and "book". The canvases are mounted vertically on a side profile attached to the wall. At the top of the door sections there are carriages with rollers moving along a guide fixed at the top of the opening, as in the photo.

  • For rotating doors. Canvases can open in any direction. The swivel mechanism has a roller that moves freely in the upper part of the box along a special groove. At the same time, the door rotates around the axis, moving simultaneously to the side, remaining inside the box.

The advantages and disadvantages of such a mechanism are presented in the table:

pros Minuses
  • Can be installed in any interior door, with the exception of an all-glass structure.
  • The structure is purchased assembled.
  • Versatility - can open in both directions.
  • The original magnetic lock securely fixes the canvas.
  • The presence of a brush seal protects the room from heat leakage, penetration of dust and extraneous sounds.
  • The pivot mechanism pushes the door in the open position less than halfway into each adjoining room, allowing the models to be used in narrow and small spaces.
  • Convenient to use for people with disabilities.
  • There is no sagging of the canvases.
  • High price.
  • For massive doors with a large weight, the service life may be less than expected.
  • This solution is not suitable for all interior styles. Rotary doors will not be able to harmonize in Provence, Baroque, Empire styles.

Preparation for the installation of mechanisms

Before assembling the mechanism for the sliding door, it is necessary to prepare materials and tools.

This will require:

  • Electric drill, screwdriver set, screwdriver.
  • For fastening elements - screws, screws, dowels.
  • Measuring tool.
  • Pencil.
  • Profile for installing rollers. Its length depends on the size of the opening.

  • Wooden bar. The thickness of the element depends on the thickness of the blade and the dimensions of the mechanism. Usually 5 cm is chosen. The quantity depends on the number of upper guides.
  • Restraining brackets. Their number corresponds to twice the number of rails.
  • Guide rails.
  • Rollers with carriages.

Tip: Particular attention should be paid to the reliability and quality of the roll-back unit, the most important part of the system. The service life and functionality of the entire structure depends on it.

  • Decorative caps.

Having a drawing of the sliding door mechanism, tools and materials, you can proceed with the installation of the structure.

Installing the mechanism

Usually, a special instruction is attached to the installation of the device, according to which all work can be performed quickly and efficiently. And to facilitate the assembly process, you can watch the video in this article.

The order of work:

  • The position of the guides is marked. In this case, the rails are fixed 15 cm higher than the door, taking into account the height of the roller mechanism. Height measurements are taken from the floor. Horizontal lines are drawn on the wall.

Tip: The marking of the installation of the guides should be controlled with a level. Their deviation from horizontal can lead to spontaneous movement of the valves.

  • A bar is attached under the guide rails with dowels, above the previously drawn lines.
  • Guides are fixed to the tree. Sometimes they are immediately placed on the wall. A small gap must be provided between the wall and the timber so that the sash does not touch the surface. The length of the rail is chosen to be twice the width of the opening.
  • A block of roller carriages is placed in the rails.
  • Brackets are attached to restrict the movement of the roller mechanisms, stepping back from the edge of the blade 5 mm.
  • The canvas is screwed to the brackets with screws.
  • Plugs are put on the ends of the rails.
  • The sliding block is closed with decorative strips or platbands.

Adjustment of door movement operation

After the installation of all mechanisms and the canvas, a visual inspection of the structure is performed. The position is also regulated, which must comply with such requirements as:

  • Fit tightly to the structure.
  • The movement is parallel to the floor, smooth, without jerking or interference.
  • The locking device must work smoothly, performing all its functions.

The mechanism for sliding doors and their entire structure do not require special maintenance, but it is necessary to follow the guides. They should be periodically wiped with a damp cloth. Otherwise, dust can accumulate in hard-to-reach places, making it difficult to move the door leaf.

With proper installation and careful operation of sliding doors, they will serve for a long time, making a person's daily life more convenient and comfortable.