Modern hand saw (wood saw): what is it and how to choose it? How to choose the right hacksaw: looking for the best hand saw for wood For cutting wood, which hacksaw is right.

In the arsenal of a home craftsman, there is always a functional and easy-to-use circular electric saw. But there are situations when you need to saw off a part and perform a small amount of woodwork, but there is no time or desire to unfold and connect the unit. In these cases, a hacksaw is excellent. But we will consider in more detail how to choose a hand saw for wood, so that it is convenient to use and easily “gnaws” any wood species.

    • Parameters of teeth on the blade
  • Types of hand saws for wood
    • Option # 1 - narrow
    • Option # 2 - regular
    • Option # 3 - with backing
    • Option # 4 - bow
  • Tool recommendations

Tool specifications

The saw is rightfully considered the ancestor of a large family of hand tools. Since the creation of the first type of tool from iron, the saw has undergone many changes, having managed to acquire numerous "sisters" capable of performing dozens of jobs.

In the household, it is impossible to do without "toothy helpers": they are indispensable when pruning a garden, small carpentry and joinery

Hand saws for wood differ in many ways: blade size, steel grade, tooth shape, handle design. Let's dwell on each parameter in more detail.

How should a hacksaw blade look like?

The main part of the tool is a hacksaw blade. The first thing to look for when choosing a product is the length of the canvas. The possibilities of its application largely depend on this parameter. At the same time, the longer the blade, the more spring it is, which also complicates the process, especially when working with hard wood species such as ash, maple or oak.

Long stroke allows less effort when sawing, since more teeth are cut in one stroke

For sawing small elements such as plinths, bars or narrow slats, you can do with a hacksaw with a blade length of 25-30 cm.When planning to use the tool for more serious construction work, choose a product with a blade of 45-50 cm.

When determining the length of the hacksaw blade, be guided by the rule that the length of the saw is 2 times the diameter of the processed elements. If you do not follow this recommendation, you will only complicate your work. The teeth of a short hacksaw will seize inside the wood, and each will have to make a lot of effort to advance the tool to free the sawdust. Uncomfortable work will cause premature fatigue.

Traditionally, the width of the fabric of the product varies in the range of 10-20 cm. Models with a narrower fabric are not allowed for technical reasons, since they fail at the slightest bend. But it should be borne in mind that too wide canvases are inconvenient for manual work.

Of no small importance is the material for making the canvas, which is most often the role of alloy steel, as well as its degree of hardening.

Tool alloy steel with a high silicon and carbon content is used for hacksaws:

  • 65G, 60 C2A;
  • 8 HF, 9 HF, 9 XC;
  • U7, U7A, U8, U8A, U8G, U8GA, U9A, U10

Metal hardening is carried out due to the action of an alternating magnetic field on it, in which a high-frequency electric current appears. Spreading over the surface, it heats up the surface layer of the metal, which is quenched after cooling.

The standard parameter is considered to be the hardness of the metal at 45 HRC, but it is still preferable to choose products, the hardness of the fabric of which is 55-60 HRC. A hacksaw with a blade of high hardness will have sufficient flexibility, but at the same time high stability of the teeth. On visual inspection, such a tool can be identified by the darkish shade of sharpened teeth.

Parameters of teeth on the blade

The determining indicator of the productivity of the tool and the accuracy of cutting wood is the size of the teeth.

The teeth of a hacksaw for woodworking have a double function: they cut the wood and at the same time remove the sawdust

Cutting accuracy is determined by the TPI, the number of teeth per inch.

There is an inverse relationship between these technical parameters:

  • blades with large teeth set a high speed of work, but the saw cut is rough and sloppy;
  • Fine-toothed hacksaws guarantee a clean and precise cut, but at a relatively low working speed.

When determining the required size of the teeth, you should be guided by the type of material to be processed. For example, for work with chipboard, where high cutting accuracy is required, choose a tool with a high TPI 7-9, and for sawing logs and work in the garden, where the cleanliness of the cut is not so important - TPI 3-6.

When choosing the optimal hacksaw option, be guided by the rule that the minimum log thickness should in any case be greater than the pitch of three teeth

If we compare a hardened and a regular tooth, the difference is that in the first version, subject to domestic use, the product does not dull for a long time. But a hacksaw with a hardened tooth cannot be re-sharpened. When it starts to cut badly, you just have to throw it away.

A regular tooth lends itself to sharpening. It can be periodically performed using a special file marked with an accident (for sharpening saws). To sharpen the blade, it is enough to perform a few movements on each tooth.

Depending on the type of teeth used, there are three types of hand saws:

  • For rip sawing. The products are equipped with teeth in the form of an oblique triangle and look like hooks. The tool allows you to cut wood along the grain. Such saws are sharpened on both sides of the tooth, due to which they are able to cut both when going forward and in the opposite direction.
  • For cross cutting. The teeth of the instruments are made in the form of isosceles triangles. This design makes it easy to saw the material both when the cutting edge is carried forward and backward. But this type of tooth is only suitable for working with dry pieces, not fresh wood.
  • For mixed sawing. The products have a combined composition, in which triangular edges are combined with slightly elongated semicircular notches. This solution allows, when the hand moves forward, the semicircular teeth perform a guiding cut, and when returning, it expands the channel in triangular shape, removing chips and sawdust from it.
  • Some types of modern tools are equipped with teeth that are trapezoidal. This solution allows you to make the blade more durable and wear-resistant.

    But it should be borne in mind that sharpening such a blade is very problematic, since it is difficult for trapezoidal teeth to give the desired shape. This significantly reduces the service life of the product, after which it is necessary to change the blade or purchase a new tool.

    For cutting fresh branches, it is more convenient to use blades equipped with triangular teeth, processed with parallel sharpening, in which each element is sharpened only on one side and in a staggered manner

    Often on the market you can find a modernized type of hacksaws.

    Upgraded hacksaws are easy to distinguish by groups of teeth located on the blade, between which the gaps are clearly visible

    Modernized hand saws are effective for cutting raw wood. Wet chips through the gaps between the teeth in the process of cutting easily come out of the cut, without hindering the movement of the tool.

    Types of hand saws for wood

    Option # 1 - narrow

    A small, narrow saw is a design that consists of a straight, flat blade and a handle. She performs delicate work: through cuts, cut out curved parts.

    This type of tool is designed for sawing wooden blanks, the thickness of which does not exceed 8-10 cm, sawing small branches and small work in the garden

    In the manufacture of narrow models, manufacturers install blades with triangular double-sided teeth, or with parallel sharpening. The disadvantage of the tool is that when pressed during operation, the blade can deviate from a given direction.

    Option # 2 - regular

    A standard hand saw can be equipped with any type of teeth and is often equipped with replaceable blades of various types and designs.

    To be able to saw off workpieces at a certain angle using a standard hand saw, you have to purchase special miter boxes

    But despite the declared versatility of their use, it is not advisable to use saws of this type in the manufacture of furniture.

    Option # 3 - with backing

    Both narrow and conventional saw blades tend to bend as the material becomes stiffer. In these cases, it is effective to use canvases equipped with a backing, which acts as a kind of stiffening rib.

    Hand saws equipped with a back are designed to create shallow cuts in a wooden surface of any thickness

    The backing prevents the saw from making a cut deeper than the width of the blade, since it prevents the blade from going further into the tree.

    Option # 4 - bow

    Bow-type saws are more bulky devices that act as an analogue of a jigsaw.

    The main purpose of this type of saw is to create an accurate cut when working with surfaces located at any angle.

    Due to the solidity of the design and the threaded connections of the handles, the bow-type saws are able to easily overcome knots, cutting along radii and curved patterns.

    Depending on the purpose and design of the saw, there may be:

    • swinging - for longitudinal cutting;
    • transverse - for sawing blanks across the wood fiber;
    • circular - for cutting holes, making rounding and curly sawing;
    • thorns - for cutting connecting spikes, as well as cutting out simple geometric shapes on the workpiece.

    Only with an onion-type hacksaw can you cut the material up and down, sawing workpieces with complex lines and performing the work alone without involving an assistant.

    The procedure for choosing a hand saw for wood is quite simple:

  • Determine the purpose for which the tool will be used. For carpentry work, choose products with fine teeth, which provide high cutting accuracy, for carpentry work, choose blades with coarse teeth.
  • Application frequency. If the hand saw will only be used for one-off work, choose a tool with hardened teeth. The service life of this type of product is quite large. In addition, you do not have to worry about sharpening and setting the teeth during operation.
  • Uniformity of the web. As you inspect the tool, try to gently bend the blade to a 30-45 ° angle and then release it. Re-inspect the blade: the slightest deviation at the bend point, even within 2 mm, indicates poor metal quality.
  • Product cost. As with the choice of other tools, keep in mind that high-quality models from leading brands are always much more expensive than consumer goods. This overpayment acts as a kind of guarantee for the durability and durability of the saw. But for one-time work, it makes no sense to spend money on an expensive tool.
  • Conventional handles are made of plastic. Prefabricated plastic handles made of two halves are not rigid enough. It is much more convenient to work with a tool with a one-piece handle, which is equipped with a rubberized pad for fingers. The presence of a rubber insert allows for a tighter grip, preventing the formation of calluses on the palm.

    Pay attention to the design of the tool handle: it is desirable that it has an ergonomic shape that allows you to correctly transfer force to the blade

    On sale there are products with standard and crossover handles. The second option is convenient in that it allows, if necessary, to replace the worn-out canvas with a new one.

    Keep in mind that not all hand saws are sold already sharpened. And this seemingly trifle largely determines how soon you can start working.

    There are many companies that make hacksaws on the market. Judging by the reviews, they have proven themselves well: a domestic-made Zubr hacksaw, Gross Piranha of joint German-Chinese cooperation, Irwin Xpert made in the USA. They are famous for their decent quality at a low price, which ranges from 10-20 USD.

    Finally, we suggest you watch a video with tips for choosing:

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    Updated: 19.09.2019 11:10:35

    Expert: Lev Kaufman

    * Review of the best according to the editors of the site. On the selection criteria. This material is subjective, does not constitute advertising and does not serve as a purchase guide. Before buying, you need to consult with a specialist.

    Despite the abundance of electric tools for cutting materials, traditional hacksaws are also used in human activities. With their help, you can quickly cut workpieces of different density. At the same time, there is no need to unwind the electric wire, refuel the equipment with gasoline, the tool does not take up much space in the trunk of the car. The low price allows not only professionals, but also home craftsmen to have hand tools. Today there are many different models, expert advice will help you make the right choice.

    How to choose a quality hacksaw

    1. For working with wood, both one-handed and two-handed models are suitable. It is better to cut off branches with a tool with narrow saber-shaped blades. And working with boards or blocks is more convenient than a classic hacksaw with a wide, even blade. You can quickly prepare firewood using a traditional two-handed saw.
    2. To work with harder materials based on wood and cardboard (laminate, parquet, chipboard, MDF, etc.), a special hacksaw is required. She has a different blade shape, hardness and sharpening of the teeth.
    3. To cut popular gas silicate blocks, you must use a special coarse-toothed hacksaw. The cutting part is equipped with carbide inserts, which retain their sharpness even after the construction of several buildings.
    4. A hacksaw for metal, on the contrary, is completed with narrow blades with the smallest teeth. Most often, such a tool has a frame structure.
    5. There are special hacksaws for cutting drywall. They have a special tooth configuration to make an even cut.
    6. When choosing a hacksaw, it is important to pay attention to the convenience of the handle. They come in many shapes and are made from traditional and modern materials. The main thing is to have a reliable and comfortable grip.
    7. Since during long-term operation from friction there is a strong heating of the blade, only carbon and high-speed steel grades are able to maintain hardness and sharpness. The hardness of the cutting edge should be at the level of 60-65 HRC, and the blade itself should be 45 units.

    Our review includes 14 of the best hacksaws. When compiling the rating, the opinion of experts and user reviews were taken into account.

    Rating of the best hacksaws

    Nomination a place Name of product price
    The best hacksaws for wood 1 1 895 ₽
    2 1 857 ₽
    3 1 260 ₽
    4 1,049 ₽
    5 649 ₽
    The best hacksaws for aerated concrete 1 3 400 ₽
    2 1 080 ₽
    3 920 ₽
    The best hacksaws for metal 1 2 850 ₽
    2 649 ₽
    3 1 390 ₽
    Best drywall hacksaw 1 2 085 ₽
    2 1 625 ₽
    3 1,062 ₽

    The best hacksaws for wood

    It is better to choose a hacksaw for wood depending on the purpose. The saw is universal if it has a blade with a length of 450-500 mm with an average size of teeth. It is more convenient to cut the garden with a shortened bow or circular model. And only a long two-handed saw can handle logs. The experts have selected several quality products.

    The Swedish Bahco 2600-16-XT11-HP hacksaw can handle different materials on a wooden base. The model of the universal type is designed for cross-cutting, although longitudinal cutting will also be possible in skilled hands. The experts praised the unusual geometry and long-lasting sharpness of the teeth, giving the model the first place in our rating. It should be noted the presence of a low-friction coating, it reduces friction during operation. This has a positive effect not only on the worker's fatigue, the canvas heats up less. In addition, the protective layer prevents corrosion. The handle has a two-component structure, it has a comfortable grip and reliable attachment to the canvas.

    Users are particularly fond of the quality cut. The disadvantages include the blackening of the cut at the initial stage of application.


    • high quality;
    • light weight (0.45 kg);
    • comfortable handle;
    • perfect cut.


    • high price.

    The Stanley 2-20-180 hacksaw was created especially for laminate flooring. The manufacturer made the blade from a high-strength quick cut. The latest heat treatment technology is used to harden the teeth. It allows you to withstand high loads without additional sharpening. At the same time, working with hand tools is quick and comfortable. The American hacksaw is light enough (0.46 kg), the blade length (450 mm) is enough for cross-cutting laminate and parquet boards. The tool is well held in the hand thanks to the ergonomic two-component handle.

    Finishers praise the Stanley 2-20-180 hacksaw, highlighting the quality of the materials used and an even cut. In terms of cutting speed, a hand tool is not inferior to a jigsaw, winning in accuracy. The model is in the second position.


    • high-quality manufacturing;
    • precise cut;
    • unique hardening of teeth;
    • long service life.


    • high price.

    The Fiskars 124810 bow saw is designed for pruning trees in the garden. The model has a collapsible design, the cutting blade can be changed quickly and without keys. The hacksaw is not very light (0.77 kg), so it will be tedious to cut branches with an outstretched arm. If necessary, you can help with the other hand by grasping the metal arch. For a comfortable grip, the manufacturer made special grooves for the fingers. The saw frame is protected from corrosion by a paint-and-lacquer coating. With a hacksaw length of 700 mm, it is optimal to work with branches with a diameter of 50-80 mm.

    The users have no special complaints about the quality of the hacksaw, except that there is a slight shift of the canvas to the side. But the main problem for domestic owners is finding spare canvases. Therefore, the hacksaw ranks third in the ranking.


    • light weight;
    • comfortable grip;
    • compactness;
    • high quality canvas.


    • there are no spare canvases on sale.

    The Gross 23100 circular hacksaw is capable of working with different materials. This is not only wood, composites (laminate, MDF, chipboard, etc.), but also various polymers (polyurethane, expanded polystyrene). The saw is designed by a renowned German manufacturer and manufactured in Taiwan. The main part of the product is a Japanese steel cutting blade. The teeth are 3D sharpened, so the cut is high quality and the cutting speed is high. A polymer coating is used to protect the canvas from rust. The grip is based on durable plastic, the grip has a special soft pad.

    Many craftsmen have in their arsenal a circular saw Gross 23100. They note the lightness (0.188 kg) and compactness of the model. Only the performance of the hacksaw is severely limited. The model does not make it into the top three of the rating.


    • lightness and compactness;
    • 3D teeth;
    • affordable price;
    • comfortable handle.


    • low productivity.

    The two-handed saw, which used to be in every home, today has become a real rarity. What should motivate the buyer to purchase the Zubr 1524-100? It's not just nostalgia or a desire to get in shape. First of all, the low price attracts. The second point that worries travelers, fishermen or hunters is its compact size and mobility. Removing a fallen tree from the road or preparing a few logs for the camp is as easy as two people. With the right skill, even one person can make a cut. The blade looks simple and practical, the sharp 2D teeth instantly dig into the wood.

    The wooden handles are somewhat upsetting for fastidious users, for which it is inconvenient to hold the tool, as well as the working position during sawing. The product closes our rating.


    • compactness;
    • practicality;
    • low price.


    • wooden handles;
    • uncomfortable posture when cutting.

    The best hacksaws for aerated concrete

    Foam and aerated concrete blocks have become a popular building material for the construction of walls. Coarse-toothed hacksaws are used to cut the dense structure. The length of the blade varies in the range of 500-700 mm, the teeth must be tipped with carbide. Experts have identified several good models.

    A necessary tool for a bricklayer is a hacksaw for aerated concrete. The IRWIN 10505549 saw is designed for long-term work with block materials. The safety margin is enough for the construction of several houses. The blade is 700 mm long and is made of 1 mm thick Swedish steel. The cutting part is made using TGT technology (triangular sharpening), every second tooth is carbide-soldered. For comfortable work of the operator, the manufacturer has equipped the hacksaw with a soft ergonomic handle. It is connected to the canvas using a screw fastening. During storage and transport, the blade is protected by an interactive case.

    Users refer to the saw as one great asset. With its help, an accurate and smooth cut is possible, the tool has been serving for many years. The model ranks first in our ranking.


    • Swedish steel;
    • carbide-tipped teeth;
    • triangular sharpening;
    • ergonomic handle.


    • high price.

    Decent quality at an affordable price allowed the Zubr 15157-70 hacksaw to take second place in the ranking. To work with hard material, the manufacturer has applied several new technologies. The steel sheet is protected from corrosion and mechanical stress by an anti-friction coating. Special large teeth are "VK8" carbide-tipped. To connect the carbide to steel, a special brazing technology was used. The blade is attached to the 2-piece handle with 3 screws. High impact plastic combined with a soft polymer pad. It is possible to store the hacksaw in a suspended position thanks to the hole in the edge of the blade.

    The builders note the high-quality production of the saw, the reasonable price. But in order to get an even cut, it is necessary to adapt to the slipping of the blade.


    • carbide teeth;
    • suspension hole;
    • acceptable price.


    • there is a shift of the canvas to the side.

    At the most affordable price, the STAYER 2-15096 aerated concrete hacksaw is sold in the domestic market. The German-Chinese instrument is suitable for home craftsmen who build houses, garages and outbuildings with their own hands. Unlike the leaders in the rating, the model has a shorter steel blade (500 mm), protected by an anti-friction coating. Coarse teeth with carbide inserts are spaced 20 mm apart. The plastic handle has a rubberized insert, which makes the work comfortable. The hacksaw can be hung during storage thanks to the hole in the blade.

    In the reviews, users consider the hacksaw to be the most suitable option for home construction. Only it is difficult to make longitudinal cuts because of the short blade.


    • low price;
    • ergonomic handle;
    • sharp carbide teeth.


    • teeth quickly become blunt;
    • short web.

    The best hacksaws for metal

    The narrow and thin blade of a hacksaw for metal is able to penetrate into the most inaccessible places where it is impossible to get close with a grinder. It will be easier to make cuts in different directions if you can turn the blade to the desired angle. Here are some effective tools.

    A unique hacksaw for metal professionals is the Bahco 325. It has a sturdy aluminum frame with a spring tension mechanism. This design allows you to quickly and conveniently replace the hacksaw blade. After installation, the cutting element is centered, resulting in a perfect balance. The blade can be installed at an angle of 55 degrees. The manufacturer equips its product with a Sandflex bimetallic blade 300 mm long. Due to its high hardness, sharp sharpening remains for a long time.

    The Bahco 325 hacksaw is considered by artisans to be the best tool for cutting metal. Experts highly appreciated the quality of the product, giving it the first place in our rating.


    • high quality;
    • aluminum frame with spring mechanism;
    • bimetallic blade;
    • two cutting corners.


    • high price.

    The experts gave the second place in our rating to the Stanley 0-20-108 hacksaw-transformer. The manufacturer has developed a unique frame design that allows you to choose one of five configurations depending on the cutting conditions. With the help of a file, it is possible not only to saw metal workpieces, but also to align the edges. The blade can also be rotated 45 degrees. The basis of the hacksaw is a fiberglass-coated steel frame. It has a special compartment for storing the cutting blade. The tool can be held with both hands and one. A two-piece handle provides a comfortable hold.

    The hacksaw has earned praise for its versatility and from consumers. Bright coloring is also a plus of the model. But the build quality does not allow the product to surpass the leader.


    • multifunctionality;
    • ease of use;
    • stylish design;
    • strength.


    • poor quality assembly;
    • great weight.

    A simple and affordable hacksaw Gross 77604 took third place in our rating. The model has a steel frame protected from corrosion by a paint-and-lacquer coating. The manufacturer has equipped his product with a lever mechanism, he is responsible for the maximum tension of the cutting blade. The blade can be rotated 45 and 90 degrees. The bimetallic blade is made of carbon steel, to which a fast cutting strip with teeth is welded. Thanks to the specially shaped grip and rubberized insert, it is convenient to hold the tool, reducing fatigue during long sawing.

    Users in the reviews are flattering about the quality of the materials used, the reasonable price and the lever mechanism. But the quality of the canvas leaves much to be desired.


    • beautiful appearance;
    • robust construction;
    • comfortable to hold in hand;
    • tension lever mechanism.


    • the canvas wears out quickly.

    Best drywall hacksaw

    When cutting drywall, the hacksaw has to go through the paper structure, and then the gypsum. Therefore, the blade must not only be hard and sharp, but also have a certain configuration of teeth. A hacksaw with a classic shape is suitable for craftsmen, and for novice finishers it is better to use a compact and lightweight tool in the form of a knife. Experts advise paying attention to the following models.

    The Stanley 2-20-149 hacksaw has a robust design. It is designed to make precise and even cuts in difficult materials such as gypsum boards and panels. For the manufacture of the blade, the manufacturer used high-strength high-speed steel U8A. Experts drew attention to the triangular sharpening of the teeth; for hardening, the cutting part was subjected to selective heat treatment. The handle not only has a comfortable shape and a pleasant to the touch surface. The angle between the cutting edge and the line of the worker's hand is very well chosen. The model becomes the winner of our rating.

    Users have no complaints about the quality of the hacksaw. With its help, it is possible to smoothly and quickly make cuts in drywall.


    • triangular sharpening of teeth;
    • convenience at work;
    • two-piece handle;
    • anti-friction coating.


    • high price.

    The Swedish plasterboard hacksaw is distinguished by a special configuration of the cutting part. First, there is a line of small teeth (GT geometry), and then several groups of teeth (4 each), alternating with depressions, follow. Thanks to this distribution of cutting elements, it was possible to increase the sawing efficiency due to the timely removal of chips and dust. The blade length is 600 mm, which is optimal for working with drywall. It is very convenient to work with the hacksaw, one of the reasons for the comfort is the two-component handle.

    Many finishers use the Swedish hacksaw, praising the quality of the workmanship and the efficiency of the application. Serious problems arise only with the sharpening of the blade. The experts gave the instrument the second place in the rating.


    • unique configuration of the cutting part;
    • two-component handle;
    • durable canvas;
    • efficient sawing.


    • complex sharpening.

    The most compact and convenient tool for cutting drywall is the IRWIN 10505705 hacksaw. The American manufacturer made it in the form of a large knife, the blade of which has teeth. The total length of the model is 345 mm, of which 150 mm falls on the blade. In addition to drywall, the tool copes well with wood and plastic, which makes it versatile. The blade is made of strong steel and is tapered towards the end. This shape allows the craftsman to cut different shapes. The lightweight hacksaw (0.13 kg) is easy to hold in your hand thanks to the two-component handle.

    Many users rave about the compactness and lightness of the hacksaw. It has an affordable price and does not interfere during work. The disadvantages include low performance when executing large-scale projects.


    • compactness and lightness;
    • narrow blade;
    • low price;
    • comfortable handle.


    • poor performance.

    Attention! This rating is subjective and does not constitute an advertisement and does not serve as a purchase guide. Before buying, you need to consult with a specialist.

    Wood, as a building material, has numerous advantages, not the least of which is ease of processing. Various tools are available for working with wood, but the simplest and most common is the conventional hand saw. What are the parameters for choosing a hacksaw for wood, which is better and what to look for when choosing a new tool?

    Criteria for choosing a hacksaw for wood

    The choice of the most convenient option is usually determined by a set of the following characteristics:

    • length of the canvas;
    • the material used in the manufacture of the saw;
    • handle configuration;
    • shape, step, size of the tooth.

    Even if one of the listed characteristics changes, the performance properties of the hacksaw also change noticeably. It is clear that the shape of the handle affects the comfort of working with the tool. Therefore, if the saw will be mainly used by one master, you need to select the handle so that, as they say, it "fits" in the hand. If you rarely use a hacksaw, and also not too intensively, then the comfort of holding becomes not the most important parameter.
    Most often hacksaws are produced with blade lengths from 350 to 600 mm. The choice of blade length depends on the expected thickness of the wood products that will have to be cut. The main thing here is not to go to extremes, because a blade that is too short will have to work longer to achieve the same result, and a blade that is too long, especially when cutting hard wood, can spring and, again, create difficulties.

    Blade material, pitch and tooth types

    The material for the production of hacksaw blades is, as a rule, tool steel or alloy steel. In order for the tool to serve for a long time, you should choose a saw with a blade made of high types of steel, preferably stainless steel. The price will be higher, but it will surely pay off. In addition, the teeth can be hardened or not. Both options have their merits. Unhardened teeth can always be sharpened, with a certain skill. Hardened teeth are more reliable, last longer, but sharpening them after they wear out is unlikely to work.

    The question of which hacksaw for wood is best suited for certain conditions can most often be answered based on the size, type, pitch of the teeth. Efficient cutting of wood-based materials is characterized by speed and precision of the cut. These properties depend on each other - the cutting accuracy is guaranteed by a fine tooth, while reducing the working speed. Larger teeth will cut faster, but the cut surface quality and accuracy will deteriorate.

    For the correct selection, the TPI parameter is important, which means the number of teeth per inch of the working length of the blade. This factor, as a rule, is indicated in the markings on the side surface of the web. For accurate work, where the accuracy and quality of surfaces are of great importance, TPI should be equal to 7-11, but if speed is preferable, then TPI is selected with a value of 3-5.

    By the type of teeth, several types of hacksaws are distinguished:

    1. For rip sawing. This tool has oblique triangle teeth and is used to cut wood along the grain.
    2. The cross hacksaw is equipped with isosceles triangular teeth, mainly used for dry wood.
    3. For mixed cuts. Triangular teeth alternate with semicircular teeth. Not recommended for intensive, frequent use.
    4. With a trapezoidal tooth. Each tooth of this hacksaw has three cutting edges. The use of this hacksaw has undeniable advantages - the tool cuts quickly, effortlessly.
    5. The redesigned saw has grouped teeth, separated by special gaps, which make it easier to remove chips from the cut area.

    Hacksaws, in addition to the shape and location of the teeth, are divided according to the shape and length of the blade, they are folding, with different shapes of handles. The durability, as well as the quality of the tool's performance, can be indirectly evidenced by the price. A good hacksaw is unlikely to be the cheapest.

    Popular models

    Information from sellers about which hacksaws are best selling for wood makes it possible to judge the most popular models. Let's take a look at some of them.

    Stanley Jet Cut SP2-15-288

    This hacksaw is equipped with a D-handle, 50cm blade with 7mm tooth pitch. The 3-edged tooth provides an easy and fast sawing experience. The fine Swedish steel used in the production of the blade ensures the high quality of the tool. The teeth are practically not subject to wear, which makes it possible for many years of successful use. Price - within 1200-1300 rubles.

    Bison Expert

    The tool is popular, it wins due to its reasonable cost (from 700 rubles), as well as its versatility. The triangular hardened teeth allow for longitudinal and cross cuts at a sufficiently high speed. The special technology of setting the teeth eliminates the occurrence of clamping forces, improves productivity and efficiency. Hardened, specially set teeth, 5 mm pitch, comfortable plastic handle. Blade length from 40 cm.

    Stanley General Purpose 1-20-089

    Designed for precise and accurate cutting of workpieces, this hacksaw has fine teeth (TPI = 11), made using Jet Cut technology, an ergonomic handle, and a ground steel blade. A feature can be considered the accuracy provided by a small tooth. At the same time, the working speed is also quite high, due to the teeth with three cutting edges (sawing occurs both in the forward and in the reverse direction). The comfortable handle provides a firm grip, excellent control and ease of use, is attached to the canvas with three screws. Length 380 mm, price - 650-700 rubles.

    BAHCO Laplander 396-LAP

    An excellent tool for sawing dry and damp wood, designed and manufactured especially for hunters, fishermen and tourists, although it is also used by gardeners and even builders. Excellent Swedish quality, TPI = 7, Sandvik XT shaped teeth, allowing sawing both along and across the grain. The blade has a special coating applied not only to protect against corrosion, but also to reduce friction. Folded length -23 cm, weight 200 g. The blade is securely fixed in both folded and unfolded positions. The only drawback is the price - from 1.6 to 2 thousand rubles.

    1. How to choose a saw?
    2. Tooth size
    3. Choice of steel
    4. Blade length
    5. Handle shape
    6. Varieties
    7. Type 1: Classic
    8. Type 2: Narrow
    9. Type 3: Backed
    10. Type 4: Bow
    11. Type 5: Reward
    12. Type 6: Folding tool
    13. Selection by purpose
    14. How to decide

    Without a hand saw, it is difficult to imagine an arsenal of tools for a home craftsman or locksmith. Its other name is a hacksaw. With this tool, you can saw down branches in the garden, shorten the pickets for the fence and do a lot of work where it is necessary to change the length of a wooden product: laminate, boards for the household, etc.

    Perhaps you have not thought, but the correct choice of a hacksaw saw determines not only its service life, but also the convenience of work, the quality of the cut. Let us consider the main parameters of the correct choice of this tool, which is necessary in the economy and carpentry.

    How to choose a saw?

    A hacksaw for wood is available on the market in different versions. How products can differ:

    • Tooth shape and size;
    • Canvas size;
    • The brand of steel from which the working part (blade) is made;
    • Handle shape.

    A hacksaw saw with a change in one of the above parameters can radically change its characteristics. Also, sitting comfortably in the hand of one master is completely unsuitable for another. These factors need to be considered when choosing a tool for different purposes.

    Tooth size

    This parameter affects the quality and speed of work. For the convenience of determining the size and number of teeth, the designation TPI has been introduced, indicating the number of teeth in one inch. This parameter can be seen in the description of a hand saw for wood, often the value is applied to the blade.

    A carpenter's hacksaw is selected primarily by the size of the tooth. So, for ordinary wood, small and large are suitable, and for "delicate" materials such as fiberboard, a fine-toothed saw is needed. In stores, you can now find similar designations: "for wood", "for drywall", etc. Their main difference is the size of the teeth, which is optimal for cutting each of the materials indicated on the label.

    The teeth are distinguished by their shape, depending on this, the tool acquires a different purpose:

    Choice of steel

    For the tool to last longer, you should choose high grades of steel for the production of the blade. It is better if it is stainless.

    Teeth can be hardened or regular. Ordinary ones can be sharpened at home, saws with hardened teeth are disposable, after wear nothing can be done with them. They are easy to recognize by their dark color as in the photo.

    Blade length

    This parameter is determined by the size and pitch of the sawtooth.

    • A mini-hacksaw is always equipped with small, frequent teeth, the length of its blade does not exceed 350 mm;
    • The universal hacksaw has an average tooth size and a length of no more than 550 mm;
    • A wide hacksaw is equipped with large teeth with an increased pitch, the length of its blade is over 600 mm.

    In addition to the length, the canvas can vary in shape. A traditional saw has the shape of a rectangle narrowed on one side. This is a versatile type of tool that can cut anything.

    The rounded blade is adapted for working with branches and other objects at a distance: it is lightweight, easily glides over the wood without much effort.

    Handle shape

    This part of the saw determines the convenience of work. The tool should ideally blend into the hand and be comfortable. For the manufacture of pens, various plastics are used that are pleasing to the body. An important note - the material should not slip if the hand suddenly fogs up. For this purpose, the handle body has recesses and grooves, a rubberized pad.


    By combining the above factors, manufacturers have developed and are currently producing standard products with different blades, handle and tooth shapes. To understand how to choose a hacksaw for wood, you first need to familiarize yourself with the existing types of saws.

    Type 1: Classic

    The main type of saw that almost every man has, even those far from construction and carpentry. This hacksaw can have a blade of any length with a different number of teeth, often the tool is equipped with interchangeable blades that come with the purchase.

    Type 2: Narrow

    Its other name is circular hacksaw. It takes the name from the main application - lines of various shapes are cut out for it, moreover, it does it neatly and clearly. It is also used for sawing through round, square holes. The saw blade is narrow, the teeth are frequent, can be located both on one working plane, and on both.

    When working with a saw, you should be careful: if the movement is uncertain, the blade will turn in the other direction, therefore, the choice of a hacksaw for wood with a narrow blade should be stopped on a product made of high-quality hard steel, which will not bend during the sawing process.

    Type 3: Backed

    A hacksaw with a backing is equipped with a stiffening rib (the same backing), which does not allow the blade to bend during operation. Thus, the tool is not able to make a cut lower than the width of the saw blade.

    The hacksaw is always equipped with a comfortable handle at an angle of 45 0 to the blade for easy execution of work.

    Type 4: Bow

    For plumbing, an archery saw is indispensable: it serves to cut rough parts of the trunk, knots, to cut figures from plywood and other wood materials, to cut wood along and across the fibers. The use of a bow saw is so widespread that it alone can replace a small woodworking machine.

    The wide range of work carried out slightly obscures the main disadvantages:

    1. Bulky. A bow saw is a complex design, its bearing part is made in the form of a large curved arc, to which a blade with teeth narrow as a thread is attached.
    2. Fragility. You need to work with the tool extremely carefully: the blade during operation can fly off the mounts and break, it needs to be replaced frequently.

    Type 5: Reward

    The award saw takes a lot of effort to master. It is a tool that resembles a plane. It is equipped with two handles. Its main application is cutting grooves and spikes, the depth of holes and depressions can be of different sizes, moreover, on rocks of any hardness.

    Type 6: Folding tool

    A mechanical hacksaw that you can take with you on a hike or on vacation. It is compact, lightweight, and completely safe when folded. The folding hacksaw has fine teeth and a short, pointed blade.

    Selection by purpose

    In addition to taking into account the main types of saws, the choice of a hacksaw for wood should be carried out on request for a certain type of work:

    1. Sliding for rip sawing;
    2. The transverse copes well with wood across the grain;
    3. Thorn for cutting grooves, spikes and technological grooves in products;
    4. Circular for cutting holes of different shapes;
    5. Folding hacksaw for wood

    These types of wood hacksaws generalize the above tool models. The choice should be made according to the main purpose, for which the selected type of tool is acquired. For a household, it is advisable to purchase a saw with replaceable blades or have several different types of hacksaws in your arsenal.

    How to decide

    This amount of new information is not easy to put into practice, so we will give you some tips on how to consistently choose the right saw.

    1. The first factor that must be fate is what kind of material to be cut will go into work and what is the desired cut quality. Carpenters working with small wood products choose small saws with a short blade. For a carpenter, it is better to use large teeth and a blade - this master does not require high precision of work, speed is a priority. A folding garden hacksaw is ideal for summer residents who will only cut through trees and shrubs.
    2. Application frequency. Determine how often you will need to use the tool. If the need arises rarely, take a saw with hardened teeth, if often there will be a need for sharpening - from ordinary steel.
    3. The quality of the steel must be high for a tool with any frequency of use. The higher the class of metal, the better the product is. Before buying, take the tool in your hands and gently bend the blade to 45 0. Good metal is resilient and will regain its shape when the saw tip is released without shifting the center axis. If you notice a deviation, return the hacksaw to the seller.
    4. In this case, the price is the guarantor of quality. Of course, provided that the seller is honest and does not offer you a fake. A good product cannot be cheap. Choose in the middle price range, if your wallet allows - do not skimp on an expensive saw. Select a manufacturer by trust rating and give preference to its products in the store. In most cases, this tactic allows you to avoid buying something incomprehensible instead of a good instrument.
    5. Take a hacksaw in your hand. You should be comfortable holding it. The material of manufacture can be solid plastic with a rubberized handle.

    By adhering to these simple rules, you can easily choose the right wood hacksaw for your needs.