Fiberglass reinforcement: disadvantages, characteristics, application. Application of composite reinforcement in construction Temperature of application of composite reinforcement

Comparative specifications and advantages
fiberglass composite rebar

The main advantages of fiberglass reinforcement

First of all, reinforcement made of polymer building materials is distinguished by high strength and rather low specific gravity (almost four times less) when compared with similar reinforcement made of metal. In addition, the tensile strength of fiberglass composite reinforcement is two and a half times higher than that of metal counterparts. These properties make it possible to significantly expand the scope of use of fiberglass reinforcement. Comparative characteristics of composite reinforcement AKP-SP and steel reinforcement A-III

Comparative technical characteristics of composite fiberglass reinforcement and steel reinforcement

Specifications Steel armature class A-III (A400C) Reinforcement composite polymer fiberglass (AKS) Description
Material Steel Glass roving bonded with epoxy resin
Tensile strength, MPa 390 1268 The higher the score, the better. The tensile characteristic of reinforcement is the most basic indicator when taking into account the loads on the finished product. In all finished products, the reinforcement works precisely for rupture, except for floor slabs in which its elastic modulus is also taken into account.
Elastic modulus, MPa 200 000 60 000 The higher the score, the better. A characteristic showing the load on the deflection of reinforcement in finished products. It is taken into account only in floor slabs, lintels, bridge construction, etc.
Relative extension, % 25 2,2 The lower the score, the better. A characteristic that helps to avoid cracks in the foundation. Fiberglass, unlike metal, practically does not stretch. It is an important factor when pouring floors, in the manufacture of road slabs. A section of the road to the city of Perm on the street. Karpinsky (From the overpass through the trans-Siberian railway to Stakhanovskaya street) was made 9 years ago with the use of composite reinforcement, there are still no longitudinal and transverse cracks and destruction of the asphalt concrete pavement (!).
Density, t / m3 7 1,9 Affects the weight of the product.
Corrosion resistance to aggressive media Corrodes Stainless material A characteristic that allows the material to be used in an aggressive environment and in places of direct contact with water (strengthening the coastline, wells, drainages, curbs, etc.), as well as saving concrete in the production of slabs, by reducing the protective layer (which for metal reinforcement much bigger).
Thermal conductivity Heat conductive Non-thermal This characteristic makes it possible to increase heat retention in buildings by 35% more than metal in the case of using external walls with a finishing material as flexible connections (since, unlike steel reinforcement, it does not form cold bridges).
Electrical conductivity Electrically conductive Non-conductive - dielectric Unlike steel reinforcement, it does not create a "screen" that interferes with cellular communication.
Manufactured profiles, mm 6 — 80 4 — 24 Other sizes are under development, as well as fittings of various configurations.
Length Rods 6 - 12 m long According to the buyer's request. Any construction length. Delivery in bays is possible. This characteristic gives savings due to a decrease or almost complete absence of scraps in comparison with metal reinforcement, and also gives an advantage by excluding a bundle of whips among themselves, since the length in a coil is 100 meters or more
Environmental friendliness Environmentally friendly Non-toxic, according to the degree of impact on the human body and the environment, it belongs to the 4th hazard class (low hazard) No harm to health has been identified. There is a hygienic certificate.
Durability Approximately 50 years old in accordance with building regulations. Unknown Since the material does not corrode and does not react with aggressive media, its durability can only be guessed at.
Parameters of an equal-strength reinforcing cage at a load of 25 t / m2 When using reinforcement 8 А-III, mesh size 14 x 14 cm.weight 5.5 kg / m2 When using reinforcement 8 AKS, the mesh size is 23 x 23 cm. Weight 0.61 kg / m2. Weight reduction by 9 times. The lighter weight of the composite rebar allows significant savings in shipping and handling convenience.

Equal strength replacement of steel metal with composite fiberglass reinforcement.

The concept of equal-strength replacement is the replacement of reinforcement made of steel with reinforcement made of composite materials, which has the same strength and similar other physical and mechanical characteristics. Under the equal-strength diameter of fiberglass reinforcement, we mean its such an outer diameter at which the strength will be equal to the strength of a metal analogue of a given diameter.

Equivalent replacement

Stretch diagram. Determination of the yield point and ultimate strength of metal reinforcement

Figure 1 shows the stress versus strain curve of metal reinforcement.

Picture 1

Figure 2 shows an approximate location of the voltage dependence curves
from deformation of metal and composite reinforcement (1).

Picture 2

Description of the key points of the diagram

σп- The highest stress up to which the material follows Hooke's law is called the proportionality limit. The proportionality limit depends on the conventionally adopted degree of approximation, with which the initial section of the diagram can be considered as a straight line.

The elastic properties of the material are retained up to a stress called the elastic limit σy, that is, this is the highest stress up to which the material does not receive permanent deformations.

σt is the yield point.

The yield point is understood as the stress at which the deformation grows without a noticeable increase in the load. In cases where there is no clearly defined yield area on the diagram, the stress value at which the permanent deformation is 0.2% is conventionally taken as the yield point.

The ratio of the maximum force that the sample can withstand to its initial cross-sectional area is called the ultimate strength or ultimate strength. The tensile strength is also a conditional value.

The unit of measure for the yield point and ultimate strength is pascal Pa. It is more convenient to measure the yield point and ultimate strength in megapascals MPa.

Graph analysis:

  • at low loads, composite reinforcement stretches better than metal reinforcement.
  • before Hooke's law ceases to apply in metal, both curves are almost straightforward.
  • after the metal starts to "flow", the composite rebar continues to work as before.
  • after Hooke's law stopped working in composite rebar, steel has long burst.
  • composite reinforcement almost does not flow, but immediately bursts, this can be seen when the oblique straight line (1) very quickly turns into horizontal and is interrupted.
  • the graph shows that the composite reinforcement will withstand a much higher load than the metal one.
  • the metal reinforcement will stretch and burst when, under the same load, the composite one behaves much better, since the graph does not change its direction.

Fiberglass reinforcement is widely used in construction in the west, while in the domestic industry its use is poorly distributed. However, in recent years, the popularity of this material has been growing, the reason for this is the many operational advantages in comparison with traditional rolled metal products.

This article presents fiberglass reinforcement (GRP). We will consider the technical characteristics, advantages and disadvantages, standard sizes and use of composite reinforcement.

1 Product mix and GOSTs

Non-metallic composite reinforcement was developed back in the USSR in the 60s, but the mass production of the material was never established due to the then high cost of fiberglass. However, in the construction of several large facilities, composite reinforcement was used, including power lines in Batumi, Moscow and bridges in Khabarovsk.

To date, there is no GOST standard with technical requirements for this material (the project is under development). The main regulatory act is SNiP No. 52-01-2003 "Composite reinforcement", according to which fiberglass products can be used in construction as a replacement for rolled metal. Each of the manufacturers has a technical specification for their products, along with which test reports and certificates of admission are supplied.

Composite reinforcement is produced in the range of diameters 4-20 mm. The profile of the rods can be corrugated or smooth. Depending on the material of manufacture, the following types of non-metallic products are distinguished:

  • ASP - fiberglass reinforcement made of fiberglass bonded with a layer of synthetic resin;
  • ABP - basalt-plastic products, in which the fiberglass core is replaced with a melt of basalt fibers;
  • ASPET - products made of fiberglass and polymer thermoplastic;
  • AUP - carbon fiber reinforcement.

The most common in the construction of ASP and ABP, carbon fiber reinforcement is used less often due to the lower mechanical strength of the material.

1.1 Areas of application

Application of s.p. reinforcement in construction is practiced in the construction of residential, public and industrial structures, as well as low-rise buildings, where ASP is used for:

  • reinforcement of reinforced concrete structures (walls and floor slabs);
  • repair of surfaces of brick and reinforced concrete objects;
  • layer-by-layer masonry of walls using flexible connection technology;
  • all types (slab, tape, columnar);
  • strengthening of walls and aerated concrete blocks and installation of monolithic armored belts.

The use of s.p. is widespread. fittings and in the field of road and railway construction, in which ASP is used:

  • when arranging embankments and road surfaces;
  • when strengthening the slopes of the roads;
  • during the construction of bridges;
  • while strengthening coastlines.

Polymer composite reinforcement for reinforcing concrete structures is completely resistant to corrosion and chemically aggressive substances, which significantly expands the scope of its application.

1.2 Benefits of ASP

Composite reinforcement has the following operational advantages:

Disadvantages of s.p. reinforcement - low modulus of elasticity (4 times less than that of steel), which limits the possibility of its use in vertical reinforcement, the tendency to loss of strength when heated above 600 degrees. Please note that composite reinforcement is not subject to bending in the conditions of the construction site- if it is necessary to use bent elements, they must be ordered separately from the manufacturer.

2 Comparison of ASP and metal analogs

We offer you a comparison of the technical characteristics of composite and steel reinforcement.

Rebar type Metal Fiberglass (ASP)
Manufacturing material Steel grade 25G2S or 35 GS Fiberglass bonded with synthetic resin
The weight 7.9 kg / m 3 1.9 kg / m 3
360 1200
Elastic modulus (MPa) 200 000 55 000
Relative extension (%) 24 2.3
Stress-strain relationship Curved line with yield pad Straight line with elastic linear dependence up to destruction
Linear expansion (mm / m) 14-15 9-11
Resistant to corrosive environments Low, susceptible to rust High, does not rust
Thermal conductivity of materials (W / mK) 47 0.46
Electrical conductivity Present Dielectric
Diameters 6-80 mm 4-20 mm
Measured length 6-12 m Arbitrary length at the request of the customer

Consider a comparison of the interchangeable diameters of composite and metal products using the example of rods:

  • A3 6 mm - ASP 4 mm;
  • A3 8 mm - ASP 6 mm;
  • A3 10 mm - ASP 8 mm;
  • A3 12 mm - ASP 8 mm;
  • A3 14 mm - ASP 10 mm;
  • A3 16 mm - ASP 12 mm.

2.1 Overview of fiberglass reinforcement (video)

3 Manufacturing technology of composite products

Fiberglass reinforcement is made from roving (raw material fibers), a binder material - polymer resin, a hardener and a hardening accelerator. The specific ratio of materials depends on the temperature and humidity conditions inside the production area.

See also: what is the difference between reinforcement and what are its parameters?

The production line includes the following equipment:

  1. Heating hopper - in it the fibers are heated to increase adhesion to the resin.
  2. Impregnation bath - the roving is impregnated with a mixture of resin and hardeners.
  3. The wrapper - pushes the raw material through the dies, during the passage of which rods of a given diameter are formed.
  4. Sand application equipment, where the sand granules are evenly distributed over the surface of the bar, and the excess is removed with an air stream.
  5. The polymerization oven, where the design strength of the rods is set.
  6. Equipment for cooling products is a 3-5 meter line located at the exit from the polymerization oven.
  7. Broaching equipment, cut-off mechanism and installation for coiling coils - finished fiberglass reinforcement is cut into sections of the required length or coiled into commercial coils 50-100 m long.

There are many standard solutions on the market, including all the necessary equipment. The cost of the new line varies within 3-5 million rubles.

Medium productivity equipment is capable of producing up to 15,000 m of reinforcement per working day.

Fiberglass reinforcement is a modern development that significantly facilitates foundation and concrete work. The method is new, therefore, when choosing, it is important to know its characteristics, advantages and disadvantages in comparison with metal fittings.

AKC - what is it, its structure and appearance

Composite rebar is a round bar with rolled stiffeners. Made of fiberglass. Available in various sections. Its diameter, depending on the required strength of the products, can vary from 4 mm to 18 mm. The workpieces can be cut in lengths up to 12 m.

For ease of transportation, twisting of the reinforcement is used if its section is up to 10 mm in diameter. Additional strength is obtained by using fiberglass for the production of continuous fibers. This method is called polymer equipment by foreign manufacturers.

In our documents, the fiberglass reinforcement piece is abbreviated as AKS. Fiberglass reinforcement made of 2 main parts:

  • the main detail is the center barrel. It is carried out in parallel arranged fiberglass threads. A polymer resin is used to connect them. Such a device gives the product additional strength;
  • external turns or sprinkling for better joining with concrete. They are applied in the form of several spirals along the entire length of the main trunk. There are two methods of making turns - powder spraying and bi-directional winding of ribs. Composite rebar is available in various types of center bar. A pigtail made of carbon fiber is one of the types of this part.

Physical properties and materials used in the production of reinforcing products

The main characteristics were obtained after a number of scientific studies and the introduction of the latest developments. Some properties make it possible to use it for reinforcement in residential and industrial construction:

  • low weight of products - steel reinforcement is an order of magnitude heavier (9 times);
  • not subject to destruction from corrosion, acids, alkalis. According to this indicator, metal fittings are inferior by 10 points;
  • low level of thermal conductivity. When arranging foundations and floor slabs, the possibility of violation of thermal insulation due to cold bridges is reduced to 0.
  • lightweight and flexible- this quality simplifies its delivery and work;
  • does not conduct electricity, does not lend itself to the action of stray currents;
  • due to plasticity takes any shape, no welding or cutting machines are required.

Thanks to these characteristics, the reinforcement of the foundation with fiberglass reinforcement becomes justified both in production and in economic terms. Much in this matter is decided by the material used for the production of ASP. The industry produces non-metallic composite rebar from several types of modern plastics. They are based on the following materials:

  1. Fiberglass.
  2. Carbon fiber.
  3. Basalt plastic.
  4. Made from aramid.
  5. Material based on glass-reinforced polyethylene terephthalate.

The price of some materials does not allow them to be used in bulk. For this reason, 2 types of materials are most popular. These are fiberglass and basalt-plastic products. The main trunk is woven from many strands of material. They are connected using thermoactive synthetic resins.

For a reliable connection of the bar, either sand sprinkling is applied, or the barrel wraps around several turns, going in a spiral. When using fiberglass reinforcement, its property of slight stretching in a concrete product should be taken into account. In this case, there will be very little contact with the concrete and detachment of turns or abrasive dust will occur.

Basalt plastic products do not have a reliable bond with concrete. The best retention is provided by the turns made of carbon fiber, applied to the fiberglass main barrel. In this case, there is an even distribution of the load on the entire part and normal fixation of the bar to the concrete mass.

Advantages and disadvantages of using

Reviews of builders allow us to recognize the following main advantages:

  • low weight of products allows not only to facilitate the work of workers, but also makes the structures light enough. Therefore, it is used for aerated concrete and other materials that reduce the weight of the structure while maintaining a high level of reliability and strength;
  • metal, capable to pass the cold through the bridges of cold. The use of fiberglass reinforcement eliminates this possibility, this advantage is especially important in the monolithic construction of buildings;
  • consumption decreases material when packing it into coils. The lashes are produced at 12 meters, which allows for more economical cutting. This point is especially important in private construction, when every ruble spent is scrupulously calculated;
  • enhances economic component, the possibility of linking without overlaps and the use of welding;
  • it can serve for a long time and not lose its properties, but metal, laid in a concrete slab, also does not decompose;
  • dielectric qualities give a guarantee of safe living in the building, but this dignity is controversial. Concrete is itself a dielectric;
  • a high level of resistance to exposure to chemicals is important when performing foundation work at low temperatures. At this time, various additives are added to the concrete;
  • Does not interfere with the passage of radio waves. This quality is especially important in monolithic construction, metal reinforcement interferes with the normal operation of mobile communications and the passage of a radio signal. The use of composite reinforcement can reduce the level of radio interference in the building.

These products also have drawbacks. A specialist using this material can easily name them:

  • Reinforcing fiberglass(asp) exceeds the cost of steel reinforcement. But this minus is easily covered by the possibility of using thinner reinforcement for a similar type of work;
  • subject to deformation and destruction at high temperatures, but the likelihood of such an effect inside concrete is unrealistic;
  • if used fiberglass reinforcement for a foundation with many turns, there is no way to bend parts for bending, but the problem is easily solved. It is enough to take a piece of steel bar, bend it at the desired angle and tie it to the main lash;
  • one of the main disadvantages - it is low elasticity when breaking the bar. In this case, fiberglass reinforcement is inferior to steel, but it works better in tension. Due to its low resistance to fracture, its use in capital construction is somewhat limited;
  • using it in the foundation and pouring concrete from the mixer, you need to be extremely careful. Glass reinforcement cannot be placed in a rigid frame and, under high pressure, its integrity can be violated. Composite mesh is the best solution.

How to knit fiberglass reinforcement, but easier than metal. This does not require the use of different hooks. IT is tied with self-tightening plastic clamps. The operation is simple and requires a minimum of knowledge and tools.

Having considered the advantages and disadvantages, it is impossible to unequivocally answer the question of which is better - light plastic or hard steel. It is subject only to civil engineers.

Scope of use and main types of reinforcing bars

These products are subdivided not only by the appearance and the method of applying the ribs, stiffness. The main classification is the scope of use of rods:

  • working;
  • distribution;
  • assembly room;
  • manufactured to strengthen concrete products and structures.

The production of various products has been established, depending on the tasks set for reinforcement in construction:

  • separate, different in size, lashes;
  • reinforcing mesh;
  • depending on the size, frames of various designs and dimensions are produced.

With a short period of use, composite reinforcement is used by various construction organizations. It is used for the manufacture of drainage wells, concrete walls, the strip foundation is reinforced with fiberglass reinforcement. It is widely used in road construction.

With its help, the canvas, embankments, the foundations of highways are reinforced, and the brick and block masonry of the walls are well strengthened. This material was widely used in private households and for arranging various greenhouses and a greenhouse, for reinforcing a small foundation. Such structures are lightweight, easy to install and disassemble.

Adds popularity to the material, its ease of transportation and handling. For delivery, you do not need to order a truck, you can deliver it by car.

Analysis and comparison of the main parameters of the two types of reinforcing materials

You can get a complete and well-reasoned answer to the question of which fittings are better by carefully comparing the main parameters of plastic and metal fittings.

Material properties Steel reinforcement Fiberglass composite
Elasticity and plasticity Metal has a fairly high level of these material properties. The fiberglass barrel has a high level of elasticity
Tensile strength Steel reinforcement is inferior to plastic in this property. This value for this material is 390 MPa. Fiberglass yarns have a great advantage. The strength of the material is 1300 MPa.
Coefficient of thermal conductivity In this matter, metal is significantly inferior to its rival. This coefficient is equal to 46 W / (m * K). This value is much less than that of steel and is equal to 0.35 W / (m * K).
Density of material For this characteristic, steel rods are preferable. Their density is 7800 kg / m 3. Here, fiberglass is significantly inferior to steel. Its density is 1900kg / m 3.

In terms of resistance of plastic to corrosion and chemicals, it is preferable to steel. This material is also better in terms of electrical safety and not interfering with radio waves into the room. In general, no specialist can decide which material is preferable.

Only by completing other elements of the building and comparing it with the calculation of the structure using steel reinforcement can you get a reasoned answer. And only after that we reinforce the details of the building and concrete products calmly and with confidence in the chosen material.

In conclusion, it should be noted.

Experience with this type of reinforcement appeared in construction several decades ago. Despite this, the method has significantly strengthened in the market for materials for concrete work. The scope of fiberglass reinforcement is wide enough.

These are the manufacture of greenhouses at the peasant farmstead, low-rise construction, use in the construction of highways. In each of these areas, the consumer receives a reliable and lightweight design with minimal effort and expense.

Traditional building materials are regularly improved, acquiring new performance characteristics and increasing the quality of existing technical parameters. In this case, and the trend of replacing classical approaches in construction with innovative solutions... These include the successful entry into the market of composite reinforcement building materials.

Although controversy about how much the use of this material as a replacement of steel rods, are still relevant, a number of its advantages are indisputable and have long been appreciated by specialists. In particular, composite reinforcement for the foundation, the reviews of engineers about which emphasize it strength and ease of use, becomes more and more popular and expands the scope of application.

What is composite rebar?

The main feature of this material is its non-metallic origin... Although the main list of functions of such rods involves the provision of very important load-bearing tasks, they are not made of steel, as is done in the case of classical reinforcement.

Nevertheless, similar performance characteristics fully correspond to composite fibers made of glass, basalt, carbon and aramid... It is these components, as well as their combinations, that form the basis of composite rods. Actually, hence the name of such fittings - fiberglass, glass-reinforced or basalt-plastic.

However, the use of synthetic fibers alone is not enough to ensure the high strength and reliability of the same foundation structures. An obligatory step in the process of making the material is processing by means of thermosetting or thermoplastic polymer additives... Thanks to them, the structure of the future rods is rejected.

Further, as in the case of steel reinforcement, composite analogs endowed with ribs and a special sand cover, which increases the bonding and adhesive qualities in contact with concrete fillings under the foundation.

Advantages of composite rebar

The advantages of composite materials are due to using synthetic raw materials... This provides ample opportunities for introducing the necessary physical and technical qualities of the material, and also excludes or at least minimizes the influence of negative factors.

One way or another, most of the advantages are focused on reinforcing the foundation with composite reinforcement in order to create strong and reliable foundations for buildings and structures. So, among the advantages of synthetic rods, the following stand out:

Disadvantages of composite reinforcement

Despite all the advantages of composite reinforcement, disputes about the appropriateness of its use indicate the presence of shortcomings. In particular, the following disadvantages are noted:


Synthetic reinforcement has found applications in various fields industrial and civil construction... With its help, residential buildings are erected, factory complexes are erected, they are used in the installation of technological structures, etc.

The use of composite reinforcement in foundations for low-rise buildings and cottages... In addition, composite rods perform well in concrete structures. It can be wall masonry with flexible ties, as well as the device of brick and reinforced concrete structures.

Modern builders cannot do without synthetic material and where the use of steel rods is impossible. For example, in frosty conditions special additives must be added to mortars for masonry in the form of hardening accelerators and antifreeze additives. Such additions have a negative effect on metal rods, but they are harmless for composite reinforcement.

Modern road construction technologies also provide for the use of synthetic reinforcement. It is used in the construction of pavements, embankments, to strengthen other road elements exposed to chemically harmful reagents. As a rule, the use of a composite in this area assumes one goal - the creation of a strong bond with a strengthening property. For this purpose, the rods are embedded in road slopes, bridge structures and various webs experiencing increased traffic loads.

In this article, we will analyze and describe in detail 15 methods of how and where fiberglass composite reinforcement is most often used.

1. Foundation slabs

The technology of reinforcing foundation slabs in low-rise buildings not higher than three floors using fiberglass composite reinforcement occurs by replacing metal reinforcement with fiberglass according to the table of equal-strength replacement.

Correct replacement with fiberglass reinforcement is guaranteed to lead to significant cost savings, because fiberglass reinforcement is cheaper than metal. The principle of reinforcement of foundation slabs with fiberglass reinforcement does not differ from reinforcement with metal reinforcement, but it leads to significant savings in installation time.

The fiberglass reinforcement is knitted with a knitting wire, the fiberglass reinforcement is cut.

2. Strip foundations

Reinforcement of the strip foundation using fiberglass reinforcement occurs by replacing metal reinforcement with fiberglass according to the table of equal strength replacement.

Table of peer replacement of metal reinforcement for composite fiberglass reinforcement

Correct equal-strength replacement of metal reinforcement with fiberglass will allow you to get economic benefit up to 45%(saving 2 times).

When replacing metal reinforcement with fiberglass, there is no need to increase the number of reinforcement layers and the number of whips in one layer.

If it is necessary to lengthen the whip of fiberglass reinforcement, the connection occurs in an overlap. The length of the overlap is from 20 to 50 cm.

Knitting of fiberglass reinforcement is also carried out with a knitting wire, carried out by a "grinder".

3. Reinforcement of industrial concrete floors

Reinforcement of industrial concrete floors using fiberglass composite reinforcement occurs by replacing metal reinforcement with fiberglass according to the table of equal strength replacement.

Correct replacement with fiberglass reinforcement when reinforcing industrial concrete floors also leads to significant cost savings, because fiberglass reinforcement is cheaper than metal.

The principle of reinforcement with fiberglass reinforcement does not differ from reinforcement with metal reinforcement, but it leads to significant savings in installation time.

When replacing metal reinforcement with fiberglass, there is no need to reduce the reinforcement step.

If it is necessary to lengthen the whip of fiberglass reinforcement, the connection occurs in an overlap. The length of the overlap is from 20 to 50 cm.

The fiberglass reinforcement is knitted with a knitting wire, carried out by a grinder - "grinder".

4. Blind areas around buildings

A blind area is a strip with a width of 0.6 m to 1.2 m, which is adjacent to the foundation or plinth of a building with a slope.

The slope of the blind area should be at least 1% (1 cm per 1 m) and no more than 10% (10 cm per 1 m).

It is recommended to erect the blind area around the building using fiberglass reinforcement, since the main task of the blind area is to drain surface rain and melt water from the walls and foundations of the house. A blind area with the use of fiberglass reinforcement will last several times longer, since fiberglass reinforcement has high anti-corrosion properties, which prevents cracks in concrete.

5. Armopoyas (seismic belt) between floors of brick or block buildings

The use of fiberglass composite reinforcement when reinforcing an armored belt (seismic belt) between the floors of brick or block buildings, due to its high strength characteristics, increases the spatial rigidity of the building and protects the foundation and walls from cracks caused by uneven settlement and frost heaving of the soil.

6. Binder for masonry

To increase the strength of the brickwork and maintain the same thickness of the joints, it is necessary to use rods made of fiberglass reinforcement with diameters of F4 and F6, instead of a metal mesh.

The thickness of the diameter of the reinforcement depends on the thickness of the joint in the masonry.

Also, the use of fiberglass rods in brickwork will significantly reduce heat loss, since fiberglass reinforcement conducts heat poorly, several times worse than metal.

7. Binder for block / brick walls, for monolithic walls

To increase the strength when laying walls made of blocks / bricks, for monolithic walls and adjusting the thickness of the joints, it is recommended to use fiberglass rods with diameters F4, F6 and F8 instead of a metal mesh. The thickness of the diameter of the reinforcement depends on the thickness of the joint during laying.
Replacing the metal masonry mesh with fiberglass rods will reduce the cost of reinforcing material by more than 5 times.

Also, the use of fiberglass rods will significantly reduce heat loss, since fiberglass reinforcement conducts heat poorly, several times worse than metal.

8. Combination with metal in floor slabs

The floor slab is reinforced in two layers. The load on the floor slab goes from the top to the bottom and is distributed over the entire coverage area. Accordingly, the main working reinforcement is located in the lower layer and experiences high tensile loads. The top layer mainly receives compressive loads.

In this case, fiberglass reinforcement is used in combination with metal. The upper layer must be made of, the lower one is made of metal.

In the mesh itself, the fiberglass composite reinforcement should have an integral appearance without the presence of breaks. If the floor is reinforced with F10 fiberglass reinforcement, then an overlap of 400 mm must be performed. All reinforcement joints should be staggered.

The flexible connection is used to connect the inner wall through the insulation (and air layer) to the cladding wall into a single whole in a three-layer wall system.

Composite flexible ties manufactured by OZKM LLC are rods made of fiberglass with a length of 200 to 600 mm with a periodic relief surface or rods with a circular cross-section (depending on the design solution). Due to this, flexible bonds "OZKM" have high adhesion to concrete and additional protection against the aggressive action of the alkaline environment of concrete.

Flexible links are used:

  • for brickwork (Ф 6 mm),
  • for thermal insulation of monolithic buildings (Ф 6 mm),
  • for blocks (Ф 4 mm),
  • for panel housing construction (Ф 6 mm).

10. Strip foundations for fences

Strip foundations are provided for the following types of fences: a fence with brick posts, a forged metal fence, and a fence made of timber or corrugated board with supporting metal posts.

Reinforcement of the foundation under the fence using fiberglass reinforcement is very beneficial. Due to the high strength characteristics of fiberglass reinforcement and low loads, when reinforcing the foundation for a fence, composite reinforcement with diameters of F4 and F6 is most often used.

Reinforcement technology is no different from technology using metal reinforcement, but much cheaper and faster in time. Longitudinal rods of fiberglass reinforcement are laid on the bottom of the dug trench on supports 4-7 cm high.The extreme rods of fiberglass should recede from the walls of the trench by 6-8 cm.

Transverse reinforcement and uprights are usually fitted with a 400 mm pitch.

The upper row of longitudinal reinforcement is attached to the posts so that it is 5-7 cm below the upper level of the trench. Then, the transverse fiberglass reinforcement of the upper row is laid.

11. Reinforcement of the pool bowl (bottom and walls)

12. Road construction

Fiberglass reinforcement receives positive feedback from builders due to its versatility, since it can be used to strengthen the strength of the roadway, supports, bridges.

13. Pedestrian concrete paths

To stiffen the concrete walkway, it is necessary to reinforce the base, although this is neglected by many.
When reinforcing the walkway with fiberglass reinforcement, the thickness of the concrete base can be made smaller, which leads to significant savings in concrete costs.

Also, the use of fiberglass reinforcement for the reinforcement of walkways protects the concrete from disintegration into fragments.

14. Concrete areas for the passage and parking of cars.

Before starting the reinforcement, a 5 cm layer of crushed stone is poured onto the sand cushion under the concrete platform from above and compacted. Reinforcement of fiberglass reinforcement reinforces the concrete structure, therefore, when arranging a parking area for a car, you cannot do without it.
The concreting of the area for the passage and parking of the car is carried out using fiberglass reinforcement, which is cut into rods of the required length. It is recommended to use fiberglass reinforcement with a diameter of Ф6.

The reinforcement frame is made directly at the installation site and does not take much time. Fiberglass rods are placed crosswise and tied with wire at the docking points.

15. Reinforcement of cast-in-place concrete containing anti-freeze additives.

Fiberglass reinforcement, unlike metal, is resistant to an alkaline environment. Antifreeze additives are composed of alkali and salts, which are corrosive to metal.

The use of fiberglass reinforcement in the reinforcement of monolithic concrete containing anti-freeze additives increases the service life of the concrete base several times and prevents the occurrence of cracks and protects the concrete from disintegration into fragments.