Natalya Stepanova's conspiracies for love: options for performing rituals and possible consequences. The best conspiracies from the Siberian healer Natalya Stepanova - why are they read, proper organization

Stepanova's love spells continue to be very popular. They are intended for women who are unable to build family happiness using traditional methods. Rituals according to Stepanova give positive results. They help to attract the attention of your lover and keep him close to you.

Love spells according to Stepanova have special magical powers. Under their influence, the bewitched man begins to reach out to the woman who performed the ritual. A strong desire awakens in him to spend a lot of time in the company of his beloved. All these ideas are generated by dark magic, under the control of which the man falls after the ritual.

Love spells from healer Natalya Stepanova force a man to leave his wife or girlfriend in order to start a new life next to the woman who has bewitched him. He will not even understand that he is taking the wrong step and thereby hurting another person.

There are no guarantees that after a magical love spell a man will find happiness with the beloved who has bewitched him. He may begin to feel unhappy, but he will not be able to leave his companion. This is because the victim will be tied to the perpetrator. This union can be destroyed only by removing the love spell.

According to observations, rituals according to Stepanova last only 3 years. After this, the man begins to understand that it was not of his own free will that he had been in the company of an unloved woman all this time. He will have the strength to leave her. To avoid such problems, the performer should repeat the previously performed ritual.

Options for rituals

All rituals and magical effects in love magic manifest themselves in about a month to a month and a half

If you have a strong desire to return a guy or man whom you loved and still love, you can use the help of Stepanova’s love spells. She offers a huge number of conspiracies for different occasions. Most of all, of course, love ones. They are quite diverse. A powerful and strong love spell can attract love to a lonely person. He is also able to organize a fateful meeting with his soulmate. Some conspiracies are designed to protect family relationships from betrayal, separation and quarrels.

Any person has the opportunity to choose a love spell from a famous healer that is suitable specifically for him. To do this, it is enough to familiarize yourself with the main rituals, choose the most optimal one among them, study the instructions for its implementation and begin the magical ritual.

Spell for husband's love

This plot is perfect for cases when a man grows cold towards his woman. White magic helps to correct an unpleasant situation. Natalya Stepanova suggests performing similar love spells to kindle love at midnight. The performer must be in complete darkness. Nothing should distract him from the ritual.

The ritual is performed on the waxing moon. Magic words must be pronounced while sitting on the marital bed, holding something from the husband’s clothes in his hands.

Left alone in the dark, you need to cast a magic spell:

“Just as the moon is growing now, so let my husband’s love for me become bigger and stronger every day. Let no one dare to separate us and let us sleep in the same bed until our graves. My word is strong and tenacious and let it be so!”

Then you need to go straight to bed. The enchanted clothes must be placed under your pillow. In the morning, it is important to make sure that your husband puts it on himself. In this case, it will soon be possible to evaluate the result of the love spell.

Strong love spell

It is better to carry out magical actions on an empty stomach, and prolonged fasting will give a greater effect from the love spell.

The performer needs to get 12 aspen logs. They must be the same length. You should make a small fire from the logs. Lay out the raw materials in the shape of a cross. When there is a lot of fire, it will be necessary to extinguish it with water at once. It requires special words to be said:

“The fire ignited the wood, and my hands doused this fire.

How this fire went out, so that the quarrels and disputes in my house went out.

Now and ever and unto ages of ages. Amen".

Lovesickness spell

Natalya Stepanova’s conspiracies are carried out not only for a man’s love, but also for lovesickness. To achieve the desired result, the performer should look out the window and whisper the spell exactly 9 times:

“Slave (name), go to the porch, to my palace, to my vestibule, to my threshold, following my tracks. I will never give you away to somebody. Word, castle, language. Amen".

After this, the victim of the love spell begins, for some reason unknown to him, to yearn for the woman who managed to bewitch the man.

Love spell for a married man

The readable plot helps to get a man who is the legal spouse of another woman.

Before you decide to perform a ritual on a married man, you need to make sure that your action is correct. A woman must truly want to be with him. Otherwise, she shouldn’t destroy someone else’s family.

The ceremony takes place exactly at 12 o'clock at night. The performer must sit in front of an open window. You need to place a glass filled with water next to you. The needle on which the red thread is located should be lowered into it. After completing this action you need to say:

“Drive away, mother moon, my beloved from your wife. Let him come to me and stay in my bed forever. Let him be tied to me with a red thread of love, and let my love sit firmly in his heart, like this needle. Let it be this way and no other way!”

After casting the spell, you should wash your face with water from a glass and go to bed to sleep. Exactly 9 days later, the lover will be on the doorstep of the woman who bewitched him.

Conspiracy on grooms

A conspiracy is made at dawn, it is believed that after this, the girl glows with attractiveness and the suitors begin to like her

A magical ritual is not always aimed at a specific man. The healer recommends that girls use a love spell that lures eligible suitors to their home. Thanks to him, the beauties will have no end to their fans.

On the day of Easter, a girl must kiss exactly 9 eggs that were decorated for the celebration. While kissing, you need to say:

“People love Holy Easter, they remember and appreciate a mother’s affection, even though men love me so much, appreciate me, follow me, God’s servant (name). Christ has risen, and the groom will come to me and marry me. Let it be so".

The enchanted eggs must be distributed to young men who come across the girl’s path.

Love spell on food

Food love spells work well to help attract the love of a specific person. To achieve the desired result, you need to speak your chosen one’s favorite dish or drink, and then treat him to it. The result of the magical ritual will not take long to arrive.

This method of attracting a love interest is ideal for family or friends' dinners. The performer of the ritual needs to find time to treat the victim with the enchanted product. After this, both parties to the ritual will be bound by strong bonds.

Important! This ritual cannot be performed on even days.

For a product to become enchanted, a special spell must be cast over it:

“God bless you with bread. Reward with holy water, so that my husband (name) will be with me forever and ever. Your flesh is in me. Key, lock, tongue."

The performer must believe that what he has planned will definitely work, and he will get the desired result.

Conspiracy for reconciliation

The best days of the week for the ritual are Wednesday, Friday and Saturday, and on Sunday psychics and magicians generally do not recommend performing any magical rituals

Quarrels may arise between the couple from time to time. In some cases, they lead to separation. To prevent this, you need to find ways to use it with your lover. Spells and conspiracies to reconcile young people between whom there is love can help improve relationships with a man.

To get rid of grievances that lead to quarrels, it is necessary to perform this ritual. You need to take two candles and try to make one out of them.

Advice! To make the attributes more flexible, you can put them in a warm place for a few minutes.

“I don’t burn candles, but connect two hearts for bread and salt at the table,

For a good life, for family happiness. Amen".

In about a day, mutual understanding and former warmth will appear between the couple, which helps them achieve the long-awaited reconciliation.

Basic requirements for performing rituals

Love spells proposed by the healer Stepanova will work if the performer complies with the basic requirements for their implementation. Before starting a magical action, you should familiarize yourself with the following rules:

  • Love spells must be cast on the waxing moon. The optimal time for lapels is the period when the moon is waning;
  • Spells that activate magical rituals should be read at midnight;
  • At the moment of performing the ritual, you need to think exclusively about the man who is to be bewitched. It is necessary to ensure that thoughts are positive;
  • The best time to cast a love spell is when a woman is menstruating;
  • It is highly undesirable to quarrel with anyone before the ceremony. It is recommended to refrain from watching films and reading books that evoke a lot of violent emotions in the performer;
  • It is required to remain as calm as possible while reading the words of the conspiracy;
  • All magical rituals must be performed alone;
  • To enhance the effect of the ritual, it is necessary to read the spell not from a piece of paper, but by heart.

It is enough to neglect at least one condition so that the healer’s magic love spell does not work. Therefore, you need to be more careful about the requirements and instructions for the ritual.


All magical love spells and conspiracies have a downside and often it is not very good.

The conspiracies proposed by Stepanova may have a negative impact on the performer of the ritual and his victim. Therefore, you should carefully consider the feasibility of performing a magical ritual several times, so as not to regret your actions in the future.

If a person has never dealt with magic before, it is best for him not to engage in rituals at home. It is recommended to seek the help of a competent magician who will flawlessly perform a love spell.

As mentioned earlier, the consequences after a love spell can be for both parties. Because of it, bewitched people develop causeless headaches, depression and illnesses that are difficult to treat. In addition, they often suffer from mental disorders.

At best, the performer of the ritual can expect disappointment with the result. At worst, he will encounter diseases that seem to appear on their own.

To minimize the likelihood of negative consequences, it is recommended to take care of a rollback to higher powers in advance. This is a kind of redemption from the troubles that games with magic promise.

Avoiding the use of Stepanova’s love spells helps to completely protect yourself from negative consequences. If there is an urgent need for them, then everything should be done exactly in accordance with the instructions and recommendations of the healer. Also, do not forget about the payoff. These measures should be enough to prevent troubles.

Many people want to find their happiness, which is why they resort to prayers and conspiracies. Magic helped some people get a job, others were cured of a terrible illness. We recommend that you read the conspiracies of the Siberian healer Natalia Stepanova without fail. The books of this healer contain the best rituals used by our ancestors for centuries.

During her career, healer Stepanova has collected seven thousand spells of various levels of complexity. All the healer’s books are in the public domain completely free of charge, but it will take a long time to read them. After reading all the materials on the topic, we decided to highlight the most effective conspiracies among those found. The result of the research is in front of you.

The most famous book of the sorceress is “7000 conspiracies of the Siberian healer.” It was from there that we gleaned most of the useful information, including cancer conspiracies. The book includes not only seven thousand useful spells, but also tips on using magical artifacts. In ritual activities you may need:

  • wedding candles;
  • new pins;
  • hare's foot;
  • dried willow;
  • sewing needles;
  • red threads;
  • incense;
  • pieces of aspen;
  • magnet.

The spells of the Siberian healer Natalya Stepanova have an important feature - they are associated with primordially Slavic traditions. Therefore, spider legs, grave sticks, brooms and eggshells are used in rituals. About 1000 rituals involve the active use of the mentioned artifacts.

The magical power of herbs

Healers have a custom of casting spells on forest herbs collected during major religious holidays. Siberian witch Stepanova went further - she collects herbs that initially have magical properties. Here's what her book recommends:

  • black elderberry (divided into seven parts, helps against dropsy);
  • swamp cabbage (helps against bears when hunting);
  • high zamanikha (great for drying);
  • centaury (a good talisman for gaining wealth);
  • overpowering herb (helps against cancer);
  • rue (collected in late autumn, an effective amulet that protects you from witchcraft).

The book “7000 spells of the Siberian healer” also mentions sphagnum, thorn tree and mountain ephedra. Some are used against the offender, some help against advanced diseases. Celandine helps you win in court, tricolor violet is good for love spells. When you read the book, a lot of things will fall into place.

Money magic

Stepanova Natalya Ivanovna is a prominent specialist in the field of money magic. To improve financial well-being, the healer has an extensive arsenal of spells. Here are the items that can be charmed:

  • coins;
  • water;
  • herbs and salt;
  • wallet;
  • poppy seeds.

It is better to create Natalia Stepanova’s conspiracies during the period of the full moon and the waxing moon. A profitable month is prohibited - any ritual will entail significant financial losses. Stepanova associates most conspiracies with Orthodox traditions.

Debt repayment

Debts that they don’t want to repay you take a significant toll on your pocket. Find an aspen tree in the nearest forest and read the return spell three times. Break off a branch and hide it under your own threshold. Spell text:

“The aspen leaves are shaking, and God’s servant (name of the debtor) has a pounding heart from an unpaid debt. Shrink, be sad and flutter. You will shake and pound until the money returns to my wallet. As I say, so it will be. Amen".

Money talisman

With the help of some spells from Stepanova, you can make witchcraft paraphernalia. For the ritual you will need matches and a wax candle. Procedure:

  1. Remove the wick from the candle.
  2. Now you need to light the wick on both sides (for this we prepared matches).
  3. Cast a spell.
  4. Put out the wick and hide the remains in your wallet.
  5. Carry a talisman that attracts wealth with you at all times.

Text of the spell: “The fire is eternal, my spirit is marked by it. I light the wick and attract wealth to my home. From now on, gold and silver and all sorts of good things will flow to me. I found an eternal source of well-being. Amen".

Ritual on the 13th

When Natalya Stepanova wrote “7000 conspiracies,” there was also room for a powerful ritual with candles. This ritual is performed in any month, the main thing is that the 13th day is on the calendar. Before mass, visit the church and buy 13 thin candles. Change must be exchanged for small coins.

Candles should be placed opposite the icons of the 13 apostles. After leaving the temple, go home and scatter the change on the floor of one of the rooms. Guests and household members should not observe your actions or ask any questions. Further algorithm of actions:

  1. The coins should lie on the floor all night.
  2. In the morning, the change is collected and folded into a handkerchief.
  3. The fabric is tied in a strong knot and hidden under the bed.
  4. The spell is read.
  5. After this, you can comb your hair, tidy yourself up and drink a cup of tea.
  6. Soon cash flows will flow into your home.

Conspiracy text: “The thirteen apostles look at me from heaven, attracting good luck and prosperity to the house. In the evening I scatter the money, in the morning I reap the fruits. Amen".

Rituals to attract good luck

Sometimes seven troubles come at once, preventing you from finding spiritual harmony. How to find a way out of a deadlock situation, restore the balance of power, and attract success? To do this, you will need a pin purchased on the new moon. Procedure:

  1. Go to an office supply store and buy a pin.
  2. It is forbidden to take change (you can immediately count out the required amount to the seller).
  3. Buy a white wax candle in the temple.
  4. Now go home and retire to a separate room.
  5. Light a candle, pick up a pin.
  6. Read the plot.

After the ritual is completed, the pin is placed on the windowsill. Make sure that the artifact is well illuminated by moonlight. In the morning, attach the talisman to a chain and hang it around your neck (always keep it with you). Spell text:

“The moon is born, its mighty power awakens. The stars will not part with the month, and luck will never leave God's servant (your name). The pin is bathed in the moon's rays, and I will bathe in success and joy. I close it with a key, I impose a strong word. Amen".

Banishing troubles

It also happens that ill-wishers sent problems to you. Stepanova suggests using protective spells together with millet in such cases. Feed the millet to the chickens or sparrows, make sure they eat everything. After this, whisper the spell:

“Just as millet disappears in the stomachs of birds, so seven troubles disappear from my threshold. All this happens now and lasts forever. The saints help me. As I say, so everything will happen. Amen".

Love rituals

Many of the conspiracies of the Siberian healer Natalya are focused on achieving simple female happiness. The ritual below can also be found in the texts of the sorcerer Semenov. This is a very unique ritual associated with giving a gift to your chosen one. Procedure:

  1. Wait for a reason to give a gift (February 23, birthday, New Year).
  2. Go to the temple, buy a candle there.
  3. Now you need to defend the service (take the candle stub with you).
  4. Get some spring water and fill a glass with it.
  5. Light a candle and place the gift box next to it.
  6. Cast a spell.

After whispering magic words, you need to cleanse yourself. To do this, say “Our Father” three times. You need to drink water and bring a gift to your chosen one. Spell text:

“Magic cinder, strengthen my gift. I’ll go to my man, bring gifts, make a cherished wish. As soon as God’s servant (betrothed’s name) takes the box, he will give his heart to me forever. I lock it with a padlock and lock it with a key. Amen".

Lapel from the homewrecker

Registering a marriage does not save your family from the machinations of insidious rivals. If your husband begins to cheat on you and is ready to leave for another woman, you should use magical techniques. Rise at night (at three in the morning), turn to the east and say the spell text:

“Evil and heartless spirits, terrible creatures of the night, go to the porch of God’s servant (name of rival). Remove the amulets from my rival, let her become like yellow foliage. Let it turn yellow and dry, become silent like a fish. Let her tongue falter, her fingers begin to dig into her nose. As soon as he sees my betrothed, he will become stupid and instantly grow old. Let my husband disdain (the name of the homewrecker), turn him away from the bed, let the wicked voice become disgusted. Their paths cannot cross, their table and bed cannot be shared, their little children cannot be baptized. There is no hindrance to my work. Amen".

Saving ourselves from cancer

Natalia Stepanova's spells from Siberian healers have special powers that can treat serious diseases. To get rid of a cancerous tumor, you need to take out three apples and roll them out into the problem area one by one. Apples should be like this:

  • wormy;
  • good (average quality);
  • poured and strong, pleasing to the eye.

Rolling out the tumor with each apple in turn, you need to repeat the text of the spell. After this, the apples are buried in fresh manure where no one will ever dig them up. When the patient is completely healed, forget about the ritual (observe eternal silence). The plot is like this:

“I twist the disease, roll it up, wrap it around a magic apple. You, child of original sin, helped Eve accept human suffering. So help me get rid of cancer now. Amen".

How to talk your baby into longevity

Some of the spells of the Siberian healer Natalya Stepanova should be read not at home, but on the highways. In the old days, healers measured newborns with black threads, after which they looked for the nearest milepost. The thread was wound around a pole (nowadays you can use a road kilometer sign), after which a conspiracy was whispered:

“God’s servant (baby’s name) will live as many years as there are pillars along the road. As long as people use the path, no one can interrupt my words. I close it with a key, I seal the power of the conspiracy with my tongue. Amen".

We remove the generational curse

Natalya Stepanova wrote “The Conspiracies of the Siberian Healer” for a long time, collecting folk wisdom drop by drop. It soon became clear that most of the misfortunes were a consequence of the damage caused. Sometimes you have to remove a family curse made several centuries ago. Here is one such ritual:

  1. Find a coffin in the cemetery in which an unbaptized dead man rests.
  2. Approach the dead man on the left.
  3. Take a position at the head of the grave.
  4. Look where the dead man's chest is located.
  5. Say the spell three times.

It’s not always possible to find a suitable grave, so you can show up at someone’s funeral. In this case, you probably know where the heart of the unbaptized deceased beat. Spell text:

“Your heart has stopped, your ears have stopped hearing, your eyes are frozen forever, there is no breathing. Mortal damage, leave the body of God’s servant (name of the person being charmed), stop tormenting his flesh. Move on to this dead man. Forty days will pass, and the infidel will not enter heaven. The doors of heaven and hell cannot be opened for this dead man, and you (name) must not die from the ancestral curse. The sun and moon are rolling across the sky, my work is accomplished. Everything will be as I said. I seal the agreement with a lock, seal it with blood and a key. Amen".

Making a talisman against ill-wishers

You will need loose gray poppy seeds, which can be purchased at the store without change. It is also impossible to thank the seller for the purchase. After whispering the magic words, the poppy crumbles at the threshold of your home - this is the amulet. The spell text looks like this:

“Behind my shoulders I have a red sun and a young month. I will tie myself up with the night stars, they will appear before my eyes. Roll, poppy, protect me from every adversary. From now on I am not afraid of anyone, I will rely on the magical power of poppy seeds. The enemies will scatter, but they will not be able to harm my loved ones. Amen".

How to heal a drunkard

Natalya Stepanova has developed many effective conspiracies against alcoholism. One of the rituals involves collecting dust from four graveyards. An important point: dust should be looked for at the intersections of cemeteries. There are other points, the observance of which plays an important role:

  • having collected the dust, you must go to the cemetery again;
  • dust is poured onto the grave (the name of the deceased must match the name of the person being spoken to);
  • magic happens on men's days (if the alcoholic is a man);
  • You can’t turn around on the way home;
  • talking to strangers is also not recommended;
  • You can strengthen the ritual with the help of a photograph of an alcoholic (it is placed on the gravestone).

Text of the plot: “You, dead man, will not be able to get up; you are not destined to walk along roads and crossroads. So God’s servant (name of the patient) will stop drinking alcohol and will not miss his habit. God's servant (name of the person being charmed) will refuse hops forever. Crossroads are my witnesses. Amen".

As you can see, Witch Stepanova has magical solutions for all occasions. The Siberian healer will help in the fight against damage, enemies and addictions. With the help of 7000 spells you will find wealth, love and happiness. But remember the consequences - sometimes they can be terrible.

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Love is the most important thing in our life. We all dream of finding our one and only person so we can spend many happy and joy-filled days next to us.

Conspiracies from the Siberian healer Natalya Stepanova are the best way to find your true happiness. She helps to find knowledge and strength capable of miracles. After all, love is a feeling that is achieved not only with the help of a person’s personal qualities, but with the help of luck.

Love spell on food

The main thing is to find your loved one. And a food love spell will help increase your chance of pleasing the person you desire. Cast a special spell on any dish, food or drink, and then treat the person you want to bewitch.

This method is suitable for family dinners, corporate events, and friendly meetings. It is enough just to treat your chosen one, and he will be tied to you with strong ties. Natalya Stepanova notes that this ritual is not performed on even days, so be careful.

God bless you with bread.
Reward with holy water,
And so that my husband (name)
He was with me forever and ever.
Blood in the liver
Salt in food
Your flesh is in me.
Key, lock, tongue.

This is an ancient love spell that is used by a huge number of people. Effectiveness is enhanced by true faith in the power of words.

Conspiracy for reconciliation

If you already love and are loved, but quarrels often take place in your personal life, then do not despair - use reconciliation spells to normalize the situation, restoring balance in love. Below is the most effective conspiracy, according to the Siberian healer, for grievances, quarrels and misunderstandings.

Take two candles and twist them into one (to make them bend better, put them briefly in a warm place where the wax becomes soft). When you light candles, read these spell words:

I don't burn candles
And I unite two hearts
For bread and salt at the table,
For a good life, for family happiness. Amen.

In the next 24 hours, you will experience warmth in relationships and mutual understanding. It is worth resorting to the help of a conspiracy only in extreme cases. The effectiveness of the ritual is high only when you use it as little as possible.

Conspiracy of jealousy

It's no secret that the most sworn enemy of any relationship and love is jealousy. She is capable of killing the strongest love, so constantly read the following plot.

Arrows of fire from the jealous heart
They don't stick into the ground,
They break about people,
The soul is taken out
Life is destroyed, the body is tormented.
So those arrows would fly by
On tall spruce trees, on a rotten swamp,
To the dry forest, so that jealousy will disappear as if by hand. Amen.

You can resort to this remedy every Thursday. The words are read with water or any other drink. It should be given to your spouse or boyfriend to drink.

Natalya Stepanova advises using these three rituals, respecting the power of nature and the energy of the cosmos. Be careful and focused as much as possible when resorting to them. We wish you good luck in love and relationships. Let love become a source of warmth and kindness for you, not disappointment. Be happy and don't forget to press the buttons and

Today, many people use the various spells of the Siberian healer for love; they are extremely popular among the people. With their help, single people can attract love, they allow you to speed up the wedding date, enter into a successful marriage, achieve complete mutual understanding and get true pleasure from love. The power and effectiveness of the data is evidenced by the large number of reviews from those who have used it.

Popular rituals

Depending on the life situation that arises, everyone will be able to choose a love spell that suits them. Moreover, most of the Siberian healer’s conspiracies are allowed to be carried out independently. And if you follow her recommendations exactly, then any negative consequences can be completely eliminated.

Evoking strong feelings

A very popular plot is for strong love, which excludes betrayal in a future life together. The ritual consists of pouring water into a basin and standing in it with your bare feet. Next you need to read the following plot:

“There is an entrance on earth, and whoever enters it will find my water there. I will take the servant of God (the name of my beloved) by my right hand, I will bring boredom to him and with it eternal love for me. He won’t be able to wash it off, he won’t be able to dissuade her with anything, he won’t stop loving me, and he’ll never forget me (you need to bow). In separation he will always be bored, suffer and not know peace, no matter how hard he drinks and binge eats. I will become for him bread and water, clear sky and earth, I will be dearer than red blood and dearer than the awaited freedom. (Name of the chosen one), give me your heart, and take my heart in return. Mother earth, close, sister water, help (you need to bow). You will follow me (name of the chosen one). Below the foot is the power of water (must bow), above are four stars (must bow). In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen".

After reading the plot in water, you need to wet the chosen one’s shirt. After it dries, your loved one should put it on and wear it for a week.

Attracting cordial relationships

The following magic spell, which is read in the evening before going to bed, will help you attract love into your life. His words sound like this:

“As soon as night and the moon looks through the window, love will immediately come into my heart. My chosen one will not be sick, stooped and mourning, grumpy, greedy, smoking and partying. I’ll braid a wreath and send it down the river, sail for luck along the road to my destiny. I wish the betrothed to be handsome, rich, healthy, homely and sweet. I shouldn’t suffer because of a bad man, I shouldn’t cry because of a difficult misfortune. I won’t become loved forever, I won’t have only my person next to me. Amen!"

It should be remembered that the spells of the Siberian healer can only be used to solve specific problems. Their use as experiments is strictly prohibited.

Now there are a lot of people who have learned to deceive others and earn pretty good money from it. A person who finds himself in a difficult situation will believe anyone who just says that he can help get rid of the problem. I am sure that some of you have also been at least once in such a difficult situation that the only way out of it is magic. But, you need to know someone who is truly endowed with abilities and can help others, or you can learn how to do various conspiracies yourself, although many are afraid to do such things. Learning to speak to something or someone is not too difficult. You just need to have a guide at hand, which describes step by step what to do and why, so as not to bring trouble on yourself and achieve the desired result. Such benefits already exist. They are written by a famous healer living in Siberia. Her name is Natalya Stepanova and her books have actually helped many people. In this article we will look at Stepanova’s most effective conspiracies for what the average person may need most.

A little biography

The healer was born in 1952. From birth she was endowed with abilities, because Natalya’s mother is a hereditary witch, who at one time was also no less famous thanks to her gift. But, nevertheless, Stepanova began practicing magic and learning how to cast spells just a few years ago. It was then that her interest in such things awoke, which had been living inside her all this time, waiting in the wings.

Natalya Stepanova has written more than two hundred books, which have become a real guide for those who have begun to get involved in magic and do not know where to start or how exactly to carry out the necessary rituals. The healer's books contain information about absolutely everything that might interest a person who finds himself in a hopeless situation and wants to turn his existence into a full and colorful life.

People in need of urgent help are lining up to see Natalya. They come not only from all over Russia, but also from neighboring countries. She helps remove evil eyes, damage, casts spells, and heals. All this is written in her books. In order to read Stepanova’s conspiracies correctly, you should do everything exactly as she describes.

Healer Stepanova's conspiracies to improve her financial situation

Natalya herself does not consider conspiracies to be anything complicated. She is confident that any person can perform the necessary ritual at home and will ultimately achieve what he needs. Conspiracies are simply our desires, which we express verbally and order them to come true as soon as possible.

In the world, people are divided into two categories - poor and rich. Money is not considered a guarantee that you will live a happy life, but it is something that will solve many problems and open all doors and paths for you. A person who has wealth not only has power over his own life, but can also manipulate other people. In the modern world, a person is ready to do anything for money, because without it it is impossible to exist.

If your financial situation leaves much to be desired, and you really want to provide your family with everything they need, then do not be afraid to resort to the help of white magic and try the spells of the Siberian healer Natalia Stepanova. You will be surprised at how effective they will be and how dramatically your life will change.

Money endowed with special energy, which is transferred to it during a conspiracy, has the ability to attract other money. Remember that you cannot spend charmed bills for some time. They should be stored exactly as much as indicated in a particular plot. Do not neglect this rule, because then nothing will work out for you.

One of Natalia’s money spells is suitable for every day. There is no need to perform any rituals. It’s just that every time you buy something at a market or in a store and they give you change, then you, taking it from the hands of the seller, mentally say these words: “Your money has arrived in my wallet. Now your income is also my income. Let it be as I wish." As you can see, there is nothing complicated in this spell, and everyone who has tried to use it has already seen for themselves its effectiveness.

Sometimes Stepanova’s conspiracies need to be read over money, as if casting a spell on them, endowing them with positive energy and, thereby, turning them into talismans that you need to carry with you every day, without putting them out of your wallet. If you have chosen just such a conspiracy and want to use it, then pay attention to the fact that the money you are charming must be earned by honest labor. You cannot read prayers and conspiracies over stolen money or money that you received by deceiving another person. It’s interesting that if you don’t take this into account, then your own conspiracy will turn against you. For example, you read a conspiracy to improve your financial situation, but it will only get worse.

In order to attract more money into your life, the following plot is perfect. Use the lunar calendar and calculate when the new moon will be. At night, take twelve coins of any denomination from your wallet and go outside with them. Choose a place where no one will see you and it needs to be well lit by moonlight. Raise your hands with coins to the sky, palms up, and say out loud the following words: “Multiply, my money, from the moonlight. I invite you to my home and promise to spend it wisely. Luna, I ask you, help me not to need anything. Let it be as I wish." These words should be repeated seven times in a row. After this, return home without looking back, because from that moment you will have a new life and you cannot look back at the past. When you get home, put your coins back in your wallet and keep them there for a few weeks. In order not to accidentally spend the charmed money, mark it with a felt-tip pen, for example, if you cannot remember.

Natalia Stepanova's conspiracies are quite simple. The whole difficulty is to remember the sequence of actions in the ritual and not to confuse anything. Before performing the ritual, make sure that you remember well what to do and say.

Stepanova's conspiracies for happiness and good luck

One day, a healer wrote in one of her books about a woman who asked to help her. The woman was already over forty years old, and she complained that her whole life consisted of problems and bad weather. She was never lucky with men, she never started her own family. She also didn’t feel at ease at work. The woman was absent-minded and clumsy, so she was fired as soon as the opportunity arose. She asked Stepanova for advice and for her to write in her next book about conspiracies for good luck, which the healer did. There is no information about the further fate of that woman, but all those who tried to make Natalya Stepanova’s spells for happiness and good luck speak about them in the best possible way.

If you consider yourself an unhappy person and you have never been lucky in life, then know that it is never too late to change it. People are given life to live only once. So why suffer, suffer and live with empty dreams about how well everything could have turned out for you if you had been born under a lucky star? It is necessary to live well today, at this very moment, because no one knows how much more time is allotted to him.

One of the most effective conspiracies from Stepanova for attracting happiness into your life is the following conspiracy. You need to buy a whole raw chicken and do it in such a way that you don't have to give change. If this doesn’t work out and you still have to give a few rubles in change, then ask the seller not to do this.

For the ceremony, you will also need a headscarf that has never been worn. If there is no such thing, then you need to purchase it in the same way as you bought chicken, so as not to have to take change. When you return home, wrap the chicken in this scarf and set it to cook with the words: “May whoever eats my chicken give me a lot of luck and happiness. Amen". When your chicken is ready, there is no need to remove it from the pan. Just drain the cooking water. Early in the morning, the next day, you need to remove the scarf from the chicken, but it is better to do this in such a way that you do not have to remove the chicken from the pan. You won't need the scarf anymore; you can throw it away.

Now take the chicken along with the pot and give it to the people who are in need. It could be beggars, for example. You cannot give it to your friends or relatives. The person must be unfamiliar to you. Until you give the chicken back, you cannot eat or drink anything. For seven days after this ritual, it is forbidden to lend money or things to someone.

Do not think that such a conspiracy will somehow affect the people who eat the chicken. It is absolutely safe for them. Now, if you perform the ritual incorrectly or say different words during it, the result may be unpredictable.

Healer Stepanova's spells for love

Natalya's books contain a huge variety of different love spells that are suitable for a variety of situations. These are conspiracies for those who:

Wants to find his soul mate soon;

Wants to make a certain person fall in love with you;

He wants to protect himself from his beloved’s betrayals and tie him to himself;

Has a desire to revive his beloved’s former feelings;

He wants to push his loved one to take a serious step, marriage for example.

You should be very careful with love spells, because they will affect not only your life, but also the life of another person. If you want to make someone fall in love with you, for example, then just imagine how a person will feel who does not understand what suddenly happened to him and why he is so madly drawn to you, if just yesterday you were not even friends. You will have to bear responsibility for the rest of your life for the situation of the person you spoke to. Some may even commit suicide. You must clearly understand that a person is not a toy, and you do not have the right to control his life for someone. If you decide to plot, then this is no longer love, but rather a manifestation of your weakness. The spells of the Siberian healer Natalya Stepanova are so strong that they can do terrible things to both you and the person under the spell. Have you changed your mind yet? Then read on.

This conspiracy is suitable only for those women who live together with their boyfriend or husband and want to charm them not so that love will appear in their hearts, but so that it will intensify exponentially and bind the lovers together forever. For the ritual you will need a medium-sized basin of water. The ritual should be carried out only at midnight and only when no one is at home, because the plot needs to be read quite loudly, and you cannot allow anyone to hear it, because any ritual is a special sacrament that is your personal business. If you want the conspiracy to bear fruit, then keep it secret from others, not only before performing the ritual, but even after you get the result.

Stand with both feet in a basin of water. Say the following words clearly and loudly: “I take my slave (the name of the person you need) by the right hand and instill in him eternal strong love for me, so that he can neither eat, nor drink, nor sleep, but only dream and think about me all the time. I appeal to higher powers to send (name in the dative case) happiness, which he can only find next to me. He should no longer look at other women, only see my face in everyone. I ask, I command, let it be so. Amen". After you finish reciting the spell, bow four times and stand in the bowl of water for a few more minutes with your eyes closed, imagining the face of your loved one at this time. Now you should wash your man’s shirt in the charmed water and let him wear it the next day.

Be careful with magic and if you are not sure that you can perform the ritual you need correctly, then it is better not to undertake it at all. I wish you happiness and all the best, dear women.