Read the love spell for a man from Stepanova. Several love spells from a Siberian healer - how to attract a man’s love

Stepanova's love spells continue to be very popular. They are intended for women who are unable to build family happiness using traditional methods. Rituals according to Stepanova give positive results. They help to attract the attention of your lover and keep him close to you.

Love spells according to Stepanova have special magical powers. Under their influence, the bewitched man begins to reach out to the woman who performed the ritual. A strong desire awakens in him to spend a lot of time in the company of his beloved. All these ideas are generated by dark magic, under the control of which the man falls after the ritual.

Love spells from healer Natalya Stepanova force a man to leave his wife or girlfriend in order to start a new life next to the woman who has bewitched him. He will not even understand that he is taking the wrong step and thereby hurting another person.

There are no guarantees that after a magical love spell a man will find happiness with the beloved who has bewitched him. He may begin to feel unhappy, but he will not be able to leave his companion. This is because the victim will be tied to the perpetrator. This union can be destroyed only by removing the love spell.

According to observations, rituals according to Stepanova last only 3 years. After this, the man begins to understand that it was not of his own free will that he had been in the company of an unloved woman all this time. He will have the strength to leave her. To avoid such problems, the performer should repeat the previously performed ritual.

Options for rituals

All rituals and magical effects in love magic manifest themselves in about a month to a month and a half

If you have a strong desire to return a guy or man whom you loved and still love, you can use the help of Stepanova’s love spells. She offers a huge number of conspiracies for different occasions. Most of all, of course, love ones. They are quite diverse. A powerful and strong love spell can attract love to a lonely person. He is also able to organize a fateful meeting with his soulmate. Some conspiracies are designed to protect family relationships from betrayal, separation and quarrels.

Any person has the opportunity to choose a love spell from a famous healer that is suitable specifically for him. To do this, it is enough to familiarize yourself with the main rituals, choose the most optimal one among them, study the instructions for its implementation and begin the magical ritual.

Spell for husband's love

This plot is perfect for cases when a man grows cold towards his woman. White magic helps to correct an unpleasant situation. Natalya Stepanova suggests using similar love spells to kindle love at midnight. The performer must be in complete darkness. Nothing should distract him from the ritual.

The ritual is performed on the waxing moon. Magic words must be pronounced while sitting on the marital bed, holding something from the husband’s clothes in his hands.

Left alone in the dark, you need to cast a magic spell:

“Just as the moon is growing now, so let my husband’s love for me become bigger and stronger every day. Let no one dare to separate us and let us sleep in the same bed until our graves. My word is strong and tenacious and let it be so!”

Then you need to go straight to bed. The enchanted clothes must be placed under your pillow. In the morning, it is important to make sure that your husband puts it on himself. In this case, it will soon be possible to evaluate the result of the love spell.

Strong love spell

It is better to carry out magical actions on an empty stomach, and prolonged fasting will give a greater effect from the love spell.

The performer needs to get 12 aspen logs. They must be the same length. You should make a small fire from the logs. Lay out the raw materials in the shape of a cross. When there is a lot of fire, it will be necessary to extinguish it with water at once. It requires special words to be said:

“The fire ignited the wood, and my hands doused this fire.

How this fire went out, so that the quarrels and disputes in my house went out.

Now and ever and unto ages of ages. Amen".

Lovesickness spell

Natalya Stepanova’s conspiracies are carried out not only for a man’s love, but also for lovesickness. To achieve the desired result, the performer should look out the window and whisper the spell exactly 9 times:

“Slave (name), go to the porch, to my palace, to my vestibule, to my threshold, following my tracks. I will never give you away to somebody. Word, castle, language. Amen".

After this, the victim of the love spell begins, for some reason unknown to him, to yearn for the woman who managed to bewitch the man.

Love spell for a married man

The readable plot helps to get a man who is the legal spouse of another woman.

Before you decide to perform a ritual on a married man, you need to make sure that your action is correct. A woman must truly want to be with him. Otherwise, she shouldn’t destroy someone else’s family.

The ceremony takes place exactly at 12 o'clock at night. The performer must sit in front of an open window. You need to place a glass filled with water next to you. The needle on which the red thread is located should be lowered into it. After completing this action you need to say:

“Drive away, mother moon, my beloved from your wife. Let him come to me and stay in my bed forever. Let him be tied to me with a red thread of love, and let my love sit firmly in his heart, like this needle. Let it be this way and no other way!”

After casting the spell, you should wash your face with water from a glass and go to bed to sleep. Exactly 9 days later, the lover will be on the doorstep of the woman who bewitched him.

Conspiracy on grooms

A conspiracy is made at dawn, it is believed that after this, the girl glows with attractiveness and the suitors begin to like her

A magical ritual is not always aimed at a specific man. The healer recommends that girls use a love spell that lures eligible suitors to their home. Thanks to him, the beauties will have no end to their fans.

On the day of Easter, a girl must kiss exactly 9 eggs that were decorated for the celebration. While kissing, you need to say:

“People love Holy Easter, they remember and appreciate a mother’s affection, even though men love me so much, appreciate me, follow me, God’s servant (name). Christ has risen, and the groom will come to me and marry me. Let it be so".

The enchanted eggs must be distributed to young men who come across the girl’s path.

Love spell on food

Food love spells work well to help attract the love of a specific person. To achieve the desired result, you need to speak your chosen one’s favorite dish or drink, and then treat him to it. The result of the magical ritual will not take long to arrive.

This method of attracting a love interest is ideal for family or friends' dinners. The performer of the ritual needs to find time to treat the victim with the enchanted product. After this, both parties to the ritual will be bound by strong bonds.

Important! This ritual cannot be performed on even days.

For a product to become enchanted, a special spell must be cast over it:

“God bless you with bread. Reward with holy water, so that my husband (name) will be with me forever and ever. Your flesh is in me. Key, lock, tongue."

The performer must believe that what he has planned will definitely work, and he will get the desired result.

Conspiracy for reconciliation

The best days of the week for the ritual are Wednesday, Friday and Saturday, and on Sunday psychics and magicians generally do not recommend performing any magical rituals

Quarrels may arise between the couple from time to time. In some cases, they lead to separation. To prevent this, you need to find ways to use it with your lover. Spells and conspiracies to reconcile young people between whom there is love can help improve relationships with a man.

To get rid of grievances that lead to quarrels, it is necessary to perform this ritual. You need to take two candles and try to make one out of them.

Advice! To make the attributes more flexible, you can put them in a warm place for a few minutes.

“I don’t burn candles, but connect two hearts for bread and salt at the table,

For a good life, for family happiness. Amen".

In about a day, mutual understanding and former warmth will appear between the couple, which helps them achieve the long-awaited reconciliation.

Basic requirements for performing rituals

Love spells proposed by the healer Stepanova will work if the performer complies with the basic requirements for their implementation. Before starting a magical action, you should familiarize yourself with the following rules:

  • Love spells must be cast on the waxing moon. The optimal time for lapels is the period when the moon is waning;
  • Spells that activate magical rituals should be read at midnight;
  • At the moment of performing the ritual, you need to think exclusively about the man who is to be bewitched. It is necessary to ensure that thoughts are positive;
  • The best time to cast a love spell is when a woman is menstruating;
  • It is highly undesirable to quarrel with anyone before the ceremony. It is recommended to refrain from watching films and reading books that evoke a lot of violent emotions in the performer;
  • It is required to remain as calm as possible while reading the words of the conspiracy;
  • All magical rituals must be performed alone;
  • To enhance the effect of the ritual, it is necessary to read the spell not from a piece of paper, but by heart.

It is enough to neglect at least one condition so that the healer’s magical love spell does not work. Therefore, you need to be more careful about the requirements and instructions for the ritual.


All magical love spells and conspiracies have a downside and often it is not very good.

The conspiracies proposed by Stepanova may have a negative impact on the performer of the ritual and his victim. Therefore, you should carefully consider the feasibility of performing a magical ritual several times, so as not to regret your actions in the future.

If a person has never dealt with magic before, it is best for him not to engage in rituals at home. It is recommended to seek the help of a competent magician who will flawlessly perform a love spell.

As mentioned earlier, the consequences after a love spell can be for both parties. Because of it, bewitched people develop causeless headaches, depression and illnesses that are difficult to treat. In addition, they often suffer from mental disorders.

At best, the performer of the ritual can expect disappointment with the result. At worst, he will encounter diseases that seem to appear on their own.

To minimize the likelihood of negative consequences, it is recommended to take care of a rollback to higher powers in advance. This is a kind of redemption from the troubles that games with magic promise.

Avoiding the use of Stepanova’s love spells helps to completely protect yourself from negative consequences. If there is an urgent need for them, then everything should be done exactly in accordance with the instructions and recommendations of the healer. Also, do not forget about the payoff. These measures should be enough to prevent troubles.

People don't want so much - happiness, love, luck, health and money. Unfortunately, not everyone is able to bring the desired 5 points into their lives. You can suffer all your life, or you can try to resort to magic. Many turn to sorcerers, and then regret the money spent, because they ended up with charlatans.

There is another way - using a step-by-step description of the process, try using conspiracies to change your life for the better. The book of conspiracies by the Siberian healer Natalia Stepanova will be an assistant in this.

You just need to understand that magic is an artificial intervention during events. If you don't have confidence that you can do everything right, it's better not to take it on at all.

Biography of healer Natalia Stepanova

The healer was born in 1952. From birth she was endowed with abilities, because Natalya’s mother is a hereditary witch, who at one time was also no less famous thanks to her gift.

But, nevertheless, Stepanova began practicing magic and learning how to cast spells just a few years ago. It was then that her interest in such things awoke, which had been living inside her all this time, waiting in the wings.

Natalya Stepanova has written more than two hundred books, which have become a real guide for those who have begun to get involved in magic and do not know where to start or how exactly to carry out the necessary rituals. The healer's books contain information about absolutely everything that might interest a person who finds himself in a hopeless situation and wants to turn his existence into a full and colorful life.

  • People in need of urgent help are lining up to see Natalya.
  • They come not only from all over Russia, but also from neighboring countries.
  • She helps remove evil eyes, damage, casts spells, and heals.
  • All this is written in her books.
  • In order to read Stepanova’s conspiracies correctly, you should do everything exactly as she describes.

How do conspiracies work?

CONSPIRACY- This is not a rhythmic verse on a given topic. Reading a text for healing from an illness changes the vibration frequency of the human body, increasing its resistance to illness. How does a spell word work, and why do miracles of healing and changes in life happen? This mechanism has not yet been studied.

To a modern person, a magical text may seem like gibberish, however, these words, which are not always understandable to the mind, have a huge impact on the subtle bodies of a person, on his subconscious.

Healer whisperers mutter words under their breath, spit over their left shoulder - such actions are also not always understandable to an ordinary person. But healing occurs, and then the power of the spell word appears in a completely different light.

Money conspiracies and rituals

How to improve your financial well-being? Almost every person asks this question: there is no such thing as too much money. Natalya Stepanova offers a whole arsenal of rituals to attract finance. Money rituals are read on the waxing moon or on the full moon. You can’t attract money during a down month: it will disappear altogether.

Money rituals are read at:

  • coin;
  • water.

All rituals of Natalia Stepanova are directly related to the name of the Lord, written in the Orthodox tradition. The healer recommends observing Christian commandments, honoring God and the saints, not wishing harm to people and never causing damage.

Payback for connections with demonic forces may come already in this life, so you should take care of your soul and not cause harm to living beings.

Per coin

Take any coin and say the following text on it:

An important rule is that you read the plot only on an even day of the week, when the moon is waxing. When you finish reading, hide the coin in the corner and do not touch it for seven days. Make sure that no one touches or shifts it - otherwise you will have to repeat the action described above.

When the week has passed, spend this coin. Then on the next even-numbered day, when the moon is waxing, take a new coin, having spoken to it first. You will need to repeat the ritual twice more, after which your income level will increase significantly.

How to choose the right wallet

  • Avoid purchasing overly economical wallet options, because they are filled with the energy of poverty. Such wallets will not attract or retain large denomination bills. Of course, it wouldn’t be a very prudent decision to spend all your savings on a new wallet - a stylish purchase would be enough.
  • The wallet should have different sections - for money of different sizes, and have a section for small change.

  • Give your preference to materials of natural origin and buy a wallet made of suede or leather. It is advisable to buy a wallet in dark colors (black or dark brown) - these color variations protect money from the evil eye.
  • When a wallet is purchased, a coin is placed in it, which is forbidden to be changed - it is a kind of magnet that will attract finances to you.
  • There is an opinion that a piece of dried horseradish will attract the energy of money into your life. For this purpose, it should be placed in the same department where the irredeemable coin is located.
  • If a new wallet has transparent inserts, it is advisable not to place anything in them - this will prevent the penetration of monetary energy.

As soon as you purchased a wallet, quickly get rid of the previous version. This is done by burning on a live fire, during this manipulation the following magic phrases are pronounced:

“Red flame, burn brightly and take my poverty with you. What was in you before will become three times larger, and what was not there will arise. Let it be so. Amen".

How to charge a new wallet with money

Do you want to have a lot of money? A proven magical action will come to your aid.

First, you go to the temple and buy seven of the most expensive green candles there. The ritual is performed when the moon is in its waxing phase, at exactly 12 o'clock at night. Of the days, the fourth day of the week is more preferable.

The newly acquired item is placed in such a way that it literally “bathes” in the rays of the Moon. Lighted candles are placed in a circle away from him and the plot is recited:

“The cash flow rushes and runs into my magical new wallet. My profit is multiplied, and my expenses are reduced. Money energy caresses me, and poverty runs away from the holy fire. Let it be so. My word is strong. Amen".

At the end of the spell, wait until the candles go out and destroy the cinders. Always keep your wallet with you, do not allow strangers to touch it and do not demonstrate to others that there is money in it.

It is forbidden to tell anyone about the magical actions you have performed, otherwise the power of the ritual will immediately come to naught.

It is also important to always keep your wallet in strict order after performing the ritual; this will further enhance the effect of the magic.

Ritual to attract money

Quite popular, the only exception for use is obsolete banknotes.

The time for performing the ritual is in the morning. Place coins with bills of different denominations in your wallet.

Then they pronounce the following conspiracy:

“Just as coins collect from coins, so wealth with happiness strives and gathers towards me, money flows to coins into my new wallet. And in my wallet there is always a ringing and rustling sound, enough for a shiny ring, for new clothes, and enough for everything. My word is strong. To them are earth and sky, lock and key. Amen".

Over the next 24 hours, you need to keep your wallet with you at all times and only in the evening is it permissible to take money out of it. The most suitable time to perform the described ritual will be the time of the lunar cycle when the celestial body is in the first quarter.

By completing the spells for a new wallet outlined in this article, you will be able to improve your financial situation and will never suffer from a lack of funds!

Conspiracies for salt from Natalia Stepanova

Blessing of salt for white rites

Spells and rituals, the main attribute of which is salt, are characterized by ease of implementation and high efficiency. Most often, white crystals are used when performing rituals in the field of white magic.

The so-called Thursday salt, which is obtained on Maundy Thursday before Easter, has special powers. You can take ready-made Thursday salt from church, or you can prepare it yourself.

How to cook

  1. On the Thursday preceding Easter, at sunrise, the salt must be poured into a linen bag, then placed in a preheated stove or oven.
  2. The entire time the salt is in the oven, you should say the “Our Father” prayer three times.
  3. After this, the bag with the substance can be removed.
  4. Thursday salt is ready.

However, it may also happen that you cannot get true Thursday salt. Then you can prepare its analogue: consecrate the substance yourself on any other Thursday, doing all the same steps, only say “Our Father” 7 times.

There is also one special prayer, which is used to consecrate salt. Its text goes like this:

“The Lord, our Savior, who appeared through Elisha the prophet in Jericho and cleansed the harmful water from filth with salt! Bless this salt too, make it an offering of joy. After all, You are our God, and we send up glory to You, now and ever and forever and ever. Amen!"

Blessed Thursday salt is best used in magical spells and rituals aimed at combating negativity and dark witchcraft (for example, for healing from illness, getting rid of damage or the evil eye). In everyday rituals (for love, money, luck, trade, etc.) it is not forbidden to use ordinary salt purchased in a store.

The most popular conspiracies and rituals with salt

Salt spells are characterized by a wide spectrum of action and can be used in almost all areas of life. The most popular white rituals using this substance are rituals:

  • for wealth and money;
  • for health;
  • for good luck;
  • for trade;
  • for protection from ill-wishers and envious people;
  • for protection against negativity and witchcraft spells.

The salt spell is also used by dark magic - it is usually used to make quarrels and other lapel rituals.


The purpose of this conspiracy is to evoke mutual love feelings in your chosen one (no one will argue that unrequited love occurs very often in our lives). The ritual takes place at midnight, during the waxing month. The spell is read on a small amount of salt, 3 times:

“The salt is white and pure! Help me, God's servant (own name), love to awaken in the heart of God's servant (lover's name). Let his feelings for me be strong and strong, let him not see his life without me, let him be sad and bored, let him only look at me. I evoke love in him, I evoke a response, I evoke him for a long time, forever and ever! Amen!"

You need to transfer the charmed salt into a separate bowl or bag and season your loved one’s food with it. If there is no such opportunity, it can be poured onto the threshold of the chosen one with the words "So be it!"


The conspiracy is carried out during the new moon, using a pack of salt (it must be purchased on the day of the ceremony). A pack of salt should be opened and placed on the windowsill (you can use a saucer for convenience) with the words:

“As the month gets fatter and fills up, so does the salt gain energy. Just as the body of the moon grows every hour, so my pockets will be full of money and gold. I'll be rich! Amen!"

The salt must be left on the windowsill overnight. From the next day, it must be used for its intended purpose, that is, to salt food.

This ritual is very effective. If necessary, it can be repeated after the previous charmed salt has been completely used up.


Lightly moisten a tablespoon of salt with water, take it in your palms and clasp them together. Start rubbing the salt between your palms, saying (3 times):

“Like this salt, white, salty and pure, that’s how it was, that’s how it will always be. Likewise, you, all sorts of ailments, sores and pains, have left me forever. Now and ever and unto ages of ages. Night and day, my words are a lock and a key!”

After the plot is read, wash your hands under running water, keeping your palms away from you.


The plot is read on Sunday, before sunset. Take a cotton bag and pour 2 tablespoons of salt into it. Holding a bag of salt in front of your forehead, read the spell:

“There will be no grief for me neither far nor near, neither high nor low, neither on weekdays nor on holidays, neither under the roof, nor under heaven, neither among relatives nor among strangers. Sadness and depression will pass me by, never approaching me. My words are strong and strong, forever. Neither a magician nor an ordinary person can break them. Amen".

Place the bag of enchanted crystals at the head of your bed.


Pour the salt into a linen bag and speak using the following words:

“I charge salt with successful trade, with a rich and generous buyer, and not with the poor. Let trade continue every day, money accumulates, buyers increase. So be it! Amen (3 times)!”

Sew up the bag and take it with you to work (to the store). You can leave it there, safely hidden so that no one else can detect it.


Spoke a small amount of salt using these words:

“I whisper, I whisper and I get things done. From now on, the enemy will not be able to annoy me, cause damage, or break through the evil eye. I am not afraid of enemy intrigues, deceit, anger and meanness. So be it! Amen (3 times)!

Place the spoken salt in a small fabric bag, or wrap it in a clean handkerchief. Let it always be with you - to do this, sew it into a secret pocket of your clothes or place it in a separate pocket of your purse.


If you feel that you have been subjected to negative magical effects, perform this simple ritual for protection and cleansing. The ritual is performed at sunset.

  1. Take a saucer and pour a tablespoon of salt into it.
  2. Sit at the table, place the dishes with the substance in front of you, and a lit candle to your right.
  3. Grasp the saucer with your hands, peer into the candle flame and say:

“Violent winds, dispel the evil spell. Take them to dense, distant forests, to deep rivers, to fast waters. May they burn under the red sun! Get away from me, hateful thoughts. Let it be so - not for a day, but forever.”

Pour the salt charmed in this way into a paper bag and keep it on the windowsill of the room that serves as your bedroom for 3 days. During this time, the crystals of the substance will absorb the negative. After 3 days, take the bag of salt away from your home, bury it in the ground, or throw it into the water.

Spells for water from Natalia Stepanova

For the spell to work on water, it is important to strictly follow the rules:

  1. Try not to use tap water - it is “dead” and does not have strong energy. In winter, melt water is good, and in the warm season you can collect it in a river, lake or other clean natural source. Just make sure that there is no dirt, sand or small stones in the water. As a last resort, let the tap water sit for half an hour to an hour.
  2. Before you begin a magical ritual, learn the text of the plot well. You will have to pronounce it quickly, clearly, without the slightest hesitation, without looking at the piece of paper. Otherwise the plot will not work
  3. The room in which the ceremony will take place must be completely empty. Make sure that no one will disturb you - neither household members nor pets will disturb you
  4. Focus on the goal you want to achieve. Rid your mind of negative emotions and doubts. Believe in the magical power of the conspiracy - and it will definitely work
  5. No one should know that you are preparing to perform a magical ritual. This action must be performed secretly - the energy of strangers can unpredictably affect the result of magical intervention

Now you know all the necessary rules and you can proceed directly to conspiracies.

Spell on water for a spouse

If you are already married, but feel that your love has become significantly less, and your spouse does not pay enough attention, you often have conflicts, then you can try these types of love spells.


Prepare clean water and two white wax candles. Shortly before midnight, place a clear glass bowl of water in front of you and light the candles. Wait until the wax becomes soft. Put out the candles and intertwine them together.

When the wax has cooled again, light the candles again. Then bend over the bowl of water and clearly say the cherished words three times:

After reading the plot, wait until the candles go out. Pour the charmed water into a glass container with a lid.

A few drops of this water should be added to your and your husband’s food throughout the week. If liquid remains after this period, it must be poured into the ground.


This conspiracy works if your husband still loves the girl he dated before marrying you

To perform a magical ritual you will need holy water from the church. Wait for the waning moon, fill a glass bowl with water and leave. In the morning, just waking up, with the first rays of the sun, you need to say a spell, bending over the water:

This water should not be drunk. After the ceremony is completed, it must be poured out the window.

Make sure that no one is walking under the windows at this time, otherwise a stranger may get hurt and the plot will not work.


This version of the plot is used to return once strong feelings to a relationship. You felt that your chosen one began to treat you coldly, and that your attention was getting less and less every day - which means this is your case.

  • The plot is read for the new month. Wait until dawn.
  • Prepare a bowl of water (preferably the container is made of transparent glass). Place the cup in a secluded place where no one will find it.
  • After this you need to wait until dark. Closer to midnight, take out a bowl of water, go to the window and say the spell:

  • A few drops of enchanted water should be placed on the sheet on which you sleep. Pour the remaining liquid into the ground.


This conspiracy will help you become more beautiful and attractive, attractive to the opposite sex. Even if your appearance does not change, others will begin to perceive you in a new way.

  • The ritual is performed strictly on the full moon. To perform it, you will need three church wax candles, a scarf made of blue fabric, a little salt and a bowl of clean water from a natural source.
  • Wait until midnight. Put a scarf on your head (it should be new, never worn), place a bowl of water in the center of the table, and place candles behind it.
  • Light the candles and slowly, a pinch at a time, begin adding salt to the water, saying the following words:

  • After you say the text three times, quickly extinguish the candles and immediately leave the room.
  • You can only return to the premises in the morning.
  • Having crossed the threshold of the room in which the sacrament was performed, cross yourself three times and take seven small sips of the enchanted water. Pour the remaining water onto your hair.

Rituals for good luck

One day, a healer wrote in one of her books about a woman who asked to help her. The woman was already over forty years old, and she complained that her whole life consisted of problems and bad weather.

  1. She was never lucky with men, she never started her own family.
  2. She also didn’t feel at ease at work.
  3. The woman was absent-minded and clumsy, so she was fired as soon as the opportunity arose.

She asked Stepanova for advice and for her to write in her next book about conspiracies for good luck, which the healer did. There is no information about the further fate of that woman, but all those who tried to make Natalya Stepanova’s spells for happiness and good luck speak about them in the best possible way.

If you consider yourself an unhappy person and you have never been lucky in life, then know that it is never too late to change it. People are given life to live only once.

So why suffer, suffer and live with empty dreams about how well everything could have turned out well for you if you had been born under a lucky star? It is necessary to live well today, at this very moment, because no one knows how much more time is allotted to him.

One of the most effective conspiracies from Stepanova for attracting happiness into your life is the following conspiracy.

  • You need to buy a whole raw chicken and do it in such a way that you don't have to give change. If this doesn’t work out and you still have to give a few rubles in change, then ask the seller not to do this.
  • For the ceremony, you will also need a headscarf that has never been worn.
  • If there is no such thing, then you need to purchase it in the same way as you bought chicken, so as not to have to take change.
  • When you return home, wrap the chicken in this scarf and set it to cook with the words: “May whoever eats my chicken give me a lot of luck and happiness. Amen".
  • When your chicken is ready, there is no need to remove it from the pan. Just drain the cooking water.
  • Early in the morning, the next day, you need to remove the scarf from the chicken, but it is better to do this in such a way that you do not have to remove the chicken from the pan. You won't need the scarf anymore; you can throw it away.
  • Now take the chicken along with the pot and give it to the people who are in need.

It could be beggars, for example. You cannot give it to your friends or relatives. The person must be unfamiliar to you. Until you give the chicken back, you cannot eat or drink anything. For seven days after this ritual, it is forbidden to lend money or things to someone.

Do not think that such a conspiracy will somehow affect the people who eat the chicken. It is absolutely safe for them. Now, if you perform the ritual incorrectly or say different words during it, the result may be unpredictable.

Z good luck spell using a pin

Good luck can be lured with a pin, which is bought on the days of the new moon. A special secret of magical actions is that you should buy items for the ritual without change. At home, light a wax candle, hold a pin in your hands and say:

“The moon is born,
His strength awakens
He's heading towards me.
Like the month will not part with the stars,
So luck will not leave me either.
In the name of the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit.

Place the pin under the moonlight for several hours. Always carry the talisman with you and don’t show it to anyone.

Conspiracy for great luck

  • The sorceress woman, the one who lies in the coffin and guards her coffin. You walked the earth boldly, you did your magic work. I collected happiness and took it away from people, I stole luck and gave it to myself, give me, dead thing, luck.
  • Give me, sorceress, happiness in addition. I command you the fortieth psalm and the forty-first psalm and the first of black magic. I’m taking away your luck and happiness to boot. Amen. Amen. Amen.

Conspiracy for melt water

If your luck has run out, this plot will help. It is read strictly for melt water. You will also need a silver spoon, a small glass container and a wax candle.

Light a candle and set the water to boil. Stir the liquid with a silver spoon and say the following words:

The spell must be recited twelve times. Try to do it before the water boils. After reading, remove the water from the heat and wait until the candle burns out. The used water should be poured, preferably into the ground, and the wax from the burnt candle should be buried.

Gradually, luck will return to your life, and troubles will pass you by.

Ritual for money on the thirteenth

Particularly popular is a simple ceremony performed on the 13th of any month.

  1. Go to church before mass and buy 13 wax candles (thin ones are fine), and change the change from your purchase into small change. Candles are placed at the icons of the thirteen apostles.
  2. When you get home, throw the change on the floor and leave it until the next morning.
  3. It is recommended not to receive or invite guests on this day, so that there is no question: “Why is there money lying on the floor?” Also warn your family not to ask questions.
  4. When you wake up in the morning, you need to collect the change in a handkerchief and put it under your bed.
  5. Just do this before washing, combing and drinking tea. You will notice that your cash income will increase dramatically. The ritual can be repeated annually.

Money talisman

On the waxing moon, pull out the wick from the wax candle, light it with a match at both ends and quickly read:

“Fire is eternal,
And my spirit is marked
Gold, silver and all sorts of good things.

You only need to say it once. Then extinguish the wick and put it in your wallet. This talisman will attract money. It is advisable to do the ceremony on one of the church holidays.

Good luck spell to get a good income

This for good luck read three times on the new moon in the place where you do your business.

In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. From the Jesus Prayer, from the Mother of God Prayer, from the entire holy prayer book, from the hymns of the saints, from the prayers of old nuns and young nuns, from the Jesus Cross, from the Seal of Christ, from the saints of help, from my word, from my lips, come to me, the royal purse.

No one counted the money in that bag, no one ever took it for themselves. Who accumulated them? Who collected them? And you come to me, the royal bag, yourself - not for one day, but for all time. I can’t count the gold and silver, I can’t take enough gold and silver. Key. Lock. Language. Amen. Amen. Amen.

Conspiracy to win competitions

To win any competition you need to pick a clover with five petals, make a cross out of them and then say this spell for good luck:

Clover, wide clover, I plucked you in the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, the purity of the Holy Virgin, the purity of St. John the Baptist, the purity of St. John the Evangelist. May you serve me in all kinds of games.

Conspiracy to gain favor from superiors

This for good luck read before going to your superiors to resolve difficult issues.

I, God’s servant, will go into God’s light. There is no one I meet on the wide street. There is no oncoming, no cross. There are no dashing, evil, bad people who would say “no” to me, God’s servant.

They would not speak and would not persuade, and would not convince against my will. I will be illuminated by God’s light, I will be blessed by the icon, I will be wrapped in a cloud, I will be showered with frequent stars. And just as you can’t throw the month away from the sky, you can’t knock over the sun, so you can’t interrupt me in my business, you can’t break me.

I will always stand my ground and not let go of my work. It will be as I want. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen. Amen. Amen.

A conspiracy to drive away bad luck

Sometimes, before attracting good luck, it is necessary to drive away bad luck. For this ritual you will need regular millet, which you need to feed to the chickens. When you feed, say:

“How will this millet disappear,
This is how my failures will disappear.
Today, forever, forever.
In the name of the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit.

It is difficult to find chickens in the city, so you can feed the pigeons or sparrows.

The main thing is that the birds peck all the grains.

Love spells

Natalya's books contain a huge variety of different love spells that are suitable for a variety of situations. These are conspiracies for those who:

  1. wants to find his soul mate soon;
  2. wants to make a certain person fall in love with him;
  3. wants to protect himself from his beloved’s betrayals and tie him to himself;
  4. has a desire to revive his beloved’s former feelings;
  5. wants to push her loved one to take a serious step, marriage for example.

You should be very careful with love spells, because they will affect not only your life, but also the life of another person.

  • If you want to make someone fall in love with you, for example, then just imagine how a person will feel who does not understand what suddenly happened to him and why he is so madly drawn to you, if just yesterday you were not even friends. You will have to bear responsibility for the rest of your life for the situation of the person you spoke to. Some may even commit suicide.
  • You must clearly understand that a person is not a toy, and you do not have the right to control his life for someone. If you decide to plot, then this is no longer love, but rather a manifestation of your weakness.

The spells of the Siberian healer Natalya Stepanova are so strong that they can do terrible things to both you and the person under the spell. Have you changed your mind yet? Then read on.

We strengthen it significantly

This conspiracy is suitable only for those women who live together with their boyfriend or husband and want to charm them not so that love will appear in their hearts, but so that it will intensify exponentially and bind the lovers together forever.

  • For the ritual you will need a medium-sized basin of water.
  • The ritual should be carried out only at midnight and only when no one is at home, because the plot needs to be read quite loudly, and you cannot allow anyone to hear it, because any ritual is a special sacrament that is your personal business.
  • If you want the conspiracy to bear fruit, then keep it secret from others, not only before performing the ritual, but even after you get the result.
  • Stand with both feet in a basin of water.
  • Say these words clearly and loudly:

“I take the right hand of my slave (the name of the person you need) and bring upon him eternal strong love for me, so that he can neither eat, nor drink, nor sleep, but only dream and think about me all the time. I appeal to the highest to the forces to send (name in the dative case) happiness, which he can only find next to me. He should no longer look at other women, only see my face in everyone. I ask you so, I command you, let it be so. Amen".

  • After you finish reciting the spell, bow four times and stand in the bowl of water for a few more minutes with your eyes closed, imagining the face of your loved one at this time.
  • Now you should wash your man’s shirt in the charmed water and let him wear it the next day.

Love spell for a married man

If you have fallen in love with a married man, but want to separate him from his wife, then one conspiracy will help.

It must be done exactly at 12 o'clock at night. Sit in front of an open window, place a glass of water on the windowsill and lower a needle and red thread there. Say the following words:

“Drive away, mother moon, my beloved from your wife. Let him come to me and stay in my bed forever. Let him be tied to me with a red thread of love, and let my love sit firmly in his heart, like this needle. Let it be this way and no other way!”

Then wash your face with this water and go to bed. You can expect your loved one in 9 days.

Spell for husband's love

If your husband has lost interest in you, then Natalya Stepanova has a conspiracy for this case too.

“Just as the moon is growing now, so let my husband’s love for me become bigger and stronger every day. Let no one dare to separate us and let us sleep in the same bed until our graves. My word is strong and tenacious and let it be so!”

Then go to bed, and put your husband’s enchanted clothes under your pillow. Let him put it on in the morning, and you can expect results by the evening of the next day.

Love spell for grooms

On Easter day, girls very often carry out a wide variety of conspiracies so that after a big fast, suitors come to their house with certain intentions. On Easter day you need to kiss 9 colored eggs and say the words:

“People love Holy Easter, they remember and appreciate a mother’s affection, even though men love me so much, appreciate me, follow me, God’s servant (name). Christ has risen, and the groom will come to me and marry me. Let it be so".

Kissed eggs must be given to men.

Conspiracy for strong love without betrayal in the future

Pour water into a basin and stand with your feet in it. Standing in the water, read the plot:

  • “There is an entrance on earth, whoever enters it will find my water there. I will take God’s servant (name) by the right hand, and I will bring eternal love for me to boredom. He won’t wash it off, he won’t talk him out of it, he won’t stop loving me, and he’ll never forget (bow).
  • No matter how much he eats or drinks, he will be bored in separation, not know peace, and suffer. I will become to him like bread and water, clear sky and earth, I will be dearer to freedom and relatives of red blood. (Name), give me your heart, and take my heart in return. Mother earth, close, sister water, help (bow).
  • You will follow me, (name). The power of water below under the foot (bow), four stars above (bow). In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.".

Then wet your loved one’s shirt in this water and dry it. Then this shirt must be given to him to wear for a week.

Conspiracy for reconciliation

If you already love and are loved, but quarrels often take place in your personal life, then do not despair - use reconciliation spells to normalize the situation, restoring balance in love. Below is the most effective conspiracy, according to the Siberian healer, for grievances, quarrels and misunderstandings.

Take two candles and twist them into one (to make them bend better, put them briefly in a warm place where the wax becomes soft). When you light candles, read these spell words:

I don't burn candles
And I unite two hearts
For bread and salt at the table,
For a good life, for family happiness. Amen.

In the next 24 hours, you will experience warmth in relationships and mutual understanding. It is worth resorting to the help of a conspiracy only in extreme cases. The effectiveness of the ritual is high only when you use it as little as possible.

Conspiracy of jealousy

It's no secret that the most sworn enemy of any relationship and love is jealousy. She is capable of killing the strongest love, so constantly read the following plot.

Arrows of fire from the jealous heart
They don't stick into the ground,
They break about people,
The soul is taken out
Life is destroyed, the body is tormented.
So those arrows would fly by
On tall spruce trees, on a rotten swamp,
Into the dry forest, so that jealousy will disappear as if by hand. Amen.

You can resort to this remedy every Thursday. The words are read with water or any other drink. It should be given to your spouse or boyfriend to drink.

As you can see, Witch Stepanova has magical solutions for all occasions.

The Siberian healer will help in the fight against damage, enemies and addictions. With the help of 7000 spells you will find wealth, love and happiness. But remember the consequences - sometimes they can be terrible.

Love is the most important thing in our life. We all dream of finding our one and only person so we can spend many happy and joyful days next to us.

Conspiracies from the Siberian healer Natalya Stepanova are the best way to find your true happiness. She helps to find knowledge and strength capable of miracles. After all, love is a feeling that is achieved not only with the help of a person’s personal qualities, but with the help of luck.

Love spell on food

The main thing is to find your loved one. And a food love spell will help increase your chance of pleasing the person you desire. Cast a special spell on any dish, food or drink, and then treat the person you want to bewitch.

This method is suitable for family dinners, corporate events, and friendly meetings. It is enough just to treat your chosen one, and he will be tied to you with strong ties. Natalya Stepanova notes that this ritual is not performed on even days, so be careful.

God bless you with bread.
Reward with holy water,
And so that my husband (name)
He was with me forever and ever.
Blood in the liver
Salt in food
Your flesh is in me.
Key, lock, tongue.

This is an ancient love spell that is used by a huge number of people. Effectiveness is enhanced by true faith in the power of words.

Conspiracy for reconciliation

If you already love and are loved, but quarrels often take place in your personal life, then do not despair - use reconciliation spells to normalize the situation, restoring balance in love. Below is the most effective conspiracy, according to the Siberian healer, for grievances, quarrels and misunderstandings.

Take two candles and twist them into one (to make them bend better, put them briefly in a warm place where the wax becomes soft). When you light candles, read these spell words:

I don't burn candles
And I unite two hearts
For bread and salt at the table,
For a good life, for family happiness. Amen.

In the next 24 hours, you will experience warmth in relationships and mutual understanding. It is worth resorting to the help of a conspiracy only in extreme cases. The effectiveness of the ritual is high only when you use it as little as possible.

Conspiracy of jealousy

It's no secret that the most sworn enemy of any relationship and love is jealousy. She is capable of killing the strongest love, so constantly read the following plot.

Arrows of fire from the jealous heart
They don't stick into the ground,
They break about people,
The soul is taken out
Life is destroyed, the body is tormented.
So those arrows would fly by
On tall spruce trees, on a rotten swamp,
Into the dry forest, so that jealousy will disappear as if by hand. Amen.

You can resort to this remedy every Thursday. The words are read with water or any other drink. It should be given to your spouse or boyfriend to drink.

Natalya Stepanova advises using these three rituals, respecting the power of nature and the energy of the cosmos. Be careful and focused as much as possible when resorting to them. We wish you good luck in love and relationships. Let love become a source of warmth and kindness for you, not disappointment. Be happy and don't forget to press the buttons and

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Love! Many people strive to experience this feeling. Young ladies dream of love. For the sake of love, strong men are ready to do the most impressive things. Love can be tender, passionate, ardent, bright. But when the feelings are not mutual, it is very difficult and painful.

If there is no love, then life is boring, and sometimes even sad. You can cry because love doesn't work out. There is an option to look for a new object of adoration. Oh, you can turn to white magic and read love spells. This is exactly what they did in forgotten ancient times, beautiful maidens.

Below are the spells of a Siberian healer for love. These few examples are especially popular among the people.

Conspiracy of a Siberian healer for the love of her husband

The most valuable and desirable is the love of a man with whom he has lived years of life and acquired a common “baggage”. But life together is not always cloudless. It happens that the spouse suddenly grows cold. And, even worse, if the road began to glance to the side. It is for such cases that the following ritual is suitable.

You need to go to the window in the evening, while your husband is not home yet. You need to close your eyes and vividly imagine how your husband goes home, opens the door, and, smiling, heads towards his wife. Such thoughts will create the necessary energy field. Once you manage to get in the right frame of mind, you should read these words:

I (wife's name) call him (husband's name) home

I give you four angels

They will stand on the sides, front and back

Home of the legal spouse

Bring you to your beloved wife

Let him come back in reality

And he will never forget about me again

He loves only me

Only with me will he be happy

Spells of a Siberian healer for the love of a man

The following few examples are applicable in situations when it comes to relationships with a man. Those. there was a relationship, but for some reason the guy lost interest and stopped paying attention to his beloved.

To cast a spell, you need to pour clean water into a basin and stand in it with your bare feet. Then you need to say the following words:

There is an entrance in our world

Who will enter it

He will find this water

I will take God's servant (name) by the right hand

Yes, I will bring eternal love to his boredom

How can he avoid eating and drinking?

And without God’s servant (name) he will not know happiness and joy

I will be like water and bread to him

Give me your heart

Mother earth, protect yourself from trouble

The power of water is under my feet

You will follow (guy's name) only after me.

After reading the words, you need to dip the man's shirt into the water. Then the dried item must be given to your loved one. Let him wear it without washing it for three days.

The next version of the plot is read on Easter. To cast a spell, you need to take 9 colored eggs. Each colored egg must be kissed in turn and said:

How people value and honor Holy Easter

How do people remember mother's affection?

So let the man (name) love me and appreciate me

Follows me on my heels

He can’t find a place for himself without me.

Let him come to me

Yes, he will ask me to get married.

After reading these words, you can forget about the ritual for a while. But these colored eggs should not be given to anyone. More often than not, agonizing expectations only make it more difficult to achieve what you want. If you forget about your dream, you may not notice how it gets closer.

Love spell for a guy with candles

For this hex you will need three church candles and a photo of your lover.

You need to put the photo right in front of you, and take the candles in your hands. Without taking your eyes off the photo of your loved one, you need to braid candles and say:

How a wax candle is intertwined with church candles

So the hearts of the servant of God (name) and the servant of God (name) will be intertwined together

To be together forever

After reading the first part of the plot, you need to install wicker candles in a candlestick, and place the photo in front of the candles. Then, you need to light the wicks and say the second part:

How the candles came together

So the servant of God (name) must be inseparable from the servant of God (name) forever.

Many people use magic spells today. Almost all women resorted to similar tricks in ancient times.

There are complex rites and rituals that require preparation.

: You can try using special prayer words to get your loved one to call. This reminder option is suitable for those girls who go to church...

There is no woman who would want to part with her beloved, dear man, at least for a while, but fate can be cruel, it happens to people...

Everyone knows, there is no harmony in the family, there is no family itself, it’s only a matter of time. If you find it difficult to find a common language...

My main principles: Individual approach to each person and work for results.

The most complete description in all details - Natalya Stepanova can read a love spell on a man’s love with a fairly strong and safe magical effect.

Currently, there are many sorcerers and practicing magicians who promise a person the quick fulfillment of his dream, whatever it may be. But at the same time, figuring out which of them is really capable of bringing what they want closer, and which is a fraudster, is quite difficult. Therefore, many who want to achieve certain goals choose proven methods and conspiracies of those healers and soothsayers about whom legends have been circulating for years. It is precisely such famous personalities that Natalya Ivanovna Stepanova, endowed with a gift from above, belongs to. Her magic spells, conspiracies and prayers help people in completely different situations. Therefore, they are still in great demand and deserve the best positive reviews. And in this article we will talk about the most popular conspiracies of Natalia Stepanova, which can be read even by a person who has not previously encountered magic and similar methods of influence.

The spells and prayers written by a healer from Siberia comprise several dozen publications (“7000 spells of a Siberian healer”, “1001 spells of Natalya Stepanova”, “Big Book of Spells”, etc.). All her texts are designed to protect people, as well as help them heal, find love, attract wealth, other material wealth and well-being into their lives, provide protection from damage, the evil eye, etc.

Gift of a healer to help people

The Siberian healer was endowed with a special gift from birth. She, like her mother, is the successor of a whole line of healers and witches. However, unlike her blood relatives, Natalya Ivanovna relatively recently discovered her unique abilities and at the same time realized that she had considerable interest in this field of activity.

The healer from Siberia currently has more than 200 publications, which contain spells and various prayers designed to help different people in the most unusual and atypical situations. Her books are accessible guides for the common man who seeks to use magic to change the course of his life. The most popular collections today are:

  • “7000 conspiracies of the Siberian healer,” which included texts aimed at healing a person from all kinds of diseases and getting rid of addictions;
  • “1111 conspiracies ...” with the texts of conspiracies from curing ailments to attracting love and improving personal life;
  • “1001 conspiracies...”, which contains the words of conspiracies and prayers to eliminate various diseases and bad habits, as well as some recipes for difficult-to-treat ailments;
  • “The Big Book of Conspiracies...” - 5 editions containing conspiracies of love, healing, household magic and other various conspiracies, which the healer Natalya Ivanovna Stepanova personally wrote over the course of many years.

Some of the conspiracies included in these publications, which have recently become very popular, we invite users to read online for free in this article.

Magic texts from the book “7000 conspiracies of the Siberian healer”

To heal and reduce an incurable disease to an animal

This conspiracy will help patients whose diseases are considered incurable. To heal a sick person, they use a conspiracy to transfer the disease to a dog. It is important what gender the patient is:

  • when a woman is sick, the illness is transferred to the bitch;
  • when the patient is a man, his illness is sent to the dog.

To make the plot more effective, it is better to read it during the waning moon. On one of these days, you should take a handful of wool from a dog of the desired gender. Then it needs to be set on fire and the words of the following conspiracy should be read on the resulting ashes:

“I call forth the dark forces from under the lying black stone. Silushka is dark, but the matter is sinful, with melancholy and aching, and dryness, and exhaustion. Remove, dark forces, from the servant of God (name of the patient) illness, death and place it on the dog. Horns and hooves, devil Satan, help your servant (proper name)! Take the dog, not the servant of God (again the name of the sick person), give her back all the hours of her allotted life!”

After the text of the healing spell is pronounced, the ashes need to be scattered in the wind. But for the conspiracy to work, one more condition must be fulfilled, which Natalya Ivanovna mentions in her publication - do not give anything to anyone for three days. In other words, do not take anything out of the house for the specified period. If you do everything correctly, the conspiracy will show its first results very soon.

Ritual for healing a seriously ill person

Also included in the book “7000 conspiracies” is the text of a prayer for healing a seriously ill patient. For this prayer to give a positive result, it must be read every day, early in the morning and late in the evening, holding the icon of the Three-Handed Lady above the patient’s head.

Taking the face of the saint in your hands, hold it above the head of a seriously ill person and read the text of the prayer:

“Oh Mary Mother of God! Great Virgin, Blessed and Most Holy! We are baptized, we bow to your image, we ask for help, remembering what a miracle you performed, glorified, manifested by healing! This sign still exists and is visible on the icon with Your face in the form of a third hand attached. Three-handed One, help, with Your wondrous Hand, heal the soul and body of the servant of God (name of the sick person)! Give us healing, help, hear us and do not deprive us in trouble. In the Name of the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit!”

After these words, you should say “Amen” and you can complete the ritual. If you do everything correctly and read prayers regularly, the patient can be healed.

Ritual that gives health

This amulet charm, which Natalya Ivanovna published in the book “7000 Conspiracies,” should be read in the bathhouse. Those who pronounce it in the right environment gain good health and do not succumb to the influence of disease or negative outside influences.

To gain good health, this plot is read in the bathhouse, after taking a good steam bath and washing. While rinsing, you need to say the following magic words three times in a row:

“The bathhouse washed away all the dirt, the bathhouse gave me health! Saints Gabriel, Michael and Paul, bless me and congratulate me on your good health! Amen!".

Ritual for finding strong love

Love can be considered the most desirable feeling. Everyone would like to experience unearthly sensations, and therefore Natalya Ivanovna in this publication published love magic spells that will bring the moment of the long-awaited event closer. And the book with 7000 spells contains many such spells that help improve your personal life. However, this ritual can be used by those people who have already met their soulmate and want to seal the union with strong love.

For strong love, the ritual with the reading of the plot must be read with burning candles. Buy three wax candles in advance. Late in the evening, close the vents and windows, and cover the table with a new cloth tablecloth. It must be white. Then place three burning candles in the center of the table and begin to read the plot for pure and strong love:

“Oh, our Lord, Great Father! I pray with tenderness, Thy servant (my name), that you will build a high wall, an impassable fence, reveal a deep hole, an immeasurable ditch, and send an insurmountable melancholy. The depth should be three fathoms, and the height – immeasurable. Lord, please, close and protect us from the servant of God (the name of the beloved), so that separation does not separate us, our rival does not separate us. Lock my words, and take it for yourself, help me. As long as that castle remains closed, so long will the servants of God (their name and beloved) be together and live in love. Language, key, lock."

After pronouncing the text of this plot, put out one candle. Read the plot again and put out the second candle. Then do the same with the third candle. Finish by saying “Amen” three times. Then tie all three candles together and, placing them on a fireproof dish, light them again. Wait for them to burn out. Only after the cinders go out on their own, can you open the window so that smoke comes out of the room along with the words of the conspiracy for strong love between two.

To prevent cheating

Such a conspiracy is read by a spouse who wants to preserve love and prevent betrayal. It should be read on an engagement ring. However, the spouse should not know about the ritual. Therefore, it is advisable to take the ring secretly.

“The Lord Almighty gave us land, water and bread. And then silver and gold appeared on earth. Just as everyone stares at the gold and silver, they covet it, they want to take it for themselves, so let my dear husband (his name) also look at me, so that he can look at it, but he can’t stop looking at it, so that he can admire it, but he can’t stop looking at it. Just as everyone is drawn to gold and silver, so let my dear (name again) be drawn to me, to his lawful wife. So that he hugs and kisses and never knows any other woman. Just as Jesus Christ did not change his faith, so did the servant of God (again the name of the spouse), so that he remains faithful to me until death. Amen"

Conspiracies from a collection of 5 editions

“The Big Book of Conspiracies,” in which Natalya Ivanovna included conspiracies on various topics (healing, finding love, getting rid of an addiction, etc.), consists of five editions. Each of them is a collection for those who are looking for help from magic, but have not encountered it before. For example, “The Big Book of Conspiracies 1” by Stepanova, a Siberian hereditary healer, will introduce you to the basic terms that can contain conspiracies and prayers. At the same time, “The Big Book of Conspiracies 2” is a daily guide for beginners to practice magic.

Both in these and the other three publications, there are conspiracies from the section of love, healing and household magic. This can be explained by the fact that every person living on earth strives to live out the time allotted to him from above and meet his love during this period. Therefore, it is precisely such conspiracies and prayers that are most in demand. Below you can read online for free some love and healing magic spells that can be called in demand.

Spell to get your husband's feelings back

“The Big Book of Conspiracies 2,” which contains conspiracies against cancer, alcohol addiction, as well as ancient recipes, also contains text that allows you to return the love of your own husband.

After waiting for a clear disk of the moon to appear in the sky, the woman should leave the house and go to the fence (fence). You need to read the plot with your hands clasped at chest level and looking at the heavenly body. The words of this conspiracy should sound like this:

“Clear Moon, My Mother! You live in heaven, sleep in soft clouds, walk on starry mansions. I will bow, pray, and submit to You, so that You may take my longing and place it on my husband’s head. Let him think about me, yearn for me, suffer and constantly remember. So that from now on he will long for his legal wife (his name). My words, grow stronger, my charms, gain strength, strengthen my speeches like dough, and rise up and throw yourself at my dear husband (his name). So that from now on I will be sweeter to him than honey, hotter than fire! Amen!"

A ritual for strong love without betrayal with your husband's shirt

Each book included in the collection of five editions contains love magic spells for strong and ardent love. However, the text of this prayer, which Natalya Ivanovna wrote, is secured by a ritual, for which you will need a sweetheart’s shirt.

In order for the love between two people to be great, strong and without betrayal, the legal wife should take one of her husband’s shirts. You need to go with her to a natural source (spring, river or lake). Having taken off her shoes, the woman must enter the water and, holding her shirt in her hands, read the text of the prayer 9 times in a row:

“There is an entrance on earth that whoever finds it will enter the enchanted water. I, the servant of God (my name), will take the servant of God (my husband’s name) by the right hand. I will bring strong, big, ardent and eternal love to him, I will bring melancholy, sadness, boredom to him. Just as he can never wash away that melancholy, he will never stop loving me. In sadness and melancholy, he couldn’t eat, drink, or sleep, he couldn’t get any rest. So that I, the servant of God (my name), would be to him like bread, like water, like a heavenly body, dearer than freedom and dearer to his mother. Take my heart, and give me yours, and you, Voditsa Mother and Sister Earth, take these words away! Help me (bow on these words), lead the servant of God (name of spouse) after me (bow again). There are four stars above and a lot of water below (bow again), from now on and forever and ever. In the Name of the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit."

You should finish reading the prayer by saying the word “Amen.” After which the shirt is rinsed in a pond. Now you can take it home, dry it and give it to your husband. You should make sure that he wears the shirt spelled for love for a week. At the same time, Natalya Ivanovna does not recommend washing the miraculous shirt throughout the week. Otherwise, the effect of the conspiracy will disappear.

As previously mentioned, every publication and every book published by the hereditary healer from Siberia Natalya Ivanovna is a collection. Containing spells and prayers for all occasions, these works are invaluable, as they help a person overcome problems and cope with the trials prepared for him by fate. Therefore, all the texts of Stepanova’s spells are still very popular.

Natalya Ivanovna Stepanova

From this book you will learn how you can use a spell to summon the image of your worst enemy in the mirror or see the thief who robbed you.

You will find out what can happen to a person who has knocked over the funeral ritual, and whether it is possible to repaint your wedding dress elegant black without fear for your future.

Many of you will be interested to know who the brownie stays with in the event of a divorce.

In the “Question and Answer” section, I answer fans of Igor Nikolaev, those who, according to their horoscope, are most suitable for his life partner.

As always, I will explain in detail to my students how to remove the Old Believer spell of dementia from a person and much more.

The list of what I will teach you in this book can be very long, so let's not waste precious time.

Read, memorize and learn. And I want only one thing - for you all to be happy and healthy.

Write what else you would like to learn about from my books. I answer you that I will take into account and fulfill all your requests.

And may God bless you!

I want to please my students. Finally, the opportunity to receive the new newspaper “Magic and Life” has appeared. This wonderful and beautiful newspaper provides a complete school of my craft. From it you will thoroughly learn about all the possibilities of a person living on earth. The newspaper will be very useful for you, in it I will personally answer each of your letters and help ensure that all your problems are quickly resolved.

And further! Subscribers and admirers of the newspaper "Magic and Life", if necessary, will be sent a coupon to me for an appointment, and the one who sends all the coupons from each newspaper for the whole year will be sent an amulet, which will be made for you exactly as I was taught my grandmother.

Yours, Natalya Ivanovna

Love magic

For love in the family

I myself, the servant of God (name),

I collected these hops.

How I filled my thoughts with these hops.

How did this hop cling to the fence?

Tightly, tightly merged with the fence,

So the slave (name) pressed against me,

The white ones clung to my hands,

Not for an hour, not for a day

He never left me.

He would love me as he loved me when he was a girl,

Would follow me everywhere

Like when he was a girl he followed me.

Where will my foot step?

He would have gone there too.

For the same

Like these ants go to honey,

So does my husband come to me,

How can these ants be in this bottle?

So do the servant of God (name)

Live with me forever and ever.

For harmony and harmony in the family

I sprinkle poppy seeds, sow them,

I invite consent and harmony into my hut.

Be in my house people

They are peaceful and friendly among themselves.

Give us, God, treasure and harmony.

In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit.

A very strong conspiracy to get along in the family

The firewood was lit,

And my hands filled this fire.

How did this fire go out?

So that quarrels and disputes in my house will go out.

Now and ever and unto ages of ages. Amen.

Love spell for the groom at the church

We exchanged rings before the Lord God,

Got married and exchanged rings.

In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit.

Now and ever and unto ages of ages. Amen.

Amulet for the groom

The heights of heaven cannot be reached,

Heavenly beauty cannot be taken away.

So no one will reduce my son’s

And it won’t add anything to him.

In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit.

Now and ever and unto ages of ages. Amen.

Amulet for the bride

On her hem is God's shutter.

No one will harm that shutter,

No one will defeat my amulet.

My leg is left, her leg is right.

A wedding toast that leads to divorce

I will give just a few of the toasts that, according to the stories of the brides and grooms (later divorced), were pronounced at their wedding table:

- God grant you, Kolenka, not your last wedding and wife.

“God grant you, Volodka, to love her like your soul, and shake her like a neighbor’s pear.”

– Hit her more often, love will be sweeter, and so on. When speaking this toast, a person does not think that in fact he just wished the bride and groom a divorce, and in the last two toasts he wished for ccopbi and fights.

I will teach you what to do if someone, during a wedding, without thinking, quietly, wished bad things to the newlyweds.

First, you should immediately go and cut off a piece of bread, saying:

How do I cut this piece of bread,

So I’m removing your (name) promises.

Then this piece of bread should be placed near the one who wished bad things to the young people.

But the simplest thing is: you need to make a wedding amulet in advance.

Amulet at the wedding table

My table is oak, my guests are tin,

All evil promises are made of glass.

Like fragile glass breaks, breaks,

So not a single evil word in a promise is forgotten.

In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit.

Now and ever and unto ages of ages. Amen.

A love spell that cannot be removed

I will get up on Easter, look at the dawn,

I will see a flying fiery arrow.

I will submit to that arrow, I will pray,

I will bow to the damp mother earth.

Where are you flying, fiery arrow?

In old dark forests, in dry gray grass,

In rotten stumps and roots.

Come back, fiery arrow, come back

And pierce God’s servant (name) in the heart,

Get used to this heart, become close.

Don’t let him without me, slaves (name),

And let him suffer and suffer at this time.

Walk with his blood

Along the strong veins into the namesake's black liver,

In the lungs, the brain and in all the bones and bones,

Into the male, sexual, erectile vein,

In his desires, thoughts and intentions,

His eyebrows are black, his eyes are clear, his lips are sugary.

From dawn to sun, from sun to month,

On profit and loss,

What I didn’t say, thought and didn’t say.

Everyone brace yourself, everyone get along

And never, ever and ever, be interrupted.

I lock it with the key and lose the keys.

In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Capture your husband's heart

There are wonderful things in God's world.

On the sea, on the Ocean, on the island on Buyan,

The Alatyr stone lies crying.

The bathhouse stands on that stone, burning the stones with fire,

Doesn't give Alatyr peace.

The board is fried and steamed in that bathhouse,

And on the board there is burning and seething melancholy.

That melancholy rushes about, rushes,

Throws himself at the bath walls.

From wall to corner, from floor to ceiling,

From the ceiling to the bath shelf, from the shelf to the threshold.

Go, violent melancholy-anxiety,

Through all the paths, crossroads, air and fire,

Find, melancholy, a place in my husband.

Sit in this place, sit, pinch it and twist it,

Bake for me, slave (name), until I cry.

All his 77 joints are cool,

Turn all his thoughts

Muddy all his joints and semi-joints,

All veins and veins.

So that he thinks about me, his married wife.

I suffered, I grieved, I was sad,

I didn’t get a break either day or night.

I didn’t drink water, I didn’t smoke terry,

I didn’t put bread in my mouth, I didn’t eat food.

I wouldn’t doze, I wouldn’t sleep, I would suffer everything about me,

He threw himself from the window to the window,

He rushed from door to door

On all paths and roads, on any paths

With trembling, with straining, with crying and sobbing.

He would come to me, run, look for me everywhere,

I didn’t have a single minute to rest.

Wouldn't stay anywhere

I wouldn't admire anyone.

I would not sleep, I would grieve and suffer

Only about me, my married wife,

My word is strong, molding and tenacious.

I close my words with a lock,

I lock Alatyr with a key.

He will only interrupt my business,

Who will drink from the ocean-sea for one spirit?

Key, lock, tongue. Amen. Amen. Amen.

Love spell on bread

They bake bread and, while it is hot, read it nine times. They treat someone they want to bewitch with this bread.

In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit.

I will go out into an open field, into a wide expanse.

I will shout, I will call out to 77 winds, 77 whirlwinds.

Go, brothers, whirlwinds and winds,

In all directions from earth to sky.

Take away the melancholy from all widows and orphans,

From crying children, from sad mothers.

Take it and bring melancholy and sadness

In the heart of God's servant (name).

Let it nest there, huddle, take root,

Living with him forever and ever,

So that he misses me

About his married wife:

Under the Sun and under the Moon,

On a clear day and rain.

He wouldn't drink me in a party,

He wouldn't eat me in food,

Among friends, I didn’t forget girlfriends,

He wouldn't trade me for anyone:

Neither red nor dark,

Neither white nor gray,

Neither mature nor old,

Not for a young person and not for anyone.

There are 77 intrigues, there are 77 executions.

Execute him, do not have mercy.

Vetry Vetrovichi, Vikhri Vikhrovichi,

I am his dear wife, I am his smart head,

I am his peahen, I am his sweet amusement.

I am his mother, I am his sister,

I am his darling.

My breath is water.

Be, my words, to him forever.

In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit.

Now and ever and unto ages of ages. Amen.

To bring my husband home

How men, old and young, love women's breasts

And through this love they destroy their hearts,

So would you, my husband, servant of God (name),

From all paths, from all roads I hurried home,

The day has not passed, the night has not passed,

Loved me, suffered and suffered,

On my mind, on my mind I kept

My name and me, the servant of God (name).

Key, lock, tongue. Amen, Amen, Amen.

Love spell on cooking

How did you, my dough, fall into this place?

So my seal would be placed on the servant of God (name).

In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit.

Now and ever and unto ages of ages. Amen.

When you bake buns or pies, treat them to the one you love.

Love spell on husband

Bless, mother earth,

Bless me, Mother of God.

In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit.

On the water-floor, at its last depth,

A stone slab lies

Under that slab lies hidden melancholy,

That melancholy groans, suffers,

All the days, all the hours I rest, I don’t know rest.

Who will be affected by that melancholy?

He will drink away the heart, break the joints and bones.

And you get up, stone slab, fall off,

To go out into the light, open the door.

And go, Toska Sukheyevna,

So that my word can be spoken.

Sushi and pali, melancholy,

Heart of God's servant (name),

So that he suffers for me, his wife,

I didn’t know a minute of peace or respiration,

He ran towards me from all the paths and paths.

I would rush to my door,

To my white feet.

I would seem to him like living water, beloved,

A dear mother, a desired wife.

Everything that exists in God's world of love,

Converge on my white chest.

I close my conspiracy with locks,

I tie my words with strong knots.

Who is wiser than me?

Who will interrupt my words?

Longing will take his heart forever and ever.

Key, lock, tongue. Amen(three times).

Love spell on the nest

Bones and wings from this nest,

Fly through the forests, through the green fields,

Through high mountains, quicksand swamps.

There lives a mighty force, its name is Tosca.

Fly and bring that sadness and sadness.

Let her weave and weave her nest,

God's servant (name) is suffering.

So he would burn, so he would suffer,

That I didn’t see my native land at my feet,

He couldn’t take my name off his tongue.

Will it snow, will it rain,

No one will wash away my words or interrupt.

Be my words, live my words.

In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit.

Now and ever and unto ages of ages.

Love spell on a ring

The ring has no end

My husband has no other crown forever and ever.

I am his first, and I am his last. Amen.

In the morning, give your husband his ring.

Love spell on a husband

The moon rises, the sun comes out,

The sun rises, the moon goes down.

On the sea, on the ocean, on a heavenly platter,

And people walk on mother earth.

The servant of God (name) walks among them,

His eyes sleep, his heart sleeps.

And you, hot needle, go to work,

Send care to God's servant (name).

He cannot sleep during the day, nor can he sleep during the dark night.

Think and suffer

Keep slave (name) in mind.

If only it were not forbidden by God

He should approve and take the slave (name) as his eternal spouse.

You are strong, be even higher

Sew the experience into his head,

There is torment and suffering in my heart, sadness in my forehead,

You can’t wash it with water, you can’t wash it away,

Words cannot dissuade, deeds cannot dismiss:

Neither the first, nor the second, nor the youngest,

Not the elder one, not anyone.

Oh, you needle, you would help me:

Sew, dry, morning, day, night,

No one can prevail forever and ever.

No matter what I said, no matter what I said.

I started sewing on Monday

On Tuesday I took his heart for the rest of my life.

Wear, slave (name), my sewing, do not take it off.

Age by age, do not forget me, the servant of God.

Key, lock, tongue. Amen.

Love spell on water and drool

My saliva, saliva, go from me to the holy water,

Deny all freedom to my husband,

How people cannot live without saliva and without water,

So you, servant of God, cannot live without me (name) either.

The key is in the mouth, the saliva is in the water,

And my husband is with me forever and ever.

In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Spray your husband's mouth with this water and your drool. Then the husband will never go out.

Love spell on soap

Water from the lye, wash off the servant of God (name)

Sadness for the maidens, elders,

Widows, sisters, brothers,

To sons-in-law, godfathers all over the world.

And be sad, servant of God (name), about me,

About his married wife, slave (name),

As an Orthodox people

He takes soap into his hands to wash himself,

She clings to her body, presses him,

So he would take me, hug me,

I often pressed it to my heart. Amen.

Severe dryness when drinking

Earthly queen, water-voditsa,

How do you serve God and the king,

Serve me too, God's servant (name).

Come on, take a sip,

You will approach the heart of God's servant (name).

Jump in it, have fun,

My name settled in his soul.

So he would grieve.

So that he would be sad,

How a mother cries and grieves for her child,

A mare by her foal.

How people cannot live without you, water,

So that the servant of God (name)

Couldn't live God's day without me:

Not an hour to change, not a minute to pass.

Shout without me, cry

Throw yourself neither door nor window.

Be my words strong and true,

To the servant of God (name) modeling.

In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit.

Now and ever and unto ages of ages. Amen.

Love spell on women's milk

Everyone who was born on earth

Everyone who was baptized by the church

Everyone ate and drank through a woman's breast.

And you, servant of God (name), drink, eat

And don’t forget me, your married wife,

In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit.

Now and ever and unto ages of ages. Amen.

Love spell for 12 years

I conjure you to bake,

Your burner, your ash, your chimney,

Smoke, fire, heat, warmth,

The first and last spark.

I want God’s servant (name) to be mine.

Go, smoke, to him, God’s servant (name),

Make it 12 years old

To me, his wife, God's servant (name).

In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit.

Now and ever and unto ages of ages.

Key, lock, tongue. Amen.

Love spell on straw from seven yards

How straw is given to the power of this fire,

So, my dear husband (name),

Give me your peace.

Like smoke submits to fire, it rises up,

So you, slave (name), submit to me forever,

Never part with me.

In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit.

Now and ever and unto ages of ages. Amen.

A plot for strong love through a cemetery

Rest, O Lord, the souls of Your departed servants,

Lying under the crosses,

Those who don’t look at the red sun.

They don’t go to church, they don’t say confessions.

They don’t drink water, they don’t eat food,

There is no sin with the body in bed.

I, God's servant (name), will pray for myself

And about God's servant (name).

May my husband love me so much

That the whole baptized world will forget for me.

Without me he doesn’t eat, doesn’t drink, doesn’t sin with his body,

From all the roads

Let him hurry to my doorstep.

Morning hours, afternoon hours, evening hours,

Let him not know the time without me,

And he counts all the minutes,

To see me, to hug me,

Soothe the bodily need with me.

I would seem to him more beautiful than a clear month,

Sweeter and more desirable than the red sun.

Lie in your place under the cross,

Take care and guard my spell words,

Whatever the impudent girl,

Neither the grandmother-whisperer, nor the healer-grandfather

My word was not interrupted by deeds,

They didn’t turn my darling away from me.

Wooden cross with eight ends,

And my words are about forty castles.

I close them with the forty keys of King Solomon,

I, God's servant (name), word-deed, law-abara.

In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

To submissive husband through chicken blood

How weak-willed and submissive this chicken is in my hand,

So for me, God’s servant (name),

Bow down, submit, slave (so-and-so).

In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Sucker for men and women

Zarya Marya, broke up,

Roll across God's sky,

Take hold of the heart of God’s servant (name),

So that she cares for me (name),

I missed you, I would look for meetings everywhere,

She suffered like a martyr.

Yearn for her heart and rush to me (name),

According to my word, submit to me forever.

My words cannot be washed down with holy water,

The healers cannot wash my words from her.

Be strong, my word,

And the other healer's word fell off.

In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit.

Now and ever and unto ages of ages. Amen.

Lining for love

How your sweat dries on this towel,

So you, too, for me, God’s servant (name), dry up.

Pamper me and love me, don’t go anywhere from me.