Cyclamen does not produce flowers. Why cyclamen does not bloom or everything about its flowering

Useful Tips

Cyclamens are widely known for their attractive, heart-shaped buds and pronounced sweet aroma.

The difference between Cyclamen and other home flowers is that they can bloom in winter, giving their owners a wonderful mood in the middle of a harsh and snowy winter with their one look.

Cyclamen's magnificent bloom usually lasts a long time, about several weeks.

Description of the Cyclamen flower

This is a flowering houseplant, which, as a rule, does not require much attention to itself, but you still need to know certain rules of care.

Cyclamen- it is a tuberous perennial, has very attractive heart-shaped leaves of a red, pink or white hue. The top of the leaves resembles a marble pattern.

Read also: How to care for a Decembrist (Schlumberger) flower at home

In height Cyclamen just over 20 centimeters. From time to time, additional bulbs grow on the tubers of the flower, which are sometimes used for reproduction.

The plant does not need a dormant period. Prefers coolness more than stuffy rooms.

Cyclamen is one of the most popular home colors. A well-groomed bush has a very beautiful decorative shape.

The flowers of the plant are arranged in the form of multi-colored butterflies on long shoots. Cyclamens bloom begins in the middle of the autumn or winter months, and ends in late spring.

Care and cultivation

Watering a flower

Cyclamens- great lovers of moisture. Therefore, do not forget to water them in time. But make sure that no water gets on the leaves of the plant, otherwise they will start to rot.

Water the flower by pouring water into the pan. Or, in extreme cases, gently pushing the leaves aside with your hand and watering along the edge of the pot.

With improper watering, brown spots appear on the plant, which later will certainly lead to the fact that the bush will die.

For watering Cyclamena always use standing water. Do not use tap water. If there is no settled water at hand, you can always water the plant with boiled water cooled to room temperature.

Make sure that the water in the pan of the pot does not stagnate. After the plant has been watered and well saturated, the remaining water from the pan must be drained.


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The most suitable place for successful growth Cyclamena, should be well lit, preferably with bright diffusing light, place.

Direct, bright rays of the sun should be avoided. This means that the plant needs to be given some shading. However, the plant will thankfully respond to a small amount of sunlight in the morning or evening.

Top dressing

Cyclamen should be fed during flowering and during active leaf growth twice a month.

To do this, it is necessary to feed during watering with one of the special fertilizers for home flowering plants.

Try not to overuse nitrogen fertilizers. An overabundance of them can negatively affect the quality and quantity of flowers, and also lead to a powerful build-up of foliage.

If you notice that the leaves of your plant have begun to turn yellow, then use a fertilizer that contains iron. You can apply it directly under the root or by spraying.

By the beginning of April, feeding should be canceled and watering should be reduced. Thus, the plant is prepared for a dormant period. It is kept practically dry for about a month. All the leaves Cyclamena thus inevitably fall off.


The plant usually blooms in winter or summer. The duration and quality of a plant's flowering directly depend on its care. For maximum flowering time, it is necessary to provide the plant with intense lighting, only direct sunlight must be excluded.

The optimum temperature for a flower is from 10 to 20 degrees.

Watering the plant is carried out with the lower method so that the plant does not start to hurt from the water penetrating into the growth zone, on the leaves and flowers.

Dead, lethargic flowers must be removed. The appearance of yellow leaves on Cyclamene indicates that the plant has completed its flowering and entered the dormant stage. The yellow foliage should not be cut off; it must be unscrewed, carefully separating it from the bulbs.

Active watering should be completely reduced. A tuber lying calmly in the ground is watered only occasionally. The plant should be placed in the shade to rest until the next stage of its life begins.


When transplanting Cyclamen the old soil should be completely replaced with new soil, consisting of one part of sod land, one part of sand and leafy part.

When transplanting, you should carefully look at the roots. Cyclamena, while removing all sick, suspicious and starting to rot roots.

Pot for planting Cyclamen it shouldn't be too big. Try to choose a pot with a diameter of 12 to 14 centimeters. If the pot is too small for the plant, then it will bloom much earlier, and its flowering will be very weak.

For a neutral reaction, it is recommended to add a small amount of ash to the soil for the plant.

Persian roots Cyclamen should not be buried when planting. It is necessary to leave about a third of the tuber on the surface. And the roots of the Neapolitan Cyclamena on the contrary, it is imperative to deepen.

After the flower is planted, it is necessary to put it in the brightest place, while slightly covering the sun's rays. For the first couple of weeks after planting, watering the plant should not be abundant until new leaves sprout and the plant is completely strong.

Read also: Hyacinth: how to care for a flower at home


Reproduction of the plant is carried out both by seeds and by dividing the tuber.

Seeds are usually planted 5 mm deep into the soil. The soil must be constantly moistened, and so that it does not dry out, it should be sprayed from time to time from a spray bottle.

One of the ways to germinate seeds is when the seeds do not go deep into the soil, but are laid out on the surface of the soil, covered with a small amount of moss moistened from a sprayer on top.

The seeds will never dry out under the moss. The main thing is not to close the container with seeds on top with a bag, otherwise they will become moldy and die as a result.

Crops should be kept at a temperature of 15 to 18 degrees. Seedlings always begin to appear in different ways: from three weeks to two months after planting.

An important condition for the life of seedlings is the maintenance of the correct temperature regime. If it is violated, they will die.

When two leaves appear on the plant, you can begin to transplant it into a pot. If everything is in order and the care of the plant is carried out in the proper form, then the first flowers on the plant begin to appear in 15-18 months.

Cyclamen It is much easier to grow from seeds if you have a indoor greenhouse, which can be purchased in specialized stores.

Cyclamens, grown from seeds, they are much more adapted to indoor growing conditions than those species that multiplied by dividing the tuber.

Diseases and pests

If you can organize decent care for your flower, then it is unlikely that it will be attacked by various pests and diseases.

* Excessive fertilization and excessive watering can lead to the appearance of gray rot, which is determined by a gray bloom on the leaves. In the future, it can develop into soft and brown areas. If you find on your Cyclamene similar signs, it should be urgently treated with fungicides and transplanted into new soil.

* If at the bottom of the bush you find gray depressed spots that spread through the plant at an incredible speed, then most likely the plant is affected by Rhizoctonia rot.

As a rule, a constant excess of moisture leads to such a disease, due to which a harmful fungus appears in the soil. As soon as you see these signs, stop watering immediately and Cyclamen transplant after fungicide treatment.

* If the lower leaves and flower stalks of Cyclamen amazed, this is a signal that the plant suffers from late blight rot. Leaves, which slowly begin to dry out, lead, as a rule, to the complete death of the entire plant. In the early stages, these diseases will help to cure drugs: Profit Gol and Previkur.

* Attack of various pests to detect on Cyclamene not so easy. To do this, you must carefully examine the bush for the presence of infected areas. If you notice curled leaves, the appearance of sticky areas and various spots, you should immediately start treatment Cyclamena.

* If, when examining your flower, you find a plaque that resembles a layer of dust, this means that the plant has settled Cyclamen mite, which usually lives in colonies on the back of the leaflet.

The appearance of these pests leads to the complete twisting of the leaf, the early wilting of buds and flowers. To combat this scourge, you will need insecticides, which must be applied only after all infected leaves have been completely removed from the plant.

* Another type of pest is thrips. These insects usually live off the sap of the plant. They lay their numerous larvae on the back of the leaves. They can also settle directly in the soil and attack the bulb, completely damaging it.

If you noticed on Cyclamene white spots, and the edges of the leaves began to dry out gradually, this is an undoubted sign of the Thrips attack on the plant.

A diseased plant must be carefully treated with insecticides, and then quarantined, since this type of insect can fly, which means it can easily move to neighboring plants.

Cyclamen begins to bloom after it ends its dormant period (from the very beginning of June to September), and this happens gradually. From September to November, the plant "wakes up": new green leaves begin to appear on it. And in December, when it returned to the state in which it was before hibernation, the plant finally begins to bloom: bright and variegated flowers grow on the peduncle, which do not fall until the beginning of May.

Under all conditions created for the correct dormancy period, cyclamen will bloom regularly.


During the flowering period, this plant spends all its energy accumulated over the summer on the appearance of new flowers. At this stage, active growth of leaves and peduncles occurs, the restoration of the ability to withstand all kinds of pests and pests that inhibit the development of cyclamen.

The necessary conditions

First of all, active and regular flowering directly depends on how it spent the rest period. If you need to follow some simple conditions:

  • The temperature should not exceed 20 degrees, and the most optimal will be 12-13 degrees. The plant itself should be in a dark place where direct sunlight will not fall on it.
  • Watering is done once every 2 weeks, but at the same time you need to monitor the moisture content of the soil and not flood it. Otherwise, rotting of the bulb and the subsequent death of the flower may occur.
  • During this period, it is better not to feed the plant at all; at this stage, feeding will only harm the cyclamen.

After a period of rest and awakening of cyclamen you need to provide the conditions that are necessary for its flowering:

  • The flower should not have any damage in the form of cracks, otherwise, instead of blooming, it will begin to rot and die.
  • After hibernation, the plant is transplanted into a new nutrient soil, and at the same time, placing the bulb in the ground, it is necessary that 1/3 of it is above the ground. This is necessary in order for flowering to begin at all.
  • It is best to place the cyclamen on the south or west windows, because there is no bright direct sunlight, which causes great damage to the leaves of the plant. If it is not possible to keep it on the windowsill, you can put it in any place where there is no direct sunlight.
  • Maintaining a comfortable temperature for cyclamen: during the flowering period, it should not rise above 15-18 degrees. At this time, he prefers coolness, as well as at rest.
  • it is recommended to increase it up to 1 time per week, while it is important to monitor whether the top layer of the substrate dries out and whether the water stagnates at the bottom of the pot where the bulb is located. You can make holes in the bottom of the pot and put a tray down to drain excess water.

    Important! When watering, do not allow moisture to enter the leaves.

  • Before the cyclamen begins to bloom, i.e. during his awakening, you need to spray his leaves, and best of all - the air around him. Such spraying can be done once a week.
  • Top dressing occurs once every 2 weeks with complex fertilizers that are suitable for absolutely any plant.

Such care of the cyclamen must be carried out until its leaves begin to turn yellow and fall off along with the flowers, i.e. until the very beginning of the dormant period.


The most important and common reason why cyclamen refuses to bloom:

If, however, he did everything that was required of the grower, and the plant still does not begin to bloom, you need to take into account whether the cyclamen was purchased in a specialized store or else.

In the first case, everything is somewhat more complicated: in order for cyclamens to always have a marketable appearance, they are fertilized with chemicals that make them bloom constantly (or most of the year). As a result of such feeding, the life cycle of the plant gets confused, and you just need to wait it out when it returns to normal. It is for the same reason that cyclamen may not hibernate.

On a note. If the plant is young, it also may not bloom, because it also has not yet set up its cycle, according to which it will live for all subsequent years.

In most cases cyclamens begin to bloom only 2-3 years of their "life", so there is no need to wait for a plant that has just been transplanted into its first individual pot to start blooming actively.

It is possible that cyclamen rhizome decay occurs as a result of improper watering or damage to the bulb during transplantation. In this case, you need to transplant the flower again, while ridding it of the damaged parts. Or pests attacked him, and you need to get rid of them immediately.

Top dressing

As mentioned above, it is produced once every 2 weeks with standard fertilizers suitable for any other plant.

To prevent cyclamen from being exposed to various pests, flower growers recommend steaming the soil for transplanting and treating it with a solution of potassium permanganate.... You can buy regular or special soil for cyclamens.

If you wish, you can do it yourself: add 1 part of perlite or sand to 2 parts of the purchased soil.

You can also add leaf land:

  • 1 part of finished soil;
  • 1 piece of land;
  • 1 part perlite or sand.

Pruning and replanting

As soon as the leaves of the cyclamen begin to turn yellow, they are disposed of, i.e. cut off.

Important! Some growers, wanting to send the plant into hibernation, cut off the green leaves and twist its flowers. This is absolutely impossible to do!

performed immediately after the cyclamen ends the rest period, in a pre-prepared soil (options for preparing the substrate are indicated above).

  1. First you need to choose a pot of a suitable size: in a too small one, the plant will not bloom, and in a large one, the bulb may begin to rot, so the optimal size is the same height as in the past, but the diameter should be slightly larger.
  2. After, having separated the rotten parts from the rhizome, if any, and checking it for cracks or tears, you can transfer the rhizome into a new pot, after placing the ground so that 1/3 of the bulb looks out of the ground.
  3. If desired, ash or dolomite can be added to the soil as fertilizer for more active growth.

How to get the buds out at home?

How to make bloom at home? What do you need to do for regular flowering of cyclamen? Observe all the requirements for this: temperature, humidity,

Why doesn't cyclamen bloom at home? This question was asked by many growers. The article will tell you how to properly care for indoor plants so that they bloom and delight their owner.

Plants make the house cozier, warmer. Love for them is inherent not only to women, many men also love to make flowers. Currently, in garden supermarkets, you can buy any, even the most exotic plant.

Blooming cyclamen pleases the eye of every person with its beauty. However, in order not to raise the question of why cyclamen does not bloom at home, the plant should be given proper care.

The most common are European cyclamen and Persian cyclamen. They can bloom even in winter, when almost all houseplants have a dormant period. It is in cold weather that this original plant begins to bloom. Perhaps thanks to this, flower growers are trying to acquire cyclamen and are making every effort to ensure that it blooms. However, without proper care, cyclamen will remain an ordinary non-flowering plant. Of course, he is good without it, but how nice to see that the work invested has borne fruit and the cyclamen has blossomed with many picturesque flowers. In addition, with proper care, cyclamen will bloom for a long time and very profusely. One plant can have more than sixty flowers. Their color is very diverse.

So, how to properly care for indoor plants, especially cyclamen, in order to achieve good flowering. Cyclamen seeds can be planted at any time, but preferably in February-March. First, the seeds should be lowered into the ground (about a centimeter deep), then they should be watered and only then sprinkled with a small layer of earth. Seeds germinate for a long time. This period can take up to one and a half months. Also, remember that germination takes place in a darkened place. The temperature should be eighteen, maximum twenty degrees, since cyclamen does not like extreme heat. At high temperatures, the plant will wither and turn yellow very quickly.

European cyclamen differs from Persian in that its flowers are smaller, smell pleasant (Persian flowers have no smell). In addition, the European cyclamen forms lateral tubers. They are used for plant propagation. Care for both species is about the same. Lighting should be bright, but the plant does not like direct sunlight. When the cyclamen blooms, it should be watered quite abundantly, but without strong waterlogging, so that the tuber does not rot. In addition, it is imperative to ensure that no drops of water fall on the open tuber or leaves, as this can cause the death of the cyclamen. To avoid this, watering is best done in a pallet. The water used for irrigation should be settled and slightly lukewarm. When the cyclamen does not bloom (this time is called the dormant period), watering is reduced and only make sure that the soil does not dry out too much.

The correct temperature is very important for cyclamen, without this flowering it will be impossible to achieve. The ideal temperature for them is fourteen to sixteen degrees. But with home content, this is almost impossible to achieve. Therefore, it is desirable that it not be higher than twenty-five degrees. Also, it should be remembered that cyclamens are among those plants that love fresh air. In this regard, the room should sometimes be ventilated, but it is advisable to avoid drafts.

Cyclamen does not need spraying. Even, on the contrary, water falling on the leaves can destroy the plant. At the same time, if the temperature in the room exceeds the permissible level, then you can slightly humidify the air around the cyclone from a spray bottle. This method is great for saving cyclamen from the heat. Also, for this you can use wet pebbles, on which the cyclamen pots are placed. It is very useful to do this immediately after buying a cyclamen, so that it gets used to new conditions faster and easier.

Another very important part when caring for cyclamen is the use of fertilizers. This is necessary for normal development and good flowering. Fertilize once every fortnight. To do this, you can use both ordinary mineral fertilizer and a special one, which is called that - for flowering plants. At the time when the plant goes into a dormant period, it should not be fed. If the leaves of the cyclamen lose color, become yellow or very light, the plant should be fertilized with iron chelate. Fertilizer is allowed both to be applied to the soil and to spray the leaves with it.

It is better to start a cyclamen transplant in the second half of summer, when young leaves begin to grow. It is better to take a pot of not very large size (the plant will not bloom in a large one). Ideal would be one in which the distance between the edge of the pot and the tuber is no more than three centimeters. It is imperative to use drainage. The land into which the cyclamen will be transplanted, it is advisable to first steam it, and then treat it with potassium permanganate (pink solution). This is also very important, since cyclamen is very easily and often affected by various pests. When transplanting, the tuber should not be deeply buried in the ground; a third of the tuber can be left open altogether. It is better if the plant is transplanted together with a clod of earth to ensure that the roots are not damaged. At the end of the procedure, the cyclamen should be placed in a bright but cool place. Watering at first is not very strong, but with the appearance of new leaves, watering is increased and top dressing begins.

Cyclamen can be propagated not only by seeds. You can also do this by dividing the tuber. For this, during the dormant period, the tuber is taken out of the soil, dried and cut. It should be cut carefully so that on each piece there is a kidney and part of the roots. Then the sections must be dried and treated with an antiseptic. After that, each piece is seated in separate pots.

In conclusion, it should be said that the reproduction of cyclamen is rarely successful for beginners. In this regard, experts advise inexperienced flower growers to simply purchase a new plant.

Cyclamen is also called alpine violet and dryak. He has an unpretentious character and pleases with wonderful colors. The plant sap is used in traditional medicine recipes and pharmaceuticals, mainly related to the treatment of ENT diseases.

It has soothing, anti-inflammatory and antiseptic properties. Destructive for most microorganisms, destroys viruses that provoke the development of colds, frontal sinusitis, migraines, inflammation of the maxillary sinuses.

Important: The uncontrolled use of cyclamen extract for health purposes is dangerous.

The following varieties are most often found on window sills: Adjarian, European, Persian. There are about 20 species of perennials in the genus. They require an unassuming attitude, therefore they are especially popular.


If the next day after appearing in a new house, buying or receiving a gift, the cyclamen lowers the leaves and flowers, do not panic and make unnecessary efforts to "awaken" the plant. This is a natural behavior caused by habitat change stress. You need to wait a while for the adaptation to take place. It is enough to provide only the appropriate conditions:

  • The place should be cool and well lit by the diffused rays of the sun.
  • If the substrate is dry, the soil should be slightly moistened by bottom irrigation through the pan.

The first couple of months do not need to be fed - it is not known when the fertilizers were applied, and whether this happened. An alpine violet purchased from the store will be accurately dressed with a mineral complex.

How to care for an alpine violet

For optimal well-being and rapid development, the home flower cyclamen needs natural living conditions for itself.


For permanent habitat, the east and west windows are best suited in summer, and in winter, southern ones. Cyclamen needs good and stable lighting. But you should avoid directed beams.


Not every beginner will like these bulbous plants, since they are very sensitive to high moisture content of the soil mixture, and novice breeders are often addicted to watering.

During flowering, the soil should be irrigated when the soil surface dries up a little and it must be done from below: the pot with the plant is placed in a container with warm water for 15 minutes, and then rises, waiting for the excess to drain.

Important: hitting a tuber or leaves, the liquid is likely to cause a fungal disease and, as a result, death.

In extreme cases, you need to water with a thin stream of settled water along the edge, at the very edge of the pot, so that moisture does not get on the cyclamen. An hour later, the excess is drained from the pallet. Flowering lasts up to 4 months. Depending on the variety and habitat - from October to March.

After flowering, the frequency of watering is reduced. By summer, all the leaves turn yellow and dry out, and the remaining tuber is rarely watered.

Like orchids, dry soil is easier to tolerate than flooded soil, but they will not survive long-term thirst.


High humidity is harmful to cyclamen. Only in the heating season will it be necessary to ensure that the indicator does not fall below normal and fluctuates between 40 and 50%.

Optimum temperature

The parent plant variety prefers cool and partial shade. In summer, you can even dig it in the garden, where there is always a shelter from the scorching sun, but do not forget about the rains and seasonal thunderstorms.

The room should be from +16 to + 25 ° C, and not higher than 14 ° C in winter. Drafts should not be allowed, the plant may not survive the rapid temperature drop.

How to trim

After flowering, you need to remove the peduncles at the very tuber. Forcibly cutting the plant to send it into forced hibernation is not recommended. It will start to hurt often and will not live long.

The soil

The most suitable soil mixture for optimal plant development will be slightly alkaline. Even slightly acidic and neutral are suitable.

The composition, referring to the mentioned parameters Ph, can be any, but not compressible upon drying, but porous. It is corny to dig up land in a flower bed or in a park - definitely means to kill a plant.

It is better to look in stores for a special mixture for cyclamens, but there are more complex alternatives.

Preparation of the composition at home:

  1. You should stock up on universal soil for flowering plants, perlite, coarse sand, needles.
  2. The earth is pre-sterilized with a solution of potassium permanganate. The liquid should be pale pink: for 10 liters of water 2 g of powder.
  3. The sand is cleaned on a steam bath for 30 minutes.
  4. Only unpermished forest needles or pine needles are suitable, otherwise they will rot. You can do without it, but natural habitat conditions determine its presence.
  5. The whole mixture is calcined in an oven to protect the flower from fungal ailments. Proportions: 4 tbsp. land, 1 tbsp. sand, 2 tbsp. turf and 0.5 tbsp. needles.

It is preferable to lay pebbles over the substrate: gravel, pebbles, granite. No more than 1 cm in diameter, otherwise the soil will be pressed.

How to fertilize

After a dormant period, for active growth of green mass, nitrogen-based mineral fertilizers are added every 2 weeks. Cyclamens are on good terms with organics as well.

Important: if you overdo it with nitrogen, there is a high probability that the tuber will rot.

Flower transplant

Moving cyclamen to a new pot is better not to do it without an urgent need. Cases when you cannot do without this: if the plant has grown and it is cramped for it, during reproduction, the depletion of the substrate. The size of the pot is determined according to the age of the specimen. For a one-year-old flower, a container with a diameter of 7 cm will be enough, for a two-year-old - 14 cm. It all depends on the size of the bulb. From it to the edge should be from 2-3 cm.

Important: If the size of the pot is increased dramatically, the soil may oxidize, which is harmful to the bulb. To avoid waterlogging of the earthen mixture, holes must be made in the bottom for drainage, if they were not provided initially.

The sequence of actions is as follows:

  1. A system for draining excess water is laid at the bottom of the pot - pebbles or expanded clay with a layer of 2 cm. Incorrect drainage can cause stagnation of liquid and the death of the plant.
  2. Prepare the soil mixture.
  3. Remove the cyclamen from the old pot along with the soil.
  4. Remove the soil from the tuber, but not completely. Remove dried and soft rotten roots with a sterile knife or nail scissors.
  5. Place the tuber in the center of the pot.
  6. Gently straighten the roots so that they do not look out.
  7. Cover with moistened soil.
  8. Water the duck in moderation.

Injured healthy roots can cause the bulb to fail to take root.

How to propagate cyclamen

At home, this procedure is difficult to perform. If the owner is new to the cultivation of bulbous plants, it is better to undertake this with the premise that it will not work the first time, but some experience will appear. Saplings from seeds will sprout better, but will not bloom for a long time.


Bulbs that have babies or several points of growth are suitable for reproduction, which is extremely rare. You can divide the tuber, but this is dangerous for the mother plant. Therefore, the seed method is considered the only possible one at home.


To obtain quality material, you should do the pollination yourself. Crossing is best done between the same varieties, but this will require two copies. With a soft brush, take some pollen from the opened flower of one plant and apply on the stigma of the pistil of another.

Important: the procedure can be carried out with one cyclamen, but it is unlikely that the manipulations will bear fruit. For reliability, artificial pollination is repeated three times.

The best time is the morning on a clear day, which will have a beneficial effect on the formation of the ovary. It will not be superfluous to feed the alpine violet with phosphorus-potassium fertilizers during flowering. The resulting seeds are not dried, otherwise germination decreases.

It is easier to buy seed in a garden store, but it is not always reliable due to long storage and, accordingly, poor quality. In short, this is not the easiest way to propagate a plant, but you can try.


  1. Before sowing, the seeds are poured with a 5% sugar solution, and only those that have sunk to the bottom are sown.
  2. The selected material is soaked in a zircon solution.
  3. The primary substrate should be light: leafy soil with peat 1: 1.
  4. Seeds are laid out on soil mixtures and sprinkled with a thin layer. Light is not needed yet. To increase the likelihood of germination, a greenhouse effect is created with a film stretched over the edges of the pot.
  5. Place in a shaded place and maintain a temperature of + 20 ° C. In the heat, the seeds "fall asleep", and in the cold they will rot.
  6. Before the first shoots, the earth should not be allowed to dry out by 2 cm. It should take up to 40 days.
  7. After that, remove the shading from the film and place the container on a windowsill with good lighting. The room temperature should not exceed + 18 ° C.
  8. After the formation of tubers with 2-3 leaves (it is better if it is in December), dive into pots with the soil recommended for the species.
  9. The first feeding is permissible in a week, but in half the dose. Blooms after a year and a half.

Cyclamen: diseases and pests

Worst enemies include insects and mold. Viruses and most bacteria, due to the properties of the juice, the plant is too tough.

Important: Chronic waterlogging of the soil leads to death, and dry air and the top layer of the earth will attract insects.

Rot is more difficult. It can provoke various diseases, depending on the accompanying factors and the main pathogen.

Spider mite

It is easy to fight insects in the primary stages of damage. The main thing is not to delay and start processing immediately.

Treatment: it is enough to quarantine the plant and spray it with a solution of laundry soap, and after a week repeat the procedure for prophylaxis. Affected leaves and flowers must be removed without fail.


The insect feeds on the sap of the plant. It stops growing and throwing out new shoots. This pest loves buds and large leaves most of all. It looks like white or gray dandruff, and unopened flowers are deformed.

Treatment: wash off with an insect swab soaked in insecticide and spray with the same preparation again. After half an hour, rinse the plant under a gentle pressure of a warm shower.


Adults reach a length of 2 mm, and are similar in shape to a spindle. They are perfectly visible on the leaves, because they have a light color. Leave a shiny, silvery stream behind them to indicate the direction of travel. They breed slowly - from the stage of eggs to sexually mature individuals, they grow in a month. If you notice the leaves covered with light spots and stripes in time, the stopped growth of the bush and deformed flowers can be saved.


One of the most dangerous species of insects for alpine violets. Getting rid of chemistry is difficult - a simple insecticide will not help. Adding complexity is the fact that you can only notice the defeat of a pest by seeing how the plant withers. In order to identify the enemy in time, you should inspect the stems and leaves weekly for small bumps-growths. This is the scabbard - each individual is covered with a shield on top, which protects it from the effects of the drug.

Treatment: the only option to try to save the cyclamen is to pick the insects off by hand.

Cyclamen mite

Microscopic oval pests with a transparent yellowish body and 4 pairs of legs. You can notice them with the naked eye only with a large accumulation, and then they look like a layer of dust. In the affected cyclamen, leaves fold, buds wither.

Treatment: remove all damaged areas completely. Treat the remains of the bush with an insecticide.


Fungal disease, from which the vascular system of the bulb and green tissue suffers. In common people it is called "core rot" or "dry".

Cause: the fungus that gets on the plant clogs the vessels and disrupts the basic functions of its vital activity, while simultaneously releasing toxic substances. Infection often occurs through the soil, because the soil is always treated by roasting in the oven before planting.

Symptoms: leaves turn yellow from the tops, sometimes only on one side. The general condition gradually worsens if the disease has reached the core of the tuber. In the section of the bulb, numerous lesions are visible in the vascular bundles.

Treatment: watering under the root with Fundazol at a concentration of 0.1% and spraying the bush with Topsin-M 0.1%.

Wet rot

This is the worst disease for an alpine violet.

Cause: pathogen - Erwinia, one of the few types of bacteria that can harm cyclamen. It enters through cracks and wounds on a tuber if it has been damaged or cut, but without appropriate disinfecting treatment. And also - through mechanical damage to vegetative organs in the field of cuts of peduncles and leaves. The source may be an infected window sill neighbor or water.

Symptoms: the plant withers sharply for no apparent reason. Leaves and flowers hang down weakened. There is a bright putrid odor emanating from the tuber. It manifests itself mainly in summer, in warm weather, when the plants are kept outdoors or near a window with frequent ventilation of the room.

Treatment: wellness activities do not exist. The plant is subject to mandatory destruction, so as not to spread the infection.

Gray rot

A threat to breeders who have many flowerpots nearby, or those who like to grow cyclamens in the garden.

Causes: affects flowers weakened due to dense arrangement or in an unfortunate place with damp and cold air. Contributes to improper watering and the ingress of liquid to the growth point.

Symptoms: traces of gray mold appear on the bush, which rises into the air with a strong gust of wind (with an open window). The affected areas die off quickly, but the flowers first darken and the leaves turn yellow.

Treatment: the affected area is carefully removed. Increase ventilation in the room, but without a draft, which is dangerous for cyclamen. Minimize watering and treat with fungicide according to package directions.

Root rot

The most common problem with cyclamens, which are dealt with by beginners. Because of her, the plant began to be considered capricious.

Causes: caused by fungi that live in normal soil. Most often, the flower is affected by this ailment due to the fact that it is planted in garden soil or soil that has not been steamed.

Symptoms: the disease attacks young specimens, significantly slowing growth. The leaves show signs of chlorophyll deficiency: they turn pale, become less elastic and beautiful. The damaged root system does not provide enough nutrition, which is how it manifests itself.

Treatment: spilling the substrate with a fungicide is not always effective, but it helps at the initial stage of the lesion. The disease spreads quickly, young growth is unlikely to be saved.

An adult flower must be removed from the pot, cleaned of soil, rinsed, dead roots removed, treated with fungicide and planted in the correct mixture that has undergone special training and disinfection.

Sooty fungus

Aphids leave a sweetish discharge on the leaves, on which black fungus forms. By itself, an insect cannot kill a plant, but waste products clog the stomata, blocking the leaves from light.

Symptoms: growth slows down, the plates dry up, and the flower weakens.

Treatment: plaque is removed with a damp sponge soaked in a mild green soap solution and treated with a copper-soap mixture. Then it is washed with clean water at room temperature and sprayed with a fungicide.

The most common problems and their solutions

An unhealthy plant does not necessarily indicate a disease. Cyclamen is sensitive to the environment in which it lives, and demonstrates all the shortcomings with wilted stems, twisted leaves.

Why do brown spots appear on the leaves

Dark areas or streaks occur when the tuber is fungal. Depending on the pathogen, the leaves can be additionally deformed. Most types of fungus, which are terrible for cyclamen and manifests itself in this way, will be helped by treatment with fungicidal substances that are sold in gardening stores.

Why do the leaves turn yellow

If the watering plan is followed, then most likely the plant is hot. Humidification of the air will help. It is necessary to ensure that the sun's rays from the window are diffused, and not directed.

When the branches began to dry, and not just the plates, it is necessary to transfer the alpine violet to a cooler place. Also, as an option, the bush has outgrown its pot and is cramped for it.

Why does the flower wither

Most often occurs with European or Persian varieties. It is worth recalling that this plant may have a prolonged period of initial adaptation when moving to new conditions, which applies not only to a house or apartment, but even to another window sill. Lethargy lasts up to a month and, if you follow the care procedure, the flower will invigorate.

Improper watering and some diseases cause the duck to wither. Attention should be paid to related factors. Lingering lethargy is a reason to look at the bulb, the state of which will definitely tell about the true reason for the poor health of the bush.

Why cyclamen does not bloom

Conditions that are not natural for home growing can support the plant, but it will not delight with flowers. Insufficient watering or waterlogging, dry air, lack of minerals in the soil or improper soil in the pot - all this can prevent the cyclamen from blooming.

It is worth remembering that young individuals begin to throw out arrows with buds only 1.5 years after sowing.

Leaves curled

This is the first sign of improper care or transplanting into a pot that is unusable in size. The problem arises when clay is added to the soil or a new substrate turns out to be with high acidity. If the leaves begin to curl, this is the "first bell" that not everything is in order with the plant.

To prevent this from happening, you should carefully study the preferences of cyclamen and the conditions of its natural habitat, and then reproduce them with extreme accuracy.

The leaf can curl due to the direction of the sun's rays. Most of the green mass with this symptom signals a lack of nutrients.

Leaves are rotting

High soil moisture, frequent spraying, which is contraindicated for hybrid varieties, and fungal diseases are to blame for this. The main reason is determined by the method of exclusion based on concomitant symptoms.

Why drops buds

Flowering occurs in late autumn, winter and early spring. Lasts 3 to 4 months. During this period, the plant reacts sharply to direct sunlight, irregular temperatures and dry air. If the cyclamen is on a windowsill, it should be placed away from the battery in winter.

The duration of flowering and the health of the buds are influenced by the air temperature and the availability of essential minerals in the soil. Blooming alpine violet sprayed from a spray bottle will immediately drop some of the buds.

Cyclamen is a capricious plant called beginners who find it difficult to maintain the necessary conditions, and those who cannot pay much attention to it. For experienced flower growers, it will be a wonderful home decoration and a useful source of healing juice.

The reasons why cyclamen does not bloom. REMINDER. Cyclamen is a houseplant that conquers flower growers with its delicate sunny flowers. Flower petals are rich in their color palette: white, pink, dark red, burgundy, purple and other possible options. And the whole value and beauty of this flower is that the flowering period falls on the meanest time of the year - in winter. Yes, yes, just when basically all the plants have already shed their flowers, and there is so little sun outside the window, cyclamen pleases and inspires us with its flowering appearance. This perennial plant got its name from the Greek word "cyclos", which means "circle". This is the shape of the main vital organ of the flower - the bulb. The most common among indoor types of cyclamens are "European", also known as "Alpine violet", and "Persian". Many amateurs are afraid to start a cyclamen, arguing their decision with the complex content and frequent plant diseases. Why is that? Caring for a flower is not particularly difficult if you know the basic rules for the favorable maintenance of cyclamen. And the flower is sick no more often than other plants. But yes, unfortunately, mistakes in improper care have a detrimental effect on the condition of the flower: the leaves dry, the roots rot, and as a result, cyclamens do not bloom. Maintenance rules for favorable flowering. In garden stores, cyclamen is mainly sold in the fall, when the buds have already formed and began to bloom. Therefore, when choosing a flower, pay attention to a plant that is already ready to bloom or has enough unopened buds. Naturally, the selected flower should not have any external damage, the leaves should be juicy, low-lying. The main criterion for further successful flowering is the planting of a cyclamen tuber. In no case should it be completely submerged in the ground, at least 1/3 of the part should be visible on the surface. Cyclamens are very fond of diffused light and react painfully to direct sunlight. If you are keeping the plant on a windowsill, be sure to shade it from the bright sun. The best option for the necessary sunlight is southwest windows. Cyclamen needs a cool air temperature for well-being and regular flowering. In summer, + 18 ° C is best, but no more than 23-25. If possible, dig in the plant (for the summer) in the garden in the shade. In winter, in the midst of flowering, the air temperature should not be higher than 15 ° C. It is the low temperature that affects the formation of buds and long flowering. During the growing season, regular but moderate watering is required. Water frequently, but not liberally. Overdrying or, conversely, excessive waterlogging of the soil must not be allowed. Make sure that the water does not stagnate on the tuber and leaves - this can lead to rotting of the flower. To do this, pour water into the edge of the pot, avoiding getting it on the tuber of the plant. It is best to use water that is separated, soft, at room temperature. The excess liquid must be drained from the sump. Cyclamen is also partial to moisture. Before flowering, you can occasionally spray the flower with a spray bottle, but be careful not to accumulate water on the leaves. Spraying not the leaves, but the air around the flower will be optimal. At low temperatures, it is better not to spray the plant. To increase humidity, it is also recommended to place the pot on a special tray with expanded clay, pebbles or wet moss. In doing so, remember: the roots of the plant should not come into contact with water. Depending on the species, under favorable conditions, the flowering period lasts from October to March. In the spring, as all the flowers fall off, the watering of the cyclamen is gradually reduced. And by the summer, watering the plant is generally very rare. There comes the so-called dormant period, during which the leaves turn yellow, dry and fall off. Naked tubers remain. At this time, it is advisable to lay the pots with tubers on their side and place them in a cool shaded place. The cyclamen is not forced to sleep. Closer to autumn, the pot is placed upright and they begin to moisten the soil a little. Cyclamen transplant. In the fall, a new flowering period begins, which is marked by the growth of small leaves. At this time, you need to do a plant transplant. The pot for transplanting needs a small one: for a small one and a half year old tuber, a pot with diameters of no more than 8 cm is selected; for bulbs 2-3 years old, a 15 cm pot is suitable. Another option for the correct selection of the pot is as follows: the distance between the edge of the pot and the tuber itself should be 3 to 4 cm. An optimally selected pot will result in a lush bloom and healthy tuber. The old soil is completely replaced. The new potting mix can be purchased ready-to-use at your garden store and labeled “for cyclamen”. When preparing the soil yourself, use leafy soil, humus, river sand, turf or peat. It is imperative to have a drain and a ventilation hole at the bottom of the pot. The prepared soil mixture is recommended to be ignited or steamed, treated with a weak solution of potassium permanganate, because cyclamen is very easily susceptible to attack by pests. You need to transplant the flower carefully, without damaging the root ball. Pay special attention: in order for your cyclamen to bloom, when transplanting a Persian variety, the bulb cannot be completely buried in the soil, be sure to leave 1/3 of the tuber on the surface. When transplanting other species, deep planting is allowed, but when replanting the "Neapolitan" variety, it is imperative to completely immerse the tubers in the ground. We emphasize once again: incorrect planting of the bulb is a common mistake, and the main reason why, in fact, cyclamens do not bloom. After transplanting, the cyclamen is placed in a cool, bright place and the watering begins to gradually increase. At the stage of intensive leaf growth before flowering, it is necessary to feed the flower with mineral fertilizers. Avoid high nitrogen content - this can lead to rotting of the plant tuber. Diseases and pests that inhibit flowering. Often, some cyclamen diseases lead to a rapid drop in flowers and a delay in the flowering period itself. Let's dwell on the most common types. Fusarium - damage to plant tissues by fungi that release toxic substances into the vessels of the leaves. It is manifested by yellowing of the leaves from the tops, mainly on one side of the plant. Gradually, the whole flower, including the tuber, becomes infected, which sooner or later leads to death. Wet rot is a bacterial and very dangerous disease. The initial stage is accompanied by a sharp wilting and the smell of rot from the tuber. The root system is also exposed to infection. There are no methods to combat rot, the plant must be destroyed. Gray rot is a fungal disease, manifested by the growth of gray mold on the leaves, as a result of which the plant turns yellow and dies. Aphids are small, annoying gray, green or black insects. It is dangerous because it sucks the juice from the leaves of the plant. It can be detected by folding the leaves, the buds do not open at the same time, and the flowers are covered with sticky secretions. Further growth of the plant slows down. The situation is aggravated by the defeat of sticky leaves with a sooty fungus. The fungus, in turn, impairs gas exchange. The cyclamen mite is a very small insect, mostly yellow in color. At the initial stage, the mite settles on the inside of the leaf. Affected leaves curl up, buds wither and fall off. Thrips are oval-shaped pests up to 2 mm in height. With the help of wings, they fly from a sick plant to a healthy one. After itself it leaves a silvery trail, it mainly affects the leaves, while the flowers become stained and gradually fade. Pest control methods allow for the use of chemical and biological agents. But the best treatment, as always, is prevention, which consists in regular examination of the cyclamen, periodic processing of the leaves with special solutions and the correct maintenance of the plant. On average, a cyclamen lives for 15-20 years, and in one period you can get up to 70 flowers. Gradually fading buds must be removed along with the peduncle. Pluck yellowing leaves near the tuber. By the way, cut flowers of cyclamen stand perfectly in water. The split ends and regular water changes in the vase extend the shelf life to 2-3 weeks.