They make lumber. Types of lumber and their application

Today, the use of lumber is in great demand in the construction industry. This is not surprising, since wood is a durable and environmentally friendly material. And thanks to modern technologies and processing tools, the tree will last for more than a dozen years.

Cut types: 1-tangential, 2-radial.

Scope of application of lumber

In general, lumber is a log sawn along the grain and has the following characteristics: moisture resistance, strength, pliability to processing, low thermal conductivity and wood density.

Depending on the characteristics, the scope of application of a particular type is determined. Lumber is widely in demand in the construction of houses. With their help, the construction of the foundation, temporary structures, partitions and ceilings is carried out.

It is clear that the use of a particular type of sawn timber also depends on its aesthetic, physical and mechanical qualities. For example, the use of poorly processed wood for outdoor decoration will end in rotting and subsequently the destruction of the material. Also, lumber is the main element in the production of furniture, without which the life of any person is inconceivable. In any case, the use of lumber primarily depends on the type of wood.

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The main types of lumber

There is a huge range of wood materials on the market, and all thanks to the popularity of its use in the construction industry. Lumber can be classified according to several criteria:

  • depending on the type of wood;
  • by the method of wood processing;
  • in size and shape.

Depending on the type, lumber is made from deciduous (beech, aspen, birch, poplar, maple, oak) or coniferous (cedar, pine, fir, spruce, larch) arrays. Conifers are used more often because they are hard, moisture resistant and easy to machine. But conifers have one drawback, due to which they are prone to relatively rapid decay - resinous substances. Among deciduous varieties, the most common is considered to be an unusually durable and hard oak.

They also distinguish between unedged and edged, depending on the method of wood processing. Edged ones are characterized by smooth edges and a planed surface, and their volume is 13-100 mm. In unedged edges, the edge is not processed or partially sawn off, and the width can be varied. They are used less often than edged ones and mainly for sheathing structures and making flooring.

Thanks to specialized equipment, lumber is produced today in various sizes and shapes.

  1. Plates represent a log cut in half with one straight side. Their size directly depends on the size of the log used. Other lumber is made from the plates: sleepers, boards or bars.
  2. Boards are made from large logs or beams. The board can be unedged and edged, with a thickness of up to 100 mm and a width of 200 mm. It is perfect for decorating floors, walls and making furniture.
  3. Quarters (buried) are created from the sides of the logs. One surface is drilled through, and the second remains in its original form. This type of lumber is popular in carpentry.
  4. Bars. There are 2, 3 and 4-edged beams, depending on the number of processed sides. The thickness and width of the timber is about 100 mm. Due to their strength and ability to withstand significant loads, beams are used in the construction of houses and load-bearing structures.
  5. The sleepers are characterized by a small long, but significant width and thickness. They are the same beams and are distinguished by large cross-sections. The main field of application is railway construction.
  6. The croaker is the sidewall of the log. The material is waste generated during the sawing process of a log. It is used in the construction of temporary huts and ancillary structures.
  7. Bars. This lumber differs from the timber in size. The thickness is 100 mm and the length does not exceed 200 mm. They are great for creating door frames and various crossbars. Also, the bars are used in the manufacture of furniture, carpentry and other areas.

Regardless of the type of lumber, you should pay special attention to the quality characteristics of the wood. If the moisture level exceeds the norm (10-15%), the material may crack, deform or dry out. In this case, there can be no talk of a good quality of construction work.

Probably all of us did something out of timber and boards, but few saw how the sawing of logs takes place. I recently visited a woodworking shop in the village of Sandovo, Tver Region. I will not say that the enterprise is very large, there are probably the same in all other regions of our country. The production was based on the basis of Sandovskaya MTS. The company had nothing to do with a cellular operator, and does not have anything, since in Soviet times MTS was deciphered a little differently, namely, Machine-Tractor Station.

1. The company "Sandovskaya MTS" carries out logging with subsequent removal, then a complex of forestry, reforestation and forest protection works is carried out. The main activity is sawing and planing wood. Lumber of different sections and grades are produced. I'll show you this process.

2. Forest is harvested on a forest plot leased for 49 years with an area of ​​26571 hectares. And for processing, timber is delivered to the enterprise in the form of untreated logs on such timber trucks.

3. Unloading and storage takes place directly in the workshop, where the wood is processed.

4. A log is placed on a large sawmill. From four sides, the so-called croaker is cut off from it. A slab is a side part of a log that has one sawn and the other non-sawn surface. Gorbyli is willingly bought by local residents for firewood for heating, since the Sandovsky district is not supplied with gas. It's a shame, of course, but at least someone's "dreams come true" :).

5. After these manipulations, a bar is obtained, which can be cut into boards or a bar of a smaller size.

6. As a rule, timber and boards are made of logs, depending on the diameter of the trunk.

7. The enterprise is small, the number of workers is about 50 people.

8. Log feeding mechanism.

9. Devices for fixing the log on the machine.

10. And this is, in fact, the main part of the machine - a circular saw.

11. Eh, I would not want to fall under the teeth of this monster.

12. The work is hard, but the company also employs women.

13. Light operations are performed even by veterans of production.

14. The territory of the Sadovsky MTS is huge and there is enough space for storing waste.

15. During the winter, all these mountains of wood will be used for heating.

16. Sandovskaya MTS not only harvests timber, but also carries out reforestation work on a leased forest area.

16. I would like to show a few more photos of the territory of the enterprise. It contains interesting artifacts.

17. In Moscow, such a fire engine can no longer be found, but here this rarity carries its service.

18. I myself do not know what it is. Most likely, it also remained from MTS.

19. After inspecting the territory, General Director Igor Karpukhin treated us to buns with meat, which we washed down with fruit juice from local cranberries. I remember these pies from my childhood :).

20. That's all, it's time! Protect the forest.

Probably all of us did something out of timber and boards, but few saw how the sawing of logs takes place. I recently visited a woodworking shop in the village of Sandovo, Tver Region. I will not say that the enterprise is very large, there are probably the same in all other regions of our country. The production was based on the basis of Sandovskaya MTS. The company had nothing to do with a cellular operator, and does not have anything, since in Soviet times MTS was deciphered a little differently, namely, Machine-Tractor Station.

1. The company "Sandovskaya MTS" carries out logging with subsequent removal, then a complex of forestry, reforestation and forest protection works is carried out. The main activity is sawing and planing wood. Lumber of different sections and grades are produced. I'll show you this process.

2. Forest is harvested on a forest plot leased for 49 years with an area of ​​26571 hectares. And for processing, timber is delivered to the enterprise in the form of untreated logs on such timber trucks.

3. Unloading and storage takes place directly in the workshop, where the wood is processed.

4. A log is placed on a large sawmill. From four sides, the so-called croaker is cut off from it. A slab is a side part of a log that has one sawn and the other non-sawn surface. Gorbyli is willingly bought by local residents for firewood for heating, since the Sandovsky district is not supplied with gas. It's a shame, of course, but at least someone's "dreams come true" :).

5. After these manipulations, a bar is obtained, which can be cut into boards or a bar of a smaller size.

6. As a rule, timber and boards are made of logs, depending on the diameter of the trunk.

7. The enterprise is small, the number of workers is about 50 people.

8. Log feeding mechanism.

9. Devices for fixing the log on the machine.

10. And this is, in fact, the main part of the machine - a circular saw.

11. Eh, I would not want to fall under the teeth of this monster.

12. The work is hard, but the company also employs women.

13. Light operations are performed even by veterans of production.

14. The territory of the Sadovsky MTS is huge and there is enough space for storing waste.

15. During the winter, all these mountains of wood will be used for heating.

16. "Sandovskaya MTS" not only harvests timber, but also carries out reforestation work on a leased forest area.

16. I would like to show a few more photos of the territory of the enterprise. It contains interesting artifacts.

17. In Moscow, such a fire engine can no longer be found, but here this rarity carries its service.

18. I myself do not know what it is. Most likely, it also remained from MTS.

19. After inspecting the territory, General Director Igor Karpukhin treated us to buns with meat, which we washed down with fruit juice from local cranberries. I remember these pies from my childhood :).

20. That's all, it's time! Protect the forest.

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Lumber - what they are (wood species, species, varieties and types)

Types of lumber

Lumber can be classified according to geometry, quality and application. They are made from several basic coniferous and deciduous woods. Also, a home craftsman can select material according to the following criteria.

By the nature of the edge processing, lumber is:

  • edged- with edges, sawn off perpendicular to the seams, and wane;
  • one-sided edged
  • with one sawn edge and wane;
  • unedged- with partially sawn or not sawn edges and wane;
  • planed- having a plowing treatment of one face or both edges;
  • calibrated- dried and processed in accordance with the specified dimensions.

Explanation: Wane is the part of the bark of a tree that remains on the lumber after it has been cut.

Assortment of sawn timber

Most often, buyers subdivide lumber by assortment or type of homogeneous product.

Plate obtained by sawing a log lengthwise into two parts. The plates have sawn off only one side. They are used for the manufacture of sleepers, joinery, boards, bars.

Quarter- a log sawn lengthwise into A part. It is used for the manufacture of joinery, moldings and other small products. The dimensions depend on the dimensions of the logs or plates.

Croaker- the lateral part of the log, this is a waste when sawing a log into boards. The slab has sawn off only one side, on the other - the oval surface of the log is preserved. It is used for the installation of lathing under the roof, for the construction of temporary and auxiliary buildings, for the manufacture of a picket fence.

Planks- type of lumber, in which the width exceeds the thickness by two or more times. The thickness of the boards is from 13 to 100 mm, the width is from 50 to 260 mm. Boards with a thickness of 13 to 35 mm are called thin, the rest are called thick. The wide sides of the boards are called planks, the narrow sides are called edges.

According to the processing of the side edges, the boards are divided into edged, in which the edges are sawn, and unedged, the edges of which are partially sawed or not at all.

Batten- sawn timber cut from above and below, on the sides of which there is a groove and a spike. It is thanks to this that the installation of floorboards does not require special construction skills and tools.

Bar- lumber, the width of which is not more than double thickness, and the thickness itself does not exceed 100 mm. Available in the same thicknesses, lengths and types as the boards. They are used for lathing walls, making joinery, furniture, installation of clean floors.

Bars- lumber, the width and thickness of which exceeds 100 mm. More often they are produced from coniferous and hard deciduous species of wood: pine, spruce, cedar, fir, larch, oak, hornbeam. The thickness of the beams is from 110 to 2D0 mm, the width is from 110 to 280 mm, the length is from 1 to 9.5 m. The frames of wooden buildings are erected from the beams.

Lining, or sheathing board, - a widespread material for interior and exterior decoration. The thickness of the lining in accordance with GOST is set from 12 to 25 mm, width - up to 150 mm, length - up to 6 m. For the outer sheathing, lining is used from coniferous and aspen, for the inner - from coniferous and hardwood. The lining has a standard thickness of 13, 16 and 19 mm with a width of 80,100,110 and 120 mm, a length of up to 6 m. The profile of a lining may differ, but its characteristic element is a deeper tongue-and-groove connection and a selection from the inside of the board.

Block house- a kind of eurolining with imitation of the surface of a rounded log. When cladding flat walls with this board, a surface is obtained like a wall of a wooden chopped one.


Wood species are divided into coniferous and deciduous. For construction, it is better to use conifers, for decoration - deciduous ones.

The main tree species used in construction

Pine(Photo 1) - the most popular wood for construction, it lends itself well to processing, quite strong and flexible at the same time. It is used in the construction of load-bearing structures and for the manufacture of joinery.

Larch(Photo 2) - This wood resembles pine in appearance, but has a higher density and strength. Due to its high resin content, it has increased resistance to decay in conditions of variable humidity. Good for building a bathhouse or gazebo in the open air.

This is interesting: almost 400 thousand piles from the Ural larch trees since the early Middle Ages and are still a reliable support for the buildings of Venice. When the larch piles were examined, the report on their strength said that they seemed to be petrified.

Spruce(Photo 3) is a widespread coniferous species with low resinous wood. However, when used in damp places, spruce rots quickly. Spruce is used to make building structures that are operated in dry conditions.

The main tree species used for decoration

Oak (Photo 4)- the most common wood for interior decoration and furniture production. Its wood is distinguished by high strength and hardness, resistance to decay, flexibility. It has a noble beautiful texture and color, it is quite easy to process. Over time, the oak darkens a little, which gives the products a touch of noble antiquity. The strength and durability of oak makes it an excellent material for the manufacture of furniture, parquet, stairs, doors.

Beech (Photo 5) has a dense and durable wood, not inferior to oak, slightly pinkish with a reddish tint and characteristic strokes. It is relatively easy to machine, but reacts quickly to changes in humidity, for which experts classify it as a capricious breed. Beech has become popular in recent years as an alternative to the more expensive oak.

Ash has a heavy, hard and durable wood, reminiscent of oak in appearance and structure. In terms of hardness, ash even surpasses oak, has high flexibility, and is well polished. Ideal for making stairs.

Walnut (Photo 6) somewhat inferior to oak in strength, but has a beautiful color, which is why it is widely used for interior decoration, for example, for the manufacture of door frames, arches or wall panels.

Cherry (Photo 7) it is not used very often, but due to its beautiful pinkish-brownish color it is used for the manufacture of classic kitchen facades.

Exotic wood species

Wenge- durable solid wood of an unusually rich color, from light brown to dark coffee with a purple tint. It is used for the manufacture of interior items and decor.

Mahogany(Photo 11) (mahogany) has an even stronger wood, from which ships were made in the 18th-19th centuries. Now it is a material for expensive furniture. It is produced in the form of planks and quarter cut. Behaves perfectly under varnish.

Rosewood(Photo 9) - the most expressive wood species. For the original drawing and high durability, designers from all over the world fell in love with it. It can be varnished well, but there may be problems with the mirror polish due to the oils it contains. Holds screws and nails well, but requires preliminary drilling of the mounting holes.

Bubingo (Photo 10)- African breed of reddish-pink color with dark veins. Well polished and painted. Dislikes water-based materials. Raw wood turns blue on contact with metal. It is used for the production of furniture, panels, parquet and musical instruments.

Layswood possesses wood of pinkish or reddish-brown color. A clear sign of the breed - large pith rays, which form a clearly visible silky pattern, reminiscent of snake skin. Wood gives off moisture with difficulty, so it takes a long time to dry. Layswood is good for furniture, decorative items, knife handles, and musical instruments.

Lumber table

Size table and cubic capacity of sawn timber

Size, mm

Volume 1 piece, m 3

Quantity, pcs., Lin. m, or area, m 3


100 x 100 x 6,000


16.67 pieces

100 x 150 x 6,000


11.11 pieces

150 x 150 x6,000


7.61 pieces

150 x 200 x 6,000


5.56 pieces

200 x 200 x 6,000


6.17 pieces

Edged board

22 x 100 x 6,000


65.66 m 2

22 x 150 x 6,000


65.66 m 2

25 x 100 x 6,000


60 m 2

25 x 150 x 6,000


60 m 2

32 x 100 x 6,000


31.25 m 2

32 x 150 x 6,000


31.25 m 2

60 x 100 x 6,000


25 m 2

60 x 150 x 6,000


25 m 2

50 x 100 x 6,000


20 m 2

50 x 150 x 6,000


20 m 2


60 x 60 x 3000


626.99 lin. m

50 x 60 x 3,000


Probably all of us did something out of timber and boards, but few saw how the sawing of logs takes place. I recently visited a woodworking shop in the village of Sandovo, Tver Region. I will not say that the enterprise is very large, there are probably the same in all other regions of our country. The production was based on the basis of the Sandovsky MTS. The company had nothing to do with the mobile operator, and does not have anything, since in Soviet times MTS was deciphered a little differently, namely - Machine-Tractor Station. The company "Sandovskaya MTS" carries out logging with subsequent removal, then a complex of forestry, reforestation and forest protection works is carried out. The main activity is sawing and planing wood. Lumber of different sections and grades are produced. I'll show you this process.
Forestry is being harvested on a leased forest plot for 49 years with an area of ​​26,571 hectares. And for processing, timber is delivered to the enterprise in the form of untreated logs on such timber trucks.
Unloading and storage takes place directly in the workshop, where the wood is processed.
A log is placed on a large sawmill. From four sides, the so-called croaker is cut off from it. A slab is a side part of a log that has one sawn and the other non-sawn surface. Gorbyli is willingly bought by local residents for firewood for heating, since the Sandovsky district is not supplied with gas. It's a shame, of course, but at least someone's "dreams come true" :).
After these manipulations, a bar is obtained, which can be cut into boards or a smaller bar.
As a rule, timber and boards are made from logs, depending on the diameter of the trunk.
The enterprise is small, the number of workers is about 50 people.
Log feeding mechanism.
Devices for fixing the log on the machine.
And this is, in fact, the main part of the machine - a circular saw.
Eh, I would not like to fall under the prongs of this monster.
The work is hard, but the company also employs women.
Light operations are performed even by veterans of production.
The territory of the Sadovsky MTS is huge and there is enough space for storing waste.
During the winter, all these mountains of wood will be used for heating.
Sandovskaya MTS not only harvests timber, but also carries out reforestation work on a leased forest area.
I would like to show a few more photos of the territory of the enterprise. It contains interesting artifacts.
You won't find such a fire engine in Moscow, but here this rarity carries its service.
I myself do not know what it is. Most likely, it also remained from MTS.
After inspecting the territory, General Director Igor Karpukhin treated us to buns with meat, which we washed down with fruit juice from local cranberries. I remember these pies from my childhood