Gas column characteristics. The best gas water heaters

Natural gas heaters have many advantages. These are small dimensions, and the speed of water heating, and durability, and economic benefits. Modern speakers are characterized by high performance and safe operation, but at the same time they have many technical characteristics, so choosing the right option can sometimes be difficult.


All heaters are accumulative or flow-through. The first option is less common, more expensive and is used only in case of severe interruptions in water supply.

Most gas-fired heaters are now flow-through models.

Ignition classification

  • Automatic. It lights up when the water is turned on.
  • Semi-automatic. The igniter is constantly on in it.

Speaker types depending on power

  • High power. In such models, the power will be above 25 kW.
  • Medium power. Their power range is represented by indicators of 20-24 kW.
  • Low-power. Power parameters in such devices do not exceed 19-20 kW.

Also, the columns are classified according to the method of combustion. They are divided into devices with an open and a closed chamber. In the first case, the device takes air from the room to support combustion. The second option is represented by turbocharged heaters, which have a supercharger and a closed combustion chamber.

Ignition types

The main burner in modern dispensers can be fired from:

  • An electrical impulse that is generated by a piezoelectric element after pressing a button. This kind of ignition is quite costly, because the wick is constantly burning inside the heater. Gas consumption in such a device is increased by 25%.
  • Impulse from a battery. A spark in such a column is formed when the device is turned on, and as soon as the device turns off, the burner also goes out.
  • Due to the impulse caused by the operation of the hydrogenerator. This kind of ignition is found in models from Bosch. For it, you need to turn on an electric generator, the work of which is activated by the flow of water.
  • Electrical network. This method of ignition is used very rarely and depends on the presence of an electrical outlet next to the column.

There is also a manual type of ignition using a match or a lighter, but in most heaters sold now, it is not used, since it is considered obsolete.

Heat exchanger types

Most of the columns currently on sale have a copper heat exchanger. The quality of such a heat exchanger is influenced by the percentage of impurities in copper (low-quality metal will be distinguished by a gray color) and by the characteristics of the soldering (dark points indicate manual soldering, which is of lower quality). It is best to select a model with an ultrasonic brazed copper heat exchanger.


This parameter is measured by most manufacturers in liters per minute and is directly related to the power of the device. It is indicated either on the back of the speaker, or in the documentation for it. By this indicator, you can determine how much water the selected model can heat in one minute.

To correlate such data to your needs, keep in mind that on average, about 7 liters of water pass through one mixer in 1 minute. So if you need to simultaneously receive hot water from two taps, select equipment with a capacity of 13 l / min and higher.

Water pressure

The technical characteristics of the column indicate the minimum value of water pressure at which the device will operate. This parameter is especially important for residents of old buildings, in which the water pressure is low.

The problem of water supply in Russian homes is also the periodic appearance of hydraulic shocks. Apparatus capable of withstanding 12 bar will tolerate such short-term pressure increases well.

Power modulation

Due to changes in water pressure, the operation of the column may be disrupted, however, no differences will interfere with the functioning of the model, which has the power modulation option. In such a column, when the water pressure drops, the equipment will continue to work, maintaining a stable temperature of the water coming from the tap.

In this case, modulation is possible only in a certain range - its upper limit does not exceed the maximum power of the column, and the lower one is influenced by the sensitivity of the internal elements of the device. If this range is 40-100% of the speaker power, such modulation will be comfortable.

Availability of safety sensors

The safety of using the column depends on the following sensors:

  • Burning. It will shut off the gas supply when the flame is extinguished.
  • Ionization. Such a sensor will also block the gas supply in a situation where the fire is extinguished.
  • Stream. Provides the inclusion of the column after opening the tap and off when the tap is closed.
  • Overheating. Thanks to such a sensor, the water will not be able to scald, and scale will not collect on the heat exchanger itself.
  • Water temperature. Such a sensor detects whether the water is cold or hot, as a result of which the strength of the flame is regulated.
  • Traction... The column will stop working if there is no traction.
  • Protective reset... It works when the water pressure is too high.
  • Reduced head. Prevents the column from turning on if the water pressure is insufficient.

What are the ideal options for an apartment?

When choosing a column for a city apartment, the main thing is not to rush, but to consider all the nuances that are important for making the right choice:

  • Decide on the power of the heater. Conventionally, a column with a power of less than 20 kW is only suitable for providing water to one point of consumption. It is suitable if you are looking for a kitchen-only or bathroom-only model. If you need a device for supplying water to two points, look for models with a capacity of at least 20-24 kW.
  • Select the type of ignition of the device, as well as the option of removing the combustion products. Here you should consider whether there is a chimney in your house, since many devices remove combustion products through it. However, there are also models in which the emission of combustion products occurs directly on the street.
  • Make sure the column is safe to use.

Review of the most popular models

The most popular are the following models of gas water heaters:


Features and average price

The power of the device is 28 kW, and the productivity is 13 l / minute.

It is switched on by means of electronic ignition.

Column dimensions - 650x390x260.

Average price - 12,000 rubles

The power of the column is 17.4 kW.

The equipment works with piezo ignition.

The product is designed for one draw-off point (capacity 10 l / min).

There is a special knob to regulate the power in the column.

The device can use liquefied gas for operation.

Column dimensions - 580x300x220.

Average price - 9000 rubles

Ariston Fast Evo 11B

The device heats up 11 liters of water in 1 minute, and its power is 19 kW.

The ignition in this model is made from a battery.

Column dimensions - 580х310х210.

Average price - 12,000 rubles

Electrolux GWH 265 ERN Nano Plus

The column is powered by a battery.

The power of the model is 20 kW.

An oxidation-resistant copper heat exchanger is installed inside the apparatus.

The product is distinguished by a good design and a display on the front side.

Column dimensions - 550x328x180.

Average price - 8000 rubles

Electrolux GWH 285 ERN NanoPro

The model heats up 11 liters of water per minute, and its power is 19.2 kW.

The burner in this unit is made of stainless steel and the heat exchanger is made of copper.

The device works with electric ignition.

To control the operation of the column, it is provided with the Intelligent Control system.

The equipment is distinguished by its silent operation.

Column dimensions - 578х310х220.

Average price - 13,000 rubles

Beretta Idrabagno Aqua 11

This appliance has an open combustion chamber.

The power of the model is 21.8 kW.

Switching on is done with the button (piezo ignition).

In a minute, such a column will heat 10.8 liters of water.

The device has a gas pressure stabilizer and the ability to adjust the power.

Column dimensions - 617x314x245.

Average price - 14,000 rubles

The power of this model is 17.3 kW.

The device has a piezo ignition and the ability to regulate power.

The efficiency of this product is 92%.

Column dimensions - 592x320x245.

Average price - 20,000 rubles

Vaillant MAG OE 11-0 / 0 XZ C +

A device with a piezo ignition and a power of 19 kW.

The column case is made of steel and covered with a special white enamel.

The heat exchanger is made of copper and the burner is made of chrome-nickel steel.

The product provides for gas pressure regulation.

Column dimensions - 634x310x230.

Average price - 13,000 rubles

Gorenje GWN 10NNBW

Column power - 20 kW.

The ignition in this model comes from a battery.

The device is designed for 1 tap and heats up 10 liters of water per minute.

The device has a 3-stage protection.

Column dimensions - 590x327x180.

Average price - 9000 rubles

The device operates with a power of 20 kW and heats up 10 liters of water in 1 minute.

The ignition of such a column comes from batteries.

The front side of the equipment is decorated with a design pattern.

The model contains all safety levels.

The device is quite quiet.

Column dimensions - 590x340x140.

Average price - 7000 rubles

Ladogaz VPG 14F

Thanks to the power of 24 kW, such a column heats up 14 liters of water in 1 minute.

This model uses a battery for ignition, so the device turns on automatically when the tap is opened.

The heater has 8 levels of protection.

The burner in such a column is made of steel and is distinguished by the presence of reflector grilles.

Column dimensions - 720x320x210.

Average price - 13,000 rubles

  • What additional features and security options are important to you?
  • Is the device suitable for the interior design?

  • Or instantaneous gas water heaters have been the most popular device for autonomous water heating for decades. They provide instant heating of water, and this is their main advantage over boilers. After all, if the boiler allows you to heat only a certain volume, then the column will heat the water until it is turned off. If you are looking for information on how to choose a gas water heater, then read our detailed answer to this question below.

    It is quite compact in size, no more than a small hanging cabinet, the device works according to an extremely simple scheme. It includes three pipes (two for water - 1. cold water inlet, 2. hot water outlet, and one for gas), two burners and a heat exchanger.

    When you open a tap in a modern dispenser, the valve on the gas pipe automatically opens and gas starts flowing. At the same time, the pilot burner will fire, igniting the main burner. The flame of the main burner heats up the heat exchanger - a spiral tube through which cold water first flows at the inlet, and as it passes through the tubular heat exchanger, the water heats up and comes out already warmed up to the required temperature. Combustion products are removed through the chimney.

    Column differences, basic models

    There are many models of gas water heaters on the modern market that differ not only in the brand name, but also in technical and functional characteristics. Knowing these characteristics will help you make the right speaker choice for your home.

    Geyser performance

    The performance of a gas water heater means the number of liters of water that it can heat up in one minute. Heating means an increase in the temperature of the flowing water by 25 ° C. This indicator is indicated in the passport of the device and, most often, on the nameplate located on the rear wall at the bottom left.

    Suppose if the column is declared 10 l / min, then this means that, at an input water temperature of 10 degrees, the column will be able to heat the water to a comfortable temperature of 35 degrees - 10 liters of water in one minute. This figure is relative, and at a higher water heating temperature, the water flow will, of course, be less. The optimum performance for a given apartment depends on the number of taps, that is, on the number of mixers used.

    How to choose a gas water heater, the number of liters, hot water per minute
    • One mixer usually flows about 6-7 liters of water per minute. So for servicing the kitchen and the sink at the same time, a productivity of 10-13 l / min will be quite enough.
    • For a typical option - a kitchen and a bathroom with a shower - a column with a capacity of 13-14 l / min would be the best option.
    • If you have more than one bathroom, you should choose a column with a capacity of 15 l / min or more.

    Sometimes, instead of performance, the power of the device is indicated. The selection of the optimal variant in this case is carried out in a similar way.

    How to choose a gas water heater by power
    • A low-power column (up to 24 kW inclusive) is designed for one draw-off point;
    • Column of average (from 24 to 28 kW) power - for two points of simultaneous use;
    • High (more than 28 kW) power - three or more water points.


    Here you should pay attention to the minimum pressure at which the gas column can operate, and the maximum pressure that it can withstand. So, if you have a low pressure, and the minimum pressure declared by the manufacturer, indicated in the passport of the device, is 0.35 bar, the column may simply not turn on, it is better to choose a column with a minimum pressure, say, 0.1 bar. If there are no problems with pressure, this indicator does not really matter.

    In the water supply system, short-term pressure surges, the so-called hydraulic shocks, can occur from time to time. To understand to How to choose a gas water heater with the required pressure and to protect yourself from damage that may occur in the connections, it is desirable that the maximum pressure that the column can withstand was at least 11 bar.

    How to choose a gas water heater by the way of ignition

    There are automatic and semi-automatic speaker models. In the first case, the ignition burner is turned on when the hot tap is opened, in the second it is constantly on. In the case of a semi-automatic version, the column does not require additional service (replacement of batteries, piezoelectric elements), but such speakers are somewhat more expensive. In automatic dispensers, ignition can be carried out both from the igniter, and directly.

    During ignition from the igniter, a small amount of gas is first supplied to the pilot burner, which is ignited in one of the ways that will be described below. After the ionisation sensor detects a flame at the pilot, gas is supplied to the main burner. In the case of direct ignition, gas is fed directly to the main burner and ignited by means of an electrical impulse.

    When choosing such a column, make sure that the ignition electrode and ionization sensor are securely fixed in place. Otherwise, the ignition can be carried out with a delay, which will lead to the accumulation of excess gas and pops during ignition, that is, to a violation of the rules for the safe operation of the column.

    There are three main methods of ignition in modern gas water heaters:

    1. Electric ignition. The main burner is automatically ignited by discharge. Both the mains and batteries can be used to power the ignition. When the tap is closed or the water pressure drops, the gas supply is turned off automatically. In this case, when the pressure reaches the desired level, the column turns on again.

    2. Piezo ignition. The flame is ignited manually by pressing a button acting on the piezoelectric element. The ignition burner is ignited, then, when the hot tap is opened, the main burner is ignited. When the tap closes or the water pressure drops, only the main burner goes out, the igniter continues to burn.

    3. HydroPower System - Hydrogenerator.

    The burner is ignited by a discharge, the generation of which occurs with the help of a built-in hydraulic turbine, which is driven by water in the column. This is a convenient system, and is applicable even in the case of an unstable water pressure (from 0.1 to 12 bar).

    Heat exchanger.

    Heat exchangers are usually made of copper. A high quality copper heat exchanger can be recognized by its characteristic color and gloss. If copper of poor quality with undesirable impurities is used, such heat exchangers are usually coated with a special gray paint that acts as a protection against condensation during the passage of cold water.

    In addition to the quality of the material itself, attention should be paid to the quality of the solder. Black dots and lines indicate manual soldering. In this case, the risk of mistakes made during the soldering process increases, and, consequently, possible burning out and formation of leaks in the overheated areas of the heat exchanger during operation. In the case of ultrasonic soldering, this risk is significantly less.

    Basic safety devices

    Safe operation of the column requires the following devices:

    Ionization flame control sensor. It is an electrode located near one of the burners. When a flame is present at the electrode, an ionisation current is induced and the gas valve is held open. If there is no flame, the valve will automatically close. Many columns have an additional flame sensor or thermocouple installed in case this sensor fails.

    Lack of traction protection. This is a temperature sensor located in the gas manifold at the top of the unit. If gases do not escape through the chimney, they heat up the sensor. As a result, a leak of combustion products is detected and the column is automatically turned off.

    Overheat protection. If the temperature in the heat exchanger is close to the boiling point of water, the gas supply is cut off and the column is turned off.

    Flow sensor, providing turning on and off the column when opening and closing the hot tap.

    Low pressure sensor prevents the device from turning on at low water pressure, which avoids overheating of the heat exchanger.

    Safety relief valve. Protects pipes from damage caused by a sudden surge in water pressure.

    Air supply and flue gas

    Gas columns can be with an open combustion chamber and a closed combustion chamber. In the first case, the combustion air comes from the room, and the combustion products are removed through the chimney. In the case of a closed chamber, air is supplied from the street. The exhaust gases are also discharged outside the building through a coaxial chimney through the outer wall.

    If you do not want to depend on the draft in the chimney, it makes sense to purchase a column with forced air supply and forced removal of combustion products. The drainage is carried out using a special built-in turbine. Any of the types of combustion chambers can be used in such columns. There are high efficiency columns that are not equipped with a chimney at all. Usually they have low power, in addition, there is a risk of a small amount of harmful substances entering the dwelling.

    Additional tips for choosing a column

    When choosing a gas water heater, it is recommended to obtain the necessary consultations from specialists. Ideally, these should be employees of the company serving you, who are directly interested in ensuring that your column works for a long time without failures and breakdowns. Pay attention to the material from which the speaker parts are made. So, for example, in cheap low-quality columns, plastic pipes and silumin taps are often used. For reliable column performance, these parts must be made of stainless steel or bronze.

    Pay attention to the manufacturer

    Find a manufacturer known for the build quality and parts used, such as a Neva Lux gas water heater or a Bosch gas water heater. Before installing the column, make sure that the water hardness in the water supply does not exceed that indicated in the data sheet. Excessively hard water can lead to salt deposits inside the heat exchanger and its subsequent destruction. However, this is not a reason to refuse the column you like, you can soften the water by installing special additional devices.

    You can buy a gas water heater in St. Petersburg in our online store. If you have any questions or do not know how to choose a gas water heater, please call us at 983-77-20, we will be happy to recommend the best model for you.

    It is not a problem to cope with seasonal outages of hot water supply today, since there is a huge range of water heating equipment on the market. The most effective are gas water heaters. Since gas is cheaper than electricity, they are also more economical to operate. Which gas water heater is suitable for a private house? Read in our article.

    The principle of operation of the device

    To make the right choice, you need to understand and. It is also called a flow heater.

    Two tubes are connected to the body. One supplies gas, the other supplies water. When water is supplied in the line, pressure arises, which acts on the membrane. She bends and opens the gas valve. The burner is triggered and heats up the water that flows through the heat exchanger coil. The stream comes out when the mixer is opened.

    To choose the right device for a summer cottage or at home, it is necessary to take into account the parameters of the equipment and the state of the water supply line. The correct setting of the instrument will depend on the pressure in the system. , read the previous article.

    Which technique to choose

    What do you need to consider in order to make the right purchase? First of all, the features of the room: its area, ventilation, the possibility of organizing a chimney. Then pay attention to the features of the technique:

    • Power and performance. What pressure is the equipment designed for;
    • Ignition type;
    • Body dimensions;
    • The combustion chamber;
    • Heat exchanger quality;
    • Work safety;
    • Control;
    • Price.

    Performance and power

    The passport indicates the rated power of the device. The higher it is, the more displacement you can heat. So:

    • 17 kW refers to low power;
    • 22-24 kW - to the average;
    • 28-31 kW - high.

    Important! Don't forget to consider the quality of your home wiring. If it is old, replace it. Or choose low-power equipment.

    Heating up to 10 liters per minute is sufficient to provide one intake point. This is enough for two people. For a fork for a shower and a sink and use by three people, 13-14 liters per minute is suitable. A large family will need 15-16 liters. In this case, you can connect all the necessary points.

    It is important that the pressure in the line is sufficient to operate a powerful column. Otherwise, it will not turn on or it will give out poor pressure. If you do not have a central water supply, but a well, you can install a circulation pump. For low pressure and small, low water pressure, a pump is an excellent option.

    Dimensions and type of ignition

    How to choose a product by size? First, select the installation location. Then you will understand how big the technique should be. In general, gas heaters are lightweight and compact as they do not have a storage tank.

    Selection by type of ignition begins with an inspection of the room, checking for the presence of a chimney or ventilation in it. Manufacturers no longer produce products with manual ignition of the wick. Today the following types are popular:

    • Piezo ignition... The wick ignition system is automatic, but to start it, you need to press the piezo ignition button and hold it for at least 10 seconds. Model data cheaper than the rest.
    • Electric ignition... In a special compartment of the case there are power elements - batteries. They are triggered the moment the mixer is opened, creating a spark for the burner. All you need to do is change the batteries periodically.

    • Ignition with a hydraulic turbine... Due to the pressure of the water in the housing, the turbine turns, which generates a current for the spark. Ignition depends on the presence of pressure in the system. This is the most expensive type of speaker.

    Combustion chamber type

    There are two types of combustion chambers:

    • Open... Requires the organization of a chimney. The fuel, together with oxygen, burns out inside the room, and then the combustion products are removed through the chimney.
    • Closed... A coaxial pipe is used. The best option for installation in a private house: the device does not burn fuel inside. Oxygen enters the chamber through the external channel, and combustion products are removed through the internal channel. For this, the pipe is brought out into the street.

    The disadvantage of closed chambers is that the built-in fan is powered by electricity. Hence it follows: if the electricity is cut off, there will be no hot water supply either.

    Heat exchanger material

    The radiator or heat exchanger is an important part. Water passes through its coil for heating. Since it is constantly in contact with liquid and is exposed to heat, the quality of its workmanship is important.

    The material can be brass, copper, steel. Copper is considered the most efficient, it has a high efficiency. However, impurities in its composition lead to burnout of the radiator. Read the article “ » to find out more about it.

    When choosing a technique, carefully inspect the radiator. Sly manufacturers install used blocks in factories that have already been soldered.


    Mechanical control allows you to separately adjust the force of the water pressure and gas supply. Electronic control more accurately sets the indicators, and the display shows the set parameters:

    • Temperature;
    • The power of the flame;
    • Fault codes.

    Work safety

    It is important to choose a safe technique that should protect the user when:

    • Interruptions in the supply of gas and water;
    • Fuel leakage;
    • Lack of traction, overheating or high pressure.

    For this, the device has special sensors that, reacting to deviations in operation, turn it off:

    • Flame control. There is an electrode near the burner. When a flame is present, it supplies current to the controller. As soon as the flame goes out, the current supply is stopped and the column is turned off;
    • Combustion sensor. Control of the previous sensor. If the electrode does not work, the combustion sensor comes to the rescue;
    • Overpressure protection in the system. The safety valve releases liquid when the pressure exceeds the rating;
    • Overheating sensor. If the heating temperature exceeds 100 degrees, the equipment will automatically stop working;
    • Traction sensor. Low draft is dangerous due to the leakage of carbon monoxide into the room. To avoid this a sensor is installed that monitors the presence and absence of traction;
    • Limit timer. Turns off the heater after 20-30 minutes of heating.

    When choosing the best water heater, consider the presence of protective systems. The functionality is indicated in the product passport.

    Manufacturers and price

    When choosing a column, a lot also depends on the manufacturer and the place of assembly. The most popular brands are:

    • ... Italian brand. The panels are equipped with a display and convenient control;

    • ... German production. The technique is distinguished by high performance, the presence of a display and indication;

    • manufactured by Bosch. There is a possibility of power regulation by modulating the burner flame;

    The first instantaneous gas water heaters. Germany 1985 invented by Hugo Junkers

    Gas water heater or gas flowing water heater was constructed at the end of the 19th century. The basic operating principle has not changed since then, with the exception of additional functions.

    Such a column has three main elements:

    • a heat exchanger (most often steel or copper),
    • basic,
    • pilot burner.

    Modern speakers are equipped with traction and temperature sensors.

    There are open and closed gas water heaters. In closed combustion chambers, burners are used, with electronic control of the flame and blowing, carried out by a fan. A gas pipeline, an inlet and outlet pipe for water and a flue gas outlet, or rather a flue gas outlet, are connected to the body.

    The heat exchanger usually consists of a thin metal tube and corrugated fins. The material for the heat exchanger can be different, each with its own advantages. When the column is turned on, depending on the model, the ignition device is triggered. Ignition can be either manual or electronic. The most advanced models do everything on their own, the user just needs to open the hot water tap. The system will itself determine the movement of running water, ignite the gas and heat the water up to the set temperature. Draft and flame sensors ensure the safety of the system. Unlike older models, modern ones are becoming more and more reliable.

    Advantageous, the installation of a gas water heater will be, if warm water is needed, for an average family of four. Since the instantaneous electric heater consumes too much energy. An electric boiler will be advisable if you need a small amount of warm water. True, to install a gas water heater, you need a chimney and a gas supply. And this is quite troublesome.

    How to choose a gas water heater

    The most important thing to pay attention to when choosing a water heater is the amount of hot water consumed. The table shows the approximate water consumption per person. Based on these indicators, you can make a calculation and an accurate choice of equipment.

    Gas columns are conventionally divided into only two types, flow-through and having a storage device:

    • The flow-through gas water heater is much smaller in size, due to the lack of a water tank. This determines their low performance, which is more suitable for an apartment. If you need several points of water intake in the house, you need a column with a storage device.

    NS rotary gas water heater sectional diagram

    • The geyser with the accumulator is of considerable size, the volume can reach 500 liters. This requires a dedicated room and reliable installation. When determining the required power of the heater, one should rely on the number of water intake points, that is, the number of taps. On average, the productivity of one point is taken - equal to 6-7 liters / minute.

    It can be concluded that a column with a capacity of 13 liters / minute is enough to economically supply the kitchen and shower. A power of about 17 kW will be enough for simultaneous use in the bathroom and in the kitchen. Ideally, have a 24 kW column that will allow you to take a bath and use a sink, almost without restrictions.

    1. the minimum pressure at which the gas column can operate
    2. maximum allowable network pressure.

    Minimum pressure is especially important, since fire failures can occur in older houses with low water pressure. In such cases, it is necessary to select a column with a minimum pressure not exceeding 0.15 bar.

    The maximum pressure demonstrates the load limit that the heat exchanger can withstand in case of possible water hammer in the network. Therefore, if you practice checking water supply networks with high pressure, or it just happens to be high, it is worth taking care of this parameter.

    Choosing a gas column

    Choosing a gas water heater, you should understand that safety directly depends on the type of ignition. The most imperfect, and therefore unsafe, are budget columns with manual ignition. In the process itself, both hands are involved, and after ignition, the wick continues to burn, which is not entirely economical.

    The next step in development was the use of a piezoelectric element, which replaced matches. A spark occurs when a button is pressed, in addition, piezo ignition does not give any special advantages.

    Safer, electric ignition systems, with a network connection and autonomous elements, since a number of critical parameters are monitored when switched on.

    The original, safest and at the same time autonomous ignition system from a hydraulic turbine. It is mechanically connected with the presence of the flowing movement of water in the system. Unfortunately, such systems are very sensitive to water quality, require additional filters and are difficult to repair. This cannot but affect the cost. Users are more likely to lean towards network-powered systems, but do not skimp on autonomy. Especially if there are surges in your power grid. Be sure to consider the presence of a power modulator. A device that regulates the intensity of heating - depending on the pressure of the water, it will not allow the temperature to change if the water is turned on in the kitchen or at the neighbors'. Whether you need such a function is up to you.

    Gas water heater-choice of heat exchanger

    With the choice of a heat exchanger, everything is simple. Steel, corrosion-resistant and durable, although somewhat heavier. Conventional copper has a higher heat transfer coefficient. But even with a treated surface, due to uneven heating, they leak after a few years. The best heat exchangers made of high purity copper have high strength characteristics and are much less susceptible to oxidation processes.

    In addition to the above, you need to think about how the removal of combustion products will be organized. Most likely it will be smoke-free equipment, unless you are lucky and have special channels in your house. A non-chimney volatile device, since for the removal of gases, the participation of a fan located in the column or in the exhaust duct is required. A room with such a column must have natural ventilation, this is very important. This can be dangerous in the absence of sensors. Security systems help to avoid such complications, and the more there are, the better.

    The combustion of a gas boiler is open (a) and closed (b)

    It is desirable for the column to have:

    • Ionization detector. This sensor allows you to instantly turn off the gas in the event of flame extinguishment.
    • An overpressure valve that protects the system when it rises in the water supply.
    • A water flow sensor that starts the system when the tap is opened at any point in the water intake.
    • Draft sensor in the gas discharge ducts. Blocks ignition in the absence of traction, or turns off the system when it disappears.
    • Overheating protection that turns off the column when critical temperatures are reached.

    Gas column groups

    The conclusions from this are not unambiguous. If you divide the gas water heaters according to the complexity of the gas unit, you can get three conditional groups.

    • In the first, heaters with a piezoelectric element, without pressure control, a control unit and a solenoid valve. Reliability of work is ensured by absolute simplicity. At the same time, you have a constantly burning igniter and manual control of the launch.
    • In the second, heaters with a simple gas valve and electric ignition. It is normal for a start-up pop to pop. Otherwise, quite acceptable autonomy. Lack of strict requirements for gas pressure, itself lit up, itself extinguished.
    • And finally, in the third group, there are high-power heaters that can be realized if the requirements for the nominal pressure in the gas network are strictly met. Completing the columns with such a valve block is possible at any capacity, which leads to a significant increase in cost. However, it comes at the cost of safety and a smooth, controlled launch. Such heaters can be equipped with hot water temperature control and other small bonuses. But is it worth it?

    Of course it's worth it if you can provide financially and otherwise the availability of such equipment. The pressure in the network will correspond to the required one, the service workers will install the heater with due care, providing the column with all the necessary filters, gas and water. Having personally examined the insides, make sure of the quality of the components. After that, you can be confident in owning a reliable heater with a large margin of safety. If not, it is worth using the advice received to choose equipment that is affordable. Not always the main thing is the price. By spending more money than possible, you can get a beautiful liquid crystal display that will not improve the performance of the heater in any way.

    You can purchase a geyser with an additional option, winter - summer, without knowing what it is. And this function is mainly intended for hot countries or combined systems. When a significant part of the burners is shut off, when using supplied water with an already elevated temperature. Or water enters the system from a water manifold. You may never get advice, consider the toilet as another water intake point. With an expensive column, it is still possible to bounce off a hot stream when the water was flushed somewhere.

    Gas column digital display

    A few words must be said about chimney heaters. The exhaust of gases of such devices is carried out through a coaxial chimney - ventilation. It is provided with forced draft generated by its own electric fan.

    There were also examples of a short-term type of work, with the removal of combustion products into the room, but such a miracle was banned in Ukraine back in 2010 and, hopefully, forever. Such speakers are distinguished by low power along with high cost. Justifies the high cost, apparently the opportunity to get out of the situation and the equipment with modern electronic functions. Such as water temperature control, flow meter, draft sensor, modulation of burners. The coaxial gas outlet of such a system should go through the wall and be output at a distance of 70cm. from her.

    This does not guarantee that there will be no smell and no combustion products coming back to your window or to your neighbors. The column does not have a chimney at all, has no right to life, as a rather harmful and low-power device. With all the drawbacks, such "humming" devices of acceptable power are comparable in price to a used, albeit an old car. Moreover, such a conditional absence of a chimney does not eliminate the need for all regulated registration procedures. When the happy owner goes through all the stages of installing the geyser, he will only have to maintain it in working order, occasionally cleaning and checking for wear.

    Geyser manufacturers

    Each of the manufacturers of gas water heaters is trying to provide maximum functionality and safety. The leading manufacturers in this industry are Bosch, Electrolux, Ariston, Vector.

    BOSCH WRD 15-2 G

    The best devices from Bosch offer from 17 to 47 kW of power with an open and closed chamber and ignition from a water turbine. Using this column, you will not be afraid of a tap spitting boiling water. The regulation of the water temperature takes place at the outlet and adapts to the changeable pressure "on the fly", demonstrating high stability, at its low values. In this case, it is possible to control the power in the range of 15-100%. There is protection against overheating, and the performance will provide heating of 15 liters. water per minute up to 60 gr. Heat exchangers are made without the use of lead and tin, which increases their resource. Such columns are equipped with chimneys individually. They are also produced separately. Users point to the difficulties with registration in the Gorgaz, which unfortunately affects the cost.


    Representatives of the top line of Electrolux models are equipped with electronic ignition from batteries and automatic heating control. An open combustion chamber, with a power of about 19 kW and switching on when the hot water tap is opened. The promised heat exchanger made of high quality copper, processed at the nano level. Just like in Bosch, there is a technology for adjusting the temperature, with pressure drops. In the hydraulic unit, the safety system is electronically duplicated. In addition, manufacturers point to a special method of water conduction, which eliminates water turbulence, leading to noise in the work. The models have four safety stages, including: a safety thermostat for exhaust gases, a draft sensor, a hydraulic valve and a flame control electrode. True, some reviews say that the quality of the heat exchanger leaves much to be desired.


    Ariston models are usually made in China, although there are dealerships in the UK, Russia and Turkey. The best of them have automatic ignition from a 220v network or from batteries, an economical gas consumption of about 2.2 m / h. The combustion chamber is usually closed, with ten nozzles and forced exhaust of gases, sometimes it can be condensing. Operation on liquefied or natural gas is possible, at low pressures. Touchscreen display and electronics allow you to set a fixed water flow rate (signal about a full tank). Can be equipped with ionisation flame control for instantaneous response in case of damping.

    Gas water heater Ariston

    VEKTOR Lux Eco JSD20-W

    Vector speakers are made in China. These are flow-through heaters with electronic automatic ignition. The copper heat exchanger is treated with an anti-corrosion coating. There are three stages of protection, traction control, temperature control and gas control, winter-summer mode. The product is declared as specially designed for Russian and Ukrainian consumers. The disadvantage is the sensitivity of the installation to pressure drops. Good pressure is required for stable operation. There is no automatic temperature setting. The internal layout is not very convenient and does not facilitate easy repair and cleaning.

    Repair of a gas water heater, elimination of a breakdown of a gas-water unit in the video

    We present to your attention a very short and understandable video of the frequent breakdown of the repair of the gas-water block of most Chinese speakers.

    The problem of hot water supply remains relevant not only in suburban areas, but also in the private sector of many city houses. Therefore, before the onset of cold weather, we will try to tell you how to choose a gas water heater so that you can purchase a water heater that will meet all the requirements and quality standards. To do this, we will consider recommendations from repairers, customer reviews and the most important parameters, taking into account the price / quality ratio.

    Domestic models allow heating from 10 to 18 liters of water per minute. Therefore, the first question that you need to ask yourself when buying this equipment is how much hot water is required for consumption? You can familiarize yourself with our rating of gas water heaters, but first consider the key characteristics.

    Among all the variety of heating equipment with various operational characteristics, it is impossible to determine the choice of a suitable model without experience. Therefore, you need to act consistently, and first deal with the classification. There are 2 types of gas water heaters:

    Flowing- are small in size, lack of a tank for hot water. The structure consists of the following elements:

    • small gas burner;
    • gas pipe;
    • collector;
    • overheating detector;
    • hot water connection;
    • thrust detector;
    • heat exchanger;
    • water regulator;
    • pipe outlet;
    • gas regulator.

    If you decide to choose a flow-through gas column, keep in mind that it has a small capacity. Therefore, to connect several points of the fence, you need to focus on powerful products.

    Cumulative- equipped with a volumetric tank from 50 to 300 liters. Heat exchangers are more efficient, as is thermal insulation. Therefore, you do not have to constantly turn on the device to obtain hot water.

    It makes no sense to talk about which gas water heater is better - flowing or storage! First of all, the choice depends on how much water you need and whether there is free space. Of course, a storage water heater is more powerful, more convenient to use, but more expensive and requires installation in a special place. This is due to a more complex design:

    • large gas burner;
    • traction stabilizer;
    • divider;
    • thermocouple;
    • gas regulator;
    • water temperature regulator;
    • gas wick;
    • protective covering;
    • chimney base;
    • water outlet branch pipe;
    • drain cock;
    • anode against corrosion;
    • cold water pipe;
    • protective cover;
    • nozzle and flap.

    Therefore, let's say, an instantaneous water heater is better for an apartment, but for a house it is worth considering the second option!

    Calculation of performance

    You can find this characteristic in the technical data sheet of the equipment. In most cases, it is indicated by l / min or kW. For the correct choice of a gas water heater, you must calculate the power according to the number of mixers, that is, water intake points. Suppose that there are 2 mixers installed in the apartment, for example, in the bathroom and in the kitchen, each of which has a capacity of 6 l / min. It follows that for it is necessary to choose a gas water heater with a capacity of 12 l / min. If the house has several bathrooms, then you will have to purchase a storage water heater.

    Types of ignition of water heaters

    1. Manual- to start the water heater, it is necessary to light a match and bring it to the fighter. This kind of ignition is the most dangerous and inconvenient. Especially if the equipment is in a hard-to-reach place. The only advantage is the low price;
    2. Piezo ignition- activation is carried out by pressing a button. The electromechanical match is already integrated into the system. A less dangerous option, but it still involves user intervention in management;
    3. Electric ignition- an excellent solution for users who plan to choose an automatic gas water heater. At the same time, there are volatile and independent models. The first option involves connecting to the mains using a special adapter. Such models will cease to function if there is a power outage. Non-volatile models, in turn, can be equipped with a hydrogenerator that generates energy due to the flow of water or batteries.

    Thus, the most convenient are models with an electric ignition and a hydrogenerator. They are the most expensive, but fully automated.

    Unfortunately, many users do not pay enough attention to the quality of heat exchangers, relying only on brands and performance. It will be useful for you to know that these elements are today made of steel, simple and highly purified copper. The first option is distinguished by its democratic price and reliability. However, steel has a negative impact on the weight of the structure. Due to the excessive amount of unnecessary impurities, the raw copper heat exchanger has a limited service life. In this case, the heat is distributed unevenly. For obvious reasons, when choosing a gas boiler for a home, it is better to give preference to a purified copper heat exchanger. Such material has high efficiency and long service life.

    Water pressure

    Experts also recommend paying attention to 2 parameters: the minimum pressure at which the device starts up and the maximum pressure that the heat exchanger can withstand. The first characteristic is extremely important when choosing a flow-through gas water heater, since in some rooms it may not turn on at all due to a poor communication network. It is desirable that the indicator should not be higher than 0.15 bar. The maximum pressure must be taken into account because plumbing systems are susceptible to water hammer. It is better that the characteristic indicator varies in the range of 11-12 bar. During periods of shock, the pressure rises sharply, which negatively affects the service life of the heat exchangers.

    Carbon monoxide removal

    According to the method of removal of combustion products, gas water heaters are classified into.