Draw a feudal castle. How to easily and beautifully draw a castle step by step with a pencil: tips for beginners

All little girls dream of being princesses, and boys see themselves as noble knights. What unites them? Castles, of course!

Proud and majestic, full of secrets and mysteries, captivating with the splendor of balls and keeping their masters behind impregnable walls.

It is known that for children, the main magicians are their parents. Only they can give their kids a real castle, albeit only on paper. It can be drawn with a simple pencil and then colored. Or leave it as it is.

The only thing left is to learn how to draw. Even if it sounds like something impossible, you will soon realize that drawing a castle is easy. It is enough to study the simplest options, and the child's imagination will fill the image with life.

In this article, you will learn

It couldn't be easier

Let's start with the simplest option. Its charm is that such a castle can easily be learned by the child himself, even if he is still very small.

As a basis, it is required to depict several towers with peaked roofs. For this, it is very convenient to use a ruler. By analogy, you can create a picture in an oriental style, only domes are required here.

Our castle will also need windows and large entrance gates with loopholes. Let flags fly on the rooftops.

You can leave the drawing of the castle in this form and call the children with pencils or paints to make it the way they want. If you want to make the image more natural, paint on the brickwork and tiles on the roof, add a play of light and shadows.

We complicate the process and improve the result

Now we have to draw a drawing of a wonderful castle in the mountains. We will use the same simple pencil.

First, we will depict the road, the entrance, the walls and the main towers. Then we take on the rest of the buildings, which theoretically should be located outside the fortress walls. We will only see the upper floors and rooftops.

The next step in our pencil drawing is additional details. Since the building is located on a mountain, we surround it with a dense forest.

Shading and additional entourage in the form of steep mountains - and the image is completely ready.

Home for a real princess

The previous castle is more suitable for a brave and warlike knight. Now let's try to create a home for a real gentle and romantic princess. So, we arm ourselves with a pencil and get down to business.

First, we draw four identical towers. Try to make them even, because where have you seen noble ladies living in crooked shacks?

To work on the upper towers, you should use a ruler - here you should definitely observe the correct proportions. Remember that the individual elements must have different heights. It is very important for children that the image looks like the fabulous dwellings that they are used to seeing in cartoons.

In the third step, we need to make the castle more natural. To do this, round off the corners, draw square teeth on the walls. Add a wide entrance.

The fourth stage is detailing. The entrance should be closed with a heavy grate. Many narrow windows make the castle alive, but at the same time emphasize that it is quite capable of protecting its owners in case of danger. A plank drawbridge completes the picture. Although our castle is intended for a princess, you should never let enemies inside.

To add vitality to the image, we make the roofs tiled. Lightly shade the walls, and then rub with a piece of soft paper or just with your finger.

As you can see, it is very easy to teach children to draw with a pencil and master this art themselves. It is enough to have a desire and a little free time.

If you do not know how to draw a castle, then first of all you need to decide for yourself what it will be. Imagine it visually, you should have at least a general shape in your head. Define

Cast whether the object will be three-dimensional or two-dimensional, directed upward or squat, light and decorative, or more like a fortress. After imagining the outline of the castle, you can transfer them to paper. At this stage, they will be something like a cloud, which is needed in order to correctly mark the sheet and not miss anything. Therefore, it is necessary, barely pressing a pencil, to determine the silhouette of the castle and the contours of the background.

After that, we proceed to drawing the largest parts of the castle - towers, hulls, roofs, etc. First, you should outline each individual element, and then rebuild by drawing contours and verticals. They are designed so that objects are even, symmetrical and not "overwhelmed" relative to the edge of the sheet.

Now an understanding of how to draw a castle is already taking shape, and you already have its shape in front of you, but aesthetic elements are needed. Therefore, we add details to such a "bare" castle: windows, balconies, doors, chimneys, loopholes, spiers, roof tiles and brickwork on the walls. In general, everything that has enough imagination. This will give it integrity. A castle drawn in pencil will look unfinished without such eye-catching details.

Next, you can add volume to your drawing by shading dark places or adding color to it. It is also advisable to work out the background, depending on the purpose of the castle. It can be a fabulous hideout with a dragon, surrounded by a moat, and a Gothic mansion, which stands on the highest place in the city, or a semblance on a sheer cliff. Find a place where your imagination will look the most organic and add a background. We hope the result will delight you and the little members of the family.

It would seem that there is nothing difficult in this - sit down and draw, but many people are faced with the fact that they simply do not know what to add to their picture, how to make it interesting. After all, the main thing is not how to draw a castle, but which castle to draw. This is understandable, because not every day we see castles. Your best bet is to look at a few architecture resources. From there, you can glean the necessary details, and the imagination will always find a suitable place for them. The main thing is

Don't be afraid to create something new. As a rule, people who took up drawing a castle already roughly know how it will look. And books on architecture will help supplement it with the necessary details.

So, now you know how to draw a castle in stages. The only thing that remains to advise you is that if you doubt something, imagine yourself as a resident of your drawing and doubts will go away. For example, if you do not know whether you need a balcony in the middle of the tower or not, think about how often you would stop while climbing up to admire the view without reaching the top. This will help not to violate the logic and integrity of the work.

The castle is one of the most widespread and well-known symbols of the Middle Ages. To understand how to draw a castle, you can consider the works of famous artists who often depicted these massive structures on their canvases. In addition, many castles, thanks to their solid and very well thought-out design, have survived to this day, so they can be seen in the photo or even visited, if possible.
Before drawing the castle, you need to prepare:
1). Multi-colored pencils;
2). Liner;
3). Paper;
4). Eraser;
5). Pencil.

When everything you need is ready, you can move on to learning how to draw a castle with a pencil. It will be much easier to understand how to draw a castle with a pencil if the whole process is divided into several steps:
1. First, draw the outline of the castle and the road to it;
2. Draw the central part of the castle and towers located on the sides of the entrance;
3. Mark the walls and side structures;
4. Draw the central part of the castle. Draw a lattice in the place where the entrance is;
5. Start drawing the side tower. Depict the person at the top, as well as various banners;
6. Draw the wall and side tower. This tower should have a tapered roof;
7. Draw on the other side a wall and a tower;
8. Draw the outermost tower;
9. Draw fields and trees around the castle;
10. Now you understand how to draw a castle in stages, but you also need to color it. Before that, carefully circle the entire sketch with a liner;
11. Remove the pencil strokes with an eraser;
12. Color in the castle using gray-brown pencils;
13. Paint over roofs, flags and people with brighter shades;
14. Paint over the grate in black and the space behind it in yellow. Paint the grass and trees with pencils in green tones, and the path with brown shades;
15. Lightly shade the sky with a soft blue pencil, and you can also make it cloudy using a gray pencil. To create a romantic mood, depict the starry sky and the moon. And you can create a dramatic and even a little gloomy picture with a medieval castle if you depict a sky covered with heavy storm clouds that swirl, hiding inside lightning. The main thing is that for coloring a picture so rich in colors, it is better to choose not colored pencils, but still paints, for example, such widespread ones as gouache.
So, drawing a castle with a pencil in stages is not at all difficult. The main thing is to be patient and then everything will definitely work out!

The theme of the Middle Ages remains popular at any time and in any situation. Every critic will find something to admire about the household items of the Middle Ages, buildings, the character of people and their thinking. But there are too many gaps in history, not everything has been preserved and repeated today. But there is always fantasy. A fantasy that will help create the missing cells of lost knowledge. In this lesson we will try to recreate such a cell of the lost world, you will learn how to draw a fortress! Such a fortress differs in many respects from simple ones. They are almost always built in places where it is impossible to sit down normally, not exactly to build. On a damn sharp mountain, or on. Inside the mountain is also an option. It's also a clean, dazzling, beautiful coloration. If the fortress of good people is snow-white walls, beautiful symmetrical towers, in the middle there is almost a golden palace. If the forces of evil are building a fortress, it is terrifying by its very appearance.

In truth, real fortresses were not built for decoration, they are strongholds of defense with the thickest walls and the bravest wars. The main attribute of a fortress should be its impassability.

Several famous and memorable fairytale fortresses:

  • The Lord of the Rings and the Castle of Minas Tirith. A beautiful white fortress, practically built on the side of a mountain. Its shape resembles a staircase that leads to heaven, where at the very top there is a long alley that opens up a view of the entire kingdom.
  • Disney Fortress. Located in French Disneyland, it looks like it is made of sweets, its walls are chocolate, and covered with all the glaze. Its purpose is not military, but it looks great and tasty.
  • Snow Queen's Castle. Cold and dark place. It is all made of ice, it breathes with fear and unhappiness. The only castle that, while remaining completely white and light, is not so welcoming.

Let's draw our own fairy tale right now.

How to draw a fortress with a pencil step by step

Step one. Let's outline on paper the place where the fortress will stand.
Step two. Inside the square, draw rectangles in floors to the very top.
Step three. We draw two large towers that emanate from the walls, strengthen the wall, create a large gate.
Step four. The structure is ready, remove the auxiliary touches. Now, with all our imagination, we pile on and draw buildings inside the castle, small windows in them, and other elements.
Step five. All this needs more realism - we add shadows, hatch, make the sea under the castle or something like that.
The fairy tale has come true. You can also decorate. Leave your comments, positive and negative, as well as write ideas for new ones

Everything that the child sees or reads, he immediately wants to display on paper. And if your little one has already begun to be interested in books about knights and enjoys watching cartoons about princes and princesses, then you will probably have to be interested in the question of how to draw a castle in stages with a pencil. For beginners, here are some helpful tips.

How to become a royal heir?

Pencil skills are not only an important skill that determines the level of development of a child's personality, but also a great way to show their creativity. What kid doesn't dream of living in a real royal house! To walk through different rooms all day, get confused in the corridors and bump into secret doors ... Please your kid and invite him to draw a real castle. But how to do it easily and beautifully, we will tell you further. You will need a pencil, ruler, eraser and ... fantasy.

In illustrations for fairy tales, castles in the Gothic style are most often depicted. These structures are distinguished by their special grandeur and beauty. It is quite easy to identify a structure belonging to such a well-known architectural medieval direction. You need to close the part of the palace with your palm up to the line of the towers - the upper part will look like a separate, independent castle.


Any girl dreams of becoming a princess. And not only because you can wear fluffy dresses and wait for the appearance of a handsome prince who will enchant her with a kiss. But also because the daughters of the royal couple live in a luxurious castle. And even if it is not yet possible to settle in it, but drawing is quite real.


This tutorial, which explains how to draw a princess castle, can be greatly simplified by depicting the house of the daughter of the lord of the deep sea.


Andersen's tale is popular with more than one generation of children. Therefore, many will find it useful to know how to draw the Snow Queen's castle with a pencil step by step so that it fits the description of the great Dane as much as possible. Here's one of the options.


  1. Draw a horizontal centerline through the sheet.
  2. Divide the lower part into three fragments. In the central part we have a castle, and on the sides there are snow-capped mountains.
  3. Draw a horizontal rectangle.
  4. Having retreated one third from the top edge, draw another rectangular figure - a tower.
  5. In the remaining space we make another turret.
  6. We finish drawing two more towers on the sides, bringing their spiers-triangles of roofs to the border with the base.
  7. We fill the second level with columns, and the third (last) with thin long spiers.
  8. Draw flags on the roofs, designate windows and gates. The castle is ready.