Is a comma necessary before "as"? Is there a comma before the word “how” or not? Comma before “or”: rule and examples. Is there always a comma before “or” Compound conjunctions and the word like

A comma is placed before the conjunction HOW in three cases:

1. If this conjunction is included in phrases that are close in their role in the sentence to the introductory words, for example: AS A RULE, AS AN EXCEPTION, AS A CONSEQUENCE, AS ALWAYS, AS NOW, AS ON PURPOSE, AS FOR EXAMPLE, AS NOW: In the morning, as if on purpose, it started to rain;

2. If this conjunction connects parts of a complex sentence, for example: We watched for a long time as the coals of the fire smoldered;

3. If the sentence contains a circumstance expressed by a comparative phrase that begins with the conjunction HOW, for example: Her voice rang like the smallest bell;

Please note: if the sentence continues after the phrase with the conjunction HOW, then you need to put another comma at the end of the clause. For example: Below, the water shone like a mirror; We watched for a long time as the coals of the fire smoldered, unable to tear ourselves away from this spectacle.

The phrases with the conjunction HOW are not isolated in five cases:

1. If a phrase with the conjunction HOW in a sentence acts as an adverbial circumstance of the course of action, for example: The path twisted like a snake. In such cases, the phrase with HOW can be replaced with an adverb (IN SNAKE) or a noun in the instrumental case (SNAKE). Unfortunately, the circumstances of the course of action cannot always be distinguished with complete confidence from the circumstances of comparison.

2. If the phrase with the conjunction HOW is part of a phraseological unit, for example: During lunch she sat as if on pins and needles;

3. If a phrase with the conjunction HOW is part of the predicate and a sentence without such a phrase does not have a complete meaning, for example: She behaves like a mistress;

4. If the conjunction HOW stands between the subject and the predicate (without this conjunction a dash would have to be placed there), for example: The lake is like a mirror;

5. If the comparative phrase is preceded by the negation NOT or the particle AT ALL, COMPLETELY, ALMOST, LIKE, EXACTLY, EXACTLY, SIMPLY, for example: They don't do everything like neighbors or Her hair is curly just like her mother's;

In addition, we must remember that the word AS can be part of the compound conjunction AS... SO AND... or SO AS, as well as phrases SINCE AS, SINCE THE TIME AS, AS LESS (MORE) POSSIBLE, etc. In this case, naturally, a comma is not placed before HOW, for example: All the windows, both in the manor's house and in the servants' rooms, are wide open.(Saltykov-Shchedrin). He didn’t take cutlets with him for breakfast and now he regretted it, since he was already hungry(According to Chekhov).

There's also a test there. I passed and was horrified. I don't know Russian very well. Even after I read the rules (Please note that I did not put a comma in front of how. See the fifth paragraph of the rules for those cases when a comma is not placed).

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How many commas can you put in? Of course, you can’t omit them altogether, but it’s better if all the commas are in their place. They are more comfortable, and you are more competent.

Right: I once missed my plane

The nightmare of all travelers, and indeed any person. It’s better to listen to your mother and arrive early (five hours before). Also, don’t put an unnecessary comma after the word “one day.” This is an adverb that is mistakenly taken as an introductory word and is separated by commas. In vain. It’s easy to check for “false introductory words”: introductory words, as a rule, do not answer the questions. So here it is enough to ask a question. When did you miss your plane? One day.

Right: and it's almost summer

Two extra commas detected! But why? We don't know either. “Here” is a demonstrative particle that is extremely rarely separated by commas. A comma is needed if the next part of the sentence clarifies or reveals the meaning of the previous one: “I’ve been wanting to tell you the news for a long time. So, now I’m a 5th grade class teacher.” For our example with almost summer (and many other examples with “here”), this option is not very suitable. Restrain your punctuation urges.

Right: however, it's not that simple

However, it's simple! Although... Sometimes “however” is a false introductory word, sometimes it is an introductory word. If “however” is at the beginning of a simple sentence and can be replaced with “but”, it means that this is not an introductory word, but a conjunction. A comma can be used if after “however” there is another isolated phrase, for example: “However, as “Chalk” predicts, most schoolchildren will write the Unified State Exam perfectly.” If “however” is in the middle or at the end of a sentence, then it may well be an introductory word with the meaning of opposition: “You fooled me, however!”/

Right: besides, there is always a temptation to put a comma

Let's get acquainted with another false introduction combination. There is no need for a comma after “besides.” Only if these words are not followed by a separate phrase. For example: besides, I think nothing would have worked out anyway.

Right: It's great to study. Especially if they don't give homework

If the adverb “especially” is at the beginning of a sentence, then no punctuation marks are placed at all. And if a phrase with clarification or clarification begins with the word “especially”, then it is isolated entirely. For example: it’s great to study, especially if you don’t have homework.

Right: there are at least two errors in the text

What to do if you desperately want to put a comma after the false introductory combination “at least”? Just control yourself. This was not said by us, but by the organizer of the “Total Dictation” and deputy head of the HSE School of Philology, Maria Rovinskaya, in one interview. True, sometimes author's commas are allowed to emphasize an intonation pause. But, to tell you a secret, original punctuation marks are possible anywhere. Just shhh.

Right: he came to school as an experienced teacher

The comma before “how” also pisses us off, don’t worry. Because it can be difficult to determine when it is needed and when it is not. It’s easier to do the opposite: remember when a comma before “how” is needed, and in all other cases do not put it. A comma is needed in phrases with demonstrative words: “so... as”, “such... as”, “that... as” and “as... as”, “as and...”. It will also be useful in comparative speeches (I want to be like the president). And finally, in complex sentences, when “how” is joined by a subordinate clause. Here we do not have a comparison, but the meaning “as quality”. Came to school as who? An experienced teacher. Read carefully - there is no other recipe.

Right: Dear Mel reader

Not exactly a false word, but a very common childhood mistake. The rule of appeals is taught almost in elementary school, but it haunts us all our lives. And yes, we manage to make mistakes in them. Calls really need to be separated with commas (always!). In our version, the word “dear” (also popular for mistakes like “respected”) is included in circulation and is not separated by a comma. If there was some kind of greeting before the address (“good afternoon, dear Olga Vasilyeva”), then a comma would be in place.

Right: In any case, you will have to take exams

Remember that in the combinations “in any case”, “as a last resort”, “in our case” (and a dozen other combinations that are not included in this text) - a comma is not needed.

To put or not to put a comma before a conjunction? It seems like a simple question. Since school days, we have learned that a comma is used if this conjunction is part of a comparative phrase. Is this statement really true? Or does this rule have exceptions? If they exist, what are they? In order not to get into an awkward situation because of commas, let's figure out when they really need to be placed before this conjunction, and at what moments it is not necessary to do this at all.

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In what situations is a comma used?

At first let's look at simpler examples when you need to put a punctuation mark before a conjunction. It is not difficult to remember them, they are quite simple, and there are few such cases.

  1. If a conjunction joins together separate fragments of a complex sentence, then a comma is used. It’s easy to learn and remember, because in such cases you simply cannot do without a punctuation mark. For example: We recalled with pleasure how our class visited the zoo several years ago.
  2. If the conjunction is an integral part of the introductory words in a sentence, then we must also put a comma. There are few such phrases in the Russian language, but they are often used in colloquial speech. For example: I was late for school today, as always.
  3. If a conjunction is used in a comparative phrase, it is separated by a comma on both sides. It is not difficult to recognize such phrases. They have the meaning “like” and it is impossible to choose any other meanings without changing the meaning of the sentence. For example: His eyes are as blue as the sky on a clear day.

Another interesting point should be noted here, if such the phrase is in the middle of the sentence, then it should not be separated by commas. In this sentence, the entire construction that fits the meaning is isolated. For example: In the room, Vadim, angry as hell, paced the room. In this case, the definition of evil is added to the comparative phrase.

This emphasis is made because this part of the sentence has indivisible semantic connection. If we do not put the punctuation mark this way, then we will understand this part of the text differently. The presence of the word and in this situation does not change this rule. This part of the sentence remains a comparative phrase and acts as a circumstance. Consequently, such a part, together with the word, is distinguished by a punctuation mark.

For example: At school, like all children, they treat me well.

4. If the above comparative phrase is in the middle of the sentence, then it is separated by commas on both sides: at the beginning and at the end of this construction. For example: In this case it wouldIt was hot as an oven that day.

Is a comma necessary?

Now let's look at situations where punctuation is not required. With them there is often confusion, although there is nothing complicated here. If you understand these points, you will not have any special difficulties. By the way, such cases when a comma is not needed are also rare in the Russian language, so you won’t need to remember a large amount of information.

  1. If the conjunction is between the subject and the predicate, and a dash can be put in its place, then a comma is not needed here. The meaning of the phrase should not change. For example: He's like a hawk.
  2. If this union is part of a phraseological unit. Let us recall that this concept in the Russian language includes indivisible linguistic stable phrases. For example: The brothers were as different as heaven and earth.
  3. If the conjunction in the continuation denotes a circumstance of the manner of action, then a comma is not placed before it. For example: The flag fluttered like a bird. In these situations, a phrase with a conjunction can be replaced with an adverb ( bird style) or use a noun in the instrumental case ( bird). Often this is the moment that people have the most doubts about. Sometimes it can be very difficult to distinguish a comparison from a circumstance of a course of action.
  4. When a phrase with a conjunction is an indivisible part of the predicate. Here, a sentence without it will not have the desired meaning. In such cases, a comma is not used. For example: The girl turned red as a tomato.
  5. If the conjunction is preceded by the words: completely, completely, almost, exactly, like, simply, exactly, and also the particle not, then a comma is not placed in front of it. This is a simple rule, but it is often forgotten. For example: They did not look at each other as friends.

Compound conjunctions and the word like

​Sometimes the word as is part of a compound union or turnover, for example: as and so on. Of course, they don’t put a comma here, because in such cases this word is not a conjunction. For example: Since he appeared, silence has disappeared. The above rules and examples for them, when a comma is placed or not placed in sentences, will help you not make mistakes when writing texts. A person’s literacy is always in his own hands, so a lot depends on attentiveness and knowledge.