What kind of house demolition is on Shabolovka. The order of demolition of five-story buildings under the renovation program

The fundamental sector of economic activity of any large city, and even more so of a metropolis like Moscow, is the systematic improvement of people’s living conditions, as well as the formation of modern architectural design of buildings through the dismantling of outdated and unsafe residential buildings. Today, in the course of systematic work in this area, the capital’s authorities presented a schedule for the demolition of five-story buildings in Moscow that were erected more than half a century ago. In those days, Khrushchev buildings were considered a model of comfort and practicality, which cannot be said now. The majority of owners of such apartments (about 80%) are seriously interested in the presented plan for the demolition of five-story buildings that are unsuitable for normal life.

The idea of ​​demolishing outdated five-story buildings is far from new and has been working in Moscow for more than 20 years. But not all regional units completed the planned change of housing. On the day of publication of the article, according to the first wave of the program, 75 five-story buildings remained undismantled. In February of this year, on behalf of the president, the city hall authorities developed a renovation plan, although specific calendar terms have not yet been announced. If all certain conditions and prerequisites are met, the wave of demolition of objects of the demolished and non-demolishable categories will begin in 2017-18 throughout the city, and not just in individual areas. The work will involve 25 million residential square meters with a total number of residents of 1.7 million.

According to the program for clearing the capital of obsolete buildings, the Moscow Construction Department has prepared a schedule for the demolition of five-story buildings by district and district of the city. First of all, this schedule involves the demolition of about 65 five-story buildings, and eleven old residential buildings, according to Interfax, have currently already been dismantled. Almost all of the destroyed houses were dismantled at government expense, the rest under investment agreements.

The presented schedule for the demolition of five-story buildings in Moscow and the address list of houses serves as a specific report to the public and residents regarding the progress of the project. Upon completion of the first period, the second stage of the new program will come into effect with the dismantling of eight thousand five-story buildings with the resettlement of 1.6 million owners of the demolished fund with a general implementation period of about 20-25 years. The official lists include five-story buildings recommended for dismantling, which best meet the stated requirements for demolition. The opinion of residents after the survey and voting will be taken into account.

Nuances of renovation

The developed renovation plan is aimed at a radical solution to the issue and does not for the most part provide for any reconstruction or repair of dilapidated housing stock. All series of houses allocated for renovation will be completely demolished, and the owners will first receive modern, comfortable housing, mainly according to the footage of their apartments.

Investors-developers and the capital's mayor's office will finance the liquidation of old buildings and the resettlement of residents of demolished houses. According to the program for the demolition of these houses, new areas with the necessary infrastructure, metro stations and other transport links are being prepared today. Resettlement work for 2017 is mainly planned by the department for the autumn-spring period:

For the 2nd quarter of this year - 28 houses;
in the third quarter of 2017 - 7 houses;
in the fourth quarter of 2017 - 29 houses.

All information on the five-story buildings planned for dismantling for the current year can be found on the website and interactive map of the construction department. The city authorities plan to completely modernize the residential market. During the resettlement of the planned eight thousand demolished five-story buildings, 30,000,000 square meters of comfortable, modern housing will be required, and 300 billion rubles will be allocated from the city budget for the first stage of resettlement. The presented schedule for the demolition of five-story buildings in Moscow according to the last stage of renovation includes, along with the classic block Khrushchev buildings, five-story buildings of a later commissioning that do not yet have emergency status.

Demolition schedule until 2020

In accordance with the points of the housing program of the Russian Federation, the complete elimination of outdated Khrushchev-era buildings will be carried out by the end of 2020. The measures are aimed at resettling residents from demolished series of houses that are not subject to reconstruction or repair. Residential buildings of a different class, included in the second metro ring, will be operated after reconstruction and modernization through budget finance and investors. But despite the opinion of some residents about the good condition of their houses, the city authorities are determined to remove all outdated five-story buildings from the capital.

The renovation program involves not only the direct demolition of houses, but also a more important and expensive part of the project for relocating residents. The demolition and resettlement process is expected to be carried out using a wave type of development, which includes:

Construction or acquisition of new residential space;
relocation of residents;
demolition of a dilapidated house;
Instead of a demolished building, a new one will be erected.

Along with providing living space, the necessary infrastructure will be organized: schools, kindergartens, hospitals, parking lots, communications, etc. The use of the wave development method makes it possible to satisfy the interests of both resettled residents and direct developers. Thanks to this method of development, the requirements of the residents are satisfied, since they remain in their usual place of residence.

Houses to be demolished by county

According to new lists for the dismantling of dilapidated five-story buildings by 2025, more than 500 blocks throughout Moscow may be included in the renovation program. Almost all districts and districts of the capital are on the demolition lists. Since the beginning of May, lists of houses subject to renovation until 2025 have been openly published in the media and on the Internet, as well as schedules for dismantling old houses by district, namely:

The Eastern Administrative District of Moscow includes 1064 houses;
in the South-Eastern Administrative District includes 673 houses;
in NEAD includes 524 houses;
in the Northern Administrative District includes 426 houses;
in the South-Western Administrative District includes 460 houses;
in the Southern Administrative District of Moscow includes 363 houses.

In the Central District, 77 houses are on the demolition schedule. with a collective request from residents to relocate. According to the developed schedule for the demolition of five-story buildings in Moscow and the list for demolition in the South-Eastern Administrative District, today there is an active search for starting capacities for the construction of the first objects during the wave of resettlement. According to the head of the prefecture, launch sites are also being prepared in all districts of the capital. According to the schedule for the demolition of five-story buildings in the closed joint-stock company of Moscow, as well as other districts, today there is an active discussion and voting of residents regarding the proposed development sites. The possibility of using the territories of former industrial zones is being considered, divided into districts, and proposals from district authorities and the Moscow Committee for Architecture are discussed. The capital authorities, taking into account the needs of different categories of resettled residents, are carefully considering the possibility of issuing preferential mortgages for those wishing to increase their living space during renovation.

Signs of demolished houses

Five-story houses, made of standardized panel elements and built during the time of Khrushchev, were popularly called Khrushchev buildings after the prototype of their creator. Their main purpose and the very purpose of their creation was to resettle families from communal apartments, dormitories and premises unsuitable for habitation in the shortest possible time and with minimal expenditure of money and time. Initially, the service life of the houses being built was expected to be short due to insufficient technological strength, no more than 25-30 years, with subsequent relocation to more comfortable housing. But temporary, economical versions of houses, planned for demolition back in the last century, still decorate our cities. If in the capital the issue of resettlement is somehow being resolved, then in other regions of the country it is not even raised. The main characteristics of block houses with a temporary residence term include:

Walls with minimal heat and sound insulation;
The total area of ​​one-room apartments is 30 sq. m, two-room apartments - 46, three-room apartments - 60;
first floors without balcony;
lack of a garbage chute or elevator;
ceilings 2-2.5 m;
adjacent and passage rooms;
combined miniature bathrooms;
kitchen area of ​​about 5 meters.

The revived resettlement program involves the implementation of the planned wave method, when the issue of comfort and social adaptation of residents from the demolished series of houses is raised first. People will receive housing in their own or their chosen area, without changing their usual way of life, schools and kindergartens for children, hospitals and places of work. Today there is no doubt about the demolition of dilapidated housing stock and the cleansing of the capital from outdated five-story buildings, since most of the prerequisites for the successful work and implementation of the project have been created. This method of housing exchange attracts the majority of the resettled population, because it is planned not only to move and replace living space with modern and comfortable ones, but to completely structurize the entire infrastructure of future residential areas.

Selection priorities

Many deputies express the opinion that the renovation program could start en masse in 2018. Along with this, many real estate experts believe that a number of houses included in the demolition schedule for five-story buildings in Moscow's South-Western Administrative District and in the demolition list for districts and other districts are in good condition and suitable for living, offering different reconstruction options, for example, options for completing the upper floors. But qualified specialists consider this method not economically feasible and not meeting modern criteria for comfortable living. According to the “Housing” program adopted back in the 90s, designed for 25 years, it is envisaged that residents will be resettled in newly built houses located in the same areas.

Houses requiring dismantling are located almost throughout the capital, so Moscow has approved a schedule for the demolition of five-story buildings by district and district. For several years now, many residents have been purchasing apartments in a series of dilapidated five-story buildings that are being demolished and cannot be demolished in order to obtain an apartment in future comfortable new buildings. According to realtors, the provision of new housing stock for the renovation of five-story buildings will occur at a rate of about 100 houses per year, so such prospects are very long-term. According to representatives of various real estate companies, the pace of the second wave of renovation will not be very rapid, since the implementation of all stages requires large financial investments, which the city budget is unlikely to support.

Renovation will not be oligarchic

Non-transparency plans and attempts by some government officials to evict Muscovites without taking into account the majority opinion in undeveloped and inadequate social infrastructure made it necessary for the forced intervention of the Russian President personally. The head of state said that resettlement will be carried out without fail only with the consent of the people and their property rights.

The goal of the newly introduced program is to improve the living comfort of ordinary citizens, so the resettlement is planned to be carried out within one district, freeing up only liquid land for new development. This formulation of the issue excludes the prospect of using prestigious areas of the capital for the construction of elite, expensive housing, which is absolutely inaccessible to ordinary migrants.

Truly huge financial resources will be invested in the presented renovation project, which provokes many unscrupulous officials to get into the Moscow infrastructure budget. If the situation is left to chance, the bureaucratic system can break the resistance of citizens and their voluntary expression of will regarding renovation. In this case, the President acts as a guarantor of the legal right of people to deal with their apartments according to their personal wishes and priorities of choice, up to and including receiving cash instead of new housing.

Information has appeared on the official website of the Moscow City Hall that the demolition of five-story buildings in Moscow will be completed in 2018 according to the previously established schedule. The Khrushchev buildings of the first stage of renovation, which began in 1999, will be dismantled. In addition, the first wave of destruction of low-rise buildings will also affect some of the five-story buildings from last year’s new approved list. Over the past two years, the capital's construction department has carried out most of the dismantling work, so the resettlement of the first settlers is planned for 2019. This was stated by the head of the Moscow urban planning committee Sergei Levkin.

Plans for 2018

As of November 2017, in the territory of the Eastern Administrative District, the Western Administrative District, the North-Western Administrative District, the North-Western Administrative District, and the South-Western Administrative District, only 47 five-story buildings remained in the first period of renovation of Moscow’s housing stock. All these houses are in disrepair and require urgent dismantling, despite this, some residents of Khrushchev refuse to move, so this housing cannot yet be dismantled. The previous renovation program involved the demolition of 1,722 buildings of varying heights and periods of construction; to date, dismantling has been fully completed in the Northern, South-Eastern, Central, Southern Administrative Okrug and Zelenograd.

As for the program for the demolition of five-story buildings in Moscow for 2018, during this period mass destruction of the remaining buildings according to the previous plan will begin, as well as low-rise buildings from the updated renovation list. The total area of ​​demolition series houses approved by the program is 16 million square meters. m, the number of buildings exceeds 5 thousand, which corresponds to 350 thousand apartments, in which more than a million Muscovites live.

It will concern the five-story buildings of the first wave of industrial development during the reign of Khrushchev. The order is also influenced by the dilapidation of buildings, the level of wear of floors, and the type of construction (the first to be demolished will be communal apartments and panel houses, then brick buildings that do not comply with the safety standards for living in them and cannot be repaired). Sergei Levkin also claims that they will not demolish (these include Stalin buildings and five-story residential buildings that are subject to restoration).

Location addresses of demolished Khrushchev buildings

The new list of demolition of five-story buildings 2018, addresses by district and district are as follows:

  • Eastern region – st. Brick and Plushcheva;
  • SZAO - st. Zhukov and the People's Militia;
  • South-Western District – Profsoyuznaya Street;
  • NEAD - Annenskaya, Dezhneva, Godovikova, Dobrolyubova streets. And also houses on the street. Milashenkova, Molodtsova, Polyarnaya, Fonvizina, Sheremetyevskaya, Yasny Prospekt, Yablochkova;
  • Closed joint-stock company – Yartsevskaya street, Akademika Pavlova, Filevskaya, Lobachevskogo, Kremenchugskaya streets. And also several buildings on the street. Davydkovskaya, Kastanaevskaya, Koshtoyantsa, Slavyansky Boulevard, Leninsky Prospekt.

Also, some of the buildings will be demolished, the owners of which voted to dismantle them in May and June last year.

Features of resettlement in 2019

After the 2018 five-story demolition program is completed, the resettlement of residents of the demolished Khrushchev-era buildings to new apartments in modern residential complexes with a modern layout will begin. The first construction sites for development have already been selected in each district, including in the Northern Administrative District, Central Administrative District, Southern Administrative District, South-Eastern Administrative District, TiNAO, and ZelAO.

Responsibility for the implementation of the renovation plan fell on the shoulders of the program assistance fund, created by the Moscow authorities in August 2017.

The board of trustees and management is developing a project according to which the renovation will take on a wave character. The process of dismantling dilapidated housing and erecting new buildings will take place in several stages:

  1. Construction of a modern multi-storey building;
  2. Moving residents of demolished housing into apartments in newly built buildings;
  3. Carrying out dismantling work aimed at destroying emergency Khrushchev buildings;
  4. Construction of new residential complexes on a vacant and cleared construction site.

Preparatory work is actively underway throughout the city for the first stage of demolition in 2018 and resettlement in 2019. It is noteworthy that participants in the first wave of resettlement can receive housing in ready-made new buildings of a monolithic type, but resettlers of the second wave will already move into housing built specifically for them according to the designs of architects participating in competitions.

In 2018, it is planned to begin the demolition of emergency five-story buildings in Moscow from buildings of series 510 and 515. The addresses of houses that are likely to be subject to the first wave of demolition were compiled by the leadership of the autonomous districts of Moscow.

The beginning of change: which five-story buildings are subject to demolition

O. Soroka (holds the position of deputy head of the Moscow City Duma Commission on Construction Issues) informs the press: five-story buildings of series 510 and 515 are prime candidates for demolition. The leaders of the capital districts of the Northeast and West confirm the words of the deputy head.

Soroka notes: Khrushchev 500 series buildings were built in the 1950s and 1960s. According to the deputy head of the construction commission, these buildings do not meet the standards set by modern technical regulations. There is no way to install water flow meters in 500 houses. There are also no garbage chutes, elevators or amenities for low-moving citizens. Roofs often leak. All communications in Khrushchev buildings are located within the walls; apartments located across the same site have common pipes and risers. Communications cannot be dismantled.

A. Alexandrov holds the position of prefect of the company. He met with the capital’s citizens in March 2017. Alexandrov said: the priority for the Moscow authorities are series 515, 511, 510. The five-story buildings of series 510 and 515 are also noted by the prefect of the North-Western Administrative District, V. Vinogradov. The prefect of the North-Western Administrative District emphasized: the houses of the indicated series cannot be repaired without reducing the living space.

The complex of Moscow's urban planning policies says: everything depends on the preferences and decisions of citizens. Residents themselves will approve the actions of city services to demolish buildings. If citizens decide not to join the program, the demolition will not affect their home, and this will not depend on the series. No building is subject to demolition a priori. Innovations will be carried out on a quarterly basis, which means that consent or refutation must come from the population of the entire quarter.

Five-story buildings planned for demolition in Moscow: Made in USSR. Addresses 2018

From 1957 to 1969, buildings of the 510 series were created in the capital. Most of the buildings were built in the 1960s. Apartments range from 1 to 3 rooms. Some apartments have balconies. The ceiling height of all Khrushchev buildings is 2.7 m. There are no elevator chambers or garbage chutes in the buildings. The total number of buildings built between 1957 and 1969 in the capital is approximately 1,000. Five-story buildings are also located in the central areas.

In the 50s of the 20th century, Soviet architects released a design for a series of five-story buildings I-515/5. These houses are even lower: the ceilings of the apartments reach 2.5 meters in height. There is also no garbage disposal, and the coolants are “hidden” in the partitions inside the apartment. About 2 thousand houses in the capital were built according to this project: interfloor ceilings are made of solid slabs, staircases consist of platforms to which overhead steps are welded. Such houses are located on Presnya.

Houses with a height of less than five floors - buildings of the 511 series - have plaster and concrete floors; the height of the apartments reaches 2.5 meters. They use geysers. There are 900 such houses in the capital. They are mainly located in the Eastern Autonomous District.

Priority of the Moscow administration for demolition

Alexey Alexandrov explains: the main candidates for demolition are five-story buildings located close to highways. On the street Sviridov there are two such houses (not far from Kutuzovsky Ave., in the north), in Kutuzovo and on Bozhenko - a total of five houses. The main list of houses proposed for demolition includes those buildings whose residents independently complain about the malfunction of their housing. Alexandrov emphasizes five-story buildings in the Western Autonomous District: residents of these buildings file complaints especially often. Residents of five-story buildings in the North-Western Administrative District also complain about housing malfunctions, says deputy head of the commission Soroka.

At the current stage, a search is underway in the Moscow Autonomous Okrug for the necessary sites that are planned to be used for the construction of buildings for the relocation of all residents of dilapidated houses. The Moscow administration talks about the Novoperedelkino district and mentions st. Aviators. These addresses are located in the southwestern district of Solntsevo, which, according to Alexandrov, should become the basis for the mass relocation of citizens. Other sites for the construction of new buildings and the relocation of residents of emergency five-story buildings have not yet been found. The search program includes all administrations of the capital's autonomous districts.

Let's go East

The Prefecture of the Eastern Autonomous Okrug provides information that areas for the construction of new districts and residential complexes have been found in the former locations of industrial facilities. A. Chelyshev, prefect of the South-Eastern Administrative District, emphasized: discussions have already begun that relate to projects of the Moscow Committee of Architecture and district authorities.

Long live the initiative!

A. Klychkov, an elected deputy of the Moscow City Duma (fraction of the Communist Party of the Russian Federation), explained: special groups of initiators have currently been created in the South-East Administrative District. People are afraid of infill development. The deputy is confident that pre-war buildings should be immediately classified as demolition - wooden floors were used in buildings of this type. According to Klychkov, in the coming year 2018, 12 billion rubles will be spent on the demolition of only 30 five-story buildings in Moscow - this is a very small percentage of the total number of emergency buildings.

The total number of houses suitable for planned demolition is approximately 8 thousand. The total demolition area for this amount is 25 million square meters. meters. This is 530 thousand Moscow families. The amount that will potentially be spent on the construction of new buildings is even higher.

Addresses of houses to be demolished(known today)

1 Kirpichnaya st., 49
2 Ivyushchevaya st., 15, building 3
1 Ak. Pavlova st., 32
2 Ak. Pavlova st., 34
3 Ak. Pavlova st., 36
4 Ak. Pavlova st., 38
5 Ak. Pavlova st., 40
6 Ak. Pavlova st., no. 54
7 Ak. Pavlova st., 56, building 1
8 Davydkovskaya st., 10, bldg. 1
9 Davydkovskaya st., 10, bldg. 2
10 Davydkovskaya st., 10, bldg. 3
11 Davydkovskaya st., 10, bldg. 4
12 Davydkovskaya st., 12, bldg. 1
13 Davydkovskaya st., 12, bldg. 2
14 Davydkovskaya st., 12, bldg. 4
15 Davydkovskaya st., 12, bldg. 5
16 Davydkovskaya st., 2, bldg. 7
17 Davydkovskaya st., 4, bldg. 1
18 Davydkovskaya st., 4, bldg. 2
19 Davydkovskaya st., 4, bldg. 3
20 Kastanaevskaya st., 61, bldg. 1
21 Kastanaevskaya st., 61, bldg. 2
22 Kastanaevskaya st., 63, bldg. 1
23 Koshtoyantsa st., no. 19
24 Koshtoyantsa st., no. 27
25 Koshtoyantsa st., 37
26 Koshtoyantsa st., no. 9
27 Kremenchugskaya st., 5, bldg. 1
28 Leninsky Prospekt, 110, bldg. 4
29 Lobachevskogo st., 84
30 M. Filevskaya st., 22
31 M. Filevskaya st., 24, bldg. 1
32 M. Filevskaya st., 24, bldg. 2
33 M. Filevskaya st., 24, bldg. 3
34 Slavyansky Blvd., 9, bldg. 3
35 Slavyansky Blvd., 9, bldg. 4
36 Yartsevskaya st., 27, bldg. 5
37 Yartsevskaya st., 31, bldg. 2
38 Yartsevskaya st., 31, bldg. 3
39 Yartsevskaya st., 31, bldg. 6
1 Annenskaya st., 6
2 Godovikova st., 10, bldg. 1
3 Godovikova st., 10, bldg. 2.
4 Dezhneva Ave., 22, bldg. 1
5 Dezhneva Ave., 8
6 Dobrolyubova st., 17
7 Milashenkova st., 7, bldg. 3
8 Molodtsova st., 17, bldg. 1
9 Molodtsova st., 25, bldg. 1
10 Molodtsova st., 33, bldg. 1
11 Polyarnaya st., 5, bldg. 2
12 Sheremetyevskaya st., 31, bldg. 1
13 Sheremetyevskaya st., 31, bldg. 2
14 Yablochkova st., 18, bldg. 4
15 Yablochkova st., 20, bldg. 2
16 Yablochkova st., 22, bldg. 1
17 Yablochkova st., 22, bldg. 2
18 Yablochkova st., 22, bldg. 3
19 Yasny Ave., 16, bldg. 2
1 M. Zhukova Ave., 35, bldg. 2
2 M. Zhukova Ave., 51, bldg. 4
South-Western Administrative District
1 Profsoyuznaya st., 98, bldg. 3
2 Profsoyuznaya st., 98, bldg. 4
3 Profsoyuznaya st., 98, bldg. 6
4 Profsoyuznaya st., 98, bldg. 7
5 Profsoyuznaya st., 98, bldg. 8

After completion of these works, renovation will be carried out, that is, demolition, reconstruction or major repairs of about 24 million m2 or 400 Khrushchev buildings that cannot be demolished.

Latest information! On 05/02/2017, the Moscow authorities published a vote on which residents will vote on whether to include a housing renovation program in the project. If your house is on this list, you can vote “for” and “against” on the government services website or mos.ru.

What will the migrants receive in return?

Moscow authorities promise to provide 160 thousand families with apartments in new buildings. Moreover, families who need improved housing conditions will receive more favorable offers. Residents will be relocated to areas with existing infrastructure. That is, shops, clinics, kindergartens, kindergartens and schools will operate at the place of residence of the new residents.

The relocation process is always very complicated and associated with many problems, but in most cases the new apartment is better than the old one.

According to the law, residents of demolished houses must receive in return:

  1. Apartments whose area is equivalent to the previously occupied area.
  2. The settlement must have an average level of amenities.
  3. The new apartment must be located within the same locality as the previous one.

In practice, however, things are not so simple:

  1. Some families living in five-story buildings slated for demolition refuse to move out, which, according to the head of the capital’s urban planning policy department, Sergei Levkin, is slowing down the implementation of the renovation program. In this regard, deputies introduced a bill according to which a dwelling can be demolished if two-thirds of the residents consent to it.
  2. The current situation with the housing stock in Moscow forces the authorities to allocate housing equivalent to the old one. That is, if a family lived in an apartment with an area of ​​20 m2 (regardless of the number of family members), then the authorities allocate housing of an equivalent area.

But sometimes even this is not enough for all displaced people. In this regard, according to the law, residents of emergency buildings can be relocated to apartments located in other cities.

In the first quarter of 2018, Moscow authorities promise to complete the dismantling of five-story buildings, providing all families with equal housing.