Heating of a 2-storey building. Heating scheme for a two-story house - choose and make the best heating system! What type of heating to choose

Before every homeowner who decides to correctly make heating in his two-story house, the question of choosing the type of system initially arises. There are several options for traditional and new schemes, but in order to opt for any of them, you need to understand a little the essence of the issue. The task of this article is precisely to consider what the heating scheme of a two-story house is, to reveal the pros and cons of each type of system.

Single pipe or double pipe?

As the name implies, these systems differ in the number of main pipelines that supply the coolant to the radiators. In a one-pipe circuit, all battery connections are connected to one common pipeline, which is both supply and return. A striking example of such a system is the famous "Leningrad", shown below in the figure:

Despite the seeming simplicity of installation and economy of materials, the one-pipe system has one serious drawback. Since each battery discharges cooled water into a common line, the coolant comes to the next radiator with a lower temperature, and so on, to the end of the branch. Because of this, the very last heater can be barely warm. What does it mean?

The room still needs to be heated, which means that it will be necessary to increase the heat transfer of the battery, that is, to increase the number of sections. It turns out that we saved on pipes and fittings, but spent on additional sections. Add to this the difficulty of regulation in two-story houses and the impossibility of natural circulation.

The disadvantage of a two-pipe system is only that more materials are needed for its assembly, since in this case the supply and return collectors are separated. That is, the coolant comes to all the batteries through one pipe, and leaves through the other. This scheme of the heating system of a private house has many advantages, and therefore is the most popular. This is a reason to opt for a two-pipe system.

Types of two-pipe systems

Currently, the following types of two-pipe schemes are used in private housing construction:

  • with natural circulation;
  • with forced circulation;
  • collector system;
  • scheme with a double-circuit boiler.

Each of the above systems has its own characteristics, advantages and disadvantages that determine its scope. Let's consider all the schemes in order and reveal their features.

Natural circulation system

Its principle of operation is based on the convective movement of water. The hot heat carrier leaving the boiler has a lower density and weight than the chilled water coming through the return line. The latter tends to go down and displace the lighter heated coolant. Due to this, natural circulation occurs. For normal operation of the system, several conditions must be met:

  • due to the low speed of fluid movement, the diameters of the pipes must be increased to ensure the required flow rate of the coolant;
  • the difference in the densities and masses of water with different temperatures is small, therefore, a heating scheme with natural circulation should be mounted with large slopes of horizontal sections;
  • the pipeline network is under natural pressure, creating an excess is unacceptable, otherwise the fluid flow will stop. This means that the expansion tank can only be of an open type and must be installed above the entire system;
  • in order to withstand all slopes, the boiler often has to be placed in a shallow depression.

What does such a heating distribution scheme in a two-story house give us, where compliance with all conditions requires careful calculations and leads to a large consumption of materials and installation complexity? The answer is simple: the gravitational circuit, functioning in conjunction with a conventional solid fuel or gas boiler, makes the water heating of a two-story house independent of electricity. This is sometimes a very important factor, for example, in areas with unreliable power supplies. This is the area of ​​application of gravity systems.

Forced circulation system

Here, the movement of the coolant through the pipeline network occurs due to the operation of the circulation pump, which creates excess pressure in it. The introduction of a pumping device into the circuit made it possible to achieve the following advantages:

  • reduction of pipe diameters. The fluid flow rate has increased, and now, to ensure the required flow rate, a smaller flow area of ​​the pipes can be used;
  • improving work efficiency. If the heating circuit with forced circulation is developed correctly, then high-temperature water will successfully reach both the nearest and the farthest radiators;
  • pipes can be laid in the most convenient way, which plays a huge role in interior design issues. The lion's share of highways can be hidden using boxes or floor and wall structures;
  • convenience and comfort during operation. The fact is that forced circulation makes it possible to implement any projects to automate climate control in the house;
  • efficiency in energy consumption. The conclusion stems from the previous paragraph, since the automation allows you to heat the premises on a daily schedule at a time when there are people there;
  • the system is easy to regulate.

Note. In two-story houses, where the old scheme with natural circulation is involved, you can always install a pump. This modernization will allow realizing, if not all, then the main advantages of the pressure system.

Installation of a circuit with artificial impetus is laborious, but relatively uncomplicated, you can safely do it yourself. Take at least a membrane-type expansion tank, which does not need to be placed in the attic, and even control the water level, as in the case of gravity. Its place is in the furnace room, near the boiler.

The most significant drawback of the circuit is its volatility. One has only to disconnect the two-story house from the electricity, and after a while the heat in the premises is gone. The ways to eliminate the disadvantage, although simple, are costly: the purchase and use of an electric generator or, at worst, an uninterruptible power supply unit.

As for the allegedly high cost of materials, we have already discussed this issue, talking about a one-pipe system. Although it should be noted that the cost depends on the number of control valves and automation equipment included in the heating project. In a budget version, the assembly of the circuit will cost a little more than a one-pipe one.

Collector heating system

This is one of the new trends in the field of heating private houses, which appeared relatively recently and originated from two-pipe pressure systems. Only in contrast to them, the collector heating system of a two-story house has many branches converging to one center - a distribution header. The circuit resembles a set of rays diverging in all directions, with a distributor inside, as shown in the figure:

As you can see, the radiant heating system provides for a separate connection of each radiator to a collector directly connected to the boiler. In this case, the "rays" are completely hidden in the floor structure, and the distributor is built into the wall inside a special cabinet. Only the supply lines to the batteries remain in sight, and even the branch coming from the boiler.

It is unnecessary to convince someone that the collector heating circuit in a two-story dwelling is the most efficient of all. Each radiator is powered separately, they do not affect each other. Regulation and automation can be implemented as desired. The rainbow picture is spoiled by only one circumstance - the high cost. This fact is also well understood at one glance at the diagram. There is also a disadvantage that has been inherited - dependence on electricity.

Heating scheme with a double-circuit boiler

In reality, the heating scheme for a two-story house with a double-circuit boiler is no different from a conventional two-pipe system. The problem is somewhat far-fetched and its solution does not depend in any way on heating networks. The crux of the matter is that the double-circuit boiler disconnects from the system during water heating and deals exclusively with hot water supply. If it takes a long time, then the building starts to cool down and it gets cool inside.

A similar situation is a consequence of the incorrect selection of the boiler power, the installation of heating has nothing to do with it. The power of the heat generator must be determined taking into account the heating of the hot water. If this has not been done and the boiler is already installed, then there is only one way out - to reduce the water heating temperature and consume it sparingly.

What is the best heating system for a two-story house?

The answer to the question depends on individual conditions and wishes. If you want not to depend on electricity, you will have to make a gravity system with all its disadvantages. When there is a desire and opportunity to build an effective and economical circuit, then a system with a manifold connection is at your service.

In practice, the distribution of heating in two-story houses is most often two-pipe with forced circulation. From the point of view of cost and efficiency, this is the optimal solution, it allows you to realize a lot of opportunities and economically heat a home, having incurred medium-sized costs. And for self-assembly, this scheme is quite convenient.

The basis for any heating project is a properly designed circuit. It determines the order of installation, the characteristics of the components and the parameters of the entire system. This is especially true for the heat supply of a two-story cottage or summer cottage. The heating system of a 2-storey private house can be built according to several schemes.

Features of heating a 2-storey building

The specificity of the organization of heat supply to buildings with a height of more than one floor is the uniform distribution of heat energy from batteries throughout all rooms. Therefore, it is necessary to resolve the issue of how to make heating in a 2-storey building with optimal parameters.

A professional designer takes into account all the nuances. The best option is to purchase a ready-made scheme or adapt a standard one for heating the house. When solving this problem, the following factors are taken into account:

  1. The total area of ​​the building and its characteristics. Do-it-yourself heating of a 2-storey private house is possible only with good insulation of the outer walls, the installation of modern window structures.
  2. Planned budget. It affects the quality of the purchased components and the choice of the circuit.

It is possible to make effective heating of a private 2-storey building with your own hands only after the initial analysis of this data.

It is best to use a copy of a house plan as a basis for drawing up a layout for piping and system components. This way you can calculate the amount of consumables.

Gravity heating or forced circulation?

First of all, you need to decide on the best option for the circulation of the coolant. It can be gravitational or forced. The heating system of a 2-storey private house with a medium and large area is built on the basis of the latter.

The operation of the gravitational system is based on the natural circulation of the coolant, which occurs as a result of its thermal expansion. At the same time, restrictions must be taken into account - the length of the pipeline should not be more than 60 lm, for the system to work, an accelerating riser is required. It is these factors that determine the choice of a water heating scheme for a private 2-storey building with a circulation pump.

An open or closed system can also be used for heating. In the first case, heating schemes for a 2-storey building are made with horizontal piping, which is not always convenient in terms of installation and operation. The best option would be to install a closed circuit. It has the following advantages:

  1. Possibility of horizontal installation of pipelines. This minimizes the space required for installation.
  2. Improved circulation due to increased system pressure - from 1.5 to 6 bar.
  3. Heat transfer from all devices (radiators and batteries) will be the same.

Such heating schemes for a 2-storey building must be equipped with a circulation pump. Without this, it is impossible to ensure the normal speed of movement of the coolant.

It is possible to make high-quality heating in a 2-storey building only after calculating its heat losses.

Layout of pipes for heat supply of a two-story house

The next step is to select a method for piping. It affects the rate of passage of the coolant, the degree of its cooling and the possibility of regulating the characteristics of heat supply.

Do-it-yourself heating design for a 2-storey private house is carried out on the basis of an analysis of all factors. Consider the most important of them that affect the choice of the layout of the supply lines:

  • One-pipe. There is only one pipeline in the system, to which radiators are connected in sequential order. For one-pipe heating of a private 2-storey building with your own hands, rapid cooling of the coolant is characteristic. Therefore, it is used to heat buildings with a small area of ​​up to 80 m²;
  • Two-pipe. It is designed to distribute heat evenly. An additional return line allows the batteries to be connected in series, which reduces heat loss during the circulation of the coolant. The best option for a low-temperature heating system of a 2-storey private house;
  • Collector. It can be used to create several separate heating circuits connected to one manifold. In the collector circuit of water heating of a private 2-storey building, it is possible to regulate the volume of hot water inflow in each individual circuit. The disadvantage is the large amount of required materials.

An important point is the choice of material for the manufacture of pipes. In a closed heating circuit of a 2-storey building, it is recommended to use polypropylene mains. It is important to take into account that the maximum permissible temperature of hot water should not exceed + 90 ° C.

It is also mandatory to install shut-off and safety valves. The latter include air vents, drain valves and expansion tanks.

Water or antifreeze is most often used as a heat carrier. The latter is preferable if the system is likely to be exposed to low temperatures.

Heating installation rules

Having chosen the optimal heat supply scheme, you can proceed to the practical implementation of the plan for arranging a two-story house. At the first stage, the plan is adjusted and adapted for a specific cottage or summer cottage.

If the gravitational heat supply scheme was chosen as the basis, then the following rules for installing its components should be observed:

  1. Mandatory pipe slope. In the supply line, the slope is carried out from the boiler, in the opposite direction - to it. On average, the slope should be 5-10 mm per 1 lm.
  2. Diameter of pipelines. For a gravity system, it is recommended to choose pipes with a large cross-section - about 40 mm. So you can reduce the effect of friction of water on the inner surface of the lines on the circulation.
  3. The mount should be spaced 60-70 mm apart.

To control the degree of heating of the coolant, temperature sensors are installed in critical sections of the pipeline. The system must necessarily include a unit for adding a coolant. This is most often done through an expansion tank located at the highest point of the circuit.

In heat supply with forced circulation, special attention is paid to the selection of additional components. In addition to pipes, radiators and a boiler, the following components must be present in the heat supply circuit:

  1. Expansion tank. It is installed in front of the return line inlet to the boiler.
  2. Safety group including air vent, drain valve and pressure gauge. It is mounted on the supply line.
  3. Correct piping of radiators - installation of thermostats and Mayevsky taps.

For a system with forced circulation, two-pipe or collector piping is most often chosen. A single-pipe scheme will be ineffective, since it will not be able to provide optimal heating performance for radiators.

The design of collector heating is a complex task. In this case, it is very difficult to draw up a diagram and select components on your own. Therefore, this work is best entrusted to specialized companies.

For a collector heat supply system, a circulation pump must be installed in the piping of each manifold.

Alternative heating options for a two-story house

In some cases, installation of hot water heating is impossible or impractical. At present, it is possible to make a different type of heat supply in a 2-storey building using alternative sources of heat energy.

Geothermal heating is considered the most efficient. With the right organization, it practically does not depend on external weather conditions. If, in addition to heating a 2-storey private house, you need to do it yourself and a hot water supply system - install solar collectors.

In winter, their effectiveness is low. Therefore, solar collectors work only together with the main heating system of a private two-story house. The advantage of such a scheme is the possibility of using it for heating service water in the summer.

Another option is to install a film electric heating system. Its principle of operation is based on the resistive effect - when current passes through the carbon strips, IR waves are generated. They, in turn, heat the surface of objects that fall into the area of ​​action of the LEP. However, for such a system a prerequisite is good thermal insulation of the building. The maximum possible power of the circuit is about 220 W / m². Therefore, heat loss in the house should be minimal.

All of them are characterized by the high cost of the component components. Therefore, traditional heat supply systems for a 2-storey private house with gas or solid fuel boilers are most often used.

The video material shows an example of collector heating of a 2-storey building.

A private cottage that is not connected to the central heating main must be equipped with its own heating system. An autonomous heating system can be one-pipe or two-pipe. The first is more economical and easy to install, but less efficient to operate. More popular now is the two-pipe heating system of a two-story house, the scheme of which involves the parallel connection of all radiators and the presence of a return riser.

The difference between one and two-pipe heating schemes Source timber-ok.ru

What does the heating system consist of?

The main structural details of the heating system of a private house:

  • set of radiators;
  • coolant- most often water, but there may be a gaseous medium or non-freezing liquid, depending on the type of boiler;
  • boiler- electric, gas, solid fuel, diesel or kerosene;
  • heat conduit.

The system has a closed principle of operation, that is, first the coolant is heated by the boiler, sent through the pipeline to the radiators, and then, cooled down, returns to the heat source. A set of heating devices together with a heat pipe is called a heating circuit.

The listed elements are enough to create the simplest heating project for a two-story house. However, to increase the efficiency of autonomous heating, a few more details are added to the scheme:

  • filter- needed to protect the boiler from clogging;
  • pump- for forced circulation of the coolant through the pipes;
  • safety devices(pressure relief valve, air vent, pressure gauge) - required in systems with forced circulation;
  • expansion tank- collects excess coolant when it overheats and expands in volume.

Thus, a heating scheme for a two-story house with forced circulation is obtained.

The heating system consists of many interconnected elements.

Basic system requirements

There are a number of important requirements that must be considered when designing a heating system.

  1. In general, the heating project for a two-story house must correspond to the architectural design of the building. The placement of the boiler requires certain design and construction conditions of the room in which it will be located. The installation locations of the radiators, as well as the route of the pipeline, must not violate the architectural rules for the arrangement of residential and technical premises. All this means that a qualified designer should draw up a plan for the heating system, based on the finished architectural project of the house.
  2. During operation, the system must provide all internal and external surfaces with such a temperature that is provided for by building codes and regulations (SNiPs).
  3. The system must be reasonably economical to operate. If heating the house requires too much energy consumption, it is worth contacting specialists: perhaps some parts or assemblies can be unified.
  4. The pipeline should have a minimum of bends and bends. If during its installation you need a large number of fasteners in various standard sizes, it means that the heating scheme is poorly drawn up.

It is always necessary to draw up and evaluate a preliminary scheme Source tapiart.ru

  1. In the process of use, the system must be reliable, safe, convenient and quiet. A good system allows home owners to easily manage heating devices and, if necessary, easily repair them.
  2. The aesthetic side is also important. Radiators and pipes connected to them should have a neat and attractive appearance. The less visible the heating elements, the better.

Video description

In our video, we'll talk about heating in a private country house. Our guest is the author and presenter of the Teplo-Voda channel Vladimir Sukhorukov:

Designing a heating system for a two-story house

The heating system of a building in which there is more than one level must ensure the rise of the coolant to the height of the floor. The heating connection diagram in a two-story private house can be with forced or natural circulation of the coolant, with vertical or horizontal arrangement of risers, with lower or upper wiring. And, of course, it can involve one-pipe or two-pipe wiring. Before choosing one or another type of heating system scheme, you need to familiarize yourself with the advantages and disadvantages of each of them.

Natural circulation of the coolant

A distinctive feature of the circuit with natural circulation of the coolant is the placement of the pipes of the system at a slight angle to "help" the fluid to flow from one part of the circuit to another.

System with natural circulation of the coolant - pipes are located at an angle Source strojdvor.ru

The natural or gravity heating scheme of a two-story house functions due to the fact that the liquid (heat carrier) expands when heated, and its density decreases. In a loose state, it rises along the accelerating vertical section to the radiators of the second floor. After that, in a cooled dense state, it starts up down the pipeline and enters the boiler for further heating.

Natural circulation systems have their own Benefits:

  • cost-effective installation;
  • ease of installation and operation;
  • lack of noise that occurs when the pump is operating in forced systems;
  • independence from power supply, but only if the boiler can operate without electricity supply;
  • does not require frequent repairs, as it consists of simple elements.


  • The natural circulation system has a very short range and is therefore not suitable for houses with an area of ​​more than 100 square meters. meters.
  • The system requires the mandatory installation of an expansion tank in the attic, which means that additional difficulties will arise when arranging heating on a residential under-roof floor - an attic.

The expansion tank in such a scheme must be installed at the top point of the system. Source pinterest.co.uk

  • Rooms when heated with natural circulation warm up very slowly. It may take several hours from the moment the boiler starts up until the distant rooms are completely warmed up.
  • In walk-through rooms in which radiators are not installed, it is necessary to insulate the pipes, since in these places there is a risk of liquid freezing.

Forced circulation

In the case of forced circulation, the heating wiring from the boiler in a private two-story house is supplemented by a circulation pump that drives the coolant through the pipes at the required speed. This is a more modern and efficient option for heating a building.

The forced heating scheme of a two-story private house is endowed with the following advantages:

  • fast heating of all rooms;
  • the ability to install pipes with a minimum diameter;
  • pipeline parts do not experience temperature drops, and therefore serve for a long time;
  • you can regulate the temperature in the house;
  • you can regulate the temperature in each room separately.

The circulation pump is a mandatory part of the forced heating circuit Source rookame.ru

The forced circulation system has its own minuses:

  • in a de-energized house, the system with a pump will not work;
  • the pump consumes electricity, as a result, the energy consumption of the house increases;
  • a working pump creates noise, which, however, with proper selection and installation of equipment, will be practically invisible.

One-pipe heating scheme

A single-pipe heating system of a two-story house, the scheme of which involves alternately connecting radiators to the pipeline, has the following Benefits:

  • minimum consumption of materials during installation;
  • the ability to lay pipes where needed, even in the most inaccessible places;
  • one pipe laid along the wall looks aesthetically pleasing than two;
  • quick and easy installation.

Among the cons such features:

  • if you need to repair or replace any part of the system, you need to stop it all;
  • heat is distributed unevenly, the closer the room is to the boiler room, the higher the temperature in the radiators.

If parallel connection of convectors is used in one-pipe systems - this scheme is called "Leningradka" Source teplomirkr.ru

Two-pipe scheme

The two-pipe scheme provides for two circuits of pipes supplied to the radiators. The first line contains hot water coming from the boiler by the shortest route to each radiator. In the second - the cooled coolant, which is returned to the boiler. Installation of heating in a two-story house using a two-pipe scheme is more complicated. However, the advantages of this option are so convincing that in most modern houses, heating is equipped precisely according to the two-pipe principle. We list main advantages:

  • coolant of the same temperature gets into all radiators;
  • in the far rooms it is as warm as in the near ones, so there is no need to increase the number of radiator sections to equalize the temperature;
  • two-pipe systems are more convenient to operate and regulate.


  • high consumption of tubes during installation;
  • the work of installing two pipe lines instead of one is quite expensive.

And a universal scheme can also be used - the coolant moves here by gravity, and if necessary, the circulation motor is turned on. Source termoresurs.ru

The radiant heating circuit (below) is the most efficient of the existing ones, but installation requires a large number of pipes Source rmnt.mirtesen.ru

Choosing the optimal heating scheme

First, let's determine what kind of heating we need - with natural or forced circulation. If you have a large two-story cottage, then you definitely need to choose a system with a pump. But if you have a small summer cottage in an area remote from the central highways, a gravity system that can work without electricity may be suitable for you.

Now let's choose between one-pipe and two-pipe options. If there are few rooms in the house, and the requirements for the aesthetics of the interior are high, it is better to install heating according to a one-pipe scheme. But if there are many rooms, and the thermal regime of individual rooms, for example, for children, is of great importance to you, choose a two-pipe type of heating.

When making a final decision, it is important to remember that most homeowners prefer a two-pipe system with a forced operating principle.

Video description

All questions regarding air heating, see this video:


Installation of a heating system is a complex labor-consuming process, including design, selection of equipment, installation of all elements. This must be done by specialists. The choice of the connection scheme must also be coordinated with professionals, since without special qualifications it is impossible to take into account all the factors and nuances.

The main thing in this matter is to strive to obtain high-quality and reliable heating, and the efficiency of the installation should fade into the background. It is also not worth saving on the purchase of equipment. A good heating system will be expensive, but it will save you a lot of money later, during operation.

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Extremely necessary for building a house is an accurate solution for the heating system, since the comfort of the residents is associated with it when it is cold. The heating circuit is obliged to make heating of the building problems. This is due to both accurate selection and correct installation work.

There should be: a boiler for heating, a collector, a pipeline and a heating unit. Water in such a system circulates with help. Gas, kerosene, firewood, coal are used to warm up the boiler. This is also possible when using electricity or other alternatives.

Forced circulation heating circuit

They are connected using soldering at high temperatures using a solder that contains silver. If you wish, you can hide the pipes in the walls, which will be quite nice and convenient. The disadvantage of such pipes will be their considerable cost, but this disadvantage is the only one. These pipes are very reliable and highly recommended. If installed correctly, they can serve for several generations of residents. There will be no need to replace or repair pipes. This type of pipe is of high quality and quite reliable.

They have their advantages - they are easy to install, which even an installer without specialized education can do, which will give significant financial savings. There is no sediment deposition in polymer pipes inside, which means that these pipes will not clog very quickly and will be resistant to corrosive processes. Installation of such pipes occurs when using threaded or press-type connections without the use of welding. The disadvantage is the rather high rate of thermal expansion. This could cause leakage.

When, you need to think about the type of pipes that are most suitable for this building, taking into account alternative and emergency heating. It goes without saying that many factors have a material basis. But the best solution would be not to save on the heating system. This factor will affect living conditions in winter and whether residents will be able to enjoy living in comfort and warmth.

The advice of professionals is the choice of a copper pipeline. Such a pipeline will be able to serve for a long time and reliably for its owners for a couple of generations. The price of such a pipeline will be higher, but the reliability will also be higher.

In buildings with two floors, the following heating distribution schemes are most often used: collector, two-pipe and one-pipe.

It is rather difficult to make adjustments with the help of the circuit. This is due to the fact that there is no possibility of shutting off one of the radiators, provided that all other heating devices are in operation. For this reason, as hot water is transferred from one radiator to another, it loses more and more temperature.

Single-pipe wiring diagram

The wiring diagram is better suited for houses with two floors.

Two-pipe wiring diagram

Due to the fact that each heating device has two pipes. Hot water flows through one. Already cooled water flows through the second. Another difference between this system and a one-pipe system is a different procedure for connecting heating devices. Professionals advise installing an adjustment tank in front of all radiators.

For normal circulation in the building, there is enough distance between the center of the boiler and the highest point of the flow line. Under such conditions, it is possible to install the expansion tank on the floor above, and not in the attic. In this case, the supply pipe is laid from the bottom of the window sill or under the ceiling.

If a two-pipe type scheme is used with the condition of natural circulation, this requires additional heating of all heating.

For this reason, it is advisable to add an additional installation together with a circulation pump. This will give tangible time savings when turning on a similar system, like a heating model for a house with two floors. Under such conditions, heat will be more evenly distributed in the building.

In addition to installing batteries, in a house with two floors and when using a boiler with a built-in circulation pump, it is possible to install a "warm floor" system. There is also the possibility of connecting a towel dryer on two floors at once.

Heating scheme with underfloor heating

When working on installation, the best would be to use or collector. This system is the most convenient and it is possible to adjust the temperature in all rooms. For all heating devices, two pipes are laid: return and direct. Collectors are installed on all floors. It is important that they are in the closet that is intended for this. All shut-off valves are located in the same cabinet.

Provides the ability to perform a heating scheme with a hidden type of conductive pipes. Installation is quite simple. For this reason, it can be produced even by an employee with no professional skills.

Water-type heating can be carried out on one floor, and even at the same time on all. In this case, the boiler is recommended for installation exclusively on the ground floor. It is already possible to install an expansion tank on the second floor.

It is advisable that the pipes through which hot water flows are laid from the bottom of the windowsill or under the ceiling. These will be the most vulnerable points for cold air. It will be important to install a separate valve for adjustment on all batteries.

When choosing a heating model, you will also need to make the right decision. This is related to the extent to which it will be convenient for residents in frosty weather, the service life of the entire system and the frequency of requiring repair or replacement of pipes and other factors. If the choice turns out to be wrong, with plans for quick financial savings, it may be that there will be a constant need for repairs, replacement, hiring builders. This, in turn, will bring money spending. For this reason, financial savings are out of the question.

The best solution would be to install high quality pipes, radiators and everything else at the very beginning. It is possible that at the moment all this will be more expensive, but at the same time there will be a long term of work and, as a result, it will be more economical in the future. A properly built heating system for a two-story house using sustainable materials of good quality can last for generations.

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A comfortable temperature in the rooms is necessary for living in a house, therefore, the owners of private buildings, especially those in which not one floor, but two, have been built, are thinking about how to install heating for all rooms. The forced circulation heating scheme of a two-story house is ideal for maintaining the required heat at any time of the year.

Option for schematic heating of all floors

Types of water heating of a private two-story house with your own hands with diagrams

The most popular and suitable options for heating systems using water are with forced and natural circulation. The second option does not require a permanent connection to the network, it is practical, since power outages do not affect it in any way. When installing such a system, it is necessary to use pipes with an impressive diameter and install them at an angle.

A scheme with a natural flow of a heat carrier is more acceptable for one floor; in two-story buildings, the method of forced water supply is used. For it, a boiler, an expansion tank, a manifold, a heating device and a pipe system should be installed. The circulation is due to the operation of the pump, and a variety of fuels are used for heating. It can also be powered by electricity to heat the house.

Let's see why the forced system is preferred.

Natural variant of the supply of the heat carrier

The layout for two floors is not much different from the one with one floor. It is quite widespread and justifies its popularity.

note! Choose the correct location for the expansion tank.

The expansion tank does not have to be installed in the attic, however, leave it on top, on the second floor. Thus, the drain of the heat carrier will be ensured. Coming from above into the batteries, the heat will be distributed evenly over the area of ​​the entire house. It is necessary to observe the slope of the pipes at 3-5 degrees for a constant flow of liquid.

The supply pipes can be located under the ceiling or window sills. Such a building heating system has a number of advantages:

  • there is no need for a constant connection to the network;
  • works without interruption;
  • ease of use;
  • no noise during operation.

There are much more disadvantages in this version, therefore the owners of houses with two floors prefer a heating scheme with forced circulation of a two-story house. Disadvantages of natural water flow in a circle:

  • complex and lengthy installation;
  • there is no way to heat an area over 130 sq. m;
  • low productivity;
  • due to the large temperature difference between the supply and return, the boiler is damaged;
  • internal corrosion due to oxygen;
  • the constant need to monitor the condition of the pipes and the inability to use antifreeze;
  • installation cost.

Self-installation of such a heating system is very difficult, therefore, building owners prefer a forced system that can be installed independently without spending much effort.

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This article discusses the features of this method of heating a house, selection criteria, installation features, prices of individual components and the total cost of implementation. project.

Heating scheme with forced circulation of a two-story house: its advantages and disadvantages

Installation of this type of heating is much easier to do yourself. And also this type of heating has a number of advantages:

  • no need to purchase certain pipes of the required diameter;
  • you can use inexpensive radiators and save money;
  • long service life of the unit, since there is no temperature difference;
  • you can adjust the level of heat;
  • ease of installation.

The disadvantages of such a heating system are also present, but they are much less. Firstly, this is work from the mains, that is, if the power supply is turned off, the heating of the house will cease to occur. Secondly, there is noise from the operation of the pump, however, it is not loud, therefore, almost invisible.

Types of forced circulation of the heat carrier in heating

For heating with this type of circulation, several options are selected for schemes:

  • with one pipe;
  • two;
  • collector.

Each can be assembled by yourself or you can invite specialists.

Features of one-pipe forced circulation heating system

In this embodiment, two branches are used. On each floor, shut-off valves are installed to heat part of the rooms, if necessary. Having passed through the pipes, the heat carrier again enters one pipe going to the boiler.

At the entrance to the battery, shut-off valves are also mounted, which serve to regulate the temperature in the room, as well as necessary when replacing equipment. A vent valve is installed on top of the radiator.

To improve the uniformity of heat distribution, radiators are installed along the bypass line. If you do not use this scheme, then you will need to select batteries of different capacities, taking into account the loss of the heat carrier, that is, the farther from the boiler, the more sections.

Note! The installation sequence of the radiators must be followed to ensure uniform heat in all rooms.

The use of shut-off valves is optional, but without it, the maneuverability of the entire heating system is reduced. If necessary, you cannot disconnect the second or first floor from the network to save fuel.

To get away from the uneven distribution of the heat carrier, two-pipe schemes are used.

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The article provides a comprehensive analysis of the characteristics of different liquids, and also considers the selection criteria to avoid mistakes.

Double pipe system

Most often, in houses on two floors, a two-pipe heating system with forced circulation is mounted, the schemes of which may be different. They are divided into several subtypes:

  • dead end;
  • passing;
  • collector.

The easiest option is the first. The main disadvantage of such a system is the almost complete absence of temperature control. It is necessary to install radiators with a large circuit at a distance from the boiler.

The passing option makes it easy to control the level of heat, but it is necessary to increase the length of the pipeline.

The most effective is the collector circuit, which allows a separate pipe to be supplied to each radiator. Heat is supplied evenly. There is one drawback - the high cost of equipment, as the amount of consumables increases.

There are also vertical options for supplying the heat carrier, which are found with the lower and upper wiring. In the first case, the drain with the supply of the heat carrier passes through the floors, in the second, the riser goes up from the boiler to the attic, where the pipes are routed to the heating elements.

The heating scheme with forced circulation of a two-story house can be any. Let's consider in more detail the popular independent version of "Leningradka" installation.

What is "Leningradka" and installation features

One of the popular schemes, which appeared in the USSR, for heating a private house - "Leningraka". It is not difficult to mount such a heating method with your own hands. Let's analyze the main points and design features of a one-pipe forced system.

It remains popular to this day, as it has a number of advantages:

  • low equipment costs;
  • ease of installation;
  • you can lay pipes wherever you want;
  • beautiful appearance;
  • several boilers can be connected.

It is possible to lay the heating pipe along the outer walls. However, there is also a minus of the system, while the heat carrier goes in a circle, there is a loss of power, so you have to increase the sections of the radiators.

Features of the heating system

For the correct operation of the Leningradka heating system, it is necessary to connect all the elements in series. The temperature of the heat carrier at the outlet will be significantly lower than at the inlet. Due to this difference, the coolant is circulated.

Useful information! If you are planning to lay pipes on the floor, then do not forget to install an insulating layer.

Such a distribution of heating from a boiler in a private house forms a closed ring, which is located along the perimeter of the area. A vertical pipe cut should be made nearby to provide a temperature difference for heat movement. On top of the tie-in, connect an expansion tank, which will maintain the temperature of the heat carrier at the same level.

You cut the batteries into the common line, depending on the laying of the main pipes. At the same time, despite the ease of installation, it is possible to additionally mount a thermostat, balancing valves or taps of any type of operation.

To fully understand the principle of editing "Leningradka", we suggest watching the video material.

Diagram of one-pipe heating system "Leningradka"


  • To heat a two-story private house, it is better to use a forced heat carrier supply system, which does not require complex installation and a lot of space for large pipes.

You can install the boiler in this way

  • You can choose any suitable scheme for connecting radiators, which will suit your particular home design.
  • If you can't figure it out on your own, contact the specialists who, based on the required power, will select the desired circuit and mount it.

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