Rubber parrot cutout scheme. Making a parrot from an old tire

A standard set of materials, as for all handicrafts made from tires, the tools available in any summer cottage, a little strength and patience, and now the parrot is boasting of its variegated tail.

Required materials and tools

To create a parrot we need:

  • car tire (summer);
  • a knife with a large and sharp blade or an electric jigsaw;
  • a small container of water (preferably diluted with detergent) if a knife will be used;
  • a bolt, two washers and a nut (size m8);
  • waterproof paints;
  • two brushes - thick and thin;
  • drill (drill 10mm);
  • spanners;
  • wire or clamp (you can do it yourself using a metal strip);
  • vice;
  • red marker.

Having prepared everything you need, you can get down to business.

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Instructions for making a parrot from a tire

We put the tire in front of us and get to work

We put the tire in front of us and, armed with a red marker, we begin to make the markings.

Mentally draw a vertical straight line to the center of the tire.

From the center in different directions, you need to draw two lines (the angle between them should be equal to 120 degrees), it should look like the roof of a house. We do not touch this part (under the roof), we will carry out all further manipulations on it.

From one side of the "roof" to the other, draw a line along the inner circle with a marker. We will cut along this line, as with everything that will be drawn with a marker.

Tire markings are ready

Using mental lines, we have divided the tire into three equal parts, one of which is under the "roof", the other two are on the right and left, respectively (each has an angle of 120 degrees).

Now let's move on to the part on the right. Divide it mentally into three parts and on the border between the first and second (starting from the top) draw an oblique line with a marker.

From the upper edge of this line, draw with a marker, now along the outer circle, a line from left to right until it intersects with the house.

So we moved on to the left side (third). Now you need to draw a slice from the inside to the outside (30 degree angle).

How to plan a plot of 15 acres, read in.

Our sketch is ready, for completeness of the picture and simplification of cutting it should be repeated on the other side of the tire, do the same. After the lines are duplicated, you can cut.

We cut strictly along the red lines

We take a knife or an electric jigsaw, depending on what you know how to use and what is more convenient for you.

If you are armed with a knife, to facilitate its sliding on the tire, you will need a container of water, it will be better if you drop a few drops of detergent into it.

Before each movement of the knife, it should be dipped in a container, which will greatly facilitate and accordingly speed up the process.

It is necessary to cut it strictly along the red lines. The part of the tire that is bounded by lines on four sides is cut out completely, there will be a void here. Where there are single lines, you should simply cut straight, repeating the direction of the line.

Upon completion of the cutting work, do not rush to throw out the cut parts, they will still be useful to us.

The resulting workpiece must be turned inside out, here you have to make a little effort. This will give the figure volume.

If you look closely and use your imagination, you can already make out a parrot. We put off the workpiece for a while.

We take the rest of the rubber and cut out the beak. You can call for help from children so that they remind what a parrot's beak looks like.

Cut a small piece on one side exactly, and on the other we make the upper part in a semicircle, and cut the lower one shorter and cut obliquely.

The beak does not have to be made of rubber; you can also use a piece of plywood or fiberboard.

We cut the part of the tire, which is shorter, strictly in the middle and insert the beak

We return to the bus. We need the part that is shorter (not the tail), cut exactly in the middle so that the beak sinks a little.

We insert the beak between the resulting sides, folding them inward. We clamp it in a vice so that it does not fall out.

We take a drill and drill a hole where our parrot will have an eye. So we will make the eyes, and we will fasten the sides.

We fix the result with washers and a bolt

We put a washer on the bolt and pass it through the hole, put on the second washer and tighten it with a nut, for greater strength, use a wrench.

Washers are needed so that over time the bolt does not jump out, because the rubber is tightly stretched and can stretch.

To make a parrot's neck, cut along the red line

Now that the head is ready, you need to shape the parrot's neck to make the bird more realistic.

To do this, you need to make a small cut from the top of the bird's head diagonally downward. Do the same on the other side.

The upper body is ready, let's move on to the tail.

In the garden, we not only work, but also relax, spend a lot of time in the fresh air, invite friends, children and grandchildren to barbecues and berries. I would like to please them with something, surprise, create a cozy corner for myself and loved ones. And why not make a big and bright parrot for this, which will soar, for example, under the crown of your spreading apple tree?

What is required to make a parrot from a tire

The parrot is made from an old car tire. If you have a choice, take one with a polymer or fabric cord, metal will be difficult to cut. You will have to use a jigsaw or a drill, and in the process of work, several discs may be erased.

In addition to the bus, you will need:

  • cutting tool - a strong and sharp knife or jigsaw, drill, discs for steel cord;
  • chalk or marker for marking in a color contrasting with the tire (white, yellow, red);
  • M8 bolt, washer, two nuts and a wrench to connect them;
  • clamp for fixation;
  • a tool for creating holes: a drill with a 10 mm drill;
  • wire or clamp for connecting parts;
  • paint on rubber and a brush for drawing details, large surfaces can be coated with enamel from a spray can (sold at auto dealerships).

Step-by-step instructions with a photo

Place the tire flat on a flat surface and apply the markings as shown in the photo below. For this, the entire circle is divided into three segments. Note that the top right segment is bounded by a line at a right angle on one edge, and a bevel at an angle of 45 ° is drawn at the bottom. This is already a feather looming at the base of our parrot's tail.

The tire was divided into three segments, in the upper right segment, the butt end is cut along the red lines

Make exactly the same markings on the reverse side of the tire in the mirror image. Cut off the ends bounded by the red lines. To the left of the markings (1/3 is written in the photo in this place) we see a red line going down by about 20-30 cm. Along this line, also on both sides, we need to make cuts. This is where the parrot's head and neck will be. When all the cuts are done, it should look like in the photo. Don't forget to cut the tire where you drew the feather.

As a result, we already have a tail on the right and a neck on the left.

The photo shows that the tail has become suspiciously shorter. Indeed, a piece was cut off from it for the beak, but more on that later. In the meantime, we turn the tire inside out, only in this case the tail and neck will acquire natural beautiful curves, and the surface of the product will become smooth and neat.

Turning our workpiece inside out

Now we see the real dimensions and proportions, so it's easier to understand: how much you need to cut from the tail to make a beak - about 15–20 cm. Only a beak with an allowance for fastening with a bolt should be made from a piece. The head will be in a different part of the workpiece.

The beak is one solid piece, we cut it out of a piece borrowed from the tail

We take the bird's body blank, put it on the end and in the part where the head will be, make a longitudinal incision in the middle to a depth equal to the beak height plus a little more to make a forehead.

In the upper part of the workpiece, where the head will be, we make a longitudinal cut in the middle

We insert the beak into the incision, clamp the parts of the head and beak with a clamp to mark the place for the eye and drill a through hole in three layers of rubber at once (beak and two sides of the head).

We inserted the beak and clamp the parts with a clamp to mark the level of the eyes and make a through hole

We mark where the eye will be, and drill a hole with a drill. We connect the parts with a bolt and a nut, having previously attached a washer on both sides of the head. In this case, the sharp edges of the fasteners will not cut into the rubber and will not lead to cracking or other damage.

The parts were connected with a bolt, and at the same time they made an eye

As shown in the photo above, it remains to cut off all unnecessary things to give the head and neck a natural look. The final touch is the tail. You can make it curly, as in the photo, or cut it into separate feathers along its entire length, as in the video below.

The final touch - cut out the tail

Connect the rims-handles of the parrot above the back.

Connect the rims over the back of the parrot

Video: a master class on making a parrot

Parrot decoration, garden decoration ideas

We've got a parrot, which you can paint at your discretion.

Color the parrot's head and beak

Do not forget to paint the inner surfaces as well, because this handsome man will turn different sides to you.

Paint the bird from all sides

To prevent water from accumulating inside, drill 2-3 holes at the lowest point.

You can hang such a bird from a tree branch; on a hook driven into the wall; verandas, terraces, gazebos under the ceiling. In addition, the bird can "sit down" on a railing, a flower bed near a path, a fence, etc. A pot with a decorative leafy flower, for example, a fern, will fit inside the body. It will perfectly complement the bird's figure with openwork wings.

Photo gallery: tire parrots in the garden

One parrot is good, but two are better Not a parrot, but also a good idea for a terrace or a gazebo Parrots were given a beautiful column with a symbol on top The parrot was hung on a hook near the house Our parrot lacked wings, here they are It looks like this parrot found its home - a nest from a tire

The tire makes a very beautiful, strong and durable parrot. It will decorate your garden for many years, cheer you up with its bright appearance, and also arouse approval and compliments in your honor from guests and neighbors. Such beauty is made quickly, simply and cheaply.

Various kinds of crafts can be created from almost nothing - from an old car tire, and today we will dwell on the parrot in more detail. Such an amazing bird of paradise will become the main attraction of your garden, especially if it combines a few more hand-made elements, for example. If we put a flowerpot with curly summer flowers on the parrot, there will be no limit to the surprise of your guests!

Car tire parrot

So, let's make a parrot from a tire with our own hands. Here's what we need for this:

  1. car tire without a metal cord, the tread is preferably shallow, radial; of course, crafts of this kind are not made from new tires, but still try not to make it too grated, or at least the main part is in good condition;
  2. one bolt, one nut and two M8 washers;
  3. a strip of metal for the clamp, but in principle you can do without it;
  4. paints and brushes - we choose reliable, waterproof paints so that our parrot is not afraid of rain, it is better to take two brushes, one ordinary paint, one very thin for drawing fine details;
  5. sharp large knife;
  6. drill with drill number 10;
  7. set of wrenches.

If everything is ready, we can get to work.

Tire parrot - master class

A standard set of materials, as for all handicrafts made from tires, the tools available in any summer cottage, a little strength and patience, and now the parrot is boasting of its variegated tail.

Required materials and tools

To create a parrot we need:

  • car tire (summer);
  • a knife with a large and sharp blade or an electric jigsaw;
  • a small container of water (preferably diluted with detergent) if a knife will be used;
  • a bolt, two washers and a nut (size m8);
  • waterproof paints;
  • two brushes - thick and thin;
  • drill (drill 10mm);
  • spanners;
  • wire or clamp (you can do it yourself using a metal strip);
  • vice;
  • red marker.

Having prepared everything you need, you can get down to business.

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Instructions for making a parrot from a tire

We put the tire in front of us and get to work

We put the tire in front of us and, armed with a red marker, we begin to make the markings.

Mentally draw a vertical straight line to the center of the tire.

From the center in different directions, you need to draw two lines (the angle between them should be equal to 120 degrees), it should look like the roof of a house. We do not touch this part (under the roof), we will carry out all further manipulations on it.

From one side of the "roof" to the other, draw a line along the inner circle with a marker. We will cut along this line, as with everything that will be drawn with a marker.

Tire markings are ready

Using mental lines, we have divided the tire into three equal parts, one of which is under the "roof", the other two are on the right and left, respectively (each has an angle of 120 degrees).

Now let's move on to the part on the right. Divide it mentally into three parts and on the border between the first and second (starting from the top) draw an oblique line with a marker.

From the upper edge of this line, draw with a marker, now along the outer circle, a line from left to right until it intersects with the house.

So we moved on to the left side (third). Now you need to draw a slice from the inside to the outside (30 degree angle).

How to plan a plot of 15 acres, read in.

Our sketch is ready, for completeness of the picture and simplification of cutting it should be repeated on the other side of the tire, do the same. After the lines are duplicated, you can cut.

We cut strictly along the red lines

We take a knife or an electric jigsaw, depending on what you know how to use and what is more convenient for you.

If you are armed with a knife, to facilitate its sliding on the tire, you will need a container of water, it will be better if you drop a few drops of detergent into it.

Before each movement of the knife, it should be dipped in a container, which will greatly facilitate and accordingly speed up the process.

It is necessary to cut it strictly along the red lines. The part of the tire that is bounded by lines on four sides is cut out completely, there will be a void here. Where there are single lines, you should simply cut straight, repeating the direction of the line.

Upon completion of the cutting work, do not rush to throw out the cut parts, they will still be useful to us.

The resulting workpiece must be turned inside out, here you have to make a little effort. This will give the figure volume.

If you look closely and use your imagination, you can already make out a parrot. We put off the workpiece for a while.

We take the rest of the rubber and cut out the beak. You can call for help from children so that they remind what a parrot's beak looks like.

Cut a small piece on one side exactly, and on the other we make the upper part in a semicircle, and cut the lower one shorter and cut obliquely.

The beak does not have to be made of rubber; you can also use a piece of plywood or fiberboard.

We cut the part of the tire, which is shorter, strictly in the middle and insert the beak

We return to the bus. We need the part that is shorter (not the tail), cut exactly in the middle so that the beak sinks a little.

We insert the beak between the resulting sides, folding them inward. We clamp it in a vice so that it does not fall out.

We take a drill and drill a hole where our parrot will have an eye. So we will make the eyes, and we will fasten the sides.

We fix the result with washers and a bolt

We put a washer on the bolt and pass it through the hole, put on the second washer and tighten it with a nut, for greater strength, use a wrench.

Washers are needed so that over time the bolt does not jump out, because the rubber is tightly stretched and can stretch.

To make a parrot's neck, cut along the red line

Now that the head is ready, you need to shape the parrot's neck to make the bird more realistic.

To do this, you need to make a small cut from the top of the bird's head diagonally downward. Do the same on the other side.

The upper body is ready, let's move on to the tail.

The desire of a person to decorate the territory of his dacha, to create there a wonderful, cozy atmosphere with the use of things at hand, contributed to the emergence of many design ideas.

The original material for the implementation of extraordinary ideas is old car tires.

Amusing crafts made from tires for the garden will decorate both flower beds and playgrounds, as well as paths. Tires and tires can be used not only to create elements of garden decor, but also for practical purposes - they can be used to build a pool, furniture, swing, sandpit, bicycle parking.

The photo below presents extraordinary ideas for crafts from tires.

Idea number 1. Making a flower bed from tires

The easiest scheme is to take an unnecessary tire, fill it with soil and plant the plants. Of course, this will not be a unique decorative element of garden design.

To fix everything, we take bright paints (acrylic or oil based) and paint the tires. Next, we put them on top of each other, resulting in a multi-tiered flower bed.

An original solution would be a vertically arranged flower bed folded in the shape of a pyramid. We fall asleep inside the soil and plant curly flowers - petunias or strawberries. A single plant pot can be placed on top.

You can also make a suspended flower bed from tires. To do this, you will need a steel chain - you will need to attach it to the bus and hang the entire structure on a tree.

To prevent the soil from waking up, cover the bottom of the tire with a thick sheet of rubber or other suitable material.

An unusual solution would be to make flower beds in the form of a teapot and cups. All you need is a few tires and trims of metal tape and pipes.

Idea number 2. Figures from tires

Another type of garden tire crafts are a variety of unusual and intricate tire shapes. They will liven up your garden and cheer up everyone in your household.

The figure of a swan is very popular. To make it, you need a tire without a steel cord. It must first be marked.

We will use a well-sharpened knife for cutting. Fix the swan's neck with a metal rod. At the final stage, we will cover the resulting product with white or black paint (depending on which swan you want - white or black).

It is enough just to create a funny horse, zebra or giraffe. Such figures will require installation of a medium-sized wooden beam in the ground along with a tire.

Crafts should be painted in colors corresponding to one or another representative of the fauna.

You can easily turn old tires and basins into a frog or a cute turtle. A bit of imagination will help make interesting and unusual installations.


Idea number 3. Country furniture

In the garden, pieces of furniture made of tires will look great.

They can be made in a variety of styles and upholstery materials ranging from leather and textiles to vines and wire.

The tires will make a comfortable chair in which it will be wonderful to relax in the bosom of nature. To do this, we take the tires, wrap them with intertwined straps and ribbons. It won't take long, and the result will be entertaining.

Furniture for summer cottages can be made from tires of different sizes of medium and low hardness.

Tires make beautiful tables, ottomans, armchairs, chandeliers, fountains and washbasins.


Idea number 4. Tire swing

A swing is an integral part of any playground. Tire swings are safer than wood or metal swings. It is quite simple to make them.

You will need:

  • strong horizontal branch;
  • sharp knife and jigsaw;
  • chain or strong rope;
  • tire.

We tie the end of the rope into a loop; the knots must be strong and reliable. We throw the loop over the branch, pass the rest of the rope through it and tighten. We put the tires perpendicular to the ground.

We pass a rope through them and fasten them at a height of approximately 0.9 m from the earth's surface. The swing is ready!

Idea number 5. Tire track

The paths created from unnecessary tires, or rather from their tread part, look unusual and original.

We bring to your attention a selection of photos of various crafts from tires.


Tires are a versatile material for creating a wide variety of things with your own hands.

Numerous tire craft workshops can be easily found on the Internet. Therefore, if you have unnecessary old tires lying around, feel free to use them, creating memorable elements of garden decor.

Photo of crafts from tires

How many beautiful and interesting crafts can be created from seemingly completely useless and useless things, practically from trash. A person with imagination and skillful hands uses literally everything: from beer cans to used matchboxes, not to mention the long-suffering plastic bottles.

And old used tires are no exception. It turns out that if you get down to business creatively, you can make a very cute and cute parrot out of them.

For work we need:
... old car tire with thread! cord and radial tread pattern;
... M8 bolt with nut and two washers;
... metal strip for making a clamp;
... a well-sharpened knife with a strong blade;
... drill or screwdriver, drill Ø10 mm;
... set of wrenches.

And so let's get started

You should start with a marking, that is, divide the circumference of the tire into three identical parts (the angles should be 120 °), using the obtained points, make a marking: two arcs along the outer and inner edges of the tire, limited by a radius and a cut at an acute angle to the radius. The markings are applied on both sides of the tire.

We turn the resulting blank inside out, and we see that our tire begins to acquire the barely perceptible features of a future parrot.
Previous cuttings are great for making a beak. Marking and cutting it out is not difficult at all.

Now, exactly in the middle of the tire from the side of the radial cut, we make a longitudinal cut with a length slightly greater than the height of the beak.

The beak is placed between the halves of the cut and squeezed with a vice or a clamp (squeeze tight!). Armed with a drill with a Ø10 mm drill, we drill a hole in the place where the eye of our bird should be, and we connect all three parts using an M8 bolt with a nut and washers. The vise (clamp) can be removed by tightening the nut.

To make the head complete, mark the line connecting the back of the head and neck, and make a cut.

Now the tail. At the other end of the tire, we have a long strip, on which we will make a sketch, reminiscent of a parrot's tail. And, of course, we cut it out.

To make our product finally look like the parrot Aru, let's paint.

Blue, yellow and white paints are perfect, it is better to use black paint for coloring the rings, and cover it with transparent varnish for gloss.

It will not be difficult to come up with a suspension to the rings.
A do-it-yourself parrot will be an excellent and original decoration for your summer cottage.

Recently, handicrafts made from tires are favorite garden decorations, which people make with their own hands. Very interesting garden figures are often obtained.

The Golden Snail is the simplest craft for the garden. You don't even have to cut anything. And this cannot but please (especially women), since the hard rubber of car tires is not so easy to cut.

Consider a photo of a tire craft located a little lower. What does this cute Golden Snail take?

First, the color. The snail is bright, moreover, the colors in its design are selected so that against the background of greenery the craft is not only clearly visible, but attracts the eye.

Secondly, I want to look at this Golden Snail, as she is cute, pretty and kind.

Stages of creating crafts from tires - Snails

First, let's prepare the "house" of this wonderful creature - a shell.

  1. Wash and dry the tire.
  2. Let's paint the tire: orange and gold paint (compare with the picture).
  3. Car rubber for crafts is well painted with oil, bitumen, rubber, acrylic, enamel. If you do not find a light orange paint, you can mix white with a pigment (it is sold in small jars - in liquid form, and also in sachets - in powder).
  4. Now what will make the garden craft "full-bodied". The hole in the car tire must be closed, preferably with a bulging object so that it looks like the shell of a real snail. For example, a bowl of the right size. In extreme cases, if there is no bowl, the hole will have to be closed with a flat circle cut from some material. For example, plywood, plastic. Paint this part too - to match the rest of the "shell".
  5. There is no special need to attach the Snail's body to the sink - you can simply install it next to it. The easiest way is to use a piece of pipe or a plastic container of a suitable diameter for the calf.
  6. An old ball is ideal for the head. If there is no ball. Buy a balloon, wrap it with threads (you can not very tightly, in one layer), and coat it on top with cement mortar or putty (of course, for outdoor work). After drying, apply another layer on top. Dry again and then sand. The balloon will remain inside, well, yes, a penny loss.
  7. We make Golden Snail horns from thick wire and tennis balls.
  8. We draw a kind, laughing "face" - such that it would be pleasant to see him.
  9. It remains to fix the shell and body of the Snail in the ground. You can just partially dig in, but in this case, the craft will not be too stable. It is better to pass a metal pin (reinforcing, for example) through the tire and stick it into the ground. In the same way, fix the body of the Snail, which, by the way, has been living here for a long time.

It's always nice to make something useful out of a junk thing, and if the craft is also beautiful, it's a double pleasure. One example is tire crafts. They make decorations for a summer cottage or garden plot, various flowerpots and flower beds, build children's attractions and even make country furniture - tables and armchairs.

Beds and flower beds made of tires

Let's start with the most, perhaps, simple flower beds and flower beds. Do you think it is difficult to make a multi-tiered one? Maybe, but not from tires. Take several pieces of different sizes, paint in bright colors and fold them in a slide - one on top of the other. To prevent your slide from falling apart, fasten the tires from the inside with a screwdriver and self-tapping screws. Two for one connection will suffice. You fill up the soil inside, plant the plants. To prevent the soil from spilling out, you can cover the tire inside with a piece. It will remove excess water, but will not let the earth get enough sleep. A beautiful tiered flower garden is ready.

If you like flower beds of the correct shape, you can make these. For example, by folding a flower bed in the shape of a chamomile from tires. First, the tires are laid out and fastened together in the lower tier. Fill the middle of the tires with earth, as well as the free space inside the circle. Broken brick or other construction waste can be placed there for better drainage, sprinkled with earth a little on top and tamped. The second tier is laid out on the prepared surface, stepping back from the edge by more than half the diameter of the tire. They are also fastened together, the middle is covered with soil, and the core is placed on top. Tall flowers can be planted at the very top, and curb or low-growing flowers on the lower tiers.

Another option for a flower bed made of tires in the form of chamomile is in one tier. To complete it, you will have to cut the tires.

How to cut tires

In general, when making crafts from tires, they often need to be cut. This is far from easy. It is more or less easy to cut the side surface from the tread. People with strong hands and good knives do it by hand. A good workout, by the way, for the hands and the entire shoulder girdle. If you are going to cut with a knife, lubricate the blade with grease: rubber constantly "wedges" the metal, and the blade covered with grease slips well.

You can also cut off the sidewall with a jigsaw or a grinder. Cutting with a grinder is relatively quick, but the stench is wild. Therefore, with a grinder, even if there is one, only the first cut is made so that the jigsaw file can be inserted. Then they work with this tool. For cutting rubber, take a reverse tooth blade made of good steel.

If you have to cut the protector, doing it with a jigsaw, or even more so with a knife, is useless. Anyway, with an ordinary knife. Blades made of special steel can cut even an iron cord, but hardly anyone wants to disfigure such a tool on an old tire. Therefore, they work most often with a grinder. To avoid trouble, the protector is fixed: always think about safety. If the sidewalls have already been cut off, the tread band is quite elastic and can be squeezed with a clamp. When cut, it will not spring back.

Flowerpot from the wheel: turn out the tires

If you have a tire with an old rim, you can make a flowerpot with a leg out of it.

To do this, cut one sidewall along the tread. And they turn it inside out. This is not an easy matter: considerable physical strength and perseverance are required. Rubber is elastic and you can't turn it out the first time. If nothing at all, notches are made on the outside across the tread. They should be quite deep, but not cross-cutting. It will also help if you make cuts along the edge with a depth of at least 5-7 centimeters. They will look like a fringe on an inverted tire.

Why do they turn it out? The inner surface is smoother, and the shape can turn out to be more interesting, especially if the edge is not linear, but jagged. You will get a gracefully bent decoration.

For details on how to turn the tire out, see the video.

Likewise, you can turn out a tire without a rim. The sequence of actions is the same. First, cut off one of the sidewalls - straight or zigzag. To make the "petals" even, it is advisable to mark them. It is convenient to do this with chalk. At the mark, they are then cut with a jigsaw or a knife (if the cord is synthetic).

They turn it out like this: they step on the inside of the tire, grab the edge with their hands and pull up and towards themselves. It is important to achieve the first result: when at least some part bends. If the tire looks like the photo below, it is already a success. It is developed by sequentially turning the edge inside out and standing on the already turned out part - so that it does not turn out back.

Watch the process again in the video. This time, the tire is turned inside out without a wheel (cut, by the way, with a knife).

Even in itself, such a tire turned inside out looks good. If you paint it, it gets even better. If desired, they can be combined - different colors, sizes, differently set: on the bus or on the legs.

A high flower bed always looks beautiful. Especially with ampelous plants. It can also be made from tires, and there are several possibilities. In the photo below, there are two ways to secure the trimmed tires at different levels. The first is to use hemp for this, to which the flowerpots are attached with nails or self-tapping screws. The second is to use fittings - three four rods, on which to put on rubber. Having set the tier at the required level, it must be fixed; on metal, this can only be done with the help of clamps.

It is not always possible to put a flowerpot on the ground: some areas are so developed that it is problematic to single out one square meter. For this case, the people came up with various hanging flowerpots, and also - from old tires. Only a small part of the whole tire remains, so you have to cut a lot ... be patient. For example, you can make hanging pots in the shape of a dolphin, parrot, rooster and other outlandish birds. See not a photo for a few ideas.

Tire cache-pot - parrot, rooster and dolphin

All these crafts are made from tires. Only a small part of them - the heads - are often made of dense foam. Having cut and polished a part of the desired shape, it is fastened with self-tapping screws, greased with glue (this is a secret, remember), and then paint. How to make a parrot out of a tire, see the video.

Below are laid out step-by-step photos, which capture the main stages of creating a table or ottoman from a tire. You will need two more circles of plywood or fiberboard of a suitable diameter; hemp rope is used for finishing. From the materials at hand, you will need glue and a glue gun, as well as varnish and a brush for applying it. To connect the circles with the tire, you will also need self-tapping screws - 8-10 pieces on each side.

Next, we take a glue gun and heat up the glue, apply it to the sidewall. If there is no such luxury in the household, take glue, which is in a larger tube, such as "liquid nails". It is easier for them to work with an assembly gun. Apply a strip to the sidewall, glue on the hemp rope. So - to the very top.

Using the same technology, we decorate the table cover (ottoman). You need to start laying from the middle: apply glue, lay the rope.

Finishing work - applying varnish. We do it slowly, soaking well. This is what you should get as a result. If you made a table, you can put glass on top - a rope, even varnished, is not the best covering for a table, although it is beautiful ...

Variety can be achieved with the cover. It can be sewn from a dense material you like.

Nice ottoman ...

Can be knitted - large knitting looks interesting.

Knitted large knit cover - looks interesting

If you don't feel like sewing and knitting, you can use old knitwear cut into strips. They are cut into long strips 3-5 cm thick, wound into balls and then wrapped around an ottoman. It turns out interesting, especially if several colors are combined.

If you need a taller ottoman, twist the two tires together with self-tapping screws, and work with them in this form.

See another option in the video.

How many beautiful and interesting crafts can be created from seemingly completely useless and useless things, practically from trash. A person with imagination and skillful hands uses literally everything: from beer cans to used matchboxes, not to mention the long-suffering plastic bottles.

And old used tires are no exception. It turns out that if you get down to business creatively, you can make a very cute and cute parrot out of them.

For work we need:
... old car tire with thread! cord and radial tread pattern;
... M8 bolt with nut and two washers;
... metal strip for making a clamp;
... a well-sharpened knife with a strong blade;
... drill or screwdriver, drill Ø10 mm;
... set of wrenches.

And so let's get started

You should start with a marking, that is, divide the circumference of the tire into three identical parts (the angles should be 120 °), using the obtained points, make a marking: two arcs along the outer and inner edges of the tire, limited by a radius and a cut at an acute angle to the radius. The markings are applied on both sides of the tire.

We turn the resulting blank inside out, and we see that our tire begins to acquire the barely perceptible features of a future parrot.
Previous cuttings are great for making a beak. Marking and cutting it out is not difficult at all.

Now, exactly in the middle of the tire from the side of the radial cut, we make a longitudinal cut with a length slightly greater than the height of the beak.

The beak is placed between the halves of the cut and squeezed with a vice or a clamp (squeeze tight!). Armed with a drill with a Ø10 mm drill, we drill a hole in the place where the eye of our bird should be, and we connect all three parts using an M8 bolt with a nut and washers. The vise (clamp) can be removed by tightening the nut.

To make the head complete, mark the line connecting the back of the head and neck, and make a cut.

Now the tail. At the other end of the tire, we have a long strip, on which we will make a sketch, reminiscent of a parrot's tail. And, of course, we cut it out.

To make our product finally look like the parrot Aru, let's paint.

Blue, yellow and white paints are perfect, it is better to use black paint for coloring the rings, and cover it with transparent varnish for gloss.

It will not be difficult to come up with a suspension to the rings.
A do-it-yourself parrot will be an excellent and original decoration for your summer cottage.

Recently, handicrafts made from tires are favorite garden decorations, which people make with their own hands. Very interesting garden figures are often obtained.

The Golden Snail is the simplest craft for the garden. You don't even have to cut anything. And this cannot but please (especially women), since the hard rubber of car tires is not so easy to cut.

Consider a photo of a tire craft located a little lower. What does this cute Golden Snail take?

First, the color. The snail is bright, moreover, the colors in its design are selected so that against the background of greenery the craft is not only clearly visible, but attracts the eye.

Secondly, I want to look at this Golden Snail, as she is cute, pretty and kind.

Stages of creating crafts from tires - Snails

First, let's prepare the "house" of this wonderful creature - a shell.

  1. Wash and dry the tire.
  2. Let's paint the tire: orange and gold paint (compare with the picture).
  3. Car rubber for crafts is well painted with oil, bitumen, rubber, acrylic, enamel. If you do not find a light orange paint, you can mix white with a pigment (it is sold in small jars - in liquid form, and also in sachets - in powder).
  4. Now what will make the garden craft "full-bodied". The hole in the car tire must be closed, preferably with a bulging object so that it looks like the shell of a real snail. For example, a bowl of the right size. In extreme cases, if there is no bowl, the hole will have to be closed with a flat circle cut from some material. For example, plywood, plastic. Paint this part too - to match the rest of the "shell".
  5. There is no special need to attach the Snail's body to the sink - you can simply install it next to it. The easiest way is to use a piece of pipe or a plastic container of a suitable diameter for the calf.
  6. An old ball is ideal for the head. If there is no ball. Buy a balloon, wrap it with threads (you can not very tightly, in one layer), and coat it on top with cement mortar or putty (of course, for outdoor work). After drying, apply another layer on top. Dry again and then sand. The balloon will remain inside, well, yes, a penny loss.
  7. We make Golden Snail horns from thick wire and tennis balls.
  8. We draw a kind, laughing "face" - such that it would be pleasant to see him.
  9. It remains to fix the shell and body of the Snail in the ground. You can just partially dig in, but in this case, the craft will not be too stable. It is better to pass a metal pin (reinforcing, for example) through the tire and stick it into the ground. In the same way, fix the body of the Snail, which, by the way, has been living here for a long time.

Every person has all kinds of trash at home: tires, plastic bottles, ropes and other trifles. This is especially true for owners of private houses. You should not throw away this garbage, as you can make interesting crafts for your garden from it. A tire parrot is a wonderful decoration for any area and a joy for children, because this exotic bird can be decorated with all the colors of the rainbow. In addition, the manufacturing process will give you a lot of pleasure and inspire you to create new works of art. How to make a parrot out of a tire at home can be found in our article.

Ready parrot from tire

The basis for our bird will be an old tire, preferably a summer one. In addition to her, we need the following materials:

  • any brightly colored marker;
  • wrench;
  • large sharp knife;
  • a container with warm water and diluted detergent;
  • drill with a ten-millimeter drill;
  • nuts, washers and bolts;
  • paints, felt-tip pens for decoration.

Important! It will be great if you have a selection of old tires. It is advisable to choose one that is made of fabric cord, since it will be much easier to cut it.

The process of making a parrot from tires: step by step instructions with photos

Making a parrot out of a tire with your own hands is very simple, having acquired all the necessary tools and observing certain rules. It is very important to follow the safety rules, since here we will be dealing with a drill and a sharp knife.

The guide for making a parrot from a tire assumes compliance with the following instructions with a photo:

It's so easy to make a parrot from a tire with your own hands. But it is important to remember that for a more realistic look of the bird, it is necessary to smooth out the sharp corners by cutting them off with a knife.

Parrot decoration

We have already made the main part of the parrot from the tire, now we turn to decorating the craft. The most difficult part of the work is over and now you can enjoy the creative process. You decide which colors to choose, but it is advisable to choose red, green, yellow, blue or orange. It is advisable to start coloring the tire with the beak and finish with the tail. Black paint is needed for the bead rings, beak and eyes. In order to make the bird as realistic as possible, you can make an outline on the head, back and wings. You need to paint the craft not only outside, but also inside. And now you need to take the rope and tie the bead rings. You can hang the bird in the garden and put a flower or flowerpot inside. But also, such a craft can serve as a bird feeder.

Now the do-it-yourself parrot device can be considered complete. It remains only to choose the place where the exotic bird will delight the eye with its bright feathers.

Important! To paint a tire, you must opt ​​for waterproof paints and markers so that all this beauty does not wash away during the rain. But also, it is necessary to prevent the accumulation of water inside the tire. To do this, you can create holes at the bottom of the creation.

Video master class on making a parrot

There are a lot of interesting videos on YouTube with step-by-step instructions on how to make a do-it-yourself parrot. Popular among them are: