Stretch your desktop background to all screens. How to glue non-woven wallpaper and the correct joining of canvases How to glue them correctly

Pasting wallpaper, especially vinyl wallpaper, requires knowledge of some important secrets that will help you cope with this difficult task not only quickly, but also as efficiently as possible. First you need to find out how such wallpapers are arranged. This is a two-layer wallpaper - the lower layer is made of paper, and the second, upper one, is made directly from vinyl (or, scientifically, polyvinyl chloride). At the beginning of gluing, it should be taken into account that vinyl wallpaper, when glue is applied and just when it gets wet, stretches, and after drying, it shrinks. This can cause seams to diverge.

Choose your vinyl wallpaper wisely. This is the first thing. Do not rush to unpack the rolls after purchase (then you will not be able to return the wallpaper to the store if you don’t like something), but rather study it carefully.

It is important that all pipes have the same shade, there is no mechanical damage, and the same batch number is always present.

Read the attached instructions carefully, everything should be clear and understandable. Calculate the required amount of wallpaper for gluing the entire room. If damage or signs of defect appeared after the roll was opened and the wallpaper was glued, it will not be possible to return it to the store or to compensate for the damage. Unpacking vinyl, and any other wallpaper (paper, washable), indicates that the buyer has accepted the goods and can no longer be returned or exchanged.

Prepare the surface before starting. This is the second thing. The walls or ceiling must first be cleaned of dirt, dust, irregularities and remnants of old wallpaper. The surface must be clean, smooth and of course dry. If there are pits, chips, cracks or other flaws, they need to be putty, and then the entire surface should be covered with a primer. If the surface (wall, ceiling) on ​​which the vinyl wallpaper will be glued is painted with acrylic or water-based paint, you just need to prime it. If with oil paint or varnish, then first treat the surface with sandpaper, and only then cover with a primer. If there is whitewash on the surface, then it must be washed off. And, after drying, prime. The plastered wall or ceiling should be filled with a thin layer.

After the filler is dry, sand the entire surface with sandpaper. And primed, of course. Before gluing PVC wallpaper, the concrete surface should be painted with acrylic or covered with putty. After waiting for the surface to dry, clean it with sandpaper and cover with a soil solution so that no spots appear on the walls from the interaction of concrete with wallpaper glue. If the walls are covered with mold, they must be carefully removed. But in order to prevent plaque from appearing again, the cause of its occurrence in the room should be recognized and eliminated.

The reasons can be different - from high humidity to low-quality building materials. The adhesive must be prepared and applied correctly. An equally important point. Preparing glue for working with vinyl wallpaper is practically the same as preparing it for paper. The basic principle here is to use a glue designed specifically for vinyl wallpaper. After reading the instructions, you can start working. One caveat - the glue is applied not only to the wallpaper, but also to the surface of the wall (ceiling). To avoid stretching the vinyl, do not hold the glue for more than five minutes - applied to the wallpaper - glue immediately. In addition, wallpaper that is too damp may tear when applied.

The beginning of wallpapering.

Fundamental rules.

  • Glue wallpaper only end-to-end. Overlapping vinyl wallpaper is fraught with the fact that the junction of the two stripes will stand out strongly due to the rather dense structure of the vinyl. It will be difficult to glue the bottom paper layer onto PVC using ordinary wallpaper glue. These places will then begin to diverge. You do not burn with the desire to constantly glue the edges of the departed wallpaper? Therefore, the best option when gluing vinyl wallpaper is only end-to-end.
  • Don't stretch the wallpaper! Stretching along the wall when gluing wallpaper, you risk getting huge gaps between the stripes as a result. Remember that vinyl has a habit of shrinking as it dries. The wallpaper should be placed on the wall freely, without trying to stretch or stretch it. The stripes should easily adjoin each other.
  • Joint trimming. It is likely that when gluing the last strip, it will turn out so that it does not fit end-to-end with the previously glued strip. You will have to cut off the part to the left or right. When trimming, you should get a strip 3-4 cm wider than necessary. And when gluing the cut edge, you need to place it on the strip that was glued before. And the "original" edge, as expected, is glued end-to-end. Then the resulting bulge must be cut vertically with a clerical knife, from top to bottom. After that, unscrew the edges of the strips in the place of cutting and remove the trimmings. And, putting the edges back, smooth out the junction of the strips.

Here's a video on how to glue vinyl wallpaper yourself

In some cases, it is required to be able to resize the existing image. Depending on the application in which such a picture is supposed to be used, the methods for resizing it will change accordingly.

How to stretch a picture on the desktop

Quite often, when setting the background to the desktop, there is a discrepancy between the sizes of such a picture and the working area (a solid-colored background is observed at the edges of the picture).

It is also worth noting that it is virtually impossible to stretch a picture without losing quality. Initially, an image consists of a certain number of pixels (color dots) per square inch. Accordingly, when the image size is increased, the dot data also increases, which causes visual deterioration in the image quality.

The easiest way to stretch a picture on the desktop is to use the built-in operating system toolkit. To do this, call the context menu from the free area of ​​the desktop with the right mouse button, select the "Personalization" item, and in the lower left part of the window that opens, click on the "Desktop background" icon.

In the upper part of the window that appears, click the "Browse" button and select the picture that you want to set as the desktop background. To fill the entire area of ​​the workspace in the drop-down list in the lower left part of the screen, select "Stretch".

How to stretch a picture into Word

To do this, you need to place the mouse cursor on one of the corners of the image, hold down the left button and drag it with the mouse to enlarge the picture.

How to stretch a picture in Photoshop

This operation can be performed in several ways. The simplest is to select the entire image by pressing the Ctrl + T key combination, and then placing the mouse cursor on one of the corners of the image, stretch it with the mouse to the required size. After that. to commit the changes, you need to press Enter.

How to stretch a picture in HTML

The background-size operator is used to format a block with a background image. Depending on the version of the browser for which the frontend is used - part of the site, this operator may also contain certain additional parameters.

The basic syntax for this operator to stretch a picture in HTML is background-size: cover

This operator is used in the page code array after defining the wallpaper to use.

Thus, the procedure for increasing the size of the picture is much simpler than the actions taken to.

Very often, regardless of how correctly the wallpapering work was done, problems and defects may arise, such as uneven seams, bubbles or stains. Such problems can arise even if the work was performed by a professional. Such troubles can be avoided if you take into account some of the rules and know the peculiar tricks and subtleties that experts use.

Before gluing wallpaper, you need to pay attention to the surface of the wall. Quite often, situations arise when, at first glance, neatly and firmly glued wallpaper has a bumpy formation, pits and other roughness.

Such troubles often arise for the reason that proper attention was not paid to the surface of the wall. Therefore, before proceeding with wallpapering the walls, the walls must be leveled and putty, after which the already leveled wall must be sanded with sandpaper and a primer solution made of wallpaper glue and water must be applied.

To prevent wallpaper stripes from crooked when gluing, you should use a plumb line (a weight on a thread), otherwise such errors can only be corrected by gluing wallpaper. So that the wallpaper joints are not so noticeable, the sticker should be done according to the edge positioning rule (wallpaper joints should be directed against the light).

In the event that the wallpaper lags behind the wall, then, most likely, the reason was the damp surface of the wall, which, according to the rules, must be dry in order for the wallpaper glue to be better absorbed. And a damp wall cannot perform such a function.

You can check if the surface of your wall meets the criterion for dryness using cellophane and tape (stick a piece of cellophane with tape on the wall). It is best to check it in the evening, and in the morning to see the result - if there is moisture on the cellophane, it means that the wall is not yet ready for pasting and requires additional processing.

In addition, special attention should be paid to the cleanliness of the wall, since a dirty wall can cause the wallpaper to peel off. The wall must be free of paint, putty and other dirt, after which it must be thoroughly primed.

If you have not removed the fungal formations from the wall surface before gluing the wallpaper, then the new wallpaper may become moldy. To remove the fungus, the wall must be cleaned, carefully sanded and treated with a special antibacterial solution.

The following factors can cause stains on the wall:

Increased alkaline reaction of walls - this is a property of concrete walls in new buildings. In the event that the wallpaper has golden or silver components in its composition, a reaction may occur, as a result of which unwanted stains appear. Therefore, before pasting the walls with such wallpaper, you need to check the surface for the presence of an alkaline reaction, if such a reaction is present, then it is necessary to choose wallpaper that does not contain gold and silver particles.

If the wallpaper is too thin, then the cause of the stains may be translucent traces from the grouting of the sockets. In this case, it is necessary to tint the wall especially carefully.

Quite often, when gluing wallpaper, people are faced with the appearance of bubbles. This is due to uneven distribution of the paste or other irregularities that were made during the application of the glue. You can get rid of such a defect with a syringe with wallpaper glue. The bubble must be pierced, carefully through the needle, insert the glue under the wallpaper and smooth it out.

Well, now, I think, you will not have any problems with wallpapering. Smooth walls to you!

This can be done without using third-party software. First, define the overall desktop resolution: right-click on an empty area of ​​the desktop, select Screen resolution and look for the Resolution setting. If screens with a resolution of 1920x1200 are located side by side, then the total resolution will be 3840x1200.

* You will need one 3840 pixels wide image, such as a photo

graphics made with a 12 megapixel camera. If the size is smaller, the "* I lb" desk will not look so attractive. If the photo is too large,

Shaya, you need to resize using an image editor so that it does not go beyond the bounds of the screen.

In Control Panel, open the Personalization page, click on Desktop Background. From the Picture location list, select Pictures library to find all the photos in the Photos folder, or click Browse to select a different folder. (Unfortunately, the Browse window only allows you to select a folder; to view its contents, open a separate Explorer window.) You can manually copy the image to the C: \ Windows \ Web \ Wallpaper folder to make it easier to find (it will go to the Background Windows Desktop Backgrounds.

Select the background picture and from the Picture position list select Tile. (None of the other options - Fill, Fit, Stretch, and Center - work on a desktop stretched across multiple monitors.)

*. When you select the Tile option, the upper left corner of the image is located

#% is displayed in the upper left corner of the main monitor. If the main monitor (the one with the Start menu and the taskbar) is not in the "top left *" of the monitor row, the image will be torn. (Windows is not smart enough to select the correct display when using multiple monitors.) To fix this error , you need to open the photo in an image editor, cut it into pieces, and then fold it in the correct order.