Make a fence on the site. How to build a budget fence for a summer cottage - the choice of building materials

November 7, 2017 / / here

Private house or summer cottage - comfort, home coziness, fresh air, fruits and vegetables, flowers and trees. It is with these words that a house on a private land plot is associated, because it is here that you can relax with the whole family, relax, protect yourself from the bustle of the city and be alone with nature. However, in order to create the necessary comfort and protect yourself from all external factors, you need to take care of the fencing of private territory, in particular for your own safety.

Country houses are buildings for seasonal recreation, since most of the time is spent here in warm seasons. Therefore, an expensive fence will be inappropriate here and preference is given to the practicality and functionality of the building.

In order to protect a land plot, it is not necessary to use expensive materials, because minimalism is welcomed in 2018 in all its manifestations. Now designers are ready to offer the buyer a lot of interesting ideas and options that can make even an inexpensive fence very high quality and reliable. At the same time, the fence can be both beautiful and original at the same time. With all this, it must be borne in mind that the main functional purpose of the fence is to protect the land plot and its private territory from external factors, not invited guests.

It is worth noting that it is much cheaper to install fences, the design of which is attached to the support pillars; a fence mounted on a strip foundation will cost much more.

Types of materials

Ideal inexpensive building materials to build a reliable fence:

  • Picket fence made of wood or metal.
  • Wood - boards or beams.
  • Rods.
  • Mesh - corrugated, chain-link or welded.
  • Decking.

In general, the choice is great, and what kind of material to use is decided on an individual basis, depending on the tastes and preferences of the owners. Most often, it is wooden fences made of picket fences, rods, beams or uncut boards are used. The main plus of the fence is that it is easy to build it yourself.

Wood fence

By making a wooden fence in an original way, using different configurations, you can create a stylish and beautiful fence for a private plot.

Advantages of a wooden fence:

  • Versatility - such a fence can perfectly fit into any design and landscape.
  • Ease of maintenance - it is enough to regularly paint the fence and fix its defects.
  • Ease of installation - it is easy to put a wooden fence in your private area, everyone can cope with it.
  • High level of reliability.
  • Possibility of various equipment and decoration of the fence.

Private sector fence

The cheapest fence option. However, this does not mean that it cannot be interesting - by using the design imagination correctly, you can make an excellent fence in a rustic style.

Making a wattle fence is easy and simple. Confirmation of this is that it is the wicker fence that is one of the most ancient. Regardless, in 2018 it regains popularity and takes the lead as a stylish defensive redoubt to decorate its garden.

Depending on the height of the fence, it is divided into three types, each of which is used, depending on its functional application:

  • Up to a meter - for fencing a flower bed.
  • About one and a half meters - for zoning the site.
  • A high two-meter wattle fence is a fence for fencing a private plot along its perimeter.

A fence made of timber or boards

The cost of such a fence is low, however, it has a number of advantages:

  • Easy installation process.
  • Low price.
  • Interesting and attractive appearance.
  • Easy to maintain.
  • Long service life.

Uncut type boards - wood with an edge that is partially sawn off or was not sawed at all. It is best to use hardwood and conifers for the fence. When purchasing boards, you need to take into account some of the nuances:

  • Structure - knots should be avoided.
  • Cracks - they are not acceptable, they appear with poor drying.
  • Cut quality - the board must be flat and smooth.
  • Correctness of installation - if everything is done well, then this is high-quality protection for many years.


Chain-link fences are a fairly common occurrence, since they are inexpensive. In addition, corrugated or welded mesh can be used, which are very common in villages and are widely used as fencing for summer cottages.

This type of fence is slightly more expensive than others, but the duration of its operation is much higher. Having installed such a fence, you don't have to worry about its quality for the next 10-20 years.

A fence made of such a mesh is stretched between the posts located at a short distance from each other and copes well with the influence of external factors. It is also worth noting that it transmits light rays well, which is important for the land plot, especially the part where the vegetable garden or front garden is located.

A mesh-type fence always looks interesting and original, and if you somehow decorate it, you can create an interesting fence. It is also very beautiful when plants or flowers curl along such a net. In total, there are two types of installation: sectional and tension.

Fencing made of metal or corrugated board

Metal and corrugated board is another option for building a fence around the private sector. The whole difference between the two is appearance. A metal picket fence looks like an ordinary wooden fence, but the corrugated board is a solid fence that will not allow unauthorized persons to "throw their eyes" into the territory of the private sector, which means you can feel safe.

The main advantage of all materials is the possibility of self-installation. By connecting imagination, you can create an original, interesting and attractive fence. If you decorate it correctly and use modern ideas, then the design solution can surprise neighbors and passers-by. Which fence to install in 2018, everyone decides for himself. The main thing is not to restrain yourself in design ideas and bring ideas to life.

2017-11-07 02:47:09 Fence at their summer cottage: 100 original ideas

For many, a dacha and their own land begins with the designation of the boundaries of the site, that is, with the installation. In order to protect oneself from shameless passers-by, striving to "cut off" the road, their curious glances, from wandering domestic and wild animals. In the end - so that their children do not scatter around the neighborhood. Well, in order to warm up the private property instinct: when you see the boundaries of your possessions, clearly marked by a fence, your soul becomes calmer and more pleasant.

Like almost everything in our world, fencing costs money. And sometimes quite a lot, given its possible length. It happens that the question is acute: the fence is necessary, but there are not enough funds for it now. It makes no sense to install an expensive capital fence even if the site is in full swing.

The issue of saving in the dacha economy is important, regardless of the level of the owner's well-being. Billionaire Warren Buffett is credited with the phrase better known from the Disney cartoon about the Scrooge McDuck duck: "A dollar saved is a dollar earned." Therefore, why pay more if there is an opportunity to figure out how to save money. Of course, everyone has different views on the concept of "cheaper", and, probably, it would be more correct to draw up a certain comparative price list in which everyone can choose an option for themselves.

Why do you need a fence

From what reason turned out to be the main motive in fence construction, its physical and technical characteristics, and hence the cost, depend. Therefore, when choosing options, you need to determine the actual need, and not proceed from considerations that "the fence is needed and that's it."

You want a visual border between mine and others

This case is the simplest - a symbolic small-height fence from the most accessible materials is enough.

It is likely that such a visual boundary line can be created simply by planting flowers around the perimeter of the site. Unfortunately, this option is from the realm of fantasy, at least in most everyday situations in real life.

But if you have soberly assessed the circumstances and decided to mark the borders, then decorative fences that you can choose from our market will come in handy. Take a look at the selection.

But this method is not always possible by law (you can read more about this in the article). Therefore, use a mesh, for example - facade. Or grow a dense row of shrubs.

From bad people

The fence will help, as they say, from honest people - from the insignificant theft of what “lies badly” on the site. If you are planned to be robbed on purpose, the banking security system will not save you either. Therefore, it is hardly worth turning your site into a secure facility, entangling it around the perimeter with barbed wire.

The fence is beautiful

A neat fence decorates the site, completing and complementing the image of the house - like a beautiful silk scarf a suit. Therefore, if you are not threatened by all of the above adversities, do not deny yourself the pleasure of having just a beautiful fence.

How much does the fence cost?

Having defined the concept of the future fencing, let's move on to the second parameter of choice - cost. It depends, of course, on the material and design, but still the main price-determining factor is the length of the fence.

If your site is large, then it is advisable to think over several options that are combined with each other, so that, for example, make only part of the fence more ceremonial, and use less expensive materials on the rest of the site. Or arrange a fence facing the street deaf (to protect yourself from noise and dust), because this is allowed, and the demarcation between neighbors, as prescribed by the rules, is mesh.

Wooden fences

The traditional material for fences in our country is wood. There are many types of wooden enclosing structures. This is a classic picket fence (vertically positioned boards, fixed at regular intervals), and all kinds of wooden structures with different directions of board arrangement and degree of transparency.

The estimated cost of manufacturing a standard section (2.5 m long) of a wooden fence varies from 670 rubles (a simple picket fence 1 m high) to 2750 rubles for a 1.7 m high structure - approximately as in the photo above. When calculating, do not forget about the price of the poles and the cost of installing the intake sections (from 800 rubles per running meter).

If you have the time and carpentry and construction skills, you can reduce costs by purchasing material from the nearest sawmill and building your own fence. For example, using an unedged board (wane). A cubic meter of such material will cost you about 5,000 rubles. This is almost 80 three-meter boards 200 mm wide, which is enough for 10 sections of such an original fence.

The creation of a fence in an ethnic-rustic style will allow the creation of a fence in an ethnic-rustic style to further reduce costs, or even reduce them altogether to the cost of fasteners. These can be various options, the so-called Norwegian fence (although this type of fence was traditionally used in our north, in the Arkhangelsk, Vologda regions), ranch-style fences and other exotic looking fences.

The material for this kind of fencing can be poles, slabs, branches, cuts of trunks - everything that is found on a neglected area when it is cleared or in the vicinity.

For some, this will be a great way out in a situation where temporary fencing is required. In another case, the original fence will become a decoration of the site, its stylistic dominant.

Metal fences

Today, most people associate with the phrase "metal fence" a fence made of. And it is not surprising - this is one of the most popular materials for fencing: sufficient durability, ease and speed of installation, presentable appearance, and most importantly - the price. In the cheapest version (using galvanized corrugated board), the installation of a standard section (2000x2500 mm) will cost you 3750 rubles. This price includes the price of metal poles.

In addition to a blank fence made of a steel profiled sheet, you can take a closer look at other proposals - a metal picket fence (it is called a euro fence) and a fence made of metal blinds. Both options are similar to each other: the intake section is filled with profiled lamellas, fixed with a certain rhythm.

A metal picket fence, as befits a picket fence, consists of vertical slats, and a fence-blinds - of horizontally located ones. The cost of a 2.5-meter section with a height of 2 m of a fence made of a euro-frame is from 3150 rubles (with installation), and a metal fence-blinds - from 4000 rubles.

Metal fence shutters. Photo from the site

Wrought iron fences should also be mentioned. Of course, hand forging an author's work costs a lot of money. But a fence of a simple pattern, welded from a bar, strip and ready-made stamped elements, as, for example, in the photo below, in finished form will cost about 5,000 rubles per section of a standard size (excluding installation costs).

Today anyone who has the skills of a welder can feel like a blacksmith. If you want to make such a fence with your own hands, all you have to do is buy ready-made decorative parts, a steel bar and a strip. A self-made fence made of forged elements will be about a third cheaper.

Fencing a garden plot does not belong to complex structures, therefore, you can make the simplest fence in the country with your own hands. The choice of material for it depends only on the funds allocated for this purpose and personal preferences.

Basic requirements for fencing a garden plot

The fence in the country performs several functions at once.... When separating the site from the street or road, it must provide reliable protection from prying eyes and intrusions from the outside. If the fence separates your territory from the neighbor's, then it is not necessary to make it capital - you just need to mark the border.

According to SNiP, the height of the fence separating the site and the street is up to 2 m... It can be made solid, but only if it was allowed by the decision of the meeting of gardeners.

You have no right to shade the area of ​​your neighbors - a high fence should only be transparent, mesh or lattice.

A solid fence between sections is allowed to be erected only in the following cases:

  • if its height does not exceed 0.75 m
  • you have received written consent from your neighbors

How to choose a fence. Types of fences

There are many types of fences. You can choose any of them:

  • wooden picket fence: inexpensive fence that can last 7-10 years; decorated with cuts along the entire length of the planks or only along the top, covered with paint or stain for valuable wood species, it looks quite solid and soundly
  • fence - "wicker" of boards small thickness up to 20-25 mm
  • metal picket fence: painted in different colors, from a distance we can hardly distinguish it from wood, but its service life is longer
  • thick-walled polycarbonate: its translucent sheets transmit light well, such structures will be quite appropriate even in the vicinity of the beds
  • forged or welded metal: a more expensive massive and very durable structure; its aesthetic properties are also high; if you know how to work with welding, you can create a real work of art on your site
  • brick or concrete on a strip foundation
  • pole with spans from a chain-link mesh
  • braided from young flexible willow branches, hazel (considered the most suitable material for weaving), aspen, willow, etc.; you can also imitate the wattle fence using plastic PVC rods
  • in the form of a green fence: it looks very decorative, but it will take some time to grow it.

Pole installation options

Fence support mounting options

Metal support posts are immersed in the ground in several ways:

  • by driving into the ground
  • screwing into the ground: for this, screw metal piles are used, one end of which looks like large screws
  • by backing up: filling the gaps between the ground and the pillar with large rubble or stones
  • concreting: it can be either complete or partial, that is, part of the pile is driven into the ground, and its upper part is concreted.

Pits for backfilling or concreting are best prepared with a drill. In this case, the soil will crumble less, and the fence will be much stronger. It will be easier to drive piles into the ground if sharp metal stakes are pre-welded to their ends.

If the site is in a swampy area, and moisture has appeared at the bottom of the pit, put a bag of thick polyethylene into it (such bags are used for large debris). Pour the solution into it.

Does a fence need a foundation?

When building lightweight structures - fences made of picket fence, polycarbonate or mesh-netting - it is enough to use strong metal or wooden supports of sufficient thickness. They can be further strengthened by pouring concrete.

But heavy brick, forged or concrete structures require the obligatory construction of a strip foundation. Otherwise, in the event of temperature extremes or in the process of washing out with wastewater, a significant subsidence of the heavy fence is possible.

Strip foundation device

1 Initially, a trench is prepared with a width of 30-100 cm (this parameter depends on the type of fence) of the required depth.

2 A sand-gravel mixture is poured at its bottom, which is poured with water and carefully compacted.

3 After the formwork is installed in the trench, reinforcement is laid in it. It should not be too close to the edges of the pit - it is necessary to retreat 10 cm from the walls. The distance from the bottom of the trench is about 7 cm.

4 Metal supports are placed in the trench at a distance of 2-2.5 m.

5 For the preparation of the solution, cement with a strength of M200 and higher is used.

6 To remove air bubbles in concrete, it must be pierced with a shovel.

7 After pouring the sand-concrete mixture with the addition of crushed stone, the foundation must stand for at least a month. It is not recommended to start work earlier than this period in order to avoid loss of depravity.

The proportions of the mortar for the foundation depend on the grade of concrete. When using concrete M200 - 1: 2.5: 4.2. We give the proportions by volume of materials cement / sand / crushed stone. Please note that in some sources proportions may be given by weight. When using concrete M300, the proportions by volume will be different - 1.0: 1.7: 3.2.

Column foundation

Such a base is able to withstand the weight of not too heavy structures. It takes much less cement mortar for it, and it takes a minimum of time to create it - it is enough to prepare the required number of holes, install supports in them and fill the holes with concrete.

1 Pits up to 1.5 m deep are best prepared with a garden drill. In this case, the earth around it will crumble less, and the structure will turn out to be more stable.

2 At the bottom of each of the pits, a cushion of gravel or crushed stone of small thickness is poured - up to 20 cm.

3 A support is inserted into the hole prepared in the ground and leveled using a plumb line.

4 The space around the supports is filled with cement mortar. Ready-made concrete blocks, brick or stone can also serve as supports.

Heavy clay soil is difficult to drill. To make the process easier, pour water into shallow holes for a couple of hours. Drilling will become much easier.

Wooden picket fence

A fence is called strips of the same width, attached to transverse guides (lags or veins). In recent years, it has been made not only from wood, but also from metal. So, we will tell you how to make a fence in the country from a picket fence with your own hands.

Installation of supports

Before installing any type of fencing, the site is completely cleaned of turf and leveled. The roots of shrubs and trees are removed - as they germinate, they can damage the structure.

In the places where the supports are located, stakes are hammered. It is more convenient to make the distance between them equal to the length of the veins.... It is not necessary to do it more than 3 m - with a large distance between the supports, the structure will turn out to be fragile.

1 In the place of hammered pegs in the ground, pits are prepared to a depth of 1.0-1.3 m.

2 Gravel or sand is placed at the bottom of each pit. Layer thickness - 20 cm. Before compaction, sand is spilled with water for better pressing.

3 In order for the structure to last longer, it is better to pre-coat the tree with an antiseptic. The part of the supports that will be dug into the ground is covered with bitumen or burned over a fire. You can also additionally wrap their lower part with tar paper.

4 If not wood, but metal pipes will be used as supports, rust is completely removed from them with a metal brush, and then they are covered with a primer or frost-resistant paint.

5 To avoid corrosion, hollow metal pipes are closed at the top with plugs so that rain or snow does not enter them.

6 After installing the supports in the prepared pits, their location is verified with a plumb line.

7 The space between the beams and the ground is filled with concrete.

8 The rest of the work is carried out a week after the concrete has hardened sufficiently.

It is not strictly regulated and can be anything. A solid (deaf) fence of tightly adjoining strips is a good protection from the piercing wind and prying eyes. However, such a fence will not let in sunlight, which is bad for plants.

Scheme distance between shtaketin

With a sparse fence, the average distance between the pickets is equal to half the width of the plank... A minimum gap of 20 mm can be left between the pickets.

Combined filling is also used - the spans of the fence separating the street and the site are made solid. At the borders with neighboring areas, complete shading is prohibited, so the fence is made sparse here.

Fastening the picket

Installation of a picket fence on wooden supports

1 The standard dimensions of the picket fence are 150x2x5 cm. However, strips of other sizes are also used. The most resistant to decay are products made from larch, spruce or pine or aspen.

2 When making a decorative picket fence, cuts are prepared in it. The pattern can be any - with a rounded or pointed top cut. The cuts can also be located on the lateral sides of the planks.

3 The next stage is the treatment of wood with an antiseptic (you can take the alkyd Aquatex Grunt, KSD or any other drug with bioprotection). Before starting installation, the tree is thoroughly dried.

4 Veins (logs) made of wood or metal pipes are attached to the supports using metal corners and self-tapping screws. Short veins are connected to each other using special fasteners - lag connectors in the form of a U-shaped plate.

5 The lower vein is fixed at a distance of 20 cm from the ground, the upper one - 20 cm below the upper part of the support pillar.

6 Pickets can be positioned on the same level, or, by adjusting their length, mounted in the form of a wave. Attach them to self-tapping screws.

The fence is painted or stained after the installation is completed.

Fence in uneven terrain

If the height differences on the site are significant, and it is unrealistic to level them, the ideal option in this case is a concrete base, filled with ledges. Each of the spans can also be decorated with "steps", when each of them is attached to the supports just below the previous one.

In this way, even large slopes can be compensated for.

Sometimes they use a method in which the top of the fence has a single level, and the bottom is mounted from pickets of different heights. But such fences look less aesthetically pleasing.

Metal picket fence

A more modern version of a picket fence is a structure in which the tree is replaced by more durable and wear-resistant metal strips. Service life - up to 30 years.

Metal strips for a fence are often called a euro bar.

Their installation is quite simple and in many ways is similar to the installation of a classic wooden fence.

Let's consider in stages how to make a fence in the country from a metal picket fence:

1 First, as usual, the support pillars are mounted. The distance between them is 2.5 m.

2 Due to the small gaps between the fences, the fence will suffer less from wind and wind, therefore the requirements for the support posts are less stringent. They use metal pipes. It is desirable to choose their cross-section equal to 60x60 mm. Wall thickness 2-4 mm.

3 Metal pipes, as described in the previous paragraph, are concreted into the ground, be sure to check their vertical position using a level. The optimal well depth for such supports is 1.1-1.5 m.

4 The metal picket fence goes well with concrete or brick supports. In this case, the structure will not only look presentable, but also last longer. You can arrange the planks both horizontally and vertically (see photo).

5 For lag cross-members, it is necessary to purchase thin pipes 40x20 mm. They can be welded to the supports or screwed with self-tapping screws. For one log, you will need 4 self-tapping screws for metal (a pair on both sides).

6 When attaching the lag, it is necessary to retreat 50 cm from the top and bottom of the supports. The distance from the bottom is slightly less and is 30 cm.

7 Metal veins are attached to concrete or brick posts using special brackets and dowels.

8 The picket fence is attached to the rungs with 4 self-tapping screws (two in each lag) also on the brackets. The distance between the metal strips is 2-10 cm. The optimal length of the picket fences is 1.8 m. Although the industry also produces 1.5- and 2-meter strips.

9 To create a completely blind fencing, the euro shtaketnik is attached on both sides with a step of 8 cm, alternating them every other. With an average width of metal strips of 11.8, the fence is completely solid.

Such a fence is solid, so it can only be used to enclose a garden plot from the side of the road. It is inexpensive, but it looks quite presentable.

One of the options for fencing made of corrugated board

Plus, the corrugated board has a considerable service life - up to 20-30 years. Manufacturers claim that when coated with polyester, this period is even longer and is 50 years.

We will describe how to make a fence at a summer cottage from corrugated board:

1 The supports for it must be strong enough: the resistance to wind load in solid metal sheets is insufficient. Usually, standard pipes 40x40x2 mm are used, which are deepened into the ground by 30-40% of their length.

2 You can also buy ready-made metal supports with “heels” welded on the bottom. Above, special metal plates with holes for fixing the lag are welded. On the top, metal supports are equipped with plugs to protect against moisture.

3 Stronger concrete and brick pillars can also serve as supports.

4 The height of the fence depends on the width or length of the sheet (sheets can be fixed in length as well).

5 It is better to use square pipes 40x20x20 mm as a lag. Metal corners are less durable and cannot provide sufficient resistance to wind load.

6 Too thin corrugated board should not be used - it has a high windage, and the sheets will bend over time. The optimum thickness is 0.45 mm.

You will not need to deeply bury the foundation for the fence - 30-40 cm is enough. Its width is selected depending on the size of the support posts and the type of fence. When preparing the pit, it is necessary to make an allowance of 10-15 cm for the height of the sand and gravel cushion, which will help protect against moisture and freezing.

Polycarbonate fence

Unlike corrugated fences, cellular polycarbonate is capable of absorbing noise and dampening sounds. On an area with a fence made of this material, you will be guaranteed a quiet and peaceful environment.

Translucent polycarbonate is also good because it is capable of transmitting light, and a fence made of it will not shade plants

With the help of it, you can completely hide the territory of the garden area from prying eyes - thanks to the honeycomb structure, it combines the advantages of translucent and deaf materials.

Polycarbonate is light enough, easy to cut and with the help of it you can erect buildings of the most unusual shape. It looks great in combination with metal forged elements.

Polycarbonate fence in stages

If thin-walled polycarbonate is used in the construction of greenhouses, then for the construction of the fence it is necessary to purchase sheets of the maximum thickness - they are usually used in the construction of sheds or roofs of pavilions.

So, here's how to build a polycarbonate fence:

2 It is better to fix polycarbonate sheets on transverse veins, as is the case with profiled metal sheets, and weld metal frames for them and fix the sheets on them around the entire perimeter.

3 If the height of the fence exceeds 1.5 m, polycarbonate sheets are additionally fixed in the center of the canvas.

Mesh-netting for fences

The metal mesh will easily let the sun's rays into the area, and even close to the fence it will be possible to plant any types of plants. The service life of a thick wire fence installed on metal supports is up to 30 years. In case of sagging, the mesh can be easily pulled up, giving the structure its original appearance.

Chain-link fence. The main stages of work

1 It is undesirable to use ordinary non-galvanized mesh-netting. Its service life is short - up to 3-4 years. It will start to rust immediately after the first rain. It is better to use a chain-link protected from moisture, galvanized or plasticized with colored polymers. And such material looks more attractive.

2 On sale there are pipes of standard cross-section 60x60 mm with hooks welded to them, designed specifically for fastening the mesh-netting.

3 When using conventional pipes, it can be secured with steel wire or hooks welded to the supports yourself. On each pillar, there should be at least three of them on each side: above, below and in the center. It is attached to wooden supports with nails of a suitable size, wire or staples.

Tensioning the mesh

1 To tension the mesh, the roll is placed vertically next to the corner support post and firmly attached to it using wire, hooks, pipe clamps or welding. It is better to place a non-galvanized chain-link at a short distance from the ground so that it does not quickly rust. An indent of 5-10 cm is enough.

2 All sharp edges of the mesh must be bent - after all, such a wire will easily injure you.

3 Unwind the roll to the next support. We stretch the mesh well and attach it to the post. We begin to move to the next pillar, etc.

Wicker fences

Finally, let's talk about another colorful type of decorative fences created by weaving young flexible shoots. In principle, it can even be made from birch branches.

Still, willow, hazel, aspen, and also grapevine are considered the best material for weaving. A more modern option is weaving from peeled veneer or thin board.

Harvesting branches

For weaving, it is advisable to use freshly cut branches of trees and shrubs with a diameter of 2-3 cm. It is desirable that they are more or less equal in size. If they were collected long before the start of work, the lashes must be soaked for a couple of days in warm water. In this case, they will be more pliable and less brittle.

The branches must first be cleaned of bark. To do this, you need to acquire a special tool - a pinch breaker. It can be made from a log with nails driven in and unbent at the ends. The classic pinch is a piece of sturdy wood with a hole in the center for the branches to be inserted into.

Even grandchildren can be involved in this activity.

1 Not only wooden posts, but also metal pipes can be used as supports. They are placed quite often at a distance of 1-1.2 m.

2 Between the main supports, intermediate posts are placed every 40 cm, which will be used for weaving.

3 At the corners of the fence, another pair of pillars is added, on which the ends of the rods will be fixed.

4 Thin lashes, for example, of a vineyard, are woven together in bunches. Thick branches are used individually.

There are many weaves. To begin with, it is better to practice on the simplest of them, a checkerboard, in which the branches go around 1-2 support pillars.

6 Every 7-8 passes, the branches are fastened together with wire. It can also go through the entire span from pillar to pillar.

7 The ends of the branches are hidden from the inside of the fence.

8 For the bottom rows, pick the thickest branches. They are attached to the posts with self-tapping screws.

9 To seal the fence, every 3-4 rows of branches are tapped with a rubber hammer (mallet).

10 A small fence to enclose individual areas, such as flower beds, can be secured to supports made of small pointed stakes. To prevent decay, they are treated with bitumen, machine oil and inserted into plastic tubes.

To prevent the wattle from rotting too quickly, dig a drainage ditch along it to drain water and fill it with stones and rubble.

Today, a person who has decided to build a house on his own must be prepared for significant costs. Most of the money is most often spent on the foundation and laying the walls, but in most cases you have to spend significantly on things that at first glance seem not obvious. It's about the fence.

The sensible future home owner is determined to save on such details. In addition, this is a completely justified and feasible solution.

A key way to keep your fence costs down is to do it yourself. Do not underestimate the importance of this process, since a fence is not only a decorative structure that hides the area from prying eyes, but also a protective fence designed to prevent suspicious persons from entering the site.

In other words, the structure must be reliable, durable and aesthetic. Only under such conditions will it satisfy all the requirements imposed on it. In our case, simplicity of installation should also be added to the list to the conditions.

Materials for building a fence

There are several basic materials that allow you to build an inexpensive and functional structure:

  • wood;
  • Rabitz;
  • corrugated board;
  • plastic.

The main limitation in the construction technology and the combination of materials is financial costs. First you need to choose the material that will become the basis for the fence, then find a suitable economical construction technology, and then make the basic calculations.

Wooden fence: pros and cons

Modern hardware stores offer a large number of wood options suitable for building a reliable structure. This material has some advantages over others, which makes it almost the most popular product.

Advantages of wooden structures:


Materials for installing a wooden fence

For the construction of a standard fence made of wood, you will need materials such as: picket fence, transverse boards, support posts, pegs, ropes, cement, sand, a shovel, a saw, fasteners, a special agent against wood decay.

It is best if the entire set of tools is collected in one place within reach for easy access to components.

Construction of a wooden fence

Stage 1. We mark the place for the structure, determine the location of the gate. We use pegs and rope. The distance between the posts is 2 meters. This is how the stability of the structure to external influences is ensured.

Stage 2. Take a shovel and dig holes for the support pillars.

Stage 3. We immerse the pillars in the ground for about one fourth of their length.

Stage 4. We put spacers to secure the posts and fill the pit with cement mixed with sand.

Stage 5. We drive in transverse boards.

Stage 6. Vertically fix the picket fence on the transverse boards.

Stage 7. Paint the finished fence in the selected color.

This completes the construction of a wooden fence. This is a relatively simple fence option that is usually installed as a temporary option.

Mesh fencing is considered the most economical option available today. Among the advantages of such fences, it should be noted:

Clarifying the last point, it should be noted that installation will require tools that are easy to find in every home. In addition, modern stores offer a wide range of nets in a wide variety of colors and sizes, which allows you to move away from the banal appearance of the fence.

Materials for building a fence:

For those who stick to more original solutions, there are vinyl coverings, but they have a tendency to lose color over time.

Erection of a fence from a chain-link mesh

Step 1. We carry out the markup.

Step 2. Digging holes for the support pillars.

Step 3. Place the pipes in the holes.

Mesh fence - chain-link

Step 4. Fill the pits with pre-prepared concrete mortar. In some cases, builders simply drive the pipes into the ground with a sledgehammer. This is possible provided the soil is sufficiently soft.

Step 5. Begin to fix the mesh. We fasten the beginning of the roll at the first pipe, which acts as the beginning of the future fence.

Step 6. Stretch the mesh around the rest of the supports, gradually securing it. It is important to ensure that the mesh does not sag, otherwise all work will be useless.

Stages of work in the sectional construction of the fence

Step 1. Laying the foundation.

Step 2. Construct the tensioning frame from metal corners.

Step 3. We fix the corners between the supports.

Step 4. We fix the mesh inside the corners by welding.

Mesh fences are very easy to erect without the help of specialists, which allows you to significantly save money and try your hand.

Fences made of corrugated board

This type of fence can deservedly be called the most common. Most often it is used for fencing summer cottages and private houses. To erect such a fence, you will need a welding machine and a little patience. In general, the installation technology is very simple, which can be attributed to the advantages of the design.

Modern construction markets offer corrugated board in various colors and sizes, so buyers should not be limited in their imaginations.

As additional components, you should purchase anti-corrosion paint, support structures, logs, shovels, self-tapping screws, and also make a cement mortar.

Installation of a fence made of corrugated board

Step 1. We carry out the markup for the future fence. It is important that the distance between adjacent supports does not exceed two and a half meters. Pegs and twine are used as auxiliary elements.

Step 2. We make indentations in the established places. In the future, support elements will be inserted into these holes. This task can be accomplished using a special drill, or simply dig a hole with a shovel. The depth of the pit is standardly one hundred and thirty centimeters.

Step 3. Install support pillars in the corners of the territory, and then around the entire perimeter.

Step 4. We strengthen the base of the pillars with cement.

Step 5. Install the logs, which are necessary for the further attachment of the corrugated board.

Step 6. We attach the sheets to the joists using self-tapping screws.

Step 7. We paint the metal elements with enamel. In some cases, a primer is used.

In the end, the fence turns out to be quite pleasant in terms of aesthetic characteristics, as well as durable and reliable. It looks much more solid than a fence made of wood or a chain-link mesh, and therefore can be regarded as a full-fledged fence.

Plastic fence

Plastic deservedly bears the title of one of the most affordable materials for the construction of a fence. This is a real salvation for summer residents who do not want to build expensive structures on their sites.

The positive aspects of such fences are as follows:

  • strength;
  • durability;
  • ease of installation;
  • low cost;
  • nice appearance.

Installing a plastic fence

Stage 1. We carry out markings on the territory where it is planned to erect the fence.

Stage 2. We mark the places where the gate and the gate will be.

Stage 3. In the established places we drive the support pillars into the ground.

Stage 4. At the corners we fix piles made of durable metal.

Stage 5. We stretch the piles along the perimeter of the site.

Stage 6. We fix the pillars with spacers.

Stage 7. We attach the sections between the supports.

Thus, as a result of simple machinations, a beautiful and functional fence is obtained, which in its external qualities, although it cannot compete with structures made of decorative stone or forged elements, fully satisfies the owners of the territory.

This article covered the simplest ways to build fences, the choice of which is due only to your preferences. Now you can build a cheap fence with your own hands.

Video - Construction of a wooden fence

Video - Building a fence from a mesh

Video - Installation of a fence made of corrugated board

Video - Installing a plastic fence

A summer cottage is not only a great place for family recreation and self-expression in the cultivation of useful cultivated plants. This is the same house, only it is used, as a rule, temporarily. Although, it is not uncommon for a summer residence to be used for permanent housing. And this means that important importance must be attached to the fence of the site. Firstly, it should hide to some extent private life from prying eyes, and secondly, ensure the safety of property. What to build a summer cottage fence from? Is it possible to do it on our own and how exactly - all these points will be considered below.

Fences for a summer residence

The fence in this case is a real attraction, especially since when using any non-standard building materials, you can show a lot of imagination and supplement the building with any elements you like: flowerpots with plants, stained-glass windows, various decorative elements. Such building options, as a rule, cannot be found on the Internet, they are embodied according to the ideas that came to mind.

However, if we think technically, then the following types of fences are the main acceptable and more or less popular:

  • Wooden,
  • Metallic,
  • Slate,
  • Brick

In this article, let's look at the main options in order to understand which would be the ideal choice in your particular case.

Wooden fence

Probably the most popular material for many years. Today he is not going to give up his positions and occupies a leading place among the possible products for the manufacture of fences. This is especially true in summer cottages, since wood is not so expensive, but at the same time beautiful and durable enough, with proper installation and maintenance, of course.

The fact is that there are a huge number of options for wooden fences, as well as wood materials for their manufacture. There is a difference between wood and wood - not only the final appearance of the fence will depend on what kind of wood you have, but also the technology of its manufacture and service time. First of all, wooden fences are good because you can easily install them yourself.

Log palisade fence

For the manufacture of a log palisade, wooden logs are used - this is not only an ancient-looking design, but also a reinforced structure, which has significant protective properties. It is preferable to choose logs that are even, the same, the optimal thickness is from about fifteen to twenty centimeters.

The technology for making a stockade is quite simple, but painstaking. The main task here is to protect that part of the logs that will be in the ground - after all, the tree is very susceptible to destruction in conditions of high humidity. Therefore, having trimmed the logs to the desired size - keep in mind that a third of the log will be in the ground - be sure to treat this part with hot tar. Such a simple precaution will allow the picket fence to last for more than a dozen years. The fence will look more beautiful if the bark is removed from the logs before installation and treated with a special primer.

Under the picket fence, it will be correct to lay a strip foundation, this will prevent its subsidence and premature destruction. During the construction of such a fence, do not forget to set the logs according to the level - then the finished fence will delight the eye with its even appearance. As a rule, the palisade is mounted in a specially dug trench, on a foundation or a cushion of gravel - setting the logs and carefully filling their base with earth.

The above-ground part of such a fence would be best covered with wood stain and drying oil - to avoid cracking and damage to the wood from weather conditions. It is not uncommon for a strong foundation to be made under the palisade - it prevents moisture from entering the fence and additionally has a decorative function.

A fence for a summer residence from a vertical picket fence

The most common type of wooden fence. Picket fences were installed many centuries ago, they are relevant to this day. It's simple, beautiful, budget-friendly and convenient.

The installation of a picket fence involves the manufacture of a frame for it. For this, it is most convenient to use a metal strip or pipe. The frame is welded at the level, and its base is concreted in the ground. For a set of pickets on the frame, you can use wooden poles - this will save money, since they are much cheaper than metal ones. The poles should be parallel to the landscape and perpendicular to the metal supports firmly embedded in the ground.

But in installing a picket fence, the flight of imagination is not limited - just one continuous canvas, sections, in pairs, "herringbone", there are many options already invented, and also, no one will bother you to create your own individual design.

A picket fence is a universal type of fence; it can be used for almost any site. By playing with its finishes, you can get completely different styles. For a strict classical building, a monochromatic fence of not bright colors is suitable.

If at the dacha there is a small house immersed in greenery, a rare picket fence painted in white or another light shade will look great. A high, two-story building, large-sized plot - they require a high fence, the pickets can be opened with varnish, and climbing plants can be planted under the fence. If the owners prefer to completely hide their yard from prying eyes, a high, dense picket fence will become a good fence - it can be covered with a stain or paint of a suitable shade.

Horizontal picket fence

This is, as a rule, a low structure, the principle of which is: long poles attached to posts dug into the ground. The posts are located at the same distance from each other - depending on the length of the poles. It is also necessary to build a structure clearly in terms of level - this is the main condition for obtaining an even and beautiful fence.

The processing of materials for such a picket fence is completely identical to the previous version of the fence. It can be paint, drying oil, stain or varnish, or it can be a combination of these ingredients.

Wicker wood fence

We can say that this is one of the varieties of the horizontal picket fence, since the poles are also located horizontally in it.

Weaving wattle fence is not particularly difficult, but it requires perseverance. The exact technique of execution can be found online or performed at your discretion, acting purely intuitively.

Of course, the wattle fence does not have any protective qualities as such, it is, rather, a decorative type of fence - it can be used to decorate a garden plot or perform a zonal division of a summer cottage area. This type of fence is not particularly durable, although it is possible to extend its life for several five years, for this you need to remove the bark from the poles and treat them with a special agent that protects the wood from pests, dampness and temperature extremes.

Wooden lattice fence

Openwork and outwardly very attractive in its lightness, structure. Such a fence consists of flat wooden slats that intersect with each other. These planks are stuffed onto the base - a frame made of wooden beams. The lattice can be thick or large, at different angles, it all depends on the desire of the performer.

A similar plan of fencing is convenient both for facade and for internal delimitation of the site, often the same grilles are used for arranging gazebos or recreation areas. They can be painted, treated with wood stain or colored varnish.

Metal fence for summer cottages

Metal materials for the construction of a summer cottage fence are also not uncommon. It is durable and resistant to weather conditions - frost, precipitation, material. Of metal products, for fences in this case, only a few options are relevant:

Fence from a metal mesh "chain-link"

With its help, you will get the simplest, visually unpretentious fence. It is not very suitable for the facade, especially if the cottage is in a busy place, since the grid itself does not hide anything on the site from prying eyes. It is completely transparent.

Climbing plants planted near the fence can save the situation a little, but this is an option only for the summer season and will come in handy if only the dacha is used seasonally.

It is most reliable to fix the mesh on specially welded frames. Frames can be made of metal corner or strip. A mesh is attached to each such section, and then each section to the supports previously concreted into the ground. In more primitive versions, you can do without frames - just fix the mesh directly on the supports - it is best to use a metal pipe with them. But such a fence will not be as strong and stable as the first option.

The advantage of a metal mesh is its corrosion resistance to precipitation, provided, of course, that it is simply made of ferrous metal, and additionally processed, for example, galvanized.

Such a fence, due to its ability for unhindered air circulation, is perfect for a garden or vegetable garden - where air flows are important, and there is especially nothing to hide from outsiders.

In installing a fence from a chain-link, it is important to set the support pillars as evenly as possible - this must be done according to the level and thoroughly fixed - for this they need to be concreted, pouring a sand-cement mixture, with the addition of gravel.

The second important point: when pulling the mesh onto the frame, you need to avoid the slightest distortions, otherwise the mesh forms a "sail", which will ruin the entire appearance of the finished fence. Galvanized mesh does not need processing, therefore, only frames and supports need to be primed and painted.

Fence from a professional sheet

Fences from have been popular for several decades due to their strength characteristics, low cost and aesthetic appearance. A country fence made of a profiled sheet is beautiful and for a long time.

What is needed for this? Actually, the profiled sheet itself - it comes in several standard sizes, the width and height vary and it is convenient to choose the required dimensions. As for the appearance, there is also where to roam: corrugated board can be both galvanized and painted, and even if there are not so many shades of it, nevertheless, there is something to choose from.

It is not difficult to install a fence from a profiled sheet, a foundation is not required for it, just support pillars, firmly concreted into the ground, are enough. Metal pipes are also excellent supports. Before attaching a fence to them, they must be opened with a primer and painted to avoid the appearance of rust under the influence of precipitation. Horizontal logs are attached to the ready-made supports - they can be from a wooden bar (it also needs to be opened with a protective agent), and even better, from a metal strip or corner.

The metal sheets can now be installed. The profiled sheet is made of thin metal, 2-5 mm thick, therefore, this material is lightweight and easy to attach - to special self-tapping screws, note that if your profiled flooring is colored, then you need to take the same colored self-tapping screws under it - then they will not stand out on finished fence.

It is necessary to install the profiled sheet not end-to-end, but overlap each other - each next sheet should go at least one gyrus to the previous one. Only in this case, the fence will be durable and beautiful - the sheets end-to-end, will disperse over time, even from gusts of strong wind.

This material is also successful in that it can be combined in an excellent way with other building materials. For example, a rather popular combination: brickwork is the basis of the fence, in each section of which a colored sheet of corrugated board is attached.

Or an equally common option: profiled sheet with elements of curly forging or stamping. You can also come up with a lot of your own, completely exclusive variations with a professional sheet, since it is easily attached and fits almost everything.

There is no need to process the profiled sheet, no matter what it is - painted or galvanized. It is absolutely resistant to moisture, low and high temperatures. Its only drawback is that a colored profiled sheet can change its color if it is in direct sunlight for a long time. But this is not particularly critical, since in this case, the color will change the entire fence.

Metal picket fence

The picket fence is a very popular design for fencing, including for summer cottages, which, thanks to modern technologies, has made it possible to make metal pickets. It is the perfect combination of excellent durability and classic design. The metal picket fence is simultaneously resistant to aggressive weather conditions, and at the same time - a light, well-ventilated and beautiful fence.

On sale, this type of material is presented in two versions: it can be bought in the form of ready-made sections or disassembled. The finished sections consist of a set of pickets on the base, they just need to be fixed on the supports, and the fence is ready. But in disassembled form, you will separately acquire the pickets themselves, fasteners, guides. The metal picket fence is not picky in assembly, it is quite easy to mount it yourself, and if you decide to buy ready-made sections, the installation will take a minimum of time and effort.

The pickets visually bear some resemblance to a solid sheet of corrugated board - it is attached to the profiled edges of the planks. This also gives them rigidity - the structure as a whole will turn out to be strong, despite the presence of gaps between the pickets.

Nevertheless, a picket fence can be completely closed, this is possible in the case of a double covering - when pickets are attached on both sides of the transverse guides - of course, such a fence will cost much more, but it will not allow prying eyes to penetrate beyond the fence.

A picket made of metal can be the same as corrugated board, galvanized or colored, depending on the preferences of the buyer and the general design of the suburban area. The outer surface of the picket fence is protected by a special film, which must be removed after installation on site.

Despite the growing popularity of a metal picket fence, it is not an expensive and easy-to-install type of fence; it is perfect for fencing a summer cottage, in whatever area it is - both for the city and for the village.

Slate fence for summer cottages

Although this is a roofing material, it is very often used for fencing, and for a summer cottage such a fence is just right. Firstly, because of its low cost - if we are not talking about new slate, and secondly, because such a fence is reliable in terms of protection from outsiders.

For the construction of a fence, it is better to take a slate not wavy, but smooth - in this case, it is more convenient to fix it, and it looks much more aesthetically pleasing. It is mounted on frames specially welded for it from a metal corner.

The slate, of course, is convenient in that it is not afraid of any weather disasters - neither rain, nor heat, nor frost can spoil its appearance. But on the other hand, as a material with a different main purpose, slate is rather fragile and cannot withstand serious mechanical stress - it is easy to split.

Concrete fence

Popular for being durable and good looking. On sale it is presented in the form of ready-made sections, standard sizes - they can be solid or openwork - it all depends on the wishes of the buyer. Both solid and openwork sections can have different designs for stone, brick, in the form of flowers, various ornaments and the like. As a rule, usually two or three solid sections are selected, and on top - one openwork - it makes the structure visually light and beautiful.

Custom-made concrete sections are also very common. Almost any design can be made according to your sketch. Concrete fences are made by casting. In this case, a cement mortar is used, which is filled with pre-made forms. To give the finished section greater strength, before pouring liquid concrete into the mold, it is laid with reinforcement of medium diameter, this gives the installed fence additional rigidity and impact resistance.

The installation of concrete sections is carried out using specially made profiled concrete pillars, or ordinary metal pillars or pipes are used - but in this case, the appearance is not as harmonious as in the first version. The sections are horizontally fastened with cement mortar.

The main advantages of concrete fences are:

  1. Strength,
  2. Resistant to weather conditions, they are not afraid of moisture, high or low temperatures, and so on,
  3. The fence does not need maintenance. If desired, it can be painted, but by doing it correctly, the painting procedure can be carried out quite rarely.

A disadvantage, perhaps, is the fact that concrete fences are not so easy to install, often, due to their large weight, it may even be necessary to use special equipment.

The main requirement for the construction of a concrete fence is the construction of a high-quality foundation. In another way, concrete sections simply cannot be installed. The foundation must be built strictly according to the level and be perfectly leveled - otherwise, the fence will inevitably collapse and prematurely collapse.

If we talk about more massive concrete fences - monoliths, then they, of course, are even more durable and reliable, but their main drawback with a large weight is their external unattractiveness. Such a fence is more suitable for industrial fencing than for a summer cottage.

This is a fence that can turn your home into a real fortress! - it is not only a spectacular appearance, but also strength, reliability, confidence. The saying “like behind a stone wall” is also relevant in life.

Various types of natural stone are used for the construction of fences:

  1. Booth. Stone quarried from rocks. In nature, there are several of its varieties, which are outwardly different from each other.
  2. Cobblestone. Also natural stone, however, of a relatively low cost. The cobblestone looks rustic due to its gray color, but the fence made of it is quite durable.
  3. Dolomite. It is mined by exploding rocks - a beautiful flat stone.
  4. Limestone. The shell rock is a rather soft type of stone. Its durability is not so great, because this stone absorbs moisture like a sponge, which contributes to its gradual destruction. There are special materials on the market for covering shell and limestone, they protect the stone from external factors.
  5. Sandstone. A popular stone for construction and finishing work, in particular for the construction of fences. Sometimes it is natural and hewn. Durable and frost-resistant in terms of properties.
  6. Granite. Natural stone with the highest durability. Granite structures can serve hundreds of years without changing their appearance.

Making a stone fence is not particularly problematic. Its main disadvantage is the cost of the material itself. For such a heavy structure, of course, a solid foundation is required. Completed according to the level, he will be able to serve for a long time.

Stone fences are durable and beautiful, and despite their cost, these fences are worth taking care of.

Brick fence

Stable, beautiful and, one might say, the classic version of the fence. This design is suitable for a country house and for a summer residence. Modern building stores offer bricks in a wide variety of modifications and shades. It can make your fence personal and unique.

A brick fence is also installed on a solid foundation, this is a prerequisite for such a heavy structure. The foundation is best poured with concrete, in which supports for the future fence have already been installed. It is best to use round or square metal pipes as supports.

The fence is laid with a cement-sand mixture. For her, it is desirable to use high-quality cement, grade 400M and sifted river sand.

Brick fences are good because they combine perfectly with other building materials. For example, brickwork does not have to be monolithic, but can be decorated with inserts from forged gratings, colored corrugated board or stone section.

Brick, although not a natural stone, is known for its properties as a durable building material, it is resistant to precipitation, temperature extremes, and with high-quality performance, it will last for many years.

Non-standard solutions for finishing fences for summer cottages

For those who want to draw outside attention to their summer cottage, unusual options for fencing it are suitable. No matter how beautiful a wooden fence is, much more attention will be paid to a fence made of plastic bottles.

These decisions, as a rule, are the fruit of the imagination of the homeowners and are carried out by them themselves, with their own hands. But, if you wish, if there are no suitable ideas, you can find them on the Internet. For the manufacture of fences, you can use, at times, completely unthinkable materials. In particular, old car ramps, hedges, mirror panels, various types of weaving.

A separate type of unusual fences are gabions - these are fences made of natural stone, laid in special sections, a kind of mesh.

Unusual fences - often not made entirely of building materials, but various types of material processing, originality, brightness - make them more interesting than the highest quality standard fence.

The choice of a fence for a summer residence is a responsible and interesting occupation, it is best to do it with professionals in the construction business, who can prompt and advise, take into account important nuances. When planning the construction of a fence, remember that this structure is installed for more than one year and must be strong, beautiful and durable. And also it is imperative to complement the general style of the country house, to protect it and please its owners with its appearance.