External putty. Ready-made facade putty for outdoor use

Choosing wall painting as a facade finish, they must be properly prepared for decorative coating. What material to choose for this?
Best of all, cement cerisite putty for outdoor use in the form of a dry mix or a ready-made composition on a polymer basis. What are their advantages?

The first rule when choosing a suitable composition: there must be a mark on its packaging indicating the area of ​​application. In our case, the front putty is necessary (see Facade putty - features of choice and use). Not just moisture or frost resistant, but specifically intended for external use.
No gypsum-based mixture is uniquely suitable, since gypsum absorbs moisture very well, and the coating from it will not last long.

Composition and purpose

But external wall putty is also different, both in composition and in purpose. With regard to composition, the choice is limited to mixtures based on cement or polymer resins, i. E. those substances that have high strength after drying and perfectly resist the most adverse weather conditions.
The difference between the two is as follows:

  • Polymer putties are produced ready-made, their price is higher, but it is also easier to work with them.

  • And cement must be prepared immediately before application, stirring with water and independently determining the optimal consistency.

Which one to choose is up to you. It depends both on financial capabilities and on the availability of experience in puttying. The ready-made mixture is, of course, more convenient.
Also, the facade putty, regardless of the composition, is starting and finishing:

  • The starting one has a coarser, coarser-grained structure and is used for the initial, rough leveling of surfaces. Differs in high adhesion to concrete, lime, brick and other mineral substrates.
    It fills well seams in masonry, deep cracks, chips and other irregularities. The layer thickness can vary from a few millimeters to several centimeters.

Note. It is better to apply several thin coats than one thick one - the quality will be higher. In addition, without being a specialist and for the first time doing such work with your own hands, it is quite difficult to maintain the same coating thickness over the entire area the first time.

  • Finishing putty for outdoor use has a fine-grained structure and is intended for the final leveling of the surface, making it smooth. Although there are special decorative mixtures with additions of coarse quartz sand or marble chips to give the facades a relief texture.

What properties should the material have?

Putty outside the house is intended not only to give it a neat and aesthetic appearance, but also to protect the walls from all the influences to which they will be exposed during the entire period of operation.
These are primarily natural phenomena: rain, snow, high air humidity, sun rays, frosts, sudden temperature changes, etc. In addition, the façade is subjected to greater mechanical stress than the interior walls.
Do not forget about maintaining a healthy microclimate in the house, which largely depends on the exterior wall decoration.
Based on this, we can conclude that the facade putty should have the following properties:

  • Water resistance;
  • Frost resistance;
  • Vapor permeability;
  • Strength;
  • Elasticity and low shrinkage so that cracks do not form;
  • Environmentally friendly.

It is especially important that the finishing putty of the outer walls has these properties, since the main load falls on it.

Application features

It is hardly necessary to describe in detail the process of facades plastering - the technology is no different from a similar interior wall decoration.
Let's just recall the main points and recommendations that any instruction on the use of these materials contains:

  • The base before the putty must be cleaned of unstable old coating, masonry mortar slugs, dirt, traces of oil;
  • Under each layer of mortar, a deep penetration primer must be applied to increase adhesion;
  • You can work only when the air temperature is not lower than + 5-10 degrees and humidity is not higher than 75-80%;

It is important! Strong heat above 25 degrees is also not the best time for finishing: the putty dries too quickly, which can lead to cracking. With a high degree of probability, this will happen if you apply it on walls heated by the sun.

  • It is necessary to adhere to the layer thickness recommended by the manufacturer, do not exceed it;
  • The putty must not be mixed with other building mixtures;
  • Until the finished surface gains strength and hardens, it must be protected from sunlight and rain by covering it with a film.


Facade plaster is used for finishing walls, window and door slopes. It is often used for leveling bases in rooms with high humidity.
The most common way of decorative finishing with putty is painting with facade paints. It is often combined with natural or artificial stone cladding of individual elements and corners of buildings.
The video in this article will tell you more about this material and its applications.

Both new and old houses require exterior decoration, and today the wet method of facade decoration is increasingly used. In order to level the walls, close up the joints between the slabs or bricks, and then apply the finishing decor with plaster or tiles, use a facade putty. The article will tell you about the types of this finishing material and the technology of working with it.

Aligning walls is one of the most time consuming and important processes in facade decoration. Without it, many other work on the design of the external appearance of the house becomes simply impossible. For example, plastering of a surface can only be done on perfectly flat walls, and laying and gluing insulation on an unprepared base is impossible.

The words putty or putty come from the German word "Spachtel" - a spatula, the use of both is quite acceptable, so in the further narration you can meet both. In addition to leveling, the putty performs another important function - sealing potholes and cracks in the wall. It was originally used for just that.

Brick wall alignment

Requirements for facade filler material

Based on the purpose of the facade putty, a number of requirements are imposed on it, which must be taken into account when purchasing.

  • Plastic. This property is characteristic of a quality solution. If the material does not possess it, then there is a serious risk of cracking of the coating and its destruction from atmospheric vibrations.
  • Water vapor permeability. The most important property of all types of facade finishing materials should also be in the putty. If it is absent, then fumes will accumulate under the leveling layer and destroy it from the inside.
  • Moisture resistance. The ability to repel atmospheric moisture and not let it pass inside protects not only the putty itself, but also the facade of the house. Water can remain in the pores, and when it freezes, expand it and destroy it.
  • Frost resistance. Cracking from frost or seasonal temperature differences can also befall the main wall covering, therefore frost resistance is a very important quality for a putty mortar.

Materials and tools for puttying

Classification of putties by purpose

All putties for facade work are divided into two types: starting and finishing. Usually both are required. Before buying, ask about the purpose and type of material, so as not to buy unnecessary ones. In addition, you need to decide which putty you need more and in what quantity.


The structure of this composition should be coarse-grained and have increased strength and high adhesiveness. It smooths out the main unevenness of the wall, repairs structural cracks and potholes in the facade that require repair. It is often used to eliminate unevenness in masonry or defects in concrete walls. The composition can be applied in a rather thick layer - up to 4 mm. For strength, particles of marble dust and lime are often added to the starting mixture. They give it the necessary elasticity and adhesion to the building surface. Most often, cement compositions are used for the starting layer, and polymer binders give elasticity to the putty.

Attention! When purchasing a starter putty mixture, make sure that it is intended for facades. It is unacceptable to use compounds for internal works for external walls.

Starter putty


The final putty coat must be plastic, smooth, waterproof, have good adhesion and strength. Most often, a mixture based on acrylic or silicate binders is used - they are more consistent with the goal of creating a smooth and uniform layer. Finishing putty is used to level the surface, and therefore the particles of which it consists must be small.

The finely dispersed structure allows you to create a perfectly flat base for the future decorative coating. Experienced finishers recommend applying the finishing filler in several steps with a layer of about 3 mm. Do not use for leveling coat mixtures that are difficult to mix with colors. If in the future you are going to finish the walls with decorative plaster or paint, then it is better to tint the finishing putty in the appropriate shade, otherwise it may shine through the main finish.

Types of front fillers on the basis

The building materials market offers a wide range of putty compounds. Manufacturers, prices, mix types can confuse any inexperienced finisher. Let's try to understand the main types.

Reinforcing mesh under cement


Such fillers are considered the best for applying a starter coat, for sealing cracks and potholes in the wall. Cement-based mixtures usually consist of cement, lime flour with fractions from 0.2 mm, quartz sand and marble dust. To improve the characteristics, chemical additives are added to it. The surface covered with the cement-based starter filler looks perfectly flat, but rather rough due to the coarse-grained structure of the material. The finishing cement putty has a fine dispersion structure and comes in several colors: gray, beige and yellow. White cement putty is practically not found now. Since its bleaching requires expensive formulations, which increase the cost of the finished mixture. It is available in the form of powders and ready-made mixtures in buckets. There are also disadvantages to a liquid material.

  • Severe shrinkage of the dried mixture must be taken into account when filling cracks.
  • If the liquid cement composition is applied in a thick layer, then the probability of cracking is very high.

In order to prevent the destruction of the cement coating, a reinforcing mesh is applied during operation.

The advantages of cement compositions cover their minor disadvantages.

  • Ease of use allows even an inexperienced finisher to work with it.
  • Cement is a durable material and guarantees high frost resistance, density and weather resistance.
  • It has an affordable price, and therefore is very suitable for processing large surfaces, which is typical for building facades.

Important! Never mix cement putty with varnishes, paints and adhesives, so that it does not lose its properties.

Cement Finish Grit

When purchasing cementitious mortars, pay attention to the cement grade, compressive strength and adhesion level.


Plastering with gypsum mixture is one of the easiest ways to putty the surface of the facade. It is very easy to work with gypsum, because it has a plastic, lightweight structure and lends itself well to leveling. Plastic allows not only to easily align, but also to accurately form corners and perform other curly work on the facade of the building. The positive aspects include good vapor permeability, frost resistance, smoothness, and easy staining. The absence of shrinkage allows you to make the layer as thick as you like and apply it in one go.

But there are also downsides. If you live in rainy, humid areas, then it is better to use a minimum of gypsum, as it absorbs moisture quite well and can be destroyed under its influence. On the other hand, the gypsum mixture dries very quickly, so it is not recommended to work with it under the scorching sun.

When purchasing gypsum plaster, pay attention to the manufacturer. Better to take proven brands. So you will protect yourself from quick damage to the facade and get confidence that the mineral additives contained in the composition are of high quality, which means that the coating will last longer.

You can apply gypsum plaster in one layer


These finishing materials are starting and finishing materials. Possessing all the necessary properties, acrylic mixtures can and should be used for facade work. They are sold ready-made, which makes them even easier to use. Facade acrylic putty has good adhesive properties, but it is applied to a previously primed surface, since the putty layer is quite thin. The only thing missing is acrylic mixes - the higher price compared to previous products does not allow using it on large areas as a starting layer. Most often it is used for finishing.

Latex and acrylate

These types of putty materials are designed for extreme conditions and therefore are used for outdoor work. They are even more moisture and frost resistant than conventional acrylic. Its durability and plasticity has earned recognition from builders and fitters around the world. Latex and acrylate do not crack or shrink when dry. High adhesive properties make it possible to further strengthen the protection of the walls of buildings and make the bond with the subsequent decorative coating the most durable. Latex mixtures come in a wide variety of colors and therefore do not require additional staining. The thinnest layer of this composition forms the perfect finish. There are such starting and finishing plasters, but too high a price is their main drawback.

Colored latex putties

How to choose the right filler for the facade

The characteristics of the putty and the knowledge of which material is better to apply in certain cases will help you not to make a mistake with the choice.

  • When insulating the facade with polystyrene foam, polystyrene foam or polyurethane foam, it is better to use latex and acrylic textures. Use the same types of finishing mixtures with poor wall permeability, for example, on concrete or metal.
  • If you live in cold zones, where frost is a frequent visitor, then use a special frost-resistant putty.
  • Do not use oil products for facade work, but if you did buy them, then remember that you will only have to paint them with oil paint, since other paints will not fall on the drying oil plaster. But if your house is made of wood, then an oil-based facade putty is a good choice.
  • Try not to use materials from different manufacturers, price categories and types. If you started working alone, try to finish the process of filling the walls with the same compound. Remember that materials may not be combined with each other! It is for this reason that it is better to immediately calculate the amount of the product and assess your financial capabilities.
  • When calculating the amount of material, proceed from the thickness of the layer you need to apply. The thinner the coating, the less putty is consumed.

Dry polymer-cement plaster mixture

Main manufacturers and prices

  • One of the most recognized manufacturers on the building materials market is Ceresit. Polymer-cement plasters from this manufacturer are distinguished not only by high quality, but also by low cost. They are made of a cement-sand mixture with the addition of polymer additives and synthetic fibers for plasticity. These mixtures are distinguished by high vapor permeability, fire safety, long shelf life, and economy. In addition, Ceresit putties differ from many in color. These are white mixtures, which is rare among cement compositions.
  • Synthetic plasters of this company are produced ready-made and meet the requirements of facade materials. Acrylic, based on acrylic resins, polymer silicate and polymer silicone compounds are used for finishing walls. They are distinguished by increased resistance to deformation, moisture resistant and elastic. You can study the properties of acrylic materials from the photo in the table.
  • Knauf, a global manufacturer of building materials, has a strong position in the sale of plaster and putty compounds. It produces finishing cement mixtures in dry form, which significantly saves money on facade finishing. A package of 25 kg of multi-finishing cement mixture costs about 600 rubles.

Characteristics of Ceresit acrylic filler materials

The company "Prospectors" has shown itself to be excellent in the domestic market. It offers various facade mixes at low prices with good quality. Weber Vetonit finishing putties have been in demand for many years. This dry polymer product for facade work has a low cost - about 600 rubles.

Multi finish Knauf

Completion of finishing works

Starting putty application technology

The easiest and most popular way is to plaster the lighthouses.

  • We begin to plaster the wall. To do this, take a trowel in our right hand, and in the left solution and with a sharp movement we throw the solution onto the wall. After that, with a scraper or grater, rub the stacking mixture over the surface.

Grouting mixture

The whole process is well shown in the video. Pay attention to the technique of throwing the mortar onto the wall.

Plastering walls on lighthouses

Finishing process with finishing putty

Finishing technology with finishing filler resembles working with a starting solution. After the starting layer has completely dried, apply the finishing layer in the same way: using a trowel, pour the solution onto the wall and rub. The only difference is that the thickness of the coating is minimal, and the rubbing must be very careful, since this process is followed by the application of a decorative coating. You can apply several methods of grouting putty: round and ramp.

When finishing, it is important not to interrupt the process of processing the wall. Try to calculate the time for finishing entire sections of the facade.

Methods of grouting putty

As you can see, the facade putty can be applied with your own hands, for this you only need a little patience. By preparing the walls for decorative finishing yourself, you significantly save money, which you can spend on better material.

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Putty for outdoor use - building mixtures that have a cement or polymer base and include mineral additives, modifiers and other ingredients. The more common of these is the cement facade putty. It has an affordable cost and does not require special knowledge and skills to carry out the work. The main advantages of such compositions are water and moisture resistance, a longer solidification period of the material and increased strength. You can buy dry facade building mixtures for starting and finishing work surfaces in the required volume on the pages of the Buff e-catalog. Having made an order for a wholesale consignment of goods weighing from 1 ton at a convenient time, you automatically receive prompt delivery of products by the company's transport! Delivery is carried out within Moscow and the region within 24 hours. Order facade plaster and get a personal discount on your purchase!

Types of mixtures for the facade

Putty for facade finishing is a popular building material, divided into various types according to the binding element and the stage of using ready-made solutions. According to the binding element, they are divided into cement and polymer. Each of the fillers has its own strengths and special characteristics that make them an indispensable material for finishing work.

Exterior cement putties

Cement compositions are indispensable when carrying out work on the exterior decoration of buildings. The versatility of the material is associated with its main properties:

  1. Moisture resistance. Due to their resistance to high air humidity, cement-based putties are used for working on the facades of buildings, as well as for high-quality and durable finishing of swimming pools.
  2. Frost resistance is an indicator that allows the use of facade mixtures for roughing and finishing the outer part of houses located in the northern regions of the country.
  3. Resistance to sudden changes in temperature and prolonged frost. Thanks to the presence of special fillers, the putty endures more than 35 freeze / thaw cycles without compromising its quality.
  4. Resistance to negative environmental influences and aggressive environments. Putties are not afraid of rains, snow and alkalis and aggressive chemical compounds.
  5. Elasticity. Allows you to quickly and easily apply the compositions prepared for finishing on the walls, evenly distributing them over the working surfaces.
  6. Sufficient fast setting helps to carry out work several times faster, and economical consumption of mortar - reduces financial costs.

When using cement putties, it is necessary to take into account the fact that the mortar shrinks during drying, therefore cracks may appear. It dries longer than gypsum and has a wide range of uses. With its help, they not only level the surface and close up deep cracks, pits and other defects, but also finish the walls and basements of buildings.

Polymeric facade putties

A putty for external finishing on a polymer basis, like cement compositions, is a universal building mixture used at various stages of processing work surfaces. It is applied to walls for the capital leveling of their surface, as well as for finishing the facade of buildings. Most often, among all the existing varieties of such compositions, specialists choose an acrylic putty. They compare favorably with cement by the number of positive characteristics. A comparative table of the characteristics of the solutions is presented below:

Acrylic fillers are made from acrylate-siloxane mixtures and are successfully used for interior and exterior decoration. Such solutions are easily and quickly applied to the wall, do not spread and evenly cover the work surface. The thickness of the applied layer should not exceed 2 mm. Odorless mixtures are used to treat cement, concrete, gypsum surfaces, and are also applied over a plaster solution.

According to the phased use of the putty for the outer surfaces of the walls, they are divided into:

  • starting. Putties, characterized by the grinding of coarse fractions and used for high-quality full leveling of wall surfaces in order to remove irregularities, pits, cracks, holes and other defects. Apply in a thick layer;
  • finishing putties - building and finishing compounds used for the final leveling of work surfaces before applying decorative finishes. The mixture is adjusted in a thin layer and allows you to hide minor defects on the walls.

Among builders and amateurs, decorative solutions are also popular, used to create textured elements and decorate rooms. No less popular putty for processing wooden structures. Such compositions effectively prevent the negative effects of the environment on their surface.

Stages of applying putties for the facade

  1. Clean the surface from all kinds of dirt: dust, dirt, oil stains and remnants of the initial finish. Remove old plaster from cracked areas.
  2. Apply a deeply penetrating primer to the cleaned wall surface and leave the created base to dry.
  3. After complete drying, all existing defects (cracks, pits, depressions and irregularities) must be repaired with a starting putty. Allow the overlay to cure.
  4. Apply a working putty solution to the area to be treated and smooth it out. Use a few spatulas (large and small) and a construction screwdriver as tools. Use the filler for facade finishing only in pure form. Do not dissolve it with paint, glue or other mixtures prohibited.
  5. After the finishing putty has dried, it is primed in order to improve the adhesion of the next layers to it.
  6. Layer-by-layer application of the starting putty is carried out until the working surfaces are completely leveled. The thickness of each of the layers can be up to 4 mm. At the same time, new layers are applied only after the previous ones have completely dried. In this case, the average consumption of putty for leveling surfaces is 11-15 l / m 2.
  7. The last stage in the implementation of the task is to lay and level the mortar over the completely hardened layers of material for a high-quality rough finish of the outer part of the buildings. after complete drying, it is polished. The approximate amount of costs for finishing mortar is 4 liters per 1m 2.

Important to remember! Never put putty on hot surfaces. Protect work results from direct sunlight, rain and water spray. To protect the created coating from moisture accumulation during drying, cover it with a polyethylene film. If your home is located in an area with high humidity, give preference to an acrylic compound.

A competent choice of putty for the facade allows you to protect yourself from numerous problems in the future. This building material helps to prepare the surface for finishing and protects it from negative external influences. With its help, cracks and other defects are leveled.


Depending on the consistency, the following types of facade putty are distinguished:

  • Finishing;
  • Starting.

The starting material is characterized by a coarse-grained structure. It is suitable for initial finishing. This putty has good adhesion and ease of handling.

It evens out the surface effectively. It is enough to apply layers up to 2 centimeters thick.

Facade finishing putty is very fine. Its use allows you to get a smooth and even base. It precedes the beginning of the decorative finish. Compared with the "start", then this material is less durable. When working, you need to ensure that the thickness of the applied putty does not exceed 5 millimeters.

Now there are universal ones on sale. According to the photo of the facade putty, it cannot be distinguished from other types. They combine the qualities of finishing and starting materials.

Often, they are used for interior renovation and construction work. They are not suitable for facade decoration.

When performing outdoor work, a material made on the basis of cement or polymers is used. It is resistant to negative temperatures and high humidity.

As part of the "start" there is quartz sand, in the "finish" there is marble dust, ground sand. Various chemicals are added to the material to improve performance.

Advantages and disadvantages

All types of putties have their own advantages and disadvantages. Let's consider them in detail.

Cement putties: resistant to moisture, temperature extremes. They are unpretentious in operation and differ in affordable cost. The disadvantages include the fact that the material shrinks. The likelihood of cracks and other similar defects is also high.

There are two types of polymer putties:

  • Latex;
  • Acrylic.

The former are considered universal. They are suitable for both exterior and interior decoration. They are odorless, do not emit substances hazardous to human life and health.

The material is plastic. After drying, no cracks appear on the surface. The only drawback is the high cost.

Acrylic material also has a wide range of uses. The acrylic present in the putty base provides it with moisture resistance and plasticity. The material does not flake off. It is used for finishing and protecting surfaces made of concrete and aerated concrete. The maximum layer thickness is one to three millimeters.

Craftsmen working with this building material should take into account that the surface must first be primed. There are also disadvantages. Firstly, if there are serious defects on the surface, then you will have to putty in several stages. Secondly, grinding work must be performed exclusively with a respirator.

The exterior putty can be applied in a variety of ways. The hardware method is considered quite effective. For this, a device is used that delivers a solution under high pressure.

However, there are several requirements here. The material must certainly be given a given consistency. In addition, the hardware method does not allow the material to be applied evenly.

The best solution is to apply the solution to the surface with a float or spatula.

Regardless of which specific option is chosen, the surface must be properly prepared:

  • Clean from oil stains, dirt and dust;
  • Treat with a primer (it will provide perfect adhesion of building materials, protect the surface from mold and mildew).

The finished mixture must be thoroughly mixed, and the dry mixture must be diluted with liquid. It is recommended to strictly follow the manufacturer's instructions.

Prepare the solution preferably in small portions. This is because its plasticity is gradually decreasing. The setting time depends on which ingredients are present in the mixture. Often, it ranges from thirty minutes to two to three hours.

Serious defects must be removed. All cracks, holes and potholes are sealed with putty. It is allowed to start applying a continuous layer when all the "patches" are dry.

If necessary, the master can apply a few more layers. To achieve a smooth and even base, it must be sanded.

Photo of facade putty

Almost any construction activity cannot be performed ideally. And in order to give the structure a perfect and finished look, it is necessary to carry out external work using facade putty. With it, you can prepare the surface for decorative coating.

Often this material is called a little differently - putty, but both of these concepts are equivalent. The putty for outdoor use has several purposes:

  • Leveling the surface for finishing.
  • Protecting the facade from the harmful effects of the environment.
  • Strengthening materials.

Currently, putty can be purchased at any hardware store. It is sold in two forms:

  1. Ready mix. It is located in special containers, the volume can vary significantly. It is very convenient for unscheduled work, or if long-term transportation is not required. Has a storage time limit. Can be used gradually after opening the container. Afraid of frost.
  2. Dry mix. It is used for large-scale works, as it costs much less. Can be transported and stored for a long time. Do not store in damp rooms.

Types of fillers for facade work

Mixes for facade work differ based on their tasks. The following groups are distinguished:

  1. The main one. Consists of major factions. Used for initial application. It smoothes out small irregularities, drops. With its help, cracks and chips are repaired. Well suited for objects that were built of bricks, foam blocks. Very durable, does not react with chemicals. It can be applied in a layer up to two centimeters. The solution for work must have the consistency of sour cream. In a more liquid state, the consumption of material increases, it takes more time to dry, the desired result cannot be obtained.
  2. ... Consists of a fine fraction. It is applied to the prepared surface. Serves exclusively for minor alignment. Hides small cracks. Application thickness does not exceed 3-4 mm. The solution is prepared in a more liquid form than for the main (starting) one. In both cases, an acrylic blend works well.
  3. Putty for decoration. Serves to create textured elements on the surface.
  4. Putty for wooden structures. Protects wood or wood veneered objects from climatic influences.

Facade putties differ in technical characteristics. Each of them has a role to play in protecting the building. The correctness of their application and alternation makes the object durable.

This material must have the following qualities:

  • resistance to high humidity and frost;
  • elasticity, with slight shrinkage, cracks should not appear;
  • must have pores that allow the surface to "breathe".

Types of putties on the basis

Putties have a different composition. But it all depends on the component that is the main one. It is he who gives her the qualities that are necessary. Here are just in addition to the positive qualities, there are negative ones. Advances in technology have made it possible to create new types of materials, such as acrylic fillers. So, there were also other polymer putties. They began to possess a large number of positive qualities, but have not yet become available. Below is a table that clearly shows the types of mixtures.

Putty / type Positive properties Negative properties
Facade putty - cement Resistant to moisture (waterproof). Not afraid of frost (frost-resistant). Durable. No special care required. The cost is low. Cracks may appear during the shrinkage of the building. Shrinks when dry
Facade putty - acrylic Durable and moisture resistant (waterproof). It is not subject to destruction due to the shrinkage of the building. Does not require specific conditions for application. Slight application layer. Not suitable for compensating for large imperfections.
Facade putty - latex Very flexible and durable, does not crack during shrinkage. Easy to apply. The cost is quite high.

The most commonly used putties are of two types: cement-based and acrylic-based. The first is chosen because of its satisfactory performance and low price. The second because of its positive qualities, which are far superior to the first.

Cement-based fillers

Possessing good strength, this material does not form cracks after drying. The composition for the initial work includes sand, which is pre-crushed. The finishing lineup includes:

  • finely ground limestone;
  • ground quartz sand;
  • microcalcite.

The modern composition contains special chemical additives that improve its characteristics. This putty has different shades. There was a white cement putty, but it was discontinued.

When choosing such material, one should be guided by the following aspects:

  • what brand of cement is used;
  • what is the strength in compression;
  • how it interacts with the material that will serve as the basis;
  • great for concrete work.

Acrylic based putties

These putties include the addition of special polymers. They can be used for all types of facade finishing. Such mixtures are already ready for use, they do not need to be additionally diluted with water. If desired, they can be tinted, but for this you need to make sure of the correct selection of color. Apply in thin layers.

These mixtures have many advantages:

  • long service life, this is ensured by the addition of chemical elements;
  • they are not afraid of building shrinkage, they do not form cracks, but adapt to changes;
  • short time of complete drying;
  • no pungent odors and discharge.

But, these putties also have their drawbacks. They react with some materials. Therefore, you need to carefully monitor for which surfaces they can be used.

How the solution is prepared

If the ready-made mixtures can be used almost immediately, then you will have to tinker a little with dry ones. Although the process of preparing the solution itself is not so complicated and complicated. It all lies in the fact that the powdered putty must be diluted with water and mixed. The kneading must be thorough; for this it is better to use a drill with a special attachment. Each solution has its own mixing time. It is indicated on the packaging. It is best to adhere to the instructions, then you can be sure that the mixture will turn out to be the desired consistency.

The amount of solution is prepared based on the amount of work. If there is too much left, then it will not be possible to save it. The rate can be determined based on the data that the manufacturer must place on the package.

Work order

It is better to start all work when complete shrinkage of the building occurs. This is the only way to avoid unwanted cracking. This must be especially borne in mind when using a cement facade putty. If the surface has large irregularities, then several layers will have to be applied. Drying time depends on the filler used. The acrylic mixture dries faster. You also need to take into account the weather conditions.

Sequence of work:

  1. The walls are cleaned of dirt.
  2. The surface is primed.
  3. Large defects are repaired separately.
  4. Plastering of the facade begins. The required number of layers is applied. Each layer must dry completely.
  5. The last layer after application is sanded.

The choice of the right filler for the facade depends on the work performed. All parameters must be taken into account in order to achieve the desired result. It is very important to follow the instructions, then you can be sure that the treated surface will perform the functions required of it.