Hearty and low in calories. The most satisfying low-calorie foods

Anna Mironova

Reading time: 20 minutes


Who among us does not like to eat deliciously? Everyone loves! No one will refuse either a hearty three-course dinner or a sweet aromatic dessert. But, as a rule, the tastier the dish, the faster we gain those nasty extra centimeters at the waist. Getting used to "gluttony", we take away the body's ability to function normally, and the fight against extra pounds becomes an obsession. As a result - severe dietary restrictions, crazy diets, no mood and no enjoyment of food. Although there is a huge variety of very tasty dishes and.

The most delicious low-calorie meals and foods for losing weight

  • Low Calorie Mushroom Soup


    • 50 g dried mushrooms
    • Potatoes - 7 pcs.
    • Carrots -1 pc.
    • Bulb
    • Spices
    • Vegetable oil - 2 tablespoons

    Soak the mushrooms for a couple of hours, boil, rinse, chop finely and fry with carrots. Boil the potatoes and crush them to a puree state, add the mushroom broth until the consistency of sour cream. Next, add the frying and spices. The soup is ready.

  • Veal in wine


    • Dry red wine - 100 g
    • Veal - 450-500 g
    • Two onions
    • 2 tablespoons of vegetable oil
    • Spices (mint, salt-pepper, basil)

    Cut the meat into pieces, simmer until soft, add onion rings, chopped herbs and a little water. Simmer for another fifteen minutes, add wine.

  • Squash casserole


    • Eggplant - 400 g
    • Zucchini - 600 g
    • Vegetable oil - 2 liters.
    • Sour cream - glass
    • Spices

    Soak the eggplants in slightly salted water for half an hour. Then put them alternately with zucchini on a baking sheet, sprinkling with oil on top. Send to the oven. At this time, beat the sour cream, spices and egg with a mixer and pour the toasted vegetables with this mixture. After that, bring the casserole to full readiness.

  • Berry cocktail

    Mix in a mixer a third of a glass of milk, fresh or frozen berries (strawberries, raspberries, blackberries), a glass of low-fat yogurt. This dessert is perfect for a losing weight lover of sweets.

  • Oven baked fish

    There are many recipes for preparing a low-calorie and tasty fish dish. To do this, you need to take any fish (except for the fattest varieties), peel, sprinkle with spices (ginger, salt, pepper), sprinkle with lemon juice, wrap in foil and send to the oven. Of course, the ideal option is salmon or trout, but due to the fat content of these varieties, it is preferable to choose a lighter type.

  • Shrimp kebab

    Oddly enough, an amazing shish kebab can be prepared not only from meat. Leaving the tails, peel the shrimp, marinate and leave in the refrigerator for a couple of hours. We prepare the marinade from tomato paste, oregano, pepper-salt, parsley with garlic, olive oil and lemon. Next, we arrange the pickled shrimp as a traditional barbecue, stringing several pieces on each skewer. Instead of the usual onion rings, alternate shrimp with pickled lemon wedges. Grill for five minutes on each side and the low calorie kebab is ready.

  • Apple dessert

    • Peel the cores out of the apples.
    • Fill the holes with honey, nuts and dried fruit.
    • Bake the apples in the oven for fifteen minutes.

    Tasty, healthy, low-calorie.

  • Green salad with feta cheese


    Even a child can handle the preparation of this salad. Grate cheese on a coarse grater, combine with herbs, spices and sour cream, mix, sprinkle with dill, decorate, based on your imagination.

  • Asparagus salad


    Mix rice and a storehouse of minerals - asparagus, after boiling them. Grate the cheese and add to the salad along with the herbs, season with sour cream.

  • Ingredients:

    Pour boiling water over the tongue for fifteen minutes. Crush the garlic, add spices, crushed bay leaves, oil and juice of half a lemon to it, mix. Pull out the tongue, pull off the skin, grease with the prepared mixture, hide in the cold for three hours. Then wrap in prepared foil and place in the oven.

  • Mushroom omelet with spinach

    • In a preheated skillet, sauté half a glass of chopped champignons in a spoonful of olive oil.
    • Add half a cup of spinach and fry until soft.
    • Next, pour in the eggs (three whites and one whole egg, pre-shaken).
    • After three to four minutes, place a slice of goat cheese on top of the omelet and fold the dish in half.

    Consume with whole grain bread.

    • Brush a slice of whole grain bread with a tablespoon of grated low-fat cheese.
    • Place a slice of salmon on top.
    • Next is a slice of red onion and watercress.

    Serve with chickpea, zucchini, sesame and champignon salad.

  • Put on a slice of whole grain (preferably dried) bread:

    • Crushed white beans
    • Onions stewed in olive oil (in circles)
    • Poached egg

    Sprinkle with grated Parmesan and chopped herbs on top. Serve with vegetable soup sprinkled with chopped spinach.

  • Caesar-light salad

    • Put the boiled potatoes in a baking dish.
    • Sprinkle with slices of cooked turkey mixed with cooked beans in equal proportions.
    • Sprinkle with grated low-fat cheese on top, add a pinch of chili.

    Bake until a cheese crust forms.

  • Ingredients:

    Cut zucchini into rings, apples - into cubes, onions - into half rings, potatoes - on a grater. Heat the olive oil in a saucepan, fry the onions, add the zucchini and potatoes with apples, fry a little, add water. After boiling, cook for fifteen minutes under the lid. Add herbs and garlic a few minutes until fully cooked. Remove from heat, grind in a blender, pour in milk, add cheese, salt. Cook for a few more minutes.

  • Ingredients:

    Rinse, dry and disassemble the cabbage into inflorescences. Pour flour, garlic powder and oil into a bowl. Gradually pour in milk, stirring the mass. Dip each inflorescence of cabbage into the finished mixture, put on a baking sheet on top of baking paper, send to the oven for twenty minutes. Then lower the oven and continue baking for another twenty minutes. Serve as a snack.

  • Ingredients:

    Saute the chopped onions for five minutes, add broccoli, disassembled into inflorescences, simmer for ten minutes. Put the contents of the frying pan, eggs, spices in a blender and mix in one mass. Add grated cheese and flour to it. Form cutlets, roll in breadcrumbs, fry in the usual way. Or bring them to readiness in the oven.

  • Steamed sturgeon


    Rinse the fish, cut into medallions, dry with a towel, season with spices. Place on the steamer wire rack, skin side up. Top with olive rings, pour over with wine, run the double boiler for half an hour. Sauce: melt butter in a skillet, add sifted flour, a glass of broth from a double boiler and cook for ten minutes, stirring occasionally. Strain the sauce, add a piece of butter, salt, squeeze the lemon, cool. Put the fish on a dish, pour over the sauce, decorate, add a vegetable side dish.

  • Ingredients:

    Cut along the zucchini, season with salt and bake in the oven for ten minutes. Chop the garlic with tomatoes, simmer in a pan, add water and finely chopped beans, simmer until soft. Remove the pulp from the cooled zucchini with a spoon, chop it and add to other vegetables in the pan. Season with spices and salt, simmer. Salt the zucchini, put in the oven for another ten minutes. Cool the zucchini, fill them with vegetable filling from the pan.

  • Delicious and Low Calorie Diet - Healthy Facts

    And do not forget to pamper yourself, beloved, bitter chocolate... It has a psychotherapeutic effect and is rich in antioxidants.

Hello my dear readers! Keeping yourself in good shape is a lot of work. Day after day you have to watch what you eat. Calorie counting becomes a habit. But what if there is a way to simplify such a difficult path to perfection? That would be a calorie-free meal - some vitamins. It turns out there is. And now I will tell you about it.

We all eat. In addition to vitamins and microelements, food gives us energy, without which it is impossible to live. The amount of energy obtained from food is measured in calories. The higher the calorie content of the product, the more energy the body will receive during its assimilation.

Almost all foods contain proteins, fats, and carbohydrates. Exceptions are water, tea and coffee, and spices and salt. Each of the elements, when decaying, releases a certain amount of energy. That is, its calorie content depends on the composition of the product. Many are aware that fatty foods are bad for the figure.

1 gram of fat contains 9 kcal, and 1 gram of carbohydrates or proteins contains only 4 kcal

In order not to get better, you need to know your own. Don't eat more than you need to, and the extra pounds won't bother you. To lose weight, you need to reduce the number of calories. Just do not forget that measure is good in everything. It is wise not to cut back on your daily diet, but replace unhealthy and high-calorie foods with healthier ones.

Negative calorie foods

When I began to compose a diet that is right for me, I came across some very interesting information. There are foods that help us lose weight. Many have heard of the so-called? These often include foods that have no direct effect on fat. But they are really important in the fight against excess weight. Let me explain in more detail.

The human body consumes about 10% of all calories consumed per day for the digestion of food. But some foods are easier and faster to digest, while more energy is spent on processing others. That is, eating food with a negative calorie content, a person spends more calories on their digestion than they contain.

Let's explain with an example. You are eaten with 100 grams of broccoli. Cabbage contains 25 calories. It is essentially a low-calorie, high-fiber food. It is believed that to digest this amount of broccoli, the body will spend 80 kcal. Which is more than the calorie content of the cabbage itself by 55 kcal (80-25). Where does he get the extra calories from? From your "strategic reserves" laid on your hips 🙂

However, a sufficient number of studies have not yet been conducted on how much our body spends on the digestion of certain foods. Therefore, there is no clear list of foods with negative calories.

Seems great! Fighting excess weight is no longer a fight, but a pleasure. Gnaw on a carrot or broccoli and you'll be fine. But, if you think about it and start counting, then your optimism will diminish. How many carrots do you need to eat to destroy all those extra pounds?

On the other hand, there is a minimum of calories that our body should receive per day. You can not force yourself to starve and eat one carrot or cabbage. This will not add beauty to you, but health problems will definitely appear. So be careful and don't bend it.

Calorie-free products

What foods are considered zero-calorie? Nutritionists include all those whose calorie content is less than 60 kcal. Most are low in sugar and high in fiber. I suggest that you familiarize yourself with the list of such wonderful products below. I'm sure everyone will find something to their liking.

0 to 20 kcal contain

And don't forget to drink water. It contains 0 calories and helps fight hunger attacks. The diet won't be so painful.

20 to 30 kcal contain

It is extremely important for the human body to have a balanced diet and get enough proteins, fats and carbohydrates. Without these components, the body will not function normally, and an excess of these substances leads to extremely negative consequences.

With an excess of protein, the body does not have time to assimilate it, it sinks to the bottom of the intestine undigested and begins to decompose there, releasing substances that are poisonous to the body.

Eating a significant amount of fat hinders metabolic processes, which leads not only to obesity, but also inhibits nervous activity. Large amounts of carbohydrates are converted by the body to fat, which also leads to obesity.

Frequent or regular consumption of high-calorie foods that are rich in fats leads to hypertension, the formation of cholesterol plaques, and stroke. Also, the consumption of not a small amount of fat causes the release of free radicals in the body, and they cause the formation of malignant tumors.

Well, let's not forget about banal obesity, which not only interferes in terms of beauty, but also leads to the development of many diseases associated with weight gain.

But, do not immediately throw the bottle of olive oil in the trash! No matter how great the desire of a person to reduce the consumption of fats, it will not be possible to get rid of them at all.

According to the calorie tables, each product contains these components, namely:

  • water;
  • carbohydrates;
  • protein;
  • fats.

For example: the fat in fish is polyunsaturated fatty acids (omega 5), ​​they are simply necessary for our body. Nuts (almonds), which also contain fats (omega 6), essential for the functioning of our body.

List of low-calorie foods

Low-calorie foods are those that, according to the calorie table, have not gained 100 kilocalories per 100 grams of weight.

In meat products, this is veal. From meat by-products to low-calorie foods include:

  • beef kidney;
  • beef liver;
  • pork heart;
  • pork kidneys.
  • lamb kidneys;
  • lamb heart;

Low-calorie protein foods are some types of fish, both sea and river. This is not a complete list of the low-calorie fish kingdom.

Sea fish:

  • flounder;
  • smelt;
  • icy;
  • macrusus;
  • pollock;
  • navaga;
  • blue whiting;
  • cod.

Freshwater fish:

  • crucian carp;
  • carp;
  • burbot;
  • river perch;
  • zander.

Dairy and fermented milk products:

  • acidophilic milk;
  • natural yogurt;
  • curdled milk;
  • milk;
  • kefir;
  • fermented baked milk;
  • low-fat cottage cheese.

And also, vegetables and fruits, nature has few calories in them, however, there are exceptions. In vegetables, garlic got out of the list, gaining as much as 106 kcal. In fruits, rose hips and dates are in the lead, gaining 101 and 281 kcal, respectively.

Up to 40 kcal

  • eggplant - 26 kcal;
  • zucchini - 27 kcal;
  • white cabbage - 27 kcal;
  • onion (feather) - 22 kcal;
  • carrots - 30 kcal;
  • cucumbers - 13 kcal;
  • sorrel - 21 kcal;
  • pepper - 27 kcal;
  • radish - 32 kcal;
  • turnips - 26 kcal;
  • salad - 13 kcal;
  • cauliflower - 29 kcal;
  • radish - 19 kcal;
  • tomatoes - 19 kcal;
  • green beans - 32 kcal;
  • spinach - 28 kcal.
  • quince berries - 38 kcal;
  • cherry plum plum - 34 kcal;
  • orange - 37 kcal;
  • grapefruit - 38 kcal;
  • lemon - 32 kcal;
  • tangerine - 37 kcal;
  • blueberries - 35 kcal;
  • blackberries - 33 kcal;
  • cranberries - 38 kcal;
  • cloudberries - 31 kcal;
  • sea ​​buckthorn berries - 30 kcal;
  • currant berries - 39 kcal;


  • sea ​​cabbage - 5 kcal;
  • trepangi - 35 kcal.

Up to 70 kcal

  • onions - 44 kcal;
  • parsley (root, herbs) - 46 kcal;
  • beets - 47 kcal;
  • apricot fruits - 46 kcal;
  • pineapple - 47 kcal;
  • cherry berries - 48 kcal;
  • pomegranate fruits - 51 kcal;
  • pear fruits - 43 kcal;
  • figs - 55 kcal;
  • dogwood berries - 45 kcal;
  • peach fruits - 44 kcal;
  • rowan berries - 58 kcal;
  • plum berries - 43 kcal;
  • persimmon fruits - 63 kcal;
  • cherry berries - 52 kcal;
  • mulberries - 53 kcal;
  • apples - 46 kcal;
  • lingonberry berries - 40 kcal;
  • grapes - 69 kcal;
  • strawberries - 41 kcal;
  • gooseberries - 44 kcal;
  • raspberries - 41 kcal;
  • blueberries - 41 kcal;
  • black currant - 41 kcal.

Meat offal:

  • beef kidneys - 67 kcal.
  • grenadier - 60 kcal;
  • pollock - 69 kcal;
  • crabs - 69 kcal;

Dairy products:

  • natural yogurt - 52 kcal;
  • kefir (fatty) - 58 kcal;
  • milk - 59 kcal;
  • yogurt - 57 kcal.

Low-calorie foods for the diet

  • boiled rice (brown);
  • radish;
  • yogurt;
  • boiled lentils;
  • Champignon;
  • all greens for salads;
  • cabbage;
  • tomatoes and cucumbers.

The fiber found in fresh vegetables slows down the absorption of carbohydrates and fats in the body, nutrients from food will be better absorbed and not converted into fatty deposits.

Low-calorie foods from which the salad is prepared will be useful as a diet food, only if you prepare a dressing for them yourself. Instead of mayonnaise and sunflower oil for dressing, use lemon or apple cider vinegar.

If you are going to lose weight using a low-calorie diet, it is worth remembering that the number of calories should not be less than 1000-1400 per day. Otherwise, there is a risk of serious harm to health. Ideally, the diet should be developed by a dietitian physician. In such a diet, proteins should prevail, then weight loss will occur due to the burning of fat, and not muscle mass.

Low-calorie menu:

  • Breakfast 200 ml of juice (fruit, vegetable), a small crouton.
  • Second breakfast: tea 150 ml (without sugar), black bread 60 g with meat (boiled, grilled) 60 g, 2 tomatoes.
  • Lunch: borscht 200 ml, 1 soft-boiled egg, boiled fish 60 gr, boiled potatoes 2 pcs, vegetable salad 100 gr.
  • Lunch: fruit 150 gr, biscuit 40 gr.
  • Dinner: low-fat kefir 200 ml, stale pastry 40 gr, a teaspoon of jam.

Low-calorie breakfast

For breakfast, you can make oatmeal by adding skim milk. You can crumble an apple, banana or dried fruits into it: raisins, dried apricots, prunes.

An excellent option is whole grain and ground porridge: pearl barley, wheat, forge, barley. For such cereals, you can prepare a salad or make them sweet by adding honey and fruits.

Low calorie lunch

Most often, the most hearty dishes are prepared for lunch. But they can be made from even the lowest calorie foods. For example, you can cook eggplants with mushrooms and tomatoes baked in the oven. Bean salad is perfect for them.

The second option for lunch will be a liver with apples in the oven, as well as a winter salad of beets, cucumbers and carrots. You can read the recipes for these dishes below.

Low-calorie dinner

The calorie content of such a dinner should not be higher than 350 units. So, such dishes as vegetable stew, rice with vegetables, seafood salad, casserole with spinach correspond to this rule.

All these dishes will have a great effect on weight loss and at the same time saturate the body with all the necessary vitamins and microelements.

Low-calorie recipes

Baked eggplant with mushrooms and tomatoes


  • eggplant - 450 gr;
  • tomatoes - 250 gr;
  • cheese (hard) - 90 gr;
  • mushrooms - 250 gr;
  • sour cream - 150 gr;
  • garlic - 3 cloves;
  • greens;
  • salt.


Wash the eggplants and cut into slices. Salt and set aside for 30 minutes, so that they are not bitter. Rinse the eggplants with water. Cut tomatoes and mushrooms into slices. Pass the garlic through a press or chop finely, mix it with sour cream.

Grate cheese or cut into thin slices. Put in layers the eggplant, mushrooms and tomatoes on top. Put sour cream with garlic on top of the tomatoes and sprinkle with cheese. Bake at 180 - 190 ° C for 35 minutes.

Baked liver with apples


  • beef liver - 450 gr;
  • onions - 4 pcs;
  • apples (sour) - 300 gr;
  • sour cream - 150 gr;
  • olive oil - 1 tbsp;
  • pepper, salt;
  • baking foil.


Wash and cleanse the liver. Cut into portions, wrap in plastic wrap and beat off. Salt and pepper. Peel the onion, cut into cubes and sauté in olive oil. Peel apples and seeds, grate on a coarse grater.

Cut the foil into rectangles of 15-17 cm. Put the liver, onion, apples on the foil and brush with sour cream. Fold the edges of the foil into envelopes. Bake for 10 - 15 minutes at 250 ° C, then open the foil for another 20 minutes.

Low-calorie salads

Winter salad


  • beets - 3 pcs;
  • carrots - 3 pcs;
  • pickled cucumbers - 3 pcs;
  • oil (mustard, linseed) - 1 tbsp. l;
  • green peas - 4 tbsp. l;
  • onions –0.5 onions.


Boil vegetables, cool, peel and cut into cubes. Add onion, peas and mustard oil, mix everything. Put on a plate and decorate with herbs. If desired, the greens can be finely chopped into a salad.

Vegetable salad with beans


  • tomatoes - 2 pcs;
  • boiled beans - 0.5 cups;
  • cucumbers - 3 pcs;
  • lemon - 0.5 pcs;
  • onion (medium) - 1 pc;
  • bell peppers - 2 pcs;
  • lettuce (leaves) - 1 bunch;
  • oil (olive, linseed) - 1 tbsp;
  • a pinch of salt.


Wash greens and vegetables. Peel the onion and the seeds from the pepper. Cut the pepper, cucumbers, tomatoes into large slices, tear the salad into small slices. Add beans, lemon juice, flaxseed oil, salt and stir.

Balanced diet

  1. Dishes must be steamed, grilled or oven-free, without sauces or oils.
  2. It is necessary to drink 1.8 - 2 liters of clean water per day. If you drink water before meals, the feeling of hunger will dull, which will help reduce the amount of food you eat and remove toxins from the body.
  3. For these diets, a serving of protein and grains is 100 grams, and a serving of fruits and vegetables is 200 grams.
  4. You should not eat apples after a meal, they increase the calorie content of the food taken by 10%, it is better to leave the apple for a separate snack.
  5. Food intake occurs up to 6 times a day.

How to lose weight on low-calorie foods

Engaging in active physical activity for weight loss, while leaving fatty foods in the diet, is long and ineffective. It is worth getting off the treadmill, as the body will immediately pick up all the spent "wealth" back. But very often, there is simply not enough time for active sports!

Foods That Promote Weight Gain

  • fruit juices, even freshly squeezed;
  • sugar;
  • cakes and pastries;
  • margarine;
  • alcoholic drinks;
  • sweet water;
  • sausages, sausage;
  • potato chips;
  • sausages;
  • mutton;
  • dry breakfasts.

It is much more effective, without changing your lifestyle, to change the diet to a low-calorie one. Losing weight without feeling hungry and not exhausting yourself in the gym.

For the fastest achievement of the result, it is worth 1 time a week for the body to do a fasting day, not consuming 1400 kcal per day, but cutting the diet to 800-1100 kcal. This will prevent the body from getting used to the diet and starting to accumulate "reserves" again.

Low-calorie foods must necessarily form the diet of a person who has decided to make his body slimmer. It is known that food directly affects the energy of the body. And the increase, as well as the decrease in vital energy, depends on the food consumed.... However, there are healthy foods that have a beneficial effect on the health and energy of a person, while not adding extra pounds.

What affects the calorie content of foods

Reduced fat is one of the main criteria for low-calorie foods. Since the production of calories is doubled when fat is broken down. In the breakdown of carbohydrates and proteins, the opposite is true.

Low-calorie foods should contain adequate amounts of carbohydrates and fiber.

Carbohydrates, which are easily digestible, allow the body to easily deal with calories that come from fat. But the high fiber content will allow the body to be satiated for a long time, since it takes a long time to be digested.

And the most important thing is the high water content. Since there are no calories in the water at all, and based on this, the more water the product contains in its composition, the less room will be left for fats, carbohydrates and proteins.

Lowest Calorie Weight Loss Products - Herbal Products

Fiber is the fibrous part of plants that lowers cholesterol levels and slows down the body's absorption of carbohydrates. Thus, it turns out that plant foods can be considered the lowest calorie foods.

These are herbs, spices, teas, vegetables, fruits and berries that contain a lot of minerals, dietary fiber and vitamins. Still, the record holders for low calorie content are vegetables.

For example, broccoli contains 33 calories per 100g, while it has many useful qualities due to its composition. Broccoli contains: calcium, protein, magnesium.

In addition to the benefits of using this product for weight loss, there is also the fact that broccoli prevents cancer. They eat broccoli boiled and raw.

Helpful advice: do not overcook broccoli to avoid losing important nutrients.

In 100g carrots, which is a source of carotenoids - 35 kcal. The benefits of carrots are great, due to their antioxidant effect, it strengthens the immune system, increases intestinal peristalsis, and is good for vision.

100g contains 40 kilocalories. The artichoke nourishes the human body with important components: potassium, iron, magnesium and calcium. And thanks to the contained complex of enzymes and sugars, it is able to beneficially influence and normalize blood sugar levels.

You can also highlight other vegetables and herbs that will be useful in the process of losing weight. Among these minimally calorie-containing foods are:

  • Eggplant - 24 kcal;

  • Parsley greens - 49 kcal;

  • Potatoes - 83 kcal;

  • Zucchini - 27 kcal;

  • Celery root - 32 kcal;

  • Red cabbage - 31 kcal;

  • Leeks - 40 kcal;

  • Red and green peppers - 27/23 kcal;

  • Turnip and white cabbage - 28 kcal;

  • Beets - 48 kcal;

  • Onions - 43 kcal;

  • Cauliflower - 29 kcal;

  • Parsley root - 47 kcal.

Fruits, like vegetables and greens, are low in calories, even though they contain fructose. For fruit to be effective during weight loss, you need to eat them during the daytime, preferably before lunch and in small portions.

Olya Likhacheva

Beauty is like a precious stone: the simpler it is, the more precious :)


People seeking to achieve noticeable results in fat burning are advised to familiarize themselves with the rules of a healthy diet. Be sure to include low-calorie foods in your diet. According to many scientific studies, it has been proven that relatively few calories are found in vegetables and fruits. If you want to lose weight without unpleasant consequences, eat foods with complex carbohydrates, fiber, and a minimum amount of fat.

What are low calorie foods

Caloric content is the energy value of food. In other words, it is the amount of energy that the body receives from food. Thanks to this energy, the vital activity of the body is maintained: cells grow, divide and regenerate, blood circulation occurs, the heart contracts, food is digested, and a constant body temperature is maintained. A person spends energy from food when performing physical activity and even while sleeping.

The main components of food are proteins, carbohydrates and fats. In addition to these substances, some food contains carboxylic acids - for example, citric acid, polyhydric alcohols - glycerin, sweeteners, alcohol. Most of the energy is spent on assimilating proteins: mainly cheeses, cottage cheese, poultry, animals, fish, peas, beans, nuts. Fats (butter, margarine, chocolate, etc.) and carbohydrates (cereals, pasta, dates, raisins) follow in terms of the complexity of digestion.

Proteins, fats and carbohydrates are capable of releasing different amounts of energy. When this energy is summed up, the calorie content of the products is calculated. To simplify the calculations, average values ​​are taken: fats give 9.3 kcal / g, proteins - 4 kcal / g, carbohydrates - 4 kcal / g. For example, if, after assimilating 1 g of protein, the body receives 4 kcal, then when eating 70 g of protein, a person will receive 280 kcal (70 g x 4 kcal).

Remember that digesting animal proteins requires more energy than digesting plant-based substances. When calculating calories and wanting to lose those extra pounds, it is not uncommon for people to choose foods with no fat, because they think that this approach will help solve the problem. Fats, like other basic substances, are necessary for our body for full development. Be sure to include vegetable fats in the diet within the established norm, then a set of extra pounds will not threaten you.

When choosing low-calorie food, keep in mind that it includes foods that, according to the calorie table, contain less than 100 kcal per 100 g of weight. It is worth listing the main types of low-calorie foods:

  • veal;
  • crucian carp;
  • carp;
  • flounder;
  • smelt;
  • natural yogurt;
  • radish;
  • spinach;
  • green beans;
  • seaweed;
  • tomatoes;
  • eggplant;
  • zucchini;
  • White cabbage;
  • bow (feather);
  • carrot.

What determines the calorie content

By determining the calorie content, you can tell if the food is good for your health. Consider the following when calculating:

  • The more fat a food contains, the more calorie it is. Keep in mind that the split fats go into the reserve and are burned when the body has nowhere to take energy. To get rid of excess fat, protein diets are used: reserve reserves are spent on the digestion of proteins and a person gradually loses weight.
  • Low-calorie food contains a lot of fiber, which takes time and effort to digest.
  • When losing weight, it is forbidden to use "fast" carbohydrates, because they are digested almost instantly and contribute to gaining pounds.
  • Vegetables are considered the lowest calorie foods for weight loss. This is followed by fish, fruits, dairy products, and poultry.
  • In order for the diet to be complete, you should not give up oil and cereals - although they are considered high-calorie, they are necessary for the development of the body.

Low Calorie Food Table

Do not completely give up high-calorie foods: for example, cereals and cereals. Raw they contain a lot of calories, after cooking, the initial figure decreases significantly. Doctors recommend using legumes - an irreplaceable source of protein. As a rule, the calorie content is indicated per 100 g of the product. Based on this, food is divided into:

  1. Very low-calorie - 100 g contains up to 30 kcal: such food includes zucchini, pumpkin, tomatoes, turnips, lettuce, cucumbers, bell peppers, mushrooms.
  2. Low-calorie - 100 g from 30 kcal: cod, pike, pike perch, carp, rutabaga, green peas, carrots, potatoes, kefir, low-fat cottage cheese, yogurt.
  3. Medium-calorie - in 100 g 100-200 kcal: include lamb, turkey, rabbit meat, chickens, eggs.
  4. High-calorie - in 100 g from 200 to 450 kcal: fatty meat, bakery products, sweets, snacks, chips, etc.
  5. Very high-calorie - in 100 g from 450 kcal: various oils, bacon, fatty pork, smoked sausage, chocolate, peanuts, Brazilian, walnuts, pine nuts.

The number of calories consumed should be equal to the amount of energy expended. If a large number of calories are ingested, they will be deposited as excess fat. With little energy gain, exhaustion sets in. When it comes to losing weight, then a person should get a little less calories than they spend. The data below will help you choose the right food for your dietary menu.

Vegetables and fruits

These foods are included in many diets. It is recommended to eat vegetables raw in order to fill the body with useful substances as much as possible. Be sure to include low-GI greens on your menu (the glycemic index indicates how quickly insulin rises after eating a particular meal). If you decide to use heat treatment, then choose a short cooking (use a multicooker) or the baking method using foil.

Baking is better than boiling, because when boiling, nutrients go into the water. It is not advisable to fry vegetables for a long time, because the used oil will add calories to the dish. In addition, fried food contains many toxic substances and carcinogens. Fast frying is an excellent alternative: in order to preserve the substances necessary for the body, use a frying pan of the VOK type, processing should be multiple with constant stirring (as is the preparation of Asian dishes).

Use cabbage, carrots, beets, herbs, garlic, and onions as often as possible. Below are vegetables with an indication of the composition, the number of calories (column 2), GI (glycemic index). Use this data when organizing healthy meals:

Product name (100g)

Carbohydrates (g)


Fresh tomatoes

Fresh cabbage

Green pepper

Salted mushrooms

Zucchini caviar (data depends on the composition)


It is recommended to eat fruits raw separately from the main meal: make fruit salads for a variety of the menu. If you have digestive problems, then mix fruits with fermented milk drinks (yogurt or kefir). Try not to drink freshly squeezed juice often because it raises your GI so much. Fruits are dangerous because they contain sucrose and fructose, so they are recommended to be eaten in the morning. When choosing them, look at the number of calories, the amount of carbohydrates and the glycemic index:

Product name (100g)

Carbohydrates (g)



Red currant

Black currant

Avocado is the highest-calorie fruit (160 kcal per 100 g), but it is recommended for people who are losing weight (especially on low-carb diets). Avocado contains a huge amount of beneficial elements and vitamins. Dried fruits are high in calories, but have a relatively low glycemic index, so eat prunes, dried apricots, figs and so on when you need a snack or want something sweet.


Keep in mind that when following a protein diet, it is often forbidden to consume cereals and legumes. Such food is rich in carbohydrates, vegetable protein. Raw cereals are high in calories. When they are boiled in water or milk (it all depends on your preferences and diet), the calorie content per 100 grams of the finished product is reduced. An excellent option for losing weight is water-boiled quinoa: it contains healthy amino acids and is low in calories. When choosing food, be guided by the glycemic index, the energy value of boiled cereals and legumes:

Name of the dish (100 g)

Carbohydrates (g)

Hercules porridge on the water

Rice porridge on the water

Barley on water

Barley porridge with milk

Hercules porridge with milk

Wholemeal pasta

Water-boiled quinoa

Semolina porridge with milk

Brown rice, boiled in water

Boiled beans

Boiled lentils

Millet boiled in water

Buckwheat on the water

Dairy products

Yogurt, kefir, cottage cheese are rich in protein, calcium. Buy food without additives: it is desirable that the composition is free of sugar, fruit pieces, emulsifiers, flavor enhancers. Buy low-fat yogurt and kefir made at home from a sourdough culture that contains live bacteria. If the drink is fat-free, then this will complicate the absorption of nutrients (for example, calcium, which contributes to weight loss): a suitable fat content of the drink is 1-2.5%. The compositions are recommended for a protein diet, for people with hyperinsulinism.

Product name (100g)

Carbohydrates (g)

Curd serum

Low fat kefir

Milk (0.5%)

Ryazhenka (1%)

Milk (1%)

Natural yogurt (1.5%)

Low-fat cottage cheese

Curd (2%)

Fruit yogurt

Low-fat sour cream (10%)

A fish

Before you buy fish, pay attention to its size: often, the larger it is, the more mercury it contains. Fatty fish are useful in small quantities: red fish, pink salmon, contain Omega-3 acids, which are necessary for beauty. Sometimes doctors advise replacing shrimp with chum salmon or sterlet. It is best to use steamed fish for weight loss. Common options for dishes, fish are presented below:

Product name (100g)

Carbohydrates (g)


Boiled mussels

Boiled cod

Boiled pike

Boiled pollock

Boiled crabs

Boiled hake

Boiled trout

Boiled oysters

Boiled crayfish

Boiled sea bass

Boiled mullet

Boiled carp

Boiled chum salmon


When organizing proper nutrition, it is important to include in the diet meals with a large amount of proteins, which are a source of amino acids necessary for cell renewal. Keep in mind that the norm for an adult is 3 grams of protein for each kilogram of weight. 100 g of meat can contain different amounts of protein:

Product name (100g)

Carbohydrates (g)

Boiled veal

Boiled chicken breast

Lean boiled beef

Boiled turkey

Boiled beef tongue

Low-calorie foods for weight loss

ALE - basic metabolism, the amount of energy required for the vital activity of the body. Based on this value, you can easily compose a menu without significant reductions. Remember that cutting off more than 400 kcal from OOB leads to some resistance of the body: it begins to "think" that it is time to starve, so the metabolism slows down. ALE is calculated taking into account the weight, height and age of a person:

  • If you are a man, then apply the formula: 66 + (14 x weight) + (5 x height in cm) - (6.8 x age).
  • Women make the calculation as follows: 655 + (9.56 x weight) + (1.85 x height in cm) - (4.7 x age).

The basal metabolic rate helps to avoid compiling a menu with too low energy value. Initially, the figure may exceed 1200 kcal, in the process of losing weight, the indicator decreases, as a result of which the calorie content of food decreases. For example, if the OOB is 1450 kcal, then you should eat so as not to "deviate" from this indicator. Gradually losing kilograms, gradually reduce the OOB using the above formula. With weight loss, the OOB can be equal to 1380 kcal, then 1300 kcal. The body will not experience stress and will receive a minimum of food for normal functioning.

It is important to understand that a sharp decrease in calorie content is harmful to health, the body does not immediately obey the whim of the owner and uses special resources for protection. The metabolism slows down and after the end of the diet, a person, switching to the usual diet, quickly gains the same weight with interest. Even eating less than before the diet, a person runs the risk of gaining pounds, because in the absence of accurate calculations, you can easily eat more than is required to maintain a slim body.

  • Spinach (22 kcal per 100 g) is rich in vitamins A, PP, B, C, E, D, H, K, magnesium, calcium, phosphorus, sodium, iodine and other microelements. With regular use, the immune system is restored, the tone rises, the blood vessels are strengthened, and prevents the development of hypertension. The vegetable is a mild laxative and is not recommended for pregnant women or people with kidney problems.
  • Broccoli (34 kcal per 100 g) is rich in calcium, proteins and other substances. With regular use, cancer is prevented, it is recommended to eat in case of problems with the pancreas, increased acidity of the stomach. Broccoli is used raw or boiled. When preparing dishes, remember that cabbage cannot be overcooked, then it will retain a maximum of nutrients.
  • Carrots (35 kcal per 100 g) are a source of carotenoids, an excellent antioxidant, have a beneficial effect on vision, increase tone, restore the immune system, and enhance intestinal motility. The vegetable is recommended to be eaten raw: you can make different salads.
  • Chili pepper (20 kcal per 100 g) stimulates the body's production of a natural analgesic. When pepper is consumed, flour is produced in the stomach - a substance that prevents the occurrence of ulcers. The vegetable prevents the appearance of heart problems, prevents the development of oncology, protects a person from aging.
  • Considering the above features of "light" vegetables, feel free to use them when drawing up the menu. The lowest calorie food will help you create interesting dishes:

    1. Make a salad with fresh cucumbers: take 2 cucumbers, 1 bunch each of wild garlic, dill, parsley, green onions, low fat sour cream, or light natural yogurt. Cut the vegetables into slices, chop the herbs, season everything with sour cream or yogurt, add salt to taste if desired.
    2. Boiled asparagus is prepared as follows: peel the stems, rinse with cold water, dip them in boiling salted water for 3-5 minutes, remove and discard in a colander, put them in a bowl of cold water. For dressing, combine olive oil, lemon juice, salt. Place the asparagus on a plate and top with the sauce.
    3. Spinach salad: Take 230 g spinach, 2 tomatoes, 1 avocado, 200 g feta cheese. Cut vegetables, avocado, feta cheese into slices, slices, add olive oil, a little vinegar, 1 tsp. sugar, a pinch of salt, stir.
    4. Prepare broccoli puree: divide vegetables (about 300 g) into inflorescences, steam, lightly fry the onion (1 head) in olive oil, mix everything with a blender, pepper, salt to taste.
    5. Carrot salad is prepared as follows: 2 carrots are cut into strips, walnuts are chopped, everything is mixed, seasoned with natural yogurt, 1 tsp is added. honey, a pinch of grated fresh ginger.
    6. An excellent soup is prepared with chili peppers: take 5 tomatoes, pour over with boiling water, remove the skin. Tomatoes, 2 cloves of garlic, 1-2 peppers are mixed in a blender, the mixture is cooked in a saucepan for about 10 minutes. At the end, chopped greens are added, salt to taste.

    Weight will drop rapidly if you consider a few guidelines. Make your diet based on the following:

    • Eat about 1.5 kg of vegetables per day (about 1300 kcal): bake, boil, stew, eat fresh, but do not use fried zucchini and other vegetables in this form.
    • Season salads with low-fat yogurt.
    • Eat strictly according to the schedule: 4-6 times a day, for breakfast, lunch or dinner, the portion should be small.
    • Drink water, green tea, vegetable juices.
    • Include dairy, protein, low-calorie foods, fruits, and cereals.

    Hearty, Low-Calorie Foods

    It is important not only to effectively lose weight, but also to fill the body with nutrients. Hearty foods include:

    • lean veal;
    • chicken;
    • a rabbit;
    • lean beef;
    • turkey;
    • kidneys and heart;
    • seafood in the form of squid, shrimp, crabs, flounder, carp, tofu, river bass, blue whiting, pike perch, pike;
    • low-fat milk, cottage cheese, kefir.

    During the diet, it is worth using special recipes. It is worth mentioning the most popular ones:

    1. Chicken salad is prepared as follows: take a boiled fillet (300 g), chop it, cut 2 fresh cucumbers, 2 tomatoes, 1 bell pepper, 100 g pitted olives, 100 g feta cheese squares, mix, season with olive oil, add salt, oregano taste.
    2. Squids can be mixed with bell peppers, onions, parsley, olive oil for an excellent light salad.
    3. A savory salad is made from squid, prawns with bell peppers, cucumbers, radishes, lettuce, celery, paprika and olive oil.

    To avoid gaining extra pounds while dieting, it is important to consider a number of important tips. Know that hearty meals:

    • it is better to cook meat and seafood, as a last resort, an oven is suitable for cooking;
    • eat hearty meat dishes for lunch;
    • eat boiled fish for dinner.

    Delicious low-calorie foods

    Among people who are losing weight, there are also those who like to eat something tasty. Such food should include sweets, interesting dishes, foods with a low calorie content:

    • marmalade;
    • marshmallow;
    • paste;
    • popcorn without salt and butter;
    • cottage cheese;
    • natural yogurt;
    • bell pepper;
    • melon watermelon;
    • berries - raspberries, blackberries, strawberries, blueberries, lingonberries;
    • fruits - pineapples, mangoes, bananas, grapes, persimmons, papaya, guava, apples, grapefruit, tangerines.

    This list of low-calorie foods can be used to create a daily menu. Baking should be present in the diet only in the form of bran bread without yeast, crispbread, biscuits. Remember that a healthy dessert (sweet, cottage cheese, yoghurts and fruits, berries) is best consumed separately instead of a light snack or for breakfast. Spice up your morning with a delicious cottage cheese, yoghurt and berry dish. This will help tone and improve digestion. During the day, between breakfast and lunch or for an afternoon snack, treat yourself to an apple, pineapple slices, grapefruit, and healthy sweets.

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    Low Calorie Weight Loss Products - List and Recipes for Diet