Wasabi: composition, useful properties, contraindications, use of wasabi in cooking. What is wasabi? How wasabi is made in Japan

Anyone who has ever tried sushi or rolls has also tried wasabi, but have you ever wondered what this spicy condiment is made of?

Real wasabi (translated as honwasabi) is made from the root of Wasabia japonica, Cochlearia wasabi or Eutrema japonica. It is very difficult to grow, so its cost can reach more than 200 euros per 1 kilogram.

The complexity of cultivation and its high cost lies in the fact that the plant grows in mountain streams in running water at a temperature of 10 to 17 degrees. The seasoning uses the root of the plant, which begins to thicken only after 1.5 years and becomes suitable for consumption.

The upper part of the root is sharper than the lower, so Japanese chefs grate the required amount of wasabi, and put the rest of the root in the refrigerator, so the wasabi root can be stored for up to 1 month without losing its taste.

In Russia, and other countries outside of Japan, use imitation wasabi. Wasabi imitation is made from:

  • horseradish, called "wasabi-daikon",
  • spices, mustard - to add spice,
  • dyes to give a color similar to real wasabi, because. wasabi daikon white.

There are several options for preparing imitation wasabi: powder, paste, tablets.

Wasabi daikon horseradish is much easier to grow and much less expensive.

Therefore, outside of Japan, imitation is mainly used, because. the taste and sharpness of the original wasabi is very similar, but the price is much lower.

Japanese sushi chefs claim that in pastes imitating wasabi, its share does not exceed 2%.

Real wasabi has not only a brighter taste and sharpness than its imitation, but also a number of useful properties that should be noted:

  • Its regular use helps fight the development of caries, because. in its composition, wasabi contains substances that kill bacteria that cause tooth decay.
  • Real wasabi has antimicrobial properties that are especially relevant when eating raw fish.
  • Some scientists claim that eating wasabi stops the development of cancer.

Now, you know what real wasabi is made of, and in our restaurants you are offered an imitation of wasabi from horseradish, mustard and dyes. To truly experience the taste and spiciness of honwasabi, you will most likely have to travel to Japan.

Wasabi sauce

Wasabi is a plant that has been used in Japan for 600 years to prepare a spicy seasoning for various dishes. Wasabi sauce is a crushed root of the plant itself, which, growing in Japan in special exotic conditions along mountain rivers, is especially valuable. Therefore, even in Japan, wasabi imitation based on horseradish, spices and food coloring is often used. We are familiar with wasabi powder, obtained by grinding the dried root of the plant.

The components that make up wasabi sauce have antiseptic and antifungal properties, inhibit the growth of bacteria, so the sauce is often used with raw fish. Consider the recipe for wasabi sauce based on the exotic root of this plant.

Wasabi sauce - recipe at home

We clean the wasabi root and rub it on a fine grater. From the resulting mass we form a ball and insist 15 minutes before use. The remaining root is stored in cling film in the refrigerator. If you want to achieve maximum spiciness, then add a couple of drops of lemon to the finished wasabi.

How to make wasabi sauce at home?

Since wasabi root is quite difficult to find, we will use a powder made from the dried root of this plant.


  • wasabi powder - 1 tbsp. a spoon;
  • water - 2 tbsp. spoons.


Mix wasabi powder with water, mix thoroughly until smooth. To shape the mixture, transfer the mixture to a small container, wait until the paste dries a little, and transfer everything to the already prepared dish.

Keep in mind that ready-made wasabi cannot be stored, as over time it loses its sharpness and taste.

How to make wasabi sauce?

In the absence of an exotic plant root or powder, wasabi can be prepared using much more readily available and common ingredients.


  • dry mustard - 50 g;
  • grated horseradish - 50 g;
  • food coloring (green) - 5 g.


Mix the grated horseradish together with the mustard powder until a smooth paste is obtained. Adding water drop by drop, bring the sauce to the desired consistency. Since classic wasabi has a greenish tint, you can add dry or liquid food coloring to the finished mixture if you wish.

Such a spicy pasta can be safely served with sushi, used in the preparation of traditional Asian soups and sauces.

lat. Wasabia japonica

It is a popular condiment made by drying and crushing the root of a perennial plant with an erect creeping stem and large, heart-shaped leaves from the Brassicaceae family. For the first time, this grass began to be cultivated in the 10th century in Japan, where it is still massively grown in vegetable gardens and in cold water in a semi-submerged state on the banks of mountain streams. Wherein hon-wasabi, the second grade, which has a richer taste, is considered the highest quality and costs significantly more.

In addition to their historical homeland, one can meet " japanese fuck» and on plantations in China, USA, Korea and New Zealand. However, even there, the cost of wasabi is very high, which is why the vast majority of Japanese restaurants use an imitation of this seasoning in the form of powder, paste in tubes or tablets. It is made on the basis of wasabi daikon, mustard, spices and some food colors added to simulate a specific green tint.

How to choose

Wasabi can be purchased in powder or paste form. First of all, you should carefully read the composition indicated on the package. The composition should be marked Japanese horseradish, water, a small amount of salt and vegetable oil. And the powder should be crumbly, finely ground.

How to store

The required amount of wasabi root is grated. The rest is wrapped in a film in order to preserve its smell and taste. In this form, it can be stored without losing its qualities for up to a month.

If you bought wasabi powder, put it in a jar or airtight container and put it in the refrigerator. In this form, the powder will be stored for about a year.

A tube of wasabi paste should be refrigerated after opening and used within a few weeks.

In cooking

Eating wasabi in the form of a root that was rubbed began as early as 1396 in the Shizuoka area. Its inhabitants brought seasoning as a gift to the future shogun. According to legend, he liked the product, and he began to distribute wasabi in other regions of Japan. The crushed and dried root has a strong aroma. The pungency of wasabi is more like that of regular mustard than hot pepper, and is more stimulating to the nasal passages than the tongue.

Such a "real wasabi" can only be found in Japan, but even there it grows in special conditions: at a temperature of 10 to 17 degrees. and in running water. That is why it is so precious and so valued.

For cooking, 3- and 4-year-old roots are used, as well as the stems and flowers of the plant. Few traditional Japanese dishes are complete without seasoning. Most often, it is mixed with soy sauce or applied as a thin strip on rice, as is the case with sushi. Wasabi is also often added to rolls or served separately. Wasabi is also used to make another famous dish of the cuisine - tempura.

True, due to the high cost of seasoning, most restaurants outside Japan use imitation wasabi based on spices, horseradish and food coloring. Imitation is produced in the form of a finished paste in tubes or powder.

wasabi calories

Wasabi has 10 calories. At the same time, the low fat content allows you to use seasoning even in diet food.

Nutritional value per 100 grams:

Useful properties of wasabi

Composition and presence of nutrients

The root contains proteins (up to 10 percent), essential oils, sinigrin, glycosides, vitamin C, B6, A, folate, fiber, niacin and trace elements (calcium, potassium, magnesium, iron, sodium, phosphorus, manganese, zinc, copper).

Useful and medicinal properties

Given the fact that the anticoagulant effect of aspirin appears only after 30 minutes, and from the essential oils of the wasabi root - immediately, the latter can be considered a more effective means of preventing complications of cardiovascular diseases and atherosclerosis.

Among other things, the Japanese have long known the strong antimicrobial and antifungal properties of wasabi, which explains the popularity of the spice in combination with fish in sushi.

Everyone needs periodic liver cleansing. This is necessary to remove harmful substances that are deposited in fat cells. Wasabi root extract can help cleanse the liver in the easiest and safest way.

This root has also been used for a long time to solve many other problems. So, wasabi has a healing effect on asthma; copes with a cold; relieves symptoms of anaphylactic shock; helps fight staphylococcus, E. coli and fungi of various origins; helps with diabetes and perfectly clears the sinuses.

Often, wasabi powder is added to food for those who suffer from drug and alcohol addiction. And being a natural aphrodisiac, the seasoning increases blood flow and enhances attraction, especially in women.

Use in cosmetology

Wasabi root is used in the spa industry and cosmetology, as the main ingredient for some procedures. Wasabi-based extract, having unique properties, has a positive effect on the body, penetrating through the skin.

The active substance isothiocyanate, together with calcium, potassium, phytochemicals and vitamin C, effectively fights the main cause of aging - free radicals. This is due to the stimulation of blood circulation and the saturation of tissues with oxygen.

In spas, wasabi is used in body wraps to help women defeat their worst enemy, cellulite.

Wasabi is also used as a wrap. This procedure is carried out to get rid of such an unpleasant effect as "orange peel". At the same time, vasospasm is relieved, blood circulation is normalized, pain in the joints disappears. In addition to wasabi, rosemary essential oil and orange tree extract are added to the mixture.

A wasabi scrub can perfectly cleanse the skin of all dead particles, making it smooth and even. In addition to wasabi, it includes essential oils of shea and jojoba, which, softening the action of the main component, do not interfere with exfoliation and skin cleansing.

There are many other remedies that contain wasabi. These are nail whitening masks, cleansing lotions, body masks, deodorants, shampoos and tan accelerators.

Using Wasabi for Weight Loss

Now the so-called sushi diet, always with the use of wasabi, is very popular. Sushi is a hearty, but quite low-calorie dish. It is worth arranging for yourself once a week unloading according to a similar program all day long.

You do not need to go to a specialized institution for this, because you can cook sashimi, rolls and sushi yourself. Wasabi will not only help cleanse the body and increase the efficiency of unloading. Seasoning, which has disinfectant properties, will protect against microorganisms that are found in raw fish.

Use in cooking

Wasabi can be used as a marinade for chicken skewers. To do this, pour chicken pieces with wasabi sauce, olive oil, soy sauce, garlic and bake in the oven, letting the meat brew for only 10 minutes.

Wasabi is also used in the traditional Japanese dish tempura. Real tempura is first dipped in batter, and not just breaded with flour. The batter is prepared just before use from flour, eggs and ice water. It is not necessary to knead it very carefully, it should have lumps and air bubbles.

Seafood and vegetables (for example, celery root, onions, sweet peppers) are washed and then cut, dried and dipped in batter - and they must be covered with a film. After that, they fall into boiling oil. You cannot change the temperature of the fire when frying - you have to guess by eye when the tempura is ready. It will be golden in color, crispy on the outside and very tender on the inside.

In addition, original sauces are prepared from wasabi. So, tuna shavings, fish broth, wasabi, salt are added to the cream and brought to medium density, stirring constantly. Immediately before dressing, caviar is added to the sauce. Serving this sauce is advised with tuna. Wasabi is added to broths and soups to give them a spicy taste. In stores, wasabi is most often found in the form of a paste or powder. You can make a paste from it yourself by mixing 1 tsp. powder with water until a thick green substance is obtained.

Dangerous properties of wasabi

Burning and spicy wasabi can provoke an exacerbation of hyperacid gastritis, peptic ulcer, hepatitis, cholecystitis, pancreatitis and glomerulonephritis.

The use of wasabi in large quantities can cause an increase in blood pressure even in a healthy person.

Want to know what real wasabi is made of in Japan?

Wasabi is a seasoning known to everyone who loves sushi. But this spice is not only suitable for sushi. What are the benefits and how to use wasabi correctly?

Wasabi, or Japanese horseradish, is a condiment used in Japanese cuisine. It is a dried and crushed root of the plant of the same name of the Cabbage family.

It is a popular condiment made by drying and crushing the root of a perennial plant with an erect creeping stem and large, heart-shaped leaves from the Brassicaceae family. The Wasabi genus includes 4 very closely related species from East Asia, but only one of them, Japanese Wasabi, is cultivated.

Wasabi grows along the banks of mountain rivers. Cultivation of this plant began in the X century. There are two agricultural techniques: to grow in cold mountain water in a semi-submerged state (hon-wasabi) and in the garden. The second grade is considered to be of lower quality; the wasabi grown on the shore has a brighter taste.

In addition to its historical homeland, you can find "Japanese horseradish" on the plantations of China, the USA, Korea and New Zealand. However, even there, the cost of wasabi is very high, which is why the vast majority of Japanese restaurants use an imitation of this seasoning in the form of powder, paste in tubes or tablets. It is made on the basis of wasabi daikon, mustard, spices and some food colors added to simulate a specific green tint.

How to select and store wasabi

Wasabi is available in powder or paste form. First of all, you should carefully read the composition indicated on the package. The composition should be marked Japanese horseradish, water, a small amount of salt and vegetable oil. And the powder should be crumbly, finely ground.

If you bought wasabi powder, put it in a jar or airtight container and put it in the refrigerator. In this form, the powder will be stored for about a year.

A tube of wasabi paste should be refrigerated after opening and used within a few weeks.

Useful properties of wasabi

The root contains proteins (up to 10 percent), essential oils, sinigrin, glycosides, vitamin C, B6, A, folate, fiber, niacin and trace elements (calcium, potassium, magnesium, iron, sodium, phosphorus, manganese, zinc, copper).

Given the fact that the anticoagulant effect of aspirin appears only after 30 minutes, and from the essential oils of the wasabi root - immediately, the latter can be considered a more effective means of preventing complications of cardiovascular diseases and atherosclerosis.

Among other things, the Japanese have long known the strong antimicrobial and antifungal properties of wasabi, which explains the popularity of the spice in combination with fish in sushi.

Everyone needs periodic liver cleansing. This is necessary to remove harmful substances that are deposited in fat cells. Wasabi root extract can help cleanse the liver in the easiest and safest way.

This root has also been used for a long time to solve many other problems. So, wasabi has a healing effect on asthma; copes with a cold; relieves symptoms of anaphylactic shock; helps fight staphylococcus aureus, E. coli and fungi of various origins; helps with diabetes and perfectly clears the sinuses.

Using Wasabi for Weight Loss

Now the so-called sushi diet, always with the use of wasabi, is very popular. Sushi is a hearty, but quite low-calorie dish. It is worth arranging for yourself once a week unloading according to a similar program all day long.

You do not need to go to a specialized institution for this, because you can cook sashimi, rolls and sushi yourself. Wasabi will not only help cleanse the body and increase the efficiency of unloading. Seasoning, which has disinfectant properties, will protect against microorganisms that are found in raw fish.

Wasabi in cosmetology

In spas, wasabi is used in body wraps to help women defeat their worst enemy, cellulite. A wasabi scrub can perfectly cleanse the skin of all dead particles, making it smooth and even. In addition to wasabi, it includes essential oils of shea and jojoba, which, softening the action of the main component, do not interfere with exfoliation and skin cleansing.

There are many other remedies that contain wasabi. These are nail whitening masks, cleansing lotions, body masks, deodorants, shampoos and tan accelerators.

But there is one feature! Before signing up for a procedure, it is worth considering that the cost of natural wasabi is high. If restaurants can't afford to use natural seasoning, what kind of wraps can they be?

wasabi root

Anyone who has ever tried sushi or rolls has also tried wasabi, but have you ever wondered what this spicy condiment is made of?

Real wasabi (translated as honwasabi) is made from the root of Wasabia japonica, Cochlearia wasabi or Eutrema japonica. It is very difficult to grow, so its cost can reach more than 200 euros per 1 kilogram.

The complexity of cultivation and its high cost lies in the fact that the plant grows in mountain streams in running water at a temperature of 10 to 17 degrees. The seasoning uses the root of the plant, which begins to thicken only after 1.5 years and becomes suitable for consumption.

The upper part of the root is sharper than the lower, so Japanese chefs grate the required amount of wasabi, and put the rest of the root in the refrigerator, so the wasabi root can be stored for up to 1 month without losing its taste.

In Russia, and other countries outside of Japan, use imitation wasabi. Wasabi imitation is made from:

  • horseradish, called "wasabi-daikon",
  • spices, mustard - to add spice,
  • dyes to give a color similar to real wasabi, because. wasabi daikon white.

An example of the composition of wasabi imitation paste

There are several options for preparing imitation wasabi: powder, paste, tablets.

Wasabi daikon horseradish is much easier to grow and much less expensive. Therefore, outside of Japan, imitation is mainly used, because. the taste and sharpness of the original wasabi is very similar, but the price is much lower.

Japanese sushi chefs claim that in pastes imitating wasabi, its share does not exceed 2%.

Benefits of wasabi

Real wasabi has not only a brighter taste and sharpness than its imitation, but also a number of useful properties that should be noted:

  • Its regular use helps fight the development of caries, because. in its composition, wasabi contains substances that kill bacteria that cause tooth decay.
  • Real wasabi has antimicrobial properties that are especially relevant when eating raw fish.
  • Some scientists claim that eating wasabi stops the development of cancer.

Now, you know what real wasabi is made of, and in our restaurants you are offered an imitation of wasabi from horseradish, mustard and dyes. To truly experience the taste and spiciness of honwasabi, you will most likely have to travel to Japan.

A fragment of the program “What is it made of” about wasabi:

Wasabi is a condiment known as "Japanese horseradish", which is widely used in eastern countries to spice up the dish. In fact, it is the dried, grated root of the plant of the same name of the Cabbage family. "Japanese horseradish" is grown in the cold water of mountain rivers, in the garden or on the shore near water bodies. The cultivation of the plant began in the 20th century.

Wasabi grown on the shore has a richer taste and is valued more than its "aquatic" counterpart.

Place of birth - Asia and the Far East. Wasabi is cultivated in Korea, New Zealand, Taiwan, USA, China, the Japanese province of Izu.

In terms of spiciness, the seasoning is similar to mustard. Interestingly, wasabi stimulates the nasal passages (smell receptors) rather than the tongue (gustatory receptors). Not a single appetizer, first or second course of Japanese cuisine is complete without this seasoning. To soften the taste, it is mixed with soy sauce.

Wasabi is an essential ingredient for making sushi rolls. Seasoning is applied to rice in a thin layer. "Japanese horseradish" is best served with seafood and fish dishes. Wasabi and tuna are the perfect combination that emphasizes the taste of each other. In stores, seasoning is presented in powder and paste forms.

Chemical composition

The Japanese horseradish plant has large leaves of a heart-shaped configuration, serrated along the edges, with a long petiole. The stem is creeping, reaches 1.5 centimeters in height. The flowering period is April-May.

Wasabi is a low calorie product. 100 grams of seasoning contains 109 calories, 69.11 grams of water, 24 grams of carbohydrates, 7.8 grams of dietary fiber, 5 grams of protein, 1.92 grams of ash. There are no fats.

It takes three years to form a Japanese perennial root suitable for food. Wasabi has a sharp specific smell and a subtle burning taste. It is added to pickles, salads, first courses, sushi and sashimi. They are also used to disinfect raw fish.

Interestingly, a monument to this plant has been erected in Japan.

To use or not?

Wasabi contains isothiocyanates that prevent the growth of pathogenic bacteria that cause tooth decay and food poisoning. In addition, these substances are considered antioxidants of natural origin, they inhibit the spread of metastases.

The root of the plant is an anti-asthma component that prevents the formation of blood clots, has antimicrobial, antifungal effects.

Other medicinal properties of wasabi:

  • neutralizes the action of toxins;
  • stimulates appetite;
  • increases blood flow;
  • improves the digestion of food, the chemical composition of the blood;
  • cleanses the liver, sinuses;
  • fights against colds, staphylococcus aureus, E. coli;
  • relieves acute symptoms of anaphylactic shock;
  • enhances sexual desire.

Wasabi extract has an instant effect, in terms of the speed of absorption into the blood and the manifestation of its healing properties, it is in no way inferior to aspirin, but has less power.

The herb is used to treat the following conditions:

  • diabetes;
  • cancerous tumors of the gastrointestinal tract, breast, large intestine;
  • asthma;
  • colds;
  • pathologies of the cardiovascular system;
  • prevention of caries, acne, thrombosis;
  • diarrhea.

Remember, only natural wasabi has the above benefits. Beware of fakes!

Due to the high cost, outside the country of the rising sun, seasoning is made from ordinary horseradish, corn starch, mustard powder, artificial dye. This product has nothing to do with wasabi.

In order not to buy a fake product, carefully read its composition on the label. If the packaging says "first grade" - this is a 100% natural product. "Second grade" indicates that the composition of the seasoning includes only a quarter of the powder of the rhizomes of the plant. And the third-class product is the usual horseradish, it's not wasabi. Such a product will not bring tangible health benefits.

Wasabi increases blood pressure and exacerbates the following diseases:

  • pancreatitis;
  • glomerulonephritis;
  • hyperacid gastritis;
  • hepatitis;
  • cholecystitis;
  • peptic ulcer of the stomach, intestines.

Exotic seasoning is contraindicated for people with high stomach acidity, hypertension, liver and kidney diseases and inflammatory processes in the gastrointestinal tract.

Application in cooking

Wasabi root is used both fresh and dried. The raw plant contains more nutrients than the processed one. Fresh roots smell like radishes, and taste like horseradish and mustard. They are rubbed on a ceramic or metal grater immediately before use. However, in a cool, dark place, wasabi paste wrapped in plastic wrap can be stored for up to one month without loss of flavor and aroma. The bright green mass is served with fish dishes, marinades, pickles, added to soups, salads, sushi, meat noodles.

To soften the taste and reduce the sharpness, wasabi is mixed with soy sauce, lime, nut paste, sesame seeds.

In addition to root crops, flowers, stem, young shoots of plant leaves are used in cooking. In Japan, they make tempura. Pieces of the plant are fried in batter until golden crispy.

On the basis of dry powder, sauces are prepared, which serve as a dressing for traditional Japanese dishes "tempura", "sashimi", "sushi". The ideal composition is a mixture of cornmeal, mustard, wasabi root.

Method for preparing the sauce from powder: pour 30 grams of chopped dry root into a container, pour in 45 milliliters of boiled, cold water in a slow stream, stir constantly. Carefully inspect the mass, it should not have lumps, and the consistency should resemble soft clay. Add more liquid or powder as needed. Leave the prepared sauce for 15 minutes. During this time, it will dry out and pick up a characteristic smell. For a variety of taste, add 30 grams of grated horseradish and dry mustard to the dressing. To improve the aesthetic appearance, add green food coloring to the sauce.

Interestingly, wasabi root powder can be diluted not with water, but with lemon juice. In this case, the sauce will turn out spicy, with a characteristic citrus sourness. Store in an airtight container for up to 10 days.

Remember, wasabi is hotter than chili. Therefore, observe moderation and do not abuse the seasoning. Unlike pepper, the Japanese root crop does not burn the tongue, but “hits the nose”, which is easily washed off with water.

Wasabi Recipes

Salad "Spicy freshness"


  • bell pepper - 2 pieces;
  • cucumbers - 2 pieces;
  • green onions, parsley, dill - 1 bunch each;
  • sour cream 15% - 30 milliliters;
  • wasabi sauce.

Method of preparation: wash vegetables and greens, chop to the desired size, season with sour cream and Japanese horseradish paste. Salt to taste. Salad is easily digestible, stimulates metabolism.

Baked fish with wasabi sauce


  • sesame oil - 30 milliliters;
  • salmon fillet - 500 grams;
  • breadcrumbs - 50 grams;
  • wasabi seasoning.

Cooking principle: cut the red fish into small pieces, mix the crumbs from crackers, green paste with sesame oil. Spread the salmon slices with the mixture. Bake for 20 minutes in an oven heated to 170 degrees.

Nuts in spicy sauce


  • honey - 15 milliliters;
  • Japanese horseradish paste - 15 grams;
  • peanuts - 400 grams;
  • soy sauce - 45 milliliters.

Cooking sequence: mix honey, wasabi and soy sauce. Place the nuts in the dressing, mix thoroughly, put on a baking sheet previously covered with parchment paper. Bake in the oven for 10 minutes at 200 degrees.

Application in cosmetology

Due to its burning properties, wasabi root is used in the spa industry for body wraps and skin cleansing. The plant extract penetrates deeply through the dermis and helps to defeat the worst enemy of a woman - cellulite. The active substance isothiocyanate, which is part of wasabi, in combination with ascorbic acid, potassium and calcium fights free radicals that accelerate the aging of the body. As a result, tissues are saturated with oxygen, blood circulation is stimulated, and cell youth is prolonged.

Wrapping with wasabi eliminates the “orange peel” from the skin, relieves vasospasm, and relieves pain in the joints. To nourish the dermis, rosemary essential oil is added to the burning green mixture.

To cleanse the skin of dead cells, use a scrub with wasabi. The procedure not only removes dead skin cells, but also makes the dermis smooth and even. To soften the action of the main component, shea, Japanese tree and jojoba oils are introduced into the scrub.

In addition, manufacturers add wasabi extract to deodorants (to neutralize bacteria that cause unpleasant odors), shampoos (to strengthen bulbs and stimulate hair growth), body masks (to increase blood circulation and burn fat deposits), nail foams (for plate whitening).

Wasabi for weight loss

Every year, the sushi diet is gaining more and more popularity, which allows you to lose a kilogram a day. A prerequisite for this method of losing weight is the use of wasabi seasoning in conjunction with the main meal.

Sushi is a hearty dish, one part of a roll, weighing 50 grams, contains only 70 - 80 calories. To maintain weight, it is recommended to carry out such “Japanese” fasting days once a week. During the day, only homemade sushi with spicy wasabi sauce is allowed. The number of meals - 4 times. One serving - 2 rolls. It is permissible to eat no more than 8 pieces per day.

According to the ingredients included in the dish, rolls are a dietary, low-calorie dish, while being very satisfying and healthy.

What is sushi made of?

  1. Boiled rice. Provides the body with complex carbohydrates, fiber, B vitamins, iodine, calcium, phosphorus, zinc, and iron. Adsorbs carcinogenic substances from the body, removes toxins and salts.
  2. Seaweed "Nori". It is a source of iodine, calcium, iron and vitamins A, D, B, which have a positive effect on the functioning of the thyroid gland, strengthen the skeleton, circulatory system, and sharpen thinking.
  3. Seafood and fish. They contain potassium, zinc, iodine, phosphorus, B vitamins, easily digestible protein and Omega-3 fatty acids, which prevent thrombosis, sexual dysfunction, and bone tissue destruction.
  4. Wasabi. Disinfects raw fish, stimulates metabolism, activates digestion.
  5. Avocado. Contains potassium, monounsaturated fats and vitamin E, which relieve cholesterol plaques, strengthen the immune system.
  6. Cucumbers. The vegetable is 95% water, suppresses appetite, balances acidity in the body, supplies organs with nutrients (B vitamins, magnesium, zinc, iron, phosphorus, potassium, calcium).

Sushi diet is a symbiosis of healthy foods that activate metabolism and fat burning. The main conditions are to cook the rolls yourself from fresh products and observe moderation in food.


Wasabi is a Japanese condiment with a pungent odor and a pungent taste. The roots, flowers, shoots of the plant are used in cooking, folk medicine, and cosmetology. The beneficial properties of wasabi are due to the rich chemical composition. The seasoning contains fiber, amino acids, glycosides, essential oils, synegrin, vitamins A, B, C, PP, macro- and microelements (phosphorus, iron, manganese, potassium, calcium, magnesium, copper, sodium, zinc).

Thus, wasabi not only adds flavor and spiciness to the dish, but also increases its nutritional value. Winning combinations: sushi, rolls, seafood, fish, meat, nuts, noodles. At the same time, pasta in tubes is a mixture of dried root and ordinary horseradish. The quality and price of the product directly depends on the ratio of these ingredients.

Pure wasabi, honwasabi, is an expensive condiment found only in Japan.

In other countries, its artificial surrogate is produced with starch, dyes, mustard, horseradish. The proportions of these components are indicated on the label. Before buying a product, carefully read the composition: the fewer chemical additives, the better.