What should the prostate gland feel like? Feeling the prostate on your own

A healthy prostate is an opportunity to maintain men's health for a long time. If you notice pain in this organ, do not rush to start self-treatment. Before starting certain procedures, you need to consult a doctor to find out how the prostate should feel to the touch.

The prostate gland helps to remove urine from the body. The composition of the ejaculate contains polyamine, which every day protects the genitals from various kinds of bacteria.

Inflammation of the gland is brought to incontinence, and also to the point that a person cannot lead a normal sexual life. In addition, the risk of infection increases.

Dimensions and Structure

The development of the prostate stops by the age of 20. The process of changes in the body of a teenager, as a result of which he becomes an adult and capable of procreation, slows down, the hormonal background is now calmer, the young man is a full-fledged man. Usually the size of the prostate increases, and this is quite normal.

For example, the size of a healthy organ at 50 years old should be about 22.9 cm3, and at 25 - 19.6 cm3. A slight increase in the gland is quite normal for the body. However, if a man at the age of 50 has a prostate twice as large as normal, this is a serious reason to think and see a doctor.

Unhealthy is that which in a short period of time has gone beyond the limits of the norm. Most often, this disease is accompanied by a number of symptoms, but it also happens that a person does not even notice the changes.

There is a specific Gromov formula that will help determine the normal size of the prostate. You just need to know the person's age.

Thanks to this, rounded figures can be fixed, but exact calculations will be revealed only after a visit to the hospital.

How to feel the prostate

At the moment, medicine has stepped forward and offers us a wide range of ideas to solve this problem.

Objective research

This method is resorted to if the disease of the gland has not reached its highest peak and there is no need to use additional equipment. In accordance with the examination, a specialist can make a preliminary diagnosis and prescribe tests.

What is included in the main plan of this diagnostic method:

  1. The doctor finds out the main complaints of the patient, asks how long he has been worried about the symptoms associated with the prostate gland, as a result of which the disorder appeared, how fast it developed, is there a risk of the situation worsening.
  2. Examination of the external genitalia.
  3. Feeling the doctor of the prostate gland.

Useful video: prostate - structure, functions

instrumental method

If the first method did not help to establish the cause of the disease of this organ, an instrumental approach should be used. This includes:

  • method of examination of the urethra (urethra) using an optical device;
  • medical research method, examination of the inner surface of the bladder, type of endoscopy;
  • ultrasound procedure;
  • radiography.

The first two methods are used to detect narrowing of the urethra. Based on the actual size of the gland, its shape, the degree of narrowing of the urethra. X-ray examination contributes to the complete visualization of all organs of the pelvis and their relationship to each other.


The most common method is a biopsy. However, it can only be used with a doctor's prescription.

First of all, this is necessary for the differential diagnosis of glandular hyperplasia and a malignant process.

In addition, this method can confirm a previously established diagnosis, as well as fix the stage of the disease.

During the period of palpation of the organ, the patient should not feel any discomfort, much less pain.

How should the prostate feel to the touch? According to the consistency, the prostate gland should be elastic and tight, and its contours should be clear.

Options for pathology

There are several stages in the development of the disease of this organ, in which completely different symptoms can be distinguished.

With adenoma

The main manifestations of the disease:

  1. Difficulty urinating, mild jet or even painful urination.
  2. Frequent feeling of clogging and fullness of the bladder.
  3. Inability to sleep due to the fact that you constantly want to go to the toilet.
  4. Pain in part of the bladder.

Note! Without an additional examination by a doctor and the opportunity to correct the situation, chronic prostatitis, inflammation of the bladder, an inflammatory disease of the kidneys, characterized by damage to the parenchyma of the kidney, calyces and renal pelvis, appears. In the future, erection problems, rapid ejaculation are possible.

With prostatitis

Prostatitis is a form of chronic or acute inflammation of the prostate gland.

In severe form: a sudden increase in body temperature, a feeling of cold, accompanied by muscle trembling, sharp pain in the lower abdomen on both sides.

Sharp pain may also be felt when trying to go to the toilet.

Without proper treatment, it can lead not only to the chronicity of the inflammatory process, but also to infertility, as well as generalization of the infection.

In the chronic form: similar signs, which, however, proceed more slowly, with periodic exacerbations. Chronic prostatitis leads not only to infertility, but also to the development of an ascending infection, an inflammatory process in the bladder, kidneys, testicles and seminal vesicles.

With hyperplasia

Benign prostatic hyperplasia (adenoma) is usually the result of chronic diseases of the genitourinary system. During the development of adenoma, the organ in question becomes hard, edema is observed. In addition, a tumor appears, which is benign in the first stage.

Reasons for the change in consistency

Hardness and swelling are the main signs of a disease in men. The most common causes of prostatitis are age-related changes or hormonal imbalance.

A soft prostate may indicate swelling of the tissue as a result of congestive processes.

In addition, an important role is played by:

  1. Eating unhealthy food.
  2. Smoking, alcohol.
  3. The use of drugs and compounds that reduce the level or activity of male androgen hormones in the body.
  4. Hypothermia.

In addition, the bacterial form is isolated.

The occurrence of bacterial prostatitis contributes to the emergence of specific types of pathological bacteria.

How does the infection get inside the body:

  • from the urethra;
  • from other inflamed parts of the body;
  • through vessels consisting of merged lymphatic capillaries, through which the body drains lymph from tissues and organs into the venous system.


Doctors identified the main symptoms:

  1. Constant desire to go to the toilet in the middle of the night, weak flow of urine, feeling that the bladder is still full after urination, lack of control over the flow of urine.
  2. Pain during the exit of urine, ejaculation, discomfort in the urethra at the end of urination, sharp pains in the perineum and testicles.
  3. Decreased quality, short sexual intercourse, the presence of blood in the ejaculate.

A urologist will help solve this problem, so you will need to contact him first. Tests will need to be taken upon arrival at the hospital:

  • clinical analysis of urine;
  • a portion of urine for three glasses;
  • detection of infections that are sexually transmitted;
  • study of prostate secretion.

Diffuse changes are visual disturbances in the structure of the parenchyma. Most often, they occur due to inflammation, abscesses, or the discovery of a tumor in the tissues.

Important! Ultrasound is the best way to assess the signs of the gland - its size, structure, heterogeneity, structure, shape - and to identify deviations from the norm.

Useful video: how to feel the prostate yourself and determine prostatitis


Now you have learned how the prostate should feel to the touch. It is very important to contact a specialist in a timely manner so that the disease does not continue to develop. A healthy prostate to the touch is an opportunity to maintain your health for a long time.

Home / Urology / Prostate examination

Prostate examination

Very often, the urologist faces a whole bunch of problems when diagnosing patients with prostate diseases. Firstly, many pathologies that vary in severity and require different treatment manifest the same symptoms. Special studies and analyzes help put everything in its place.

Methods for examining the prostate gland

There are several different tests that a doctor can use to make a correct diagnosis. These are digital rectal examination, urinalysis for bacteriuria and other urinalysis, PSA (prostate-specific antigen) test, biopsy.

Digital rectal examination

Secondly, the representatives of the stronger sex, as a rule, consider digital rectal examination (DRE) humiliating procedure. This study should not be treated this way, because it is a very simple, convenient and, most importantly, a quick method for detecting many anomalies of the prostate.

PRO methodology

The essence of the method is as follows. The doctor puts on a glove. Lubricates the gloved index finger with a lubricant, then gently inserts it into the anus. Palpation of the prostate gland is carried out through the anterior wall of the rectum.

At the same time, attention is drawn to its size, shape, consistency, presence of nodes, sensitivity.

The prostate gland is normal

A healthy prostate measures about 3 cm and protrudes about 1 cm into the rectum. To the touch it is elastic and elastic, painless on palpation.

A furrow is clearly expressed, which divides the gland into two lobes. If acute prostatitis is suspected in a patient, then, in most cases, symptoms of inflammation will be present, palpation of the gland will cause pain. If the prostate gland is less sensitive, but constantly enlarged in size, the most likely The diagnosis is chronic nonspecific prostatitis. In both cases, bacteriuria is likely to be detected in the urine.

PRO included in mandatory prostate cancer screening list

The digital rectal examination is an integral part of prostate cancer screening worldwide. Most oncologists recommend an annual PRO for all men over 40 years of age.

Additional Research

If an enlarged prostate has been identified during PRT, and the reasons for this are not clear enough, further steps are taken to determine the cause of possible urinary retention. Among them:

  • assessment of the strength of the urine stream during urination; intravenous urography: a radiopaque substance is injected into the patient's vein, and then x-rays of the urinary tract are taken; cystoscopy: a fiber optic cystoscope is used, which is inserted through the urethra into the bladder.

Cancer screening

If there is a suspicion that the prostate gland has increased due to a malignant neoplasm, a PSA (prostate-specific antigen) test is performed. It can be used to detect prostate cancer in its early stages. But this test alone is not enough to make a definitive diagnosis. As a rule, other studies are required. In addition, the PSA level can be increased due to benign prostatic hypertrophy and after palpation of the prostate. It follows from this that any rectal examinations should be carried out only after blood sampling for PSA.

Rectal Examination (DRE)

A rectal exam is a type of physical examination in which a doctor or nurse inserts a finger into the patient's rectum (anus) to feel for possible abnormalities. Some people find it uncomfortable and embarrassing to have a rectal examination during a prostate cancer diagnosis in Israeli clinics, but the procedure only takes a few minutes and is usually painless.

Reasons for a rectal examination

One common reason for a rectal examination is to suspect a prostate disorder, which may be a sign of prostate cancer or another disease. A rectal examination may also be required if the patient has bowel changes that may indicate problems with the digestive system. Such changes may include:

  • Bleeding from the rectum Loss of normal bowel function, called bowel (in some cases bladder) incontinence Pain in the anus or rectum

Prostate Examination

The prostate gland is found only in men and is located in the pelvic area, between the penis and the bladder, around the urethra (the tube that carries urine to the penis from the bladder). The urethra can be examined with a rectal examination, through which a specialist can detect changes in the prostate such as swelling and induration. You can also detect an enlargement of the gland, which usually occurs in older men and puts pressure on the bladder and urethra, causing the following symptoms:

  • Difficulty urinating, Intermittent or weak flow of urine, Having to strain to urinate, Frequent urge to urinate, Frequent urination at night.

In most cases, prostate enlargement brings a lot of trouble to a man, but does not pose a threat to life. However, prostate enlargement causes symptoms similar to those of prostate cancer. A rectal examination can determine whether the symptoms are caused by an enlarged prostate or a malignant tumor. Prostate cancer causes a thickening of the surface of the prostate gland, which can become hard and uneven, while an enlarged prostate usually does not affect the surface of the prostate. Rectal examination during the diagnosis of prostate cancer in Israel is not a guaranteed way to determine the disease, so it is usually used in combination with other tests, such as a blood test and biopsy, which involves taking tissue samples for examination in the laboratory.

How is the procedure

Before the examination, the doctor will ask the patient to take off his underwear and lie on the couch on the left side, pulling his knees to his chest, or on his back, lifting his legs up and spreading them apart. Then the proctologist conducts a thorough visual examination of the anus to determine such anomalies as:

  • WartsSwollen blood vessels around the rectum or anus, known as hemorrhoidsInjuries to the anus, such as tears and cracks

After that, the doctor uses a gel to lubricate one finger, which will gently press against the anus and move up the rectum. The patient at this time may feel some discomfort or pain.

During the examination, the doctor may ask the patient to squeeze the rectum around the finger in order to assess how well the muscles in the rectum and intestines are working. During the rectal examination, the doctor carefully examines the prostate gland for lumps and roughness. A healthy prostate should be smooth to the touch.

Pressing on the prostate is painless, but may lead to an urge to urinate. If there is an infection in the prostate, the patient may feel pain when pressed.


Prostatitis is an inflammation of the prostate gland. The main cause of this disease is infection from the bladder, rectum, urethra, blood and lymphatic vessels of the small pelvis into the gland. Prostatitis is one of the most common urological diseases in men.

It is believed that after 30 years, 30% of men suffer from prostatitis, after 40 - 40%, after 50 - 50%, etc. At the same time, experts note that the real incidence is much higher than the registered one, which is explained by the peculiarities of diagnosis and the possibility of the disease occurring in a latent form. The prostate gland is a small glandular-muscular organ, approximately the size of a walnut, which is located in the pelvis under the bladder, covering the initial section of the urethra (urethra). The main function of the prostate gland is to produce a secret that, mixed with seminal fluid, maintains the activity of spermatozoa and their resistance to various adverse conditions.

Prostatitis: causes

As already mentioned, the main cause of prostatitis is an inflammatory process caused by an infection that has entered the prostate. However, by itself, infection in the gland is not enough for all manifestations of the disease. For the development of an unfavorable clinic of prostatitis, predisposing factors are necessary, which include:

  • General hypothermia of the body. Frequent constipation - and the disease can cause not episodic constipation, but regular stool disorders. opportunities (or lazy) to get up and stretch. Chronic inflammatory diseases (for example, chronic bronchitis) and chronic foci of infection in your body (for example, tonsillitis, untreated carious teeth). Prolonged sexual abstinence or, conversely, excessive sexual activity. Both are equally harmful to the body as a whole, but primarily have a negative effect on the state of the prostate. Postponed sexually transmitted and urological diseases (gonorrhea, urethritis). Any other conditions that contribute to the suppression of the immune system (for example, overload in athletes, regular lack of sleep, processing, inadequate and irregular nutrition, chronic stress, etc.).

All these factors either contribute to the penetration of pathogenic microorganisms into the prostate gland, or lead to a deterioration in the blood supply to the pelvic organs, stagnant processes, which contributes to the multiplication of bacteria and the development of the inflammatory process. Seek medical attention in a timely manner. There are 4 main forms of prostatitis : acute bacterial prostatitis, chronic bacterial prostatitis, non-bacterial prostatitis and prostatodynia. In men younger than 35 years, the disease usually occurs in the form of acute bacterial prostatitis. Bacterial prostatitis is diagnosed when there is laboratory confirmation of infection.

Most often it turns out to be chlamydia, gardnerellosis, trichomoniasis or gonorrhea. However, recent studies prove that in most cases the infection is superimposed on existing disorders in the structure of the prostate tissue and blood circulation in it. With non-bacterial prostatitis, bacteria cannot be isolated, although this does not exclude their presence. Older patients are more often diagnosed with chronic forms of the disease. Prostatodynia refers to the presence of a clinical picture of prostatitis, thickening of the prostate tissue without signs of inflammation.

Prostatitis: symptoms

Symptoms of prostatitis, in general, can be divided into 3 groups:

  • disorders of the urinary system - frequent and painful urge to urinate, a feeling of incomplete emptying of the bladder, pain in the lower abdomen; sexual dysfunction - pain along the urethra and in the rectum during ejaculation, weak erection, premature ejaculation, loss of orgasm and etc.; increased anxiety and nervousness of a man, caused by fixing the attention of patients on their condition.

The symptoms of acute and chronic prostatitis are similar, but in the case of the acute form of the disease, the painful manifestations are much more pronounced. Acute prostatitis most often begins with chills, fever and fever up to 39-40 degrees. Urination is difficult and painful. Edema of the prostate gland develops, which can cause acute urinary retention. Chronic prostatitis proceeds slowly, the painful symptoms are mild, but at any time, under adverse factors, the chronic process can turn into an acute form. An asymptomatic course of the disease is also possible.

Chronic pelvic pain syndrome

To date, scientists have not identified the real cause of chronic pelvic pain. With this painful condition, there are long-term (for more than 3 months) pain in the pelvic area, genitals and perineum.

At the same time, using laboratory tests, it is not possible to detect signs of inflammation in the secretion of the prostate gland. However, chronic pelvic pain syndrome is perhaps the most common form of prostatitis, occurring in approximately 90% of patients who consult a doctor with characteristic complaints. Although men of any age can suffer from this disorder, it most often affects people between the ages of 35 and 45. According to experts, most likely the disease is caused by urinary reflux, i.e. penetration of urine into the prostate. Also, one of the causes of this disorder may be a violation of the normal functioning of the nervous system. Chronic pelvic pain syndrome

Prostatitis: diagnosis

The main method for diagnosing prostatitis is a digital rectal examination, which gives the doctor the opportunity to determine the size, nature of the surface of the prostate and its sensitivity. With prostatitis, the prostate gland is edematous and painful, with a non-uniform surface to the touch. To determine the presence of stones, tumors or abscesses in the prostate gland, transrectal ultrasound is used - ultrasound, in which the sensor is inserted into the rectum. Laboratory research methods are also used to diagnose prostatitis. So, with bacterial prostatitis, an increased number of leukocytes is found in the prostate secretion. When diagnosing prostatitis, various urine tests are performed, and bacteriological examination of urine obtained after prostate massage can also be prescribed. A smear from the urethra is analyzed to determine sexually transmitted infections (chlamydia, gonorrhea, trichomoniasis, etc.).

Prostatitis: treatment

Treatment of acute bacterial prostatitis.Antibiotics are used to treat acute bacterial prostatitis. To select the drug, bakposev of the prostate secretion is carried out, which makes it possible to determine the sensitivity of the causative agent of the disease to antibiotics.

Antibiotics that can penetrate the prostate tissue, such as ciprofloxacin and trimethoprim-sulfamethoxazole, are used to treat this disease. Treatment of chronic bacterial prostatitis. For the treatment of this form of prostatitis apply:

  • Antibiotics - the course of treatment is long and takes 4-12 weeks. Immunomodulatory drugs - strengthen the patient's immune system and increase the body's ability to cope with the disease on its own. Prostate massage - reduces congestion, improves blood flow, helps to eliminate prostate secretion. Physiotherapy procedures - laser ( enhances tissue regeneration), ultrasound (has an antibacterial effect, promotes the penetration of drugs into the diseased organ by enhancing metabolism in the tissues of the prostate gland).

It must be remembered that an exacerbation of the disease can cause hypothermia, drinking alcohol, spicy food, irregular sex life. Treatment of non-bacterial prostatitis and chronic pelvic pain syndrome.

  • Despite the fact that no bacteria are found in the secretion of the prostate in chronic pelvic pain, doctors consider it appropriate to conduct a course of antibiotics for 2-4 weeks. Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs. Alpha-blockers - drugs that relieve increased muscle tone of the pelvic organs, prevent urine into the prostate. Soothing drugs are prescribed, since one of the causes of the exacerbation of the disease is stress.

If you have any questions, please contact the online doctor's consultation service.

Prostatitis: prevention

  • Treat inflammatory diseases of the urethra and bladder, such as cystitis, in a timely and complete manner. Maintain regular bowel movements. Regularly engage in sports - running, swimming, playing tennis, and walking. Have an active, regular sex life.

Have an active sex life

Prostatitis: treatment with folk remedies

  • Pumpkin seeds. The daily dose is 30 pieces per day. Seeds must be raw. You can twist 0.5 kilograms of seeds in a meat grinder, add 200 grams of honey, make hazelnut-sized balls out of the mixture. They must be stored in the refrigerator. Take 1-2 times a day, one ball half an hour before meals. The ball must be chewed for two to three minutes. This remedy for prostatitis is very effective. As a rule, one course per year is enough.

Effective treatment for prostatitis - pumpkin seeds

  • Hazel. Pour several branches of a bush with leaves with water, bring to a boil. Boil for 20 minutes, let it brew until red-brown. Steam over the solution for 30 minutes. The course of treatment is a week. Aspen bark infused with vodka. Bark with a thickness of 3-5 millimeters must be prepared before the buds of trees bloom, at the beginning of sap flow. Dry it in the shade or in the oven. 100 grams of crushed raw materials must be poured with 200 milliliters of vodka, closed with a lid and infused in a dark place for 2 weeks, after which the infusion is filtered. Take 3 times a day before meals, while diluting 20 drops with water to a quarter cup. The tincture is enough for about 2 months. Juice therapy. It is recommended to drink asparagus juice along with cucumber, beet and carrot juices up to 600 milliliters per day. It is also recommended to drink a glass of purified water on an empty stomach in the morning, and after 15 minutes - a tablespoon of elderberry juice. In this case, the minimum course of treatment is 10 days. For safety, add 2-3 tablespoons of vinegar to 0.5 liters of juice. Propolis. This remedy has a strong antispasmodic and anti-inflammatory effect and quickly eliminates the symptoms of the disease. If you are prescribed medication for prostatitis, propolis will be an excellent supplement. To do this, in 200 milliliters of pure alcohol, we evaporate 40 grams of propolis. 0.1 gram of extract is mixed with 2 grams of cocoa butter. We make a candle from the mixture. Such suppositories with propolis from prostatitis are used for a month, then a break for 4-6 weeks and a new course of treatment.

In case of signs of chronic prostatitis in the diet, the following foods should be limited:

  • Products that cause increased gas formation in the intestines - legumes, white cabbage, whole milk. Meat, fish and mushroom broths and sauces. Onions, garlic, radishes, radishes, horseradish. Seasonings and spices.

If prostatitis, adenoma or prostate cancer is suspected, a digital examination of the prostate is prescribed. Palpation is simple, accessible and informative. Carried out during the initial examination. Helps to identify violations in the structure and volume of the gland.

To clarify the pathology, additional instrumental ultrasound or tomography will be required.

What Can Be Detected on a Rectal Examination?

Anatomically, the prostate gland is located in close proximity to the rectum. On palpation, the volume and boundaries of the prostatic capsule are well felt. A digital examination of the rectum is carried out by the attending physician and helps to identify any seals, diffuse changes in the glandular structure.

Palpation is the recommended diagnostic method for suspected prostatitis, adenoma, or prostate cancer. The survey takes 5-10 minutes. Based on the results, a decision is made regarding the advisability of further instrumental and clinical examination of the patient.

Palpation for prostatitis

The size of the prostate is normally approximately 3 cm. During palpation, it is felt that the prostate protrudes into the rectal region by approximately 1 cm.

The inflammatory process in prostatitis in acute and chronic form affects the structure of tissues. The following changes are observed:

  • The prostate is painful to the touch with acute inflammation. The absence of a pronounced pain syndrome with a steady increase in the volume of the gland indicates a chronic disease.
  • You can determine prostatitis on palpation by one more characteristic detail. In the normal state, the gland is divided by a furrow, dividing it into two parts and well felt on palpation. During prostatitis, the prostate tissues swell. The furrow cannot be palpated during a digital examination.
  • Another characteristic symptom that is found during a rectal examination for prostatitis is tissue that is pliable to the touch. In the normal state, the gland is elastic and elastic with clear boundaries. With prostatitis, the prostate should feel loose to the touch, when pressed, it is easily squeezed inwards, the structure feels like a kitchen sponge.
To confirm the diagnosis, the doctor will prescribe clinical and biochemical blood and urine tests. Or may be required. Inflammation is characterized by an increase in PSA, the presence of an infectious agent in urine.

Palpation of prostate adenoma

Rectal examination reveals abnormalities in prostatic hyperplasia, a benign tumor process. The disease is characterized by the following changes:
  • Asymmetric or uniform increase in the lobes of the gland.
  • Flattening of the median beard.
  • The upper edge during palpation of the prostate gland with benign hyperplasia is not palpable.
  • The texture of tissues to the touch varies from soft, pliable to fibrous and dense.
  • If solid seals are determined in nature resembling woody or cartilaginous foci, cancer is suspected.
Digital rectal examination of prostate adenoma does not reveal pain on palpation of tissues in the latent period. Slight pain and discomfort occur during the inflammatory process.

A digital rectal examination is not enough to determine prostate adenoma. Palpation helps to identify a tumor neoplasm, but does not make it possible to determine its nature. Definitely after research.

Palpation of prostate cancer

There are signs that make it possible to suspect prostate cancer during a rectal examination of the patient. Typical symptoms include:
  • The mucous membrane of the rectum, adjacent to the prostate, always remains mobile. During the oncological process, folds appear. The mucosa is immobile.
  • With mechanical pressure on the tissue of the gland, a characteristic crunch (crepitus) occurs.
  • In the gland, during palpation, seals are determined in structure, which differ from other tissues.

Finger examination in prostate cancer is not considered an absolutely accurate diagnostic method. Positive results of palpation require surrender.

How to Prepare for a Rectal Prostate Exam

To facilitate palpation of the prostate gland, general guidelines have been developed for patients to follow before performing a diagnostic procedure. A man should properly prepare for the examination.
  • Identification of contraindications - digital examination is excluded for patients with fissures in the anus, hemorrhoids and inflammation of the rectum in the acute phase.
  • Bowel cleansing - immediately before the procedure, a microclyster is done. Just 200 ml is enough. liquids to clear the rectum.
  • Before any kind of rectal examination of the prostate, it is required to refrain from everything that can spoil the clinical picture: sexual relations, excessive stress on the pelvic area.
  • Psychological preparation - the doctor will calm the patient and explain how a rectal examination of the prostate gland is performed and for what purpose the diagnosis is needed.

In itself, a rectal examination is not painful, but most men perceive it as something humiliating. The doctor's task is to explain to the patient the need for examination and explain that palpation will not be accompanied by pain.

How is a digital prostate exam performed?

The accuracy of the diagnosis depends on the qualifications of the specialist conducting the rectal examination. The examination should be performed by an experienced urologist, not a nurse.

The review proceeds as follows:

  • The doctor will put on sterile gloves, lubricate the finger and anal passage to facilitate penetration into the rectal cavity.
  • The study is performed in different positions to provide access to various pelvic organs.
  • If necessary, the inspection includes palpation of the seminal vesicles, glands and structures of the rectum.
If cancer is suspected during a digital rectal examination, the man is given additional tests. A kind of oncomarker is the level of PSA, the ratio of free and total antigen. A biopsy with high accuracy determines the presence of cancer, its stage and degree of aggressiveness.

Pros and cons of rectal prostate diagnostics

Despite the existing modern instrumental research methods, digital examination remains one of the main diagnostic methods for determining disorders in the prostate gland. During the examination, the doctor reveals changes in size, structure, shape, boundaries. The presence of pain, the consistency of glandular tissue is diagnosed.

A rectal examination has several advantages:

  • Speed ​​of carrying out - for diagnostics it will take only a few minutes.
  • Informativeness - the results of the examination are based on the diagnosis after receiving clinical blood and urine tests.
  • A small number of contraindications - examination is excluded only for hemorrhoids in the acute period and inflammation of the rectum. Even in the presence of these diseases, it is possible to improve the patient's condition so much (after undergoing a course of therapy) that an examination can be carried out.
  • Possibility of obtaining additional materials for research. During palpation, slight pressure on the tissue of the gland leads to the release of prostate juice, exudate, which is necessary for accurate differentiation of violations of the functionality of the gland.
As for the shortcomings of rectal diagnostics, they are also present. These include:
  • Inability to differentiate between malignant and benign tumors. There are characteristic signs to distinguish diseases, but the results still require clarification.
  • Discomfort for the patient. By itself, the position in which the examination is performed and the way it is carried out seems humiliating to many men. During palpation, slight discomfort is caused by pressure on the inflamed gland.
Rectal digital diagnostics remains a popular technique necessary for preliminary diagnosis. During the examination, a suspicion of prostate cancer is detected, hyperplasia and inflammation of the gland tissues are diagnosed.

One of the most dangerous and insidious diseases is prostatitis. It is dangerous not by its unpleasant symptoms, but by the consequences. Representatives of the strong half of humanity are prone to prostatitis.

In order for the treatment to be as effective as possible, an accurate diagnosis of prostatitis is required, which will help to identify the disease even in the early stages.

To date, the causes of this disease have not been fully determined. But experts call several factors that can provoke the appearance of prostatitis. These include:

  • severe stress;
  • sedentary lifestyle;
  • lack of regular sex;
  • unfavorable environmental conditions and so on.

Every man who is not indifferent to his health should take care of preventive measures in order to avoid serious problems in the future. Practice shows that almost every second man suffers from prostate disease. In many cases, prostatitis becomes chronic, which significantly complicates the treatment.

Several ways to diagnose prostatitis

The diagnosis is based on a rectal digital examination of the prostate gland. In addition, it is necessary to pass some tests, without which no diagnosis of prostatitis can do. The main picture emerges based on the patient's complaints and laboratory data.

The main signs of prostatitis

There are several explicit ones:

  • pain or discomfort in the lower abdomen, testicles, rectum, penis, rectum, or lower back;
  • painful process or frequent urination, feeling that the bladder is not completely emptied;
  • sexual dysfunction.

In order to recover from an overcoming illness as soon as possible, it is very important to make a competent diagnosis. Based on the data obtained, doctors will make the correct diagnosis and select the necessary treatment option. Only accurate diagnosis and timely treatment of this disease lead to a complete restoration of the normal functions of the prostate gland.

This method of diagnosing prostate ailments was used by the ancient healers of the time of Hippocrates, who did not have the opportunity to examine patients using any laboratory and instrumental methods.

Today, doctors say that all men over the age of 40 should have a rectal prostate exam every year. Examination is also necessary for patients who suffer from urinary dysfunction or have problems with erection.

A digital examination of the prostate gland is a diagnostic procedure that is performed by a physician instructed through the patient's rectum.

During the manipulation, a person must take a special pose.

It is better if the man lies on his side with his legs brought to his stomach and bent at the knees or takes a knee-elbow position. An experienced doctor will easily detect the prostate through the rectum.

It is located about 3-4 cm above the anus and has a pronounced median groove that divides the organ into two lobes. The size of a healthy prostate is 2.5-4.5 cm in diameter. On palpation, it has a tight elastic consistency and a certain mobility.

Indications for digital examination of the prostate

  • men over the age of 50;
  • males who have had inflammatory diseases in the past or had tumors of the prostate gland;
  • patients with a genetic predisposition to the development of prostate ailments;
  • men with complaints of urination and erection disorders, as well as those experiencing in the pelvic area.

Doctors constantly remind about the importance of preventive examinations for men of any age. Since it is the timely determination of diseases of the organs of the male genital area that allows you to prescribe effective treatment and avoid the serious consequences of pathological conditions.

Preparation of palpation of the pancreas through the rectum

In order for the picture of the state of the prostate to be really clear and informative during the examination, the patient must refrain from:

  • a few hours before a rectal examination;
  • ride on;
  • physical labor and

On the eve of the digital examination, it is imperative to empty the intestines by a natural method or make an enema.

Particular attention should be paid to psychological preparation. During the examination, a man should not worry or be nervous. Anxiety can provoke false diagnostic results and, accordingly, an incorrect diagnosis.

How is the check going?

Before the procedure, the doctor must talk with the patient, ask him about complaints and determine the presence of a genetic predisposition to prostate pathologies.

The specialist should definitely explain to the person the technique of manipulation and warn him about the possible risks of consequences.

If the rectal examination is performed correctly, then after it there should not be any side effects or.

A digital examination of the prostate should be performed in positions such as knee-elbow or lying on the right side with legs tucked under.

Before inserting a finger into the rectum, the doctor puts on sterile gloves and lubricates the index finger, which makes it easier to penetrate into the organ cavity (vaseline, glycerin).

By palpation, the doctor can evaluate a number of characteristics of the prostate, including:

  • the shape and size of the organ;
  • elasticity and consistency;
  • symmetry of the structural components of the prostate gland;
  • mobility relative to adjacent organs;
  • clarity of contours and longitudinal furrows;
  • the presence of pain during the examination, tumors or stones.

What should a man's prostate feel like?

The prostate gland is normally palpated at a distance of 3-4 cm from the anus towards the pubic symphysis. By consistency, it resembles an elastic ball with clear contours, which is freely displaced relative to the rectal mucosa.

Normal and enlarged prostate

An experienced specialist will always be able to assess the size of the organ, find the frontal groove and judge their normality. The transverse size of the gland should be in the range from 25 to 35 m, while its lengthwise is 25-30 mm.

Normally, palpation of the prostate should not cause pain, discomfort, or the appearance of blood in the secret.

What does it mean if the prostate is hard?

A hard prostate gland on digital examination indicates pathological changes in the organ.

Among the reasons for the development of pathological changes in the body can be:

  • inflammatory process or (and);
  • benign tumors;
  • malignant neoplasms.

When determining a hard prostate, the patient is invited to undergo additional laboratory and instrumental examinations in order to understand the nature of the change in the consistency of the organ.

As a rule, hardening of the prostate is not asymptomatic and is almost always accompanied by the appearance, disruption of normal urination, problems with erectile function.

Examination of the prostatic secretion

An analysis of the prostatic secretion makes it possible to judge the presence of an inflammatory process in the organ, the nature of the pathogen, and even the stage of the pathological condition or the degree of its chronicity.

The study of the secret is a microscopy of the physiological fluid that is produced in the prostate and is an important component of sperm. To take a secret for analysis, it is necessary to conduct a rectal massage of the organ, during which it occurs.

Manipulation can be carried out at any time of the day and without prior preparation of the patient. On the eve of the test, it is recommended to refrain from sexual intercourse. The secret of the prostate is examined under a microscope and the number of leukocyte cells, epithelium, lecithin grains, amyloid inclusions is determined in it. The examination allows you to diagnose the presence of pathogenic microorganisms in the prostate fluid.

After they are identified, the laboratory assistant makes a mandatory sowing of biological material to identify the nature of infectious agents, their activity and sensitivity to.

Normally, the secret is a viscous white liquid, which has a characteristic odor reminiscent of the aroma of chestnut flowers.

A healthy prostatic secret contains single leukocytes, 0-1 erythrocytes in the field of view and a small amount of epithelium. It does not detect amyloid inclusions and bacteria, the appearance of which indicates the development of a pathological process.

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About the technique of conducting a rectal examination of the prostate gland in the video:

Rectal examination of the prostate gland is an important diagnostic procedure that makes it possible to identify diseases of the organ even at the initial stages of development. With its help, it is possible to suspect in time the appearance of structural changes in the prostate in a man, the occurrence of tumor processes and inflammation.