Speech therapy homework on sounds. Introducing the sound (a) and the letter A

Interaction between a teacher - speech therapist, educator and parents on the development of phonemic processes in older preschoolers

Every parent dreams of his child doing well at school.
How to properly prepare a child for school?

This question worries many parents of future first-graders, as well as teachers of preschool educational institutions. Often adults believe that the most important thing is to teach a child to read, write, and count before entering school. But this does not yet guarantee successful learning. It happens that a child who reads, counts and writes, starting to learn, gradually reduces his success.

Most parents believe that it is enough to teach their child the letters, and he will begin to read and write correctly. However, as practice shows, knowledge of letters does not exclude serious difficulties for preschoolers in learning to read and write. The reasons for the difficulties include the child’s microsocial and pedagogical neglect, lack of desire or habit of studying, lack of perseverance, decreased attention, memory, and behavioral difficulties.
But the main reasons for this phenomenon are a violation of phonemic perception, pronunciation defects, as well as undeveloped skills of sound analysis and synthesis.

In order to write correctly, a child needs to imagine that sentences consist of words, words of syllables and sounds, and the sounds in a word are arranged in a certain sequence. The reading skill is formed in a child only after mastering the merging of speech sounds into syllables and words. K.D. Ushinsky noted that “only those who understand the sound-syllable structure of a word can read and write consciously.” It is important to form in a child the concepts of “sound” and “letter” in time, to teach them to isolate them from the composition of a word, to distinguish between vowels and consonants, voiced and voiceless sounds, hard and soft consonants, and to select words to match given sound patterns.

That is, if we want a child to master written language (reading and writing) quickly, easily, and also avoid many mistakes, we should teach him sound analysis and synthesis. In turn, sound analysis and synthesis should be based on a stable phonemic perception of each sound of the native language.

Early diagnosis shows that many children have disorders in speech development, including phonemic processes. This problem can only be solved in close cooperation between the educator, teacher-speech therapist and parents.

Our teaching team has built a certain algorithm for the interaction of all subjects of the pedagogical process:

  1. Parents' meeting (at the beginning of the year)
  2. Advisory hours (teachers - speech therapist with educators, with parents)
  3. Use of didactic games (in educational activities, educational activities, at home with parents)
  4. ICT (presentations on the development of phonemic hearing in educational institutions, educational institutions, at home with parents)
  5. The use of individual speech therapy notebooks.

Currently, there is a lot of different literature for preschoolers, teachers and parents. In kindergarten we organize thematic exhibitions of literature and offer to borrow the necessary books for individual lessons at home. (parents copy books, study individually and bring them back, buy the same one). The slide presents an exhibition of books that can be used to teach children literacy and the development of phonemic processes.

Child development occurs through activity. The main activity is play. Over the past two decades, kindergarten has gradually lost its developmental specificity in working with preschoolers. Play activities have been almost completely squeezed out of kindergarten; pre-school preparation has taken first place. Substitution of leading play activities had a negative impact on the child’s speech development. But still, the game is an effective means of developing children’s vocabulary, sound pronunciation, the formation of phonemic processes, sound analysis and synthesis.

Memo For will give birth oil.

We designate

Vowel sounds (A. O. U. I, Y, E)

Vowel letters (I, E, E, Yu) - consist of two sounds




Soft: (B.V, G, D, Z.K, L.M.NYL)

Ch.Shch - always soft

Voiced sounds (B V. G. D. M. N L. R. Z. F)

Dull sounds (K.P.S.T.F.Sh.H.Ts.Ch.Sch.)


Sounds: VOWELS - in red



Word ___________

Syllables __ __


Proposal analysis:

For example: “The golden autumn has come.

__________________________ .

_____________- ______________ __________ .

Speech therapist tasks.
Write down the syllables and sound combinations. Underline the vowels
in red pencil, consonants in blue.
am, ohm, mind, ym; os, ur, yk, er; mu, pa, so, you; that, that, would, whether;
aso, mustache, fish; apu, osa, ita; aku, this, usi; osu, opa, oti.
Combine sounds smoothly. What word did you get?
r-o-t s-y-n s-t-o-l k-r-a-n
sh-u-m f-u-k s-t-u-l k-r-o-t
Write the words in the first two columns,
pronouncing each letter.
Read the word. Repeat it, highlighting the last sound.
noise hor litter cancer rice itself
Now select the first sound:
noise hor litter cancer rice itself
Read the words in pairs. Find the difference in spelling
of these words.
mouth - mole fur - laughter meadow - plow
flax - maple cat - cattle ditch - shelter
chalk - dare lei - glue rad - hail
Write the words in pairs.

Read the words in pairs. Find the difference in spelling.
litter - spore cheek - sliver paw - lamp
com – food river – turnip eyelids – branches
Write the words in pairs.
Underline the letter that appears.
Write the words in pairs. Find the difference in spelling.
ducks - jokes enemy - ravine gnawed - gnawed
ears - guns faucet - screen rotted - rotted
lesson – marmot rose – thunderstorm shaved – shaved
Find the first word in the second word.
Emphasize it. For example: ducks are jokes.
Read the words. Write them down, dividing them into syllables.
Pronounce every syllable.
ba-bush-ka ru-bash-ka ig-rush-ka
de-dush-ka ka-tush-ka yar-mar-ka
de-voch-ka ro-mash-ka is-kor-ka
Write down the words without dividing them into syllables.
Sa-pog, sa-rai, sa-lut, paw-ka, min-ka, hole-ka,
mosh-ka, kor-ka, kor-ni, kos-ti, par-ki, cat-ka.
Insert these vowels into the words one by one.
Write the resulting words. Underline the vowels.
s.r m.r st.k(s, o) (e, i) (u, o)
r.k l.k b.k(a, o, s) (a, y, i) (a, o, s)
Notice how the meaning of words changes
if instead of one letter you write another.
Fill in the missing letters A or O.

D.m, p.l, m.x, l.k, s.r, r.t, s.d, r.d, s.m, k.m, m.l, l.b.
M.rt, br.t, s.rt, dv.r, t.rt, st.l, p.rk, shk.f, sh.rf,
st.l, p.st, cr.n.
Fill in the missing letters U or Y.
Emphasize them. Read the words.
pl.l, pl.tgr.z, gr.zn.l, n.lp.t, p.lr.s, R.s Pay attention to how the meaning of words changes.
Write down the words by inserting the missing letters.
Emphasize them.
white blue wet native gray quiet sour big wild wild prickly sick Write the words of the third and fourth columns syllable by syllable.
Spell the words syllable by syllable, inserting the missing letters.
Underline the vowels.
to-r.-g. k.-roch-k.
Rya-b.-n. d.-voch-k.
li-m.-n. av-t.-b.s.-r.-v. ar-b.-z.klo-p.-t. d.-roch-k.
Read the column of words. Think about which syllables are missing.
Write them in order. What word did you get?
..shadi..zina..donilo..di re..na la..nilosha..rezi..okay..
Underline the vowels.
Change the word according to the example.
Write syllable by syllable those words that are divided into syllables.
Leaf - fox-you - fox-ti-kiMost - ... - ... Cake - ... - ... Elephant - elephants - elephant-no-nok
Wolf - ... - ... Tiger - ... - ... Underline the vowels.
Name the pictures.
Make and write words from these letters.
Pronounce each letter.
a, h, n, i, j, k
s, r, a, w
r, i, t, g
o, a, z, rn, l, o, i, m
a, h, b, f, rb, s, a, rName the pictures.
Make up and write words from these words.
Oh, t, k
T, a, b, nS, a, n, a, n, a
I, w, n, v, and
F, r, i, a, f



Speech therapist BUROVTSEVA E.A.

Sing the “steamboat song”: pronounce the sound l for a long time on one exhalation: l-l-l...


“Make sounds.” Show me the way to the boat. Swipe your finger from left to right.

What syllables did you get?

Name and color the pictures whose names begin with L:


Name and color the pictures in which the L is in the middle of the word:

Repeat words in which the L sound is at the beginning of the word.

A game Echo (mom says “song”, ..... adds “affectionate song”, etc.)

Mom is an affectionate mother

Kitty -

Game What does Lada have?

Game "One or several"

We speak, we memorize

Laika barks boldly,

scares kids.

Lada was looking for a pin,

And the pin fell under the bench.

Repeat words in which the L sound is in the middle of the word.

Game "Additions"

Add -la to the end of the word and repeat the entire word

Add -lock at the end of a word and repeat the whole word

Repeat words in which the L sound is in the middle of the word

Game "Count it"

One swallow, two swallows, three……….., six swallows. Etc.

Think of a word that rhymes and pronounce the phrases correctly:

La-la-la, there's a high (cliff)

Lo-lo-lo, the boat is broken (oar)

Lu-lu-lu, I'm running to the (table)

Ly-ly-ly, there are new (floors) in the house

Add -l at the end of words. Repeat the whole word.

We speak, we memorize

Repeat the words where the L sound is at the end of the word.

Game "Turn it"

Replace the first sound in the word with the sound L. What new word did you get?

We speak, we memorize

Game “Continue the sentence” (“Say the opposite”)

The hare is gray in summer, and in winter...

The strongman is strong, and the baby...

The tablet is bitter, but the chocolate...

The peach is sweet and the lemon...

The puddle is shallow, but the river...

The asphalt is rough, and the stone...

The boiling water is hot, and the ice...

The wolf is well-fed in summer, but in winter...

The ball is light, and the stone...

The sorceress is kind, and the witch...

Pierrot is sad, and Pinocchio...

It's cold in winter, and in summer...

The hare is cowardly, and the lion...

It's good to tell the truth, but to lie...

Pronounce the phrases correctly:

Repeat words with straight consonants

Game “Which one? Which? Which?" (formation of adjectives from nouns)

Straw hat (what kind?) – straw

Spruce branch (which one?)

Flowers in the meadow (which ones?)

Tin soldier (which one?)

Light from the moon (what kind?)

Striped skirt (which one?)

Hedgehog made of plasticine (which one?)

Ski poles (what kind?)

We pronounce, memorize couplets

Game "Change Sentences"

We speak, we memorize

White snow, white chalk,

The white hare is also white,

But the squirrel is not white,

It was not a white squirrel.

Repeat words with reverse consonants

A game " Difficult words"

Puppy with a white head (which one?) - (white-headed)

Girl with blond hair - (blonde)

Young man with blue eyes - (blue-eyed)

Cat with thick paws - (thick-footed)

Night with a full moon - (full moon)

Color the picture, find as many objects as possible that have the sound L in their names.

Repeat words with two L sounds

Game “Mom’s Mistakes” (correct the mistakes that mom made)

Katya ate (noodles)

Mila sat down on (bench)

The boat was rocking on (water)

Volodya brought (white dove)

Mila saw (white moon)

We pronounce and memorize couplets:

Repeat the phrases.

blue cloud white phlox thin stocking

warm sheepskin coat hungry wolf warm closet

white chalk ripe apple scarlet flag

silk scarf fun ball milk noodles

sweet bun deep well thick stick

heavy hammer brave soldier cold basement

light curl thick notepad silk blouse

AND game "Correct the sentence"

    The horse galloped on its rider.

    The pancakes ate Mila.

    The owner barked at Polkan.

    The sunflower watered Klava.

    The elephant was drawn by the artist.

    The tree grew under the lily of the valley.

Repeat short tongue twisters

    The Christmas tree has pins and needles.

    There are bells near the stake.

    Wolves walk near the Christmas tree.

    Delicious halva, praise halva.

    Our Polkan fell into a trap.

Repeat proverbs and sayings.

Where it's cold, there's hunger.

The wolf catches, and the wolf is caught.

There is light from the lamp, warmth from the stove.

If you give me honey, give me a spoon.

Do every task skillfully.

Without knowing the case, do not judge boldly.

Done hastily - done for fun.

A needle and thread interfere with the sewing of an inept seamstress.

Make suggestions based on the pictures. Color the pictures.

We pronounce rhymes

    I managed to do the main thing.

    Chalk was white and knew how to serve us.

    Alla washed the floors, Lusha helped.

Repeat the difficult words.

Clever tricks of the lazy Vovka.

Glory stands on a haystack, and a haystack on his head.

The falcon sat on the trunk, but the trunk was naked.

The husky is sad - there is no balalaika.

The resin from the pine tree itself is glass.

Make up a story using words.

Mila, for a walk, in, the forest.

She, see, lilies of the valley.

Lilies of the valley, grow, under, Christmas tree.

Mila, bend over to smell the lilies of the valley.

Mila, leave, lilies of the valley, about, Christmas tree.

We speak, we memorize.

Alla ate the bun for a long time,

She had no appetite.

The bug quietly approached:

A loaf of bread - and that's it!

Game "Rhymes". (Come up with a word to rhyme and repeat the resulting poem)

Alyosha sat down in the corner, Alyosha has a lot... (to do).

The robe became too small for Mila and it was full of... (patches).

The moth sat in the corner, went back to the lamp... (flyed).

Julia was lively and spun like... (a spinning top).

Mila was lifting the bench, and under it she found... (a pin).

The house has become quiet, she is sleeping in the corner... (the elephant).

Answer the questions in complete sentences.

What did Lada pick from the apple tree?

What did Mila make from strawberries?

What did the moonlight illuminate?

What did Slava stain with tar?

What was the clown doing under the dome?

What did Volodya see outside the village?

Where did Slava listen to the nightingale sing?

We speak, we memorize.

The spikelet stood, stood,

He lowered his head.

The mouse quietly picked up,

She took it to the storage room.

Make up a story based on the picture, using as many words as possible with the sound L.

Victoria Pavlenko
Speech therapy homework for children 6–7 years old with OHP. Topic: The vowel letter “E” and vowel sounds [YE].

1. Remember how many vowels and sounds there are in the Russian language? Why are these sounds called vowels? What color do we mark them with?

How do letters differ from sounds?

Letters - we write and see, read.

Sounds - we hear and pronounce.

We see the letter, we pronounce the sound!

2. REMEMBER! The letter “E” is a vowel, written after soft consonants – it indicates the softness of the consonant, we write and see the letter E, we pronounce and hear the sound [E]

for example: SING - [P`] [E] [L])

3. REMEMBER! The letter "E" at the beginning of the word means two sounds [Y E],

for example: EAT-- [YE] [L] [I]).

Read the words and do a sound analysis.

Count how many letters are in each word? How many sounds? Why are there more sounds than letters?

4. REMEMBER! When the letter "E" is written after a vowel in a word, it denotes two sounds [Y E], for example WASHES - [M] [O] [YE] [T]. Perform sound analysis of words:

Count how many letters are in each word? How many sounds? Why are there more sounds than letters? After which letter (vowel or consonant) is the letter “E” written in words?

Publications on the topic:

Homework for teaching children literacy “Vowel sounds and letters” Card 1. Sound and letter A, and 1. The sound “A” is a vowel (it is formed with the help of the voice, it can be sung, drawn, it is not met by an air stream.

Summary of educational activities for teaching literacy in the senior group. Topic: “Sounds [s], [s’]. Letter "C" Goal: To introduce new sounds [s], [s’] and the letter “C”. Educational objectives: - clarify and consolidate the correct pronunciation of sounds.

Literacy lesson notes. Topic “Sounds [L], [L’]. Letter L" Topic: “Sounds L, L. Letter L" Goal: To consolidate the skill of clear pronunciation of the sound l in syllables, words, phrases, to introduce the letter L. Objectives:.

1. Expanding children's vocabulary Building, group, office, speech therapist, educators, assistant educators, nurse, music director.

Summary of a speech therapy lesson in the senior group “Speech sounds. Vowels and consonants." Topic: “Visiting the Bunny and the Fox” (using the Russian example.

Summary of a lesson on teaching reading and speech development to preschool children “Vowels and consonants”; "Vowels and consonants." Target; exercises in distinguishing vowels and consonants”, designating them with a chip. Progress of the lesson: I Repetition.

GCD in the senior group on the lexical topic “Autumn” (generalization). The vowel letter "O". Tasks: 1. Fix the “autumn” theme. 2. Reinforce the idea of ​​the vowel letter “O”. 3. Practice word formation of leaf names. 4. Continue.

Corrective and developmental tasks.

Teach the child to navigate the “scheme of his own body” on himself and the person sitting opposite him.

Teach your child to determine the direction of sound in space.

Learn to clearly pronounce the sound [A].

Teach to highlight the sound [A] in the stressed position at the beginning and end of a word.

To teach the analysis and synthesis of sound complexes AU, UA.

Exercise 1. The adult teaches the child to navigate the “scheme of his own body”: he explains and shows where his right and left hand, right and left leg are. Then he asks the child to show where his left ear, right eye, left eyebrow, etc. are. After this, he asks him to answer in which hand (right or left) he holds the object given to him. When the baby learns to correctly navigate the “scheme of his own body,” the adult teaches him to determine “right - left” on the person sitting next to the child, and then on the person sitting opposite him.

Task 2. Didactic exercise “Where did the sound come from?” (development of auditory attention).

The child closes his eyes. The adult rings the bell, and the child must indicate with his hand where the sound is heard.

Task 3. Introducing the sound [A].

An adult invites the child to listen to a series of words.

The adult shows the child in front of the mirror and explains the articulation of the sound [A]: when we pronounce the sound [A], then:

sponges in a calm state;

mouth open wide;

the tongue lies quietly in the mouth;

the neck “works” (the child’s hand rests on his neck to control the work of the vocal cords).

The child correctly pronounces the sound [A] in front of a mirror, and then reproduces the articulation of the sound without a voice. The adult explains to the child that the sound [A] is a vowel (it can be sung, since the air does not encounter an obstacle on its way), and shows the child a red circle to indicate this sound, as well as a symbol for the sound [A] - the girl rocks the doll and sings to her: AAA...

Task 4. Phonetic exercises. The adult asks the child:

show how a girl rocks a doll: aaaaaaa... (following the adult on a smooth, long exhalation);

What does the doctor ask you to say when he examines your throat? - A-A-A... (following the adult, abruptly);

independently pronounce the sound [A] as many times as the adult claps his hands.

Task 5. The adult asks the child to name the extra word in the series (the one that does not begin with the sound [A]): ​​orange, artist, soup, astronomer.

Task 6. Didactic exercise “Say the word and name the first sound in the word.”

The adult recites the poem, and the child performs the appropriate movements and finishes the last word of each line, highlighting the stressed syllable in it with his voice.

He is big, - Hands in a semicircle in front of you.

like a soccer ball,

If it’s ripe, everyone is happy. - He strokes his tummy with his right hand.

It tastes so good

And his name is... (watermelon)

Task 7. Guess riddles, name the first sound in the riddle words.

I'm standing on the roof

All the pipes are higher. (Antenna)

Himself scarlet, sugar,

The caftan is green, velvet. ( Watermelon)

Task 8. The adult calls the child a word, asks him to identify and indicate the place of the sound [A] in it (the beginning or end of the word), using a red circle and a card.

August, stork...; hand, fox, saw.

Task 9. Didactic exercise “Name it with A” (remember words from the same semantic circle that begin with the sound [A]): ​​transport: bus, airbus, airplane...; fruits: pineapple, orange, apricot...; professions: agronomist, astronomer, artist...; names of boys and girls: Anya...; Andrey...

Task 10. Paste into your notebook pictures with images of objects whose names begin with the sound [A].

Task 11. Learn pure sayings:

Ah-ah-ah - widen your mouth, kids.

Aaaaah - my leg hurts.

Task 12. An adult reads a poem and asks the child to answer which identical sound is often heard in it, and then name all the words from this poem that begin with the sound [A].

What are you carrying, Car?

Everything starting with the letter A:

Here are watermelons, oranges,

Apricots and quince.

When listing fruits, the child sequentially bends the fingers of his left hand with his right hand.

G. Satir

Task 13. Exercise for fingers:

We shared an orange; - For every word the fingers clench

There are many of us, but he is alone - into the fist.

This slice is for the hedgehog, - With your left hand, alternately bend the fingers of your right hand.

This slice is for the swift,

This slice is for ducklings,

This slice is for kittens,

This slice is for the beaver,

And for the wolf - the peel.

Task 14. Exercise for developing coordination of speech with movements:

Stork, long-legged stork,

Show me the way home!

Stomp your right foot

Stomp your left foot

Again - with the right foot,

Again - with the left foot,

Then with your right foot,

Then - with your left foot,

Then you'll come home!

I. Tokmakova

(Children perform movements in accordance with the text.)

Task 15. Introducing the letter A.

The letter A is tall and slender.

It looks very much like an arch.

V. Kovshikov

What else does the letter A look like? (On a rocket, on the roof of a house...)

Letter A from fingers: the index and middle fingers of the right hand are lowered down, the rest are clenched into a fist, and the index finger of the left hand forms a “belt”.

Letter games.

Task 16. Analysis of sound complexes: scream in the forest: AU; the child is crying: UAH.

The adult asks the child to answer the questions:

What's the first sound you hear? -What second sound do you hear?

After this, the adult invites the child to lay out a diagram of each of these sound complexes using red circles.

Laying out the words AU, UA from the letters of the split alphabet, reading, writing in block letters in a notebook (copying and writing from memory with preliminary sound analysis).