The letters o and e after ts and sibilants. Vowels after ts Spelling of vowels and y after ts rule

§ 1. After x, ch, w, sch, yu, ya, s are not written, but y, a, and, for example: miracle, pike, hour, grove, fat, sew.

The letters yu and i are allowed after these consonants only in foreign words (mostly French), for example: jury, parachute (including in proper names, for example: Saint-Just), as well as in compound abbreviations and letter abbreviations, in which, as a general rule, any combination of letters is allowed (see § 110).

§ 2. After q, the letter y is written in endings and in the suffix -yn, for example: birds, sheep and sheep, cucumbers, white-faced, sisterstritsyn, lisitsyn, and also in words gypsy, chick, on tiptoe, chick(interjection) and in other words of the same root. In other cases, u is always written after c, for example: station, cibik, mat, dulcimer, zinc, medicine.

§ 3. After q, the letters yu and i are allowed only in foreign-language proper names, for example: Zurich, Sventsyany.

§ 4. A. If after zh, ch, sh, shch is pronounced under the stress o, then the letter o is written:

1. At the endings of nouns and adjectives, for example: shoulder, knife, hut, shoulder, Fomich, cloak, boundary, rein, soul, candle, sling, stranger, big.

2. In suffixes:

a) nouns:

Ok, for example: horn, cockerel, hook, borscht;

Onok, for example: teddy bear, mouse, little pebble, barrel;

Onk-a, for example: little book, shirt, little hand; also money;

b) adjectives:

Ov, for example: hedgehog, penny, brocade, canvas;

He- (with a fluent o), for example: funny;

c) adverbs, for example: fresh, hot, general.

3. In nouns of the genitive plural form -ok, -on, for example: kishok, knyazhon.

4. In words (and derivatives from them): glutton, gooseberry, pulp, rattle, slum, thicket, clink glasses, prim, Pechora, seam, rustle, blinkers, in nouns: heartburn, burn, arson(cf. writing with -ег in the past tense of verbs: burned, burned, set fire); also in some regional and colloquial words, for example: gag, glutton(and zazhor), zhokh, uzho (meaning “later”, “after”), vechor (meaning “yesterday evening”), choh (for example, in the expression “does not believe in either sleep or choh”), adverb cluck.

Note. Foreign words are written according to pronunciation, for example: cruchon, major, ramrod - ramrod, Chaucer(last name), but: gesture, tablet.

B. In all other cases, after x, ch, shch, shch, the letter e is written under the accent, although it is pronounced o, namely:

1. In verb endings -eat, -eat, -eat, -eat, for example: l you sew, l you t, etc., pe chesh, pe chet, etc.

2. In the verbal suffix -yova-, for example: to obscure, to migrate, Also shading, migration.

3. In the suffix of verbal nouns -yovk-, for example: migration, demarcation.

4. In the suffix of nouns -er, for example: conductor, retoucher, trainee, boyfriend.

5. In the suffix of passive participles -yonn- (-yon-) and in words formed from such participles, for example: tense, tense, tension, tense; detached, detachment; softened, softness; simplified, simplicity; scientist, learning; crushed; burnt, burnt.

6. In words in the root of which the accent is pronounced o, alternating with e in other forms or in other words of the same root, for example: yellow (yellow), hard (stiff), zhernov (zhernova), Zhe Lud (Zhe Ludey), Zhe Rdochka (Zhe Rdey); de she vyy, de she vka (de she she vet), shelk (silky), she rstka (woolen), re she tka, reshetchaty (re she to), ko shelka (ko she lek), she sweat (whisper); che ln (shuttle), che lka (chelo), che rt (cher rtey), black (black), che t (not che t), che che tka (che che t), from che t, s che t (you che t, you honour), che rtotochka (che mouth), pechenka (liver), beche vka (beche va); cheek (cheek), click (cheek), on the cheek, cheeks (cheek); in the roots of verb forms: with zhe g, under zhe g, with zhe gshiy, under zhe gshiy (with zhe ch, under zhe ch), she l (she walked), raz zhe vat (razzhe vat).

7. In the prepositional case the pronouns what: about what, on what, and also in the words moreover, nothing.

Note. The rules of § 4, as well as all others, do not apply to surnames: they are written in accordance with the spellings in official personal documents.

§ 5. In Russian words in unstressed syllables after x, ch, sh, shch the letter o is not written, for example: peas (cf. petu shok), storo zhe m (cf. chizhom), bolshe go (cf. bol shógo) , red-haired (cf. chu-zhogo).

Spelling of vowels -И (-ы) after Ts.

The chicken performed in the circus,
He played the cymbals
Rode around on a motorcycle
And he knew a lot of numbers.
He took it out of the cylinder
Carrots and cucumbers
And there was only one thing I didn’t know
Where do they write qi, where is qi?

After c the letter and or s is written.

Letter ы is written in the following cases.

1. In the roots of words - exceptions:

gypsy, chick, chick, tiptoe, tiptoe, tiptoe, chick-chick, chick, chick, chick(and in derivative words, e.g.: gypsy, gypsy, gypsy, chick, chick, tut, tut, tut).

2. At the endings of nouns and adjectives ,

cucumbers, archers, capitals, Klintsy, Lyubertsy; short, pale-faced, narrow-faced.

3. In the suffix of adjectives -yn,

sisterstritsyn, Lisitsyn, Tsaritsyn, Trinity Day.

Geographical names are also written on-tsyn, -tsino,

Tsaritsyn, Golitsyno.

Note. In Russian surnames, the letter i or ы is written after c in accordance with tradition and with registration in official documents, for example: Tsipko, but Tsybin; Kunitsyn, Kuritsyn, Sinitsyn, Skobeltsyn, Solzhenitsyn, But Vitsin, Yeltsin, Tsitsin.

In all other cases, the letter and is written after c, namely:

a) in the roots of words, including foreign proper names:

circus, cycle, cylinder, tsigeyka, scurvy, mat, figure, shell, civilization, specificity, cyclone, barber, vaccine, revolution, iutsik; Cicero, Circe, Zimmerwald, Cincinnati;

b) in suffixes of foreign language origin:

organization, electrify, medicine, calcite, publicist, skepticism;

c) after the first parts of complex and compound words and in sound abbreviations:

blitz interview, special boarding school, Central Election Commission.


Write I:

  • at the root of the word: circus, number;
  • exceptions: tsy gan, tsy tsy, on tiptoe, chick.
  • in words starting with -TSYA: section I, station I, station.

Write Y:

  • in suffixes: Sisters n, Birds n, Queens but.
  • in endings: streets, villages, sisters.


The traditional spelling is retained in surnames: Birds n, Qi Qi n.


1. Correct errors:

I went on an expedition. The weather is unfavorable: cyclone. We managed to collect a collection of insects; we even found cicadas. Birds interfere with work.

2. Insert the missing letters. Illustrate the spelling graphically.

Ts...gan, militia...ya, akats...ya,, armor...ry, on c...kidneys,

ts...nga, foxes...n, ts...plata, from the streets..., section...i.

3.Insert the missing letters. Illustrate the spelling graphically

Ts_trusovy, ts_ganka, ts_ferblat, from the streets_, sisters_n, for martens_,

scissors..., ts...geyka, akat_ya, ts_kory, from behind the doors_.

4.Insert the missing letters. Illustrate the spelling graphically .

Rat_ya, Tsarits_no, Afghan_, ts_geika, cartoon, take under uzts_.

5.Insert the missing letters. Illustrate the spelling graphically .

Ts...gan to lecture...and flipped through the pages...and Sinits...n read ts...tats.

6.Insert the desired letter and graphically indicate the spelling pattern being studied.

1. The starling owners are flying to their hanging palace...
2. The hen admired the c..films: no matter the c..films, she’s smart!
3. There were trained dogs and cats in the church.
4. Due to a lack of vitamins, the sailors suffered from
5. The father brought a gift for the children...
6. Many sports came to us from Ancient Greece.

Vowels after -ts- and hissing - a difficult topic for those studying Russian. In most cases, such words are written differently from how they are pronounced. Spelling determines the part of speech and vowel position.

Using -a-, -u- after hissing and -ts-

After -ch-, -sch-, -zh-, -sh-, -ts- only written -a-, -u-(although it may be heard -i-, -yu-).

For example: miracle, pike, thicket, whole.

The exceptions are words jury, parachute, brochure. Some linguists want to adjust the spelling of these words to the rule, to “pour” them into the Russian language. Perhaps this will happen in the future, but for now it should be used -Yu-.

Also, foreign-language proper names do not fall under the rule. We write them according to pronunciation: Jules Verne.

Using -i-, -ы- after hissing and -ts-

What vowels should be used after -ts- and sibilants? The rule is: after -ch-, -sch-, -f-, -sh- only written -And-(however, it is often pronounced [s]).

For example: live, car, repair, shield.

After -ts- two options are possible - -And- or - -s--. Spelling depends on which morpheme the vowel is in.

Write -s-:

  • in endings ( dancing, fathers, merchants, starlings);
  • in suffixes -eun- (Kuritsyn, Sestritsyn, Sinitsyn).

Write -And-:

  • in the roots of words ( quote, compass, mat, medicine);
  • in nouns on -tion, -tion (station, provocation, aviation, receipt, strontium).

Remember the exceptions to the rule with a simple sentence: The gypsy on tiptoe tsked at the chicken: “Tsyts!”

Now let's look at when to write vowels -o-, -e- after the hissing and -ts-.

Using -o-, -e- after -ts-

In the striking position:

  • [o] rendered as -o- (dancer, clatter, face);
  • [e] is conveyed as -e- (price, tsetse, valuable).

A letter is written in an unstressed position -e-: dance, strain, calico. Exceptions: clatter and its derivatives .

A number of foreign words in which it is written -O-: duke, palazzo, intermezzo, scherzo, zoisite.

Exercises on -i-/-s-

We looked at the first part of the topic “Vowels after sibilants and -ts-" The words below will help reinforce the material covered. Find the "uninvited guest" with the error.

  1. Tsekotuha, duchess, tsetse, face.
  2. Gypsy, tut, revolution, sister.
  3. Life, cycle, tire, chicken.
  4. Pike, nonsense, Jules Verne, julienne.
  5. More often, thicker, thicker, nimble.

Answer: 1) clatter, 2) revolution, 3) chicken, 4) pike, 5) thicket.

Vowels -о-, -е- in suffixes and inflections

We continue to explore the spelling of vowels after sibilants and -ts-. Use -o-, -e- depends on the part of speech and morpheme.

In suffixes and inflections of nouns and adjectives:

  • under stress should be used -O- (girl, brocade, hook, key, fighter);
  • in unstressed position we write -e- (padlock, plush, comrade, finger).

The exception is nouns with the suffix -yor: fitter, trainee.

  • under stress we use -O-(hot);
  • in an unstressed syllable we put -e- (burningly).

Remember that the participle has no inflection because it is an unchangeable part of speech. Here -O- And -e- act as suffixes.

Vowels -o-, -e- at the root of the word

Let's delve into the topic “Vowels after -ts- and sibilants.” After -ch-, -sch-, -f-, -sh- at the root under the stress it is written -e-, if we can find a cognate word with -e-.

For example: whisper - whisper, cheap - cheaper, count - count, walked - walked.

If such a word cannot be found, we use -O-.

For example: rustle, clink glasses, prim.

But in practice this rule is difficult to use. We cannot always be sure that we have checked all related words. So you just need to remember the spelling.

Vowels in verbs and verbal words

It is possible to use at the endings of verbs -e- or -e-.

  • The letter is written in the stressed position -e- (bakes, flows, protects).
  • In unstressed position you should write -e-(waves, jumps).

The rule applies to verbal nouns and participles.

  • We use stress -e- (overnight, stew, armed).
  • Without accent - -e-(weighted, built).

About her Linguists have different opinions. Often a letter e replaced in writing by e. Therefore, in this case, vowels in verbal words are more a matter of correct pronunciation.

Note! Rechovka- non-verbal noun with stress -O-. Overnight- verbal noun with stress -e-.

Words should be distinguished burnt(verb) and burn(noun) , set fire(verb) and arson(noun) .


In the following words, vowels are inserted correctly after -ts- and hissing. Find the "outsider" from the other rule.

  1. Burn, stew, flow, whisper.
  2. Raincoat, girl, hot, boot.
  3. Erected, cries, month, whispers.
  4. Cucumbers, Sinitsyn, well done, well done.
  1. Whisper- a noun, the rest of the words are a verb and verbal forms.
  2. Hot- adverb with suffix-o-, the rest of the words are nouns.
  3. month - noun, the rest of the words are verb and verbal forms.
  4. Tsyts- an exception to the rule.

Use vowels correctly after -ts- and hissing.

Burnt, slum, river, stuffed cabbage, furious, chocolate, highway, flowing, ts_kada, yellow, jumping, wants, peas, finger, sun, cucumber, condensed milk, on ts_buds, conductor, night.

Answer: burn, slum, river, cabbage rolls, enraged, chocolate, highway, flowing, cicada, yellow, jumping, wants, peas, finger, sun, cucumber, condensed milk, tiptoe, conductor, overnight.

Choose examples to match the spelling.

  1. Stressed vowel in the suffix of nouns.
  2. A vowel after a sibilant at the root of a word.
  3. An unstressed vowel in an adverb suffix.
  4. Vowel after sibilants in participles.
  5. An unstressed vowel after sibilants in a verb.
  6. And/s after -ts-- an exception to the rule.

Whispers, less often, more, gypsy, editor, highway, alarmed, silk, ring, burning, on tiptoe, waving, disheveled, yellow.

  • editor, ring;
  • highway, silk, yellow;
  • less often, more, more intensely;
  • alarmed, disheveled;
  • whispers, waves;
  • gypsy, on tiptoe.

We studied the spelling of vowels after sibilants and -ts-. In general, the rules are not complicated, but writing requires a thoughtful approach. Two similar words can often be spelled differently simply because of stress or different origins of the words.

§ 1. After f, h, w, sch are not written yu, i, s , but are written y, a, and , For example: miracle, pike, hour,grove, fat, sew.

Letters Yu And I are allowed after these consonants only in foreign words (mostly French), for example: jury, parachute(including proper names, for example: Saint-Just), as well as in compound words and letter abbreviations, in which, as a general rule, any combination of letters is allowed (see §).

§ 2. After ts letter s written in endings and suffixes -yn , For example: birds, sheep and sheep; cucumbers, whiteface, sestritsyn, lisitsyn, as well as in words gypsy, chick, tiptoe, chick(interjection) and in other words of the same root. In other cases, after ts always written And , For example: station, cibik, mat, dulcimer, zinc, medicine.

§ 3. After ts letters Yu And I are allowed only in foreign-language proper names, for example: Zurich, Sventsyany.

§ 4. A. If after f, h, w, sch pronounced under stress O , then the letter O is written:

1. At the endings of nouns and adjectives, for example: shoulder, knife, hut, shoulder, Fomich, cloak, boundary, rein, soul, candle, sling, stranger, big.

2. In suffixes:

a) nouns:
-OK , For example: horn, cockerel, hook, borscht;
-onok , For example: bear, mouse, little pebble, barrel;
-onk-a , For example: little book, shirt, little hand; also money;

b) adjectives:
-ov- , For example; hedgehog, penny, brocade, canvas;
-He- (with fluent -O- ), For example: ridiculous;

c) adverbs, for example: fresh, hot, general.

3. In genus. pad. plural hours on -ok, -he nouns, for example: guts, princes.

4. In words (and derivatives from them): glutton, gooseberry, pulp, rattle, slum, thicket, clink glasses, prim, Pechora, seam, rustle, blinkers; in nouns: heartburn, burn, arson(cf. spellings with -eg in the past tense of verbs: burned, burned, set fire); also in some regional and colloquial words, for example: gag, gag(And glutton), wow, already(in meaning "later", "after"), evening(in meaning "last night"), chug(for example, in the expression “doesn’t believe in sleep or choke”), adverb cluck.

Note. Foreign words are written according to pronunciation, for example: cruchon, major, ramrod - ramrod, Chaucer(last name), but: gesture, tablet.

B. In all other cases after f, h, w, sch a letter is written under stress e , although pronounced O , namely:

1. In verb endings -eat, -eat, -eat, -eat , For example: you're lying, lying etc., bake, bake etc.

2. In a verb suffix -eva- , For example: to obscure, to migrate, Also obfuscation, migration.

3. In the suffix of verbal nouns -evk- , For example: migration, demarcation.

4. In the suffix of nouns -er , For example: conductor, retoucher, trainee, boyfriend.

5. In the suffix of passive participles -enn- (-en-) and in words formed from such participles, for example: tense, tense, tension, tense; detached, detachment; softened, softness; simplified, simplicity; scientist, scholarship; crushed; burnt, burnt.

6. In words in the root of which the accent is pronounced -O , alternating with e in other forms or in other words of the same root, for example: yellow(turn yellow) hard(harsh), millstone(millstone), acorn(acorns), perch(poles); cheap, cheap(get cheaper) silk(silky), fur(woolen), lattice, lattice(sieve), wallet(wallet), whisper(whisper); canoe(shuttle), bang(brow), crap(devils), black(black), even(odd), tap dance(tapping) report, account(deduction, subtract) dash(trait), liver(liver), twine(becheva); brush(bristle), click(click), slap, cheeks(cheek); in the roots of verb forms: burned, set fire, burned, set fire(burn, set on fire) walked(walking) chew(chew).

7. In the prepositional case of the pronoun what, about what, on what, as well as in words and it doesn't matter 1 .

§ 5. In Russian words in unstressed syllables after f, h, w, sch letter O is not written, for example: peas(cf. cock to), we're born a hundred(cf. chizho m), more(cf. big), fish(cf. someone else's). In foreign words the letter is allowed O and in unstressed syllables, for example: joquet d, chocolate d.

§ 6. Writing O or e after ts in Russian words is determined by the following rules:

1. In stressed syllables it is written O or e according to pronunciation, for example: cluck, face, sheep, businessmen, fathers, paternal, facing, dancing, dancer, But: sight, whole, valuable, flail and so on.

2. In unstressed syllables O not written except the word clatter and related (cf. clatter).

In the absence of stress in suffixes and endings, it is always written e , For example: towel, finger, fingers, short, calico, dashing, shiny, dance, prance, Kuntsevo, Barents Sea.

In foreign words O after ts can also be written in unstressed syllables, for example: pala tszo, ske rzo.

1 The rules of paragraph 4, as well as all others, do not apply to surnames: they are written in accordance with the spellings in official personal documents.

Spelling Y and I after C

In order to accurately select the letter Y or I after C, it is necessary to determine in which part of the word the dubious vowel is located.
1. In the roots of words after C, you should write the letter I (for example: CIRCUS, QUOTE) in all words, except for exception words: GYpsy, CHICKS, CHICKEN, QUESTION, TSYTS.
2. In endings and suffixes, Y is written after C (for example: FIGHTERS-Y, CUCUMBERS-Y, SISTRITS-UN, TSARITs-UN-O). The exceptions here are the verb MUSICATE, as well as all nouns that end in - TION in the nominative case (for example: STATION, POSITION, ACTION).


1. “Please wait a little,” said the official, placing a number on the paper with one hand and moving two points on the abacus with the fingers of his left hand. (N. Gogol)

2. The blood of everyone who heard this wolf’s cry froze, and insane, mortal fear, taking away their reason, drove them into the cracks, into the deepest and cramped holes. (R. Krapp)

3. – Where are you, beast, who cut off your nose? – she shouted with anger. - Scammer! drunkard! I'll report you to the police myself. What a robber! (N. Gogol)

4. Stepan Trofimovich sometimes translated Russian proverbs and radical sayings into French in a deliberately stupid way, no doubt being able to both understand and translate better; but he did this out of a special kind of chic and found it witty. (F. Dostoevsky)

5. The newspaper may lose its reputation. If everyone starts writing that his nose has run off, then... And so they already say that many inconsistencies and false rumors are being published. (N. Gogol)

6. The private man was a great promoter of all arts and manufactures, but he preferred state banknotes to everything. “This is a thing,” he used to say, “there is nothing better than this thing: it doesn’t ask for food, it takes up little space, it will always fit in your pocket, if you drop it, it won’t hurt you.” (N. Gogol)

7. At this time, the prince Ivan Yakovlevich looked out the door, but as timidly as a cat that had just been whipped for stealing lard. (N. Gogol)

8. The engine hummed and stopped. (V. Nabokov)

9. ...He was a silent, white-faced man, with short, coarse hair standing on end on his cubic skull and a fish-like gaze of cold eyes, a Latinist by profession, and later a fairly prominent Soviet official. (V. Nabokov)

10. I always wanted to find a true friend, we would play music with him, he would leave me a house and a flower garden as an inheritance. (V. Nabokov)

11. Do you remember that we once had breakfast at a hotel that belonged to him, on the luxurious, multi-tiered border of Italy, where the asphalt endlessly multiplies with wisteria and the air smells of rubber and paradise? (V. Nabokov)

12. All mental illnesses can be explained by the subconscious memory of the misfortunes of the patient’s ancestors, and if the patient suffers from, say, megalomania, then to completely cure him one only needs to establish which of his great-grandfathers was a power-hungry loser. (V. Nabokov)

13. This dissertation cleverly and painfully pricked the Slavophiles of that time and at once created for him numerous and furious enemies among them. (F. Dostoevsky)

14. Grinning, he took off his short jacket and took off his shaggy dark sweatshirt over his head. (V. Nabokov)

15. But then he became sambic and with particular haste ordered to assure himself once and for all that his career had been ruined for the rest of his life by a “whirlwind of circumstances.” (F. Dostoevsky.)

16. Thought c_nic; but the loftiness of the organization sometimes even contributes to an inclination towards cynical thoughts, simply due to the versatility of development. (F. Dostoevsky)

17. It was one hallucination before illness, especially since that same night he actually fell ill for two whole weeks. (F. Dostoevsky)

19. Abroad, Shatov radically changed some of his previous socialist beliefs and jumped to the opposite extreme. (F. Dostoevsky)

20. Nationality, if you like, has never appeared in our country except in the form of a club lordly undertaking, and in addition also a Moscow one. (F. Dostoevsky)

21. While waiting, they gave the respected and offended Pyotr Pavlovich a whole sheep: they hugged and kissed him; the whole city came to visit him. (F. Dostoevsky)

22. He groped to the left, to the kitchen door, found it, walked through the hallway and went down the stairs. (F. Dostoevsky)

23. Still friends, still drinking, club and cards, and the reputation of an atheist. I don’t like this reputation, Stepan Trofimovich. (F. Dostoevsky)

24. I even went out for a walk, for the necessary exercise, only at full twilight, when it was already completely dark. (F. Dostoevsky)

25. All of our people were officially informed from the very beginning that Stepan Trofimovich would not receive him for some time and asked to be left completely alone. (F. Dostoevsky)

26. “Alexey Nilych themselves just returned from abroad, after a four-year absence,” Liputin picked up, “they went to improve themselves in their specialty. (F. Dostoevsky)

27. They only collect observations, but do not touch at all the essence of the question or, so to speak, its moral side, and even completely reject morality itself, but adhere to the newest principle of universal destruction for good final purposes. (F. Dostoevsky)

28. Many metropolitan and provincial newspapers and other magazines are published in Russia, and they report on many incidents every day. (F. Dostoevsky)

29. By the way: there are a bunch of eunuchs here in the district, curious people... (F. Dostoevsky)

30. Her husband took her daughter somewhere to Turkey, and for twelve years there was no word or sound. (F. Dostoevsky)

31. She stood over him for about three minutes, barely catching her breath, and suddenly she was seized by fear; she walked out on her tiptoes, paused in the doorway, quickly crossed him and left unnoticed, with a new heavy feeling and a new melancholy. (F. Dostoevsky)

32. At the entrance to our huge market square is the dilapidated Church of the Nativity of the Virgin Mary, which constitutes a remarkable antiquity in our ancient city. (F. Dostoevsky)

33. Waking up the next day, fresh as an apple, he immediately went to the Tsgan camp, located across the river in a settlement, which he heard about yesterday at the club, and did not show up at the hotel for two days. (F. Dostoevsky)

34. - How is it that you would have gone to the top five if I had offered it to you? - Verkhovensky suddenly blurted out and put the scissors on the table. (F. Dostoevsky)

35. He decided to go straight to the newspaper expedition and make a publication in advance with a detailed description of all his qualities, so that anyone who met him could immediately introduce him to him or, at least, let him know about his whereabouts. (N. Gogol)

36. I will not describe in detail the picture of the fire: who in Rus' does not know it? In the alleys closest to the burning streets, the bustle and crowded conditions were overwhelming. (F. Dostoevsky)

37. It turned out that one landowner, Nadezhda Egorovna Svetlitsna, told her yesterday to wait for herself in Khatovo and promised to take her to Spasov, but she never came. (F. Dostoevsky)

38. Varvara Petrovna grabbed her hand, like a kite to a film, and quickly dragged her to Stepan Trofimovich. (F. Dostoevsky)

39. The main thing that tormented everyone was that from all the confusion that presented itself, nothing common or connecting could be extracted. (F. Dostoevsky)

40. The water licked the low bank, covered with reeds, daffodils and the tense flesh of unblown irises. (J. Updike)

41. The most noble and impeccable indignation kindled in her soul when, putting on a shawl, she caught the embarrassed and incredulous gaze of her pupil. (F. Dostoevsky)

42. There was, for example, one moment in Solzhenitsyn’s “Cancer Ward” when Russian prose, and with it the writer himself, came within two or three paragraphs of a decisive breakthrough. (I. Brodsky)

43. Because - be patient, children, there are only seven minutes left to suffer - although each individual cell is potentially immortal, but, having voluntarily assumed a differentiated function within an organized community of cells, it finds itself in an unfavorable environment. (J. Updike)

44. The carcass of the brontosaurus weighed thirty tons, and the brain weighed only two ounces. (J. Updike)

45. But just as on a sheet of paper, shaded with a black pencil, initials and inscriptions, erased and painted over on the desk lid a long time ago, appear, this picture again revived in me longing and fear for my father. (J. Updike)

46. ​​The boy wanted to become a doctor of medicine, but he didn’t finish his studies and so he became a flayer. (J. Updike)

47. Ducks and frogs vied with each other, screaming hoarsely and jubilantly on the swampy lake, visible through the thickets of cherry, linden, acacia and wild apple trees. (J. Updike)

48. I always drank lemonade here, as if saying goodbye to the city before diving into that dark wilderness, which, by some absurd mistake, became our home. (J. Updike)