"Man and humanity" social science: description, features and interesting facts. Human and humanity outline of a lesson in social studies (grade 6) on the topic Presentation on the topic of humanity and humanism

Social Studies Test Human and Humanity for 6th grade students with answers. The test contains 2 options for 8 tasks and is designed to test knowledge on the topic The moral foundations of life.

Option 1

1. Humanism is

1) a critical attitude towards others
2) generous, kind attitude towards other people
3) striving for superiority over people
4) feelings of dissatisfaction with yourself


Humanism is a belief system that believes that a just society is based on

1) the good of man
2) the strength of the state
3) nature worship
4) belief in god

3. Indicate the position listed below, which summarizes the given list: the desire to understand another, the ability to see in another person an equal to oneself, a respectful attitude towards a person.

1) compassionate attitude
2) responsible attitude
3) humane attitude
4) critical attitude


1) Nature is the common home of mankind.
2) Love for the Motherland is a sacred feeling.
3) A person has the right to freedom and self-realization.
4) Religion helps to educate charity.


1) for economic development
2) in relation to the elderly
3) by the number of schools and higher educational institutions
4) in relation to nature

6. Relationships can be called humane if they

1) related to environmental protection
2) help in learning
3) aimed at creating material wealth
4) resist humiliation and inequality of people

7. Choose the correct statements. Write down the numbers under which they are indicated.

1) Humanism is not only words, but also deeds.
2) A person who is well versed in literature and art is called humane
3) Selfishness is the enemy of humanism.
4) Humane means associated with nature.


Modern __________ (1) has created the conditions for __________ (2) life. The progress of __________ (3) changed the work and life of people. But being civilized does not automatically mean being __________ (4). Treating __________ (5) as the highest value is the basis of humanism.


Option 2

1. Find the term that best fits the definition: "philanthropy, respect for a person."

1) good
2) humanism
3) love
4) mercy

2. Complete the sentence correctly.

Humanism is a belief system that recognizes the highest value

1) god
2) nature
3 persons
4) societies

3. Indicate an item from the ones listed below that complements the above list. The attitude towards a person is generous, kind, respectful, __________.

1) rational
2) selfish
3) fundamental
4) humane

4. Which of the following statements illustrates the principle of humanism?

1) Love the book - the source of knowledge.
2) Man is the measure of all things.
3) Diligence is the beginning of all beginnings.
4) Cleanliness is the key to health.

5. The humanism of society must be judged first of all

1) by the level of industrial development
2) in relation to nature
3) to combat bad habits
4) in relation to the weak

6. Humane relationships are primarily associated with the possibility

1) get creative
2) understand the other person
3) entrust the secret to a friend
4) participate in sports competitions

7. Choose the correct statement. Write down the number under which it is indicated.

1) Humanism and egoism imply the same attitude towards the world.
2) Helping people who are of advanced age is a manifestation of humanism.
3) The principle of humanism requires the primary development of technology.
4) Feelings, not actions, can be humane.

8. Fill in the gaps in the text by choosing words from the suggested list. Please note: the words in the list are in the nominative and singular.

__________ (1) humanism are certain rules of behavior. Ideas about which human __________ (2) are worthy of respect have changed historically. But at all times people distinguished __________ (3) and evil. Attitude towards human life as the highest __________ (4), responsibility for one's own affairs, __________ (5) about people - qualities that distinguish a humane person.

Words to fill in the blanks:

Social Studies Test Answers Human and Humanity
Option 1
5 people
Option 2

Plan point 2
Plan point 3
Plan point 4
"May you have a kind mind,
and the heart will be smart. "
S. Marshak
Item 5 of the plan

Lesson objectives

1. Update the required knowledge
students from the course of social studies.
2. To lead to an understanding of what is
humane society.
3. Continue building skills
analyze additional
sources, do it yourself
4. Develop research interest in
social studies.
5. Foster a sense of humanity.

Universal learning activities

Explain the meaning with examples
the concept of "humanity".
Assess from a humanistic perspective
specific actions of people,
described in the media and other
information sources.
Examples of specific situations
assess attention to
needing it.

Concepts, terms

moral commandments;
venerable age

Learning new material

1. Humanity.
2. Humanism - respect and
love for people.
3. Attention to those who
needs support.

Actualization of the problem

Who is called a person?
What distinguishes a person from
other living beings?
Let's discuss together!
Why not all deeds
a person can be called

Point of the plan
Explanatory dictionary of D.N.Ushakov
Point of the plan
- humanity,
to others. "

"Humanity -
Point of the plan
Point of the plan
it is a system of moral and social attitudes, which presupposes
the need to show sympathy for people, to provide
help, non-subjection
suffering. "

Remember! Who were called humanists?
Humanists called
thinkers of the era
Revivals for their
interest in a person,
faith in him
opportunities and
Respecting and appreciating everyone
as a person
yourself, impossible
do evil
True humanism
a responsibility
a person for their

1. Humanism - respect and love for people
Defined system
views at which
responsibility for
the future lies with
everyone ...
behavior: respecting
yourself, value others.
belief system,
for which
the highest
is recognized
man, his
freedoms and rights
principle of conduct, which
man follows in his
developing system
views, recognizing
the value of a person, his
the right to freedom, happiness,
development and manifestation
their abilities,
considering the good of man
assessment criterion
fairness of society.

to whom the person
follows in its
Point of the plan
Point of the plan
belief system,
man, his
life, freedom and

There was a man in the world
/ textbook, page 101 /
Korney Ivanovich
Chukovsky (real name -
Nikolay Vasilievich
Korneichukov), (1882-1969) Russian Soviet poet,
publicist, literary
critic, translator and
literary critic, children's
writer, journalist. Father
Nikolai's writers
Korneevich Chukovsky and
Lydia Korneevna
What is the humanistic nature of the author's activity and
life position K.I. Chukovsky?
How did the author help people to comprehend the world?
Why, according to the writer, he had a happy
old age?

What periods is it divided into
human life?

2. Show attention to the elderly
/ textbook, pp. 102-103 /
Prosperous old age
depends not only on
the person himself.
So that the old people do not
unnecessary and
lonely, they need
help, show
attention signs,
to care about them.
Communication of old people with
mutual understanding and
extended to old people
life and
support them

Don't forget the Mothers!
They grieve in separation.
And em is worse for them than boredom -
The silence of their own children.
Don't forget the Mothers!
They are not guilty of anything.
As before, their hearts are embraced
Anxiety for your children.
Write letters to Mothers!
Call them on the phone!
They are so happy about you.
Any bow to you.
Don't forget the Mothers!
There is no reason for silence.
And deeper every day the wrinkles
From the indifference of children.
Amid vanity and idle days
Hear Gentlemen and Ladies:
Your Mom's soul hurts.
Don't forget the Mothers!
Write letters to Mothers!
Call them on the phone!
They are so happy about you.
Any bow to you.

Picture gallery
V. M. Maksimov
"All in the past"
What would you
changed in
pictures if
would it be
your loved ones?
Why did the artist call the painting that way?
Can the old age of these people be called
joyful, happy?

Plan point 2
Plan point 3
Plan point 4
Item 5 of the plan
1.How do you
help your
2. What about them
are you talking?
3. What did you learn and what
learned from them?
4. What kind of experience did you want
to adopt?

Venerable age
Try to imagine:
- how much did you do in your life
our old people (worked, raised
children, grandchildren, survived the war);
- How much have invested in their children,
To make them grow
educated, smart,
worthy people!
They took care of you,
share your attention and
care with them!
Taking care of others begins
moral activity
personality. Every person
there must be a need for
good deeds. Then
respect for the individual
a person grows into
humanity becomes not
only the norm, but also the rule
Be a worthy citizen

The ancient Greek philosopher Epicurus said: "It is not so important for a person to get help, as important is the knowledge that he can get it." The problem of humanity has interested thinkers of all times, and in our time it is more relevant than ever. What is the basis of such a concept as humanity? How can you tell if our work colleague or just a casual acquaintance is humane and sympathetic?

The main property of Homo Sapiens

A person without humanity will not be able to lead a normal life - he will suffer himself. Usually those who do not show humanity, do not do good deeds, feel an inner emptiness. Often, those people who lack mercy in life suffer from loneliness. They get the feeling that others are simply taking advantage of them. However, this feeling comes just at the moment when a person himself begins to use others only for the sake of satisfying his needs - at least that's what psychologists say.

Human and humanity - these two concepts are inseparable, since humanity itself is a property of any representative of the species Homo Sapiens. Each item has certain properties. The snow is cold and white; the sky is deep and blue; The universe is endless and mysterious; and a real man, unlike animals, can only be called the one who displays those qualities that are inherent in his family.

Attitude to yourself

To show mercy, humanism, compassion, you need to draw strength throughout your life. And not every person knows where to get them. Humanity, on the other hand, cannot manifest itself in a person who is not able to take care of even himself. When an individual is completely at the mercy of circumstances, absorbed in a depressive state, does not see joy in life, then often one has only to dream of mercy and compassion for others in this situation.

To give, one must receive

This is not surprising - after all, he himself is the object that needs love and compassion at a given moment. Usually only another person can give these resources. Humanity shown in relation to one's neighbor is one of the noblest deeds that humans can do. After all, when mercy was shown to the one who experiences misfortune and suffering, then he, too, will be glad to do good deeds, to give his love. But feedback also works here.

The psychology of cruelty

Often, a child who has not been given enough attention by his parents or who may have suffered from unfair peer treatment becomes a violent person. Humanity for him is a quality about which he knows nothing and cannot know. Indeed, in relation to him himself, aggression was constantly manifested in one form or another. How can he give to others what he does not possess? Schoolchildren do not study psychology in middle school. The subject on which it is necessary to pass the topic "Man and Humanity" is social studies. In grade 6, however, students are old enough to deal with challenging questions. In high school and in higher educational institutions, this topic will relate to the field of philosophy, psychology, sociology.

Energy sources

There are many more sources from which a person can draw energy. Humanity, as we have already examined, is an excess of internal strength, but in no way a lack. It is possible to perform a noble deed or the right choice only under the condition of constant accumulation of vital energy, as a result of which the personality forms its inner core. Where do people usually get these powers from?

For some, the main value in life is knowledge. Such a person usually draws inspiration from devoting his time to the study of various scientific fields. For other people, the most important thing is to work for the good of society. Psychologists have noticed that if people choose goals for themselves that are not directly related to other people, often these goals are never achieved. Indeed, in the case when there is no need to interact with others, to bear obligations to them, then there may simply not be enough motivation to complete the task.

Life as creativity

For others, creativity serves as a source of energy - one of the largest sources of positive that a person can only use. Humanity (grade 6 - usually students at this stage are engaged in considering such a difficult issue) is not always a property of a creative person. A classic example is Adolf Hitler, who wanted to become an artist, but became the most terrible tyrant of the last century. However, when, in the process of creation, a person realizes himself, enjoys the flight of fantasy, shows interest in the subject of his work, this cannot but affect him. Those people who really find themselves in creativity find peace and harmony with the world around them, which often makes them more human.

An example of humanity in literature

One of the writers who sought to expose any justification for cruelty is F.M.Dostoevsky. The real example in his work "Crime and Punishment" is This heroine is the complete opposite of Raskolnikov. She shows true humanity by her actions - in order to save children from hunger, she goes to sell her own body. Raskolnikov, on the other hand, believes that the "common good" can be permissible at the cost of the blood of individual people who, moreover, do not benefit society. He does not have true compassion - after all, this word has two parts. Compassion literally means "suffering together."

Raskolnikov believes that the crime that was committed "according to conscience" is in fact not a crime. Sonya, on the other hand, maintains true philanthropy. She sacrifices her life for the sake of higher principles. Despite the fact that she is visited by difficult thoughts, she wants to commit suicide, the image of starving children stops her from this act. And here the heroine also shows philanthropy, thinking not about her own interests. And with the same dedication with which she saves the lives of children, Sonya rushes to save Raskolnikov.

"Man and Humanity": presentation (grade 6, social studies)

And sometimes students are asked how to prepare a presentation on a given topic. Such work may be even more interesting for some than just reading a paragraph or writing an essay. How can you arrange it? Let's look at some examples that you can use to create your presentation.

  • Slide 1: Definition of the concepts of "man and humanity" in social science.
  • Slide 2: Examples of humanity from various sources: media, literature, cinema.
  • Slide 3: Categories of people who may need mercy.
  • Slide 4: human as a species.
  • Slide 5: A story about the great humanists. For example, it can be such personalities as Thomas More, Erasmus of Rotterdam.
  • Slide 6: Attitude towards old people, parents.
  • Slide 7: Description of actions that can be regarded as humane.

This is just a rough outline on which to create a Human and Humanity presentation. Social studies in grade 6 is one of the most interesting subjects. And with the help of this task, you can both show your creative abilities and learn a lot of new information about mercy, humanism. However, this plan can be used in their work not only for the study by children of the topic "Human and Humanity" in the 6th grade. The Federal State Educational Standard (Federal State Educational Standard) of the lesson largely overlaps with the theses that are covered in the presentation plan, so it will be useful for teachers as well.

Respect for the venerable age

It is also necessary to remember about such a manifestation of mercy and humanism as respect. In many religious movements, it is customary to treat the elderly with respect. This is not only a moral and ethical requirement. In youth, there is a lot of strength, and in old age it is already more difficult to make ordinary movements, clumsiness appears. This is the reality of man. Humanity in the 6th grade is passed for a reason - this is another way to teach schoolchildren to respect their elders.

Targets and goals: to acquaint students with the concepts of humanism, principle and humanity; explore their essence; identify factors contributing to the enhancement of humanity and humanism; discuss the need to help the elderly.

Planned results: students should characterize a humane person; compare social objects, finding out their common features and differences; own the principle of working with a textbook, in the text of which there are diagrams, additional text and questions, as well as conduct a discussion, heuristic conversation, work with documents, analyze problems and solve problem problems, work in a group.

Formed UUD:

Subject: explain the essence of humanism; apply basic moral concepts, norms and rules, analyze real social situations with their help; understand their role as decisive regulators of social life;


Communicative: accurately and competently express thoughts, defend their point of view in the process of discussion;

Regulatory: form the target settings of educational activities, build an algorithm of actions;

Cognitive: carry out an advanced search for information; analyze, compare, classify and generalize facts and phenomena; give definitions of concepts;

Personal: the formation of competence in solving moral problems on the basis of personal choice, moral feelings and moral behavior, a conscious and responsible attitude to their actions.

Equipment: textbook, diagrams for the lesson, a package with working material, presentation, projector.

Lesson type: discovery of new knowledge.

During the classes:

Organizing time.


Students alternately touch their neighbor's fingers of the same name, starting with their thumbs and say:

Wish (large)

Success (indicating)

Large (medium)

All over (nameless)

And everywhere (with little fingers)

Hello! (whole palm)

II... Motivational target stage

Listen to the parable and answer the questions.

A man was walking along the shore and suddenly saw a boy who was lifting something from the sand and throwing it into the sea. The man came closer and saw that the boy was picking up starfish from the sand. They surrounded him on all sides, the coast was literally strewn with them for many kilometers.

Why are you throwing these starfish into the water? the man asked, stepping closer.

If they stay on the shore until tomorrow morning, when the tide begins, they will die, ”the boy replied, without stopping his occupation.

But this is just stupid! the man shouted.

Look around! There are millions of starfish, the coast is simply strewn with them. Your attempts won't change anything!

The boy raised the next starfish, thought for a moment, threw it into the sea and said:

No, my attempts will change a lot ... for this star.

What is this parable about?

Answer the questions in the Recall section on page 100 of the textbook.

Think about what we should talk about today and what questions to answer?

Lesson topic: Man and humanity.

Lesson plan:

What is humanism.

Show attention to the elderly.

III.Introduction to new material.

Today's lesson is about man. Among the mysteries that a person learns, he himself is the most incomprehensible. The eternal question: what is a person? What does it mean to be human? How to become human?

Let's try to answer these questions.

1. What is humanism.

What associations do you have when you hear the word "humanity"? (Writing students' answers on the chalkboard.)

Read the text on page 100 of the textbook 1 paragraph, working in groups, discuss and visualize the essence of humane treatment of a person.

Humane treatment of a person:




Willingness to understand

Treating as equal

On page 100 of the textbook, find the definition of "humanism" and make a diagram of its essence.

Humanism is a certain system of beliefs that recognizes

- human value

- human rights to freedom

- the human right to happiness

- the human right to development and manifestation of their abilities

Humanism -

- The criterion for assessing a just society is the good of a person

- Love for people

- Respect for people

- The principle of behavior, assumes responsibility of a person for their actions

Physical minute.

The origin of the concept of "humanism" refers to the Renaissance. (early 14th - late 16th centuries). The revival was characterized by an interest in a person, faith in his abilities and capabilities. The first humanists were Thomas More, François Rabelais, William Shakespeare, Miguel Cervantes, Leonardo da Vinci, Raphael Santi.

Read the statements of great people about humanism and comment on them. Which one do you think is the most correct?

Working material:

If a person is firm, decisive, simple and non-verbal, then he is already close to humanity (Confucius)

There are many people, but few people (Diogenes)

It's easy to be a saint when you don't want to be human (K. Marx)

Be human first and foremost. Do not be afraid to burden yourself too much with humanity (V. Hugo)

In this world, everyone who lightens another person's burden is beneficial. (Charles Dickens)

Political responsibilities can change, human-to-human responsibilities never. (J. Renan)

If you are indifferent to the suffering of others, you do not deserve the title of human.

All people are worthy of respect and have good qualities. Although the goodness inherent in people is not always manifested freely and without hindrance.

What do you think prevents people from always doing good deeds?

On page 101 of the textbook, the parable of the writer V.V. Veresaeva "Legend", read and answer the question.

What is the meaning of this parable?

Read the “Once Upon a Time” section on pages 101-102 on your own. Answer the questions at the end of the section and justify your answer.

2. Show attention to the elderly

Since ancient times, people have worried about the attitude of young people towards the older generation. The scripture says: "Walk in your father's old age and do not grieve him", "Honor the elders, revere"?

What do you think the word "revere" means.

A reverent attitude is a kind, respectful, polite, benevolent attitude towards elders.

At the beginning of the 18th century, by order of Peter I, rules of conduct for "young adolescents" were issued. Listen to an excerpt from this document.

"Honest Mirror of Youth, or Indication for Everyday Circumstance"

First of all, the children of the father and mother should be in great honor to support. And when from the parents what is ordered to them, it happens that you always hold a hat in your hands, but do not wear it in front of them, and do not sit near them, do not look out of the window with them, but everything is hidden in great reverence, not in a row with them, but not much to stand behind them to the side, like servants. Do not command anything in the house with your name.

Children do not have to scold anything without an order from their parents, or reproach with bad words, they must conduct politely and courteously.

When parents speak, it is not necessary to interrupt speeches, you must wait until they speak out. Stand with your parents straight.

Not to speak without asking, but when you speak, they should respond or respond as they hear the voice of their parents and not boldly answer.

How do you understand these rules and which ones are needed today?

Which of these rules do you follow?

What is meant by the concept of "venerable age".

In the story of Valentina Oseeva "Just an old woman", a situation is described - a boy and a girl saw that an old woman walking in front of them slipped and fell.

Hold my books! - shouted the boy, handed the girl his bag and rushed to help the old woman.

When he returned, the girl asked:

Is this your grandmother?

No, the boy replied.

Mama? - the girlfriend was surprised.

Well, aunt? Or a friend?

No! No! the boy said smiling. - It's just an old woman!

What is this story about? What has this incident taught you?

V... Reflection.

There is a self-assessment sheet on the desks. Place the person on the stage that best suits your condition.

VI... Summarizing.

Let's test ourselves by completing several tasks.


Choice assignments: creative essay: Assignment 2 or 3 of the headings "In the classroom and at home" on page 104 of the textbook.

Teacher: At the end of the lesson, listen to the poem by Natalia Davydova "Grandma stood to the side."

Remember, we must take care of those who need it.

1. L.N. Bogolyubov Lesson development, Moscow, Enlightenment. 2016 Nov.

2. Textbook ed. L.N. Bogolyubova Social Studies, grade 6. M .: Education, 2015

Viewing an excerpt from the movie "Scarecrow"

(From 19.33 to 22.02 minute 1 episode of the film)

How do classmates relate to Lena?

Why did Dima Somov help Lena Bessoltseva?

What feeling drives Dima Somov towards Lena?

Always do good and evil

In the power of all people.

But evil is done without difficulty,

Good is more difficult to create.

"The only way to endure the inhumanity of people towards each other is to make your own life a model of humanity towards people."

Roy Payton (actress)

Human and humanity


social studies teacher MBU secondary school number 11 Safonova V.A.

There is a lot of good and a lot of bad in the world, because people have different interests, characters, views. And people cannot always coexist peacefully with each other.

What can this lead to?

War in Ukraine

Hitler's attack on the USSR

What needs to be done to prevent this from happening?

Problem lesson question

How to be human and how can they stay in our time?

After the release of the movie "Scarecrow" in 1983, one of the critical articles was written:

"This film fosters a sense of humanism."

What is the meaning of the word "humanism"?

What does humane treatment mean?

Love for people

Kind attitude to all living things

Respect for the person

Caring for and attention to the elderly and children


Responsibility for everything we do

Look for options for humane treatment in the following situations.

Group 1. You are walking down the street, you see a crying child. What are your actions?

Group 2. At the entrance you meet a stray animal. Your actions?

Group 3. At the crosswalk you see an elderly person. What are your actions?

Group 4. In your classroom, a classmate unexpectedly fell seriously ill. Your actions?

Let's read the parable

Vikentiy Vikentievich Veresaev "Legend" on page 101.

V.V. Veresaev?

What thought in his work did he want to convey to us

V.V. Veresaev?


It is necessary to treat all living things in a human way, because a person is responsible for what he does in his life!

In what kind of society is this possible?

Humane society

How do you imagine a humane society?

What is the main thing in it?




humane society







humane society






Creative work:

Reflect everything in your drawings

what did you learn and remember for the lesson


§ 12. Assignments 1,2 on page 104