Fortune telling per person who likes. Three simple setting tarot per person, detailed instructions

In astrology, the Sun symbolizes individuality, personality, consciousness and will, level of energy and creative potential. All planets rotate around the Sun, and each person is the center of its own world.

The possibility of self-expression and manifestations of their personality are very important. However, sometimes the will, creative impulses or other conscious manifestations of personality turn out to be depressed or blocked by any circumstances.

If you are experiencing difficulties in self-expression or feel yours vital energy Published, use the esoteric layout of the Taro "Sun".

Five cards of this defold will show various aspects of the current energy state of your personality and will help you better realize and understand your interaction with the world and the universe.

The alignment is performed by older arcans. If you feel a feeling of excitement or anxiety before you feel, we recommend.

Scheme and value of the maps of the Esoteric Scenario Tarot "Sun"

Map 1 - How do you consciously perceive yourself at the moment
Map 2 - True image of your me, your soul
Map 3 - What will the world and the universe perceives you at the moment
Map 4 - What energy do you strengthen and harmonize the manifestations of your personality
Map 5 - what energies you weaken or block manifestations of personality

Map 1.
How do you consciously perceive yourself at the moment

You have fallen "lovers", which always means a decision, choose (even if it does not concern love). This choice carries unquestioning and irrevocability to a loose version. "The medal has two sides" - this truth can be seen only by examining all possible sides of the question. The need to rely on intuition and inspiration. Deep emotional relationship, equality in relationships, the ability to understand the importance of another opinion and appreciate it.

Map 2.
The true image of your Higher I, your soul

Map "Hermit", which dropped to you, means caring from the world, flight from life, isolation, immersion in yourself, searching for peace and loneliness in order to deal with your own thoughts and feelings. "Hermit" speaks of caution and diligence in words and actions. He is too wise and removed from the life of the bustle to act hastily and impulsively. His goal is internal harmony, its means - knowledge.

Map 3.
What will the world and the Universe perceive at the moment

Here your card is "Fortune Wheel". This is a case, fate, point of rotation, an emergency. The need to take your destiny to gain power over it. The uncertainty of the situation, vain attempts to grasp for the escape order of things, stabilize. Immersion in question, self-dedication to the solution of life problem. The ability to cope with the requirements imposed.

Map 4.
What energies enhance the manifestations of your personality

Karate "Court", which you fell here - a symbol of deliverance, liberation, healing - speaks of the imminent end of the suffering and coming to the life of something really valuable. This is spiritual revival, repentance, forgiveness, redemption of the past. Return previously lost. The successful outcome of old cases and new beginnings, positive changes in life, subject to preservation of fearlessness and activity. Restless character, search for novelty, restoration of forces.

Map 5.
What energies weaken, suppress or block the manifestations of your personality

Here is the "Supreme Priestess" map. It implies deep, subconscious forces: intuition, inner voice, premonitions, giving solid confidence without logical arguments; as well as patience, condescension, the ability to wait the right moment For active actions. This is a connection with space, prompting to know the truth within himself. The map also means a wise, mysterious woman, the ability to deep self-development, to broadcast esoteric knowledge.

To start free online divination Click on the deck of cards at the bottom of the page. Hold down the deck until the feeling comes that it's time to finish the tack.

Divination online for free What kind of man. This fortune telling will directly tell you about the prospects for communication with the mandated person, that you can expect and what you should fear. You can guess both on your beloved and just on a familiar person in order to find out what happens to him or which relationship is possible between you.

Divination technique online for free

Take the non-playing deck of cards in which there are all cards from six to the aces, only 36 pieces. Pull the cards very carefully, slide the deck with your left hand to yourself. Start laying pictures up in four rows of nine cards in each, each last map of the row will be one of the sides of the mandated person. So lay out all 36 cards after that you can proceed to the interpretation of fortune telling. Below I present you a description of each card for independent divination \u003e Description\u003e

Description of maps

Ace of Cherry Favorite house.
King of the Cherry A man, sometimes father.
Lady of Cherry The woman is sometimes mistress, often points to the mother.
Crawle shafts Complications on the Love Front.
10 Wheel Love dreams.
9 Cherry Love, see nearby cards to determine what kind of love.
8 Wheels Love date.
7 Cherry Love adventure.
6 Cherry Japping, or identical thoughts.
Ace Tref. There may be a relationship, hint.
King Tref. Head, senior for the rank of colleague, father.
Lady Tref. The Senior Girlfriend.
Valete Tref. News of problems.
10 Tref. Travel interests.
9 Tref. A strong love feeling is most likely one-sided or with some trick.
8 Tref. Joint pastime.
7 Tref. Business conversation.
6 Tref. Business interests or late road.
Ace Buben Letter or money.
King Buben. Young bachelor.
Lady Buben. Girlfriend sometimes mistress.
Valet Buben. Conversations, not always pleasant.
10 Buben Your hopes should come true, a favorable financial component is also possible.
9 Buben Love with some subtext.
8 Buben Common interests are most likely financial, but also perhaps not only.
7 Buben Beautiful interlocutor of the interlocutor.
6 Buben Reliable and true way.
Ace Pick Blow of fate
King Peak A hindrance from an influential figure.
Queen of Spades Unpleasant person, whose anger.
Pick currency Empty news.
10 peak Wait for trouble.
9 Peak Disorder, illness, unhappy love.
8 peak Sadness from communication.
7 peak There will be tears.
6 peak Windiness, impermanence.

Divorce online "His plans for relations with me" free layout Tarot for love can be used in cases where you need to know how much your relationship is serious for your loved one, what they are for him, what he really wants from relationships with you, what plans he is building to your account.

Declaring the cards on a loved one, you will also learn how he belongs to a serious relationship (marriage), is it ready to create a family, and is it ready to create it with you. Arkana Taro will give a forecast, how likely to create a family in your union whether you have a wedding.

Free fortune telling online "His plans for relations with me" can be carried out at any stage of development of relations, but it is better to turn to this scenario, if your union has already developed, and you with your loved one are a steady pair. Use this fortune telling on a partner plans can both women and men.

Tarot cards are ready for online fortunate "His plans for relations with me"

Select 1 card

Card number 1. What a partner is relationships with you.
Map number 2. What your partner wants from relationships with you.
Map number 3. His plans for relations with you.
Map number 4. How your favorite person relates to a serious relationship (marriage). His readiness for the creation of a family.
Map number 5. What partner fears and hope is about marriage with you.
Map number 6. Whether you are the person with whom your favorite is ready to create a family.
Map number 7. As existing relationships with beloved will affect your life.
Map number 8. As existing relationships will affect the life of your partner.
Map number 9. What will your union come to. How it is likely that you with your loved one come into an official marriage (you will have a wedding, or not).

The fortune telling that was favorite in Empress Catherine II, according to the legend, was quite simple. 40 characters were depicted on 40 cards that had classical decoding, however specific situation Could have direct value And denote exactly what is depicted on them. Of the 40 treated top shirts, three and, depending on the question of interest, they interpreted the result. Try this fortune telling to predict fate or clarify the question of interest.

The alignment of Lenorman Maps "Two" - is one of the most popular at gadas on love and relationship between a woman and a man. This fortune telling shows a conscious and unconscious attitude between two close people, what thoughts and feelings are experiencing each other, what actions are being taken and what their relations will be in the future.

Signing cards on the oracle Sybolone "Step by step" is necessary for predicting the development of the situation, the provisions of things in the future. With this scenario, you can find out how events will develop, which prevents, and what will help you and the way it will end. Focus and ask your question cards.

Lenorman's Lenorman Map Signal is suitable for those who disperse with a partner or is on the verge of such a break. This fortune telling will help you find out what the attitude of your partner to parting, how will your life change if you decide to part or save the relationship and most importantly - there are a chance of your relationship. Focus and imagine the situation, ask a question with cards, select 6 cards from the deck.

Love fortune telling on the map of Tarot Venus in Scorpio gives an understanding of how partners treat each other, what feelings are experiencing, hidden influence, as well as what important events In relations you should wait in the near future. This alignment acts about 3 months, if you change the tactics of behavior, we advise you to hold this allections again, since the prediction of the future is always based on the preservation of the principles and tactics of human behavior. The advice that gives you the card will help you in your question (maintaining or improving relationships) and does not always relate to the field of feelings. Concentrate and ask your question cards.

Love fortune telling on Gypsy Maps Tarot will tell you how you feel about and what a mandated person thinks about you. Also, this alignment shows what feelings in relation to you are experiencing the person you are interested in, what does the relationship demonstrate, and what does it hide what goals puts in your relationship, what plans to take you in the future and what is the result of communicating with this person. Think your question and select maps from the deck.

Divination for love and relationship is a special topic. Because a person is more willing to put up with a disadvantage of money or with failures on a professional field than with a constant presence of a number of one who is not any roads. No wonder they say that with cute and in the halary paradise. And understanding how important the problem of feelings and relationships is in the life of each of us, we tried to collect online fortune-telling for love and relationships that would give answers to all questions regarding so burning issues.

In this section, you will find free virtual fortune telling on marriage and treason, you can decide on the choice of several applicants for your heart ... And you still have the opportunity directly in online mode to understand whether you are suitable for your chosen one and what is it for a person, what are your prospects for your Relationship and what is thinking about you at the moment your beloved (or lover).

Free fortune telling love and relationship online

How deep is the feelings of the person in love with? Will the power of your love be appreciated? After all, it may be that your heart, rapidly beating at one mention of his (or her) name, will end up in a ruthlessly broken. Or maybe, on the contrary - you think the worst, suspect a person in a rudeness, and he (she) is actually ready to sell the soul to the devil in order to always be with you. Before you, fortune telling for love, which is right now, online will help you find out the whole truth and understand what is happening in the partner's soul.

You like this man ... Although there are probably shortcomings in it, and you, of course, do not agree with him (with her). True, while you are not visible. Or you do not want to notice some disagreements, considering them with trifles. Or maybe your partner seems to be perfect at all. However, life inexorably puts points over "E" ... and therefore it is better to understand how much you come to each other. And this virtual online divination will help you deal with such an important question in seconds.

Before you, fortune telling for love and relationship ... Divination, which gives a detailed answers to several personal questions immediately. What happens between you now? What are the prospects? What is your chosen one (or chosen)? What can you be mistaken? Answers to them are objective, because the Tarot system gives them. Moreover, you can get all these answers online, that is, almost instantly. And yet - completely free.

Not always the fate of a woman looks logical and obvious. The dugushka can jump married faster than the beauty, and the girl, the very nature, seemingly intended to be a mother and his wife, all alone and one, whereas her girlfriend, whose culinary talents are reduced to the scrambled eggs with bacon, is already going under the crown ... to understand In such a difficult question and help, finally marry himself, take advantage of this online fortune-tariff. It gives a detailed and - the main thing is a comprehensive answer to it. And besides, offers seld advice and outlines the prospects.

All your doubts and torment about loyalty (more precisely, infidelity) of your loved one will allow this virtual alignment to Taro. With it, you will see the true state of affairs, you will understand whether your partner is predisposed to treason at all, you will figure out what to expect from him (it) in the future ... The divination will consider the current situation from all possible parties to help figure out its causes and consequences. So, you will get a chance to look at your relationship with this person from the inside and warn the likely problems in advance.

No one knows his fate. And even simple "tomorrow" is hidden from us with a dense veil. But we, people, are curious and persistently looking for a click, in which you can spit your future. Methods for this, humanity has invented a lot. And the Catherine fortune telling is one of the easiest and, at the same time, effective among them. It can be used as a fortune telling for love, for the near future, for good luck. The top three pictures, which appear as a response to the question, interpret you, based on the circumstances of your own life. That is, everything is extremely honest and fair: no common interpretations "nothing". In addition, everything happens right online, that is, here and now.

Foreign on playing cards Online, which allows you to comprehensively consider the situation around the beloved person. His (or her) aspirations, excitement, doubts, and besides this, possible surprises and probable events - the answers to all this you will find in such a fortune.

it free fortune telling The relationship will allow you to figure out if there are problems in your union with your loved one, and understand how deep and sincere feelings of your loved one are. The alignment is made on playing cards in online-mode, so you can use it at the moment when it is most relevant for you.

As tormented by the unknown! Does he think about me? I call me or not? Loves or does not love? Questions of darkness, and they all force the heart to fight anxiously, and the mind forget about important things ... And meanwhile, there is a way to resolve all doubts a few seconds. And he is in front of you. it virtual divination Just and understandable. It does not take much time and will not require special effortsBut at the same time will give an accurate answer to the most exciting questions. So try!

Excess fans are just as problematic, as well as the lack of them. And in fact, how to choose between several candidates? It's truly, if B "Lips of Ivan Kuzmich, yes ... To the nose Nikanor Ivanichu, yes to the exaggeration ... Baltazar Baltazar ..." The classic was right. But we suggest you do not think of painfully and freely, but try to solve all your doubts right now in this online fortune telling about love and relationships. With it, you will understand how belonging to you each of the applicants for your heart. And you can choose the most loving of them.