Angel Council for online day. Guardian angel online, spending a fortune telling angel keeper virtually

The fortune telling that was favorite in Empress Catherine II, according to the legend, was quite simple. 40 characters were depicted on 40 cards that had classical decoding, however specific situation Could have direct value And denote exactly what is depicted on them. Of the 40 treated top shirts, three and, depending on the question of interest, they interpreted the result. Try this fortune telling to predict fate or clarify the question of interest.

The alignment of Lenorman Maps "Two" - is one of the most popular at gadas on love and relationship between a woman and a man. This fortune telling shows a conscious and unconscious attitude between two close people, what thoughts and feelings are experiencing each other, what actions are being taken and what their relations will be in the future.

Signing cards on the oracle Sybolone "Step by step" is necessary for predicting the development of the situation, the provisions of things in the future. With this scenario, you can find out how events will develop, which prevents, and what will help you and the way it will end. Focus and ask your question cards.

Lenorman's Lenorman Map Signal is suitable for those who disperse with a partner or is on the verge of such a break. This fortune telling will help you find out what the attitude of your partner to parting, how will your life change if you decide to part or save the relationship and most importantly - there are a chance of your relationship. Focus and imagine the situation, ask a question with cards, select 6 cards from the deck.

Love fortune telling on the map of Tarot Venus in Scorpio gives an understanding of how partners treat each other, what feelings are experiencing, hidden influence, as well as what important events In relations you should wait in the near future. This alignment acts about 3 months, if you change the tactics of behavior, we advise you to hold this allections again, since the prediction of the future is always based on the preservation of the principles and tactics of human behavior. The advice that gives you the card will help you in your question (maintaining or improving relationships) and does not always relate to the field of feelings. Concentrate and ask your question cards.

Love fortune telling on Gypsy Maps Tarot will tell you how you feel about and what a mandated person thinks about you. Also, this alignment shows what feelings in relation to you are experiencing the person you are interested in, what does the relationship demonstrate, and what does it hide what goals puts in your relationship, what plans to take you in the future and what is the result of communicating with this person. Think your question and select maps from the deck.

»Foreign Taro" Guardian Angel "

The fortune telling on the maps of Tarot "Guardian Angel" allows you to find out if you have a keeper angel, to learn whether it protects you, it is possible to even clarify a certain situation with the help of the cards you want to convey your defender. After the scenario, complete decoding will be given, perceive the information not literally, but intuitive, since, perhaps, the answer will be depicted on the map itself.

Positions in the design of the "Guardian Angel":

1. Force. The power and strength of the angel, as well as the definition of the possibility that he is not alone.
2. Blessing. As far as he is ready to help you.
3. Rod. There is a visible to the appearance of this angel in your life, i.e. This is a hereditary keeper transmitted by the generic line, or the attached one.
4. Shield. The degree of human protection is determined.
5. Signifier in the question

Click on the deck of cards 5 times.

Want to know the characteristics of a person's character, his attachment, lifestyle, dignity and disadvantages? Then this alignment tarot for you. Tarot twelve cards will tell you everything you would like to know about the person you are interested in. Please note: Senior Arcans show priority features for this person.

Each person needs heavenly patronage, even those who do not believe in anything. We do not see the one who protects us, who is every minute. The one who makes our lives is happier, but the happiness is important in it aspect for everyone. How would life make up if we could hear and see them, could we avoid all troubles? The Guardian Angel Council at the right hour and support is possible, it is worth just asking for it.

Guardian Angels in our Life

The Guardian Angel is imperceptibly watching his wards, giving them chances, various opportunities. Every day he leads us from temptations, unknown turns of fate. Believe or not to believe - the matter of everyone, but, one way or another, they give us their signs. The main thing is to read them on time. We do not pay attention to the little things in everyday life. They bind to us through such things as: spraying with mud, loss of something, breakdown. Even the drop in the handle at the time of signing the documents is important, but do we notice it? Most often no, but one minute to believe and immediately falls into place.

During its existence on Earth, people found the opportunity to turn to guardian angels, prayers appeared, chambers. We learned how to ask questions by divination, to communicate and ask for advice in a particular matter. Especially for such cases even invented ways to call their guardian angel and how to do it easier and faster. Truthful divination With their help today is available to everyone. You can turn to professionals or do it yourself, at home and for free.

How to ask a question?

You can communicate with the guardian angel daily, but you should not repeat the same thing, several times. To learn something, ask or seek advice in a particular area, the hint from the angel will not wait.

Before contacting you can not swear or scold someone. During "communication" it is necessary to maintain a good mood and kind, positive promise to the world. It is advisable to read the prayer before proceeding to this action in which to ask for forgiveness for all your sins. In the process, keep all the rules of etiquette and subordination, because communication will be dealt with heavenly messengers.

This divination of the angels is suitable for daily use in front of the expensive, deal or in the morning as a scenario on the day. You will need Tarot cards and 12 red candles and one brown.

Arrange 12 with a semicircle with a semicircle, in the same way spread all the deck, starting on the left side. Inside put a brown candle. When laying, repeat such words:

"Angel my keeper, be with me, open the door to me in front of myself. Indicate what is waiting for me today, if: ... (question). "

After that, mentally asking the guardian angel to send you slowly and focus on the cards. Some of them should tell you the answer. This happens like this: you will feel craving for her, tingling or burning palm. Perhaps something will happen: a spoon will fall, knocks the branch into the window or something else that can be regarded as a sign. After selecting, you can see the value of the map.

How to get an angel answer with playing cards

The ritual for every day fits all. You will need an ordinary, new deck of cards. First of all, you should establish contact with your guardian angel. Take a comfortable posture, focus, and closing your eyes, to mentally imagine him. Be sure to say hello and invite to communicate, help you with advice. After that, shook the deck, focusing on the problem.

Signing on the maps "Angel Prediction"

In the process of divination, you do not need to ask any questions, but simply ask for advice:

"My guardian angel, be today you are with me! Tell me what awaits me soon? "

Dispatch all the deck on the table for divination, pictures down, on the 9th pieces, in the 4rd row. Calculate the number of his birthday. For example, you were born December 29, 1989. It will be necessary to fold all the numbers among themselves and get the exact solution: 2 + 9 + 1 + 2 + 1 + 9 + 8 + 9 \u003d 41. Count 41: after the deck is over to 36, start again from the first until you reach Figure you need. A card symbolizing the desired figure and will be the carrier of information that will indicate you on the answer.


6 - You drop out a road or a trip:

♠ - the long-distance is not always good;

♣ - confused, unnecessary;

♦ - boring, unproductive;

- With adventures, perhaps love.

7 - Some meeting, date:

♠ - unpleasant, excessively emotional;

♣ - for work responsible;

♦ - unnecessary;

- With your loved one, relatives.

8 - Conversation:

♠ - unpleasant, nervous;

♣ - productive;

♦ - confusing, long;

- finding relationships, love.

9 - Love date, familiarity:

♠ - you should not come to him;

♣ - a person with serious intentions;

♦ - time spent, but you can go to not offend a person;

- Pleasant, interesting, fascinating.

10 - Your interests for the near future:

♠ - Be caution, do something, start;

♣ - It is necessary to focus on yourself;

♦ - a favorable time for new ideas;

Valts - troubles:

♠ - empty, heavy;

♣ - with obstacles, mandal;

♦ - the best outcome;

- About love, about relationships.

Lady - girlfriend, mistress, perhaps - Mother:

♠ - unpleasant, assistance that will cause harm;

♣ - You can not trust the secrets of a woman older than themselves;

♦ - Caring from a woman will help;

- Love girlfriend.

King - a man in life:

♠ - Run without looking back;

♣ - Egoistic intention of a more mature man;

♦ - Caprises young man;

- Frequent recognition.

TUZ - house, family hearth:

♠ - Up the tip - Official duties, Gullya; down the tip - unpleasant, discouraging news;

♣ - Many questions in the career, but all are solved in the workplace;

♦ - Take care of paper.

- Dedote yourself to home and family.

Divination "Question-answer"

If you are interested, something is concrete, make this alignment:

  • Mentally binding to his angel.
  • Write your question concisely.
  • Count letters.
  • Squeeze your number in the deck. If it is more than 36, which repeat the account in a circle.
  • Interpretation of the result.

Peaks - Guardian Angel tells you that you are waiting for running with obstacles, the task will be difficult and almost impracticable. Do not waste forces worth it, he gives advice.

Cross - Your guardian angel recommends changing the direction and look in the other side. Perhaps return to this will be better in a couple of months.

Bubnes - the result will come, but does he satisfy you, asks an angel? In order not to spend time and nerves, it is better to weigh the "pros and cons", then make a decision. Tip: Contact your loved ones for help.

Worms are the one who protects you is simply confident in the positive outcome of the case, but with one condition: the purity of the heart and the good intention. Truthful attitude The case will also give a positive outcome.

In the course of this divination, you can ask three questions in a row, but no more. The fortune telling on the tarot cards or on simple with the help of guardian angels will definitely tell me, will give advice and help make a decision. But if suddenly the answer is sad or unsuccessful, you do not need to fall in despair and even more repetitive actions again and again. This is just a fortune telling, the mirror of his fate - you yourself.

At each of us, at birth, the guardian angel appears, even the most soulless and harsh people, he does not forget. He always seeks to help people. Thirst to find out your future, pushes to contact him. Despite the fact that everyone forgot about him, he will not prompt ill and will always send to the faithful light path. Everyone chooses for himself how to reveal the mystery to his fate. Whether it is magic rituals.

In anticipation, when a person appeals to his custodian, he will remember him in captivity of the worldly bustle, he still does not throw a person to the mercy of fate. It is not necessary to mention that the use of dark methods associated with sacrifice and blood does not always lead to the desired result. However, the answers can be obtained different ways, now there are quite a lot of them. Often the guardian angel is seen in a dream, usually he comes in the image of a person, most often a relative, exactly who you think your benefactory. You can talk to him, ask what the most worried about you at the moment or tell about something.

Divination of Guardian Angels Online

If you want to know the answers to your domestic questionsYou should refer to online fortune. Governing person will receive answers for free asked questions. I formulate your questions and clicking on the button, you fall the map on which the recommendations and answers from the higher forces.

In the world modern technologies and the Internet, you do not need any knowledge and skills to repay. If you are sad and there is some kind of concern or fear, then you will help you virtual divination. Maps that will raise your mood, charge the cheerful spirit and a good mood, fill you positive.

  • you can guess daily;
  • you get a prediction for every day;
  • you get a hint how to behave in a difficult life situation.

Such a system was created by a clairvoyant and parapsychologist. In sphere psychological counselingThey were leading experts. Successfully picking up the cards that were able to tell the truthful and inspirational predictions. Maps emit a soft and most positive energy, without any negative messages. One of the main concepts of the action is the desire for self-development and self-improvement.

In order to achieve a solution to the problem, you should not rely only in search of answers in the surrounding world. Divination Council "Guardian Angel" will be a good guide in a stunning journey, called ploy yourself In the soul. However, you can guess every day, especially the best of all to do so people who:

  • worry the separation with loved ones;
  • confused in a difficult situation;
  • trying to start a new life;
  • are on the crossroads.

Having gathered with the Spirit and deciding to seek advice to my angel, first of all, it is necessary for myself correctly and correctly formulate the question that you plan to ask an angel. After which you need to get enough soft chairBy presenting a bright flow of light, which is directed only to you and pronounce "My Angel, let's go with me. You are ahead, and I'm yours. " And then you can already conduct online fortune telling. The main thing: you need tune On the desired wave, it will focus, forget about the worldly bustle and try not to be nervous. After that, you will enter a half-layered state.

As practice shows from you, you will not need any emotional and energy spending. The governing person who believes in the existence of angels will definitely respond to the most clearly formulated question.

Most of the world is invisible, we cannot see her eyes. In the largest part of the world, the mind dwells, it cannot be touched and feel, and even more so to see or hear. The Universe as a whole has an energy field, as, however, separately in the earth, the moon or community of people. Angels, perfume and other spiritual creatures live in energy universe. Clean light, not discarding the shadows, invisible for people. But the material objects that do not let the light are perfectly visible by a human look.

  • Angels are and always ready to come to the rescue.
  • We are invisible, but this does not mean that they are not.
  • Always be able to tell and send to the path how to get out of the crisis and come to a full-fledged happy life;
  • You need to teach yourself to thank them for being always with us and in any or second we can contact them with your request or a problem.

To correctly refer to the cards of the Angels of Light, you need to be in a concentrated state and let go of the bustle of your soul. Otherwise, the answers will be inaccurate and can disappoint you. To enhance the possibility of cards, bless them, prayer and plea will help the angels easier to tune in to your problems and give more right advice . To do this, you may need:

  • well meditate;
  • doubt their fussy thoughts;
  • breathe deeply;
  • slightly relax.

You need to listen carefully and look closely to the answers you received. It is best to sit in silence and still think over him.

Fortune telling "Card for the Guardian"

Permanent finding angel next to a person helps him at any time to seek help or advice in a difficult minute. Most often we are experiencing what we have to experience in a time or another, the segment of your life. And more than ever at such a moment we want to get a hint. To do this, you can make a small rite, in the evening we need to prepare twenty-one strip from paper of the same length and size, they need to write the following assertions:

  • good work well and then you can get big benefits;
  • you can count on the help of a good person;
  • it is better to look at their surrounding;
  • it will be happy to spend time in a circle of loved ones;
  • some person gossipped behind his back;
  • better watch your health;
  • expected road or travel;
  • expect good news;
  • perhaps it will be possible to get an unexpected profit that needs to be correctly spent;
  • lonely people are waiting for acquaintance, and lovers are a pleasant meeting;
  • new perspectives will open before you;
  • do not launch;
  • soon there will be change there, where they are not waiting;
  • visit loved ones, because they need help;
  • spend the evening with close friends;
  • should not succumb to temptations;
  • good luck is accompanied, so do not miss your chance;
  • today you will be the center of attention;
  • the day will be strained and boring;
  • dedote your loved one;
  • the day will be calm.

So that you cannot distinguish them from each other, turn them with a tube. Putting an opaque container near the bed, put all your tubes there, leave them for the night. In the morning without getting out of bed, only opening your eyes, you need immediately contact To the keeper with the words: "Is the sadness waiting for me today or the joy is prepared for me?". Now closing your eyes, you can get one of the leaflets with the prediction of the cutting into the tube.

Fortune telling tarot

One of the most beautiful is the fortune telling on the Tarot maps, the best layout called the "Angel wing". For the rite you need to take a deck of cards and mix it thoroughly. After releasing all your thoughts from the head, thinking about stirring only about those questionsthat interest you. Having placing cards on the table on the specified drawings, you can move to the interpretation:

  • 1 - the main thing to pay attention to;
  • 2 - useful information;
  • 3 - questions that should be solved immediately;
  • 4 - events that affect the present;
  • 5 - changes that will soon happen;
  • 6 - the impact of the future;
  • 7 - existing secrets;
  • 8 - useful advice;
  • 9 - Summing up;
  • 10 - Possible prospects.

Just seriously, it is worth treating the advice of professionals, it is not necessary to come to the use of predictions due to the fact that an angel may simply be offended by a person and stop listening to him, and as a result of this and will stop helping him. Try to perform a ritual with accuracy and with great respect refer to everything that happens. For the proper execution of the rite, the following recommendations should be executed:

  • Conduct the rite, being in complete loneliness.
  • Use only sanctified church candles.
  • You can not laugh and smile, show humility.
  • Seriously feel fortunate.

Given all the above items, you can be sure about the result of divination and the consequences that are drawn after it, in case of failure.

Often, you need an answer to the question concerning love. For this, there is a good fortune telling called "Three Questions for Lovers". The narrow-controlled specificity of this divination allows you to set only three questions that relate to the relationships of loved. Even in the most complex situations It is possible to clarify its outcome, thanks to the fortune of three questions. Even though you did not meet the soul mate, with divination you can gain hope and turn to the highest forces to speed up the course of events.

Do not treat the gadania on the guardian angel online, like a fun joke. Even with severe distrust, the fortune telling carries a serious meaning and correctly describes the mental state of the gadget.

It is necessary to comply with the established rules and framework for any of the possible rites. It will help you safely spend the ritual and get the result as accurately as possible. The main tip for the ritual will be love, and also stands with respect and trembling to his angel who will contribute to you to open the veil of secrecy.

  • It is worth a fortune telling only alone.
  • During the entire session, you need to be serious.
  • It is necessary to concentrate on the questions asked.
  • It is desirable that at home at that moment there were no other people.
  • Do not leave the room, interrupt the rite.

Do not laugh at the process of divination and perceive everything is not serious, since the highest forces do not like it and may even punish such behavior. Use church lit candles in order to illuminate the room and attributes for the ritual. But the rest of the lighting of the room is to turn off, in order not to disturb the integrity.

Angels in our lives

Your keeper at any time of your destiny is ready to help, give advice in a difficult moment. Possessing magic powerHe is able to communicate with you at any time when you need it. You may have the impression that you are talking to ordinary personThrough it an angel can relieve you messages and give advice to how to cope in a difficult moment. Thinking that you communicate with the other, you pass your requests and the desire through it to your custodian.

Watching your wards, the angel does it extremely unnoticed. Every minute he takes away from all sorts of temptations, giving various opportunities and chances of unknown turns of fate. It concerns each if it is worth believing, but somehow, they hint at their existence. Proper reading of signs, helps us in life. Whether it is a broken heel or loss of something, spraying with mud. More than once it was that in important moment, for example, the signing of an important and fateful document for us the pen falls, none of us and did not think about whether it is not a sign. It is only worth believing in it and everything will be as it should be.

For a long time its existence on this earth, a person found a way to ask questions to his custodian and receive answers on them. For example:

  • Fortune telling on the maps.
  • Prayers and overalls.
  • Call angel.
  • Online fortune telling.

In no case should not fall into despair, if you do not get the desired answer or advice to you, because everything is done by will higher power. This is just a fortune telling and prediction, but the mirror of your destiny is for yourself. Do not re-rub the cards, spread their questions again and again, apparently, so that you do not receive answers at the moment.

ATTENTION, only today!

The fortune telling that was favorite in Empress Catherine II, according to the legend, was quite simple. 40 characters were depicted on 40 cards that had classical decoding, however, for a specific situation, they could have a direct value and denote exactly what they were depicted on them. Of the 40 treated top shirts, three and, depending on the question of interest, they interpreted the result. Try this fortune telling to predict fate or clarify the question of interest.

The alignment of Lenorman Maps "Two" - is one of the most popular at gadas on love and relationship between a woman and a man. This fortune telling shows a conscious and unconscious attitude between two close people, what thoughts and feelings are experiencing each other, what actions are being taken and what their relations will be in the future.

Signing cards on the oracle Sybolone "Step by step" is necessary for predicting the development of the situation, the provisions of things in the future. With this scenario, you can find out how events will develop, which prevents, and what will help you and the way it will end. Focus and ask your question cards.

Lenorman's Lenorman Map Signal is suitable for those who disperse with a partner or is on the verge of such a break. This fortune telling will help you find out what the attitude of your partner to parting, how will your life change if you decide to part or save the relationship and most importantly - there are a chance of your relationship. Focus and imagine the situation, ask a question with cards, select 6 cards from the deck.

Love fortune telling on the map of Tarot Venus in Scorpio gives an understanding of how partners treat each other, what feelings are experiencing, hidden influence, as well as what important events in relations should be waiting in the near future. This alignment acts about 3 months, if you change the tactics of behavior, we advise you to hold this allections again, since the prediction of the future is always based on the preservation of the principles and tactics of human behavior. The advice that gives you the card will help you in your question (maintaining or improving relationships) and does not always relate to the field of feelings. Concentrate and ask your question cards.

Love fortune telling on Gypsy Maps Tarot will tell you how you feel about and what a mandated person thinks about you. Also, this alignment shows what feelings in relation to you are experiencing the person you are interested in, what does the relationship demonstrate, and what does it hide what goals puts in your relationship, what plans to take you in the future and what is the result of communicating with this person. Think your question and select maps from the deck.