Gennady Kostromskoy. Venerable Gennady of Kostroma and Lyubimograd

(in the Cathedral of Rostov-Yaroslavl Saints).
* 3rd Sunday (Sunday) after Pentecost (in the Cathedral of Belarusian Saints).

Latin spelling:

Name translated from Latin: "noble".

The main dates in the earthly life of the saint:
* Time of birth: beginning of the 16th century. Place of birth: Mogilev, then the Grand Duchy of Lithuania.
+ Time of departure to the Lord: January 23, 1565 in the Transfiguration Cathedral of the monastery he founded (now the Transfiguration Gennady Monastery).

2015 : 450 years from the time of his departure to the Lord.

Gennady, Rev. (in the world Gregory) - Rev. of Kostroma and Lyubimograd; born “in the Lithuanian country” from “Bolyarin John”; the later legend about the discovery of Gennady’s relics names Mogilev as the place of his birth.

In his early youth, he secretly went on pilgrimage to Moscow, and then to Novgorod. From Novgorod he came to the Monk Alexander of Svirsky and wanted to settle in his monastery, but Alexander directly declared that “it is impossible for a young boy to live in the desert” and sent him to the Komel monastery to the Monk Cornelius. Having stayed there “in the art for quite some time,” Gregory was tonsured with the name Gennady.

He soon became an exemplary monk and Cornelius' favorite student. The brethren were jealous of Gennady; among them there arose “murmur and disobedience” to Cornelius himself.

Avoiding the “storm of slander, slander and whispering,” Cornelius and Gennady retired to Lake Surskoye, 25 versts from Lyubim, now a district town in the Yaroslavl province, which in ancient times was a Kostroma suburb. With the help of the sovereign's beekeepers who lived there, the monks set up a cell and spent their time in labor, “cutting the forest and digging the earth”; To drain the swamps, they dug four ponds with their own hands. At the insistence of Grand Duke Vasily Ivanovich, Corniliy returned to his Komelsky monastery in 1529, and with the “waste desert,” that is, the newly built Lyubimsky forest monastery, he “blessed” Gennady.

For the small brotherhood, consisting of 6 people, a church was built in the name of the Transfiguration of the Lord. With the help of the Grand Duke Gennady decorated the church “with all the ecclesiastical ornaments”; The Grand Duke also granted a grain supply. With the increase in the number of monks, Gennady built another church in the name of St. Sergius of Radonezh.

The abbot was for the brethren “an image of humility and patience”: he chopped and carried firewood to cells, worked in the cookery and bakery, washed hair shirts; To relax, he lovingly practiced icon painting. To “pacify the flesh” he wore iron chains and crosses. Gennady was respected by noble people, like the father of Tsarina Anastasia Romanovna and Tsar Ivan Vasilyevich himself.

Gennady, according to the testimony of his student, “did not know how to read and write,” (i.e., in any case, did not know how to write), but left two literary works of an ascetic and edifying nature, “Admonition to the new monk” and the dying “Instruction to the brethren and to all people." In them, Gennady remained faithful to the behest of his mentor, the Monk Cornelius: “receive the ancient saints, father, with reason, patience, love and humility, especially congregational and cell prayer, and labor in unhypocritical labors.” According to Gennady, a monk should only know the church, the meal and his cell, “correct monastic affairs unhurriedly, lazily and serenely,” take care of the monastery property, and not be “a hostile and disobedient person.” By the way, Gennady exhorted his successors and “do not offend the peasants with violence.” For a monk, the church should be an “earthly heaven.” “Don’t be absent from the church council,” Gennady exhorted his disciples, “for the first abomination is not to come to church as a monk... If a monk doesn’t receive communion for six weeks, he’s a monk.” The illiterate Gennady advised the monks to purchase books. “It is fitting for you, my child,” he wrote, “to pay attention to them and apply your mind to the information of reason.” The Monk Gennady died on January 23, 1565. 20 years after his death, his disciple and second successor Alexy wrote his life and canon for him and initiated the case for his canonization, which did not get any progress at that time. However, in 1628 there was a church in Kostroma in honor of the Monk Gennady.

When, 80 years after the death of Gennady, they began to dig ditches for the foundation of a stone church, on August 19, 1644, Gennady’s coffin was opened, and not only his body, but also his clothes turned out to be “intact and indestructible and in no way given over to decay.” The relics, placed temporarily in the monastery church of Alexy the Man of God, were solemnly transferred on November 23, 1646 to the newly consecrated Church of the Transfiguration and placed at the opening at the right choir of the Blogoveshchensky chapel. At the same time, with the blessing of Patriarch Joseph, a church celebration of St. Gennady was established.

Subsequently, the relics “for unknown reasons and unknown when were hidden under a bushel”; They still rest under cover at the present time in the cathedral Church of the Transfiguration of the Savior Gennadiev Monastery of the Yaroslavl diocese. In 1861, a service with an akathist to St. Gennady, composed by G. Kartsev and “re-composed” by Archbishop Nil of Yaroslavl, was published.

Tolstoy, gr. M. V., “Book, verb Description of the Russian Saints,” No. 370; Klyuchevsky, “The Lives of the Saints as a Historical Source,” 303; Golubinsky, “History of Canonization,” 128; "Holy saints of God and ascetics of Kostroma", 7-19; Samaryanov, "Memorable book for the Kostroma diocese", 1868, dep. I, 64-65; "The Life and Miracles of St. Gennady, the Wonderworker of Kostroma and Lyubimograd", ed. Gennadiev Monastery, M., 1895, 1-46; "Minea Chetya, in Russian translation", January, 800-812; “Service and akathist to our Reverend Father Gennady, Kostroma and Lyubimograd Wonderworker,” M., 1888 (here is his life, written by Alexy); Popov, “Orthodox Akathists” (“Orthodox Interlocutor”, 1902, No. 6, 770-772.

V. Sheremetevsky

(Russian Biographical Dictionary. Publishing House of the Imperial Russian Historical Society, Edited by N.P. Chulkov, 1914. pp. 395 - 396).

Reverend Father Gennady, pray to God for us.


The Spaso-Gennadiev Monastery was closed in 1919, the cathedral operated as a parish church until 1928.

On September 28, 1920, a public autopsy of the relics of St. Gennady took place in the cathedral, after which they were taken to the Yaroslavl Provincial Museum. They remained there until the mid-30s of the 20th century, and their further fate is unknown.

In Soviet times, Saint Gennady was especially revered in the Kostroma diocese. In 1948, at the St. John Chrysostom Cathedral in Kostroma, the left side chapel of the temple was reconsecrated in the name of St. Gennady. When the celebration of the Council of Kostroma Saints was established in 1981, the day for it became the day of remembrance of St. Gennady - January 23 according to the Julian calendar.

The name of Gennady Kostroma was included in the Cathedral of Rostov-Yaroslavl Saints, the celebration of which was established in 1964. In 2002, it was included in the Cathedral of Belarusian Saints.

In 1995, the revival of the Spaso-Gennadiev Monastery began. In 1998-1999, near the ruins of the Transfiguration Cathedral, on the spot where, according to legend, the Monk Gennady dug a well, a small wooden church was built, consecrated in his name. September 1, 1999 Yaroslavl Archbishop Micah ( Kharkharov) served a prayer service for water in the church, and the first Liturgy took place on June 23, 2000.

To celebrate the 350th anniversary of the discovery of the relics and the 435th anniversary of the repose of St. Gennady, an award of the Kostroma diocese was established - the badge "Reverend Gennady of Kostroma and Lyubimograd" I and II degrees, to which clergy and laity are awarded for their zeal and special contribution to the cause of spirituality. revival of the Kostroma region.

Prayer to St. Gennady, Kostroma and Lyubimograd (Lyubomirsky) miracle worker

Pilgrims about the relics of the saint:

* The relics of St. Gennaliy of Kostroma have not been preserved.
* It is possible that the Lord will yet reveal particles of the saint’s relics in His mercy to the believers. Send us directions and we will expand the list of pilgrimage sites associated with the name of St. Gennady.

Troparion, tone 4:

Like a desert-loving turtledove, /
retreating from the vain and rebellious world into the desert, /
purity and fasting, prayers and labor /
You glorified God in your soul and body. /
And having lived so piously, /
You appeared, Reverend Gennady, the adornment of the Lyubimograd desert, /
image of a monk of honest life /
and a warm prayer book for everyone, //
flowing to you with faith.

Kontakion, tone 3:

Through prayer and fasting, labor and patience/
putting to death all wisdom of the flesh,/
The vessel of purity is splendid,/
Participant of divine gifts and miracles, /
You were a good monk,/
aspiring to blessed Cornelius, God-Wise Father./
For this reason we cry out:/
pray to the Lord, //
May your prayers grant peace and salvation to our souls.


We please you, /
Reverend Father Gennady, /
and we honor your holy memory, /
mentor of monks //
and interlocutor of the Angels.

* Gennady(Orthodox Encyclopedia).
* (Kostroma diocese).
* Venerable Gennady of Kostroma and Lyubimograd(Official website of the Moscow Patriarchate).
* Gennady Kostromskoy(Free encyclopedia TREE).

Holy Gen-na-diy of Ko-stroma, in the world of Gri-goriy, was born in the city of Mo-gil-ve from the godly Russians Li-tov-skih bo-yars. From his youth, he was fond of blessings, loved to visit the temple of God and strictly observed the fasts, for which he -zya laughed at him. Wanting to dedicate his life to God, he secretly left his family, his house, and went to Russia in the clothes of a poor woman. this. Having visited Moscow and Novy-gorod, he did not find a mo-sta-rya in his spirit and then went to re- ku Svir to the great Alek-san-dr. The saint sent him to the Vo-lo-god-sa forests to the pre-extended Cor-ni-liy of Ko-mel-sky, who -cut him into a foreign rank with the name Gen-na-diy. Some time later, the like-like Cor-ni-liy and Gen-na-diy retired to Sur-Lake, near the Ko-stro-river. we, where the os-no-va-li pu-stin with two temples. This desert subsequently became known as Gen-na-di-ev mo-na-styr. The Most Reverend Gen-nadiy worked continuously, baked prosphora and bread, chopped wood, dug ponds from the sconce. Ra-di move more, he sto-yang-but-but-forces-believe. He was very fond of painting icons and used them to decorate the temples of his desert. For his good life, Saint Gen-nadiy received from God the gift of insight and healing. So, while in Moscow, he told the do-che-ri bo-yari-na Ro-ma-na Za-kha-rya-na, Ana-sta-siya Ro-ma-novna, that she will become a queen. Indeed, she later married Tsar Ivan the Terrible and became his beloved wife. Tsar Ivan the Terrible himself begged him to become the godfather of his daughter. The Most Reverend Gen-na-diy was cured of a fatal disease in the year of the Episcopal Ki-pri-a-na.

The Most Reverend Gennadius died in 1565, and in 1644 his incorruptible relics were found. The Most Reverend Gen-na-diy na-pi-sal “On the establishment of the spirit of the elder but-in-the-chal-no-mu-ino-ku” and “Spiritual for-thing.”

See also: "" in the text of St. Di-mit-ria of Ro-stov.


Troparion to St. Gennady, Wonderworker of Kostroma and Lyubimograd

Like a desert-loving turtledove, / having retired from the vain and turbulent world into the desert, / through purity and fasting, prayers and labor, / you glorified God in your soul and body. / And so is piety but having lived,/ you appeared, like the venerable Gennady, the decoration of the Lyubimograd desert,/ a monk of an honest life and a warm prayer book for everyone // who flows to you with faith.

Translation: Like a desert-loving dove, you withdrew from the vain and restless world into the desert, and with your purity and prayers and labors you glorified God with your soul and body. And having lived so piously, you, Reverend Gennady, appeared as an adornment to the Lyubimograd hermitage, an example to the monks of a venerable life, and an ardent prayer book for all who come to you in faith.

Kontakion to St. Gennady, Kostroma and Lyubimograd Wonderworker

Through prayer and fasting, toil and patience/ mortifying all wisdom of the flesh,/ a beautiful vessel of purity,/ a participant in divine gifts and miracles,/ you were a monk and a good teacher,/ striving for blessed Cornelius, God-wise Father./ For this reason we cry out:/ pray to the Lord , // May your prayers grant peace and salvation to our souls.

Translation: Through prayer and fasting, through labor and patience, you have put to death all carnal wisdom, a beautiful vessel of purity (), a communicant of Divine gifts and miracles, and you were a wonderful mentor to the monks, together with blessed Cornelius, God-Wise Father. Therefore we cry: pray to the Lord, that through your prayers He may grant peace and salvation to our souls.

Chosen One of God and miracle worker, Rev. Father Gennady! From your youth you were filled with the Spirit of wisdom and understanding, the Spirit of piety and the fear of the Lord, and having received the whole armor of God, having girded your loins with truth, you put on the breastplate of righteousness and sandals. Nose for the preparation of the gospel of peace; let us take over all the shield of faith, as thou hast been able to good warrior of Christ, quench all the flaming arrows of the evil one. For this reason, being installed today with the faces of the Bodiless forces in the abodes of the Heavenly Father, you are bound with an unfading crown and, standing before the Throne of the King of Glory, the Lord of hosts, you have the boldness to lift up to Him Your prayers and praises. We, the wretched ones, lifting our eyes and hearts from the depths of evil to the High Zion, the Dwelling Place of the God of Jacob, we pray to you, Reverend Gennady: be our intercessor and intercessor before God and our Lord, Judgment He is the most righteous, and we will anger Him by sinning against Him. And just as in the days of your flesh you did such a wondrous and glorious thing, O all-validated Father, so even now, having passed from us to the abode of the Heavenly Father, you have astonished by your intercession the mercy of the Lord upon us. Yes, having fled wickedness and worldly lusts, having pleased God, we will find His help in times of need and blessing upon us and on the works of our hands, and may He make us worthy to inherit the Kingdom of Heaven and from our faces glorify the saints and glorify the most honorable and magnificent name of the Father and the Son , and the Holy Spirit, now and ever and unto ages of ages. Amen.

Canons and Akathists

Akathist to St. Gennady Mogilevsky (Kostroma and Lyubimogradsky) wonderworker

Kontakion 1

Chosen from a young age to work for the Lord, having fought the good fight of faith, you have valiantly ended your course. Settling yourself today in the Heavenly Villages, pray that we may be delivered from harsh circumstances, from all evils and misfortunes, and we call to you:

Ikos 1

Desiring to imitate the life of angels, you appeared from childhood as the most diligent worker in the house of God, carrying His laws and justifications in your hearts. For this reason we joyfully cry out to you:

Rejoice, you who put to death all wisdom of the flesh.
Rejoice, having learned the path of truth even from the shrouds.
Rejoice, despising all the vanity of the good of the world, for the Lord's sake.
Rejoice, clinging to God with all your soul.
Rejoice, warrior of the Heavenly King.
Rejoice, you who fought the good fight before Him.
Rejoice, good branch of the good root.
Rejoice, lamp of the land of Lyubimograd.
Rejoice, Gennady, our warm prayer book and miracle worker towards God.

Kontakion 2

Seeing you in dreams still very young, not leaving the church, and remaining in fasting and prayer, I strive to weaken your spiritual feat. But you, from your youth, having embraced the heart of God, remained unshakable, with a spirit of grief, working for the Lord and singing: Alleluia.

Ikos 2

Reason, coming from the Father of lights, like precious beads, we illuminate, you have driven away all the darkness of sin from afar; to guide you, like a guiding star, into the desert, you were vouchsafed to behold with your eyes the works and exploits of Cornelius and to listen to his words of wisdom. We cry out to you in praise:

Rejoice, illuminated by the rays of God's wisdom.
Rejoice, you who have been strengthened by the power of grace in every work.
Rejoice, you have put down the lust of the flesh, the lust of selfishness and the pride of life.
Rejoice, thou who hast acquired the inestimable treasure of virtues.
Rejoice, thou who art scented the desert with thy kindness.
Rejoice, having guided those who are lost on the path of the commandments and justifications of the Lord.
Rejoice, you who gave the monk an image of meekness and humility.
Rejoice, protect and save your abode with your prayers.
Rejoice, beloved city, refuge and joy.
Rejoice, helper of those who flow to you in faith.
Rejoice, Gennady, our warm prayer book and miracle worker towards God.

Kontakion 3

By the strength given to you from above, you labored in the deserts, even though you endured many misfortunes and bitterness from enemies visible and invisible; Otherwise, you valiantly defeated them all, and you destroyed their intrigues, singing to God: Alleluia.

Ikos 3

Having from your youth the fear of God implanted in your hearts, it did not give sleep to your eyes, and slumber was everywhere in your life, until you found in the Lyubimograd desert, by the waters of Sursk, the place of the Lord, a settlement for the God of Jacob, and you said: behold, my rest forever and ever. , I will move here as I please. We, marveling at God’s all-good vision of you, cry out to you:

Rejoice, for from childhood you knew and loved with all your soul the Heavenly Father.
Rejoice, for you have despised all that is vain and corruptible.
Rejoice, for thou hast imputed to all earthly things the ways of being, seeking the Mountainous Jerusalem.
Rejoice, for you deigned to bear all reproach rather than to taste the temporary sweetness of sin.
Rejoice, for through many sorrows you entered into the joy of your Lord.
Rejoice, for as a stranger and stranger, you have created the house of God, the temple of the Lord, in which for many years you have called upon His holy name.
Rejoice, rejoicing of the waters of Sur.
Rejoice, beloved fence of the city.
Rejoice, Kostroma border is a magnificent decoration.
Rejoice, Gennady, our warm prayer book and miracle worker towards God.

Kontakion 4

A storm of slander, slander and whispering, through the action of the ancient serpent, the primordial father of lies, wretchedly raised against you in the monastery of the valiant Cornelius. Moreover, the Lord, who knows how to deliver and console His saints, turn the cold on the head of your enemies; I brought you out into the wideness, and placed it on your nose in space, and to Him, offering a sacrifice of praise and thanksgiving, you cried out: Alleluia.

Ikos 4

Hearing from those near and far, from the Dnieper to the Volga countries, about your godly life, your labors and patience were multiplied; The city of Moscow, at your coming with Serapion and Uar, miraculously received a prophecy from your lips, when you declared that you were immaculate, like a living lamb, Anastasia: you are a beautiful rod, you will be beautifully adorned with a royal crown; the hedgehog will come true in its own time. Praising God, who gave you the gift of insight, we cry:

Rejoice, thou who hast acquired the spirit of prophecy through wise life.
Rejoice, having quickened your soul by grace and exalted it with purity.
Rejoice, you who brought joy to the Orthodox kingdom with the fulfillment of the prophecy.
Rejoice, for through the hand of pious Anastasia the tears of many have been wiped away.
Rejoice, as the queen of existence, increase the glory of the ruler of the Russian land through pious living.
Rejoice, for having laid aside the crown of corruption in your Dormition, you have been deemed worthy to receive the crown of endless glory.
Rejoice, for you have given help and consolation to many women who are in sickness and sorrow.
Rejoice, for even infirm infants did not miss your help; they received prosperity from your holy shrine for their health and age.
Rejoice, for you are a quick helper to all those who flock to your tomb.
Rejoice, Gennady, our warm prayer book and miracle worker towards God.

Kontakion 5

Having become like a godlike star, you flowed from the south to the countries of the north; and illuminating the Lyubimograd desert with the rays of your virtues, you taught, Father, to confess to the Heavenly God and sing to His name, calling: Alleluia.

Ikos 5

Seeing the grace that is in you and the gift of the Holy Spirit, King John willed that his children, by your hand, reverend, may be renewed into rebirth. Glorifying God, who exalts the humble of heart and crowns them with mercy and bounty, we cry:

Rejoice, Gennady, as the elders listened to you and listened to your wisdom in your advice.
Rejoice, for you spoke before the kings about the destinies and justifications of the Lord.
Rejoice, for I will quickly take out your word in grace, dissolved in salt.
Rejoice, for no word came out of your mouth, idle and rotten, but rather, I did everything for the edification of the faithful.
Rejoice, for you were a vessel in honor, sanctified, and useful to the Lady.
Rejoice, for you have kept the sacrament of faith in a clear conscience.
Rejoice, for you have remained in the truth of the gospel.
Rejoice, for you have become like the angel of good news, foretold the glory of Anastasia, and rejoiced at her wealth and poverty.
Rejoice, Gennady, our warm prayer book and miracle worker towards God.

Kontakion 6

The Monk Alexander, who lived in the desert on Svir River, joyfully received you and your friend Theodore, and this seer, showing in you a good and wise leader and mentor to the monastics. Those who heard this prophecy glorified the Lord, saying: Alleluia.

Ikos 6

Rise like the morning star, and like the moon is full in its days, the glory of your deeds, labor and patience; The desert will be proclaimed about you, and your virtues will be told to those living around. For this reason, just like they, we too, thanking God, cry out to you:

Rejoice, you who despise the glory of the world, seeking God's glory.
Rejoice, fulfillment of the prophecy about you, who showed goodness.
Rejoice, thou who hast appeared to the venerable zealot Alexander and Cornelius.
Rejoice, having found a quiet refuge among the storms of life.
Rejoice, thou who sanctified the desert and lakes by thy angelic life.
Rejoice, having firmly laid the foundation of your monastery, and protected it with your prayers.
Rejoice, you who have given the image of honest living to the monk.
Rejoice, you who punished the rowdy and obstinate in word and deed.
Rejoice, teacher of those who are lost and quick helper of all who come to you.
Rejoice, Gennady, our warm prayer book and miracle worker towards God.

Kontakion 7

To glorify the impenetrable desert and enlighten those sitting in darkness and the shadow of death, the all-good God, with the sovereign mania of Vasily Ioannovich, indicates this place, so that He may build an altar of God and a village for those who confess His holy name. Having done this, you, who have helped the Lord, with the host of ascetics and with everyone who saw the blessing in the deeds of your hands, you sang: Alleluia.

Ikos 7

A new and wondrous accuser of evil has appeared, O Reverend, when you stretched out your sacrilegious hand to the altar, punishing you with relaxation; When I confessed my sin to you and came to repentance, you healed him with the power of grace and guided him on the path of salvation. For this sake, honoring your memory, servant of God, we call you:

Rejoice, accuser of evil.
Rejoice, comforter of those who repent of their sins.
Rejoice, teacher of the lost.
Rejoice, through your prayers grant healing both physically and mentally.
Rejoice, through your intercession you have overthrown the demonic rebellion.
Rejoice, through the grace that is within you, give strength to life and piety.
Rejoice, you who have made wise the foolish with the wisdom given to you from above.
Rejoice, for you always give consolation and joy to all who flow to you in faith.
Rejoice, Gennady, our warm prayer book and miracle worker towards God.

Kontakion 8

A strange miracle appeared when the ever-infirm Bolyarin Boris, having reverently accepted the staff from your hand, Reverend, became healthy. Priest Vasily, having proudly despised the gift hidden from the saint and cast it down, was severely tempted. Having recognized his sin, and brought repentance to God, glorifying His righteousness, and His saint, crying out: Alleluia.

Ikos 8

Fixing your whole mind on the mountain above, you loved the one Lord who redeemed us, You followed Him, and You bore His wounds on your body, and with Him you are glorified today. For this reason we praise you:

Rejoice, thou who has gained wisdom, having greater wisdom than any of the princes of this age.
Rejoice, having received not the spirit of this world, but the Spirit who is from God.
Rejoice, having understood by faith the mysteries of God's destinies.
Rejoice, having shown your faith not in the wisdom of men, but in the power of God.
Rejoice, for you have sought the Heavenly City.
Rejoice, for you have risen to Heavenly Jerusalem.
Rejoice, for thou art called to the marriage supper of the Lamb.
Rejoice, having lived not for yourself, but for God, today you dwell in His Kingdom.
Rejoice, Gennady, our warm prayer book and miracle worker towards God.

Kontakion 9

Decorated with all kinds of spiritual gifts, the giver of all kinds of goals appeared to you, blessed one. In the same way, praising and thanking God, we cry: Alleluia.

Ikos 9

With the thoughtlessness and wisdom of this age, I was amazed, seeing how the devil suffered fiercely, and was bound with iron fetters, before your tomb, reverend, he healed and gave praise to God, wondrous in His saints. It is also creative, and we say:

Rejoice, thou who has created many powers.
Rejoice, demonic resistance imputed to nothing.
Rejoice, you who healed those who were overcome by severe illnesses.
Rejoice, you who give comfort and joy in the Lord to the inconsolable.
Rejoice, you who have brought those darkened by their minds into the understanding of truth.
Rejoice, having turned many to God out of petrification of heart and wickedness.
Rejoice, for you extended a helping hand to those who were weak in spirit and body.
Rejoice, for you have strengthened those who are hopeless and desperate in their hope in God, living and true.
Rejoice, Gennady, our warm prayer book and miracle worker towards God.

Kontakion 10

Seeking salvation like precious beads, and having thirsted for God with your soul, like trees for springs of water, nothing earthly in yourself
you thought; working for the Lord with fear and rejoicing before Him with trembling, you have been counted worthy, O blessed one, from the countenance
the chosen ones to stand before the Throne of the King of Glory, and to sing everlastingly: Alleluia.

Ikos 10

You were a wall and a refuge, Gennady, in this regard: for in the desert, in which you wanted to settle, the glory of the earth, the riches and the poor, flowed to you, longingly, may they receive a blessing from your hand, may the word of your mouth comfort you, and prayer yours will protect them from enemies visible and invisible; and we, too, flowing by faith to your race, and begging for the intercession of us sinners and unworthy servants, cry out:

Rejoice, for you have overcome the rebellion of passions.
Rejoice, for you have preceded those who call upon you on the day of bitterness.
Rejoice, for you have rescued those who were drowned by storms from the abyss of evil.
Rejoice, for you have guided those who were tossed around by the waves of worldly cares to a quiet refuge.
Rejoice, you who seek the Kingdom of Heaven and its righteousness, with your prayers establish the commandments of the Lord on stone.
Rejoice, pillar and affirmation of your abode.
Rejoice, vigilant helper of those who strive in piety.
Rejoice, those who shed tears of repentance to the Lord in prayer.
Rejoice, Gennady, our warm prayer book and miracle worker towards God.

Kontakion 11

Singings and hymns, feats and prayerful works, and above all you offered yourself, O Reverend, as a living sacrifice, holy and pleasing to God. For this reason, having acquired blissful immortality, in the devil of the King of glory, rejoicing with the darkness of those disembodied forces, you sing: Alleluia.

Ikos 11

Having become like a luminous star, from the city of Mogilev, from the borders of the Dnieper, even the first to shine, in the midst of idolatry’s wickedness, the rays of grace-filled faith flowed in, and even in the darkness of the Kostroma desert people would see the glory of God and tell His miracles. We see this now, and glorifying God, we say:

Rejoice, having given yourself streams of blessed waters to drink.
Rejoice, having confirmed yourself in faith, by which the Equal-to-the-Apostles Grand Duke Vladimir was enlightened.
Rejoice, illuminated by the blessing of the Holy Mount Athos, resting on the monastery of the Pechersk wonderworkers.
Rejoice, thou who imitate their life.
Rejoice, for having left the wealth and glory of your father’s home, you have loved the desert.
Rejoice, for you have endured cold and heat and every burden.
Rejoice, for you have endured reproach and bitterness for the Lord’s sake.
Rejoice, for through patience you have acquired your soul and have inherited eternal life.
Rejoice, Gennady, our warm prayer book and miracle worker towards God.

Kontakion 12

Grace and power given to you from God, to heal those who are weak in spirit, those who are weak in body, to save the perishing and deliver them from harsh circumstances, and to give good gifts to those who flow to you with faith and love; with signs and wonders we teach our beings. We pray the same to you, reverend one, pray for us, because we are overcome by many sins, so that through your intercession we have improved our salvation, and sing to the Lord: Alleluia.

Ikos 12

Singing and exalting God, who is wondrous in His saints, we splendidly honor your holy memory, O saint; yet in the days of your flesh you were a partaker of miraculous grace; After your blessed dormition, having inherited eternal life from the saints, pray for those who honor you. For this reason we cry out:

Rejoice, having glorified God in your soul and body.
Rejoice, for you did not receive glory from man, but the glory of the Lord is yours.
Rejoice, for you dwell in the heavenly villages, and do not abandon us through your intercession.
Rejoice, for we trust in you; we send up our prayers and boast in you.
Rejoice, for the hope of those who flow to your race with faith will never be put to shame.
Rejoice, as the old and young rejoiced in you.
Rejoice, for you are the constant guardian of the Lyubimograd country, deigned to guard your holy relics.
Rejoice, for your memory is a blessing and your miracles are proclaimed throughout all generations.
Rejoice, Gennady, our warm prayer book and miracle worker towards God.

Kontakion 13

O saint of God and miracle worker, Reverend Gennady! Accept our prayers and praises offered to you today according to your inheritance, and do not forget us who flow to you and seek your help and intercession. Moreover, be our intercessor before God; that having fled wickedness, and having been delivered from every evil situation, we may be worthy to inherit the Kingdom of Heaven, and there from the faces of the saints, glorify the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, and sing before Him throughout all ages: Alleluia.

This kontakion was spoken three times, also the 1st ikos and the 1st kontakion.

Prayer to St. Gennady, Kostroma and Lyubimograd Wonderworker

Chosen One of God and miracle worker, Rev. Father Gennady! From your youth you have been filled with the spirit of wisdom and understanding, the spirit of piety and the fear of the Lord, and having received the whole armor of God, having girded your loins with truth, having put on the armor of righteousness and having put on your shoes in preparation for the gospel of peace, over all we have taken up the shield of faith, which you were able to do. good warrior of Christ, quench all the arrows of the evil one. For this reason, having settled down today, from the faces of disembodied forces, in the abodes of the Heavenly Father, you are bound with an unfading crown; and standing before the Throne of the King of the glory of the Lord of hosts, you have the boldness to offer up your prayers and praises to Him. We, the accursed ones, raising our eyes and hearts from the depths of evil to the mountainous Zion, the dwelling place of the God of Jacob, we pray to you, Reverend Gennady: be our intercessor and intercessor before God and our Lord, the most righteous Judge, Whom we anger beyond measure by sinning before Him. And just as in the days of your flesh, wondrous and glorious, you did this, O All-Valued Father, so even now, having passed from us to the abode of the Heavenly Father, surprise with your intercession the mercy of the Lord upon us. May we, having fled wickedness and worldly lusts, having pleased God, find His help in times of need, and blessing on us and on the works of our hands, and may we be worthy to inherit the Kingdom of Heaven, and from the faces of the saints to glorify and sing the most honorable and magnificent name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, now and ever, and unto ages of ages. Amen.

The Monk Gennady, in the world Gregory, came from a family of Russian-Lithuanian boyars John and Helen; he was born in the city of Mogilev. From childhood, the boy loved to visit the temple of God, and, finally, deciding to enter one of the monasteries in the Russian land, he secretly left his parental home, exchanged rich clothes from the beggars for rags, and in this form reached Moscow. Here he met his future spiritual friend named Theodore, who also strived for monastic exploits. Not finding refuge in the Moscow region, the ascetics went to the Novgorod land; here they met with the Monk Alexander of Svirsky, who blessed the friends to go to the Vologda forests to the Monk Cornelius of Komel.
Saint Cornelius predicted to Theodore that his fate was worldly life (indeed, Theodore soon returned to Moscow, had a large family and lived to a ripe old age), and left Gregory in his monastery, where after a long time of novice labors he took monastic vows with the name Gennady .

Under the spiritual guidance of the elder, the new monk worked zealously in the monastic field, thereby causing the envious indignation of the brethren of the monastery. Finally, the indignation of the monks fell on Saint Cornelius himself, and he and his disciple had to leave the monastery. Having crossed to Lake Surskoye (60 versts from the Komelsky Monastery), The ascetics built cells there, dug four ponds, and engaged in arable farming. However, Grand Duke John Vasilyevich (the future Tsar Ivan the Terrible), having visited the Komel monastery and not finding St. Cornelius there, ordered the holy elder to be returned to his former place, and St. Gennady remained to manage the newly created monastery, where the brethren had already begun to gather.

For his companions, the Monk Gennady was a true example of meekness, humility and hard work: he chopped wood and carried it to the cells at night, worked in the cookery and bakery, and washed for the brethren hair shirts. He was especially successful in the feats of prayer and fasting; Even during his lifetime, the Lord honored the monk with the gift of clairvoyance and miracle-working. So, one day, while in Moscow, Saint Gennady predicted the royal crown for the daughter of the noblewoman Juliania Zakharyina - which soon came true: Anastasia Zakharyina became the wife of Tsar Ivan the Terrible.

In 1565, the saint reposed peacefully and was buried in the Spassky Monastery he created. In 1646, the Church glorified him as an all-Russian saint, and the incorruptible relics of the saint (discovered during the construction of a new stone church during the time of Tsar Mikhail Feodorovich) remained hidden in his monastery, in a special chapel of the cathedral church in the name of the Transfiguration of the Lord.

After the events of 1917, the Spaso-Gennadiev Monastery was abolished, and the relics were blasphemously opened on September 28, 1920. Nowadays this monastery (located within the Yaroslavl diocese, on the border of the Kostroma and Yaroslavl regions, not far from the city of Lyubim) is still desolate. Since 1983, the Day of Remembrance of St. Gennady has also become the day of celebration of the Council of Kostroma Saints. In the Trinity Church in the village of Sandogora (Kostroma Diocese), located next to the Spaso-Gennadyev Monastery, the pious tradition of holding an annual local celebration of St. Gennady on September 1 has been preserved for a long time.

The venerable Gennady Kostromskoy (in the world Gregory) was born at the beginning of the 16th century in Mogilev into the family of Russian-Lithuanian boyars John and Elena. Since childhood, he loved to pray to the point of self-forgetfulness in the temple of God and stood out among his peers for his thoughtfulness and penchant for solitude. Despite his mother's admonitions, Gregory decided to become a monk and left home. Not without difficulty he reached Moscow, where he met and became friends with the young man Theodore. Having walked around the Moscow shrines and bowed to them, they decided to go north. In the Novgorod land, the young men saw the Monk Alexander of Svirsky (1533, commemorated August 30), who sent them to the Komel monastery to the Monk Cornelius (1537, commemorated May 19). The Monk Cornelius blessed Gregory to go to the monastery, and Theodore to remain in the world. Gregory settled in the remote Vologda forests in a small monastery. The Monk Cornelius took him as a novice under his spiritual guidance and, after several years of testing, tonsured him into monasticism with the name Gennady. Saint Cornelius admonished the young monk: “Accept, child, the mind of the ancient holy fathers: patience, love and humility, especially common prayer, or congregational prayer, and cell prayer, and labor in unfeigned deeds.” In his declining years, the Monk Cornelius retired with the Monk Gennady to the Kostroma forests near the city of Lyubim, where around 1529 they founded a monastery (later called Lyubimograd, or Gennadiyeva). Leaving the Monk Gennady as rector of the monastery, the Monk Cornelius, at the request of Grand Duke Vasily IV Ioannovich (1505-1533), returned to the Komel monastery.
The Monk Gennady built a temple in honor of the Transfiguration of the Lord on the shore of Lake Sur. Having become abbot, he did not weaken his monastic deeds; he constantly wore heavy chains. Together with the brethren, the Monk Gennady went out to work at the monastery: he cut down wood, carried firewood, made candles and baked prosphora. His favorite pastime was painting icons.
The Lord gave him the gift of clairvoyance and miracle-working. Healing the sick, the Monk Gennady called them to repentance and remembrance of the hour of death. Having arrived in Moscow on monastic affairs, he predicted to Juliania, the daughter of the boyar Roman Yuryevich Zakharyin, that she would be a queen. And indeed, Tsar Ivan the Terrible chose her as his wife. With the help of the Zakharyin boyars, the Monk Gennady built a second temple in his monastery, in the name of the Monk Sergius of Radonezh. Healed from a serious illness by Saint Gennady, boyar Boris Paletsky donated a valuable bell to his monastery. The life of St. Gennady, together with the service to him, was written by his disciple, Abbot Alexy, between 1584-1587. It contains a spiritual testament, dictated by the monk himself, filled with warmth and simplicity. He commands him to observe the communal rules and constantly work, keep the books collected in the monastery and apply his mind to understanding them. The monk calls: “Strive for the light, and leave the darkness.” St. Gennady also left behind the “Admonition of a Spiritual Elder to a Novice Monk,” written by him.
The Monk Gennady reposed on January 23, 1565. In 1646, while digging the foundation for a stone church on the site of the former, dismantled wooden church in honor of the Transfiguration of the Lord, the relics of St. Gennady were discovered and transferred under cover to the chapel of this temple. On August 19, 1646, the church-wide glorification of St. Gennady took place. By that time, a church in the name of St. Gennady had already been consecrated in the monastery, since local veneration of him began immediately after his repose.

Troparion of the Venerable One, tone 4:

Like a desert-loving turtledove, / having retired from the vain and troubled world into the desert, / through purity and fasting, prayers and labor, / you glorified God in your soul and body. / And having lived so piously, / you appeared, Reverend Gennady, an adornment of the Lyubimograd hermitage, / an image of an honest life as a monk, / and a warm prayer book for all, / who flow to you with faith.

(Minea January. Part 2.-M. Publishing Council of the Orthodox Church, 2002)

Gennady Kostromskoy, Lyubimogradsky(+), abbot, venerable

In the world, Gregory was born in the city of Mogilev into a wealthy family. His early love for the temple and frequent visits to monasteries displeased his parents. However, Gregory firmly decided to devote himself to God and, dressing in poor clothes, secretly left his parents' house and headed to Moscow. Having visited the Moscow shrines, he, however, did not find refuge here in spirit and went to the Novgorod land. The fate of the future ascetic was decided by a meeting with the Monk Alexander of Svirsky. With his blessing, Gregory went to the Vologda forests to the Monk Cornelius of Komel and received tonsure from him with the name Gennady. Together with Saint Cornelius, Gennady moved to the Kostroma forests. Here, on the shore of Lake Surskoe, about a year later, the monastery of the Transfiguration of the Lord arose, later called the “Gennadian Monastery”. Having become abbot, the Monk Gennady did not weaken his monastic exploits; together with his brethren he went out to do monastic work: he cut down forest, carried firewood, made candles and baked prosphora. The saint's favorite pastime was painting icons with which he decorated his new monastery. He constantly wore heavy chains.

During his holy life, the Monk Gennady received from the Lord the gift of clairvoyance and miracle-working. Having arrived in Moscow on monastic affairs, in the house of boyar Roman Yuryevich Zakharyin, he predicted to his daughter Anastasia that she would be a queen. And, indeed, Tsar Ivan the Terrible chose her as his wife. The Monk Gennady healed the Vologda bishop Cyprian from a fatal illness.

The Monk Gennady wrote “Instructions of a Spiritual Elder to a Novice Monk” and “Spiritual Testament”.

The Monk Gennady died on January 23 of this year.

The life of the Monk Gennady was written by his disciple Abbot Alexy between the years. It contains a spiritual testament dictated by the Monk Gennady himself, where he commands to observe the communal rules and constantly work, have peace with everyone, keep the books collected in the monastery and apply your mind to understanding them. The monk called: "Strive for the light and leave the darkness".


Like a desert-loving turtledove, / having retired from the vain and troubled world into the desert, / through purity and fasting, prayers and labor, / you glorified God in your soul and body. / And having lived so piously, / you appeared, Reverend Gennady, an adornment of the Lyubimograd desert, / an image of an honest life as a monk, / and a warm prayer book for all, / who flow to you with faith.