How to order a tax extract. How to get an extract from the Unified State Register for a sole proprietor through the IFS or MFC: step-by-step instructions

Drawing up an application for an extract from the Unified State Register of Legal Entities (USRLE) occurs when detailed information about an enterprise or organization is needed.


The role of the register of legal entities

The Unified State Register of Legal Entities is a complete list of companies registered in Russia that have the right to operate in our country. For each of them, a kind of statement is maintained, which contains information about:

  • date of establishment of the company,
  • organizational and legal status,
  • name,
  • its founders (except for their passport data),
  • constituent documents,
  • areas of work,
  • all changes occurring to a legal entity during its existence.

Why is an extract from the Unified State Register of Legal Entities usually required?

The list of all possible reasons why an extract from the Unified State Register of Legal Entities may be needed is extensive and practically unlimited.

Most often, this is the liquidation of an enterprise, the implementation of a bankruptcy procedure, or, on the contrary, the restoration of the company’s activities, the purchase and sale of a share in an LLC, opening a current account or obtaining loans and credits from banks, obtaining statistics codes, going to court, etc.

Who can request an extract

Anyone can receive an extract about the company. This information is contained in the public domain, so both any individual and the founder of a company or his legal representative have the right to request it. To obtain an extract from the State Register of Legal Entities, you just need to write a corresponding application and take it to the Federal Tax Service.

Where to go with your application

For an extract, you should contact any local office of the Federal Tax Service. It should be noted that the person requesting an extract may be located in a region that is not the place of registration of a particular legal entity.

What else will you need?

The list of documents for obtaining an extract is small, it includes:

  • statement,
  • passport (required!)
  • depending on the circumstances, a receipt for payment of the state duty and a power of attorney from the owner of the company.

How much does an extract cost?

Obtaining an extract is free only for owners of enterprises and organizations or their representatives authorized to do so by a special notarized power of attorney. But in cases where the document is requested to be issued by a person who is not related to the company, in 2017 you will have to pay 200 rubles. Urgent delivery will cost 400 rubles, regardless of who requested it.

You can pay the state duty at any branch of Sberbank of the Russian Federation or via the Internet.

It is advisable to make copies of the printed checks, which you need to keep with you in case the application for an extract from the Unified State Register of Legal Entities gets lost in the tax office and the applicant does not receive the requested information in time.

Deadline within which an extract from the Unified State Register of Legal Entities must be provided

According to the law, the period for issuing the requested information, provided that the application is written without errors and submitted in accordance with all the rules, should not exceed five days from the date of its receipt by the tax inspector. However, if required urgent discharge, you can receive it the very next day after submitting the application, but for a fee.

Today there is no standard unified application form, so you can write it in any form. However, it is still necessary to indicate some information in the document. This:

  • information about the addressee: number and name of the tax office to which the application will be submitted,
  • information about the applicant: if it is an individual - full name and address of residence, if legal - the name of the company and its address (in accordance with the constituent documents);
  • the request itself, in which it is enough to indicate only the name and OGRN of the company for which an extract is required;
  • if necessary, you can mark the required number of copies of the statement and the method of receiving it (in person, through a representative or by mail);
  • if urgent discharge is required, a separate note about this should be made in the application.

How to submit an application

The legislation does not impose any requirements on either the information part of the application or its execution. The document can be created either in handwritten format or printed on a computer on a regular A4 sheet or even on company letterhead.

The only indispensable condition: the application must be certified by the “living” signature of the applicant.

Moreover, if a document is written on behalf of an organization, it is not at all necessary to certify the form with a seal: since 2016, legal entities, just as previously, individual entrepreneurs have been given the full right not to use various types of cliches in their activities.

It's better to write a document in duplicate,

  • one of which, after the inspector has noted that the application has been accepted, should be kept,
  • and give the second to a tax specialist.

How to submit an application

You can submit an application for an extract in person, through an authorized representative (if we are talking about the founder of the organization) or through the Russian Post, sending a request by registered mail with acknowledgment of delivery.

It must be said that today there is an even easier way to get an extract: go to the Federal Tax Service website or the State Services portal.

The only, but extremely important, difference between this extract is that it will not bear the stamp of the tax office; accordingly, it may not be accepted everywhere where it is required.

To obtain the necessary information via the Internet, you only need a little free time and information about the enterprise for which you need an extract (name, OGRN). In addition, the applicant will need to leave an email address, to which, within a few days (usually one or two), the necessary information will be sent in full.

The Unified State Register of Legal Entities (USRLE) is a database created by the Tax Inspectorate, which contains all information related to enterprises with the status of a legal entity registered in our country.

Data on reorganizations, closures of enterprises, and changes made to the statutory documents are entered into this database.

What information does the Unified State Register of Legal Entities contain?

The Unified State Register of Legal Entities has information about:

  • full and abbreviated names of enterprises, their translations into foreign languages;
  • legal addresses indicated on the day of registration, contact details;
  • organizational forms (LLC, OJSC, CJSC, etc.) and methods of education (reorganizations, creations);
  • constituent documents and volumes of registered initial capital;
  • the dates in which enterprises were registered, and the dates in which changes were made to documents, reorganizations and liquidations took place;
  • founders or shareholders (their number, full name (names of legal entities), size of shares and their value);
  • volumes of assets (without borrowed funds) at the end of the previous reporting period;
  • organized branches and representative offices, acquired licenses;
  • types of business activities (OKVED codes, INN, registration dates and numbers in the Social Insurance Fund, Pension Fund and Compulsory Medical Insurance Fund, dates of information changes);
  • positions and names of persons who are authorized to act in the interests of the enterprise without a power of attorney;
  • about bank accounts.

Almost all the information in this registry is publicly available, except for data on bank accounts, managers and business owners. This data is provided only to government bodies and extra-budgetary funds in accordance with the procedure established in legislative acts. From the Unified State Register of Legal Entities you can also order copies of enterprise documents and certificates of absence of certain data.

Types of statements

An extract is an official document drawn up in accordance with the requirements of the law, which is required:

  • to confirm the rights of the manager if the entrepreneur needs to open a bank account or have documents certified by a notary;
  • when making various real estate transactions;
  • when participating in trades and tenders, at auctions;
  • when checking the accuracy of business partners’ data.

Free statements are provided:

  • law enforcement agencies, courts, self-governments, extra-budgetary funds and persons who have the right to do so, as defined in legislative acts;
  • to legal entities about their own enterprise.

For a fee, information in general form is provided to legal entities and individuals after payment of a fee.

Depending on the cost and processing time, discharge can be urgent or not urgent, regular or extended. For an urgent one you need to pay 400 rubles, it is issued one day after submitting a request to the Tax Inspectorate. A non-urgent one costs 200 rubles; you have to wait five days for it. In practice, these deadlines are rarely met - you have to wait longer for the document.

A regular form statement identifies only publicly available information, and anyone can get it. The extended version of the statement provides information that is not available when receiving the regular version: about bank accounts and information on managers and founders of enterprises. An extended version is ordered if a document is needed to be submitted to a court, an extra-budgetary fund, for registration of an organization and changes in the charter or constituent agreement.

The extract may be paper(official printout certified by signature and seal and issued by the Tax Inspectorate) or electronic(obtained online via the Internet). The electronic version, not printed on paper, is informational, suitable only for verifying the accuracy of the information and is not suitable for participation in a tender, submission to a notary or court.

An electronic extract can be ordered from the Unified State Register of Legal Entities on the website, if you have a CryptoPro certificate. The application is filled out in the “Create a new application” section, indicating the number assigned during registration and the type of data that is required. On the same website you can order not only an electronic version in Excel format, but also a document in paper form with a signature, which can be obtained if you visit the Tax Office or order mailing. You can also obtain an electronic document on the government services portal.

To obtain an extract, you can also use the services of one of the many Internet sites that have access to the Unified State Register of Legal Entities. The cost of such a service starts from 200 rubles, the statement is sent by email in a few hours.

The video shows the process of receiving an extract via the Internet:

If you need a document certified by an inspector, you can find an online resource that will issue it for 500-600 rubles. The main advantages: the speed of receiving the document and the absence of the need to go to get it (usually it is delivered by an employee of an intermediary company).

More expensive methods - one-time and unlimited access to the Unified State Register of Legal Entities. To obtain unlimited access, you must submit an application requesting electronic statements. The fee for this service is quite high - approximately 150,000 rubles (for each employee) per year. One-time access to the register (for one day) costs 50,000 rubles. These services are suitable for businesses with a large number of counterparties.

Extract process

Registration of the extract occurs in 4 stages:

  1. Drawing up an application.
  2. Payment of duty.
  3. Submitting the application to the Tax Inspectorate along with a receipt certifying payment of the duty.
  4. Receipt of the finished document.

There is no form defined by law for filing an application for an extract from the Unified State Register of Legal Entities. The application can be submitted to any branch of the Tax Service. In the upper right corner, the department to which the application will be submitted, the name of the enterprise that is requesting information, ORGN, TIN, and authorized person are indicated.

Next, in the middle of the page, “STATEMENT” is written. A new line indicates the name of the enterprise about which data is requested, the number assigned during registration, the code and TIN assigned during tax registration. The date of filing the application is indicated in the lower left corner, and the signature of the official (with transcript) is placed in the lower right corner. If several copies of a document are required, the quantity is indicated in the application.

The application must be accompanied by a document confirming payment of the fee through a terminal at the Tax Inspectorate or a bank.

If the application indicates that several copies are required for one enterprise, then payment is allowed to be made in one payment.

Based on subparagraph 14 of paragraph 1 of Article 264 of the Tax Code, when calculating the income tax base, funds spent on documents from the Unified State Register of Legal Entities can be classified as expenses for information services. If too many funds are transferred, they are returned.

The application can be submitted in person, sent by courier, by mail, or through a representative. At the Tax Inspectorate, the document is processed and sent for verification with subsequent registration. If all stages are completed successfully, the Tax Office notifies the entrepreneur that you can receive the requested document in person, by mail or through a representative. The tax office also informs the entrepreneur about the refusal to issue an extract (if the application does not pass verification).

Possible problems

Sometimes it happens that the information indicated in the statement is invalid, and the company has problems participating in an auction or tender, concluding an important agreement, applying for a loan, or opening a bank account. There are only three reasons for such errors:

  • the application contains incorrect information about the company;
  • the registrar made an error while entering information;
  • failure in the Tax Inspectorate database.

Most often, registrars make mistakes when entering passport data and authorized capital amounts, missing zeros or adding extra ones. If an error is discovered on the same day that the statement is received, you should return to the same inspector to issue a correction card. In such a situation, a new statement is issued within 24 hours.

If an error is discovered after a few days, then you have to go to the Tax Office several times, but this is less difficult than amending the register. If the error is discovered after a week or more, it is much more difficult to fix it. A whole package of documents is required:

  • a copy of the received extract, which indicates the passport details of the director and founders;
  • a copy of the latest version of the Charter (Memorandum of Association);
  • a copy of the protocol confirming the appointment of the director;
  • TIN and registration certificate;
  • photocopies of passports of the director and founders.
  1. Fill out and submit to the Tax Inspectorate an application on behalf of the head of the enterprise indicating the error along with the prepared package of documents. There is no special form for such a statement. A new document is provided within one to three months, since it is necessary not only to correct an error in the extract, but also to change an entry in the registry.
  2. Submit an application to change your data directly to the registry. For example, if the legal address indicated in the received extract is incorrect, documents containing the correct version are submitted. The second method is more expensive, but the result can be obtained faster.

For various reasons, all legal entities and individual entrepreneurs are faced with the need to obtain an extract from the Unified State Register of Legal Entities (Unified State Register of Legal Entities) or Unified State Register of Individual Entrepreneurs (USRIP).

What is an extract from the Unified State Register of Legal Entities or Unified State Register of Individual Entrepreneurs?

Extract is a document about an organization or individual entrepreneur containing the following information:

· full and abbreviated name of the organization or individual entrepreneur;

· location of the company (for LLC, CJSC, JSC, NPO, GSK, housing cooperative and other legal entities);

· types of economic activity;

· information about governing bodies;

· other information.

Recently, passport data of managers and founders (participants) of legal entities and individual entrepreneurs have been removed from public access. Therefore, it is unlikely that it will be possible to find this information in extracts now.

Why do you need an extract from the Unified State Register of Legal Entities or Unified State Register of Individual Entrepreneurs?

An extract from the Unified State Register of Legal Entities or Unified State Register of Individual Entrepreneurs may be required when carrying out legally significant actions, for example:

· when performing notarial acts on behalf of a legal entity;

· when buying and selling a share in an LLC;

· upon liquidation of the organization;

· when opening a bank account;

· when receiving a loan from a bank;

· upon receipt of permits;

· when submitting documents to court;

· when participating in government tenders and auctions;

· when concluding and prolonging a property lease agreement with the municipality (administration);

· when registering a car owned by a legal entity;

· during bankruptcy proceedings;

· and during other actions.

Where can I get an extract from the Unified State Register of Legal Entities or Unified State Register of Individual Entrepreneurs?

The Federal Tax Service of the Russian Federation is responsible for maintaining registers and issuing information from them. Locally these are tax inspectorates. To obtain an extract from the Unified State Register of Legal Entities or Unified State Register of Individual Entrepreneurs, you can contact any tax office. The address of the inspection nearest to you can be found on the website www. tax. ru , and then contact her with an application for an extract.

Is it possible to obtain an extract from a third party organization (IP)?

Registers of legal entities and individual entrepreneurs are public documents, that is, the information contained in them is freely available. Therefore, you can receive an extract about any organizations and individual entrepreneurs registered on the territory of the Russian Federation.

Deadlines for receiving an extract from the Unified State Register of Legal Entities or Unified State Register of Individual Entrepreneurs.

In general, an extract is issued within 5 working days.

An urgent statement is issued by the tax authority on the next business day, but this service is paid.

Cost of obtaining an extract from the Unified State Register of Legal Entities or Unified State Register of Individual Entrepreneurs?


A free statement can only be obtained in relation to your own organization. The period for issuing such an extract is 5 working days.

The state duty is 200 rubles.

For obtaining an extract from the Unified State Register of Legal Entities or Unified State Register of Individual Entrepreneurs for a third-party organization (counterparty) or individual entrepreneur. The period for issuing such an extract is 5 working days.

The state duty is 400 rubles.

For receiving an urgent statement for any organizations or individual entrepreneurs. The deadline for issuing such an extract is the next business day, usually in the afternoon.

How to pay the state fee for an extract from the Unified State Register of Legal Entities or Unified State Register of Individual Entrepreneurs?

The tax office does not accept payment of state duty for obtaining an extract, with the exception of MIFNS No. 46 for Moscow.

Therefore, there are two payment options:

in cash at SBERBANK

Print and fill out , then contact any convenient branch of SBERBANK that serves individuals and pay the state fee. Save the check and receipt with the bank's marks.

non-cash payment from a current account

In this case, you will need to obtain a bank mark on the payment order with which the payment was made.

Documents for obtaining an extract from the Unified State Register of Legal Entities or Unified State Register of Individual Entrepreneurs?

1. Completed request 2 copies. (Sample);

2. Power of attorney to submit a request, if the request is not submitted by the head of the organization (Sample);

3. A receipt for payment of the state fee or a payment order with a bank note indicating payment upon receipt of an urgent statement or a statement about a third-party organization.

The submitter must have a passport with him!!!

Requests are usually received through the window where correspondence is accepted. The operating time of this window, as a rule, differs from the operating time of the inspection itself. In Moscow, usually from 9-10 to 14-15 hours, despite the fact that the tax office works from 9.00 to 18.00.

The inspector will keep one copy of the request; the second copy will be marked with information about the tax office and the date the request was submitted.

If all documents are completed correctly and the state fee is paid, the extract you request will be ready within the time limits prescribed by law.

An extract from the Unified State Register of Legal Entities is issued by the tax authorities and includes the general necessary information for purchasing real estate, concluding various types of transactions, participating in auctions and tenders, etc. An extract from the Unified State Register of Legal Entities can be issued both for use by a legal entity and in relation to an individual entrepreneur. We will find out further how you can get it.

Where can I get an extract from the Unified State Register of Legal Entities?

The work of issuing an extract from the Unified State Register of Legal Entities is carried out by any body of the Tax Service. In this case, a number of conditions must be met:

  1. Only the Tax Inspectorate that has the legal authority to do so can issue this document.
  2. As a rule, an individual entrepreneur or a legal entity is recommended to contact the Tax Inspectorate at the place of registration or place of work. In this case, legal entities are allowed to receive an extract only at the district office of the Tax Service.
  3. The extract can be received by third parties, but only in a situation if they have a power of attorney certified by a notary.
  4. If there is no need for a paper version of the document, you can obtain its electronic version. For this, the official online resources of the Tax Service are used.

The procedure for obtaining a paper or electronic version of the statement is free.

What is required to receive an extract?

Obtaining a paper version of a document is a step-by-step procedure that requires collecting documents and personal presence at the Tax Inspectorate. Let's consider the algorithm of actions:

  1. Fill out an application to receive documentation from the Unified State Register of Legal Entities. Today, there is a set form for this application, so it cannot be created in free form. In this case, you must indicate the maximum amount of data about your company and its managers.
  2. Come directly to the Tax Inspectorate. It is important to have an identification document with you (it is recommended to use a passport).
  3. Upon expiration of the established period, pick up the finished extract with the stamp of the Tax Service.

You can receive the described document either for yourself or for another person or organization. To do this, in addition to your passport, you must take with you a notarized power of attorney. Otherwise, the document may be refused.

An application for an extract is the most important document that will help simplify the receipt procedure as much as possible both for you and for tax officials. A corresponding sample application can be found on the official website of the Tax Inspectorate.

Download and print a special form from the official tax office resource to avoid mistakes and provide all the necessary information.

It is allowed to compile it by hand, while including in the document all the necessary data about the organization:

  1. Information about the Tax Inspectorate with which the organization was registered: legal address, available details.
  2. Information about the person who is requesting the extract, including his details. If an individual is receiving the document, he will need to provide personal information (full name, passport details, physical address corresponding to that indicated in the passport). If a legal entity is receiving the document, then you will need to indicate your name as indicated in official documents, legal address, as well as details - TIN and OGRN.
  3. If a third party is applying to receive a document, then the previous paragraph indicates its data, and the next one after it - the data of the organization for which an extract is required. This data must include, OGRN (what is it -), legal address and name corresponding to the data recorded in official documents.

The application must be signed by the person who will receive the extract. It also indicates the immediate date of compilation.

Power of attorney for obtaining an extract from the Unified State Register of Legal Entities

When receiving an extract for a third party, a power of attorney must be completed and certified in accordance with the established form. The form is in many ways similar to a power of attorney for the tax office. You will need to enter the following information into it:

  1. Details of the recipient company. OGRN, INN, KPP.
  2. Information about the director of the enterprise - full name, details, etc.
  3. Information about the authorized person, including passport details.
  4. Details of the recipient company: legal address and current name in accordance with the documents.
  5. Place of signing of the document and date.
  6. The entire list of powers that are given to the authorized person.

The power of attorney must contain the signatures of the person transferring the authority and the person accepting it. A power of attorney can be certified by a notary, but it can also bear the seal of the company transferring powers to a third party. If you have a company seal, notarization is not required.

If the manager wishes, additional clauses may be included in the power of attorney. For example, the validity period of the power of attorney is not mandatory, but it can also be included in the list of the document in order to expand or reduce the powers of the trustee. If such a clause is absent, then the power of attorney remains valid for 1 month from the written date.

Urgent receipt of an extract from the Unified State Register of Legal Entities

In situations where a document is required to be received as quickly as possible (for example, to issue a loan from a bank or participate in an auction), you can arrange an urgent receipt. This method allows you to receive an extract within one day from the date of submission of documents and has a number of features:

  1. In the application for obtaining an extract, you will need to indicate that the document must be issued urgently.
  2. You must pay a state fee for issuing an urgent extract.
  3. The payment receipt is attached to the application and submitted along with the main documents.
  4. The application must indicate that the state fee has been paid, and a receipt for payment is attached with the general package of documents.

If it is not important for you to receive an official statement in paper form, then you can receive an electronic version of the document absolutely free of charge and in a shorter period of time. The electronic statement issued on some resources contains a special valid signature, so when printed it will act similarly to the paper version.

Cost of obtaining an extract

It is known that this document is received free of charge, but not in all cases. Let's consider a number of situations when you will and will not have to pay a state fee for an extract:

  1. If a person is not limited by deadlines and can wait as long as the document processing procedure requires, then the state fee is not paid, and the extract is issued absolutely free. In this case, the document should not be drawn up by proxy, but with the personal presence of the head of the company.
  2. If there are no time limits, but the extract is received by a third party, then you will need to pay a state fee, which is about 200 rubles. The payment receipt must be attached to the application.
  3. If you need to urgently issue a document, then the extract is urgent and you will need to pay a state fee for it. It will be about 400 rubles. In this case, in the application for receipt you will need to tick two points. First, that the discharge is urgent; secondly, that a receipt for payment of the state duty is attached along with the application. Please note that you must attach the original receipt or its certified copy.
  4. Residents of Moscow can order an urgent checkout with delivery to a convenient metro station. The cost of such a service will be approximately 1,000 rubles.

You can find out the current state duties, as well as payment details, on the main resource of the Federal Tax Service.

Deadlines for receiving statements

When submitting applications to obtain an extract from the Unified State Register of Legal Entities, many are interested in the question, how long will it take to complete the documents? When issuing an extract, the following temporary standards apply:

  • A non-urgent extract from the Unified State Register of Legal Entities can take up to 5 days;
  • urgent extract is issued within 1 day.

These temporary standards apply to both legal entities and individual entrepreneurs. Thus, in any case, the period of time spent on receiving the document is small, and in many cases it is more rational to issue a non-urgent extract.

Receiving an extract via the Internet: features

The electronic option for receiving an extract is suitable for those who care not about the formality of the documents received, but about the reliability of the data specified in them. This method is convenient: it allows you to get the maximum possible information in the shortest possible time, without getting up from your workplace.

On the official website of the Unified State Register of Legal Entities you can obtain an extract not only for organizations, but even for individuals or individual entrepreneurs. To do this, you need to enter a series of data, including:

  1. For companies, it is necessary to indicate the country, region, current details (TIN, OGRN) and the name corresponding to that specified in the documents. At the bottom of the presented table, select the item “extract from the Unified State Register of Legal Entities” - this completes the procedure for obtaining the document.
  2. For individual entrepreneurs and individuals, it will be enough to enter your full name and country of residence. At the bottom of the table you will also need to indicate that you require an extract from the Unified State Register of Legal Entities.

The resulting document is usually issued in PDF format and has a qualified, valid signature.

In addition to the main one, there are many third-party resources that offer to instantly generate an extract from the Unified State Register of Legal Entities. But not all of the known resources contain complete data: some provide only partial information, and not formalized in the form of a document.

How to obtain an issue from the Unified State Register of Legal Entities online? (video)

The easiest way to obtain an extract from the Unified State Register of Legal Entities is to use online resources. How to use this method correctly and receive your statement in a matter of minutes without any investment? Answers in the following video:

An extract from the Unified State Register of Legal Entities may be required by both beginners and experienced businessmen to carry out a number of different transactions. The procedure for completing this document is quite simple, but if any questions arise, you can always get advice from the district Tax Inspectorate.

Unified State Register of Legal Entities - Unified State Register of Legal Entities. From this organization you can obtain an extract - an official document that contains basic data about the legal entity. It can be useful when opening a bank account, real estate transactions, certification of documents by a notary, when participating in auctions, etc.

To receive an extract from the Unified State Register of Legal Entities, you need to write an application for its receipt, pay the state fee, and submit documents to the tax office. You can obtain this extract from the territorial tax office or from the registering tax office (if the functions of registering individual entrepreneurs and legal entities are assigned to one body). The application is drawn up in free form, since there is no single template provided. It is necessary to indicate the name of the legal entity, its INN, OGRN. In addition, you should write the name of the tax office to which the application is submitted, certify the document with a seal, signature, and date.
  • If possible, you should list what information should be contained in the statement. The main information is:
  • name of the enterprise, organizational and legal form;
  • actual, legal address;
  • OGRN;
  • information about the founders;
  • date of creation of the organization;
  • types of economic activities;
  • information about the documents provided during registration;
  • size of the authorized capital;
  • data of persons who have the right to represent a legal entity without a power of attorney (position, surname, first name, patronymic, TIN, passport data);
  • license data (if any);
If the person who applies for an extract is not one of those who can represent a legal entity without a power of attorney, he must have a power of attorney signed by the head of the enterprise and stamped.

The cost of the state fee may vary significantly in different cases: if you are requesting an extract about your own organization, which will take 5 days to prepare, the service will be absolutely free; a statement for a counterparty costs 200 rubles, and an urgent statement costs 400 rubles (for both your organization and the counterparty it will be ready on the next business day). You can pay the state duty in cash at a branch of Sberbank of the Russian Federation, knowing the details of the tax office. In addition, you can transfer money from the company's current account.