Abstract of the GCD in the preparatory group on the topic: Primitive people. "Back to the past"

How did the ancient people live?

In modern society, a lot of curiosity is caused by the way of life of ancient people. We are children of the modern world, we use all its benefits and high technologies, and it is quite difficult for us to understand how people survived who had nothing at their disposal except the nature around them. In this article we will try to tell you about what the life of the ancient people was like and what kind of life they led.

Tribal relationships

Ancient people preferred to live in tribes, because in such harsh conditions of wild ancient nature it was almost impossible to survive alone. Each member of the tribe played its own role - women were engaged in farming and gathering, maintaining housing, preparing food, and looking after children, men were earners and went fishing and hunting and made auxiliary tools. The weak and sick members of the tribe and children were helpers to the women and carried out their instructions. Since there was still no medical knowledge in prehistoric times, the age of ancient people was not long. In addition, there was a very high infant mortality rate, and the childbearing age was small.

So how long did an ancient man live on average?

Of course, the tribe's habitat and lifestyle played a big role, but a 30-year-old man in those prehistoric times could be considered an old man. To survive, the tribes constantly tried to increase their numbers and had very free morals, often incest occurred. Loyalty was also neglected, as men in the tribe were in short supply, as males died in the hunt, and in battles with neighboring tribes.

The cave played the role of a dwelling and an altar

Ancient people used caves not only for cooking, sleeping and heating, the cave was the first man's altar. It was in the caves that the ancient people learned to draw their first "icons", before the hunt they painted pictures of victories over ferocious animals, performed tribal dances, and performed the first ritual ceremonies. Time passed and the first totems appeared in the caves, which personified the gods to whom the tribe prayed.

The evolution of ancient people was very slow, much slower than ours with you, but even such underdeveloped creatures progress was not alien. Men constantly improved their tools made of wood and stone, and women created new household items that made it easier for them to do chores. In addition, the women who were gatherers realized that spices can add variety to a very meager diet.

Perhaps the very first people walked naked, but they quickly realized that primitive clothes could be made from the skins of animals they killed in the hunt, and jewelry from shells and gems. It will be interesting to know that it was the multi-colored stones and shells that became the first money in primitive society. Such "money" began to be used for intra-tribal and inter-tribal trade.

Some tribes lived in forests and on spacious plains, they realized that it was possible to build a hut from the branches and trunks of trees. It is the huts that can be considered the first full-fledged houses for a person. Such huts were built both on the ground and on trees.

Time passed, a huge glacier came to the territory of Eurasia, the ice age began. People had to adapt to very harsh environmental conditions. Since it was very cold, the ancient people realized that it was possible to hide from the cold underground. This is how the first dugouts appeared, which were built from logs and earth. Such underground shelters could shelter up to 30 people from the cold.

Target: the formation of a positive attitude towards the results of human labor.


- to enrich the initial ideas about the life and life of primitive people;

- to stimulate the manifestation of cognitive interest in changing a person's lifestyle;

- to form the skills of independent application of the acquired knowledge in game activities;

- didactic game "Historical tape" (dwellings, lighting items).

Equipment e: a video letter, a video player, a projector, slides (an image of a primitive man, a cave where he lived), board-printed games "The labor of ancient people", "Who needs what for work?", "Draw and paint the huts", pieces of boiled and raw carrots (according to the number of children), voice recorder.

GCD move

Educator... Guys, a video letter came to our group: “Dear guys! First grade students turn to you for help. We love to take part in contests, holidays, exhibitions that take place in the Children's House of Creativity. An exhibition on the theme “Prehistoric Life” will soon be held there. At this exhibition you need to present drawings, applications, crafts, models that tell about how primitive people lived. We, a group of first grade students, decided to make a model of the "Corner of the Ancient World" together. In general terms, we imagine how it should look like: there must be a dwelling. But when discussing the question of what the primitive man's house was, our opinions were divided: some guys believe that the first dwelling of ancient people was a cave, others think it was a hut, and one boy said that a dugout was the dwelling of a primitive man. And suddenly someone remembered that you have such a layout in your group, and you know so much about the life of primitive people. Therefore, we decided to turn to you for help: tell us, please, about how primitive people lived ”. Guys, how can we help our friends?

Children. We can tell them about the life of primitive people, we can send our drawings, applications, invite them to visit, pick up illustrations.

Educator... I am very glad that you are ready to help the guys. And to make your stories interesting, I propose today to remember everything that you know about the life of primitive people. Guys, do you know why ancient people were called primitive?

Children... Because they were the first.

Educator... Yes, the word "primitive" consists of two parts: "first" and "life". Life is what a person uses in his life (furniture, dishes, house) in order to eat, not freeze from the cold, and light the room. Do you think the first man on earth had all this? Was life easy for him?

Children answer.

Why was life very difficult for him?

Children... Without clothes, he was cold, there was nowhere to hide from the rain, wind, to hide from wild animals, he often starved.

Educator... Guys, why couldn't a primitive man build a dwelling for himself, because on all sides he was surrounded by forests and mountains?

Children... He didn’t know how to build a house, he didn’t have the right tools.

Educator... Yes, guys, the person did not yet know how to use trees, stones or clay. It was difficult for a man without a home. Listen to a poem about it.


How to build a reliable house

The man did not know yet.

In a complex primitive world

He was looking for a place to live.

He suffered from the winter cold

The beast of prey threatened him.

The man needed a home

Where would he live peacefully

Where would he cook food,

He ate and rested peacefully.

He wanted to have a home

Where would I stop being afraid.

And in the worries of the gloomy

Sometimes a man dreamed

As with a heavy prey

Returns home.

How the family greets him

Sitting tightly by the fire ...

And now he knows for sure -

It's time to find a house for him!

K. Nefedova

Educator. Guys, where did man find his first home?

Children... In the cave.

Educator. Right! At first, people lived in caves, which they did not build themselves, but found them.

The teacher, through a media projector, shows the children an image of the cave in which the primitive man lived.

Guys, were there any furniture or dishes in the caves?

Children. No.

Educator. How did people do without all this?

Children... They sat on stones, ate with their hands, slept on the ground, on warm skins, without beds or pillows.

Educator. Guys, in order to remember what primitive man ate, I suggest playing one more game.

Lotto game "Labor of Ancient People"

Around a large card depicting an ancient man, you need to lay out small cards, each of which depicts one of the types of labor of ancient people (hunt, fish, collect nuts, berries, roots, mushrooms, bird eggs). Children choose the necessary cards from among others, on which, in addition to the work of ancient people, modern types of labor for cooking are drawn. During the assignment, they talk about what is drawn in the pictures.

The teacher invites the children to try one piece at a time, first boiled and then raw carrots, asks which one is softer, chews easier, and concludes with the children that it is a boiled carrot.

Educator. Primitive people made a very important discovery - they learned to use fire, to cook food on it. At first, people were very afraid of fire - they did not know how to get it and saw it only when lightning hit a tree, set it on fire and a big fire began. Gradually, people began to notice that fire gives warmth, scares away wild animals, that roots or meat that have been on fire are much softer than raw ones. And they decided to use fire - after a forest fire they collected still hot coals, brought them to their dwellings and stored them in a special depression in the ground - they made a hearth. Why did they carefully protect it from wind and water?

Children. Because they themselves did not know how to light a fire yet.

Educator... How did man learn to make fire on his own?

Children. They began to receive fire as a result of friction between wood and wood.

Educator... Right! Man has learned to independently produce fire from a spark that occurs when a tree is rubbed, striking a stone against a stone. Do you think the life of the ancient man became easier after the fire appeared in his cave?

Children... Yes.

Educator... Why?

Children... The fire gave warmth, scared away wild animals, illuminated the cave; food cooked over a fire tasted better than raw food.

Educator. Let's continue our conversation about the life of ancient people. The first objects that a person used were very simple; complex tools were not required for their manufacture. What were they made of?

Children. Made of wood, stone, animal bones.

Educator. I propose to play a game that will remind you of what important adaptations the ancient man invented for the work to be successful.

Game "Who needs what for work?"

A punch card is used, which is an A4 sheet, on different sides of which ancient people are drawn, engaged in different labor: a hunter, a fisherman, a woman who sews clothes, and tools, devices necessary for these people: a spear with a deer horn tip, arrows with stone and bone tips, a knife made of sharp stone and large fish bones, a bone needle for sewing clothes, a boat, hollowed out and £ a tree trunk. In the center of the sheet is a cut out rectangle. Completing the task, the children put a sheet of paper under the punched card and draw lines on it. Children need to connect people and devices, tools of labor with lines; name objects, tell about them and tell what they are for the people depicted here.

Educator... Guys, who taught the ancient people to make these objects and devices?

Children. They invented them themselves.

Educator... Yes, a person often discovered the possibilities of using or making objects by chance: a spoon appeared when one day, stirring food with a wide stick with a depression, he noticed that there was food left in it; fork - after he realized that taking hot food with a stick with two cloves is more convenient than one. Guys, what was the purpose of the work of the ancient man?

Children... To get food, to protect yourself from bad weather, from wild animals.

Educator... Right! The work of ancient man was aimed at protecting himself from the elements (rainfall, hail), from wild animals, in order to make objects that are convenient to use. Guys, our first-grader friends asked me to tell you more about the dwellings of ancient people. Do you think it was convenient for people to live in caves?

Children... No.

Educator... Why?

Children... There were no doors or windows in them, the smoke from the fire remained in the cave, the light penetrated through the entrance, so it was dark there.

Educator... Yes, guys, the cave has long served as a shelter for humans from the cold and predators, but it was still an unreliable dwelling. The door had not yet been invented, so the entrance had to be constantly guarded from uninvited guests. Over time, a person began to understand that living in a cave is inconvenient: water flows into it, it is damp, dark and cold. In addition, there were not caves in every locality, but you have to live somewhere! The man began to think about whether to build a home for himself? I propose to play a game in which you will remember what dwellings the ancient people learned to build themselves.

Game "Draw and paint the huts"

Children are divided into three microgroups, each of which receives an unfinished image of the dwelling of ancient people (hut, shack, hut). You need to guess what a person is building a house from in each picture, add and color the pictures. After completing the assignment, the children talk about what is drawn in the pictures, from which a person builds a house, why he built such houses.

Educator... Guys, so we remembered how primitive people lived. I recorded your stories about the life of primitive people on a dictaphone. Today, after sleep, we will select drawings, applications, illustrations about the life of ancient people and, together with the recording of your stories, we will send them to our friends, first graders. I think this will help the children in making the model, and they will be able to take part in the exhibition, which will be held in the Children's House of Creativity.

How did the first man come about? This question worries scientists around the world and excites the imagination of our children. We will take as a basis the theory of Charles Darwin that humans descended from monkeys and go to a distant and mysterious primitive world to feel like a representative of the Stone Age. We will build a cave, create for ourselves the image of a primitive man, learn how to make fire and create weapons. We will meet shamans and become the first artists. We will catch our first mammoth and learn all about the spirits that live among us.

We will find out:

  • From whom the first people descended (according to Darwin's theory)
  • Where primitive man lived
  • How to get my own food
  • What did primitive men and women do (I wonder if something has changed over millions of years? 😉)
  • What primitive people believed in
  • What animals inhabited the primitive world
  • What Ancient Man Learned

You'll get:

  • theoretical material (on the basis of which you can tell your child how people lived in the Stone Age)
  • themed games that allow you to enter the world of primitive people and immerse yourself in the topic
  • cards with logic games and tasks that you will need during themed games
  • Developing cards with pictures and information about animals, primitive weapons and tools

Age 4+

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Role-playing game« Primitive man's camp »

Participants: children 6-7 years old

Target: Reinforce the knowledge gained with children, bring children joy and pleasure from role-playing game.


Cultivate interest in developmental history human;

Develop curiosity;

Expand the search and cognitive activity of children;

Develop cognitive activity, enrich the vocabulary. Arouse the desire to actively participate in the general conversation and play.

Foster friendly relationships, mutual assistance.

Develop memory, logical thinking, speech, interest in independent solving cognitive tasks.

Dictionary activation: dwelling, cave, tribe, sacred fire, ritual dance, rock paintings.

Material and equipment: cave, animal skins, "bonfire", stones and sticks for "Dilutions" fire, "Spears", silhouettes of animals, sheets of paper, "river", skewers, crayons.

Musical arrangement: "Sounds of Africa", "Drum Sounds".

Preliminary work:

Reading books and encyclopedias on the topic "Ancient world", "Journey to the Ancient World" watching video footage. Making attributes for the game

Game progress:

Do you guys want to go to the Stone Age? I really want to see how people lived in the Ancient World! Who is with me? …… children's answers

What if the journey turns out to be dangerous: we may meet a wild beast, hostile tribes - are you not afraid? …… children's answers

Anyone who is ready to go on a journey through the Ancient World, come closer to get into the field of action of the time machine. Ready! Get in the circle closer, we'll start the time machine … .. game connoisseur

Put your hands on your shoulders friend friend: “We want to go to the Stone Age! We want to go to the stone age! We want to go to the Stone Age! "

In ancient times, people did not live alone, but in large groups - tribes. Imagine that we are a tribe.

Once primitive people

Let's go to primeval forest.

AND primeval sun

Looked at them from heaven.

Then these people decided

To live in a deaf cave,

They got the fire

They began to cook food on it.

And they ate with their hands

And they drank water from the stream

Not dressed like you and me

The skin was on them.

You are in the Stone Age and reincarnated as primitive people. Guys, what do you think you wore primitive people? ( take animal skins)

Where will you live?

Let's build a cave too! (from blocks and bedspreads)

Boys need to agree on who will build which cave, and for girls what they will do.

But we will have one rule….

You know, primitive people hardly spoke. They mostly communicated with gestures. Let's try to convey some information to each other with the help of gestures without words.

Boys build caves with blocks, twigs, and skins. Tell me, what was the most important occupation of the ancient people? (hunting, fishing, food extraction)

How are we going to hunt animals and fish? What will be our weapons? Ancient people made weapons for hunting from sticks and stones, lianas. We will also make spears and rods.

Spears and fishing rods are being prepared. They go hunting and fishing. They take the prey, find the eggs, and carry everything to the cave.

Girls: picking fruits, herbs,

What did they eat

make dishes, decorate it,

How primitive people made fire?

they raise the hearth, take care of it, crack nuts, wash and nurse the children.

Summarizes: the children name who they hit.

Nice hunt, rich prey.

What are we going to do with our prey, eat it raw or fry it on the fire?

(We sit around the fire and "Fry" curly marmalade on skewers).

In the meantime, our prey is getting ready, we will perform a ritual dance so that next time the hunt will be successful.

Do you want to perform it?

A ritual dance is performed to the sound of drums.

Do you guys like our journey to the Ancient World? Tell us what you like here? Who were you, what did you do?

I think the food is ready. Who wants to try?

After a while is buzzing "Time Machine".

Do you guys hear? I think it's time for us to go back. Or maybe someone wants to stay here a little longer? Maybe someone wants to decorate the walls of the caves?

Marina Purina

MKDOU kindergarten №77, Novosibirsk

Role-playing game«»

Held during the thematic week “Gen. Furniture, household appliances ".

Participants: children 6-7 years old

Made up: educator Purina Marina Gennadievna

Target: introducing children to life primitive man


Cultivate interest in developmental history human;

Develop curiosity;

Expand the search and cognitive activity of children;

Develop cognitive activity, enrich the vocabulary. Arouse the desire to actively participate in the general conversation and play.

Foster friendly relationships, mutual assistance.

Develop memory, logical thinking, speech, interest in independent solving cognitive tasks.

Strengthen the knowledge gained with children, bring children joy and pleasure from role-playing game.

Dictionary activation: dwelling, cave, tribe, sacred fire, ritual dance, rock paintings.

Material and equipment: cave, animal skins, "bonfire", stones and sticks for "Dilutions" fire, "Spears", silhouettes of animals, sheets of paper, "river", skewers, crayons.

Musical arrangement: "Sounds of Africa", "Drum Sounds".

Preliminary work:

Reading books and encyclopedias on the topic "Ancient world", "Journey to the Ancient World" watching video footage. Making a layout « Primitive man's camp»

Game progress:

Do you guys want to go to the Stone Age with me? I really want to see how people lived in the Ancient World! Who is with me? What if the journey turns out to be dangerous: we may meet a wild beast, hostile tribes - are you not afraid? Anyone who is ready to go on a journey through the Ancient World, come closer to get into the field of action of the time machine. Ready! Get into the circle closer, we will start the time machine! Hands prepared (start the engine) "Rrrrr!",put your hands on each other's shoulders: “We want to go to the Stone Age! We want to go to the stone age! We want to go to the Stone Age! " Hands up. Let's fly!

Once primitive people

Let's go to primeval forest.

AND primeval sun

Looked at them from heaven.

Then these people decided

To live in a deaf cave,

They got the fire

They began to cook food on it.

And they ate with their hands

And they drank water from the stream

Not dressed like you and me

The skin was on them.

Let's build a cave too! (from blocks and bedspreads)

Guys, what do you think you wore primitive people? (animal skins)

How primitive people made fire? (We get fire).

Let's sit around the fire, warm our hands!

You know, primitive people hardly spoke. They mostly communicated with gestures. Let's try to convey some information to each other with the help of gestures without words.

One child shows, the rest guess. For example,

I want to eat.

I saw a big mammoth behind the mountain!

It's time to go hunting!

I am tired and want to sleep.

Yes, it was not so easy for our ancestors to communicate.

In ancient times, people did not live alone, but in large groups - tribes. Imagine that we are a tribe.

Tell me, what was the most important occupation of the ancient people? (hunting, food extraction)

How are we going to hunt animals? What will be our weapons? Ancient people made weapons for hunting from sticks and stones. We'll make spears too.

What did the ancient people do to make the hunt successful?

(They performed a ritual dance.)

Yes, our ancestors believed that the hunt would be successful if before the forthcoming hunt to perform a ritual dance in which people showed how brave they are.

Do you want to perform such a dance?

A ritual dance is performed to the sound of drums

Men take spears and go hunting and fishing, and women make sure that the fire does not go out and watch the kids, collect fruits.

Audio recording sounds "Animal Sounds"... Children go hunting.

It is necessary to walk silently so as not to frighten off the prey.

Summarizes: the children name who they hit.

Nice hunt, rich prey.

What are we going to do with our prey, eat it raw or fry it on the fire?

(We sit around the fire and "Fry" curly marmalade on skewers).

Do you guys like our journey to the Ancient World? Tell us what you like here?

I think the food is ready. Who wants to try?

What did the ancient people decorate the walls of their cave with?

Our ancestors captured the most important and interesting moments of their lives on the walls of the cave.

We have embers left from the fire. Let's use them to draw what we saw today, what we liked the most.

Children draw with crayons.

After a while is buzzing "Time Machine".

Do you guys hear? I think it's time for us to go back. Or maybe someone wants to stay here a little longer?

Children decide who comes back and who wants to stay.

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