Is it possible to put candles after the service. What is church candle? Can Muslims put a candle

The custom put the candle in front of the icon is very ancient. Everyone knows that it is certainly necessary to do this, but not everyone knows about the reasons for which this rite is performed.

The custom of putting candles in the temples came to Russia from Byzantium, but he originated in the Old Testament times. In the Moses Tabernacle, the lamps were necessary belonging Sacredness: I was lit in the evening before the Lord and served as a symbol of the leadership of God, the fact that the law of God is a lamp man in his life.

"It's never committing worship without lamps," said Teacher TERTULLYAN church, - but we do not use them for the only to accelerate the darkness of the night, - Liturgy is performed in our day; But in order to portray, through this Christ - the light is irrelevant, without which we will be wandering among half a day in the dark. " Our Lord Jesus Christ said: "I am the light of the world" (in. 8.12).

Gradually developed the rules of placing candles in the temples. At first, the burning candle was preceded by the removal of the Gospel, and during reading all the candles were lit. Subsequently began to put candles and in front of other sacred objects, before the coffins of martyrs, before icons. The custom put the candles reached the present day. Moreover, he became so habitant for us, that by putting a candle, many do not think, what does this action mean?

The candle on the icon is a symbol of prayer, the sign of spiritual aspiration to God. Clean wax from which candles make, is a symbol that a person is repent of his sins and is ready for obedience in the face of God. Speaking about how to put candles correctly, it is worth starting with what to do this is not automatically, but with awareness and with the feeling of love in the heart before who the candle is put. When you buy a candle in the temple, it becomes your voluntary offer, the symbol of your faith and love.

External action is accompanied by internal - prayer. Praying man often cannot find words to accurately convey its condition, express everything he wants to say to the Lord, especially when he is surrounded by other people. And here the candle helps him, the flame of which is a symbol of this inexpressible to the end in the words of a prayer feeling.

How many candles to put and in front of what icon is depends on the desire of the believer. But always put a candle with a prayer. If it is the icon of the Lord of our Jesus Christ or a crucifix, then you can with the words: "Lord, a surveillance of your slave (name)" or "Lord, Jesus Christ, the Son of God, have mercy on us." And you can also read such a prayer "Accept of Lord to the sacrifice of your slaves (name for whom you put)."

If it is icon God's Mother, with the words: "The Most Holy Mother of God, save us, the slaves of your (names)", in front of the icon of the saint: "Holy Hedge of God (name) of God's moths about me (or about us and list the names)."

It is very good for these prayers to attach and prayer in your own words expressing your request, thanksgiving.

Going to the candlestick, you need to light the candle from other candles or from the lamp on the candlestick, then put it on free place (Or, if all places are busy, just put alongside - it will definitely be put on the vacant place). After that, it should be twisted twice, to make the shrine, turn again and worship.

Candles that believers buy in the temple have another very important spiritual meaning: they are a voluntary victim of man God and the Church. So he was heard: first, believers sacrificed the wax on the candles, then the production and sale of candles became one of the articles of income of monasteries and temples. Funds reversed from the sale of candles are spent on the maintenance, repair and decoration of the temple, on the maintenance of the choir, sunday school, on a salary of clergy and workers. Therefore, the candles should be purchased only in that temple, where a person came to pray. Brush with me candles purchased behind the walls of the temple, and it is impossible to put them in front of icons, because they may not be consecrated.

Since the level of welfare of believers is different, then they can donate different means. Dear big candle is not at all graceful. It is better to put a little and warmly with humility than with a ropot and regret - expensive. And remember at the same time that the most important thing is the burning of the believer heart. If there are no hot love and reverence in us, then the candles have no meaning, our victim is in vain.

So, where and to whom from the saints to put candles - it is to solve you yourself. But it is desirable to follow the order. If you are going to put a few candles - then the first must be put to the Lord Jesus Christ and before the icon of the holiday (usually it is always located in the center of the temple on the analog). Then the candle of the Mother of God is put, then the Archangel and the holy ashors who gave a special grace to heal the disease and help us in various needs.

It is customary to put candles with the saint whose name is man and angel - the keeper.

On the rest of the departed should be put in a candle on the eve - a special rectangular candlestick with a crucifix.

If there is no desired icon in the temple, you can put a candle to any way of the Lord, Blessed Virgin Mary Or before the icon of all saints and make prayer. And pray in your own words, if only they were sincere. Let the clear fire of the candles help to build warm light prayer in your heart!

It is good to raise church candles and houses in a red corner, in front of icons. Candles and lamps light not only during reading the morning and evening prayer rule, but also when solving important life problems (choosing a satellite of life, choosing a profession, a device for work, acquiring a home, cars, etc.) when we are overwhelming the disease, Sorrow, sadness, or at the obvious action of demon's forces per person.

During the Shestopsalmia (when the reader comes to the middle of the temple and all lamps are quenched in the temple) Candles are quenched. But after the end of this reading - the candles are again lit. Therefore, putting your candle during this period of time, you do not need to look for some kind of bad sign in this or the more swearing.

About candles in matters and answers

How to put a candle?

- Candles light one from another, burning, and put in the slot of the candlestick. Candle should stand straight. It is forbidden to use in the temple with matches and lighters if burning candles are already standing in the candlesticks of the temple. It should not be lit a candle from the lamp so as not to pump wax into the oil or accidentally do not rejuvenate the lamp.

Who and how many candles need to be put?

- There is no compulsory rules where and how much to put candles. Their purchase is a voluntary victim to God. First of all, it is good to put a candle to the "holiday" (central analog) or the Chtima of the Temple Icon, then - to the relics of the saint (if they are in the temple), and then - about health (to any icon) or a rest (on the eve - Square or rectangular table with a crucifix).

Is it possible to put a candle on the candlestick if it's nowhere to put it?

- So do it. In the extreme case, you can freeze the wick candles, repay it and put it on the candlestick. Incorrectly make those who put the candles in two in one cell or shoots someone else's candle to put their own.

Is it possible to keep a burning candle in your hand and stand with her?

- with candles, it is customary to stand on a memorial service, during the worst of the wretch of the Great Heel. Candles and poles are mounted, but this tradition is mainly preserved only for clergy. With a burning candle, you need to go cautiously: you should watch the wax not drow on the floor, and so that the clothes and hair on a person stands are not omitted. The rest of the time it is more correct to put the candle on the candlestick, which is specifically designed for this. In the temple must be observed established orderand not do how it wants.

Who to put a candle on the vacation of sins and what to read?

- Sins are released only for confession after the sincere, detailed confession of all of them in the presence of a priest and reading the permitting prayer to them. The candle is a symbol, by itself she does not frees from sins and does not connect with God.

Is it possible to put a candle about unresolved a newborn baby who got sick?

- Pray for unresolved by your personal prayer and you can only put candles for them, you can not only write their names in church notes, as the church about unreleased does not pray. The sick child should be baptized as soon as possible. If the child is sick hard, you can call the priest home or in the maternity hospital. In the sacrament of baptism, the child will receive a special grace that will help him. If the child dies unresolved, there will be a sin on his parents. And the baptized child can be adjusted, ordering forties, prayers for health are the first help in diseases.

Can I put a candle for yourself?

- Of course, you can put candles and pray for your health. Candle is a symbol prayer circulation To God. And most prayers are compiled from first person.

Is it possible to put candles for a pregnant woman?

- To put candles and pray for the dead you can and need to all.

Is it possible to put a candle for the tragically deceased and generally about the rest of the unresolved?

- It is possible to put candles and pray for unresolved, but it is impossible to submit a note in the temple with the names of non-universal.

Can I put candles about zeal and rest in Easter?

- You can always put candles about health and rest, but a prayer about the departed in Easter and on the Light Sedmice church does not make, they are transferred to Radonitz - the second Tuesday after Easter.

You can lock the candles bought in another temple?

- Candles are usually acquired in the temple, where they come to pray - this is a small victim of this temple.

What to do with a candle after consecrated kulichi and eggs for Easter? Can I carry it home?

- You can carry home and light during your home prayer, and you can put in the temple in front of any icon.

When is incense and is it possible to use it at home?

- Incense is used in the church in worship, as well as when equipping the departed, with the sanctification of the housing priest. You can use incense and during home prayer.

Some temples collect donations to a shared candle. What it is?

- The tradition of collecting funds on a shared candle is far from all temples. As a rule, the assembled funds are spent on the purchase of candles, which are put on the candlesticks and burn when there is no one in the temples. There is another tradition when the candlestick that is taken out in certain moments Services, the large wax candle is purchased.

I read daily in the morning of the prayer house. The church candle, which I light up for two days as it became hard to crack (crack as it is covered in the fire, only a little quieter) What is it?

- There is nothing terrible in this, this is often due to this with the technology of candles. There is no mysticism in this.

I am left-handed, all from childhood I make your left hand, some things have retracted parents since childhood, for example, writing right hand, just when I go to church, when I need to cross, I do the right hand, sometimes when I put a candle, it happens with your left hand. I heard it impossible with your left hand, and I read a lot and everywhere it is written that the left is that everything is bad.

- Do not pay attention to these stupid superstitions. You can put candles and the right and left hand, there is no difference.

I'm not baptized. My parents died, they were also not baptized. Can I put a candle in the church for their rest?

- Yes, you can put candles with a prayer for resting the soul of your parents. But to give notes about their rest in the altar, as well as order a memorial and eating you can not.

Please tell me how to properly light the church candle in the temple? In one church, I lit a candle from another candle, and I was told that it was impossible to do so, since it is someone else's sacrifice, and it is unknown, with what thoughts he lit a man. The next time I lit a candle from the lamp. I made a remark again, they said it was impossible to do so. How to properly light the candle?

- The candle is lit from another candle standing on the candlestick. It doesn't matter who and with what thoughts lit a candle from which you will hear your. This is all superstitions, do not pay attention to them. You can freeze if necessary (when there are no candles lit on the candlestick), the candle and from the lamp, but they try not to do so that the wax does not get into the lamp. This also has no symbolic, but a purely practical explanation - the lamp then need to be cleaned from wax, both outside and inside, so it's better not to dump.

My mother died a little more than 2 months, she was Orthodox, I am Muslim. Mom buried as expected on the Orthodox custom. My relatives are all Orthodox, and all that was done in the church and then they did, and I took part in this. I prayed myself and pray for her soul. Tell me, as correct in my case, remember my mother, can I put candles in the church for her itself? Maybe something else? And for some reason, my mother dreams of a sick ...

- Please accept my sincere condolences in connection with the death of your mom. You do it right, praying for mom. Yes, you can and put candles with a prayer for the rest of her soul. Also create in memory of Mom's satisfying alms, any good deeds. Typically, that we are being shot dead, mean that they need our prayers about them.

Yesterday my grandmother died ... very beloved by me. I want to do something, go to church ... very hard. Tell me, please, when and how to put a candle for rest and what else should be done in such cases?

- Please accept my sincere condolences in connection with the death of your grandmother. If your grandmother has been baptized, order a fortyst about the rest of her soul, agree to the funeral (how to do it, you will be prompted for a candle drawer - this is the place where the notes take and sell candles). In the ninth and fortie day, order a memo. If the grandmother was unprecedented - put a candle and pray in your own words, asking for the Lord to forgive her grandmother her sins and save her soul. In any case, it is good to serve a gracious alms for the grandmother, good deeds in her memory. Candles on the rest of the departed put on the canon - this is usually rectangular shape Crucifixion candlestick (ask to show where the canon is when you acquire candles).

For the 3rd year I take part in the sacrament of the cubization of the great post. In previous years, parishioners have always worn with them a candle to pray with this candle to health if necessary. But my friend says that it is better to leave this candle in the church, explaining this by the fact that there are many unhealthy people in the service at the service, and the candle absorbs the entire negative, and when it is no use, and the harm. If you can answer, is it so?

- No, this is superstition: the candle does not absorb any negative, and does not bring any harm in itself, nor benefit. We benefit from prayer, not from the candle. You can pick up the candle home, you can leave in the temple - it does not matter: traditions can be different, and the more is permissible. God for you health!

"My friend suffers greatly to Mom, they Muslims, can I put a candle in the church for her health?"

Yes, you can put a candle with a prayer for your friend's mom.

I buy large candles in the church, I light them for a prayer at home, and then blow up until next time. Can I do this or should she get to the end?

- Yes, the candles can be blown after the end of reading prayers and light them again next time.

Most of the people coming to the temple, consider candles with their duty. Some are suitable for the question of fundamentally and acquire the most massive specimens, hoping that in this way will faster will receive answers to their questions and earn a lot of preferences. But the essence of the litigation of candles is not performed by human desires, almost always dictated by earthly passions, and in the humble desire of the human soul to join the Divine Light. But still it is necessary to know the elementary rules of where to put candles for health in the church, so as not to overshadow the visit of the temple or the rest of the parishioners.

What is church candle?

The burning of the church candle, as the candle itself, has many meanings, and they all belong to the spiritual component of the connection of God and man. First of all, it symbolizes the prayer burning of a believer in front of the Lord, in the second place is a voluntary and sacrificing victim to God and his church, and also means the involvement of a person to the invisible divine light.

The litigation of candles, lamps, lamps in Christian temples historically dates back to times when the believer had to spend the service in the caves. But then the light of the candle not only helped to illuminate the prayer service, but was the symbol of Christ. The parishioner in the church should put a candle with a hot prayer and love, in the absence of a religious feeling the ritual takes a pagan color.

How to put candles?

The basic rule is sincere faith, the love of God and the man about whom will be uttered prayer. The amount of candles does not matter, the entire meaning of the ritual consists in purity of thoughts and the hot desire to the neighbor. The rules of behavior in the church are prescribed to light the candles before the beginning of the church worship, so that later their walking and actions do not interfere with parishings to pray, and send the cholesmithors.

You can put a candle at the end of the divine service. Exist certain rules behavior in the church when burning candles by parishioners:

  • Near the candlestick there are two waist bows with simultaneous imposing of cross-conversations.
  • Next lights a candle, it can be done from any candle standing on the candlestick. Do not light the candle from the central lamp, so that it is accidentally not to zagu the dripping wax.
  • It is necessary to cross again and set the candle in the free nest.
  • After establishing, the belt bow with simultaneous procession is placed.
  • Next read prayer.
  • If there are no free seats in the candlestick, then you do not need to cheer out and remove other candles. The candle is put next to the candlestick or wait, when the employees of the church will find the opportunity to free the nests of the general candlestick.
  • You can stand with a burning candle in the church only on a memorialist or upon vacation of sins in the presence of a priest.

Occasion and place

Candles in the church put in health and behind the rest. Cooling candles are lit in different reasons - with a prayer for health and long years Life, in gratitude for the accomplishment of an event, with a prayer for help or protection in any undertaking and even for very many reasons, candles for health are used.

Where to put and how to determine the place for the symbol of the health? Priests say there are no special requirements, following which icons to install a candle. If a person does not know where to put it, then the most correct decision will be the central candlestick, where most often there is a place and the possibility of appealing to the icons of the main iconostasis.

But in each church there is a particularly revered icon, near which parishioners often pray and the service is sent. These icons are considered the strongest symbols, and most prefer to leave their candle there. At the same time, it is necessary to read the canonical prayer dedicated to this icon and shown on it, but if the prayer is unknown to the parishioner, he will help him with sincere faith and words are poured from the heart itself, which is more valuable.

For the first time the person who came to church is poorly focused not only in the symbols, but in defined actionsEspecially when it seeks to put candles for health. Where to put so that by mistake not to install fire for rest. Candlestick with clock candles stands on a separate table and is located in front of the holy crucifix. It is distinguished by the form, the coolest candlesticks in the church, almost always, have a circle based, and the clock - a square or a rectangle without the main candle or the lamp.

Fundamental approach

If the mental state requires the involvement in spiritual life and it is necessary to express their respect, then you need to know where to put candles for health in the church:

  • It is useful for the soul to put a candle in the candlestick of the central aalo and at the same time laying down, pray and donate ourselves with a congestion. Actions should be calm, thoughtful, with awareness and tranquility in the shower.
  • If the church has the relics of the saint, then you need to put a candle in honor of his memory.
  • Removed in the icon temple is also the symbol where the candle will become relevant and deepestic together with a sincere prayer to the Holy or Saint, who is depicted on the icon.
  • Prayer for health (his own or close man) Make any icon, while leaving a candle on any candlestick of the temple. If the name of the Heavenly Patron is known, in honor of which the parishioner was baptized, the best choice It will turn to the icon with the image of the saint and read the prayer for protection and health.


Neophyte in the temple has many questions, the first of them - where to put candles for health in the church. Over time, an internal understanding of the semantic and spiritual burden of its stay in the framework of religious space and issues becomes even more.

Main questions:

  • What candles are for health? Church candles are not divided into species. They are the same for all needs. Differences can be in shape (straight, cone), size or materials of manufacture (wax, paraffin, mixed). To the pleasure of parishioners in church shops or private manufacturers you can buy candles with decorating threads, symbols, different color Gamma., It has nothing to do with the canonical rules.
  • Where in the church to put a unresolved child? In this case, put a candle on the central candlestick, but it is desirable to get a newborn as soon as possible. To make a rite of a priest, invite home if it is impossible to bring a child to a baptismous temple. After making the sacrament, you can order forties, prayers and so on.
  • Where in the church put candles for health and getting rid of the addicted to alcohol, drugs, gambling? Prayer is carried out in front of the icons of the Virgin "Inspromandable Bowl", the Holy Martyr of Wonifati and Righteous John Kronstadsky, a candle is installed there.
  • Is it possible to pray and put a cozy candle about yourself? About his health, mental and bodily, pray and put candles in front of the icons of their heavenly patron or on the central candlestick. At the same time, they do not forget to be reached all available.
  • Where in the church to put candles for health and prosperous conduct surgical operation? Among the Orthodox saints, Panteleimon the healer occupies a special place, it is considered the main assistant in recovery and the prosperous outcome of all medical interventions. Also revered and holy saints and Damian help. The patient is recommended to confess, compete and order in the church prayers about the prosperous outcome of the operation. It will be useful to pray for a surgeon that will make the operation and that the Lord rules his hands.

Very many believers at least once in their lives put a candle in the temple. They did it all, but thought about the true sense of the ritual very few.

To put a candle of the Virgin in the temple, it is necessary to find her image. The same at home - candles put in front of icons. There are icons that best keep at home, and of course, you can also put a church candle in front of them. Her fire is a symbol of God's Light, which brought Jesus Christ to our world. Burning candles, like the light of our faith, drives unclean power And attracts good. Material from which candles are made - pure wax. He symbolizes the impossibility of Christ.

How to put a candle in the temple

In each temple you will see different icons of the Mother of God. You need to find out where it is located, and just put a candle next to it in a special place. Put candles needed with love in the heart. When you buy a candle, it turns out of a piece of wax and wick into the symbol of your faith.

When you need to put a candle for the rest of the soul, it is done on a special memorial table - the eve. For the health of the same candles are placed just before the icons of the Savior or God's Mother. The candles of the Virgin in the temple can be put when you want to cure a person from the illness, return to him the mind and just wish good and happiness.

The fire always looks up, directing himself to God, showing us that the creator sees over us. The candle is a sign of respect, which we roll out the Creator.

It is very important to remember some rules peculiar to any temple. These rules when buying and setting the candles is best done:

  • Prayer. Be sure to pray or ask God about what you need simple words. Without it, put candles meaningless.
  • Do not put a candle if you came to the temple during the service. It is done only before or after worship, although this is not strict rule.
  • Do not buy and do not put too many candles. Sometimes only one. Moreover, you should not interfere with people in the temple listen to the sermon if it has already begun. Put the candles later.
  • If there are no places on the candlestick, then just put a candle nearby. You should not pull out other people's candles to put your own, as it is rooted incorrectly and disrespectful.
  • Many mistakenly think that the candle can be kept in their hands, but the burning candle in his hands is held only on the memorial. Do not do this in ordinary services and days.
  • If you bought a candle in some temple, then it is best there to put it. Do not carry candles from home to the temple, because it is disrespectful and unacceptable from an ethical point of view.

How to put a candle at home

You can put a candle at home. This is done in several situations:

  • when you pray;
  • when you do not have the opportunity to visit the temple and put a candle there;
  • when you want to show respect for orthodox holiday or an important event.

When you pray, the candle can be kept in your hands or put next to any icon. The exception is the case when you want to ask something concrete before a specific icon:

  • icon "Inspromandable Bowl" - for prayers for health, from alcoholism, from drug addiction, from bad habits;
  • "Seven-Stracean Icon of the Mother of God" - for prayers about the well-being of the family, about reconciliation, about happiness;
  • "Kazan Icon of the Mother of God" - Universal miraculous iconin front of which you can pray about everything;
  • "Library Trinity" - Need for prayers to strengthen faith in God, about health, well-being;
  • "Holding" - icon for prayers for union, mutual understanding;
  • "Kozelshchenskaya God Mother" - icon for prayers for consolation;
  • "My sorrow" quench "- to gain peace of mind and peace, strengthening faith.

There are many icons, in front of which you can pray about anything, but the main thing is to believe that God can give you her grace.

Holding a candle at home, you can use incense. It is not necessary to do it every time - everyone prayed in its own way, but the main rules are fulfilled. Read prayers for the coming dream, in the morning, and not only at the moments of sadness or trouble. After all, faith is not only requests, but also thanks. Good luck to you and do not forget to press buttons and

25.08.2016 03:20

Every year, on September 17, believers celebrate a holiday dedicated to the icon of the Virgin Mary, which is called the "unhahown bugger". At ...

In many religions of the world, a reverent attitude towards fire is made. It is considered sacred because it gives people light and warmth, disperses the darkness of the night. The first Christians were forced to be removed for worship services to the dungeon, and made services at night, so they could not do without fire.

In addition, the fire is spiritual meaning: the candle light symbolizes the light of Christ, without which people would wander in the dark. Christ himself, according to the Gospel, calls himself light. IN Old Testament There is an image of the nestable bunk - burning, but not burning a thorns bush, in the form of which God appeared to Moses. White clothes of Jesus is also a kind of symbol of light.

Candles in the temples began to be used along with the lamps in the Epoch of the Middle Ages. At first they carried for themselves mostly utilitarian load, but later ancient symbolism made a candle one of the forms of sacrifice to God. Candle - universal way The transfer of the mood of a praying person, it warms and adjusts the emotional mood to communicate with God.

Today, parishioners, buying candles, thereby silent the temple. And I burn a candle, demonstrate your gratitude to God.

It is believed that the light from the candle burned in the church reaches the shower of the deceased. When we put a candle for concerning someone's soul, we pass this light to God through prayer, after which the angels carry it there, where the soul of the deceased person is.

The light of the candle delivered for the rest is pleased with the soul, he tells her that she was still remembered, and also facilitates the suffering of souls who did not fall into the kingdom of heaven.

Jesus Christ said: "Pray for offending you and drive you." One of the main postulates in Christianity is to be able to forgive all the insults to their enemies. The best proof that you are willing to forgive and wish to our enemy of good, will be set for his health candle. It will help you calm down and let go of the situation, the enemy will turn to God, and he may no longer want to cause you evil.

It is necessary to approach the icon (most often the candles for the health of enemies put in front of the icon of St. Nicholas), light the candle from the lamp or from the already burning candle, put your candle in a free place and consolidate it. At the same time, it is necessary to pronounce prayer, turning to God with a request to let all his sins of your sins come to your enemy.

You can refer to the holy depicted on the icon with a request to pray to God for the forgiveness of sins to your enemy. You can put one candle for all enemies, and with prayer list their names.

It is important to know that putting a candle for the health of the enemy needed with pure thoughts and sincere benevolent intentions. This is not a means of fighting the enemy, this is a demonstration of your sincere desire to return the enemy to God, to Christian virtues.

There are different customs: you can put a candle for enemies three days in a row, you can three in three days, or every seven days three weeks in a row. Some find it right to put a candle once in three temples. No rules here, it all depends on your desire.

It is believed that prayers in three churches have powerful powerwhich helps people get rid of dependencies, diseases, envious. It is said that if during the morning service you have time to leave notes about health in three churches, putting in every candle, you can solve very important problems.

The main thing is to manage three churches during one morning service so that the name of the person you will write in the note, they mentioned three times in prayers in one day. If you put a candle for the health of enemies in three churches, while I sincerely wish them good, they will soon leave you alone.

Most often people put candles on health, and you can put a candle as about the health of a loved one, and about your health. Candles of health put in front of the Savior, God's mother, in front of the saint face, which heals (for example, St. Panteleimon).

Sometimes the disease is too serious, and the person has to be transferred a heavy operation. In this case, you can put a candle not only to the healer of Panteleimon, but also the Holy Doctors of Cosme and Damian. In addition to the candle, you can order prayers about a successful operation. You can also put a candle for the health of the doctor.

Often, people put candles for rest - they are installed on a special square table with a crucifix, called "Eve".

You can put a candle on family well-being, while remembering your guilt in front of my husband (wife) and sincerely repentable. The candle in this case put in front of the Life of the Mother of God, Holy Xenia St. Petersburg, St. Guria.

Candles on deliverance from passions put before the faces of the Mother of God, the icon of the martyr of vonifati, in front of the face of the righteous John Kronstadsky. Candles can be placed on success in school, work, other affairs, and, if the prayer is sincere, God will definitely hear her.


When we come to the temple, we go to the church shop to buy candles and then put them in front of the icons. What for? This tradition will say, accepted so.

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And it is not surprising that many people come to church only in order to "put a candle". Not for worship, not for prayer. And implying under the burning of the candle in the church, a kind of magical action, which is in itself brings happiness. Power consumer, based on its pagan, form of communication with the "highest forces, as a deal: I have a candle - you" so that everything is fine with me. "


And people in the church are peeled only in great holidays, well, or by major everyday need. They put a candle, as if a tick in an imaginary "book accounting for good" cases, "and, confident that everyone did in Christian, with a calm conscience, forget about this Christianity to the next candle.

1:553 1:558

There are those who mean to themselves in Orthodoxy, Especially entering the church, they can even stand out, listening to singing and looking at the icons. Such Christians prefer, since they reached the temple, to bypass all the icons at least the most beautiful and large, and before each to put a candle, ask for themselves and relatives. Some kind of icon will help - they are practically reasoned - the main thing, the candles are everywhere to put, so that it is certainly ... And they come out of the temple, satisfied with the work done and quite satisfied with themselves: "Ah yeah, how much good asked, should work! Plus the benefit - saved on the purchase of candles. "



Yes, practical people come to the temple with their bunch of candles, purchased in a cheap somewhere in the funeral agency or another trading point. And do not even think that, in fact, they bring Caine Sacrifice. Yes, obese, abundant, but insincere, mercenary, greedy.

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What is a candle in the temple?


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This is our modest real offering to God. Need to understand that the candle bought behind the walls of the temple and then brought to the temple is not a victim, but attempt to pay off. And it is impossible to put such candles to icons. I ask for an omniscient creator something for myself and at the same time you sick - I don't care what to play fools with yourself. Such a game and the candle is not worth it.



Better in the temple to buy only two candles for twenty rublesthan coming with a dozen bought on the same amount outside the temple. Purchase of candles there is a small victim to God and his temple, let it be a good, most importantly - voluntary.

2:450 2:455

The number of candles do not "back" saints. You can ask for spiritual assistance, bringing your own only from a pure heart.

2:669 2:674

The heart is clean - here is the best sacrifice of God. With a pure heart, the candle was pure in front of the way, let her even be small, but pleasing to God. Burning Candle - visible sign Warm, bright burning of the human heart, the hot love of God, the Mother of God, to the holy, who put a candle. But if not all this, then the candles do not matter, the victim is empty.

2:1324 2:1329

Put a candle formally, with a cold heart - sin. Lighting the candle, you need to pray, at least in your own words, but carefully, reverently, with faith. All your thoughts and feelings turning to God.

2:1670 2:4

Superstition about church candles


3:572 3:579

Many superstitions are connected with candles, and they are all meaningless. They distribute them mostly unchurvenined religiously illiterate people.

3:831 3:836

Do not believe the conversations about

  • that the candle should be put only with his right hand;
  • that if she was extinct, then there will be misfortunes;
  • that you can not be off the bottom end of the candle for stability in the well, and so on.

But this is exactly impossible - It is acquired church candles for some magic acts, burns, witchcraft. In itself, all this is a monstrous sin. And if you committed it, even if you are stupid, in childhood, not to mention the conscious participation in these guomier affairs, then you are confessing as soon as possible, bring deep repentance. And let the candles that you burn, report the sky only about your godly intentions.



How to put candles

If the candlestick is filled with sand, then put the candle very simple.

3:184 3:189

4:693 4:698

If it is metallic, then the bottom of the candle should be warm from any, already burning phytyl. Candles light one of the other, burning, and put in the slot of the candlestick. Candle should stand straight. You can do this not only before the service, but also during it. It is only necessary to prevent other parishioners to pray to other parishioners.

4:1250 4:1255

You should not use in the temple by matches and lighters, if burning candles are already standing in the candlesticks. It should not be lit a candle from the lamp so as not to pump wax into the oil or accidentally do not rejuvenate the lamp.


It happens, especially in the throne holidays that All candlesticks are busy. How to put candles in the church in this case? In no case should not worry about this, and even more so angry.


Incorrectly make those who put the candles in two in one cell or shoots someone else's candle to put their own.


The candle should be just put on the edge of the candlestick or near him. It will definitely put other believers or materials as soon as the place is free. It will only be rejected that in the temple there are so many parishioners, and their faith is so strong.


Putting a candle to your parents chosen by you, say mentally: "Holy Affairs of God (name), moths of God about me a sinful (Ohm) (or a name for whom to ask for)."
Then you need to come and apply to the icon.


Who and how much to put candles




No mandatory rules how many and to put candles. Their purchase is a voluntary victim to God.

5:179 5:184

First of all, it is good to put a candle to the "holiday" (central analog) or the Chtima Temple Icon, then to the relics of the saint (if they are in the temple), and then - about health (to any icon) or about the brass - Square or rectangular table with a crucifix).

5:680 5:685

Candles for health and so


6:1254 6:1259

Candles "For Lee" Usually put in the church on a special commemorative table - the eve to honor the good memory of a person who has departed into the world of another, mentally uttering: "Remember, the Lord, the deceased servant of yours (name) and forgive his sins, free and unwitting, and give him the kingdom of heaven."

6:1789 6:4

If you put candles for other people or for the souls of the deceased, You remember the names of those for whom you bring this small sacrifice your. You can put on one candle for each name or one big candle for several living faces or the shower of the deceased.

6:444 6:449

Candles "For Zoodle" put in various reasons: in gratitude for anything, to help with a difficult decision, before a serious trip, risky business, and so on.

6:757 6:762

What icons and how holy to put candles

6:848 7:1354 7:1359

Of course, the mains are the thoughts with which the candle is put.

7:1477 7:1482

If you interfere with a person suffering from the disease, Pray before the icon of the Mother's Mother "Healer", put a candle.



If a person got up on the path of alcoholism, The candle can be set by the icon "Inspromandable Bowl." Often put candles to your holy patrons.

7:271 7:276

If you put a candle (candles) for yourself, That you say to the Lord, the Virgin, or the Holy, who make a candle that this candle is accepted for you, your health and salvation.

7:624 7:629

8:1133 8:1138

Is it possible to keep a burning candle in your hand and stand with her?

With lit candles, it is customary to stand on the memorialist, during the worst of the wretch of the Great Heel. Candles and poles are mounted, but this tradition is mainly preserved only for clergy. With a burning candle, you need to go cautiously: watch the wax not drow on the floor, and so that the clothes are not informed on the man who stands ahead. Other time it is more correct to put a candle on the candlestickwhich is specifically designed for this. In the temple, it is necessary to observe the established order, and not to do, as will want.



Who to put a candle on the absorption of sins?

Sins are released only for confession After sincere, detailed confession of all of them in the presence of a priest and reading the permits prayer. The candle is a symbol, by itself she does not frees from sins and does not connect with God.

8:526 8:531

Which holy is better to put a candle with a family break, when a husband wants to leave the family?

About family well-being pray Of the Mother, Holy Gurius, Samona and Aviv, the Holy Blessed Ksenia Petersburg. It is also useful to remember and realize their guilt towards her husband, ask for forgiveness, try to reconcile.

8:1120 8:1125

Is it possible to put a candle about a unprecedented newborn baby who got sick?

Praying for unresolved with your personal prayer and you can put candles for them, It is impossible to write their names in church notes, Since the church about unresolved does not pray. The sick child should be baptized as soon as possible. If the child is sick hard, you can call the priest home or in the maternity hospital. In the sacrament of baptism, the child will receive a special grace that will help him. If the child dies unresolved, there will be a sin on his parents. And the baptized child can be adjusted, ordering forties, prayers for health are the first help in diseases.



Who put a candle about a person who added to drugs?

About getting rid of this passion can be prayed and put a candle in front of the icons of the Mother of the Mother "Insprivitary Bowl", the martyr of the vonifati, righteous John Kronstadt.

8:451 8:456

Who put a candle if the child is seriously ill?

Candle can be put to any icon: Lord Jesus Christ, the Mother of God, the Holy Raties of God. In addition, you need to know that the disease of the child is for the whole family the time of prayer and repentance. She seems to stimulate spiritual life. The baby should give holy water, wash it with this water.


And most importantly is the communion of a sick child of the Holy Taine. Communion can be both at home and in the hospital, and in the temple, depending on the state of the kid. If the child is already able to pray, let it make it himself, but if he does not know how, then parents and the godfather should do it for him. And, of course, spiritual doing should be combined with the treatment that a professional doctor will be able to recommend.

8:1824 8:4

What icon is better to put a candle before the upcoming operation?

You can put candles and pray holy Great Martyr and Healer Panteleimon, Saint Doctors, Besca and Damian. And still need to prepare for confession and communion, order a prayer for a safe outcome of the operation, find out the name of the doctor and pray that the Lord rules his hands.

8:683 8:688

Is it possible to put a candle on the health of yourself?

Of course, you can put candles and pray for your health. Candle is a symbol of prayer appeal to God. And most prayers are compiled from first person.

8:1083 8:1088

Is it possible to put candles for a pregnant woman?

Put candles and pray for the dead you can and need to

8:1293 8:1298

Who put a candle about well-being in matters?

Who wants to get something from the Lord or from the saints, he should not only pray to them, but also Build your life according to commandments. Through the Gospel, God appeals to everyone with a request to be good, loving, humble, etc., but people often do not want to listen about it, but they themselves ask him that he helped them in affairs. In order for prayers to be successful, it is necessary to pray for the words from the heart with the words, with faith and hope for the help of God. And it should be remembered that not everything that a person asks the Lord is useful for him. The Lord is not a car that fulfills all the desires, it is only worth pressing the desired button that everything sent to them is directed to the benefits and rescue of the soul, although sometimes people seem unfair.



Is it possible to put candles for the tragically deceased naked and generally about the rest of unresolved?

Put candles and pray for unresolvedBut to feed in the temple notes with the names of unresolved is impossible.

8:374 8:379

Is it possible to put candles about health and rest in Easter?

You can always put candles about health and rest, but a prayer about the departed in Easter and on the Light Sedmice church does not make, they are transferred to Radonitz - the second Tuesday after Easter.

8:812 8:817

Can I put candles purchased in another temple?

Candles are usually acquired in that temple where they come to pray - this is a small victim of this particular temple.

8:1098 8:1103

What to do with the candle after the consecration of cakes and eggs? Is it possible to carry it home?

You can carry home and light during your home prayer, and you can put in the temple in front of any icon.

8:1436 8:1441

Why remove the burnt only to half the candles, because we pay money for them ...

because of large number Those who wish to put candles are sometimes removed not completely extinguished. No need to be embarrassed by this, as well as the fact that not fully burnt candle was repaid after the end of the service - the victim was already accepted by God.



When is incense? Is it possible to use it at home?

Ladan is used in the church in worship, as well as when equipping the departed, with the sanctification of the housing priest. You can use incense and during home prayer.


We must remember: so that the prayers have achieved success, it is necessary to pray to the holy waters of God with faith due to their petition before God with the words coming from the heart.