Strong prayer for the night of evil spirits. Prayer from unclean strength

Full collection and description: Prayer for protection against unclean power for the spiritual life of a believer man.

Prayer for protection against unclean strength. Prayer "Lord Jesus Christ": When to read?

Which of the people invented by people is most effectively for protection against unclean power? Prayer helps believers, conspiracy - atheists, self-compliance and analysis - realists. There are still chambers and amulets, rites and healthy skepticism. Prayer for protection against unclean strength, however, causes more trust in the one who is really frightened. Why? How and when to read it? Let's deal with.

What is a prayer for protection against unclean power

Believers from the Small years teach that people are Chad the Lord. By the way, atheists are usually denied. But before them we will get later. We are small creatures before the big and noble God. He is the only one possesses the authority to protect a person or punish. This truth should be assimilated as axiom, without evidence. The Lord is a father, he punishes and rewards. And who runs the child when he is offended? It is laid in the subconscious - protection should be signed with parents. Believers also come, they turn to the Lord to protect against unclean power. Prayer is read at the time of the threat, it does not matter, it is real or thorough. Need to understand this is not a conspiracy that will be published on the will any magic power. Appeal to the Almighty is in this case the formation of the projection of his power in his soul. If it's easier: a person feels not alone, there is a one who is much stronger and wiser, can cope with an unknown danger. Prayer protection against the unclean power to the Lord is a request and approval at the same time. A person confirms her in words the loyalty to the commandments of Jesus, rejects the lands of the devil.

What is meant under the unclean power

We now do not teach theology, knowledge in this area people get more often from TV shows, films and literature, far from church. Therefore, there is a certain confusion in the question of the devil. This leads to reproduction, if so we can put the fears and phobias. Enemies won by each angle. And I want to build a fortress for protection against unclean power. Prayer, many are sure of that, is too weak weapons. In fact, everything is easier, if you understand how the world is arranged. Under the devilish forces, they understand what we used to consider the temptation. It truth lies everywhere. The neighbor has a new car - I want yourself too; The colleague was raised by the service - why I went around and so on. These are just the simplest examples. And in his soul, a person will find a lot of more sophisticated infrections that do not enjoy what is. You ask: "But how are damage and evil eye, are they only fantasy fruit?" Not. Negative programs and energies really exist, but they do not penetrate into a clean soul. So that you smoothed the witch, for example, you need to have similar feelings in my heart. Envy does not generate joy. Let's say otherwise: the devil lures in the soul of man, it should be defended from him. And the external world is only the reflection of the internal. We attract the events in which we believe.

When to contact prayer?

The Lord is constantly near, he does not sleep, he does not leave his children. It's all that really needs to remember. Sometimes you can hear a strange question when a prayer is discussed to protect against unclean power: "What days to read it to help?" Think ourselves, do you give you the routine of the devilish forces? Prayer is designed to feel a connection with the Lord for himself. Only he decide when to do it. And in fact, refer to the Almighty at any time when the alarm is only born. Actually, at least around the clock. For this you do not need to go to the temple, nor special rites hold. A conversation with the Lord is not witchcraft, but the natural need of a believer. And if he has a problem, then who else will help? Probably, in such a question, it is misunderstanding that there is God. This is not a power of some kind of existing separately from personality. We are all particles of the world, which was created by our Father. This means that every person, in essence, its component, like fingers on hand. They do not exist in themselves, only with the palm, as they are connected with her blood vessels and other fabrics. So the person from the Lord is impossible to separate. Only he himself can breathe in thoughts, imagine that there is no such union.

Prayer for protection against unclean strength

"Lord Jesus Christ, but will hurt your name, and your kingdom will come ...". Let's not give the words known for everyone here. Remember the legend about Mytar and Fariser? Jesus said that you should not give values. Open your soul Father Heaven. To protect against the unclean strength of the prayer must be sincere, go from the heart. And what exactly say - is it important when the basis will the sense of trust of the Almighty? When a person assures himself, it is more important than a special text from an ancient book or recommended by the Church, he is proud of pride. More precisely: this poor story tells the Lord: "I better know how to do!". Isn't that pride? Believers take the will of the Most High, whatever it is, wanting only to connect with him, to be protected. And for this not necessary for this. They are a tool for an imperfect human brain, allowing you to feel unity with the Lord.

So what to say?

It would be nice to sit in silence, silent a little, candles to light and think. You know, we have so much information in our heads that no wonder to get confused. And you need to figure out that for you an unclean force or a sorceress. Believe me, everyone understands it. Some fear of sorcerers, others - ruin, third - rivals and so on. It is applied outer side question. The loss of communication with the father of heaven should be afraid, when the soul does not have hope for his kindness and support. For this, you need a prayer. When her man reads, he calms down, aware of the score of his own problems before the greatness of the creator of the world. Therefore, you need a prayer. To protect against the unclean power of prayer "from the sorcerence" is most often used. In any case, it is recommended by clergy. Other her name: "90th Psalm". The text, of course, is long, but it is not necessary to teach by heart. Read from the sheet when the need comes. Naturally, prayers are desirable to have at home.

How to protect yourself?

The best strategy, as now it is customary to speak, is to prevent trouble. Why wait, when evil spirits appear in your life? Agree, there is no special rationality. Demons come to the one who lets them in their soul or invites. Therefore, it is necessary to strive for cleanliness and the light constantly, continuously. Start any day from prayer, fall asleep with it. Here you have tactics and protection strategy. "Our Father" all believers know the izubok. It happens that even in a dream, scary remember and read. Learn a short text and pronounce as soon as you wake up. Very quickly it will become a habit. Then the unclean power is not terrible. After all, your confidence in the Lord will be constantly strengthened. And this is the main protection. If you feel constantly the presence of the Heavenly Father - the black entities are seen. They do not fit close.

How to protect your loved ones?

It is much more difficult. After all, the relationship with the Lord is personal. But mother can and should save her child from the unclean. To do this, he should teach prayer. But not just make words remember and pronounce, but give an understanding of what is for the Lord for a person. The child should come to him meaningfully, understanding what it does. But also pray for loved ones, of course, not prohibited. The clergymen recommend walking with the whole family to church. The temple is a community of shower, together contacting the Lord. Protection of relatives is to maintain the unity of people with God, do not interrupt it. Conduct from the house of close prayer, ask the Lord to support them, protect them from the temptation. Do not know what words to say? Let's give a small text.

Prayer for the protection of relatives

Jesus Christ! Forgive sinful slaves of your (names). Bless and Posozi cope with the temptations worldly. Protections from sorceress and witchcraft. Progress, Lord, the soul of the slaves of their (names) from the temptations of Satanic, from the discontinuities of the demonic, from the tricks of people. Louds are devoted to you, about the kingdom of heaven dream. The enemy - Satan let back down, will not receive the authorities over the souls. Lord, help, souls in the light of the remuneration. Amen!

Prayer for the protection of the house from unclean power

When the houses are broken, nothing special is needed. Ask Heaven's Father to judge and helped return the world. For this, any prayer will suit. Protection of the house from unclean strength is first of all the return of all the soul native to the temple. Or, if you say differently, it is necessary to work to restore the feeling of unity. It is advisable to pray together. After all, harmony consists of all elements of the whole. And to organize such a small event, each family member must trust the Father Heaven. We came again to the very beginning. Need faith, only then prayer. And if there is this invisible connection with the Lord, the problem will also come. In the meantime, it was not brought up in myself, read the 90th Psalm into the voice. Just think about the text, work the soul. Then the evil in nor in the house nor to work or in the heart will never climb. You know, it is still important to abandon fear. Do not be afraid of the devil, it is weaker who is constantly near, supports and protects!

Prayers for protection against unclean strength and sorcerers

Our father, the Lord is merciful !! Let your name be glorified and in eyelids will be blessed .. for all that good, that you gave us !! For the fact that you please the heart !! Thank you, Father, for my friends, whom you gave me here !! Please, do not leave in your grace and love, but bless and strengthen faith, give joy! Please, merciful, be for them a quick help in all matters and a loving father, and they are your children !! Progress in them, faith and glorify them, get rid of all diseases that torment them !! Take your own and giving a unity in your spirit and the world coming from you !! Let the devil not touched them and the evil will pass the side !!

Prayers for protection against unclean

"Lord, from fear of the enemy of my soul!"

"Among me, Mrs. The Mother of God, from the man of a loan, and from the enemy adcago observing me Schrisha, Ladychitsa,

Besquish's forces of Bewish and stamps the prion of the innocence of the enemy, turning his relegation to him and in the abyss, southew, and it will fall soon; Az reprovement about you and weighing about your salvation. "

Prayer for protection against unclean strength

Lord Jesus Christ, the Son of God, fence the saints of your angels and prayers

Lady's all-student masses Our Mary and Savodelos Mary, Corporal and Life-giving

Cross, Sainry ArchReart of God Mikhail and other celestial forces of disembodied; Saints of the Prophet and

Forestation of the Baptist of the Lord of John; Sainry of the Apostle and the Evangelist John the Bogoslov;

the Holy Piecken Cyprian and Munets of Justina; St. Nicholas, Archbishop World

Lycian, Wonderworker; Saint Lion, Bishop Katan; St. Nikita Novgorodskago;

st. Joasafa Belgorodskago; St. Mitrofan Voronezhskago; Rev. Sergius, Igumen

Radonezhskago; Rev. Zosima and Savvatiya Solovetsky; Rev. Seraphim Sarovskago,

wonderworker; holy martyrs faith, hopes, love and mother of their Sofia; saint martyr trifon;

saints and righteous Bogotets of Joachim and Anna and all saints, help me, unworthy slave

Yours ( name praying), Relie me from all to the enemy, from all the evil, witchcraft, magic, sorcerence and from the evil people, do not let them hurt me. Lord, light

Your radiance will save me on the morning, at the Dent, for the evening, at the dream coming, and the grace of grace is turned away and removed any evil dishonesty acting on the baily of the devil. Through the evil indiffered or

it has been preserved, return his Paka to hell. Yako is your kingdom and strength, and glory, father and son and saint spirit.

Prayer Sacred Martyr Cyprian and Martyr Eustine

(from zlago charm and various misfortunes by evil and unclean)

Oh, the Soviet of Svyopoli, the Sacred Course of the Kuprian and the Martyr Eustino! Make our humble moles. More than Bo Temporary Life Your martyrdom of Christ squatted, but they do not retreat with the Spirit from us, confessed by the commandment of the Merry marchs, we are talked and the cross is patiently carrying us. CE, Consight of Christ and the Mother's Mother's Mother's Prechings.

To the dark and now wake prayer and petitions about us unworthy ( names). Build us the intercession of the fastening, and the intercession of your dislikes, the Magi and from the man of evil abundant, the Slavs Holy Trinity, the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, now and are also connected and forever.

(On the forefront of the decking spirits from people and animals)

Oh, Holy Martyrchildren of Christ Trifon, hear now and for every hour the prayer of us, the slave of God ( names), and preferably about us before the Lord. You have once darkening Tsareva, in Grada Rome from the dialer to torment, they healed the Esi: Sita and us from the people of his goats, they will keep our lives in all the days of our scene on us. Moth of the Lord, however, it will be encouraged by the parties to see the most appointment of merry and joy, but with you buying a bite of the Slav and Son and the Holy Compexicator of the Spirit forever.

Live in the help of Vysnyago, in the blood of God is awkward. The mistake of the Lord: My Esu and Refrigerate my, my God, and I hope for him. Yako, that will save you from the network of catch, and from the word of the rebellion, the shoulders will be squeezed by the hand, and under Kille, they hope: the weapon is created by the truth of him. Do not be removed from the fear of Nobachnago, from the arrows flying in the days, from the thing in TME while passing, from shaking, and Demo Halfuna. It falls from the country of Thousand, and the TMA is wearest you, I will not approach to you, Obhach is the cleaning of your watch, and the reward of sinners of the vrudeshi. Yako You, Lord, Hope Moe, Vynyago put your refuge. Does not get an evil to you, and the wound will not approach your tele ways, I can also save an angel about you, keep your luck in all the ways of yours. In the hands of the hands, but not when you are pushing about the foot of your leg, at aspid and Vasilisk coming, and ease of Leo and Zmia. Yako on My Upopa, and get rid of and: covered and, too, know my name. I will call me, and I will hear him: I am in grief, Izbu, and I will glorify him, I will fulfill him with the longitude of days, and I will declare my salvation.

Prayer from unclean strength

Nowadays, people often pray for health, well-being, the happiness of loved ones, but along with it remain relevant and strong protective prayers from the unclean forces that can be useful in a variety of periods of life. We will consider several popular options that will help cope with the negative impact on the part. The best prayer against unclean strength is valid if you read them in the temple or church with a lit candle.

Prayer-protection against unclean power (daily)

"Lord Jesus Christ, the Son of God, the Holy Angels and Prayers of the Holy Angels and Prayers of the All-Exercise Master of the Virgin Mary and Slenders of Mary, Creature Honor and Life-Giving Cross, Holy Apostle and Evangelist John the Theologian, the Sacred Powder of the Kuprian and Martyrs of Justina, St. Nicholas Archbishop, the world of Lycia Miracle, St. Lion Bishop of Katan, St. Iosafa Belgorod, St. Mitrofan of Voronezhsky, Rev. Sergius Iguman Radonezhsky, Rev. Seraphim of the Sarov Miracle, Holy Martyrs of Faith, Hope, Loves and Mother of their Sofia, Saints and Righteous Bogoten Joachim and Anna and All Saints, help me sinful and An unworthy servant of yours (name), relieve me from all the corner of enemy, from all sorts of witchcraft, magic, sorcerence and from the evil people, do not let them hurt me any evil. Lord, the light of your radiance will save me on the morning, on the day, for the evening, the coming dream, and the grace of grace is turned away and removed all sorts of evil wickers acting on the baptism of the devil. Who thought and did - return their evil back to hell, Yako is yours there is a kingdom and strength and glory, father and son and saint spirit. Amen."

Protective prayer from evil forces and antichrist

"Robbies me, Lord, from the seduction of the god and a malicious antichrist, the famous, and ukrah me from his networks in the hidden desert of your salvation. Laying, Lord, the Fortress and the courage of the firm confession of your saint, and not to retreat fear for the sake of the devilish, but I do not reject from you, the Savior and the Redeemer of My, from the Holy Church. But guessing me, Lord, day and night cry and tears about my sins, and mercarious, Lord, at the time of the terrible trial of your judgment. Amen."

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Prayer for protection against unclean strength.

"Lord Jesus Christ! Son of God! The slave of God (the name) of the Holy Angels and Prayers of the All-Stresty Ladies of the Virgin Mary and Nabdowers Mary, the power of the honest and life-giving cross, the Holy ArchReart of God Mikhail and other Heavenly Force, the Holy Prophet and the Baptist of the Baptist of the Lord of John the Theologian, the Sacred Martyr Cyprian and Martyrs of Justina, St. Nicholas Archbishop World of Lycian Wonderworker, St. Nikita Nikita Novgorodsky, Rev. Sergius and Nikon, Igumen of the Radonezh, Rev. Seraphim of the Sarov Miracle, Holy Martyrs of Faith, Hope, Loves and Mothers of their Sofia, Saints and Righteous Bogotets of Joacima and Anna, and All Holy Help, Help We, unworthy, servant of God (name). Get rid of it from all the corners of enemy, from any evil, witchcraft, sorcerence and crap, and they will not hurt to hurt her any evil. Lord, the light of your radiance, save the slave of God (name) in the morning, for the day, for the evening, the coming dream, and the grace of grace is turned away and removed all sorts of evil disholes, acting on the bait of the devil. Who thought and did, in the slave of God (name) to return their evil back, in the hell, Yako is your kingdom and the power, and the glory of the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit! Amen

Prayer protection from evil, enemies and damage.

Large prayer, but very strong. With any trouble from people I advise you to read.

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Negative energy is able to be a hindrance even in the most simple endeavors. To this not happen, you can and you need to defend. And prayers will become in this excellent help.

It is believed that it is a prayer - the best charm and protection against any trouble, including from the evil eye, and from the curse, and from another evil and likh. Of course, you can resort to the help of faiths, for example, make a talisman with your own hands. But strong faith will protect you no worse amulets.

Universal protection against unclean power

What is the unclean force today, in the 21st century, in our turbulent time? The thin world is in constancy, so you can encounter with disgruntled houses, which hides the shoes to guests, and with poltergeist, who ugly in the apartment and spoil things, and with demons sitting in nightmares. For example, sometimes a person often seems to be something sulfate in a dream, or will be sought by the average of Bles of the day, as something touched her hand or leg. Rushing - or nevertheless evil spirits? If you are inclined in the second option, time to take decisive measures.

Samoa effective prayer It is known to every believer "our father". With all its simplicity and short, this prayer text gives the strongest protection of what he read it with a pure heart and without bad thoughts. Orthodox people remember this prayer every day, and if you encountered something evil, dangerous or inexplicable, the words "Father Our" will come to your mind. Just remember them, if you learn a prayer by heart, you have not been brought to you.

The mystery of the prayer "Father Our" will open to the one who does not carry evil intent. This prayer will protect you and from unclean strength, and from everyday troubles. Well, if you suspect some definite spirit, you can also deal with it.

How to deal with lyrics

Larves are customary to call some entities that are "hurried" into a person. They become the cause of alcoholism, exhaustion (young girls often suffer from this), nervous disruptions, at which a person does not recognize even the closest. It is not surprising, because the identity of its carrier Larva has strong pressure.

It is believed that such "messengers" spirits do not like heat and light, so they were often expelled in the elder, and now there are often candles or fire in rites and rituals. You can put a candle and read the prayer of Saint Cyprian - to exile demons and from unclean power.

What to do if the house is angry

If the unclean force that invites you in your apartment is a house, they advise him first to negotiate. Try to put him in a secluded saucer with milk and put along with candy or cookies. Usually, the houses do not begin to scare tenants just like this: perhaps, a new person entered the house, and the spirit of your housing does not accept it, or the house is repaired, and the houses reluctantly perceive any changes.

In a word, it is better to make contact with the house, but if nothing helps, pray for loved ones in the church. Indeed, often the house is not only the spirit of the house, but also the spirit of the kind. He can be warned by his prochases.

Prayers for long diseases that are not cured

Health is made to pray to Panteleimonu healer, Matron of Moscow or Nikolai the Wonderworker. To the help of these saints and are also treated in severe illness, and in any submission. If your bad well-being is caused by the intervention of evil forces, prayer will help you to drive them. Nightmares, infertility, panic attacks, sleepy paralysis - the reason for all this can be negative from the outside.

To find suitable prayers, you can simply go through the links of our site. The prayer of the Holy Panteleonon will help to strengthen the health and spirit. I can pray Nicholas the wonderworker and before a complex operation. Requests for the Matron of Moscow can also concern the most different troubles.

If it seems to you that some small evil fades over you, sometimes enough from the soul to say: "God is with me!". Faith is a force much more powerful than any evil origin. Borrowing in the forest, having lost important documents on the eve of travel or in other difficult cases, remember this and do not forget to click on the buttons and

04.10.2016 06:18

Maternal prayers No wonder is considered the most stronger. They are able to take away from Chud. Bed, improve health and ...

In life, it often happens that things do not go, everything falls out of the hands, and the disease is still attacking from all sides. There is no constant weakness in the body, no mood, fear sits inside, pursue nightmares, phobias, develops a depressive state. Most likely, all these features led to the impact of dark forces. In the people, this condition is called the evil eye, damage, curse, obsession.

If you do not seek help for help to God and not read a prayer for protection against unclean strength, the situation may be aggravated and lead to serious consequences, the most terrible of which is incurable illness or death.

Safety protection

The strongest prayer from unclean forces is considered to be all the famous, sent by the Lord, "Our Father". If you read it daily, then no evil will be scary.

Yes, your name is holy;
Yes, your kingdom will come;
May will be the will of yours and on earth, as in the sky;
Our urgent bread give us to this day;
And forgive us our debts, as we forgive our debtors to our;
And do not enter us in temptation, but get rid of us from the evil.
For yours is the kingdom and strength and glory forever. Amen".

Despite the simplicity and a small number of words, it is a very strong prayer for protection against the unclean strength that will save from any negative impact and breaks any evil. However, reading words should be with all sincerity, clean prompting and faith by the Lord.

Another powerful prayer from unclean strength and evil spirits is Psalm 90. Each word is endowed with force. Read them better out loud. Best of all, if you write a prayer on the folding paper and wearing it always closer to my body. Then she will become a powerful faith not only from the unclean, but also from ill-wishers, envious, enemies.

"The crowd in the help of Vysnyago, in the blood of God is awkward. The mistake of the Lord: My Esu and Refrigerate my, my God, and I hope for him. Yako, that will save you from the network of catch, and from the word of the rebellion, the shoulders will be squeezed by the hand, and under Kille, they hope: the weapon is created by the truth of him. Do not be removed from the fear of Nobachnago, from the arrows flying in the days, from the thing in TMA transient, from shaking, and demonstigo.
It falls from the country of Thousand, and the TMA is wearest you, I will not approach to you, Obhach is the cleaning of your watch, and the reward of sinners of the vrudeshi. Yako You, Lord, Hope Moe, Vynyago put your refuge. Does not get an evil to you, and the wound will not approach your tele ways, I can also save an angel about you, keep your luck in all the ways of yours. In the hands of the hands, but not when you are pushing about the foot of your leg, at aspid and Vasilisk coming, and ease of Leo and Zmia.
Yako on My Upopa, and get rid of and: covered and, too, know my name. I will call me, and I will hear him: I am in grief, Izbu, and I will glue it, I will fulfill him with the longitude of days, and I will declare my salvation. "

One of the strongest from the unclean power is Psalm 3. It is read when it is pursued by difficulties who are blamed by wines for ill-wishers and envious.

"Lord, what is the smartest squeezing? Monsosi will be posted on M., Monszy will verb in my soul: to be rescuting him in his bose. You, Lord, my escape, my glory, and you ask my chapter. My voice is called the Lord, and I hear from the mountains of Holy Holy. Az usa, and spa, enostas, Yako, the Lord will stand me. Not a good of those people, the surroundings of the attackers on me. Sunday, Lord, save me, my God, I was struck by the whole wisdom of VSE, the teeth of sinners crushed ECs. The Lord is salvation, and your blessing is yours. "

"Lords Lord God, Jeenest in my hands, stand up for your gravity, and do not leave my death with my lawlessness, below the will to ensure the lustful flesh in the spirit. Creating your Esm, do not disapproving your hand, do not turn, do not disappear, the detriment, but not to humiliate; Do not despose me, Lord, Yako is unreleased, I am, to you to you, the patron of my God, I healed my soul, I was sinful to you. Save me for the sake of mercy, I can have been committed to you from youth by my youth: Yes, I will sit looking back from you, dentions are unclean, misunderstanding, the memories are uncomfortable. Changing all sorts of foul, Evil Urban: Yako, you are one of the saint, one is strong, one is silent, in all have powerless power, and to you is given to everyone, Laja on the devil and his military, the fortress.
Yako likes you every glory, honor and worship, father and son, and the Holy Spirit, now and are confessed, and in the eyelids. Amen".

"Yes, your illness will turn to the chapter of yours, and on the top of your hula, you will eat, dull demons and intense: Az Bo Lord God bow to my and that will be a little more. Caoiba perhaps this twisted, or his puddles, the Eagle on all the days and novains and the clock of Slavor, and twist from all the souls of Moyya, and the fortresses and thoughts of Moyya; But my sloe there is a sloe, hula is your ESI: You're vrudeshi, about fucking the slanders, and the apotriate of the gloomy god. "

"The Most Holy Master Motherod's Motherod, Holy Men's Holy and All-Will Mena Men, Okayannago's slave, despondency, oblivion, nerazumiy, not badness, and all the bad, dying and wiggle, from Okayannago Mi Hearts, from the praised mind of my mind, and extinguish My, Yako Nishche and Okyannene, and save me from many people's memories and enterprises, and from all the evil freedom, SPEY, IKO blessed from all kinds, and is famous for your first name. Amen".

Honestly Cherub: Lord, Homes. (Triggers) Lord, bless, and let go.

Prayer from demons, demons and devil Archangel Mikhail

Prayer from demons and demons to Archangel Mikhail is considered one of the most powerful. If you contact the saint daily, then unclean power will soon be forever leave your abode and stop negatively influence the psyche, family atmosphere and health.

Prayers have words powerful powerwhich will protect against damage, curses, evil eye, obsession, as well as various diseases, negative energy, trouble.

In the Bible, it is mentioned that Archangel Mikhail is an angel dominant over God's host. Often the saint is called a fighter with demons. Moreover, according to the Holy Scriptures, ArchReart (second name) helped the Israeli people to deal with paganism.

It was Mikhail who accompanied the people and pointed him the way when Moses removed people from Egypt. Holy is also famous for the commission of inexplicable wonders. Therefore, it was the face of Archangel Mikhail is a symbol of protection against negative and evil spirits.

"Oh Lord Almighty, God's God, the king of Heaven, hear the petition of God's peaceful slave (own name). I went to the aid of your warrior of the strong Archangel Mikhail, the crusher of demons. I will contact him with a request sincere to ban all enemies whose actions are directed against me, approach me. Crushes them, let them not stand in front of your power, just like the sheep can not resist strong wind. Oh, the great Mikhail Arkhangel, Angel Six-colored, the first prince and the governor all the heavenly forces, Cherubimov and Serafimov! Become a real assistant to me: Support me in everything, help me to cope with the insults, sorrows and sadness. Do not leave me in the deserts, on traveling breaks, on the rivers and on the seas, become my quiet refuge! Get rid of me, St. Archangel Mikhail, from the influence of the devilish. I pray you to hear me and do not refuse me in my request. Amen".

If you felt that the normal life is hampered by dark forces, read the prayer to Archangel Mikhail. Pronounce words with sincerity and purity of motivation daily in the evening in front of the icon and lit church candles.

Prayer for protection against unclean power Seraphim Sarovsky

The Blessed Seraphim Sarovsky was famous for the fact that he had a power of healing and turning. Not only baptized in the Orthodox Church, but also adherents of other religions were treated. Seraphim Sarovsky walked man always ready to come to the rescue, console in suffering and grief.

"Oh, the Great Relief of God, Rev. Father Seraphim! Hear a molub from us, humble and weak, burdened sins about help and consolation. Association to us asking us and help us resist our righteous way and live according to the commandments of God. Give us the strength not to succumb to the demonic temptations and accept our repentance in our free and involuntary sores. I, Slave God (own name) I ask you Rev. Seraphim Give me your intercession from unclean power. I do not allow her to harm me and point me the way of salvation. I hope you and I hope to get the soul saving with your help. Amen".

Prayer Sacred Cypriana

They read this prayer for the expulsion of the Demon, Besa from the house from the human body. It is considered the strongest to rescue the soul, affected by dark forces. You can read words at any time of the day and night, better - 3 times in a row. After pronouncing the prayer, the icon of the saint should be bowed.

"From the arts of the wizard turning, the Bogomud, to the knowledge of the Divine, the doctor was seemed to be the world, healing healing the honors, Cypriyan with Justinia: With her, the very pray is a human linds to save our souls.

Your kidding, holy, giving me a naked prayer to me, and your illness of my sinful prayers, Ice, Yako, yes, the word singing from the sickness of my own, now I will bring your eyes and I will show your sacred disease, with a good, and blessed, and God is approaching . To the way he retood his hand, headed by Esi, Yako according to the pallet, to heaven, in generally praying to save our souls.

Oh, the holy of the waters of God, the Sacred Cyprian, the speedy assistant and prayer to everyone to you resort. We receive from us, unworthy, our praise, we succeed in the Lord God in the unfortunate strengthening, in disease healing, consolation in the sadness and everything is useful in our lives. Ascending to the Lord a bugless prayer, and we will protect us from the falls of our sinful, let us teach us true repentance, let us save us from the prisoner of the Diavolsky and any action of the spirits of unclean and relieve from offensive us. Buddy us a strong appearance on all enemies visible and invisible. In the temptations, I will pass patience and at the time of the end of the death of our people, we are interpreted from the tortures on our air nuclearities. Yes, we will reach the Hornstick of Jerusalem to you and will be advised in the Heavenly Kingdom with all the Saint Slavith and chanting holy name Father and son and saint spirit forever. Amen.

Oh, the bias of the Sacred Cyprian and Martyr Justina! Make our humble moles. More than Bo Temporary Life Your martyrdoms for Christ fed up, but the Spirit of us does not retreat with us, confessed by the commandment of the Lord marching us learningly and the cross is patiently to carry us. CE, Consider to Christ and the Mother Mother's Mother of His Mother. To the dark and now wake up the prayer rooms and messages about us unworthy (names). Write us the intercession of the fastening, and your intercession is disabling unharmed from demons, Magi and from the man of evil disstay, the Slavs Holy Trinity, the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, now and are confused and forever and ever. Amen".

Prayer to the Lord to defense against the devil

Prayer is written by John Zlatoust. Each word is saturated with power. If you read it every day, several times in a row, then after a short period of time you will feel how your soul is healing.

"To you, God and the Creator, in the Trinity of the Holy Holy Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, worship and give my soul and my body, and praying: you are blessed, you are murdered and from all sleds of Miscaggo, Diavolskago and Telenago Evil Razy. And Laying in the world without sin, you have this day, your glory, and in the salvation of the soul of Moyya. Amen".

"Glory to you, king, God, the Almighty, and the Divine and Physical Field, having made me, sin and unworthy, from sleeping and getting the entrance of the holy house of your home: and my lord, and the praying of my prayer, the saints and intelligent Forces, and in favor of the heart clean, and the Spirit of Smoke to bring you praise from the badly, I will be a wise tooth, I will be wise to your breath, with a brilliant soul of Moyya, and Slavimago's father and the spirit of Slavimago God. Amen".

The next prayer protecting the devil is composed of an optical old man Anatoly Potapov.

"Robbies me, Lord, from the shelling of an anti-atery of the antichrist, short-grade, and I urabe me from his networks in the hidden desert of your salvation. Laying, Lord, the Fortress and the courage of the firm confession of your saint, and not retreat fear for the sake of Diavolskago, do not reject you, the Savior and the Redeemer of My, from the Holy Church. But guessing me, Lord, day and night crying and tears about my sins and spare me, Lord, at the hour of the terrain of your judgment. Amen.
I deny you, Satan, the pride of your and serving to you, and I combine you, Christ, in the name of the Father and Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.
The Cross of Christ for the whole world of consecrated by the grace of the Lord of our Jesus Christ is given to us with a weapon on all enemies of our visible and invisible in the name of the Father and Son and the Holy Spirit, Amen. "

Wear data texts Prayers Better with you. You need to read them often several times in a row. Words cannot be changed. You need to read yourself, otherwise, all the power of prayer will be reduced to a minimum.

If the words are read at home, then you should take the holy water in the church and sprinkle all the corners. Turning to each of them, you need to pronounce the following words:

"In the name of the Father and Son and the Holy Spirit by the sprinkling of water, this sacred in escape, and all the evil, demonic acts will be pressed. Amen".

What is meant under the unclean power

There are many legends mentioning that it is an unclean force. Previously it was believed that these are the souls of dead people who died forced death, as well as suicides and unresolved babies.

The Bible states that the head of all the unclean is the Devil (Satan, Antichrist). And demons, devils, demons - his slaves.

They are engaged in hacking people affect their psyche, emotional condition And health, can penetrate into memory, internal organs, put into people, animals, plants, creating around negative energy.

Prayer from unclean power, from demons - it is very effectivewhich is able to protect the sacrifice from any uncleanness of the other world. IN modern world Such a need can occur very often, despite the fact that many people believe that demons and unclean power is the fiction of old legends.

It should be remembered that there are no obstacles for demons, it is impossible to restore them with the walls or reliable doors with constipation. You can drive demons from your life only with a special prayer.

The strongest prayer from the unclean power

The most strong prayer from demons and unclean strength is considered to be known to every believer of the prayer of our father. Despite its simplicity and brevity, this prayer text guarantees the strongest protection that no evil can break. But it can only get it a sincerely believer man with a pure heart and without any bad thoughts. Therefore, if you encountered something in an inexplicable in your life, then you should immediately read the prayer "Our Father". Mystery of this prayer circulation It lies in the fact that his text does not contain any malicious intent.

In addition, to protect against unclean strength, another strong prayer should be read daily.

It sounds like this:

"Lord of the Most High, Jesus Christ, the Son of God, fence me the slave of God (own name) with his holy angels and the prayers of the All-Stresty Lady of Heavenly blessed Virgin Mary, The power of an honest and life-giving cross, the Holy Apostle and the evangelist John the Theologian, the Great Martyr Cyprian and the Martyrs of Justigny, St. Nicholas of the Wonderworker and other saints and your ashes. Hear my request for help and help me sinful and unworthy. I pray you, the Most High, to save me from the Witchcraft, to protect me from witchcraft and crap. Save me and not let them hurt me any evil. Lord is all-speed, save my soul and fill it with your divine light. Protect me and in the morning, and during the day, and the coming dream. All sorts of dishonesty gave me from me, give me strength to resist the devilish temptations. True by force, all evil in hell. Amen".

Very strong protection against demons, demons and devil is the prayer of Archangel Mikhail. Daily protective prayer This holy helps to drive from the life of demons, demons and devil. It allows you to protect yourself from the enemies, the evil eye and all sorts of other troubles. Archangel Mikhail is a highly revered by the Holy in the Orthodox Church. He is the main defender of the spirit and body of a believer man.

In the Orthodox faith, Archangel Mikhail is an angel leader of the War of God, so it is more commonly called archrest, under his leadership angels fought against demons. According to biblical teachings before the birth of Christianity at the destruction of Lord Arkhangel, Mikhail helped the Jewish people to resist paganism. At the moment when Moses saved the Jews, withdrawing them from Egypt, it was Mikhail who pointed them the way and accompanied them. There are many church legends about the wonders who performed Archangel Mikhail. That is why prayer for him and his icon are strong protection against any negative.

"Oh lord Almighty, God, the great, King Heaven, hear the petition of the spiritual slave of God (his own name). They took me to the aid of his warrior of the strong Archangel Mikhail, crusher demons. I will contact him with a request sincere to ban all enemies whose actions are directed against me, approach me. Chrush them, let them not stand in front of your power, just like the sheep can not resist the strong wind. Oh, the great Mikhail Arkhangel, Angel Six-colored, the first prince and the governor all the heavenly forces, Cherubimov and Serafimov! Become a real assistant to me: Support me in everything, help me to cope with the insults, sorrows and sadness. Do not leave me in the deserts, on traveling breaks, on the rivers and on the seas, become my quiet refuge! Get rid of me, St. Archangel Mikhail, from the influence of the devilish. I pray you to hear me and do not refuse me in my request. Amen".

Prayer for protection against unclean power Seraphim Sarovsky

Rev. Seraphim Sarovsky was born in the city's merchant merchant family. His homeland is Kursk. Syu years had a desire to lead a pious image and take a monk for this. The seventeen-year-old young man left the father's house and lazed in the Kiev-Pechersk Lavra, and a little later left for the Sarov desert in the Tambov province. Rev. Seraphim became famous for his turnout, he also had a natural gift for the healing of spiritual and bodily illnesses. It is noteworthy that not only Orthodox Christians, but also people of other religions appealed to him.

Rev. Seraphim Sarovsky was heard by the Great Comforter of the Hurrying and the Council in solving various vital problems. You can contact him and asking for protection against unclean strength.

Prayer sounds as follows:

"Oh, the Great Relief of God, Rev. Father Seraphim! Hear a molub from us, humble and weak, burdened sins about help and consolation. Association to us asking us and help us resist our righteous way and live according to the commandments of God. Give us the strength not to succumb to the demonic temptations and accept our repentance in our free and involuntary sores. I, Slave God (own name) I ask you the Rev. Seraphim to give me your intercession from the unclean strength. I do not allow her to harm me and point me the way of salvation. I hope you and I hope to get the soul saving with your help. Amen".

It is necessary to protect with prayer not only itself, but also its home. Such a need is related to the fact that the otherworldly forces can greatly harm. They can cause strong internal fears and even tremble into humans. A very strong prayer against unclean strength in the house is written by Saint Panix Afonov. A person who reads this prayer is not only becoming invulnerable, but also protects his own housing.

Prayer protects against any goat demons. It should be remembered that the house is also the creature of the other world. If it does not find a common language with him, he begins to harm and sometimes makes life unbearable.

Prayer from unclean strength in the house can help in the most complex situations. But at the same time you need to properly prepare for it and read it correctly. It follows during the week to observe a strict post and avoid any entertainment activities. You need to read prayer for nine days twice: in the morning and evening. It is very important in a peaceful and calm state.

Listen to prayer for the protection of the house and family from evil and the unclean:

Prayer from the expulsion of demons from the person of the Sacred Cyprian

Prayer from the expulsion of demons is a strong tool that helps save the soul of a person who has become a victim of unclean strength. The strongest is the prayer of the sacred martyr Cyprian, in Russian in the abbreviated version it sounds like this:

"In the afternoon, at night or at any time of the day, I begin to read the prayer of the Sacred Martyr Cyprian. I sincerely believe that strong prayer words will drive all evil forces, and they will leave the fame of the Most High Glory. This priest says: "Lord Most Holy Holy and strong, the king of Heaven, hear a prayer facing you from the servant of God, Cyprian. I ask you, Lord is a glorious, bless my soul, the servant of God (own name, before you all the secrets of my heart are open. Lord, enlighten my sinner, showing your goodness and donate any evil and a whale, aimed at destroying me. Approve me, God is unsticted and loving me in the faith of mine, helping to resist the righteous way and not to succumb to the temptations from the evil. I'd reject me, Lord, do not leave me alone with my troubles, but support and do not let me go down in depth of despair . Protect, Lord, from the troubles and my home, do not allow to harm the evil forces to households. Let my prayer be heard and filled with my soul to the divine light. I give me a blessing, Lord, to all my business and let all the devilish goats grow around me. Incemakes, Lord, my enemies, remove from their hearts envy and malice, so that they could not harm me anymore. I am thank you prayer, Lord Almighty, and glorify the name of Him. Amen".

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Prayer for protection against unclean strength

Lord Jesus Christ, the Son of God, the Holy Saint Angels and Prayers of the All-Straightening Master of the Virgin Mary and Naznodel Mary, the Sacredness of the Harmony and the Life-toreness of the Cross, the Holy ArchReart of the Mikhail and other celestial forces of Farmless; the saint of the Prophet and the forerunner of the Baptist of the Lord John; Holy Apostle and Evangelist John the Bogoslov; Holy Martyr Cyprian and Martyr Justina; St. Nicholas Archbishop World of Lycia, the Wonderworker; Saint Lion Bishop Katanskago; St. Joasafa Belgorodskago; St. Mitrofan Voronezhskago; Rev. Sergius Iguman Radonezhskago; Rev. Seraphim Sarovskago, Wonderworker; holy martyrs faith, hopes, love and mother of their Sofia; saints and righteous Bogotets of Joachim and Anna and all saints of yours, help me, unworthy slave your (name prayer), Robies me from all the corner of the enemy, from all sorts of witchcraft, magic, sorcerence and from the evil people, do not let them hurt me any evil. Lord, the light of your shine will save me on the morning, for the day, for the evening, the coming dream, and the grace of grace is turning and removed and removed any kind of worshii, acting on the bait of the devil. Yako is your kingdom and power, and glory, father, and son, and saint spirit. Amen.

About softening evil hearts and when protecting against misfortune evil man

(read only on the blessing of the confessor)

Soften our evil hearts. The Mother of God, and attack you who hate Ugashi, and all the crumpled souls are allowed. On your bole, holy image is increasingly, your suffering and mercy about us we will die and your wounds are lying, our arms, tears, terrify. Not gone to us, Mati is blessing, in our cruelways and from the crucial of the near die, you are really a truly evil hearts softening.

Rule of deliverance from evil thoughts

(read only on the blessing of the confessor)

Start usual:
King heavenly, tris and Our Father: Lord have mercy. (12 times) Purchase, bow ... (Three times)

Psalm 3.

Lord, what is the smartest sowing? Monsosi will be posted on M., Monszy will verb in my soul: to be rescuting him in his bose. You, Lord, my essence, my glory, and you ask my chapter. My voice is called the Lord, and I hear from the mountains of Holy Holy. Az usa, and spa, enostas, Yako, the Lord will stand me. Not a good of those people, the surroundings of the attackers on me. Sunday, Lord, save me, my God, Yako you struck the whole of the all-entry vsu: the teeth of sinners crushed the Esi. The Lord is salvation, and your blessing is yours.

Prayer 1.

Vladyko Lord My God, the Eagle in my hands, stand up for your gravity, and do not leave me to die with my lawlessness, below the will to ensure the lustfulness of the flesh in the spirit. Creating your Esm, do not disapproving your hand, do not turn, do not disappear, the detriment, but not to humiliate; Do not despose me, Lord, Yako is unreleased, I am, to you to you, the patron of my God, I healed my soul, I was sinful to you. Save me for the sake of mercy, I can have been committed to you from youth by my youth: Yes, I will sit looking back from you, dentions are unclean, misunderstanding, the memories are uncomfortable. Changing all sorts of foul, Evil Urban: Yako, you are one of the saint, one is strong, one is silent, in all have powerless power, and to you is given to everyone, Laja on the devil and his military, the fortress.
Yako likes you every glory, honor and worship, father and son, and the Holy Spirit, now and are confessed, and in the eyelids. Amen.

Prayer 2.

Yes, your illness will turn to the chapter of yours, and on the top of your hula, you will eat, dumb demon and a nonsense: Az Bo Lord God bow to my, and I will be silent. Caoiba perhaps this twisted, or his puddles, the Eagle on all the days and novains and the clock of Slavor, and twist from all the souls of Moyya, and the fortresses and thoughts of Moyya; But the SSO of the Slavostilo is mine, Hula is also yours: you are a prurishes, about fucking nan slanders, and the apotrian on God's god.

Prayer 3 to the Most Holy Virgin

Most Masdly Mother Motherod's Motherod, Saint Men, Okayannago, despondency, despondency, oblivion, nerazuma, nerazonta, and all the bad, dying and coolness, from Okayannago Mi Hearts, from my mind of my mind, and extinguish My Passion Frame , Yako Nishche and Okyannene, and save me from many people with memories and enterprises, and from all the evil freedom of freedom, Yako blessed from every childbirth, and is famous for your first name. Amen.
Honestly Cherub: Lord, Homes. (Exchange) Lord, bless, and let go.

Prayers of detention

(read only on the blessing of the confessor)

Stretching this prayer in the swelling of hearing and the gaze of Lyudskago, in the Tyintosyovyovyaniya of the Heri.

Yako is a progressive figure, on the lane, sacket, sinning, but for a lot of summer, the fought by Mi Darui, attacking my tears of repentance, and the fruit will bring alms.

Prayer detention

Merosity Lord, you once are the mouth of the minister of Moses, Jesus Navina, delayed the whole day the movement of the sun and the moon, the people of Israel revenge on the enemies.
The prayer Elisha of the Prophet once struck Syrian, delaying them, and again healed them.
You once broadcast the prophet Isaiah: here, I will return to ten steps of the solar shadow, which went through the steps of Ahaz, and the sun returned to ten steps along the steps that it went.
You once had the mouth of the Prophet Ezekiel gave the abyss, stopped the river, detained the water.
And you once the post and the prayer of the Prophet of your Daniel screamed the mouth of Lviv in the rock.
And now all the plans around the standing about my movement, dismissal, displacement, exile, are delayed and slowed to parlegalization.
So now, destroy evil wants and the demands of all condemning me, the magnitude of the mouth and the heart of all slandering, ineffining and growing on me, and all the hula and degrading.
So now, in front of the spiritual blindness to the eyes of all the enemies of my enemies.
Weren't you dodged the apostle Paul: Speak and do not silent, for I am with you, and no one will make you evil.
Soften the hearts of all opposing good and the dignity of the Church of Christ. Therefore, do not smell my mouth to indemnify the wicked and glorification of the righteous and all the wonderful affairs of yours. And yes, all the benefit of our and desires will be fulfilled.
To you, the righteousness and prayer of God, our dazened conventions, once the power of their prayers restraining the invasion of the innings, the approach of hated, destroyed evil intentions of people who laughed Lviv's mouths, now I appeal to my prayer, with my past.
And you, the Reverend Great Eli Egyptian, once-fenced in the circle with a congestion, the place of the settlement of his student, commanded him armed with the name of the Lord and not be afraid from now on demonstration temptations. My house fences, in which I live, in the circle of your prayers and save it from fiery mental, thievesky attack and any evil and insurance.
And you, the Rev. Father's Penalty of Syrian, once independently the prayer for ten days of the demon who kept still and cannot go any night; Nowadays the depths of my and at home (mine) of this will hold for the fence in his entire resistance of the strength and all the hung name of God and despise me.
And you, the reverend virgin PR, once the power of prayers who stopped the movement of the semisses to destroy the inhabitants of the village, where he lived, now stopping all the ideas of my enemies, whoever, to be expelled from the city of this and take a ruin: do not allow them to come close to the house, stop their prayer strength His: "Lord, Judge of the Universe, you who are disagreeable any of the wrong, when this prayer will come to you, let the holy force stop them on the place where they will comprehend them."
And you, the Blessed Lavrentine Kaluga, the moths of God about me, as having a keenness before the Lord to preserve about those who suffer from the goat Diavolsky. The moths of God about me, and he will protect him from the goat Satanian.
And you, Reverend Vasily Pechersky, make their prayers for prohibiting the strikers on me and the discharge of all the Diavolian goats from me.
And you, WSI of the Union of the Earth, Russian, to enjoy the power of prayers of his about me all the demonic spells, all the Diavolian plans and the goats are to join me and go to me and my heritage.
And you, the Great and Terrible Guard, ArchRetern Mikhail, in a fiery sword attend all the wants of the enemy of the human and all the minions of his, whoever, taking a ruin. Stone is indispensable on the guard of the house of this, all the wealth in it and all the treasures of it.
And you, Vladychitsa, not in vain referred to as the "unreal wall", Budi for all those who are warring against me and plotting dirty to me, reorganize a certain obstacle and an unreal wall that enlightens me from any evil and serious circumstances.

Heavenly forces

(read only on the blessing of the confessor)

Tropar, voice 4th:
Heavenly arresting arrests, molims you are unworthy, and your prayers will protect us with the krill inventure of your glory; The preserving diligent and blatant are preserving: from the misfortunes to save us, the cinnchalters of the highest strength.

Kondak, Glas-2nd:
The Arrockets of God, the ministers of the Divine Glory, Angels of the Chief, and Mentorners, useful to us ask and Veliya Mercy, Yako Sleepy Arrockets.

Prayers for the wear of the unclean strength and from harming it

Sacred Cypriana
(read only on the blessing of the confessor)

Tropar, voice 4th:
And the apostle forbid, the Vicar of the apostle former, and the victim of the apostle of the Apostle, the act of the sunrise: this is for the sake of the word of truth correcting, and faith for the sake of injured, even before the blood, the martyr Cyprian, the moths of Christ of God to be saved our souls.

Kondak, voice 1st:
From the arts of Magnago turns, Bogomud, to the knowledge of the Divine, seemed to the world, the doctor is the wisest, healing giving honoring the Cypriress with Justinia: with Neviju praying to our people's soul people.

Your intention, holy, giving me a nice prayer, and the impressive heart of Mouth with the sinful prayers of your heal, Yako, yes the word of singing from the sickness of myself, now I will bring your own and I will show your illness, Laja showed, the priestly, repentance of good and blessed and God approaching. To the way he retood his hand, headed by Esi, Yako according to the pallet, to heaven, in generally praying to save our souls.

Oh, the holy waters of God, the Sacred Cyprian, the speedy assistant and prayer about everyone who resorts to you. We accept our unworthy praise from us, and we succeed in the Lord God in the dismpse, in the disease healing, in the cookie comfort and all the whole useful in our lives. Ascending to the Lord a bobbed prayer, and we will protect us from the falls of our sinful, let us teach us true repentance, but will save us from the prisoner of Dolvolskago and all the actions of the spirits are unclean and relieve from offensive us. We wake a strong advocate for all enemies visible and invisible. In the temptations, I will pass patience and at the time of the end of the death of our people, we are interpreted from the tortures on our air nuclearities. Yes, having gone to you reach the Minion of Jerusalem and will be advised in the Heavenly Kingdom with all the saints of Slaviti and the municipal name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit forever. Amen.

Sacred Martyr Cyprian and Martyr Martyr

(read only on the blessing of the confessor)

On the coupling of the Sacred Cyprian and Martyr Justina! Make our humble moles. More than Bo Temporary Life Your martyrdoms for Christ fed up, but the Spirit of us does not retreat with us, confessed by the commandment of the Lord marching us learningly and the cross is patiently to carry us. CE, who dares to Christ and the Mother's Mother's Prechings, was talked. To the dark and now wake up prayer and petitions about us unworthy (names). Write us the intercession of the fastening, and your intercession is saving, from demons, Magi and from the man of evil prestate, the Soviesty, the Holy Trinity, Father and Son and the Holy Spirit, now and in the eyelids. Amen.

Psalm 67.

God will resurrect, and the gate of his , And yes, beats from his face hate him. Yako disappears smoke, yes will disappear, the wax will be fed from the face of fire, so the sinners will die from the face of God, and the righteent will be sanging, and they will rejoice before God, and they will rise in merry. Take the way to God, send the name of him, Congitate the ease to west. Lord name to him, and Raduyuya before him. Yes, they are crumpled from his face, Father Syrych and Proud of Widovits: God is in place holy. God inspires the unanswered in the house, the hungry of the courage, the shuttless, extinguishing the living in the Goff. God, you are frauding before people who are frantic to you in the desert, the Earth shaved, because the skies of the canos of Sinaian's God, from the face of God Israeva. The rain is waved by excommunication, God, your orphan treasure, you have committed themselves e. Your animal lives on it, prepared for those who are good, God. The Lord will give the verb to the gossip of the lot. The king of the power of the beloved, the beauty of the house is divided. After drinking through the limit, Kriel Golubina dreamed, and the interstoramic of Her in the shrinking of the Zlata. The disclosure of the heavenly kings on it is born in Selmon. Mountain of God, Mount Forky, Mount The Mountain, Mount Forky. Is the Mountain of the Mountains of the Spring? Mountain, the southelessness of the god in her favor, for the Lord settled to the end. The chariot of God's TMAME topics, the thousands of gossy, the Lord in them in Sinai in Satap. Having traveled to the height, the plenty of captivity, the beneficial of the Danyan in the man, because not shining, hedgehogs. The Lord God is blessed, the Lord is blessed. The day of the day will hurry to us by our salvation. Our God, God, Savat, and the Lord, the Lord comes to the mortal. Obache God will crush the heads of his enemies, the top of the Vlas of its freight. Retch Lord: I will treat Vasan, I will treat the depths of the sea. Yako Yes, your leg is worried in the blood, the language of your dog, from the enemy from him. The blessed of the march of your king, God, the marchs of the god of my king, and in Satap, are prevgested by the prince nearby, through the virgins of the Timpannets. In churches, bless God, gentlemen from the source of Israel. Tamo Veniamin Yuneys in horror, the books of Judow of the Vladyka them, Prince Zagloni, Prince Naffalimli. Delivering, God, your power, strengthen, God, Sie, hedgehogs were pleased with us. From the temple of yours in Jerusalem you will be brought by the Tsanie Gifts. Forbid a beast of causta, Sonm Yunets in the Yunitsa of the Human, Yezhuke's sophisticated by Srebro, the languages \u200b\u200bof the thoughts are broken. They will bring prayer from Egypt, Efiopia finances his hand to God. The kingdoms of earthly, send to God, take the Lord who has arisen on the sky heaven to the East, will give a voice to his voice. Give the glory of the gods, to Israel a tellepota him, and his strength in the clouds. Diven God in the saints of his own, the God of Israel: that will give strength and powers to his own, God blessed.

Psalm 90.

Live in the help of Vysnyago, in the blood of God is awkward. The mistake of the Lord: My Esu and Refrigerate my, my God, and I hope for him. Yako, that will save you from the network of catch, and from the word of the rebellion, the shoulders will be squeezed by the hand, and under Kille, they hope: the weapon is created by the truth of him. Do not be removed from the fear of Nobachnago, from the arrows flying in the days, from the thing in TME while passing, from shaking, and Demo Halfuna. It falls from the country of Thousand, and the TMA is wearest you, I will not approach to you, Obhach is the cleaning of your watch, and the reward of sinners of the vrudeshi. Yako You, Lord, Hope Moe, Vynyago put your refuge. Does not get an evil to you, and the wound will not approach your tele ways, I can also save an angel about you, keep your luck in all the ways of yours. In the hands of the hands, but not when you are pushing about the foot of your leg, at aspid and Vasilisk coming, and ease of Leo and Zmia. Yako on My Upopa, and get rid of and: covered and, too, know my name. I will call me, and I will hear him: I am in grief, Izbu, and I will glorify him, I will fulfill him with the longitude of days, and I will declare my salvation.

Psalm 102.

Bless, my soul, gentlemen, and all the inner my name holy. Bless, my soul, gentlemen, and do not forget all the rewards, cleansing all your whole lawlessness, healing all your ailment, getting rid of your belly, warysshamaging you will be mercy and generous, performer in good wishes yours: Yako Yako Yako youth your youth. Creating alms of the Lord, and the fate of all offended. Tallest Moiseov, the son of Israel's wanting his own: generous and merciful Lord, long-suffer and multi-facing. Not to the end is predicted, the century emanates below, not on our lawlessness, we created we, below by our sin, we gave us. Yako at the height of the sky from the Earth, approved the Lord the grace of her for those who were afraid of him. Elias will destroy the entrances from the West, deleted our lawlessness from us. Jacques will shocked the Father's Sons, the Lord's forced him. Yako is the creation of our creature, I will be observed, IKo Inem. Man, Yako Grass, His, IKo Color Silent, Tako Blossoms, Yako Spirit in Him, and will not, and he does not know the places of his place. The grace of the Lord from the century and to the century on the fear of him, and the truth is on the son of his sons who keep his covenant, and I remember the commandments of him. The Lord in the districts of the throne of the throne, and the kingdom of him possesses. Bless the Lord VSI Angelie His, Strong Fortress, the Word of His Word, hear the voice of his word. Bless the Lord all the strength of him, his servants, creating his will. Bless the Lord all the matter of him, at any place of the dominion of him, bless, my soul. Gentlemen.

Psalm 126.

Next, not the Lord will create a house, it works for Zizhdiy. Next, not the Lord will retain a hail, VSU BDE Sturty. Vseive you have uterine, you will rest in the sewage, the sickness of the disease ,, EEN will give his sweethearted his sleep. Sea therents of the Lord of the Son, the MZDA of the fetus of the curl. Yako arrows in the Ruta of Salnago, the sone of the sons is unfounded. Blessed, and I will fulfill your desire from them. It will not be submitted, becoming the enemy in their gates.

Holy martyr Trifonu

(read only on the blessing of the confessor)

Tropar, voice 8th:
Your martyr, Lord, Trifon in the suffering of his crown will bring an imperishable from you, our God: Having your fortress to your fortress, reaches the reserves, crushes and demons of the gentlecombness. That prayer would save our soul.

Kondak, voice 8th:
Troic hardness polybiece destroyed from the end, Allworn, honest in Christ, and, having defeated the painters in Christ the Savior, the crown of the beneficial of your martyrdom and diving Divine Healing, and Jaco invincible.

Oh, the holy martyr of Christ Trifon, the soon assistant to everyone, to you resorting and praying before Holy Intelligence of the perpetual to the shortness! We hear the fear of us now and in the streets of the prayer of us, unworthy of your slaves, honoring your holy memory. You are a worm, pleased, promised to the exodus from the life of this Tlennago to pray for us to the Lord and asked this gift from him: Thus, who in anyone's need and sadness will begin the holy name of yours, that yes will be delighted with Some zlago prick. And you sometimes, you sometimes take the prince of Tsareva in Rome Gradi from the devil to Muchima healed Esi, Sita and us from the people of our goat, to all the days of our belly, the most on the day is the terrible end of our, sickness. We will start. We are then the assistant and the fast wander of the shovel demons, and to the kingdom of the Heavenly leader, the more you are prestone with the saints of the saints from the throne of God, the moths of the Lord, and it will be encouraged by pleasures and pleasures to visit you And the saint commander of the Spirit forever. Amen.

Rev. Pskov-Pechersky

(read only on the blessing of the confessor)

Tropear, voice 6th:
Pskov-Pechersk Resident, sincecorable of the nice miracles of the icons of Our Lady, Many Inkoks of the Gods of Education, Tamo and Reverend Cornilius Feat the Good Moving, the wonderful Virgin of God, the innovative enlightenment, Inkoki and many people saving, the abode of their own diode and fencing. Tamo and the martyrdom of the crown in many years shepherds of their valiant will come. Ince, people, the Christ of God and the most preching his mother will thank you, Yako Darov to us the presets of Slavna and the prayerbook about the souls of our considerable.

Tropear General Presovka, Glas 8th:
In you, the Father, I have been known, herself in the image: We accept the bake of Christ, and the acts taught the prescription of the flesh, it is about the soul, the things are shifted. Toky and the angels will grow up, Rev. Cornilie, your spirit.

Kondak, voice 2:
Yako Postnika Pious and Skaren, and an affordable by the Machine, and the deserts of the resident are consistent, in the songs it adequately praise the root, donating: that Bo Zmia has erupted.

Oh Holy Rev. Cornice! Graciously proud of our hearts and bodies, and getting rid of us. Pomping us, the servants of God (names), saint of God, get rid of the naval of evil man, from Nich and you yourself are innocently on the lands I suffered Esi; Protect us from di-violet violence, Luce on us a trigger. The mind of the Lord God and the most preching his mother to give us a quiet and sinless life, fraternal non-estate love and peaceful Christian death, and a pure consistency will be an impartial terrible trial of Christ, and in the kingdom it will glorify the life-giving Trinity, Father and Son and Saint Spirit, forever. Amen.

Saint Righteous John, Russian Confessor

(read only on the blessing of the confessor)

Tropar, voice 4th:
From the earth of the captive of your appeal to the heavenly village, the Lord escorts the abbreviated and hostility of your body, the righteousness of John, you bo, in Russia, in Russia and in the asia sold, alone, Agaryanskago Merchasts Palcely elderly in the moment of patience and sowing with tears, rice Rady thangotten joy. The moths of Christ of God to be saved to our souls.

Tropear confessors, voice 8th:
Orthodoxy mentor, piety to the teacher and purity, the universe, the luminaire, the borrowed fertilizer, John the wizard, the teachings of your whole enlightened, the spiritual chassis. Moli of Christ God, to escape our souls.

Kondak, voice 2nd:
Enjoying, Bogomud, the abstinence, and the desires of the Plotskaya you have soaked the ESI, who was faithful to the announcement, and Yako Lyrydvo Paradise's thrill, John the Sacred Father.

Oh, Holy Newly End of God, John Russian! The feat of good hurried to the Earth, perceived by the Heavenly of the truth, herself prepared the Lord to everyone who loving him. Tormy looks at your holy image, rejoice at the Preslav of the condation of your residence and honor your holy memory. You, upset the throne of God, and our praying, the slave of God (names), and to the furnace God to bring, about it all forgive us anything about the gentle and help us with the controversial of the goat Diavolski, and the breakdown of sorrows, diseases, misfortunes and misfortunes and all slander, piously and righteously live in the present Either The Esma, the Vocnet of the Holy Land, the Slavs of God, the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, now forever in the saints of his Slavimago of God, Father and Son and Holy Spirit.

Holy Rhinestone Prayer: John the Baptist, John the Theologian, Nicholas Wonderworker, Sacred Martyer Harlampia, Great Martyr George Victoria, Feodoro Tiron, Prophet Ilie, Saint Nikita Novgorod, Martyr John Warrior, Velikomarter Varvar, Velikom Martyr Catherine, Reverend Anthony Great

(read only on the blessing of the confessor)

Oh, the great Christians and the Wonderworkers: the Holy Forerunner and the Baptist of Christ John, St. John, St. Nicholas, Harlampi, Harlampi, Great Martyr Georgy Victorious, Ferodore, Property of God, Saint Nikita, Martyr Oganne Varvaro Varvaro , Velikomarter Ekaterino, Rev. Father Antonia! Hear us, you prayer, slave boss (names). You will explore our grief and ailments, hear the rehabille of the set to you driving. Something for you to Yako fast assistants and warm prayerbooks to our call: Do not leave us (names) your god by the petition. We disintegrate from the path of salvation, led us, merciful mentor. We are disgraces of the ESMA in faith, approve us, lawworm teachers. We are the bearer with the coexist of good deeds, enrich us, the treasure fighters. We are confused by the enemy of visible and invisible and ozobleymii, climb us, the bad intercession. The anger is righteous, driven by our lawlessness, turn away from us by your petition from the throne of the proud of God, you are prestone in the sky, the Saints of Righteous. Let me hear the molims of you, the magazine of Christ, you call you with faith and ask your prayers from your father in heaven to all of us the forgiveness of our sins and from the misfortune. You boat assistants, intercession and prayer, and about you, the fame of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, now and are confronted and forever. Amen.

Speaken Mary Egyptian

(read only on the blessing of the confessor)

Tropar, voice 8th:
In you, Mati, who is known for himself in the image: Investshie Bo Crest, followed by Christ, and children taught the essay of the Predation of the Flesh, leads Bo, adjacent about the soul, things seeless. The darkness of the Marie, the Spirit of yours, is sang.

Kondak, voice 4th:
The sin of Magli avoiding, repentance by the light lit up your heart, nice, came to Christ, of course, the wonderful and holy mother, the prayer was graciously brought Esi. Onceworthy and the limits found an absenteeism, and the angels are confused.

About the Great Christ, Reverend Mati Marie! Hear unworthy prayer us, sinful (names), get rid of us, Rev. Mati, from passions who are fighting our souls, from all sneakers and being attacked, from the supreme death and from all the evil, at the same time separation of the soul from the body of an outbill, holy applying, all sorts of evacious thought and saint demons, Yako Yes, it is our souls with the world in place.

On the healing of the standpoint and suffering from unclean spirits pray to icons God's Mother Svensko-Pechersk, Vladimiro-Orange, Konevskaya and "Estimated".

Akathists are also read: the Holy Martyr Trifon, St. Tikhon Voronezh, Saint Arkhangel Mikhail.