How to remove the seams after surgery? How to shoot surgical, operational seams at home? What day the seams are removed.

Removing seams after surgery is the final stage of surgical intervention, so it is necessary to fulfill it in all the rules in order not to disturb the aesthetic perception and not cause additional complications. Different operations suggest different kinds Swiss, but any variety one task is the temporary protection of the damaged area, and their removal technique is largely similar. An important nuance should be reminded: a specialist should shoot the seams, the amateurness in this matter is categorically not welcome.

How to remove the seams after the operation

In the surgical operation, there is dissection of soft tissues to open access to the lesion spot. The most common way to combine the edges of the cutting tissue is the imposition of postoperative seams. Depending on the type of operation and the size of the dissection of the seam is performed in a different way and using special materials: polymer threads, metal brackets, etc. The need for their overlay is dictated by such requirements: the maximum rapprochement of the edges and their fixation to ensure splicing, the protection of the damaged area from external influencesminimizing scar size.

After the end of the treatment of the seams should be filmed in a timely manner. With too early, the procedure for the edge of the tissues may disperse due to an incomplete battle, which forms an open wound and subsequent ugly scars. Excessive tightening with the removal of seams can cause an inflammatory reaction and suppuration.

2 main types of postoperative seams are distinguished: immersed and removable. Full submersibles are performed using threads that are gradually absorbed independently, and therefore their removal is not required. In this case, as a rule, Ketgut is applied, which is a thin sheep intestine. In the dissolution of such a substance, the human body does not show reaction reactions.

Removable is performed from materials that differ in strength and are not exposed to decomposition. Such structures are distinguished by reliability, but require a timely conduct of the procedure for the removal of alien elements after the combustion of tissues. Removable threads are most often manufactured from such materials: natural silk or flax; Synthetic - Capron, nylon, merxilene. In addition, in some cases, when the increased strength is required, metal is used - brackets or wire.

Postoperative seams are also divided into its intended purpose and appointment. Categories are allocated:

  1. Primary seam superimposed immediately after surgery. Among his varieties, the delayed (superimposed on the open wound, but in a few days) and the provisional (imposition no later than the third day) options.
  2. Secondary seam is installed if necessary instead of the primary element. Early (1-2 weeks after surgery), as well as late (at the scarring stage, for 30-35 days after surgery) type.

The positive result of surgical treatment often depends on the quality of the seams. There are cases when they lead to the need to make emergent measures to eliminate complications. Which option to apply in each particular case is determined by the doctor, taking into account the type of surgical intervention, the location of access and individual features The body of the patient.

How many days to remove the seams?

The main indicator that determines the answer to the question, through how much seams are removed, is healing the wound, i.e. Splicing of dissected fabrics. Optimal is the term of up to 10 days, and if necessary, longer exposure is required daily seam processing after the operation. For the timing of healing of the operating room, such factors affect:

The dates of the removal of the seams are individual and are determined separately in each case. However, it is possible to note the average guidelines that enjoy health workers when determining the date of procedure, depending on the nature of the operation: the amputation of the limbs is 12-13 days; Cesarean section - for 9-10 days; Perjun operations - 7-8 days; Removal of the eye sclera - 6-7 days; operations on the chest - 13-15 days; Facial interventions - for 7-8 days; Surgery skull - 6-8 days.

Shvi removal technique

If the procedure for removing suture threads is made in a timely manner and there are no complicating factors, it is carried out by a nurse and does not cause any problems. To remove threads, tweezers and scissors are used. The seam removal algorithm is next. Before starting work, it is necessary to disinfect the seam of the seam by the antiseptic composition (most often, hydrogen peroxide). Using a tweezers, the end of the thread is lifted, and the scissors are cut into the threads, after which it is neatly retrieved. After completion of the procedure, the antiseptic is reused and the bandage from the bandage is superimposed.

In case of complex operations, when not only the skin or mucous membrane was sewn, the seam removal is made by the surgeon for professional assessment The degree of regeneration and scarring. If metal brackets were used for connection (for example, bone tissue), the anti-stripler is needed to remove them. In some cases, at the discretion of the surgeon, after removal of primary protection, it may be decided to impose a secondary seam. The duration of the removal procedure depends on the type of seam and the size of the wound. Depending on the cut length, the operation can continue from 2-3 to 12-15 minutes.

What to do after the procedure

Complications from postoperative seam may occur in violation of the removal periods, poor-quality procedure or leaving the elements of the thread inside the wound. One of the most serious complications is considered a ligatury fistula. Sometimes there are such consequences: bleeding, hematoma, infiltrate. The appearance of suppuration is possible. If any complications are found, it is necessary to urgently take adequate measures, as a rule, it is enough to carry out additional processing with iodine or green.

With high-quality removal of the seam, the final healing of the wound passes independently. At the same time, absolutely not superfluous preventive measures. Pharmacy ointments and drug drugs should be used to appoint a doctor. At home, a positive result is achieved by treatment with sea buckthorn oil or rosehip.

Postoperative seams are an important element Surgical treatment. They must be removed in a timely manner - as the wounds and splicing of the fabrics are heal. With the appearance of undesirable signs, after removal of the threads, immediately consult a doctor.

Is it possible to remove the seams yourself?

Theoretically, remove the seams at home is easy to man. However, without the help of a specialist, complications may arise:

  • you can involuntinate infection;
  • the wound may disperse if you decide to remove the seams ahead of time;
  • bleeding can open.

In any case, unattended a doctor, the removal of the seams is extremely not recommended!

As a rule, such a fastening of human tissues has its own removal period. It may vary depending on the part of the body to which the seam is imposed. As a rule, three times are allocated:

· On average - 7-9 days;

· Head / neck - 6-7 days;

· Shin, feet and operations on the chest - 10-14 days.

It should be remembered that much depends on the nature of the wound and age, immunity and regenerative abilities of the victim. So, the elderly people should wear any seams of at least two weeks. The same applies to seriously ill people whose body weakens. In any case, it is desirable before removing consult with the doctor.

And the main thing - the seams can be removed only when the edges of the wound have already grown. Otherwise there is a risk that she will again disappear. And then, provided that the wound did not inflame: in this case, you need to run to the doctor.

By the way, you should not touch the seams on our own, it is very dangerous. At home, you can only shoot curtains from small wounds.

How to remove the seams yourself

To do this, you will need:

· Acute scissors - surgical or manicure;

· Pinzet;

· Garl napkin, bandages, plaster;

· Iodine, medical alcohol, antibiotic ointment;

· Boiling water and sudine under it.

First you need to sterilize the tools - boil and thoroughly treat with alcohol. It is possible for the fidelity of half an hour to also withstand them in alcohol. If the question is tormented, it hurts to remove the seams, then the answer is not very. As a rule, a person is experiencing light discomfort. But this is if the seams did not grow. In this case, only the doctor will help.

Then the seam removal process is then begins. Accuracy is important here. You must first pour the location of the seams of iodine, carefully processing them from all sides. Then very neatly tweezers need to lift the thread over the skin so that a clean piece of threads seemed from the channel. Here it needs to be cut. It is very important not to leave on the tip, which is closer to the skin, dirty thread is fraught with infection.

After cutting the thread from one edge of the seam, you need to take tweezers after the other edge and gently pull the thread. It is impossible to do in any way so that the dirty thread passed through the fabric. Just clean! After removing all the seams, it is necessary to turn the wound again and close it with a sterile bandage. It is advisable to treat ointment with an antibiotic.

Well stitched wound is the key to her good healing. After any operation, the wound closes the seams. For this, a special medical suture is used. Each wound layer is stitched by a separate number of seams. The operation is completed. As a rule, it is so carried out with the help of threads. After wound healing, the skin seams are removed.

What day are the seams remove?

The duration of the removal of the seams varies from several days to 2-3 weeks. It depends on several factors:

  • Localization of the wound. When the wound is located on the stomach (for example after cesarean section or appendicitis) Dates amount to 5-8 days, on brushes and fingers 10-12 days, during localization in the area of \u200b\u200bthe joints - up to 2 weeks.
  • Leather and tissue condition. If the edges of the wound are greatly injured, poorly adapted to each other, it is not necessary to rush with the removal of seams, the timing of 2 weeks.
  • The depth of the wound. If the wound is superficial, less details.
  • The way of embedding the wound. Some surgeons use intradermal seam, which does not require removal at all.

Is it painful when removing the seams?

Of course, every person has a different pain threshold, plus to that different body seats have different sensitivity. But it can be unambiguous to assert that competently superimposed seams allow them to remove almost painlessly. The anesthesia is not required.

Golden Rule Removing seams: show them should be the one who superimposed. Unfortunately, this is not always possible.

Cosmetic seams: Do they exist?

More competently talk about cosmetic cut. Surgeons with operations use a cut according to the natural folds of the body, and after surgery, it is sewn with intradermal seam. In this case, the Rutter "hides" in a natural fold and becomes less noticeable. If the wound is randomly obtained or surgical access was outside the natural folds, the scar will still be noticeable. When using intradermal seams around the wound, there will be no characteristic points, but the scar will still remain.

Is it possible to remove the seams yourself?

Disposal seams are independently strictly prohibited! Any intervention in the wound should conduct only a doctor (not even a nurse). Otherwise, in the event of complications (suppuration, fistula), you will only on yourself.

Where can I remove the seams paid?

Now in any commercial medical centerwhere there are appropriate doctors, the seams will remove without any problems. This procedure Smolensk stands within 200-300 rubles. The most important thing is to make a doctor of the same specialty that he conducted an operation. The surgeon should not remove the seams after gynecological or traumatological operations, and vice versa.

In some people who faced surgical intervention, does not heal the seam after the operation. What to do in this situation, know a few. The correct wound care depends on the location of localization, sizes, individual characteristics, but in general, the treatment of wounds has general rules and recommendations.

To seam and wounds quickly heal, you need to strictly adhere to the recommendations of doctors. For proper care Postoperative seams should be healing in such approximate terms.

Seams after surgery are processed 2 times a day.

Table. Normal deadlines Healing of seams after surgery regarding localization on the body

Localization of wounds

Date of healing (day)

Face, head


Front surface of the neck

Rear surface of the neck

Side surface of breast and belly

Middle Line Wounds







Summer treatment with antiseptic solutions

Basic tips for quick healing of seams after surgery:

  • proper sterile processing of postoperative seam or wound;
  • use for seam processing only those solutions that were prescribed by a doctor;
  • regular inspection and seam processing several times a day.

Proper processing of the wound allows you to heal the seam after the operation much faster. Such such helps antiseptic meanslike iodine, alcohol, hydrogen peroxide, manganese, chlorhexidine. It is also possible to use the greenfoot or its substitute - Forcin.

Important to remember! Seams after surgery are processed 2 times a day. In some more complicated cases, possibly more often. Do not miss the procedures. Before processing thoroughly wash your hands.
After each processing, it is necessary to change the sterile bandage. This is done until the removal of threads.

You must be extremely careful when removing the dressing, as it often sticks to the wound. After that, a thin jet of hydrogen peroxide needs to be poles, then treated with antiseptic solution.

Note! It is impossible to rip off crusts, growths, raids and other layers formed on the seam. This suggests that the process of instilling tissues is in the right direction.

If you delete them, then complications are possible as:

  • inflammation;
  • deepening seam, skin irregularities;
  • gap seam;
  • fistula.

Mazi for healing seams after surgery

Immediately after surgical intervention, seams and wound are treated with ointments or gels that do not allow inflammation, help to cope with damage and start healing.


Non-charging postoperative seams that make the process a little long, after the seizures of the threads also continue to treat ointments until the scar begin to form.

The following effective ointments are perfectly coped with their direct appointment:


Structure Operating principle Mode of application


Levomecol methyluracyl

chloramphenicol, excipients

promotes cell regeneration, has antimicrobial

and bactericidal effect

Applied on a sterile bandage or napkin, superimposed on a non-seam after surgery130 rub.
Vishnevsky ointment Dellow, Aerosil, Keroform, castor oilAntiseptic, anti-inflammatory,

Planting remedy, accelerating cell regeneration

Apply to the surface of the seam or on a sterile bandage40 rubles.
Salcossuril deproteinated dialyzate from the blood of healthy milk calves, Cetyl alcohol, cholesterol, white vaseline, water for injectionIt has a regenerating, wound-healing effect. Increases the production of collagenApply a thin layer on the surface of the wound, pre-knead it. Possible use of dressings250 rubles.
Contracturex Luke Extract, Heparin, Allantoin, Sorbic Acid, Methyl-4-Hydroxybenzoate, Xanthan, Polyethylene Glycol, Purified WaterAnti-inflammatory, regenerating, antithrombic agentRub in the fabric scar seam 2-3 times a day700 rub.

If the seam does not heal after surgery, what to do with not only an experienced doctor, but also instructions for applying to the prescribed drug.

The use of healing ointments lasts until the wound and seams do not completely be lit, and the scar will be brightened.

Postoperative seam healing

Modern medicine does not stand still and for the speedy safe healing of seams after operations fammers are increasingly used based on medical silicone.

Plockers from such a material are more tightly pressed against the surface of the skin and scars, which allows you to quickly dissolve solidified tissues. The compacted silicone perfectly passes the air, which is important for the healing of postoperative seams. This makes it very useful in the complex treatment of the wound. At the same time, he does not let water and other moisture.

Interesting fact! The selection of silicone gel is not surgical method for tightening postoperative seams, which makes one of the most popular and affordable tools Fast skin healing.

It is very easy, convenient, practical and comfortable.

The principle of operation of a silicone plaster is as follows:

  • causes softening of scar tissue, reducing its density due to the delaying moisture in the skin;
  • there is a compression tension and smoothing of the scar with the help of a sticky base of the patch;
  • improving the structure of the skin, increasing its elasticity, prevent the scarring and solidification of the skin.

Before using a patch based on a medical silicone gel, remove protective film With sticky side.

Seam, scar or scar must be pre-rinsed with soap, then put the plaster tightly and smooth it out.

If there is hair on this site, they need to shave them for closer contact of the skin and the patch. With the first application, the plaster is glued no more than 2 hours.

Folk remedies for healing postoperative seams

In addition to drug drugs, doctors are often prescribed and treated with folk remedies and methods.

In comprehensive treatment, such procedures for the care of postoperative non-surging seams are creating wonders. In a short time, if you do everything strictly according to the recommendations of surgeons, the wounds begin to delay.

If the seam does not heal after the operation, you need to consult a doctor to find out what to do.

Among those used folk remediesThe most popular are:

  • butter tea tree;
  • calendula extract is considered one of the most effective meansIf the seam does not heal after the operation. How and what to do - tell me the instruction of the cream;
  • blackberry syrup with Echinacea also perfectly copes with wounds after surgery.

Tea tree oil

Real high-quality tea tree oil has a powerful bactericidal, anti-inflammatory, antifungal, painful and wound-healing properties.

It is used in the following ways:

  • in pure form apply on seam or wound with a sterile napkin, cotton swab or wands;
  • dissolve 3-5 drops on a glass clean warm water, dip the gauze napkins and applied in the form of a compress on a damaged skin area.

Natural quality oil smells a refreshing spiced wood. If it possesses another stranger, then this is a fake.

Tincture of calendula

Cream with calendula extract

Natural cream based on calendula extract perfectly heals the wounds and seams after the operation, speeds up the regeneration of the skin, disinfects, softens the skin (scars) and makes it elastic.

Cream with calendula extract is applied to the surface of the seam, wounds or scar, in the absence pain sensations, massage. It can be used constantly if necessary.

Echinacea blackberry syrup

This agent is also an antibacterial, disinfectant, soothing and wound-healing. Due to its composition from natural natural components, syrup has no contraindications for both children from 2 years and for patients with diabetes mellitus.

Take this means inside before eating 1 tablespoon per day, or 1 teaspoon 3 times a day.

Sewage care in special cases

There are such special cases when the seams are survived not as needed. They need careful care. They are not particularly different from processing for ordinary postoperative seams, but still require a few more attention.

Caring for dry scar

When postoperative seam begins to form a dry scar, it cannot be deleted in any way. Dry skin will disappear, or with medicinal and folk remedies. In the shower or in the bathroom, you must try not to water the scar to avoid the defeat by bacteria and inflammation. We systematically handle the scar with aseptic means, smearing with creams or gels.

What to do if the seam mock

If the seam begins to mock, "hence it has formed inflammation. To prevent its development and speed up the process of recovery, as well as healing, it is necessary to constantly process the surface of the seam by aseptic, bactericidal and anti-inflammatory means.

As need to smear the seam by painkillers. After each procedure, apply a sterile bandage. When seam is more or less started to heal, you can do air baths No more than 5 minutes.

What to do if the seam warked up

In the suppuration of the seams, urgently turn to the surgeon. He will examine the seam, it will cut it in the place of suppuration or if there are threads, it will dissolve them. Next, wedge wins, treats it with antimicrobial, anti-inflammatory solutions and will impose a sterile bandage, lubricated with wound-healing cream.

After that, for the seam you need to carefully monitor and careOtherwise, the healing process will last for a long time.

For a long time, postoperative seams, many cause excitement for their health. No need to worry. Quite more accurately, it is regularly to handle and care for the seam, to do everything according to the recommendations of the doctor. After a short time, seam will heal and stop disturbing.

Take care of yourself and be healthy!

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How much does the seam healed after the band

Any surgical operation is caused by a disruption of the integrity of the skin and ends with overlapping seams. There are many factors that affect the term of healing postoperative seams and the formation of scar tissue at the place of operational intervention. We will understand what the lifetime of the seams and which factors affect it.


Postoperative wounds are tightened after a week (+2 days) after the operation. It is so much time passes after surgery before removing the seams made of non-self-massable materials. However, it should be noted that the length of the healing of the seams depends on the part of the body on which the impaired integrity of the skin.

Averaged timeline healing depending

from the operated area of \u200b\u200bthe body

Operation to remove appendix. Seams are tightened on the sixth day after surgery
- Laparoscopic operation. Seams heal on the seventh days
- Extensive stripe operations. The maximum length of healing of seams with their literate overlay is 12 days
- Operations of the sternum region. Seams are tightened enough long time - up to two weeks
- Surgical knees interventions. Seams are filmed already on the fifth day
- wounds after amputation are usually tightened on the 13th day

But it is necessary to know that even after the seams dissipate and healed, the wounds are covered with a connecting cloth only after a couple of months after surgery.

When the seams heal also depends on the method of their overlay. Seams are multi-row and single-row. The first is healing somewhat harder and, accordingly, longer over time (from 7 to 10 days). And the one-row after five days after the operation can be painlessly removed.

Additional factors

We must not forget that the healing speed of the seams after the long-distance operation also depends on the age of the patient. What he is younger, the faster and more successfully will be held both the rehabilitation period in general and the healing of the seams in particular. The amount of fat in the patient's body also plays a far from the last role in the period of healing postoperative seams. Simply put, if the patient's weight significantly exceeds normal indicators, then the seams will be delayed longer than the average, supposedly supposedly.

Doctors say that after conducting strength operations, the patient cannot be dehydrated by the body. IN otherwise The likelihood of too long to spend the seams is high.

Seam seam - reasons, treatment and consequences

Surgical operation is an apogee of the art of medicine as a whole and surgery, as an integral part of it. Operation is one of the types of treatment and diagnosis, distinctive feature which is invasion inside the human body.

How to remove the seams

Surgery seams are the most common way to combine biological tissues (edges of wounds, organs of organs, etc.), stopping bleeding, bore expectation, etc. With suture material. Skin seams are most often removed by the 6-9 days after their overlay, however, the removal periods can vary depending on the localization and nature of the wound.

How much does the seam heals after surgery

Reply exactly to the question of how much the seam heals after the operation is very difficult. On the healing of the wound, in addition to the overall resistance of the body and the state of the skin, a significant number of factors affect.

Than to handle seam after cesarean

Caesarean section is a bandwidth operation (laparotomy), in which leather, subcutaneous fiber, muscles, peritone and uterus die out to extract the child. Cesarean section is carried out if the risk possible consequences With independent childbirth exceeds the risk of operation. It is produced strictly according to the indications and is a planned and urgent (urgent).

After laparotomy: recovery period

Any medical intervention in the life of each person brings unrest in one degree or another. It is especially difficult to survive the operation, even if small. And the operation itself and recovery after it requires a lot of soul forces. Let's get acquainted with some features of recovery after laparotomy.

Bashes of the abdominal cavity

The adhesive disease is a state that is associated with the formation of adhesions in the abdominal cavity. This is related to a number of inflammatory processes, after damage and operational interventions.

Drainage of the abdominal cavity in diseases

Drainage is the creation of a free unhindered blood outflow, wound secret and pus from wounds by installing drainage and applying an appropriate bandage. As a result, conditions are created for the fastest cleansing of the wound and its healing.

For drainage, use: rubber tubes of various caliber, gauze strips, rubber strips. Appeared modern materialswhich make polyethylene and polychlorvinyl tubes.

Upper median laparotomy

Upper median laparotomy is one of the options for surgical access to the abdominal organs during operational interventions. Its essence is to carry out the cut of the tissue of the abdomen (front abdominal wall) in the longitudinal direction in the midline. The peculiarity of the upper median laparotomy is that the dissection is made through the angle of rib arc with a sword-shaped process under the sternum to the navel.