Blacks are born white and then turn black. Цвет кожи негритят при рождении


Embryonic development of the lower races. Children of the lower races are similar to the white man. Early development of children of lower races. The mature age of the lower races is an approximation to Pithecanthropus. Explanation of cases of savagery of educated people from the lower races. The process of development among the lower classes of Europe is the same as that of the lower races.

In the colored races, embryological development seems to go exactly in the opposite direction to that of Europe. The Negro child has in childhood more features of the white race than the hairy Negro, but by the time he reaches adulthood, he gradually loses them. The color of his skin at first is not black, but red or light gray, according to other sources - red-brown, and according to the third - red with an admixture of a dirty, nutty brown hue. This color then turns into slate gray and, finally, black. In Sudan, the black color of the skin of a Negro is established after a year, and in Egypt, not earlier than three years of age.

The eyes of the Negro are at first blue, and the hair is brown or dark blond rather than black. At first, they are straight, thin and silky, like those of a European, and only curl at the ends. At the end of the teething, the characteristic signs of the nave begin to appear. But nevertheless, the young negro retains a pleasant appearance until the age of manhood.

Regarding the structure of the head, they notice the absence of a helical tooth in a Negro child, and according to Fritch, small children of Kaffirs have a longer head than adults.

Dr. Wolff, who has explored the region of the southern tributaries of the Congo River, writes that both on the seashore and in the interior of the country, he saw newborns light pink and strikingly similar to babies of the Caucasian race.

A similar development is seen in the rest of the colored races. Schellong saw a newborn Papuan in New Guinea. The Papuasca mother was dark brown in color, and the child, a boy, was strikingly light, almost white. In Australians, babies are reddish brown at birth and darken over time. In Paraguayan guarana, they are whitish-yellow, but after a few weeks they acquire the yellowish-brown color of their parents. Similar observations have been made in other parts of America. In the case of the Fuegians, children up to the fifth year of life are not darker than European children. Among the Eskimos and North American Indians, they are less pigmented and resemble newborn whites. Newborn Koreans, Botokuds, Malays, Kalmyks and other children of colored races are not nearly as yellow or dark as their adults of the same tribe.

Kalmyk children have soft, thin, slightly curly hair, which is subsequently made straight, thick and smooth.

In Japanese, newborns and young children have almost black hair, and later up to 4 years of age, black hair is rare. Many children, especially street children, i.e. those belonging to the lower classes, in Europe would not hesitate to be recognized as blond. Japanese children, moreover, do not have the side-toothed side of an adult and do not have prominent cheekbones.

The two types of human development that we are talking about seem to have been known to European science for a long time: Karl Recklam (in 1878) gives two opposite opinions of two groups of scientists. Travelers, he says, in countries inhabited exclusively by blacks, have observed that black children are born with pale skin, head shape and facial features reminiscent of the white race. Some explain this fact by the fact that the child's body reproduces earlier times, and, therefore, all Negroes were once white, and a white man descended from a Negro. And other scientists pay attention to the fact that in Slavic countries (?), Children sometimes differ in a negro-shaped skull and black facial features, and their skin, if not black, then dark, therefore they think that, on the contrary, whites descended from blacks.

“In terms of his spiritual abilities, a Negro is not inferior to a white child, he is just as capable of learning and is just as understanding as a white one. In America, black children not only match white children, but even surpass them in intelligence and desire to learn, so they are often assigned to review and listen to lessons. But as soon as the fatal period of maturity sets in, then together with the fusion of the cranial sutures and the protrusion of the jaws, the same process is observed in them as in monkeys: the individual becomes incapable of development. "

Sh. Letourneau writes about Australian children: “At school, little Australians do as well as white children in some subjects. Like them, and even almost as easily, they learned to read and write ... Then, after the end of their European upbringing, they often returned to a state of savagery. "

Herbert Spencer, in his Foundations of Psychology, cites travelers' accounts of the Negroes of the North American United States, of the Negroes of the Nile Valley, of the Andamans, New Zealanders, and Hawaiians. These testimonies show that children of all these races are more alive than European children in acquiring simple ideas, but then they soon completely stop on the path of their development. “As further examples,” Spencer says, “I can add Reed's remark that children in tropical Africa are“ absurdly early maturing, ”Captain Burton’s assertion that“ Negro children, like Indian children, are much more capable than European children, but after puberty these abilities are disappearing ”, as well as descriptions of the Aleuts of the Alaska Peninsula, who, to a certain extent,“ learn quite easily ”. About the Australian, we find in the same place that when he reaches the age of 25, his mental strength seems to have turned downhill, and at forty it seems completely extinct. "

According to Dr. Huggins, who lived for several years on St. Vincent, Negro boys are not at all inferior to white children in terms of abilities, on the contrary, in general they seem even more developed, because they are more left to their own devices and are previously accustomed to acting on their own.

Roerbach says that in Trinidad schools, Indian boys are superior to both black and white children in purity and beauty of handwriting, and more skillful in all handicrafts. Children of blacks in the United States are also much more likely to learn whites in everything except mathematics, but they write with great difficulty, due to the clumsiness of their fingers. Speck is also surprised at the speed with which the children of blacks learn, and the resourcefulness with which they answer the questions they are asked.

The critical period, when the brain begins to lean towards wilting, occurs much earlier in the negro than in the white. This is also evidenced by the earlier fusion of the seams of the skull in the Negro.

Consequently, in the lower races, the process of embryonic development goes completely opposite to ours. In the womb, the savage is, apparently, a Pithecanthropus, judging by the fact that the Japanese children under 4 years of age have hair blacker than later. Further, while our child approaches Pithecanthropus, a person of an inferior race displays the traits of a white person. By adulthood, he aspires to Pithecanthropus, and, finally, in extreme old age, which is required by symmetry, probably again approaches the white man.

That is, one can think that the lower races in their history of embryonic development, just like the higher ones, have two periods corresponding to the white man, and two to Pithecanthropus, but directly opposite to ours in time, which is why the general picture of human development the lower races seem to be a complete negative, if the development of Europeans is taken for a positive.

The same series of facts explains at first glance a mysterious phenomenon that is often observed among savages brought up in European schools. After the end of European education, says S. Letourneau, Australians very often returned to a state of savagery. The first cases of such recidivism of savagery amazed the Europeans extremely. The story of the Australian Benilon has long been well known. He was a native, brought up in England and, apparently, completely European, returning to Sydney, he, by order of the king, was received by the governor and admitted to his table. Everywhere he was received with open arms. Despite this, he, God knows why, was constantly bored, saddened. The reason for this was soon discovered. One fine day Benilon threw off his European dress, said goodbye to an exquisite life, and returned to the forests to his compatriots to share with them their miserable existence.

At present, such cases of the return of natural inclinations, which appear very quickly, despite European training, are well known, concludes S. Letourneau, and do not strike anyone.

The Dutch with the Hottentots have the same cases. “One young Hottentot, brought up by Governor Van der Del in the Dutch spirit, in the rules of Protestanism, who spoke several languages ​​and showed great mental abilities that promised him a brilliant future, was sent to India and corrected some public office there, but, returning to the Cape of Good Hope, he threw off his European dress, put on a ram skin and, appearing in this form to the governor, solemnly renounced the society of educated people and the Christian religion, declaring that he wanted to live and die, remaining faithful to the religion and customs of his ancestors.

The same facts are observed among the Algerian Arabs who are educated in French schools, and the French, moreover, observe them among their lower classes. “Similar facts,” writes A. Dumont in a letter to Ch. Letourneau, “are not rare even in our country. The son of a peasant in southern France, who spoke the local dialect as a child, learns to speak French, goes to college, comes to Paris and takes a law course. He enters the magistracy, but, returning to his homeland, willingly speaks his native Lower French and again assimilates most of the habits of childhood. The same is seen between the peasants of the Hague. In Paris, such a peasant becomes a more secular person and corrects his nasty accent, but, upon returning home, he quickly forgets it all again. "

Brenner Schaeffer states that among the rural population of Oberpfalz, “the developing girl is beautiful only in the early years of her life; then the forms become coarser and more massive, and after several births this woman, who used to be a blooming woman, turns (ahead of time) into a matron. "

Goldschmidt found the same thing in northern Germany: “The beauty and youthful freshness of the poorer people in Northwest Germany, unfortunately, are short-lived; they don't last long after childhood. " In women, fullness is lost, premature wrinkles appear on the face, body shapes lose their flexibility and become angular. “I often mistook the women who showed me their children for the latter’s grandmothers. All the movements of poor children in their early years are freer and easier. But dexterity and mobility soon disappear, and in the period of barely maturity, they are already replaced by the immobility of premature old age. "

In Russia, the recidivism of the lower classes is manifested, among other things, in the fact that a significant part of them, having learned to read and write in childhood, having reached adulthood, forgets all this. The existence in our lower strata of this type of development, which was noticed among the lower races, by the way, is evidenced by the rationality and independence of peasant children in comparison with urban ones of the same age, about which there are many indications in our literature.

It goes without saying that here we can outline only the most important typical forms of development, but since humanity is terribly mixed up and continues to interfere continuously, then, firstly, in addition to the two cited forms of development, the most extreme, there are still many intermediate, transitional, and secondly, as the European type of development can sometimes be found among savages, and vice versa, the type of development of the lower races among Europeans.

This fact explains, among other things, some phenomena from the psychology of our children. So, for example, it becomes clear why our children, who display extraordinary abilities at an early age, often become the most ordinary mediocrities by the time they reach adulthood, and, conversely, children with very poor abilities in early childhood, by adulthood, often become talented. In the first case, the development of the child proceeds in the same way as in the savages, and in the second, the European form of development is obtained.

In the early 2000s, they even paid money for such verbiage. :) In light of the fact that there is Obama, it may even be relevant.

1. Blacks do not need to spend money on perm and tanning beds.
2. The teeth of a Negro always seem whiter than they really are.
3. Every third woman dreams of making love to a black man.
4. Lean muscles + fast metabolism + lack of subcutaneous fat = Negroes are the best in long jump, run 100 meters and play basketball.
5. Negroes have a more developed left hemisphere of the brain than pale-faced ones, so their intuition can be trusted.
6. Only a Negro is able to truly "enter" the delights of rap.
7. Blacks rarely communicate with bears, so they, as a rule, have excellent hearing and a sense of rhythm (see item 6).
8. Blacks look amazing in classic costumes (see Men in black).
9. Blacks can wear knitted hats even in the heat and no one will think that they are crazy.
10. Негр может сказать другому негру: «Ах ты грязный вонючий нигер!» and at the same time stay alive and well.
11. In a politically correct country, even the laziest black man will get a good education and get a job. A joke on the topic: “Who has the best chance of being hired right now? One-legged black lesbian. "
12. In Negro churches you can sing and dance.
13. Any Russian clip-maker with hands will tear off a black man, put on furs, give dark glasses, put him in a limousine with sexy blondes, because it is considered very cool, stylish and fashionable.
14. In Russia, the most ordinary and lousy Negro will receive increased attention.
15. In Hollywood for a black man there is always the role of a stubborn athlete who made his way through the thorns to the stars.

15 reasons why all this is not so pleasant.

1. Alas, it is not known when the last racist will die.
2. Because they say: "It's dark, like in ... a negro's."
3. It must have been very hard to live like that, otherwise why did Michael Jackson become white?
4. IQ of blacks is lower than of whites *.
5. Blacks age faster than whites, their skin is drier, so anti-wrinkle creams do not help them.
6. It is very difficult to maintain good spirits if you are a Negro and at the same time consider the word "Negro" an insult.
7. Negro's hair cannot be straightened without help.
8. Blacks are not blondes, and black women are not blondes.
9. Huge black settlements still suffer from hunger and infectious diseases.
10. South Africa is the center of the AIDS epidemic. Last year, 2 million people died from it.
11. If a black child is born in a white family, then it is useless to nod at the genes.
12. No matter how hard some leaders try to prove that Jesus Christ was a Negro, the Bible does not provide any information on this matter.
13. Negro culture is more and more closed in itself, which does not allow it to develop.
14. You can get rid of African braids only by shaving your head.
15. Skin color matters and always will.

* Multiple IQ measurements for different ethnic groups in the United States have shown that the largest and most significant differences are found between black and white populations in America. If the entire population of America has an average IQ of 100, then for blacks it is 85, and for whites - 105. Belonging to a race with a lower average IQ creates serious problems. Of course, there are also such problems as drug addiction and crime. Among people with low IQ, there are significantly more people who do not want to find a job. Mostly people with low IQ live on government benefits. The average IQ of blacks who are admitted to prestigious universities should be lower than that of whites, since, according to the "affirmative action" program, they have a markedly lower passing score. Nevertheless, among the black population of the Earth, there are no less talented scientists, doctors, engineers, and artists.

There are very few data on pigment in the skin of newborns, infants and older children. Older evidence held that it was normal to have no pigment in the skin at birth. Modern data of a number of authors who applied new research methods also showed the absence of pigment in the epidermis of newborns.

Even in the colored races, the baby's skin regains its normal color some time after birth. Black children are born not with black, but with light, red skin, which begins to pigment only after the third day of life.

However, there are other data on the presence of pigment in the human embryo and in premature babies who have lived for about 12 hours. There are few chromatophore cells in the dermis of newborns. They are usually found in Mongolian spots and among the white race as an atavism.

Most authors believe that pigment in the skin is found constantly only after birth and that pigmentation takes shape during the first months and years of life. Therefore, in newborns and infants, the skin is always poor in pigment.

There is no doubt that the relative poverty of children's skin with pigments is reflected in its pathology.

"Skin diseases in childhood",
P. Popkhristov

The secretion of the sebaceous glands in the sebaceous follicles is liquid. It propagates to str. disjunctum of the epidermis and spreads over its surface, and at a temperature of about 30 ° C solidifies in the form of a semi-solid "hydrophilic ointment". The lower the temperature, the harder the sebum becomes, and its further secretion decreases until it stops completely. Low temperature hardening of sebum and the ability to mix ...

Regulation of body temperature occurs largely through the skin and is one of its main physiological functions. Thermoregulation through the skin occurs through various mechanisms: cutaneous blood supply, sweat secretion, perspiratio insensibilis, skin conductivity in relation to heat, the state of the water-lipid layer. It is known that in infancy and childhood thermoregulation is less perfect than in the postpubertal period. Children are lighter ...

Establishing the state of turgor is not always possible only by inspection and palpation, but is also done with the help of special devices. Similar studies have found that the curves of body weight gain and turgor improvement are not always parallel. Weight gain is preceded by an improvement in turgor, and vice versa, turgor may worsen, for example, only on the second day after the onset of diarrhea. It has been established in healthy infants ...

With the exception of the well-known fact that children's skin receives relatively more blood, other features of the structure and functions of blood vessels in infancy and childhood are almost unexplored, despite the availability of significant new data on the structure and mechanism of cutaneous blood circulation in humans. The following is known about capillary pressure, permeability and capillary resistance in children. During the entire breastfeeding period ...

Primary skin tension, that is, its ability to contract, and resistance to stretching are strongest in young subjects after puberty and relatively weak in children and old people. The ability of the skin to stretch, compress and smooth out the folds formed on it depends not only on the state of elastic and collagen fibers, but also on the general state of fatness and ...

Hello dear fans of interesting facts. Today we will analyze in detail why blacks have a large genital organ. This question is often discussed on all kinds of Internet resources devoted to topics and medicine. Indeed, why representatives of the Negroid race can boast of more impressive "virtues" than their white counterparts?

Where do legs grow from?

There is a lot of controversy about penis size. The community concerned is divided into two parts. Some gentlemen argue that stories about the "gigantism" inherent in Africans are nothing more than myths. The question is painfully intriguing. So a lot of gossip and inventions appear, one more fantastic than the other.

Lovers films for adults comparing the parameters of white and black actors, they tend to the opposite opinion. Europeans are not at all consoling about their relatively modest size, but rather the opposite; many Europeans were literally devastated by the fact that blacks had more than whites. Those who have been to Asian countries and could contemplate local men "in all their glory" claims that there is absolutely nothing to be sad about white guys.

The hype around penis size hasn't been around since the heyday of the porn industry, which has given viewers from different countries the opportunity to compare. It all started much earlier and for another reason.

White slavery

A jealous and envious comparison of the genitals originated in the era of colonization and Christianization of Africa. Arriving on new shores, the white hidalgo of the Old World were amazed at the opening picture. It turned out that the natives living in the thick of the mainland had penises of a very solid size.

Historians who have studied the southern United States before the Civil War believe that the physical characteristics of black slaves - who were just taken out of Africa - inspired their masters with genuine horror. This partly explains the cruelty of many slave owners. It is much easier to spread rot a giant slave than to constantly wait for his own wife to betray him (which did not happen so rarely).

White conquerors of new continents fell into the slavery of their own stereotypes and inexorable laws of nature. A hardy black man with great "dignity" - a strong contender in the struggle for the attention of not spoiled by the sexual diversity of southerners. In Europe at that time, puritanical customs reigned, and aristocratic girls were brought up very strictly.

With a ruler around the world

You can endlessly argue about whether Africans have especially large members or not. For the sake of truth it is worth getting acquainted with the statistics. Many researchers have dealt with the question of penis size among representatives of different nations.

In 2005, the famous Institute of Men's Health (Tomsk) published the results of an unusual survey. It was attended by about 6 thousand men of different nationalities. The study was carried out in countries that were formerly part of the USSR.

Doctors found out that the owners of the largest reproductive organs live in the south of the CIS, in Georgia. The average penis length here is 17.6 cm. In second place are the Russians and Ukrainians with an indicator of 16.2 cm. The Baltic people are just a little behind them (16 cm).

On a global scale, the study was carried out by various scientists. The data they obtained were collected and systematized by Sujata Gundersen, a researcher of Syrian origin. The lady presented the results of this work in the form of a unique map of penis sizes, which was posted on the Target Map platform.

Relentless statistics

This tacit international competition was won by the naturally gifted gentlemen of the Democratic Republic of the Congo. The average length of an erect penis is 17.9 cm here. tis centimeter organ are quite common.

The Gabonese and Guineans are only 0.1-0.2 cm behind them. In general, nature presented the largest reproductive organs to black men in Central America, Brazil and Africa (17.9-16.1 cm). In second place are Canadians, Argentines, Arabs and, oddly enough, residents of cold Greenland (14.8 cm).

The average parameter of 13.4 cm was recorded in the USA, Russia and Australia. Indians, Chinese and Indonesian aborigines (10-11 cm) were not at all lucky. So the rumors about the king size of the reproductive organs of black men are not fiction at all.

Why is the size of the penis larger in blacks?

Scientists believe that the reason for the rapid growth of certain parts of the body of Africans or African Americans lies in a combination of factors. It is influenced by genetics, diet, cultural characteristics and, to a lesser extent, climate.

Looking at Gundersen's map, it's easy to see that men with large penises live closer to the equator. It is warmer here, and the temperament of the local residents is "more fun". The heat makes the blood bubble up in the veins and anything that can grow.

On the other hand, why are Indians and Indonesians - also Southerners - so modestly gifted? After all, they live in the same latitudes as the "large" Africans. The conclusion suggests itself: the climate is not a decisive factor when it comes to the penis. Even in ice-bound Greenland, guys have penises 3-4 cm longer than those in China, Thailand and India.

A lot of meat - a lot of sex

This is exactly the relationship between the described male parameters and the diet. This explains the difference between men from Africa and the same India. Equatorial pagan tribes have lived by hunting for thousands of years. Tillers in the wilds of Africa can not be found.

The population here is raised on the meat of just killed game, which, due to the favorable climate, is always full. High-quality animal protein is an excellent building material for organs and tissues. So why shouldn't men here also be gifted in a physical sense?

India and China are a different story. World religions such as Buddhism and Hinduism were born in this part of the globe. While Africans hunted macaques, wild pigs and their neighbors, Indians and Tibetans preached love for all living creatures inhabiting the planet.

Tibet is the cradle of humanism, the search for spiritual truth and, of course, vegetarianism. Plant food perfectly cleanses the body, promotes spiritual enlightenment and tranquility, but definitely does not give physical strength.

The population of these countries en masse switched to a vegetarian diet more than a thousand years ago. During this time, not only male penises have greatly decreased in size, but people themselves have become stunted. No wonder the Chinese, Japanese and their southern neighbors are considered the smallest inhabitants of the planet.

Hi Darwin!

The decisive word in this matter still rests with genetics. If the father has a "king-size", then the son will certainly not blush for his "fellow" in the bedroom. But why are the king sizes found among immigrants from Africa? This is where local cultural traditions played a role.

Not burdened with puritanical morality, black ladies could always choose the strongest sexual partners. To do this, they had all the trump cards in their hands: naked male bodies in front of their eyes, the cult of fertility, free sexual relations.

From time immemorial, the natives of Africa have professed the cult of the body. They emphasize their dignity with tattoos, painting, jewelry, scars. Only in an atmosphere of such sexual emancipation could a device called "koteka" (a special sheath for the penis) appear. A real symbol of masculine strength!

Under such conditions, it is unlikely that guys with tiny members could pass on their genes to descendants. Women simply did not choose them. So it turned out that from generation to generation in African forests, hardy men with large reproductive organs bred. Natural selection law.

I hope that now you roughly understand why blacks have such a large genital organ, so we don’t think that anyone needs to have complexes about this. Size doesn't matter much, at least in most cases.

Редакция журналов webfacts не использует слово «негр» в качестве расистского высказывания. We apologize if this word offended anyone.

Living in Russia, people are not used to often seeing representatives of the Negroid race. Russians are almost unaware of their culture and values, and contact with such representatives is extremely rare. Обычно, светло-коричневого, реже темного цвета рождаются негритята у пары темнокожих родителей. When races are mixed, the shade changes to a lighter one.

Baby's skin color

Human skin contains granular substances, to be more precise, pigments, which are located under the layer of the epidermis in the malpighian layer. Melanin - responsible for giving the skin a certain color is not transmitted from the mother through the blood.

What a person should look like is genetically determined. Новорожденные негритята обладают более светлым, красновато-бурым цветом кожи. After some time, under the influence of light, melanin is activated, and the epidermis begins to darken.

But even in a Negroid adult, the skin tone is brown rather than black, and the palms and soles of the feet are always lighter than the rest of the body. This is influenced by the tribal origin of a person, as well as the fact of interspecies crossing in the pedigree, which somehow lightens the shade of the epidermis.

When a child is born, you need to check with the pediatrician about the delivery of additional tests. The skin color of a black child changes when there is a lack of vitamin D. It is recommended to clarify the dosage of the vitamin for a dark-skinned person in a temperate climate.

Desire to give birth from a negro

It happens that a white woman consciously wants to give birth to a child from a black woman. The reasons can be different, several of them are presented below.

Why girls give birth to blacks:

  1. own interest in the opposite sex of other nations and species;
  2. the most banal reason, unusual for our perception, is love;
  3. desire to become the wife of a foreigner, possibly move to another country in the future;
  4. not an honest option - deceiving a man from another country with the aim of extortion.

Each representative of the fairer sex who shows such a desire has motives, and only she herself should make the decision. The main thing is to know in advance what this may turn out to be.

If a Russian girl gave birth to a Negro:

  • there is such a feature of the female body - telegony, which will affect the appearance of the future, even if the father is white;
  • certain individuals in our society may not accept the fact that race differences cause psychological harm to both mother and child.

Black men are very jealous, so if a woman is going to give birth from a representative of this race, you will have to get used to attacks of jealousy, even to old friends. Mestizos come from women and men of different species, they combine a description of the traits characteristic of such people.

Consequences of race mixing

Thanks to the development of biology, in recent decades, it was possible to learn about the consequences of mixing for a child. There is a myth that mestizo are born more beautiful than people belonging to only one species, but this is not so.

It happens on the contrary, the child gets an appearance that can hardly be called beautiful, rather unusual, or even exotic for our eyes. Beauty is also the general health of a person, the harmony of the external features of the whole body.

When a woman wants to give birth from a negro:

  • mixed race children are short or overweight;
  • may have a large head, small body;
  • predisposition to being overweight;
  • violations in the form of eye color, rare, protruding teeth.

Each person has their own standards of beauty, it would be foolish to say that there are no beautiful people among the “mixed people”. But when it comes to health, then you need to turn to the genes of the parents. If the father and mother are representatives of the same race, then during the formation of the child, the damaged element of genetic material inherited from the mother will be replaced by a worker taken from the father, and vice versa. The genetic component takes one gene from each of the parents.

In the case of race mixing, a healthy gene from a dark-skinned father is rejected by the fetus due to a different genotype, and the baby will have to live with a “broken” gene inherited from the mother, as a result of which a hereditary disease can be obtained.

The child's mental state will be based on the environment. As you know, children are the most cruel on the planet, do not give an account of what they do and say, bring a different peer to the worst depression.

It's good if everything is limited to a psychological breakdown, because physical violence among children is not uncommon. Only with growing up and the support of loved ones, a person who has become the fruit of love of people of different types, will be able to realize that his differences are not critical.