The most expensive paintings by old masters. The most expensive paintings in the world

In the world or who is the most outstanding artist in the universe, you can ad infinitum. In such matters, it is difficult to achieve an objective assessment. After all, every person understands painting and perceives its beauty in his own way. The masterpieces of famous artists remain deeply in the memory and delight mankind for centuries. Some of them go under the hammer into private hands, and some are in world famous museums. Beautiful autumn landscapes, stunning portraits and still lifes, as well as works in the style of historical and genre painting sink into the souls of thousands of art lovers.

15th century masterpieces

The Trinity, painted by Andrei Rublev in 1425-1427, can be called the most beautiful picture in the world, not only among the works of painting, but also among the famous Russian icons. Today its location is the State Tretyakov Gallery in Moscow. created by the master, looks like a vertical board. During the reign of Tsars Ivan the Terrible, Boris Godunov and Mikhail Fedorovich, the painting was lined with precious stones, gold and silver.

The picture in a perfect artistic form, without violating theological concepts, depicts three angels, symbolizing harmony and unity. Their splendor, compositional placement and the charm of the robes create the overall beauty of the icon.

The painting "The Birth of Venus", painted by Sandro Botticelli in 1486, can rightfully be considered a masterpiece of the Renaissance. It depicts the myth of the birth of Aphrodite in all its glory, floating in an open shell, driven by a light breeze. The west wind Zephyr, together with his wife Chlorida, blows on the sink, forming currents of air filled with flowers. One of the graces awaits the naked goddess of love on the shore.

Famous paintings of the 16th century

Michelangelo's fresco "The Creation of Adam", created in 1511, can also correspond to the concept of "the most beautiful painting in the world."

The creation is dedicated to scenes from the Book of Genesis and has become a symbol of Western European art. The painting depicts the excellent physique of Adam, who is motionless at the moment of the approach of God, soaring in the heavens and surrounded by angels. The Almighty approaches his creation in order to breathe life into it. Today this work is kept in the Vatican in the Sistine Chapel.

In Dresden in the Gallery of Old Masters there is a painting "The Sistine Madonna", painted in 1512 by Raphael Santi. Initially, it seems that there are clouds in its background, but, looking closely, you can see the heads of the angels. The viewer has the impression that Madonna descends from heaven to him, looking straight into his eyes. The two little angels at the bottom of the picture are nowadays very often depicted on various posters and postcards.

Works by Leonardo da Vinci

The paintings of the famous artists Vincent Van Gogh, Salvador Dali, Pablo Picasso, Paul Cézanne, Peter Paul Rubens and Leonardo da Vinci can be considered extraordinary in their beauty, as well as some of the most expensive. The works of the latter compel to find charms in everything not only art connoisseurs, but also simple contemplators.

One of Da Vinci's extraordinary paintings is considered the "Last Supper", which he created for about three years. In this fresco, the figures of Christ and Judas are of particular importance. An interesting fact is that the model for these images turned out to be the same person. At first, from a young singer, the master wrote Christ, and a few years later, a man aged from drunkenness served as a model for the image of Judas.

Millions of people daily admire the masterpiece "Mona Lisa", it is stored in Paris in the Louvre. The mysterious smile of Madame Gioconda, with whom the portrait was painted in 1503, does not cease to fascinate the viewer today.

Canvases by Caravaggio

One cannot ignore the works of the Italian artist Michelangelo Merisi da Caravaggio. The master's paintings show the joys of life and the enjoyment of the fruits given to man by nature. These are the "Young man with a basket of fruits", and "Young man with a lizard", and "Lute player", and "Mary Magdalene".

The artist also painted scenes of violence and cruelty. In the years 1595-1956, he created paintings depicting real barbarism. These are such works as "Judith and Holofernes".

The title "The most beautiful painting in the world" also deserves a painting called "The Transfiguration of St. Paul", written in haste. The artist did not use drafts and immediately transferred all his inspiration to the canvas. The creator of world masterpieces managed to create special, unnatural lighting in the paintings, which helped to give the painting a dramatic effect.

Beautiful autumn scenery

Natural phenomena, reflected by artists in their works, give the viewer a special feeling of admiration. Blooming meadows, snow-white winter fields, majestic mountains, colorful rainbows, sea sunsets allow you to enjoy the natural beauty. The canvases of the Japanese artist known as Pan Mossi are mesmerizing with an autumn riot of colors.

Landscapes of falling leaves and yellow trees were also painted by Australian self-taught creator Graham Gerken. "Russia is the state of landscapes" - this was the opinion of many Russian artists. Types of autumn nature were depicted on canvases by such painters as Ivan Shishkin and Ivan Aivazovsky, Isaac Levitan and Many of their works could claim the title of "The most beautiful painting in the world."

No. 20. $ 75,100,000. Royal Red and Blue by Mark Rothko, sold in 2012.

The majestic canvas was among the eight works selected by the artist with his own hand for his epoch-making solo exhibition at the Art Institute of Chicago.

No. 19. 76.7 million dollars. The Massacre of Babies by Peter Paul Rubens, created in 1610.

The painting was acquired by Kenneth Thompson at Sotheby's in London in July 2002. Rubens' bright and dramatic work can compete for the title of "most unexpected success." Christie has estimated this painting at only 5 million euros.

No. 18. 78,100,000 dollars. Ball at the Moulin de la Galette by Pierre-Auguste Renoir, written in 1876.

The work was sold in 1990, at that time it was listed as the second most expensive painting in the world ever sold. The masterpiece is owned by Ryoei Saito, chairman of Daishowa Paper Manufacturing Co. He wanted the canvas to be cremated with him after his death, but the company faced financial difficulties with credit obligations, so the painting had to be used as collateral.

No. 17. $ 80 million. Turquoise Marilyn by Andy Warhol, written 1964, sold 2007

Acquired by Mr. Steve Cohen. The price was not confirmed, but this figure is considered to be true.

No. 16. $ 80 million. False Start by Jasper Johns, 1959

The painting belonged to David Geffen, who sold it to the CEO of investment group Citadel, Kenneth S. Griffin. It is recognized as the most expensive painting that was sold during the life of the artist, cult master Jasper Johns.

No. 15. $ 82,500,000. "Portrait of Dr. Gachet", Vincent Van Gogh, 1890.

Japanese businessman Ryoyi Saito bought the painting in 1990 at an auction. At that time, she was the most expensive painting in the world. In response to the public outcry about Saito's desire to cremate a work of art with him after death, the businessman explained that, in this way, he expresses his selfless affection for the painting.

No. 14. 86.3 million dollars. Triptych by Francis Bacon, 1976

This three-part masterpiece by Bacon broke the previous record for his works sold ($ 52.68 million). The picture was acquired by Russian billionaire Roman Abramovich.

No. 13. 87.9 million dollars. "Portrait of Adele Bloch-Bauer II", Gustav Klimt, 1912.

The only model shown twice by Klimt and sold a few months after the first version. This is a Bloch-Bauer portrait of four paintings, for which a total of $ 192 million was raised in 2006. The buyer is unknown.

No. 12. 95,200,000 dollars. Dora Maar with a Cat, Pablo Picasso, 1941.

Another painting by Picasso, which went under the hammer at a fabulous price. In 2006, it was acquired by a mysterious Russian anonymous author, who at the same time bought the works of Monet and Chagall for a total of $ 100 million.

No. 11. 104.2 million dollars. Boy with a Pipe, Pablo Picasso, 1905.

This is the first painting to break the $ 100 million barrier in 2004. Oddly enough, the name of the person who showed such a keen interest in the portrait of Picasso was never made public.

No. 10. 105.4 million dollars. Silver Car Crash (Double Crash), Andy Warhol, 1932.

This is the most expensive work of the famous pop art legend, Andy Warhol. The painting became a star of modern art, having gone under the hammer at Sotheby's.

No. 9. 106.5 million dollars. Nude, Green Leaves and Bust, Pablo Picasso, 1932.

This sensual and colorful masterpiece has become the most expensive work of Picasso ever sold at auction. The painting was in the collection of Mrs. Sidney F. Brody and has not been exhibited to the public since 1961.

No. 8. $ 110 million Flag, Jasper Johns, 1958.

The Flag is Jasper Johns' most famous work. The artist painted his first American flag in 1954-55.

No. 7. $ 119.9 million. The Scream, Edvard Munch, 1895.

It is the unique and most colorful work of the four versions of Edvard Munch's masterpiece The Scream. Only one of them remains in private hands.

No. 6. 135 million dollars. "Portrait of Adele Bloch-Bauer I", Gustav Klimt.

Maria Altman judicially sought the right to own the painting, since Adele Bloch-Bauer bequeathed it to the Austrian state gallery, and her husband later canceled the donation amid the events of World War II. Taking legal rights, Maria Altman sold the portrait to Ronald Lauder, who exhibited it in his gallery in New York.

No. 5. 137.5 million dollars. Woman III by Willem de Kooning.

Another painting sold by Geffen in 2006, but this time the buyer was billionaire Stephen A. Cohen. This strange abstraction is part of a series of six of Kooning's masterpieces, painted between 1951 and 1953.

No. 4. 140 million dollars. No. 5, 1948, Jackson Pollock.

According to the New York Times, film producer and collector David Geffen sold the painting to David Martinez, managing partner of FinTech Advisory, although the latter has not been confirmed. The truth is shrouded in mystery.

There are enough people on the planet who do things that are not entirely clear to others. For example, they give tens of millions of dollars to decorate their apartment, house or office with paintings.

Some canvases cost fabulous money, and look like the work of a child. We offer 10 most expensive paintings in the world. They may please or cause bewilderment, but it turns out that there are people left on the planet who are ready to pay a fortune for them.

It is worth noting that the list of the most expensive paintings in the world does not include popular canvases that are exhibited in famous museums. There are only works sold at art auctions and privately. Therefore, in the rating you will not find a single painting by Leonardo da Vinci (and there is no doubt that if at least one is put up for sale, it will collect many more than those listed here).

Adele Bloch-Bauer. Gustav Klimt

So, the top of the most expensive paintings in the world opens with a canvas called "The second portrait of Adele Bloch-Bauer." The author of this expensive piece is Gustav Klimt. This painting went under the hammer for almost a record $ 89.1 million.

If you delve a little into history, then the Austrian Gustav Klimt painted a portrait of Ferdinand Bloch-Bauer's wife Adele Bloch-Bauer II back in 1912. The man was the richest industrialist of the time and sponsored a wide variety of arts, including funding an artist. By the way, Adele became the only model that the Austrian painted twice. The woman can also be seen in Adele Bloch-Bauer's First Portrait.

Self-portrait with cut off ear and pipe. Vincent van gogh

The top of the most expensive paintings in the world continues the famous self-portrait of the notorious Vincent Van Gogh. At the auction, they paid $ 90.1 million for it. By the way, the great Dutchman was very fond of painting his own portraits. And each such canvas, together with "Sunflowers", is highly valued. In addition, these works are also the most famous paintings by Van Gogh.

In total, the Dane painted about 12 self-portraits in his life. And all the work fell on the period from 1886 to 1889.

Dora Maar with a kitten. Pablo picasso

Included in the list of the 100 most expensive paintings in the world and a canvas called "Dora Maar with a kitten." It came out from under the brush of the famous Pablo Picasso. And the price of the interesting work reached $ 97 million. The author painted this picture in 1941.

He portrayed his Croatian mistress, Dora Maar, sitting on the table. The pet nestled on the shoulder of the hostess. Many argue that Picasso's kittens come out especially well.

Irises. Vincent van gogh

The seventh place in the rating of the most expensive paintings in the world is taken by Vincent Van Gogh's painting again. But this time it's not a self-portrait at all. The buyer for the painting "Irises" had to pay almost $ 100 million, namely $ 97.5 million.

It is worth noting that this painting is one of the first works of the artist, which he painted during his stay at the Paul de Musol Hospital. The medical facility is located in the French province of San Remo. Van Gogh visited her a year before his death in 1890.

Boy with a pipe. Pablo picasso

Pablo Picasso took the sixth place in the rating "The most expensive paintings in the world". And this "gold" work called "Boy with a Pipe" cost the new owner $ 104.1 million. That was the price that was sold at Sotheby's on May 5, 2004 in New York, with a starting price of $ 70 million.

The painting left the personal collection of John Haye. By the way, some art critics believe that such a fabulous price of the canvas was justified solely by the authorship of the painting, and not by its actual historical value.

Ball in Montmartre. Pierre-August Renoir

In the very center of the list of the most expensive paintings is the painting "Ball in Montmartre". This is the work of the artist Pierre-August Renoir. At the time of sale, this painting, together with Van Gogo's "Portrait of Dr. Gachet", became the most expensive ever sold and bought. And both paintings were the property of a Japanese industrialist named Saito. In addition, a rather funny story is connected with this person. The thing is that after his death (it happened in 1991), Mr. Saito bequeathed to cremate both paintings with him. And this fact caused a wave of indignation throughout the planet.

Therefore, Saito's associates decided to do it differently, as they were on the verge of bankruptcy. They sold Renoir's work at Sotheby's. She went into unknown hands (the buyer wanted to remain anonymous) for $ 122.8 million. Absolutely nothing is known about the new owner, but it is assumed that the famous work left for Switzerland.

Portrait of Dr. Gachet. Vincent van gogh

The next line in the rating of expensive works of art is again the work of Vincent Van Gogh and his already mentioned painting "Portrait of Dr. Gachet". It turns out that there are two versions of this canvas in the world. And both were painted in 1890, just in the last months of the famous artist's life.

On both canvases, the doctor is depicted sitting at a table. He rested his head on his right hand. However, the difference between the versions can be seen with the naked eye. One of the paintings went into private hands for $ 129.7 million.

The first portrait of Adele Bloch-Bauer. Gustav Klimt

The third position in the ranking of the most expensive paintings in the world is a portrait, which we have already mentioned at the top of the list. This is Adele Bloch-Bauer's First Portrait. The work of Gustav Klimt. The first attempt to paint a portrait of the wife of a wealthy industrialist turned out to be more successful.

It was sold in 2006 for $ 130 million to Ronald Lauder, owner of the Neue Galerie in New York. At that time, this work was the most expensive one sold. By the way, the portrait itself was painted at the beginning of the last century, in 1907.

Woman 3. Willem de Kooning

The slightly incomprehensible work "Woman 3" belongs to the brush of an abstract expressionist named Willem de Kooning. She ranks second in the list of "Most Expensive Paintings in the World". However, if you look at the author and his other works, then we can confidently say “Woman 3” is the pinnacle of the artist's skill.

By the way, the picture is one of six works where the woman became the central theme. The canvas was painted in 1953, and in 2006 it passed into the hands of billionaire Stephen Cohen for almost a record $ 137.5 million.

"No. 5, 1948", a masterpiece by Jackson Pollock

The work of the American artist Jackson Pollock "No. 5, 1948". the author, who made a significant contribution to the development of abstract expressionism, is written on a sheet of fiberboard and measures 2.5 by 1.2 meters. The author applied a small amount of yellow and brown spray on top, and this made the picture look like a large nest. The masterpiece went for a record $ 142.7 million and remained the most expensive painting in the world for a long time.

The most expensive painting in the world

In the fall of 2017, the record for Pollock's painting was broken by Leonardo da Vinci's painting "Savior of the World" (~ 1500). Until the middle of the 20th century, the masterpiece was considered lost. It was discovered in 1958, but experts did not recognize it as the work of the master, suggesting that the canvas was painted by one of the followers of da Vinci. As a result, the painting went under the hammer for a ludicrous £ 45.

The true origin of the painting was established in 2011, and two years later it was acquired by Russian billionaire Dmitry Rybolovlev. The cost rose to $ 127.5 million. In 2017, he put her up for auction at Christie's for $ 100 million. During the twenty-minute auction, the rate rose to $ 450 million.

You can also find out which paintings are recognized as the most famous in the world and the name of which artist is heard by most of the inhabitants of our planet.
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The ranking of the most expensive paintings in the world is based on the results of the auction. It is for this reason that famous paintings belonging to state museums were not included in this rating. Be sure to look at this article and you will gasp at the prosperity of our richest unit of society.

At first glance, you will decide that it is impossible to own colors like the authors of these paintings, but believe me, nothing is impossible. In this case, pictures by numbers will help you, you are provided with a canvas with numbers on each element and the corresponding numbers on cans of paint, and believe me, even half a year will not pass and you will feel more confident. You can buy drawing by numbers on the website

20. Pablo Picasso - Woman with crossed arms (1901-1902)
Sold for $ 55 million in 2000.

19. Vincent van Gogh - Wheat Field with Cypress Trees (1916)
Sold for $ 57 million in 1993.

18. Kazimir Malevich - Suprematist composition (1916)
Sold for $ 60 million in 2008.

17. Paul Cezanne - Still Life with a Jug and Drapery (1893-1894)
Sold for $ 60.2 million in 1999.

16. Willem de Kooning - Police newspaper (1955)
Sold for $ 63.5 million in 2006.

15. Vincent van Gogh - Portrait of the artist without a beard (1889)
Sold for $ 71.5 million in 1998.

14. Andy Warhol - Green Car Crash (1963)
Sold for $ 71.7 million in 2007

13. Mark Rothko - White Center (1950)
Sold for $ 72.8 million in 2007

12. Peter Paul Rubens - Massacre of the Babies (1609-1611)
Sold for $ 76.8 million in 2002.

11. Pierre Auguste Renoir - Ball at the Moulin de la Galette (1876)
Sold for $ 78.1 million in 1990.

10. Jasper Johns - False Start (1959)
Sold for $ 80 million in 2008.

9. Claude Monet - Pond with Water Lilies (1919)
Sold for $ 80.5 million in 2008

8. Vincent van Gogh - Portrait of Dr. Gachet (1890)
Sold for $ 82.5 million in 1990.

7. Francis Bacon - Triptych (1976)
Sold for $ 86.3 million in 2008

6. Gustav Klimt - Portrait of Adele Bloch-Bauer II (1912)
Sold for $ 87.9 million in 2006.

Many masterpieces of painting are not only artistic treasures, but also the most expensive paintings in the world. The rating of these works changes regularly based on art auctions. Many art lovers are ready to give millions of dollars to purchase paintings by famous masters. These masterpieces, sometimes worth entire fortunes, adorn the walls of study rooms and offices, the mansions of successful businessmen.

Sometimes quite banal looking paintings cost fabulous money and many private collectors buy them from each other, overpaying huge sums. When assessing the cost of expensive paintings, inflation is not taken into account; the list does not include paintings that are the property of state museums.

The list of expensive paintings includes works from private collections, exhibited for sale in the XX - XXI centuries.

Peter Paul Rubens "Beating the Babies" created in 1610

The painting is one of the most expensive in the world and describes a biblical event when, by order of King Herod, babies were exterminated. The power and grandeur of the great artist's painting make it a unique masterpiece.

The canvas was sold in 2002 at Sotheby's in London. It was acquired by David Thompson for $ 77 million.

The painting is temporarily in the National Gallery in London on the free will of private collector David Thompson. The administration of the museum expects that the magnificent work of Rubens will be on display at the museum for another three years.

Auguste Renoir "Ball at the Moulin de la Galette" 1876

It has an advantageous position among the most expensive paintings in the world.

The work was sold for $ 79 million to the wealthy Japanese industrialist Ryoei Saito (1990) He expressed a desire to have the painting burned with him after his death. However, due to financial problems, his company sold the masterpiece for debts.

Claude Monet "Pond with Water Lilies" 1899

In art auctions, this painting had a high rating and is still among the most expensive paintings in the world.

The founder of impressionism, the master of the brush, Claude Monet was in love with flowers, nature was his element. The water lilies depicted were grown from Japanese seeds in his garden and express a kind of symbiosis of French nature and Japanese subtle perception of color and coloration.

The canvas was sold at an art auction. The cost of the masterpiece was $ 80.5 million.

Gustav Klimt "Adele Bloch - Bauer II" was founded in 1912

The painting was painted five years after the creation of the Golden Adele by the artist. This work is truly worthy of the title of a masterpiece and one of the most expensive paintings in the world.

The portrait belonged to the Adele family prior to their arrest by the Nazis. After she came into the possession of a museum in Austria. As a result of long legal proceedings, the canvas was returned in 2006 to Maria Altmann, a relative of Ferdinant Bloch - Bauer.

Picasso "Nude, green leaves and bust" 1932

The work is from a number of surrealist works of the artist and has long been considered one of the most expensive paintings in the world. One of the great master's beloved, Maria Teresa Walter, is transformed in an original way on the canvas. Art critics identify her image with the appearance of the mythical Daphne, whom her own mother turned into a laurel tree to save her from the persecution of Apollo.

In 1936, it was sold for a record amount of $ 89.1 million. Later, the work, like its first version, came into the possession of American museums and is now in the United States.

The canvas was purchased by P. Rosenberg, and in 1951 by the American Sidney Brody. After the death of a private collector in 2010, the work at an art auction went under the hammer for $ 106.5 million to an anonymous art connoisseur.

Edvard Munch "The Scream" (4th canvas of the series), 1893

The painting is one of the mysterious and peculiar works in the history of painting. This canvas occupies a priority position in the list of the most expensive paintings in the world. It depicts a screaming man.

The artist himself often felt the urge to scream while looking at the heavens and his surroundings. The cry depicted in the picture is heard by everyone who looks at the picture. It is difficult to express in words the feeling that the artist conveys with this work. Here you can see delight, despair, protest and dilemma at the same time. The fourth version of the painting was first presented at the Berlin exhibition in 1893. In 2012, it was put up for auction by Norwegian Peter Olsen and sold for $ 119.9 million to a buyer who did not want to introduce himself. This exclusive version of the Creek is owned by a private collector.

Jackson Pollock "Number 5" 1948

This painting is one of the most amazing and strange pieces of art in the world. It is also rated as the most expensive painting in the world by current standards. Pollock is a prominent representative of American Abstract Expressionism. The canvas epitomizes the painting method of action.

He painted an unusual picture of a spill of paint over a piece of mineralized wood wool (with thin and long shavings). The author admits that he does not use the usual tools of the artist - an easel, palette and brushes. He worked with broken glass, pouring paint, using wooden sticks, knives of various shapes and sizes.

The painting was sold for $ 100 million to a Mexican financial businessman David Martinez.

Barnett Newman "Anna Light" 1968

The canvas is a large horizontal canvas filled with carmine red. The abstract artist dedicated the painting to his mother, in whose person he sees all the mothers of the world. This is a portrait of the Virgin. A representative of a number of the most expensive paintings in the world, a kind of requiem for memory, grief and the question of what life and death are, and perhaps a meeting with our dear and loved ones after death. To obtain this effect, Newman struggled for a long time with the luminous power of red, which looked brighter on the translucent white ground of the canvas. He applied layers of red, which made it possible to convey through the painting a feeling of isolation and a mournful state of mind. When asked why such a price, art critics unequivocally answer that you just need to see the picture with your own eyes.

In 2013, the work was exhibited at an art auction and sold for $ 106 million.

Francis Bacon "Triptych" 1969

In 2013, the triptych became the most expensive painting in the world. At the auction, organized in New York, the highest price for the work of art was established. The triptych was valued and sold for $ 142.5 million.

Triptych - the creative direction of the artist. The author explains the reason for adhering to this form by the fact that he sees the images sequentially. In his canvases, he raises the theme of alienation from religion and death. Bacon's work was also exhibited at the Hermitage.

The painting depicts a friend of the artist - Lucian Freud. Lucien was also an artist. The triptych took part in the exhibition of the artist's works at the Grand Palais in 1971 - 72. (Paris). After it was divided into three canvases.

The previous price of the canvas, which was paid by the owner of Chelsea, Roman Abramovich, was $ 86 million.

Paul Gauguin "When is the wedding?" 1892 year

The work of art became the most expensive painting in the world, sold for a fabulous sum of $ 300 million. According to some sources, the Arabian Qatar Museums bought Gauguin's work, which buys original paintings from all over the world to complete exhibits in museums in the United Arab Emirates.

The canvas is from the private collection of Rudolf Stechelin, by whose free will it has been in the Swiss Museum of Fine Arts (Basel) for the last half century. The city authorities find the sale of the painting a big loss for Basel. The new owners of the painting were supposed to receive it in 2016, after it will be exhibited in the capitals of Spain and the United States.

Gauguin painted the picture at the time when he was 44 years old and he was going to marry a young 13-year-old Tahitian woman. Gauguin dreamed of settling in a tropical paradise and starting a family in Tahiti. Such a marriage in those places was considered quite normal, and the girl's relatives were happy to fully organize the wedding. It was a great honor for them to become akin to a white man.

The painting depicts two Tahitian women, one of them in a missionary rite, which is an expression of severity or warning. Her image is more individualized. The other, which is in the foreground, is gracefully curved and seems to show its youthful beauty.

Formerly a masterpiece of painting, sold at the highest value on a global scale, was Paul Cézan's masterpiece The Card Players. It was sold at a private auction in 2012 ($ 250 million), also to an Arab organization.

2017.01.16 by