The subtleties of bedroom decoration in pink. Pink bedroom and design possibilities Bedroom interior in pink tones

The bedroom is known to be a place to rest and sleep in which the average person spends a third of their life. Therefore, the choice of interior for this room is very important.

Bedroom furnishings can influence our mood. In the morning it can help you recharge your batteries, and in the evening it can help you relax and unwind. But this, of course, provided that it was created according to all the rules.

Many people mistakenly believe that only a nursery or a room for a single lady can be decorated in pink.

But modern designers claim that a pink bedroom is a great choice for married couples too. It helps to activate vitality and raise mood, helps to recharge with energy.

The influence of pink on the psycho-emotional state

Having thought over the design for the bedroom to the smallest detail, you can manage emotions and feelings.

Not many people choose pink color for the bedroom interior, since only with a competent approach it can become a real find and a model of style.

The skillfully designed bedroom in pink tones will be appreciated not only by women, but also by men, as the atmosphere in it can turn out to be very warm, pleasant and cheerful.

Design experts claim that interior color can influence our mood from the very moment we wake up. When choosing a color, it is very important what time of day you arrive in the bedroom the most.

If it is more in the morning, then it is best to choose light colors. If you chose pink as the main color, then let it be soft or light pink, in combination with other light shades.

Such an interior can be complemented with bright color accents, for example, details in red, yellow or orange. If you spend more time in the bedroom in the evening, then you should choose neutral, pastel colors, perhaps even in pale and cold colors.

Pink in color combinations

When creating an interior, pink can be chosen in different shades, depending on the desired effect. Light pink, for example, will fill the atmosphere with warmth and tenderness, and dark pink will make it more strict and restrained.

The white and pink bedroom will be to the taste of young girls, since this color combination is associated with creamy marshmallows, strawberries with cream, with youth and tenderness.

Today, a combination of pink and gray shades is very popular. This pair can also be diluted with pearl, milky, beige tones. The combination of gray-pink with dark purple and burgundy flowers is successful.

The combination of the shade of a tea rose with a green color looks very optimistic. Green can be present in the form of floral ornaments, individual details in textiles.

For lovers of indoor plants, this option is perfect. You can complement the natural theme with fresh flowers.

The bedroom in pink and lilac shades will be filled with special sophistication. These shades will be very harmoniously combined with wooden furniture, parquet or laminate in dark wood tones.

The most suitable decor elements for such a situation will be satin pillows, ruffles, a quilt or bedspread.

Dark pink or cyclomene shades are quite saturated, so you should not add variegation to them.

For example, sparkling curtains of mother-of-pearl, gray or white colors, in addition to flowing tulle, as well as mirrors, glass fittings, and crystal vases, will help to refine such shades.

The fuchsia shade is suitable for especially extravagant personalities. It is beautiful and juicy, but in the interior of a bedroom, this color can have an overloading effect on the psyche. It can be paired with white to soften it.

In such an interior, bright lighting fixtures, patterns and decorative elements in black look very stylish.

Pink combined with peach will create a very friendly and warm atmosphere, while the presence of green and woody tones in the design will make the setting look like a garden of paradise. Such an interior will suit the taste of young, sensual individuals.

Summing up, we want to give one piece of advice: no matter what shades you choose, the main thing in any interior is to respect the proportions and balance of colors.

Be very attentive to the choice of materials for decoration, to the quality of furniture. Don't overwhelm your bedroom with bright colors and objects, or the atmosphere can become heavy and tiring.

Photo of the design of a pink living room

The color scheme used in the interior of the bedroom contributes to the creation of psychological comfort and relaxation, and also gives a positive charge for the day ahead. The color in the bedroom should be chosen based on your own preferences, taking into account the psychological effect that this or that shade has on a person.

The pink color, depending on the tonality, affects the psyche in different ways - it can annoy or tune in to a romantic mood, depending on the companion color, you can create a very different mood in the room. About what it is - a pink bedroom with white furniture and will be discussed in this article.

You should immediately abstract from the stereotype that pink can be used exclusively in children's bedrooms for girls. Do not forget about the nobility, sophistication of pink shades, which can make the interior of the bedroom extraordinary, romantic and graceful. Instructions on choosing a shade of pink for the bedroom will be given below.

Pink should be handled carefully so as not to go into the vulgarity or puppetry of the interior. The cost of such a mistake is high - you will have to redo the repair.

Therefore, one should give preference to delicate, pastel, light lilac or peach-pink shades, which are quite appropriate in a married bedroom when creating a cozy atmosphere.

A delicate bedroom interior will turn out with a combination of pink and beige, cream, light green, lilac and yellow.

Influence of pink

By choosing the right pink color palette, you can increase your intellectual potential. This color promotes a burst of vital energy upon awakening and the appearance of a positive attitude.

The opposite effect is given by the gray color in the bedroom, which in the morning can cause a feeling of depression and despondency, especially if the room is oriented to the north side, and the weather outside the window is cloudy. But it is worth combining these two colors and harmony and balance appear in the interior.

When choosing a color scheme for a bedroom, you first need to assess your rhythm of life and figure out what time of day - morning or evening, is the most important during your stay in the room for sleeping and resting.

If the priority is the evening time, when you need to get maximum psychological relaxation and tune in to deep sleep, then preference should be given to neutral pastel tones in cold or pale colors - the use of white and lilac colors is recommended.

When the process of awakening with getting a positive attitude for the work day is in the first place, then you can use soft shades of cheerful colors, which include pink in combination with companions. Pink color can be present in any interior style - you just need to find a balance in its application and choose the right lighting.

With the help of color in interior design, you can achieve different effects. For example, it is beneficial to emphasize an accent element or "push" secondary items into the background, for example, a dressing room.

Having chosen the desired shade and texture of materials, for wall decoration, you can correct the geometry of the room - visually make the height of the room lower or higher, move one of the walls away or bring it closer, making the room wider or narrower.

With the help of color, you can visually divide the space into zones or tie it together. If space is allocated in the bedroom for an additional functional area, then with the help of a pink catwalk, tulle and bedspreads, you can eloquently designate a place to sleep.

Using purple elements in a room decorated in delicate shades of pink, you can break up the space. Such an effect will diffuse consciousness, distracting attention and contributing to calmness.

In the bedroom, it is possible to use pink as a secondary shade, filling the interior of a cold bedroom with warmth. In this case, it is common to use pink tulle, curtains, bedspreads, capes, canopies, flower vases, picture frames, or the colors of the canvas itself and other accessories.

White, milky, beige, gray, coffee, pale blue or light lilac are used as the main shade in such a bedroom.

On the walls of a light pearlescent or silver shade, accents of pink look especially advantageous along with dark purple and plum tones.

Psychology pink

The color pink is a symbol of freshness, joy, novelty, emotional uplift, femininity and friendliness. This color is chosen by incorrigible romantics, dreamers and dreamers. No wonder the statement about rose-colored glasses comes to mind.

The modern world has long departed from the stereotype that pink is a purely feminine color. For example, modern designer men's clothing is often found - office shirts in pink and lilac tones or gray scarves with black and dark pink stripes.

Men who choose pink in one form or another for their wardrobe are distinguished by ambition, delicacy, conscientiousness in work and conflict-free. Therefore, there is nothing surprising in the modern interiors of men's bedrooms with more or less pink elements.

Pink is not a spectral color, since it is not in the "seven" of the rainbow, so it cannot be judged as a simple and unambiguous color. This should be taken into account when choosing the colors of the companions in the pink bedroom and in the general perception of the shades of this color.

Interesting fact! In sensory perception, pink is a "sweet, tasty and aromatic" shade, as it evokes associations with sweets and berries - raspberries, strawberries.

What shades of pink are appropriate in the interior of the bedroom

In the interior of the bedroom, pink should be given primary or secondary importance. So a room with light gray, milky, mother-of-pearl or white ceilings, walls and floors, and pink accessories will be perceived as pink, since this color is most active against the background of light tones, which will fade into the background.

There are several shades of pink that are most relevant in the interior of the bedroom:

  1. A muted and noble dusty rose color (gray-pink) is very popular in the creation of modern bedroom interiors. This color can have different saturation and shade depending on the predominance of pink or gray tones in it, but it invariably looks harmoniously against a snow-white, milky and pearl-gray background.

It can be both the main and complementary color in the interior of the bedroom. To add dynamics, you can add a little plum, dark purple, deep burgundy or eggplant hue. This color scheme can be supported by white furniture;

  1. Purity and naturalness are characteristic of the light and noble shade of the tea rose. which is classic and is equally suitable for children, teenagers, womens or matrimonial bedrooms. An optimistic interior can be obtained by combining white and pale green floral designs with a given shade of pink.

A cheerful spring mood in the bedroom can be created with textiles, bed linen, curtains and paintings containing large floral patterns and plant elements. You can enhance the effect with the help of living plants and flowers in decorative vases;

Important! So that such a bedroom interior does not look too colorful and does not cause emotional fatigue, the wall surfaces are performed in calm white or mother-of-pearl colors. With the help of a glossy stretch ceiling, you can visually increase the height of the room.

  1. An exquisite interior of a pink bedroom will turn out using a pink-lilac shade. resembling a peony flower. In a room with a moderate color scheme, it is possible to use colored wallpaper with a beautiful floral ornament depicting crumbling petals.

Such an interior welcomes the presence of satin pillows, quilts, draperies on the windows. A cheerful and warm atmosphere can be created with large living plants;

  1. When using cyclamen or dark pink shade it is necessary to abandon the variegation and companion colors in the interior of the bedroom, since this color has great saturation and density. Graceful flowing lines and rounded shapes of furnishings and decor will help diversify the interior of the bedroom.

It is recommended to use cyclamen in combination with pearlescent, silvery or white flowers. The best addition to such an interior is the well-chosen lighting and the use of sparkling, flowing textiles.

As decorative elements, the use of all kinds of crystals, transparent beads, crystal, mirrors and chrome-plated parts is encouraged;

Advice! With the help of living cyclamens, a little warmth and life can be brought into the elegant cool interior of the bedroom.

  1. Fuchsia (deep pink) is beautiful and juicy, but difficult to perceive in the interior of the bedroom, as it can overload the emotional psychological state of a person.

An extravagant personality will like the interior with the use of a shocking duet of this shade with black, in which it will be necessary to introduce a white tone. This color scheme will appeal to young people if it is supplemented with black and white textiles and furniture, sliding white curtains, large lamps and fittings with a metallic sheen;

  1. A calm bedroom interior for a married couple can be created using a pink-peach shade. which brings an atmosphere of friendliness and warmth. In combination with the chocolate color of the wood, this shade will look the most impressive.

It can be combined with tan, sand, beige and coffee tones. Milky white tones are chosen for textiles and accessories.

In addition to these shades, it is possible to use icy pink, pearl, when the white color has a pinkish tint, purplish pink, flamingos and a mixture of pink, white and greenish shades called sanzhan.

Choosing companion colors for the pink bedroom

The above shades of pink can be used alone or complemented with companion flowers. It can be gray, white, green, or blue. To create a romantic mood, use lilac and purple tones.

The most common combinations should be listed:

  1. Pink and white colors in tandem, they create a laconic modern look for a bedroom interior or a romantic design in the Provence style. This combination is universal.

It brings cleanliness, freshness and tenderness to the interior, makes it lighter and more spacious, which is important for small bedrooms. An interior in a similar color scheme can be performed as follows: pink walls will look good against the background of a light beige floor covering in the form of a carpet or parquet board.

Doors, skirting boards, windows, ceilings, and other decoration of the room are done in white;

  1. Pink and gray color in the interior of the bedroom, create a beautiful cold atmosphere of sophistication.

Equally stylish, this combination is suitable for a modern or glamorous interior.

This color scheme has a relaxing effect in the evening and tune in to deep sleep;

  1. Pink color combined with a light olive shade creates a calm and peaceful atmosphere in the bedroom.

This color scheme allows you to relax in the evening and get a charge of positive emotions when you wake up;

  1. The space in the pink bedroom with blue and white accents will be as free as possible..

This combination is an excellent option for a bedroom with additional functional areas in the form of a workplace, children's corner or living room.

The blue color can be replaced by a turquoise, light green, green or light emerald shade of decorative items in the form of pillows, bedspreads, vases or stripes on window textiles;

  1. Pink combined with black, lilac or purple accent spots will create an atmosphere of dreaminess and romance in the interior of the bedroom.

Such a combination is relevant for bedrooms with low activity of sunlight, when the windows of the room face the southeast;

  1. Golden shades combined with pink will make the bedroom warm and a little festive.

To do this, you can use golden shades of natural wood on the floor and on decorative elements - pillows, ottomans, tulle (golden organza);

Important! So that the interior of the bedroom does not look too pretentious and caricatured, you should not use gilded vases, photo frames and decorative elements on furniture in the interior. Gold is appropriate for a simple design.

  1. Pink and chocolate color is a classic and trendy combination for a modern bedroom. It gives an atmosphere of stability, stability and warmth.

To avoid a bright contrast between these colors, light beige or cream tones of accent elements are additionally introduced.

The video in this article will tell you how to properly combine pink wallpaper in the bedroom with other shades in the interior and make repairs in the room with your own hands.

Choosing furniture for a pink bedroom

What little girl did not play with dolls in childhood and equip a dollhouse.

Fantasies from childhood will serve as a wonderful service for an adult woman, who is faced with the task of decorating and updating a bedroom:

  • It's nice to create with your own hands a completely non-toy pink bedroom with white furniture.

Note. In full size, such a design will look very modern and at the same time majestic, like a noble bed in the chambers of a royal person.

  • The deep blue color of bedroom furniture in pink lilac will look even more interesting.
  • A similar combination will carry over to the royal chambers of the French Renaissance era. And the most colorful dreams will fill the guests of the bedroom in pink-brown tones, reclining on a bed in the Art Nouveau style.

A variety of stylistic combinations of furniture and finishes in the interior of a pink bedroom can be seen in the photo.

People spend about a third of their time in the bedroom, on weekends a little more in the morning in bed, and a little less on weekdays. The general mood in the morning will largely depend on which colors are preferred. It is a mistake to say that pink is preferable only for a child's room and for a teenage girl, as well as for a single woman. On the contrary, a matrimonial pink bedroom with a reasonable selection of the right shades in the morning activates vitality and cheers, charges with optimism and inspires the mind.

How does pink in the bedroom affect consciousness?

Thoughtful color choices for the bedroom are all about managing feelings and emotions, life and creativity. It is not necessary to be fanatical about pink, but a successful design find can become a model and a preferred option. Often, men do not attach much importance to the design of the bedroom, relying on the choice of their spouse, and then agree that the thoughtful design of the pink bedroom brings a pleasant, friendly and cheerful atmosphere.

The right shade of pink in the morning is an increase in intellectual potential, a surge of vitality and awakening of good desires. In contrast, the gray bedroom is a little depressing in the morning and disheartening, especially on the north side in cloudy weather. But these colors for the bedroom in pink balance each other well.

The choice of bedroom color is determined by what part of the time is most important for the stay in the bedroom - morning or evening. If you have to relax in the room for a long time before going to bed in order to relieve memory, then it is recommended to design the recreation area in the most neutral, pastel colors. A bath with aromatic salt before bedtime and pleasant reading are well relaxing. In this case, cold and pale colors are preferable, for example, white and lilac colors.

If in the morning it is very difficult to bring consciousness into a working state, then the life potential has to be activated, that is, to stimulate active awakening. This is largely facilitated by cheerful and dull colors, including some shades of pink, when the color is competently complemented by companion shades. A pink bedroom can be decorated in different styles, it is important that everything is balanced and complemented by well-chosen lighting.

Waking up in such an atmosphere, it is recommended to shift your gaze from a neutral pink background to more active color accents. Then it is better to do an additional active self-massage, several warm-up exercises and gymnastics for the eyes, quickly rub your palms together, and take a contrast shower in the bathroom to finally cheer up. After such a simple warm-up complex, you immediately feel a surge of vitality, there is an activation of consciousness, the mood rises, especially after aromatic coffee with baked goods with cinnamon or a sandwich with cheese.

Remember that any warm color is active and stimulates you to be active. These are many shades of red, yellow, orange and pink palette. They are able to awaken appetite and stimulate general activity. However, in the bedroom, you cannot overload the perception with general saturation; it is better to choose blurry transitional tones of the warm spectrum.

If your office, in which you have to spend most of the time, is decorated in gray, unfriendly colors, then this is depressing. Therefore, in the house, the bedroom, living room and kitchen should be decorated in more cheerful colors - for general emotional balance.

Pink in a number of design techniques

Color in the design of the bedroom is one of the special design techniques. You can focus on a specific detail or distract attention from minor items, for example, from the dressing room in the bedroom. A competent choice of shade and texture of finishing materials for decorating a living space is able to visually raise or lower the ceiling, move the wall or narrow the space - a bedroom in pink tones photo.

Color is able to isolate the space or unite, and this property is actively used in the zoning of the recreation area. For example, when zoning a dwelling without walls, a pink podium, tulle and a bedspread on the bed will eloquently emphasize that this is a bedroom. Purple elements in the pale pink bedroom seem to break up the space, scattering consciousness, and this helps to distract and calm down after a busy day.

In the stylistic solution, pink is sometimes the defining color. For example, shabby chic, glamor, barbie style rely on shades of pink in the bedroom. In other designs, this color helps to enhance the overall perception. Romanticism, country and Provence are textiles with flowers, including shades of pink. Expressionism and futurism - a bedroom looks good with bright accents of fuchsia, cyclamen and other juicy shades of pink, especially when combined with black and white. Kitsch, disco, fusion - the design of a pink bedroom is often done with bright accents on the walls or as a catchy print.

Pink can also play a secondary role, just fill a cold bedroom with warm shades - tulle, curtains, bedspreads, a cape, a canopy, a vase of flowers, a picture in a frame, etc. In this case, the main color scheme of a bedroom design can be white, milky, beige , gray, coffee, pale blue or light lilac. Pink complements are very appropriate with light pearlescent and silvery walls, as well as in combination with dark purple and plum colors.

Pink color in psychology

The color pink in the modern world is perceived by many as frivolous - the color of prams and clothes for little girls, the Barbie house. The shocking properties of bright pink are perceived as a challenge to the society of naive blondes, young freaks, youth from the environment of subcultures, immature and failed personalities, as well as infantile-kitsch old women.

This is only partially true when pink is elevated to an absolute or becomes an object of fetishism. But this has only an indirect relationship to the subconscious choice of pink in the design of the bedroom. Of course, when a girl has everything pink, you shouldn't be surprised why there is a bedroom in pink tones too.

In psychology, the choice of this color subconsciously symbolizes freshness, joy, novelty, emotional uplift, femininity, friendliness and other positive qualities. This is the color of incorrigible romantics, visionaries and dreamers, hence the expression - to look at the world through rose-colored glasses.

The society perceives pink as a purely feminine color, however, in designer clothes for men, pink and lilac shirts are often offered for the office option. A voluminous gray scarf with black and dark pink stripes is no less organically perceived. Women subconsciously perceive these accents as a signal of falling in love or a search for romantic relationships. Men who choose shirts of this color are conceived with ambition, delicacy, conscientiousness in commitments and avoiding disputes and conflicts.

According to the laws of coloristics, that is, the science of color, any part of the spectrum has its own hue name, a certain saturation (or dilution), depth, intensity and brightness. Considering that pink is a non-spectral color, that is, it is not included in the "seven" of the rainbow, it can be argued that it is not so simple and unambiguous. This also applies to the combination of shades of the bedroom interior in pink tones, and to the general perception in the general range. Pink in the general palette is a transition from white and pastel to red, crimson or burgundy colors. And the last thing: pink is perceived by us as a "sweet, tasty, aromatic" shade.

Preferred shades in the design of a pink bedroom

When choosing pink for bedroom decoration, it is important to consider that this color can be primary or secondary. For example, even if the ceiling, walls and floor are light gray, milky, mother-of-pearl or white, and all the accessories are pink, then the overall interior of the bedroom is pink, that is, this will be the general perception. It's just that in this case, this color is more active than blurry light tones that fade into the background. Pink can be chosen as a general background or as a companion color. This principle is important to keep in mind when looking for an overall color balance.

Consider the use of different shades of pink in the interior of the bedroom with specific examples.

1. Gray-pink hue is very relevant today in fashion and interior decoration. It is usually called "dusty rose", but even it has its own gradation in intensity and proportion of pink and gray. This is a rather muted and noble shade that is in perfect harmony with snow-white, milky white and pearl gray colors. He can be given both a leading role and used as an addition. When you need to add a little dynamism or contrast, you shouldn't use black as a companion in the main trio. Here it is better to replace black with plum, dark purple, deep burgundy or eggplant, and even then a little. White furniture will look the most respectable in this version. It would be nice to decorate a living room or a one-room apartment in the same range.

2. The shade of a tea rose is a classic pink color, quite light and noble, pure and natural. It fits well in any bedroom - nursery, teenage, womens or wives. If you focus on naturalness and environmental friendliness in the theme, then with white and pale greens, as a floral ornament, it looks very optimistic. For example, if textiles and bed linen, curtains and paintings are with large floral patterns with plant elements, the design looks cheerful, spring-like (at any time of the year). Complement such a bedroom with fresh flowers and fragrances - you will get the impression that everything is literally drowning in flowers. Here you cannot take variegated wallpaper and make colored walls, unless only a fragment, otherwise the variegation will tire you. It is better to leave the walls white or pearlescent, and the glossy stretch ceiling will slightly "raise" the upper plane of the room.

3. Shade of peony or pink-lilac - one of the most sophisticated for a bedroom in pink. When the general range is not overloaded, then you can bet on colored wallpapers with beautiful floral patterns, for example, in the form of crumbling petals. This color is quite cold, but very noble and warmly perceived in addition to natural wood - laminated floors under dark oak, veneered furniture in natural shades and pictures with girls in frames. In such an interior, satin pillows with ruffles, quilts or bedspreads, as well as curtains with draperies from the same plain fabric look very noble. Large living plants add even more warmth and a cheerful atmosphere.

4. Cyclamen or dark pink shade - quite saturated, so here you can not overload with either variegation or companion flowers. Better to rely on the elegance of flowing lines and rounded shapes in the design of furniture and overall finishes. Cyclamen looks the most noble with a pearlescent, silver or white color. The best addition to such an interior will be original lighting design and transparent sparkling tulle flowing from the ceiling cornices. All kinds of crystals, transparent beads, crystal, mirrors and chrome details are appropriate in this design. Of course, live cyclamens will bring a lively touch to the rather cold look of such an elegant bedroom.

5. Fuchsia is a rich dark pink color, beautiful and juicy, but it can overload the psyche. Extravagant personalities prefer a combination of fuchsia and black, but this is a very shocking duo for the bedroom, which they always try to dilute with white. Black and white textiles and furniture can make up a basic set to complement this color in a youth bedroom. All that remains is to add white sliding curtains on the eaves with remote control, as well as a little metallic sheen in the fittings and large lamps, which will be a great addition to the youth interior.

6. The pink-peach shade of the bedroom is very friendly and warm, it can be combined with chocolate-colored wood, for example, when floors and furniture are decorated with wenge decor. Lighter yellowish-brown shades are also suitable here - sand, beige, coffee or cocoa. The overall nobility of the bedroom will be complemented by milky white textiles and accessories.

Tip: Whatever the choice of shade for a pink bedroom, it is important to observe the general proportions and balance of the palette so as not to overload and spoil the overall impression. Remember that many design flaws can be eliminated with the help of lamps, textiles and the texture of finishing materials. A glossy ceiling has the properties of a mirror surface, so if there is a lot of pink, it will further enhance the effect, and matte, on the contrary, will hide the excess of pink. If the overall range of the bedroom is not in harmony with the shade of the floor, do not rush to start repairs - it is enough to choose an original bedside rug of the desired color.

The bedroom is the holy of holies of the family and of each individual, because this room is for you and only for you. Not for receiving guests, eating or watching TV. It is a room for rest, sleep, privacy and relaxation. That is why it should be designed exclusively according to your taste and desire, in a pleasant color scheme and, accordingly, in a design that will be comfortable for you or other members of your family. If you are attracted by the idea of ​​decorating a bedroom in pink, we will try to help you with this.

Pink cannot be called universal. However, the richness of shades of pink, their saturation, methods of application radically change the appearance of the room, so the choice is quite extensive.

Who is the pink bedroom for?

Pink shades are usually associated with romance, tenderness, femininity. And this intuitive perception does not fail: psychologists say that such a color is really quite romantic, it expresses love and passion, and has a benevolent character. This color reduces aggression, helps to balance the nervous system and, accordingly, to recover from stress, quarrels, scandals. A room in pink tones is an ideal place for pacification and positive, reconciliation and constructive conversation.

Pink is often chosen by talented, intelligent people with good taste. Of course, they will not choose a flashy shade, but prefer a restrained color, which will be the owner of the positive and pacification described above. A bright saturated tone will be chosen by young girls who like to be in the center of attention.

Close to purple - a fairly dark lilac, rich shade of fuchsia is suitable for decorating a room for people who work hard all day, so complete and high-quality relaxation is required in the evening. Dark pink is one of those tones that make relaxation more effective, like deep blue and dark green.

But there is a spectrum of pink tones that are chosen by active, impulsive people with an easily excitable nervous system. Psychologists do not recommend them to paint the bedroom in such a dynamic color. In order for the nervous system to rest, for pacification and a positive mood, it is recommended to choose muted - noble and elegant tones. Interestingly, this effect of the pink hue prolongs life.

Harmonious color combinations

You can combine pink in general with any palette if you correctly place accents. But there are tones with which such a combination will be overly flashy or intrusive. Therefore, the choice of color companions must be approached carefully.

Pink and white is the most popular solution as it is versatile. An overly bright snowy color will make the bedroom just as bright, so it is better to combine it with a pastel color of roses. The softer the white, the richer the color tone can be. A white bedroom is a common design option that can use pink trim. But when these shades are used equally, the interior of the room is balanced and romantic at the same time. The use of a pink palette will relieve the tension and sterility of white, which, in turn, will set off the color scheme, highlighting the creative and intimate beginning.

The combination of pink and gray can be called unique. The duo looks elegant, restrained and quite interesting. An effective combination will appeal not only to women, but also to men. If you choose a dark shade of gray, you can add some brutal notes. The whitewashed palette of this neutral tone is applicable in retro designs because it gives the setting a vintage, aged look. It is advisable to choose pink muted, but not pastel, otherwise it will be lost against the background of even a completely neutral gray. Such a combination is organic in literally any style, while it always looks expensive and stylish.

The duet of pink and azure shades will be interesting. Both colors are quite energetic, so one of them should be muted. Bright and saturated colors will make the bedroom too active and dynamic, which is a little inappropriate in such a room. Although the character of the duo is positive and favorable. Since the combination looks non-standard, the interior always looks stylish and luxurious.

Combined with natural green, a pink bedroom can turn into a garden. But such shades are rarely used only in a duet: as a rule, they are complemented by white, beige, gray or even black. But when choosing pastel or muted colors, you can decorate the room gently and easily.

A bedroom in black and pink is an extreme solution, but acceptable. Matte black wooden surfaces in combination with a noble shade of pink look optimal. Variations of black - with chocolate or gray notes - allow you to decorate the interior of the bedroom dynamically. At the same time, the atmosphere will be relaxing and romantic. It is only important to understand that there should not be details and accents that can irritate the nervous system.

The traditional harmonious combination is the combination of pink with natural woody of any spectrum - both light and dark. Solid wood is organic with any shades that are present in nature, and pink is the color of many different colors. That is why such a duet is applicable in, here the cherry blossom color will complement the situation, which will determine the mood of the entire design.

Decorating the walls of the bedroom in pink

Pink can be the main one in the arrangement of the bedroom. To do this, it is used for wall decoration, then it acts as a background and decor. The shade of finishing can be any - and pastel, and muted, and quite bright. But! The latter option is permissible only on one wall and it is desirable to dilute the bright color with a pattern (or the ornament itself can be chosen in bright pink against the background of a calmer tone of the wall).

How to paint your bedroom walls pink? Choose a light wallpaper with a rich pattern from the main palette. Place them on the wall at the head of the bed, but on the contrary, it is better to make the wall a solid neutral, dark, striped one. A bedroom with all the pink walls will seem overly intrusive and even tasteless. On the opposite headboard wall, you can stick a couple of strips of base material.

Pink bedroom in various styles

Each design style has harmonious pink bedroom options:

  • In the classic design, you can choose neutral monochromatic wallpapers for the wall opposite the bed, and place the same ones as at the headboard in baguettes, as for paintings, and hang them as decor symmetrically to the TV or to each other, if you decide to abandon appliances in the bedroom. It is worth choosing a large pattern on the walls - an openwork ornament, large flowers, ornate figures.
  • The English classics will "prefer" the strip. You can play on variants of combinations of basic shades and widths of stripes. For example, the wall at the headboard is made brighter: here you can choose wallpaper with a pink and white stripe, which is set off by gold or the unobtrusive subtle color of milk chocolate. On the opposite wall, you can choose wallpaper with a thinner stripe, in which white or cream, less often dark, is the main one, such a canvas as if mirrored other walls.
  • In modern design directions, it is better to choose coverings with a minimum amount of pattern, geometric patterns, large flowers or photo wallpaper for an accent wall - at the head of the bed. Wall murals can be placed opposite, but you need to carefully consider the choice of the plot. It can be a dandelion flying in the wind, and pink sand with a soft sea surf, and cherry blossoms. It is important that the image is not too dynamic, because you should fall asleep, not wake up.
  • , shabby chic, rococo can be realized using aged wood in light pink tones. This palette can be a sign of peeling paint or a rare wood.

Of course, there is always the option to completely paint the walls pink. But for a monochromatic solution, you need to choose a pastel tone. You can add arched vaults in more saturated shades, but not overly bright, draw columns or thus add other shades to the design gamut.

Floors and ceilings in the pink bedroom

Traditionally, it is better to cover the floors with wood material. In harmony with the pink walls, it can be light wood or, conversely, quite dark. At the same time, there is no need to use this shade elsewhere: the rest of the surfaces can be of any color. The material of gray color, whitish wood, delicate creamy surface will be harmonious.

The design of the ceiling depends on the style. Often they use multi-level designs with combinations of shades. For example, curly designs highlight the bed and repeat its contour, which is especially harmonious with non-standard furniture solutions.

But there is always the best option - a clean white ceiling that suits all styles and trends.

Furniture and textiles

Choosing pink as the main color for a bedroom, you should abandon overly pretentious furniture in bright colors. Interior items should be neutral - in shape, decor, palette. If decorative details are present in the decoration of furniture without fail, then here they will always be monochromatic - without gold. But you can use basic pink.

Optimal use of built-in solutions to the maximum: leave the pink color in the leading role. Moreover, it should be present in the textile elements of the furnishings. Most often these are bedspreads, curtains and decorative additional pillows. The main shade can be used in details such as a canopy, curtain decor, patterns on furniture facades. But such elements can be excluded by the chosen design style, so do not overdo it with the introduction of color into the interior.

Furniture with glossy facades with bronze dusting will look beautiful in a pink design. You can make the pink itself pearlescent in warm or, conversely, cool pearl tones.

Noteworthy: If you choose, opt for lightweight curtains, but for comfort, complement the window trim with blinds or neutral Roman curtains. In the classic bedroom, as in the Baroque, and in, thick and heavy curtains are used. They can be neutral or dark in color, then lambrequins, decor, additional openwork details will be pink. As the main color, pink should be muted here, and the details should be gold, black or chocolate, beige, gray.


Traditionally, the light is organized in such a bedroom in accordance with all the requirements for comfort: in addition to the central lamp, there are always sconces or floor lamps next to the bed, lighting near the closet, especially if the room is large. But you need to choose the spectrum of lighting thoughtfully: the feeling in the interior depends on it. Pink itself can be different, so you can emphasize or, conversely, replay its effect on the "temperature" of the room with the help of light.


Pink can hardly be called a standard solution for decorating a bedroom, but there is something in its shades that is both romantic and stylish, especially in combination with black, gray and brown. Therefore, you can find the perfect solution for rest, relaxation and morning bliss, because the situation in such a range can be multifaceted, if you correctly place accents in the decoration of the room, placing more energetic and contrasting details out of sight of the person lying in bed.

Photos of the bedroom in pink

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If you like pink, use it in your home. At the same time, do not worry about the fact that you will quickly get tired of it due to the strong brightness. We present 20 photos pink bedrooms that show you how to add this shade in a way that makes it look chic and classy, ​​not overwhelming.

The bright pink color is also used on walls and furniture. The designer used white to illuminate the room and make it visually spacious.

If you don't want hot pink on all four walls, you can use it on one available wall. The monochromatic color scheme in the rest of the room will emphasize this particular wall.

Consider using pink on pretty cushions and other accessories, rather than coloring the surface of the wall here, which is a light pink that goes well with the surrounding accessories.

Pink bedroom design photo

Consider the juxtaposition of pink with black and white as the designer intended. The main color (in this case blue) is a great addition to the decor of this room.

Consider adding texture to the wallpaper wall as the designer intended in this room.

If you want a stylish look that stays trendy for a long time, consider using classic elements such as a padded headboard, as well as pink-colored elements such as a lamp and edge of the bed.

Vibrant pink walls don't seem as stunning when balanced with large patterns and accessories like bedside tables and a button on the pillow.

A vibrant pink patterned roman shade is the perfect accent for this room.

The bright pink color in this room does not allow the white furniture to seem too harsh and cold.

This room looks very bold with its bright pink carpet. The designer used patterns such as stripes and other geometric shapes to balance the color and accentuate the brightness of the floor.

The bright pink bed looks fantastic when paired with other neon colors. Here, a bright orange wall pairs well with hot pink bedding.

Gray pink bedroom

The shade of gray is the perfect partner for pink. The accent wall with gray linens doesn't look too feminine.

The designer made a bold statement with this floral bed frame. The rest of the room is kept simple so that the bed remains the center of attention in the room.

An intricate wallpaper pattern means the rest of the room should be simpler. Here, the hot pink color matches well with the blue headboard and pillows.

A bright pink lettering on the wall is paired with bright pink pillows and a duvet.

A vibrant pink looks fantastic when paired with a green hue. Here, a trendy rug and ornate headboard make this vibrant pink room truly girly.

This room also uses a hot pink color for the wall, footrests and pillows. The black, white and gray colors of the rest of the elements give the room a freshness and modernity.

The only bright pink color in this room is used in the light and sun lounger. It's a fun shade in a monochromatic space.

Bedroom in pink

The designer labeled this pink bed frame to make it the centerpiece of a fun and playful space.

Why are blacks and whites often combined with hot pinks? They give the room a modern look and allow pink elements to stand out.

A bright pink is fine if you know how to use it correctly. Keep in mind that you need to balance the rest of the room to make sure attention is focused where you want it to be.