Baths bas. Installing an acrylic bathtub with your own hands: detailed step-by-step installation instructions Installing a bass allegro bath screen

At a stand in a plumbing store or in a photo in an online store, an acrylic bathtub is usually presented as an assembly. Meanwhile, Aquanet products arrive in the regions disassembled, and chain stores often supply them in the form of some kind of “assemble it yourself”. As a result, the question arises, how is an acrylic bathtub installed? .

The first task. How to assemble a frame for an acrylic bathtub

Acrylic bathtubs ordered in the Aquanet online store are delivered to the customer with the assembled frame. It remains to install it, if necessary, fix it against the wall using fastening materials. Isolate the junction of the bathtub to the wall using a special self-adhesive skirting board or plastic corner, which is attached to sanitary silicone. If the mixer is already installed, you can immediately use the bathroom. To help those who received the bath in a disassembled state, that is, the bowl is separate from the frame, instructions are given. And here it is already required to apply your abilities as a home master.

To make it easier for yourself the task of assembling the frame, the safest way to quickly and efficiently install an acrylic bathtub is to contact the service department. At Aquanet, this also automatically doubles the hardware warranty. By the way, service specialists can help even if the bathtub arrives at its destination with the frame already assembled. In this case, the masters will level the product, connect the drain and overflow, install, if required, the front panel, process the joints with a sealant. That is, they will prepare a turnkey bath, taking into account all the nuances, since they are well aware of the specifics of each model. In this case, the operation of the acrylic bath is possible immediately after the departure of the service technicians.

If you decide to assemble the frame yourself, then it should be borne in mind that the frames are individual for different models of acrylic bathtubs. Moreover, the designs of the frames are different, not only for asymmetric or angular products with an individual shape, but also for rectangular ones. Therefore, for the installation of each model of an acrylic bathtub, a manual has been developed that will help you understand the intricacies of the assembly. It is included with every product purchased from Aquanet.

However, there is also a general procedure that is unified for all models. For example, let's figure it out step by step, how to assemble the frame of a corner acrylic bathtub .

Step 1. Turn the bath upside down and place it on a flat surface that will not damage or scratch the bath. In the corners of the bath, measure a distance of 40 mm from each side to determine the position of the center of the upright.

Step 2. Screw the racks into the MDF mortgages located in the corners of the bath, using two 3.5 * 16 self-tapping screws in each rack.

Step 3. Place the frame on the bottom of the bath so that it does not protrude beyond the dimensions of the bath, and connect it to three vertical posts with a bolt and an M10 nut through holes with a diameter of 13 mm.

Step 4. Screw the frame with 3.5x40 self-tapping screws to the mortgage at the bottom of the bath in five places.

Step 5. In the MDF mortgages, which are located along the perimeter from the front side, screw the corners to stop the front panel.

Step 6. Insert the supports (flags) for fixing the front panel into the holes with a diameter of 13 mm on the uprights and fix with M10 locknuts.

Step 7. Insert plastic plugs 25x25 into the open parts of the profile pipe.

Step 8. Install the legs in the holes on the frame with a diameter of 13 mm and fix them with nuts. Adjust the feet using a spirit level. In this case, the height of the leg should be 640 mm.

Step 9. Install the front panel between the corners and the side of the bathtub so that there is an angle of 90 degrees between the panel and the bathtub. At the same distance from the side of the bath, it is required to drill holes in the panel with a diameter of 8 mm opposite the flags.

Step 10. Screw on the panel with 3.5x40 self-tapping screws, then screw on the decorative part of the plug.

Attention! According to SNiP (Building Code), the height of the acrylic bathtub from the floor to the top of the bathtub should be 60 centimeters. If the bathroom is used by children, disabled people and the elderly, then this figure is less - 50 cm.

The second task. How to install an acrylic legged bathtub

Budget models of bathtubs, as a rule, are installed on the so-called eco-legs, and not on the frame. They come with a bathtub. You need to mount them yourself. Each model comes with instructions. But let's figure it out together in all the nuances of installing a bathtub on legs:

Step 1. Screw M12 nuts (locknuts) onto M12 studs L = 200 mm from both sides at a distance of 3-4 cm. Then, on one side, screw on the M12 legs made of black plastic and fix them with locknuts.

Step 2. Place the bathtub upside down on a clean, flat surface. Measure the protruding embedded part of the bath and mark the middle.

Step 3. Place the first supporting profile of the frame at the bottom of the tub, 50 mm away from the edge of the mortgage. Connect the middle of the bearing profile with the middle of the mortgage and screw in four places with 4.0 * 20 self-tapping screws, as on rice. 1.

Step 4. Measure 10 mm on the drain side and install a second support profile

Connect the middle of the profile with the middle of the mortgage and screw it in four places with 4.0 * 20 self-tapping screws.

Step 5. Install the legs in the holes with a diameter of 13 mm in the support profile. From the side where the front panel will be installed, install the fastening box with an M12 washer and an M12 nut. On the other side, install the legs and fix with an M12 nut, as on rice. 2.

Step 6. Adjust the feet in height. The recommended leg height is 160 mm from the frame.

Attention! When installing the bath, the front panel, if it is already installed, must be removed. It must be attached to the product last.

The third task. How to fix an acrylic bathtub

Perhaps the simplest of the tasks. With a secure frame for installing the bathtub, it is usually not attached to the wall. But for inner peace of mind, and especially if you put the bath on eco-legs, it is better to provide for a reliable fastening. To do this, you need to perform a number of actions.

Step 1. Measure the height from the floor to the edge of the bath side and mark the attachment points for the corners (see. rice. 3).

Step 2. With a 6 mm drill, make holes in the marked places and install the dowels, where the fastening corners should be screwed.

Attention! The bathtub should not hang on the brackets. To prevent this, you can adjust the height of the bath with the legs.

The fourth task. How to install the front panel

If you are not plastering the bathtub with plasterboard and do not plan to mount it on a podium, then it is best to cover the front with a front panel.

Step 1. For the top fastening of the front panel (if provided), screw the mounting angles (4 pieces) with 4 * 16 screws into the inserts located along the perimeter from the front side of the bath. When installing the mounting bracket, provide a distance to the bath rim, which is equal to the thickness of the front panel.

Step 2. Screw the M10 nut onto the front panel fastening flags (M10 stud with welded perforated plate). Insert into the holes of the frame corners and fix so that when installing the panel there is an angle of 90 degrees between the panel and the side of the bathtub.

Step 3. Install the front panel between the mounting angles and the front of the bath rim. Align the panel. Drill two 8 mm holes at the level of the flags and at the same distance from the edge of the front panel. Screw the front panel with self-tapping screws 4 * 16 with the threaded part of the plug to the fastening flags and screw on the decorative part of the plug.

Attention! If you ordered a model with hydromassage equipment, then you need to take care of making grounding an acrylic bath.

The advantage of acrylic bathtubs is lightness, but this moment is also their disadvantage, since a rather fragile and thin structure may not withstand and burst upon impact or be damaged from a heavy object falling.

Agree, I would not want to spoil the new plumbing during installation. In general, installing an acrylic bathroom with your own hands is an easy task. The main thing is to understand the principle of work and adhere to the technology.

Below are various ways of installing a bathtub, the procedure for connecting a siphon and a sewer supply is described. all instructions are accompanied by visual photographs and videos.

Acrylic bathtubs are very beautiful, have an original design and a variety of colors. At the same time, they have their own weaknesses and vulnerabilities.

Therefore, it will not be superfluous to find out what problems can be encountered during installation and subsequent operation, and how to prevent them.

Colored acrylic bathtub of unusual shape will become a bright and original element that can decorate the interior of any bathroom

Among the advantages are:

  • Plastic. Acrylic lends itself well to forming and subsequent processing. This property of the material determines the presence of a huge variety of forms of acrylic bowls.
  • Lightness. The acrylic bathtub is lightweight (15-25 kg), so one adult man can easily cope with its installation.
  • Priority heating technology. Acrylic itself is a warm material. In addition, it has a low thermal conductivity, acrylic baths are able to retain heat for a long time, the water in them cools much more slowly than in cast-iron structures.
  • Maintainability... Plumbing and acrylic products in general lend themselves well to repair and restoration. If the damage is significant, then the bath can be restored using an acrylic insert, which is made for a specific structure, and then simply inserted into the old container.

As for the drawbacks, they are also present, but we must not forget about the drawbacks. Compliance with the recommendations below will help to avoid possible problems and extend the life of the acrylic bath.

The disadvantages of acrylic plumbing include:

  • Sensitivity to high t º... Acrylic does not withstand very high temperatures. When heated above 60 degrees, it can deform, so do not pour too hot water into the bath.
  • Fragility. If you accidentally drop a heavy metal object into the bathtub, a step, such as an uneven surface, its bottom can be punched through.
  • Vulnerability. Acrylic bathtub is capricious - it cannot be rubbed with hard brushes, washed with powders containing abrasives, since the enamel is very susceptible and can be easily scratched from exposure to hard particles.

And it should also be noted, if not a drawback, then the inconvenience that one who first sank into an acrylic bathtub encounters. Due to the thinness of the material, the bottom may sag slightly under the weight of a person's weight. However, you get used to this feature of an acrylic bath rather quickly.

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Conclusions and useful video on the topic

The assembly of the frame and installation of the bath with a plastic screen are described in the following video:

Video instruction on how to properly assemble a factory metal frame for an acrylic bathtub:

Corner, round or asymmetrical acrylic bathtubs are installed only on the factory metal frame. Manufacturers attach detailed instructions according to which any man can cope with this work on his own. However, it is better to entrust the installation of a whirlpool bath to specialists, since it requires the connection of complex electrical equipment.

Do you have anything to add or have questions about installing the bath? Share your personal experience in installing plumbing and please leave comments on the publication.

Bas acrylic bathtubs are very popular with today's consumers. They have become a good replacement for all other bathtub models. The Russian manufacturer bas produces a large assortment of bathtubs of different shapes from angular to asymmetric, of various colors with a long service life. Therefore, consumers choose this particular product.

All products of the company are manufactured on modern Italian and American equipment. The products include various shower stalls, bath curtains, and a huge selection of acrylic bathtubs. Despite the fact that bass baths have up to 40 types of various models and some of them are similar to each other, each of them has certain functions and features.

Bath sizes

Baths are divided by size into large, medium and small:

Advantages of the bass bath:

  1. An acrylic bass bathtub will help save space in the bathroom, while maintaining its internal space, unlike a simple model.
  2. The acrylic bathtub is sold with or without hydromassage.
  3. You can additionally purchase a hydromassage and install it yourself.

Corner baths

These models have a large internal volume, thereby saving a lot of space in the room. One side of it is slightly wider, thanks to which the volume of the tank inside is larger than that of the straight model. They have a beautiful appearance, will suit any interior, by installing it at home, all friends and relatives will be delighted. Left and right-sided models are on sale, in the inner corner it has a special stand for bathroom cosmetics, sometimes the stand is used as a seat.

Symmetrical baths

Symmetrical corner models are made with the same length and width. They are ideal for homes with large bathrooms. Often there is not much space in apartments, so when installing a bathtub, they try to do it in such a way as to save space.

  • Bath "Firewood"

In the Firewood bathtub, you can take a bath for two, its volume is 280 liters, depth is 46 cm. On both sides there are two headrests, two armrests and a seat. And also inside there are shelves for accessories, a device for controlled overflow of water. Acrylic bathtub Firewood will look neat and beautiful in the interior of the bathroom. Its two sides are symmetrical, and the third is rounded, it is one of the best corner products. Separately, you can equip the bath with a variety of lights, handles, and hydromassage from 8 to 12 nozzles. An additional Niagara mixer for foot massage and a radio control panel will help you to feel the fullness of comfort.

BAS Acrylic bathtub Firewood 160x160
  • Bath "Iris"

This model has a large water capacity, and by installing an additional hydromassage, you can take a bath together while enjoying a back and leg massage. The Iris acrylic bathtub will help to save space in a small room, moreover, due to its angular shape, it looks elegant and beautiful. The wide rims of the bathtub can be decorated on both sides with various accessories. Additional lighting and handles are installed. Made of environmentally friendly material with a strong frame, affordable.

Hydromassage bathtub IRIS TA-205R

Asymmetric bathtubs BAS

Thanks to the asymmetric models that have appeared, you can free up additional space in the room. It appears due to the fact that such products lack one corner, instead of which you can install a laundry basket, a sink with a washing machine and much more. Unlike straight bathtubs, this one has a special stand for bath accessories.

  • Florida bath

This model is suitable for indoor installation with a non-standard layout. It will add a sense of royal luxury to any interior. The volume of the bath is 205 liters. Its outer side is reinforced, therefore it is quite strong and reliable, while the inner side is covered with an antibacterial compound. The asymmetric bathtub model consists of three straight walls, and the fourth with a rounding, can be with right-hand or left-hand installation. The inner stock has a seat, headrest and armrests. There is a wide rim on one side of the bathtub that can be used as a holder for bath accessories. Additionally installed hydromassage, curtain, lights and handles.

Acrylic bathtub Bas Florida 160
  • Fantasy bathtub

Fantasy Bath is designed for people with heavy physical and constant mental stress. Created in an egg-shaped shape, the tank will help you to relax by submerging completely in the water after a hard day at work. The product is made for corner mounting, equipped with internal projections for the seat, headrest and armrest. The installation height of the bathtub is adjusted using the included legs. Additionally, hydromassage, lighting and handles are installed.

Straight and rectangular models

This type of bath is standard and can be found in any apartment. Unlike cast iron and steel products, straight and rectangular acrylic BAS bathtubs can be of various sizes. Each model has its own shape and is suitable for all sizes of bathrooms. Some of the products are bulging, bulky or round, while others look more like marble with sharp corners.

  • Bath "Verona"

A small acrylic bathtub is great for small bathrooms. Has a small internal volume of the tank, made in a classic style, installed on either side of the bathroom. Inside there are armrests and a headrest. By collecting water into the tank, excess noise is damped, removing vibrations thanks to a specially created additional structure. Additionally, you can install hydromassage and lighting, radio control panel. These models are a budget option.

Bas Verona 150 * 70

Whirlpool baths

Acrylic bathtubs BAS can be purchased with or without hydro, air massage. They are divided into different types, differ in price. The hydromassage is created with the help of several jets of water, while the air massage is made of air currents. In order for the water procedures to be convenient and comfortable, you can independently adjust the strength, as well as the duration of the flow of water and air.

  1. The standard hydromassage has six jets, which are installed 3 on one side of the rim and 3 on the other. You can adjust the power yourself.
  2. Additional hydromassage has eight nozzles located 4 on the left side of the bath rim and 4 on the right.
  3. The foot hydromassage is installed in the side of the bathtub from the side of the feet.
  4. Hydromassage "Shiatsu" consists of 6 nozzles. Thin jets of water up to 8 mm in diameter produce an acupressure massage for the back. The nozzles are installed at the bottom of the tank in the chest area. You can independently change the direction of the jet from the nozzle in any direction. A similar hydromassage with a water jet of 4.5 mm has 12 nozzles.

Hydromassage will help relieve daytime fatigue, stress, help get rid of cellulite and excess weight. For a positive result, it is recommended to alternate the flow and water temperature modes.

It's important to know! Until the water in the container is more than 5 cm above the nozzles, the hydromassage system must not be turned on. Cleaning the whirlpool should be done every six months, so the water in the bath will not be hard.

Bathroom care rules

  1. Using soft napkins and detergents, rinse the inside of the bathtub after each use.
  2. Household chemicals for cleaning smooth surfaces will help remove surface stains.
  3. Wine vinegar will help get rid of the salts that have formed.
  4. Using fine sandpaper, you can remove scratches from the surface of the bathtub.
  5. Polishing agents will restore the original shine of the surface.

Can not use! Iron brushes, solvents, all these will ruin the bath.

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Riola Acrylic Bathtub

The well-known company Bas has gained wide popularity thanks to the use of two modern technologies for reinforcing bath surfaces. The first option is based on the reinforcement of the Bass bath using polyester resin with special glass yarn. The second technology involves the use of absolutely safe, environmentally friendly high-density two-component polyurethane foam.

Modern baths

Currently, the full lineup of the company is represented by:

  • Bass acrylic bathtubs;
  • curtains to them;
  • shower cabins;
  • special shower enclosures.

30 modern models Bas bathtubs have classic rectangular, asymmetrical and symmetrical shapes. All products are manufactured in strict accordance with the advanced Italian and American technologies using original equipment.

Any Bass bath is molded using special vacuum-forming machines manufactured by the well-known Italian company SELF. During the operation of such equipment, infrared heating of certain zones is used. This method allows you to bend the base sheet into any required shape.

Fantasy Bath

Popular Bass Models

At the moment, the acrylic bathtub Bas is the best option in terms of price-durability ratio for many citizens of our country. The most famous models are considered to be all corner baths, fanciful curved shape, which allows you to save space and improve the appearance of the room.

How to choose an acrylic bathtub? Let's take a closer look at three unique models that will satisfy any requirements of the most fastidious users:

  1. Laguna bass bath - the maximum volume of water up to the safety drain at the top is 295 liters. The depth of the side asymmetric model in the center is 44 cm, and the height of the screen itself is 55 cm. The electrical characteristics of this V bath are 220/240. The electrical wiring for powering electronic elements is made using an RCD. The standard package includes:
  • metal carcass;
  • front panel;
  • convenient removable legs for installing the bathtub and a drain device.

Additionally, this model is equipped with: a cascade, safety handles, special nozzles for a relaxing massage of the back and legs, a headrest, lighting and a pillow for the switch button.

Corner bathtub Bass

  1. Bas Alegra bathtub - this model has a smaller volume. Only 220 liters. But it fits perfectly into small bathrooms in Khrushchevs. The maximum depth in the center is 45 cm, and the height of the screen is 56 cm. The classic equipment is the same as the previous model, and the same number of additions to it: headrest, handles, nozzles, cascade, button cushion and lighting. This bathtub is very practical and easy to use, popular with young couples who find it easy to climb over a sufficiently high side. Low price goes well with high functionality. This is the brainchild of Bass - a new generation acrylic bathtub with a comfortable corner seat made of durable materials.
  2. Acrylic bathtub Bas Nicole is a fairly large bathtub. Apart from the shape and volume, this model is no different from the previous one. The maximum volume is 290 liters. It is easy to install it in the space between two walls or in a small niche, which are still found in former communal apartments. This is possible thanks to two straight sides on both sides of the product. The stock has a rectangular shape, slightly elongated on one side. If necessary, this bathtub can be equipped with a vertical stand for hydromassage and a special original curtain for this model.

Bathtub with two vertical walls on the sides

Please note: the power supply to all models is carried out through an RCD, therefore, it is imperative to ground this device. Otherwise, the use of such a bath will be unsafe for humans.

Advantages of acrylic types of bathtubs

Recently, pool baths are gaining more and more popularity, but what are the main advantages of such devices?

Users and installers of plumbing accessories have noted a number of advantages of these bathtubs.

  1. Unlike steel and cast iron counterparts, acrylic Bas baths have a low weight and very high strength, which was inaccessible to non-metallic products for a long time.
  2. Even unfilled with boiling water - they have a pleasant temperature for humans and do not allow the collected water to cool for a long time. This property is available through the use of acrylic, which has a very low thermal conductivity. On average, in 30 minutes the water will cool down by only one degree Celsius.
  3. All these models of bathtubs have ergonomic shapes, specially created close to the curves of the human body.
  4. The acrylic surface is highly resistant to various mechanical damage: chips, deformations and scratches.
  5. Acrylic is able to retain its original shine for many years and does not turn yellow, as happens with enamel counterparts. Moreover, they practically do not slip, which makes their use safer for children and the elderly.
  6. The surface of such baths is covered with a special antibacterial layer that prevents the development of various diseases and fungal deposits.
  7. The water is drawn quietly enough that you can take a bath even at night without worrying about disturbing your family and neighbors.

Rectangular bath model

Advice: if you want to install a model of a bathtub with a hydromassage function, then first think about where it is most optimal to place additional equipment.


If it was decided to use the products of the Bas company, acrylic bathtubs will be purchased at the most reasonable price. And the number of various additional functions will turn an ordinary hygienic bathing into a real spa procedure.

High environmental friendliness and ergonomics of all models allows you to install and use these devices for comfortable bathing of babies and small children. They are easy to fit into any interior, thanks to the variety of shapes and convenient installation method. The only thing you shouldn't forget is the obligatory grounding of such bathtubs. You should not be lazy and risk your health, relying on luck.


First of all, of course, a few words should be said about the manufacturer of acrylic bathtubs BAS. This company continues to amaze its consumers and partners, proving that baths made in Russia are no worse than their foreign counterparts.

The main products of this company are hydro and air massage acrylic baths.... Among the obvious positive aspects of acrylic bathtubs manufactured by BAS, the following can be distinguished:

  • bas acrylic bathtubs are made using multilayer polymer plastic from senoplast - the combination of acrylic and ABS plastic gives the bathtub strength and reliability;
  • the same plastic from senoplast also has an antibacterial effect, which protects the bath from the growth of various bacteria
  • bas bathtubs are manufactured using high-quality Italian equipment, so the products can compete with European products
  • acrylic bathtubs are reinforced with a steel frame, which is well protected from water
  • the products are manufactured in Russia and therefore its features take into account the arrangement of Russian toilets

Buyers about BAS bathtubs

It is interesting what the buyers themselves say about the acrylic bathtubs bas reviews, it is quite easy to find on the Internet. It turns out that most of the buyers were very pleased, saying that the acrylic bathtub from the bas company serves excellently. Customers happily share their impressions that the bathtub of this company:

  • does not scratch, despite the fact that a shower periodically falls into it
  • the side is very thick and you can sit on it
  • the bath keeps heat well, and therefore you can swim in it for a long time, even if hot water is in limited quantities
  • the bathtub is equipped with wonderful comfortable armrests
  • takes up little space, all models are well thought out
  • the only detail that earned several negative reviews was the hydro and air massage system - they say that it does not last very long, and repairs are quite expensive

Another interesting point was that many buyers installed and assembled both an acrylic bathtub and a curtain for the bathroom on their own. Of course, not everyone can do this, but still we can assume that this speaks of the quality of the product, since even a non-professional assembler will do everything efficiently. Nevertheless, the installation of the bas acrylic bathtub can be carried out by professionals in their field - it all depends on the capabilities of the client. The instructions that come with the bath are quite clear and simple, so the assembly of the bas acrylic bath is not difficult.

Three excellent examples of BAS products: Atlanta, Florida and Laguna

One great example is the acrylic bathtub. bas atlanta, which has certain advantages. So, the dimensions of this bath model are quite modest, it is suitable even for a small bathroom - 170 x 70 cm. Nevertheless, the capacity is very good - 205 liters. Since the baths from BAS are mostly hydromassage, Atlanta is no exception - it is equipped with six nozzles - three on each side.

The obligatory set includes a standard set:

  • metal frame that guarantees the durability of the bath
  • legs under the bathtub, which allow you to adjust the height of the bathtub and make sure it is stable
  • front panel that covers the space under the bathroom and gives the interior a complete look
  • necessary device for draining and overflow

In terms of design and space optimization, this is a very simple, medium-sized rectangular bathtub, comfortable enough, but not taking up too much space or distracting too much attention, so it will easily fit into almost any modern design.

Another example of a great bathtub would be an acrylic bathtub - this is an asymmetric corner bathtub. It is quite compact in itself - 160 cm long and 88 cm wide, and at the same time it also has a beveled corner, thus, it will be ideal for a small room. Although her style is quite simple and graceful, if desired, she can be distinguished - for example, create a visually separate space for her, using decorative elements, finishing with tiles of a different color or shade, additional shelves, etc. In addition to its ergonomic design, this bathtub also has an interesting shelf for hygiene items, or even so that you can sit on it.

The equipment is standard here - the same as in Atlanta. The capacity is also 205 liters. But there are more hydromassage nozzles - there are eight of them.

The latter should, of course, consider such a model as an acrylic bathtub. bas lagoon which is a bit like the Florida model. Nevertheless, the Lagoon is larger in size - 170 x 110 cm. The capacity is also much larger - 295 liters. And the number of hydromassage jets is the same - eight pieces. The complete set is standard.

This bath is suitable for a medium-sized room, due to the fact that although it is asymmetrical, it is still quite large and is unlikely to fit well in a small room. This model is also very conveniently equipped with a shelf for bathroom accessories and has an ergonomic design. At the same time, it will most likely be one of the main elements in the design of the room, this is facilitated by its rather large dimensions. Therefore, you can highlight it with directional colored lighting, or other decor options. It is also a great idea to hang a large mirror next to the bathtub, so that it expands the space, and the bathtub no longer seems like something bulky.

In addition to the standard equipment, BAS offers its customers a fairly large selection of additional options. These additional features can be divided into several groups:

  1. Aero and hydromassage lotions: various types of massage - back, shiatsu, foot; air massage from 6 to 12 nozzles, hydro-aero-pipe massage.
  2. Faucets: cascade mixer or even the whole set: spout, mixer, shower holder.
  3. Backlighting: various types of backlighting and chromotherapy.
  4. Nice little things: a headrest, armrests, cleaning agents for the massage system or the bath itself, a pillow for the on and off buttons.

The BAS company provides its customers with really very wide opportunities for choosing a model and a set of a complete set of a bath, plus you can choose a design curtain.