Unconditional connections. How to enter the "flow": a magic scheme that will suit everyone Learn to ignore the problems

Kryon. Create a space of happiness and success around you! Top 10 lessons from Lyman Arthur

Lesson 1 Finding Unconditional Love

Finding unconditional love

Feel loved and the world will change instantly

The hurry of any communication, any relationship begins with unconditional love. Simply because Divine or unconditional love (love that does not impose any conditions and does not depend on anything) is the only creative force in the Universe. If we want to be successful in anything, if we want positive results, we must start with love. This applies to any business. Everything that we approach with love receives a very powerful charge of Divine energies. They come to us, into our lives, precisely through our own sense of unconditional love. If we carry unconditional love within us, we become conductors of powerful Divine energies. And these energies begin to work for us. They begin to create all the best that we want to get. They bring us success.

Relationships are doomed to succeed if they are built on the foundation of unconditional love!

Look at any relationship that doesn't go well or is crumbling. The reason is only that some low-frequency energies, different from the energies of unconditional love, intervened in them. Maybe these are energies of resentment or condemnation, anger or envy, selfish desire for self-affirmation and power ... All these are the destroyers of relationships.

Unconditional love is the only force that can create the most wonderful relationships!

It is very important to understand that unconditional love is not selective. Unconditional love is a feeling that anyone can have for everyone. Kryon says that if we had not forgotten about our divine essence, then we would know that all people really love each other with unconditional love. This is a natural phenomenon for the Divine family of which we are all members. We only need to remember this to understand that there is nothing unusual or difficult about unconditional love. She is in our very nature. Only our nature was distorted. Therefore, we forgot about what is natural for us, and began to follow what is unnatural for us: dislike, rejection, condemnation of each other, and sometimes even hatred.

All this seems normal because it has become a habit, but in fact it is not the norm. And the more people understand this, the easier it will be for all of us to return to the true norm - to unconditional love for each other as pure Divine beings.

One must be aware that unconditional love is precisely Divine love, love in its highest manifestation. This is the love with which God treats people. This is love that does not attach importance to shortcomings and imperfections, love forgiving and completely disinterested.

In human society, unfortunately, there is a substitution of concepts. They began to call love something quite different from what God put in this word. Love is a powerful creative force in the universe. It is the power of accepting everything as it is. This is the power aimed at the union of all things with God. It is a protective, protective force, it is warm and gentle care, it is an approving and supportive force.

People began to call manifestations of completely different energies love. So, they began to call love their own possessive feeling of submission to another person, their sense of possession, their desire to influence others, as well as dependence on others. Because of this substitution of concepts, relationships are destroyed. Because only unconditional love connects people. All other feelings, only faked for love, are unable to connect people, can only break off relations.


Human love is often demanding. Human love often wants to receive something from the object of love. Human love can claim power and submission. Human love requires reward and gratitude.

I say "human" to emphasize the difference between it and Divine love. But this does not mean that Divine love cannot become human. To do this, it must cease to be conditional - setting conditions, and become unconditional - free from any conditions and requirements.

Every person at least once in his life felt the manifestation of unconditional love. It is impossible not to feel them, because this is our true nature. And no matter how distorted our ideas about love are, we still know deep down in our hearts what it is to love and be loved unconditionally. This means that we are faced with the task of just remembering how this feeling manifests itself.

Exercise 1

Resurrect the feeling of being loved

Surely you have felt loved more than once, and you can remember this. Maybe it was in childhood, when you felt that you are valuable as you are, that you are loved and accepted without any criticism, without condemnation, without wishes that you “become better”. Maybe it was already in adulthood when you felt the love of another person. But it is possible that this feeling arose in you even without connection with the attitude of other people towards you. So, many children in the depths of their souls feel that they are loved by the world, the Universe, God, nature, all that exists - even if the people around them do not confirm this with their behavior.

Maybe this feeling (“I love (s)!”) Did not visit you often, maybe it was fleeting, but it must have happened to you!

Think of a situation in which you felt something like this, and remember the very feeling: "I am loved (s)." If this was due to the love of other people for you, then most likely later this feeling disappeared, was replaced by other feelings that are no longer so positive - for example, jealousy, resentment, addiction. But, one way or another, the feeling that you are loved, you had, and it was real, it was just yours, and it became part of your experience - regardless of all subsequent disappointments.

When we associate the feeling “I love (s)” with other people, frustration is usually inevitable. But we can realize that this feeling does not only depend on other people. When you felt that someone loved you, you looked at yourself with different eyes - loving. You felt that you were given the right to love and accept yourself as you are. And if you enjoyed the feeling that you are loved, if the whole world at that moment seemed completely different, bright and beautiful, the reason is precisely that you felt your right to be loved and gave yourself the right to love yourself, treat yourself well.

Now you just need to revive this feeling in yourself (after all, it is part of your real experience), already regardless of the attitude of other people towards you. You can remember that you are loved because God loves you. And this love does not depend on anything. It does not depend on whether someone else still loves you or not. People's love is usually not unconditional, because it can change. God's love is unconditional, and therefore unchanging.

Having resurrected the feeling “I am loved” in yourself, look at yourself through the eyes of a loving God. Strive to ensure that this feeling accompanies you always and everywhere. If you forgot - remind yourself that you are loved!

So you will gradually come to a constant feeling of unconditional love, which accompanies you in life, always and everywhere.

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Love is the basis of the universe. Love is what our world consists of, ourselves. Love = life.
Love without conditions = life.

Everything seems to be simple. Love without conditions = just love. Love life, love yourself, love the world, the people around, love what you do and what you don’t do. Just love and enjoy it. However, I often come across the opinion that loving unconditionally is very difficult. And that this requires some incredible effort to educate oneself, and some self-sacrifice and even heroism.

That is why I propose to talk a little about what love is. And it will not be about relationships, but directly about love itself. Love just like that. Without conditions and colors. Love for everything and everyone. Without borders and restrictions. Unconditional love.

And first, let's figure out what unconditional love is. And is there another love, not unconditional?

Conditional love

Love with conditions is familiar to many of us from early childhood: “If you behave well, I like you, I love you”, “If you are an obedient girl, I love you”, “If you are an excellent student, I love you”, “If you don’t deceive me, I love you,” “If you bring home a lot of money, I love you,” “If you don’t cheat on me, I love you,” etc., etc. This list can be continued indefinitely.

But the main thing - conditional love or conditional love - is when we set conditions, when we love for something.

This process can hardly be truly called love, since it is more reminiscent of animal training. I did it right - I got a piece of sugar (love), I did it wrong - I got irritation, discontent, resentment.

We very often treat others this way and do the same to ourselves.

Can you accept a person for who they are?

Do you want to be accepted for who you really are?

Can you accept yourself for who you are?

Do you know who you really are?

Is it fair at all to talk about "who is", maybe it would be fairer to talk about how I see a person? How do I perceive?

How do I perceive and see myself?

Then the question sounds like this:

Can you accept the person as you see / perceive?
Can you accept yourself as you see / perceive?

And now I will continue the thought ...

Love yourself and others

Many conditions have been recorded in us since childhood and are recorded at a very deep subconscious level. And we can only allow ourselves to love ourselves and others to love ourselves if these conditions are met. The same is true of love for others. These conditions can be discovered from those situations, from those problems that we encounter in life. By removing these conditions, we also remove the problems associated with them.

The list of conditions is endless. And to work and dismantle the rubble, consisting of what prevents us from love, too, you can endlessly.

But! After all, you remember that what grows in us is what we feed with our attention.

That is why I propose that we finally begin to nourish with our attention not what prevents us from loving, but actually love itself.

Love is love

From the experience of conducting trainings, I can tell right away about unconditional love - 90% of people confuse love with other feelings. And that is why many people have a very strange reaction to the proposal to just love. From "what for I need this" to "it hurts to love, so - well, you nafig with such ideas." However, you still want to love, because each of us one way or another - consciously or subconsciously - feels how incredible, magical and powerful force of life is hidden in love.

So, in order not to be confused, I propose to start using a very simple and magic formula.

The whole secret is ... that LOVE is LOVE!

That is! Love is not pity, guilt, anger, self-sacrifice, heroism, or pain. And also not custody and not care. The list of what love is not can be continued. This is a very helpful list.

And the whole secret in expanded form sounds like this.

Love is love.

Pity is pity.

Guilt is guilt.

Pain is pain.

Sacrifice is sacrifice.

Caring is caring.

Try to say these words out loud: "Love is love." Feel. It's simple. Just like life itself.

If, of course, not to be confused. Moreover, love heals. Heals guilt, pity, pain, anger, heals the body and, in general, can do a lot. If, of course, this is unconditional love.

A lot can be done with these magic phrases. Just remind yourself in time: love is love and much in your life will become easier, simpler, more pleasant, more magical.


One more aspect.

Love is a feeling. Therefore, it is important not to talk about love, but to feel it.
Therefore, developing feelings, sensations, allowing ourselves to feel, we thereby open more and more channels of perception - including for love, for unconditional love.

And since feeling love once will be much better than talking about it a hundred times, I offer you a little practical experience.

Take a piece of paper. Write "Unconditional Love" on it. Now feel - where is the source of unconditional love hidden in your home? Feel where you would like to put this piece of paper.
Perhaps for someone it will be an image, for someone it will be a sensation, but someone will just want to put the leaf this way and not another way. Do it.

Now get up, sit down, or even lie on this piece of paper. And - open up to feelings and sensations.

Most people begin to feel something unusual within a few seconds. It can be warmth or goosebumps, it can be a feeling of cleansing, washing out excess, expanding, it can be a pleasant coolness and even a feeling of ozone (like fresh air after a thunderstorm). There can be a wiggle or an enveloping coziness.

It doesn't matter how you experience unconditional love. It is important that in this way it becomes material for you and begins to work for you and for you.

And one more little secret. Unconditional love is intelligent energy and it is also the basis of the universe. Therefore, you can ask her to do something for you. For example - to treat. Or - wash away old grievances and pain. Or help in the implementation of something important to you. Ask - and trust the process. Unconditional love knows how to help you. Your task is only to trust ... And the more you trust, the faster and easier what you asked for will turn out.

Unconditional love

Of course, this is not all that can be said about unconditional love. Therefore, the continuation of the topic - follows.

And at the end of this article, I invite you to my new training "Unconditional love or how to become a favorite of Life, the Universe and the Universe." This training is magical, like love itself, and it is impossible to retell in words what is actually happening there. But you can experience, feel and reveal in yourself and the world around you. Come! The nearest training will take place on Saturday, September 24, from 12.00 to 20.00.

Good luck and love!
Love, Junia

In almost all modern languages ​​there is only one word to describe a feeling like love. But the manifestation of this feeling is varied, depending on the object to which we experience it: mother, child, loved one of the opposite sex, friend or girlfriend, homeland, beloved animal, and stands alone love for God.

The Greek language used four different words for this concept: "eros", "storge", "filia" and "agape" ... Love - this is the emotion that gives us strength and inspiration, fills us with energy and makes us act and pushes us to reckless actions. No wonder people have been looking for Love at all times. Mutual Love inspires, makes it possible to move mountains, reach huge peaks.

"Eros"- sensual love, not subject to human will, generated by the fermentation of hormones in the human body. She finds outward expression in a kind of behavior, which we call - falling in love, love attraction or love passion. Love directed towards physical possession of an object.

"Storge"- can be translated into Russian as "tenderness", family love, love of parents for children and children for parents. This relationship affects our entire life, it is our strongest karmic connection in this life.

Love " Filia " in Russian it can be called "respect". This is love-friendship. Love for a group of people or objects, for example, for your collection.

Word "Agape" translates as "a feast of love". Agape expresses active, gifting love, focused on the good of the neighbor, without the slightest shadow of self-interest or attachment to any quality of the beloved. If a person is ruled by Agape's love, he experiences something akin to delight. This is a feeling that fills him all the way to the last cell, turning to dust any attempt at negative manifestation, although it does not reject other types of it. This is love for God.

Our relationship with the world is built on an energetic level in the areas of certain chakras. Moreover, in different relationships, different chakras are involved. Contacting a person, we give our energy and receive it from him. How much are we giving away? How much do we get? How can I check this? Are your connections built correctly and how do they affect your relationship? After all, often a person says that he invests so much energy in someone, but in return he receives practically nothing and does not think about whether he invests there and whether another person needs it?

At the training you can track built relationships... You yourself will understand how mutual the feelings of your loved one are, or are these just words about love, and he wants something different from you. Why does a beloved man sometimes go to the side, what he lacks. Are your friends, colleagues and relatives honest and are there any "vampires" among them? Why, after a conversation with your beloved friend, you feel as if a carriage of coal has been unloaded.

Learn to regulate energy exchange with your environment. You will try to restore the connections that were broken for some reason that you would like to restore or re-establish with someone.

You will find out how you can lay a positive program for your counterpart to improve relationships and better perception of you.

The practical work carried out at the training will help you to use these techniques in your life in the future.

At the training:

  • You will feel how your chakras work on the energies of a specific state of love;
  • You will learn to determine what feelings your immediate environment has for you;
  • What is the quality of the energy emanating from them;
  • You will see how the chakra energy exchange is built with your: loved ones, children, relatives and bosses, for whom you are a donor, and who is for you, who pumps out your energy, not wanting to give anything in return;
  • Correct the energy exchange where it needs to be strengthened, if we want to restore fading connections, and somewhere, on the contrary, weaken, so as not to de-energize yourself in vain if a person does not want to live with you on an equal energy basis;
  • Remove vampire ties that you consider to be unconditional kinship.

Copied from the site "Samopoznanie.ru"

Enter a meditative state and express your intention with an affirmation:

"I ask the Light Divine Forces to tune me to the energy of Unconditional Love right now."

You can rephrase as you like, for example:

"Father, I ask you to put Unconditional Love in my heart."

The main thing is that the request comes from the very heart.

When used regularly, the energy fully opens the heart chakra.

The feeling of a holiday appears in your soul.

Energy can be sent by intention (just thinking about a person, a situation), as well as through the palmar chakras.

As long as the energy of Unconditional Love flows in you, you are completely protected from an accident, from theft, from an attack, from an evil word. It is as if you are enveloped in a radiant magic cloud that protects you from all manifestations of negativity. In an unpleasant situation, feel free to use this energy: instead of being afraid or annoyed, invoke Unconditional Love. She will immediately eliminate fear and anger, and not only in you, but also in the people around you, harmonizing the situation.

The constantly open heart chakra will fill your life with happiness and joy. People will feel sympathy for you, and you will forget what a "difficult relationship" is. For according to the cosmic law “what is inside is outside,” if you have Love, then Love reigns around.

Unconditional Love has powerful healing properties. Being a high-frequency energy, it perfectly dissolves negative energies and blocks.
The healing technique is common: a contact session, a distance session, working with desires, working with situations, with relationships, etc.

Contact session

You put your hands on the problem area or keep at some distance from it. You can also do a full session with all Reiki hand positions.

Remote session

Call on the energy and think about the person (or his illness, his problem) for a while. Just do not force yourself: if you are "tired" of thinking, end the session. You can, as some do, place an image of a person between the palms - the energy flows through the palmar chakras.

Working with relationships (situation)

Call on the energy and think about the relationship (situation). For example, if your relationship with someone is not going well, be sure to think about that person by turning on Unconditional Love for at least a few minutes every day. It will not be difficult for you to do this, since Love will overwhelm you. It is very possible that after the first "session" your enemy will forget all his claims and be filled with sympathy for you without knowing why. Well, in case of extreme hostility, he will at least become indifferent to you.

Working with the past and the future

Call on the energy and remember an unpleasant situation or illness in the past; gradually the past will begin to change for the better. If you are going to take an exam or go to a conversation with the boss or something else related to the future, generate energy and think about the situation, imagine that everything turned out well.

Working with desires

Create with Love what you want.

It's very easy to do, the technique is perfect.

Just open your heart and start radiating love, and then imagine what you want to create, see it in your mind and feel it with your emotions, as if you already have it, and then just send a huge amount of love into this picture.

Repeat this every other day until it manifests itself in your physical reality.

Some things will appear right away, others will take longer.

And the acquired in reality will be more than expected, and will be filled with love ...

Unconditional Love can be sent to any living being without asking his permission.
Invoke Unconditional Love as often as possible. Each time your heart chakra will open more and more. Your affairs will go better and better, you will simply be "lucky" in all respects.

A person whose heart chakra is constantly and wide open is gradually getting rid of bad karma.

There are 12 steps (energy increases in intensity).

Each should be tuned separately.

You will be able to tune in to the next step only if you reach the highest point of the previous one. In other words, if you are not “worthy” yet (the heart chakra is not yet open enough, and this is achieved by daily practice), you will simply not “be given” a new step.

Anyone can tune in without prior initiation into Reiki.

For Unconditional Love to flow in you continuously, always find an opportunity to rejoice - rejoice at every moment of your life, every nonsense, every little thing: enjoy the morning sun, the scent in the air after the rain, the chirping of sparrows, the laughter of children in the yard, a delicious dinner, snowflakes on the window ... Why enumerate - whoever wants to, will find a reason to rejoice.

At the same time, the heart chakra will readily open, Unconditional Love will flow in a powerful stream.

Learn to ignore problems.

Better rejoice at them too - and they will disappear in fright.

Unconditional Love is the greatest power, and it creates simply unimaginable things, you will see for yourself.

  • The setting is designed to provide healing for the Earth, its peoples, animals and ecosystems during environmental disasters. It can also be used on personal ...

  • Stand up straight, relax. It is good if pleasant meditative music is played. Ideally, the sounds of nature and the sound of a waterfall. Visualize the flow of the waterfall of youth, ...

Exists three fundamental types of connections:

    one to one (1: 1);

    one to many (1: M);

    many to many (M: M).

These types of connections are related to unconditional forms relationship, since each instance of both entities is required to participate in a relationship.

One-to-one communication (1:1) exists when one instance of one entity is associated with one instance of another entity (3). For example, a husband is married to one wife, a wife is married to one husband.

    One-to-one communication

One-to-many relationship (1: M) exists when one instance of some entity is associated with one or more instances of another entity, and each instance of the second entity is associated with only one instance of the first entity (4).

For example, each dog owner owns one or more dogs, each dog belongs to only one owner (see 4).

    One-to-many relationship

Many-to-many relationship (M: M) exists when one instance of some object is associated with one or more instances of another object, and each instance of the second object is associated with one or more instances of the first (5).

In this figure, an apartment can be owned by one or more owners. At the same time, an apartment owner can own several apartments.

    Many-to-many relationship

The plurality of connections is denoted graphically: one arrow at the end of a relationship means one instance of an entity participating in a relationship, a double arrow means one or more instances.

      1. Conditional communication forms

V conditional communication there may be instances of entities that do not participate in the relationship. This is indicated by the letter Y at the end of the link, which is not always true (6). In this figure, the relationship R2 is conditional only from one side, since not every employee manages subordinates, but every subordinate has a leading employee.

    Conditional links

The connection, conditional on both sides, is called bi-conditional ... In this case, there may be instances of both entities that do not participate in the relationship. A bi-conditional relationship is indicated by the letter Y on both sides of the relationship (see relationship R1 at 6).

Taking into account the conditional and unconditional connections, there is ten distinct forms of connections (7).

    Ten forms of communication

      1. Communication formalization

Communication purpose- to establish the relationship of an instance of one entity with an instance of another. This is accomplished by placing helper attributes on the appropriate entities. A relationship defined using auxiliary attributes is called a data-formalized relationship.

To formalize a one-to-one relationship, auxiliary attributes can be added to any entity (but not both). Auxiliary attributes are marked with a link identifier in parentheses (on 8, the auxiliary Husband_name is added to the Wife entity; this attribute is marked with a link identifier R5).

    Formalizing a one-to-one relationship with an auxiliary attribute

To formalize a one-to-many relationship, auxiliary attributes are added to the entity on the many side (9), otherwise the third rule of attributes is violated.

    Formalizing a one-to-many relationship with an auxiliary attribute

To formalize a many-to-many relationship, an associative entity is created containing links to the identifiers of each of the instances participating in the relationship (Fig. 9.1.). In this figure, an associative entity Ownership has been created, which contains auxiliary attributes, which are identifiers of the Apartment and Apartment_owner entities.

      Formalizing a many-to-many relationship with an associative entity

Exists two types of relationships formalized in the data: identifying relationship and non-identifying relationship.

Identifying relationship Is a relationship in which auxiliary attributes are included in the entity identifier.

Non-identifying relationship Is a relationship in which auxiliary attributes are not part of the entity identifier.