Design of a narrow living room (65 photos). Interior of a narrow room: design, layout in Khrushchev Design of a room with a window on a long wall

A carriage, a pencil case, a tunnel - as soon as they do not call long narrow rooms. Unfortunately, they are frequent guests in domestic apartments. If the problem cannot be solved by redevelopment and demolition of the wall, then you will have to act more cunningly. Small, narrow and long spaces are a challenge for many experienced designers, let alone ordinary people! But do not despair - the correct choice of colors, the correct placement of furniture and a few win-win tricks will help organize a drawn-in room and even bring its shape closer to the ideal square one. So, the design of a long narrow room: what can be done and what must not be done under any circumstances?

# 1. Color scheme and finish

The main friend of all small and non-standard premises is light shades. If you don't like white, you can use light gray, beige and light shades of other colors. Dark and bright colors should only be used in small amounts.

The most powerful technique- paint long walls in light colors, thereby pushing them apart, and highlight short walls with a more saturated color, bringing them closer to each other. Two shades can be either in the general tone or contrasting. It is desirable to make the ceiling as light as the floor.

So that the interior does not seem boring, you can use bright color accents: paintings, vases, textiles, small pieces of furniture of prominent colors will attract attention and distract the visitor from the true geometry of the room. At least that's what the designers say, supporting this fact with psychology.

The elements flooring it is better to lay it parallel to short walls or even diagonally. Thus, the space of the room can be visually made a little wider.

One of the long walls can be trimmed with a perspective... Urban and natural landscapes will do. This solution can be recognized as ingenious and universal, since due to the perspective, the room expands significantly, and due to other techniques, it is possible to completely transform the trailer into a harmonious room of the correct shape.

They cope well with room correction mirrors... By placing a large mirror on a long wall, you can also achieve the effect of expanding the space. It is important not to overdo it, and not to use wallpaper and a large mirror in the same room. An interesting solution is to use mirrored inserts along the top or bottom edge of the wall, making the partitions airy and giving the illusion that the room is actually much larger than it is. In addition, mirrors perfectly reflect light, making the room more illuminated, which is very important in our case.

Some designers advise using one of the short walls in the decoration horizontal stripes, which will partially "drive" on the adjacent long wall.

# 2. Correct zoning

Another effective technique in the design of a long narrow room is the allocation of two functional centers in one room. The main thing is not to use bulky cabinets and solid massive partitions to divide the space.

For zoning an elongated room, you can use:

  • color contrasting to the flooring. In this case, all corners of the room will be quietly illuminated by sunlight, but at the same time the living room area, for example, will be clearly separated from the working area with a desk;
  • can be used to place a bed or workspace on it. The space under the podium can be used to organize storage. It is important to choose the optimal height of the "pedestal" so that, when entering it, you do not bang your head against the ceiling. Additional separation can be obtained due to the different colors of the walls;
  • small, set across the room... Most of the area will turn into a living room of the correct square shape, and the smaller part can be used as;
  • shelving unit with open pass-through shelves works the same way as a sofa. The main thing is that it is airy and does not block the light;
  • mobile partitions, screens and curtains suitable when in a narrow long room it is necessary to allocate a place for sleeping and receiving guests, for example.

No. 3. Correct lighting

A well-lit room seems more spacious than a dark room of the same size. In a tram room, it is better to highlight every corner and make the most of sunlight, therefore, light compact curtains are chosen for framing the window. Perfect fit and that allow you to easily open the entire window opening, and if you wish, to protect yourself from street light. If necessary, you can complement the window with a delicate translucent tulle.

V artificial lighting it is better to provide several levels: for general light, spotlights, floor lamps and sconces for highlighting individual zones, as well as LED strip for creating decorative lighting.

No. 4. Arrangement of furniture in a long narrow room

This is the most difficult question in the design of pencil case rooms. On the one hand, I want to fit all the required pieces of furniture to ensure a comfortable life. On the other hand, if you sideways and zigzag your way from door to window, then there is no talk of any convenience.

The most effective techniques that designers use when arranging furniture in long narrow rooms:

  • the location of the sofa against a short wall;
  • grouping furniture in one part of the room, the rest is left more spacious;
  • instead of one large sofa, it is sometimes appropriate to use several armchairs, from which a cozy living room group is formed;
  • it is extremely undesirable to place absolutely all pieces of furniture along long walls - we risk getting a semblance of a railway carriage, therefore a small sofa and an armchair set at an angle to it are better than one long sofa;

  • at least some of the furniture should be perpendicular to long walls;
  • if possible, leave long walls free, the use of open shelves is allowed;

  • best placed against a short wall. So we acquire a storage place and bring the room closer to the shape of a square.

No. 5. What other tricks can you use?

There are a number of other ways to change the perception of space and give a long room a more correct shape:

No. 6. Features of different rooms

The rules described above are equally valid for all long and narrow spaces, but nevertheless, when arranging different rooms (living room, bedroom, etc.), some nuances should be taken into account.

Narrow and long living room

They usually allocate a living room, because this is a gathering place for all households and guests. If only a long narrow room remains at your disposal, then it will be difficult. It will be doubly difficult if the room is small in area.

If the living room has a decent length, then it is most correct equip several zones... One will have a sofa with a TV and other attributes of the living room, the other - a desk, or a play area for children.

If the living room is shaped like a pencil case, and at the same time, then you may have to abandon the traditional large sofa. It can be replaced with a pair of compact sofas or a few armchairs. They must be placed in different planes: parallel and perpendicular to the long wall. Light and multifunctional furniture will come to the rescue. Storage places are organized on open shelves and in a small console, which can also act as a TV stand.

Narrow long bedroom

In the bedroom, you can't do without a bed, so its location is thought out first. It all depends on the size of the room and the bed itself. The standard length is 1.9-2 m. The width of a single bed is about 90 cm, a lorry - up to 140 cm, a double bed - 160-170 cm.Do not forget that you must also leave a place near the bed for movement - at least 50 cm with each sides, and preferably 70 cm.

As a rule, there are no problems with a single bed. If you want to put a bigger bed, you will have to carefully calculate everything. It is best to place it with a headboard against a long wall, but another option is also allowed. As a last resort, you can push the bed with one side against the wall.

If the bedroom is very long in length, then you can give part of it for creation. The remaining space on the opposite side can be used to set up a work or dressing table.

Armed with these techniques, you can easily create a spacious and voluminous interior in your room.

1. The very first thing is color. When choosing materials, choose light pastel colors without bright and dark elements.

2. If you need to lengthen the room, then the opposite wall must be decorated with a colder and lighter shade. If you have some kind of print on your wallpaper, then you must remember that a large drawing brings it closer, and a small one lengthens.

3. If the room is long and narrow, then it can be expanded using wallpaper with a horizontal stripe, as well as visually bringing the opposite wall closer with wallpaper or paint in a dark warm shade.

4. Wallpaper with a small floral print will visually enlarge the room, and if you combine and glue the same wallpaper only with a large flower on the opposite narrower wall, you will also be able to expand the room.

5. Low ceilings can be leveled using a light, or better white, glossy ceiling or, more extreme, “mirrors”. If the height allows, then you can "play" with a multilevel plasterboard ceiling. The ceiling and floor should be as light as the rest of the walls in the room. A light floor with longitudinal lines will also help increase the space. Also, light glossy tiles will help with this.

6. It is very carefully necessary to work with curbs in a small room, there is a risk of further reducing it.

7. A good tool that always manages to enlarge or expand the space is mirrors. But the main thing here is not to overdo it.

8. Light and light textiles on the windows will also visually increase the space and make the room more airy and bright.

9. Choose furniture that is simple, preferably with straight lines and functional. In color, it is desirable that it does not differ from the general color scheme of the room. Avoid bulky furniture. It is better to put a medium sofa and one small armchair than a full-fledged soft corner.

10. By placing some bright decor item in the farthest corner of the room, you will create the effect of a great perspective, and the person who enters will perceive the room as spacious.

11. Brighten the room with additional lighting. In addition to sunlight and central lighting, use indoor lighting and additional light sources. Sometimes, just with the right lighting, you can create stunning visuals. If you are not confident in your abilities, contact professional designers.

12. In a small room, many small decor items (trinkets, candlesticks, figurines, etc.) will look ridiculous and visually clutter up the space even more. Therefore, try to remove all unnecessary things.

13. Do not occupy space in the center of the room, arrange furniture along walls and in corners.

14. Look for “transparent” furniture with glass surfaces.

15. Use mirrors. With their help, you will create depth in the room. Mirrors also brighten and brighten the room by reflecting natural and artificial light.

16. If you need to divide the room, highlighting a certain area, use “shelf” and glass partitions.

17. Instead of ordinary doors, a glass partition can also be installed in the room.

18. When choosing home appliances, give preference to narrow options. Fortunately, today there is a very wide selection of flat-panel TVs and narrow monitors.

19. Having made a niche with circular illumination in the wall, you will visually move the wall further, which will increase the volume of the room.

20. And finally, if you have the opportunity to combine rooms by removing partitions, use this method as well, but then you have to work hard and run around in all instances to agree on the redevelopment of the apartment.

It would seem that it is not the simplest question of how to enlarge a room, there are a lot of solutions. Playing with color, texture and lighting, you can significantly increase the so lacking space in the room. These techniques are especially relevant in standard city apartments and Khrushchev buildings. Scandinavian style, minimalism, hi-tech are most suitable for decorating a compact apartment.

What colors increase the space?

It is a well-known fact that the lighter the shade, the larger the object appears. The same technique works in interior solutions. In order to visually increase the area of ​​the room, it is worth using finishes in light colors: white and cold pastel shades. Furniture should also be used in a light color, but different in tonality from the walls, ceiling and floor. For example, it can be a delicate pastel palette.

In the photo there is a compact kitchen in Khrushchev. In order to visually increase the area, the room was decorated in light colors.

How to decorate the walls?

What wallpapers enlarge the room

Using some finishing tricks, you can expand the boundaries of the room and visually enlarge the room.

  • Vertical stripes stretch the space, making it taller;

  • Wallpaper with horizontal stripes will increase the width of the room;

In the photo, the wall is decorated with wallpaper with horizontal stripes, this type of decoration visually increases the width of the room.

  • One of the walls can be pasted over with wallpaper with a pattern or ornament, this technique will make a long room more proportional;

  • Flashy bright colors should be avoided;
  • The walls can be decorated with wallpaper with a shiny surface;

In the photo, the accent wall in the bedroom is decorated with golden wallpaper with a shiny surface.

  • You can use wallpaper with a small pattern or a discreet pattern, they will increase the volume.

What drawings enlarge the room

Seemingly simple drawings and geometric shapes miraculously affect our perception. One and the same pattern at a different color, scale or location drastically changes the appearance of a room.

  • Volumetric drawing on one of the walls (photo 1). A large drawing shortens the room, visually bringing the wall on which it is located. This type of finish is suitable for long, narrow spaces. The image will shorten the length and expand the space.
  • Small patterns (photo 2). A small drawing of a light shade, on the contrary, visually enlarges the space, making it voluminous.
  • Horizontal stripes (photo 3). Transverse stripes can increase the width and stretch the walls. However, a low ceiling effect may occur. In the case of wallpaper with horizontal stripes on only one wall, the room will appear shorter.
  • Vertical stripes (photo 4). On the other hand, vertical stripes stretch the space, making it taller. The thickness of the stripes enhances this effect.
  • Horizontal stripes on the floor (photo 5). As with wallpaper, horizontal stripes make the room wider but shorter. This finishing method is suitable for disproportionate rooms.
  • Longitudinal stripes (photo 6). Vertical stripes deepen the room, making it longer. As with wallpaper, the width of the stripes enhances the effect.

Wall murals enlarging the room

The image can enlarge or vice versa reduce the area of ​​the room.

  • Wall murals with an image receding into the distance will make the room larger;
  • An unpromising image will reduce the area of ​​the room;
  • Wall murals with images of different textures will allow you to create a play of light, which will also add volume;
  • Wallpaper with a shiny surface will increase the area due to its reflective properties;
  • Wall murals with an image moving from a dark to a light shade will make the room look taller;
  • You should not paste over all the walls of the room with photo wallpapers, they will have the opposite result, one or two will be enough.

Methods for increasing due to the ceiling

The simplest and most popular way to enlarge a room with a ceiling is to make a tension structure with a glossy surface. The mirror material doubles the space due to its reflective properties. An interesting solution would be a combined ceiling, a combination of matte and glossy materials can create an unusual composition, increasing the precious square meters.

In the photo, the ceiling in the living room is decorated with a tension structure with a glossy surface.

A disproportionate room can be leveled by combining colors. A strip of a darker shade across the elongated room will make it wider. The same effect can be achieved with ceiling beams; a few straight timber beams will suffice.

Another way to increase the space is to photograph the sky.

Choice of flooring

The flooring, like other surfaces, is made mainly in light shades. For the living room, you can use laminate, linoleum or carpet, it is better to choose a single color or with a small discreet pattern.

Laminate and parquet flooring can be laid out diagonally or in the herringbone pattern, thus the room looks more spacious.

The already familiar stripes are also used, the direction in any of the sides will enlarge the room in the desired direction.

In the photo, the horizontal stripes make the narrow kitchen visually wider.

A self-leveling floor with a reflective effect will double the space.

How to increase the height of the room?

There are several ways to make the room higher. One of them is wall decoration. Vertical stripes or wallpaper patterns will "stretch" the wall. It can be wallpaper, paint, or hand-painted.

Wall murals with a perspective image, such as a receding path in the forest or a high waterfall, will have the same result.

In the photo there is a wallpaper with a perspective image (receding pier), which helps to visually increase the height of a small bedroom.

You can increase the height of the room using high door and window openings. Curtains or tulle in a straight cut from ceiling to floor will also contribute to this.

Mirrors are a stylish way to significantly increase the area, for example, a tall mirror on the wall or a composition of small mirrors on the ceiling.

How to visually expand a narrow room?

You can expand a narrow room by fairly simple means, without resorting to construction work. What if you got a room of imperfect proportions? It is necessary to start “fixing” them already at the stage of repair and finishing.

  • Visually expanding a narrow room will help elements, guiding the look "across" space. Floor coverings with pronounced stripes, such as laminate or patterned linoleum, are best directed along a short wall or at an angle. Layed along a long wall, such coverings will further narrow the room. Another option is to use a single-color coating, for example, carpet, linoleum without a pattern, cork.
  • Covering the walls will also help expand a narrow room. Feel free to use horizontal strip on end surfaces... Wide stripes and skillfully selected colors help enhance the broadening effect.
  • Alternatively, try paint short walls bright, rich colors, and long ones - in neutral ones, or use wallpaper with an inconspicuous pattern on them. This technique will help to "squeeze" the room in the desired direction, it will become more "square".
  • Ceiling beams parallel to the short sides of the room will also help to perceive it differently, visually expand the narrow room. They can be purely decorative, made of drywall. This decision is very appropriate in the Mediterranean style of housing design that is popular today.
  • Try it abandon the standard rectangular space... For example, an irregularly shaped suspended ceiling can change the look and expand a narrow room. Painting the walls not with planes, but with curly elements will support this effect. But it is better to entrust such complex design options to professional designers.

If you do not plan to do the repairs, but you want to visually expand the narrow room, you can use simple and accessible techniques.

  • If possible, remove furniture from long walls, do not be afraid to put furnishings across, for example, a wardrobe at the end of a short wall, or place furniture against a wall with a window - you can put a desk, this is functionally convenient and allows you to visually expand a narrow room.
  • Divide the total volume into functional areas using a rack that is open on both sides and placed perpendicular to a long wall - this technique will allow you to fragment the space and correct unfavorable proportions.
  • Play with light. It is better to refuse a standard chandelier in the center of the ceiling. Spotlights placed in the center of the ceiling will help to expand a narrow room, if their light is directed to the walls.
  • Hang a picture, a spectacular poster or a large decorative element (for example, a clock with a large dial) on the end wall, this will attract attention, the rest of the walls should be in neutral colors.

Make the room bigger with mirrors and glass

Reflective surfaces are the most common and effective way to expand the boundaries of a space. With the help of mirrors, even the smallest room will appear spacious.

In the photo, the accent wall is framed with mirror canvases, which make the bedroom visually more spacious.

A tall mirror starting from the floor itself will add volume to the room, forming a passage to another room without any obstacles. It should be borne in mind that covering more than one wall with mirrors is not the best option; instead of a stylish living room or bedroom, you will get a real ballet studio, devoid of comfort and a homely atmosphere.

Mirrors can have different shapes and frames, with unusual frames, they will also play the function of a decorative element of the apartment. Curly mirrors can make an unusual composition on the wall or ceiling, they will unobtrusively increase the volume.

Another common way to increase space is a stretch ceiling with a glossy surface.

The perfect solution would be to install mirror or glossy furniture.

A false fireplace with a mirror on the inner wall will be an interesting design solution. Such decoration takes up a minimum amount of space, while creating the illusion of a passage to another room.

If it is necessary to separate rooms, a glass partition will perform the function of a wall. It will not create the impression of a confined space, but will divide the room into zones.

Photo of compact furniture and decor

When choosing furniture for a small room, you should give your preference to low items. For example, instead of high bar stools, put a stool or ottoman, a bed without a high headboard or a sofa with a low back.

Weightless transparent furniture performs its direct functions, while not overloading the space, it can be plastic chairs and a table with a glass surface.

The photo shows a transparent dining group in the interior of a small kitchen.

Furniture items should be placed along the walls so that the central part of the room remains free.

Interior details and accessories are best used in a vertical shape. Such techniques will help to visually increase the height of the ceiling.

As for decorative elements, there should not be a lot of them, otherwise you can get a feeling of clutter.

Choice of curtains

Window decoration plays an important role in apartment design. The selected material and cut will fill the room with spaciousness or, on the contrary, overload it.

  • White tulle from ceiling to floor will visually enlarge the windows, accordingly fill the room with light and stretch the space;

  • Light textile curtains with small patterns are suitable for decorating living room and nursery windows;

  • Roller blinds or roman blinds will save space and will be ideal for a kitchen or nursery;

  • Some styles allow you not to use curtains at all, for example: minimalism, loft, Scandinavian.

Choosing the right lighting

In a small apartment, it is worth using diffused light. Bright chandeliers with transparent shades or open light are not suitable for a small room. It is more appropriate to use lamps and chandeliers with frosted glass shades or a light shade.

To increase the width of the room, a point lighting system is used along the entire perimeter.

An interesting effect will be given by backlighting from an LED strip. A tape recessed in a two-tiered structure will give the impression of a floating ceiling.

Furniture items can also be decorated with LED strip.

In the photo, the bed in the children's room is highlighted with an LED strip.

How to visually make a larger bathroom?

In a small bathtub, the best idea would be to decorate the walls and floors with light-colored tiles. White tiles will fill the bathroom with light as much as possible and visually increase the area.

By combining the two colors, a horizontal line with a brighter shade is a good option to expand the walls.

Ceiling trim with mirror-finish metal panels will increase the space.

A large mirror above the sink will also play a role.

In the photo, white tiles fill the bathroom with light, the mirror above the sink visually enlarges its area.

It is worth choosing spotlights and mirror illumination as lighting.

Furniture plays an important role, such as recessed shelves and a narrow sink. You can save valuable space by placing the washing machine under the sink.

Even the most compact apartment can be made comfortable by placing everything you need for life. Modern technologies make it possible to create miniature appliances and mobile furniture that preserve the maximum amount of free space. And repairs in the right shades will increase the space and make the house cozy.

Undoubtedly, the dream of each of us is the possession of spacious apartments with an open plan: there is a place for the artist's fantasies to roam, and all interior ideas can be realized. Reality, however, often presents us with the cherished square meters in the form of typical apartments with a narrow elongated bedroom, kitchen or corridor without the possibility of demolishing walls and redevelopment. Therefore, the design of a narrow room is often the first difficulty on the way to comfortable, harmonious living.

There are a number of very effective and simple techniques when working on the interior of such non-standard premises, observing which, you can solve all the difficulties caused by their imperfect form.

Experiment with the texture and color of the walls

The correct choice of color for the walls will help to visually bring the shape of the room closer to a square one. Paint the long sides lighter and the narrow ones darker.

by Michelle Hinckley

Design niches along the long and short sides. The different depths of the walls make the entire interior more dynamic and neutralize the tunnel effect.

We used this technique when working on the design of a narrow elongated kitchen in a small one-room apartment:

Use your imagination to visually expand the space

It doesn't matter how wide your bedroom or kitchen is: even the smallest room can be made functional and comfortable. I hope my advice will help you with this and the design of a narrow room will not be a problem for you.

Many owners of apartments erected in modern and Soviet high-rise buildings encounter narrow living rooms. Compared to the square, the elongated rectangular shape creates more conventions and nuances that should be taken into account when organizing the interior decoration of the room. However, if you successfully cope with this task, you will get a harmonious area that does not create the illusion of a tunnel.

Key design features

Quite often, pencil-case rooms are found in Soviet "Khrushchevs" and other typical panel structures. Such houses have an inconvenient layout, poor illumination, and small premises. Typical "carriage" spaces are only 2.2 meters wide and the ceiling rises by only 2.5-2.7 meters. An explosive combination gives a lot of trouble to the owners.

Nevertheless, it is possible and even necessary to overcome these difficulties. Various tricks and tricks are used - from a well-chosen color palette to organic zoning. The most important thing is to rationally use the entire available area and visually embody square proportions.

According to its main functional purpose, the living room is a space for gathering families and receiving guests, and therefore the most spacious part of the house is allocated for it. If this role must be performed in a long narrow room, it is worth taking care of the correct delimitation of space. Basically, you have to split it into several small zones for separate needs. But we'll talk about this a little later, but first let's figure out what stylistic and color solutions are most appropriate in this case.

Choosing a style for a narrow living room

As a rule, the living room is an excellent basis for any stylistic content. Here you can unleash your inner artist and enjoy the act of creativity to the fullest. However, when an oversized, narrow space is available, you have to compromise and work within the framework of modern styles that stand for spaciousness and freedom in the room.

Pay attention to minimalism first. The discreet monochrome color scheme does not hide the spaciousness and does not make the space heavier. Straight lines create correct geometry and add expressiveness to the overall look. In addition, principles such as the absence of unnecessary details or the utmost functionality of objects actively contribute to the achievement of the task.

You can also try to apply the techniques of loft spaces:

1. Get rid of the partitions. For example, combine a living room with a kitchen. Subject to competent zoning, such a move will add real meters to the area of ​​the room and create a free atmosphere.

2. Decorate the ceiling with white. This will visually increase the height of the walls.

3. Use zoning furniture. In huge industrial premises, there were simply no walls, and therefore the space had to be delimited in other ways, including with the help of furniture.

4. To complete the factory interior, add characteristic details - brickwork, rough stucco, open pipes, and bold décor.

The Scandinavian style assumes an abundance of white, which visually expands the space and partially compensates for the lack of natural light. A large number of artificial light sources also contribute to the achievement of the latter goal. Accessories typical of Scandinavian style in the form of bright textiles, rugs and pillows will help to dilute the white.

Not the best solution is to decorate a narrow living room in styles such as shabby chic and empire, as they are characterized by excesses in the decor and design of furniture items. There is simply no room for such surplus in a small room. Although some stylistic elements can still be applied, but in very limited quantities.

Color solutions

An effective way to correct the shape of a narrow living room with color is to cover the oblong walls with a light shade, and the short ones with a rich deep one. A pair of black and white will look great here. In addition, this combination can make the design interesting and expressive, and it also fits perfectly into any modern design direction.

Shades of beige create a light, airy and soft interior. If you decide to combine the hall with the kitchen, then warm undertones in coffee, milk, cream variations will help your appetite, but at the same time act relaxing and unobtrusively.

South and east rooms that do not lack natural light can be decorated in cool blues, grays and snow-white colors. This range creates an incredibly fresh and stylish space. At the same time, it will not be superfluous to dilute the restrained colors with warm beige, woody notes.

A light background can be left without adding bright colors, but it is quite appropriate to decorate monochrome with beautiful pink, red, green, or the same blue or blue accents.

Finishing a narrow living room


The flooring also has an impact on the overall impression of the room. In the living room, it will be advisable to put parquet, laminate, linoleum with a pattern perpendicular or diagonal to the elongated side, thus, the contrast between the length of the walls will not be so noticeable. It is generally possible to lay patterned laminate flooring parallel to a long wall as a whole, but in this case it is worth making sure that the flooring has a light shade.

For the same reasons, refrain from elongated carpets along the larger wall. Stop at a small version of the oval or original asymmetrical look. It can be decorated with a stripe parallel to the smaller sides.


For walls, it is reasonable to use neutral light tones of paint or monochrome wallpaper. A short part of the room can be painted in an active dark or bright color using wall coverings or curtains. If you have a large number of windows and many fixtures, it is quite appropriate to finish with a bleached variation of an unobtrusive bright color, such as light blue.

Perspective photo wallpapers will also visually expand the space of a narrow living room. By placing them on a long wall, you eliminate the difference in the sizes of the sides.


The best finish is white. Painting, matte or glossy stretch ceiling, or very small plasterboard structures in white or beige variations will not burden the atmosphere and create the illusion of height.

Furniture and layouts

Decorating an elongated room is the first step in transformation. But in order not to spoil the impression of the correct repair, it is necessary and competently to arrange the furniture. A long space, by definition, does not hold up to a standard set-up and requires a special approach. Even a small detail in the wrong place can enhance the effect of the tunnel, and the proper impression will never be achieved.

It is best to place the sofa at an angle. However, this method is only suitable if the size of the room allows it to be done. This will create an original broken geometry that takes the eye away from the "carriage" shape. You can enhance the impression by using round elements: a coffee table, chairs, poufs.

But still, we often encounter conditions when it is more rational to place the main pieces of furniture along the walls. In this case, try to select small and oversized modifications of beautiful shapes and original textures. In this case, be sure to use small tables, stands for a decorated tape recorder or lamps, flowers, beautiful floor lamps, unusual chairs located in the "wrong" places, somewhat chaotic. Thus, we can also form a slight asymmetry, which does not play according to the rules of the shape of the room, but creates its own atmosphere.

In general, limited space conditions require careful selection of furniture. Therefore, a good solution would be to manufacture to order or do it yourself. So you get exactly what you want and what your interior requires.

Decor and lighting

Most apartments in the post-Soviet space do not have high ceilings, and therefore it is important not to overload the space. It is better not to use chandeliers at all or to stay at the most light and "light", airy options. Place small spotlights on the ceiling or floor. Also add additional light sources to the interior, which, by the way, do a good job of zoning. These can be: a variety of floor lamps, including curved, sconces, table lamps - at the same time they can play the role of decoration for the living room.

Finish the finished interior with decorations:

- The most successful decor is fresh flowers. Plants dilute the urban setting and help bring relaxation and comfort to the interior;

- Another good attribute for small narrow living rooms are mirrors that expand the boundaries of space;

- Beautiful bright textiles are able to create laconic colorful accents;

- The walls will be beautifully decorated with paintings and framed photos;

- Use open shelves or small cabinets with glass or mirror inserts to accommodate small and medium decorative items and books.

Narrow living room design - photo

You have already learned about the basics of organizing a narrow hall. Now we invite you to get acquainted with interesting examples of the design of such rooms in order to make sure how easy it is to play with the given parameters of the room and create a harmonious and beautiful interior. Happy viewing!