Geometric bodies. Famp lesson in the medium group "We will help the king to find a princess"

This year I was chosen to the parent committee. Me and two more dads, which means they are only formally listed. Therefore, I do all procurement and I do. Okay, it is in principle me, does not strain and even like it). Created a group in Vaiber, Vkontakte, throwing out ads from educators, and just info regarding our children. Now parents are aware of all events, even if the child is on sick leave or on vacation. And a separate group in Vaiber for Dad (where they asked to make an ice hill, bird feeders, clean the site from snow after vacation).

The most unpleasant, of course, collect money, as if alms ask for yourself. Although our kindergarten collects money only for gifts and that's it! Money passed only in December. And it does not matter that the new year on the nose and gifts should be purchased.

For the new year, gifts came out at 400 rubles / Reb.: Winter encyclopedia in fairy tales, disassembly waters for girls / plasticine for boys + chocolate and barni kinder.

Approached D.R. Son and I puzzled as a question, how do these days celebrate in kindergarten. It turned out everything is very simple: loaf after sleeping, presenting a gift. And that's all!

It seemed to me very much, the child would not feel the holiday. And I went out with a proposal for the educator, and then to my parents, the rights of the parent committee, diversify this day for the birthday room.

Here is what we did:

Tradition number 1. In the morning, the teacher "decorate the locker" of the birthday: sticks congratulations. In the morning, when children and parents come to kindergarten, they see congratulations and immediately recognize who today is the birthday. And creates a festive atmosphere and pleases the birthday day all day.

Tradition number 2. "Greeting a birthday group". Birthday, coming in kindergarten, first sees festive decoration (flower) on the cabinet and rejoices. After in beautiful clothes, with a good mood enters a group where the educator and all the guys who have already come, welcomes it in a special way: if the girl has a birthday, then everyone hugs it, if the boy, then the girls hug him, and boys Hummify hands. Children who later came to the group also welcome the birthday girl.

Tradition number 3. "Presentation of the Crown". Purpose: Call positive emotions in children, emphasize the significance of the child in the group. After all the children gather in the group, the teacher reports the guys that today we have a holiday in the birthday of Vasi Pupkin. After that, she puts the crown with the inscription Birthday (ka). The educator offers the culprit of the celebration to carry this crown all day to be special today. Everyone who sees a birthday party will recognize on the crown that he has a birthday and congratulate him. It was decided to order personally to everyone to carry home the crown in the evening.

Tradition No. 4. "Name Chair" One of the moms sewed festive capes on the chair (2 pcs, because we have twins). At the beginning of the day, the teacher puts the cape on the Birthday chair and when the "culprit of the celebration" comes to him that today he is a "hero" of the day and will sit on a special chair.

Tradition number 5. "Named Cookware." Throughout the day, the birthday man eats from a set of children's dishes. The birthday task has existed before, until it crashed over time.

\u2063 Infusion number 6. "Group congratulations". Children voiced their wishes. And the teacher writes them on a poster, which is awarded to a child.

Tradition number 7. "The" gift from children "children draw what they want, then all the drawings are laid in one album and is also handed. This tradition has existed for a long time, so I don't come up with me.

Tradition number 8. "Caustice". File with children "Causta". After that, three times all together shout three times "Happy Birthday" and clap. Next, children say the birthday of congratulations, hand the gift they did themselves well and a gift from D / s.

Tradition number 9. "Flight". The teacher with the assistant, well, the children raise the birthday girl on the chair for as many times since how many years old. The weight is not really so big. Our super educators coped!). The lifting at the stool they exist for a very long time, with Yellow yet. This is the initiative of educators.

Tradition number 10. "Sharing photo for memory." When the children sang a loaf and presented gifts, offer them to make a joint photo, where the birthday girl in the crown, on a chair sitting in the center with a gift in his hands, and all the children around him and make hands with happy faces for a photo photo.

I like everyone else liked. Let's see how it goes further.

By time, all this takes at all time, and for educators it is not stressful. They only hang on the locker congratulations. Issue the crown, the cover on the chair to wear, but dishes.

The cost of new traditions published 55 rubles / child. (These are 30 cardboard crown of the birthday man (even on the way) +2 set of birthday dishes). Covers for chairs Mom sewed free from what was at home. And the second mother sewed temporary crowns (in the photo). Printing on a color printer is also on your own.

Thus, the child feel the significance of his birthday throughout the day, and not only as long as the "loaf" leads.

And how do you like this idea?

Sections: Work with preschoolers

Birthday kid. How to spend a holiday so that the child keeps the joy of empathy for a long time, which he felt in these moments?

In our group, we celebrate birthdays in different ways. But the main attributes of the holiday we have gifts from friends and treat. First, a congratulatory card with a photo of the birthday name is put in a reception room for guests, parents and children to everyone know about the holiday. And then B. free time We celebrate a holiday with children. In January, our birthday became Zotov Ksyusha.

Playing a "fun game."

The birthday girl gets into a circle. And the educator, teacher - a psychologist with children say:

Happy Birthday Congratulations! We wish you to play with you! How old is our birthday? For example, five.

We are still five times smoking: 1,2,3,4,5.
We are five times in a friendly jerk: 1,2,3,4,5.
We are five times all together jumping: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5.
We are five times all together with a feet of jersey: 1,2,3,4,5.
We are once again annoying: 1,2,3,4,5.
We will send an air kiss five times together: 1,2,3,4,5.

Each child congratulates and wishes to the birthday of different wishes.

And then we read all together pooh - wish:

Be healthy!
-Be happy!
-Be like a sun beautiful!
- Be how a ringing crop!
-Be like a butterfly playing!
- always hardworking!
And grow big, big!
Here is such, such, such (raise hands up)


To be our holiday Yapk.,
Friendly little people
Birthday as a gift
Cooked dance.

Horror "Causta".

Pedagogian psychologist:

We all congratulate Ksyush
Have fun and play.
We are not sitting on site,
We love to have fun.
We play and sing not too lazy
We danced b all day. (Any dance)

Educator and teacher-psychologist:

And now, so not to miss,
We offer to play.

Game "Rouh".

Children are built on the pairs and take the handle. Pens raise up. For the music of the birthday girl passes through the couple and takes the participant with the hand. They are together pass through the pairs. Then they get up ahead of all couples and also raise hands. The liberated participant passes from the end of the couple under the hands of the participants and chooses a couple of themselves.

Game "You, Rope, Spin."

Everyone is sitting in Cuhouse. At the same time, everything, except for a leading, is kept by both hands for a rope associated with a circle on which there is one small nodule. Driving sits with eyes closed, does not hold for the rope. They begin to sorture by hand the rope in one direction so that the rope moves, and the knots moved in a circle along with her. The following words say:

You, rope, spinning,
You, rope, turn back
Nodes stop,
And in the palm to find yourself!

With the last words, the one who clings to the closer to the closer, covers it with his palm, pursues into a fist, and keeps it so that it is not noticeable that he has in his hand. Everyone continues to hold onto the rope. Driving the eyes and tries to guess, in whose fist a nodule. The one who has a nodule becomes leading.

Pedagogian psychologist:

And now the time is the most wonderful time!
Birthday gift will be interesting!

Crafts from Fetra "Butterfly".

We put the napkin from the felt by the harmonica, we fold the wire to the wire in half and twisted, making it, so the butterfly shoulder.

We insert the napkin and twist a couple of times. Insert the bead and deploy the mustache in different directions. If you wish, you can wear beads to the tips of the butterfly mustache.

(A gift is given.)


Bucked, played, have fun
Hoists the birthday girl of all the guys with candies!

(Children sit at the table, the birthday girl treats.)

Tasks: Secure children's knowledge about their birthdays, about the days of birth of their friends. Improve skills and skills when performing gaming tasks, relay and contests. Create a joyful, cheerful mood.

Equipment: Tape recorder, Costumes of clowns, Pirate, December, January, February, Spring, balloons - 10 pcs., Boots 44 sizes - 1 pair, benches - 2 pcs., Shawls or scams - 10 pcs., Paper caps - 10 pcs., Illustration with a turtle image, live turtle.

Vocabulary: Named, pirate, red, sow, get married, witchcraft.

The hall is festively decorated with bundles of balls, slogans, newspapers with photographs of children. Merry music sounds. Children enter the hall, occupy a favorite places. The balls of the balls are run by clowns of klepa and cache.


Good afternoon, kids,

Cute girls,

Merry boys!

For a holiday to you in a hurry, friends,

It is impossible to be late.


Today is not a simple holiday,

Today is a naughty feast.

All birthday women are sitting

And we are having fun on us.


Boys and girls

Is it so that

What a nameman

Do you manage everyone?

Kesha. That is how it is. Today is the birthday of all the guys. But just do not hurry. Come on in order. Everything will be clear to you.

Clep. I just love holidays, cheerful laughter, perky music and a lot of children's smiles. Let's sing a song together.

Children with clowns performed the song "Smile" V. Shainsky.

Kesha. Guys, look, we have empty places in our room. Does anyone from the children have not come for a holiday?

Music sounds. A pirate runs into the hall and pulls children who are connected with a chain made of paper.


I hate good deeds

And I will call black deliches!

If you get out of the corner,

You do not lock on the valves.

What would this be bad?

Wow! How angry!

Oh! How angry!

Clep. Pirate, we have a holiday today. We congratulate on the name of all our children. And you took the captivity of children who have a birthday in autumn. Aren `t you ashamed?

Pirate. Name day. And what is it?

Kesha. Name Day is a lot of gifts, these are guests, the most invited, the most desirable, the most fun. This is laughter, games, competitions.

Pirate.So what? But children still will not let go.

Klepa. Do you want, will we give you a lot of gold?

Pirate. I do not want. And do not let children go.

Kesha. And you want, we will bring you a lot of delicious food?

Pirate.I do not want. And do not let children go.

Klepa. Or maybe you want a ship with a team?

Pirate. I do not want. And do not let children go.

Kesha. What do you want?

Pirate. I want to stay on your holiday. Play with you. Have fun and laugh. After all, I never nobody made birthday days.

Klepa. Guys, forgive the pirate?

Children. Yes.

Children help children get rid of chains. The holiday continues.

Kesha. We congratulate children born in the fall, happy birthday.

Be always good,

Be always beautiful,

Be always fun,

Nice, good, cute,

Parents do not care

Love them and listen,

More often smile.

Pirate.Allow me to play with children.

The game is held "Let's do everything like me." The English folk song is performed. All form a circle. Children go in a circle and repeat the words. With the end of each phrase, children repeat movements behind the pirate.

Let's do everything like me (2 cotton).

Well, that's all together, all the prosecution.

Everyone is doing friendly with us (2 cotton).

Let's all the brain like me (2 tribe).

Well, that's all together, all the prosecution.

Everyone do together with us (2 tribe).

Let's laugh like me (ha ha).

Well, that's all together, all the prosecution.

Everyone is doing friendly with us (ha ha).

Let's come down like me (like this).

Well, that's all together, all the prosecution.

Let's spin like me (like this).

Well, that's all together, all the prosecution.

Everyone do together with us (like this).


How do you play fun!

And not at all tired?

Kesha. Our children are strong, hardy, deft.

Clep. And we have come up with the task for birthday.

There is a game for the Birthdays "Ball Ball". Participants of the game are built in one share. Opposite the players lie balloons. The task of players: run up to any ball, sit on him so that he burst. The participant wins, who first burst the balloon.


All the guys are great.

All the guys are deals.

I wonder with you, but I have to go to my ship. Bye.

Pirate leaves. Sounds play "January" P. Tchaikovsky from the album "Seasons". Three boys appear, dressed in the costumes of December, January, February.

Kesha. Guys, the winter months looked at the guests. And which of them is what, I do not know. Let's find out together.

Winter months in turn makes the riddles to themselves. Children try to guess which of them what month.



My days are shorter,

All nights are longer than a night.

On the fields and on the meadow

Before spring lay down snow.

Only my month will pass -

We meet New Year.


Bumping ears, pinch nose,

Climbs in felt boots.

Splash water - falls

Not water is already, but ice.

Even the bird does not flies -

From frost is a bird.

Turn the sun by the summer.

What, tell me, for the month it?


I set up

Immediately after January.

I consider up to twenty eight

And the place of March I give up.


We congratulate those guys

Whose birthday in winter.


Birthday - a special date

This holiday is not compared with anything,

Someone's kind came up with once

Birthday joy to give.

Always smile, always having fun.

Friends you always have good.

Sports do, learn at school.

Good luck to you and our cheers!

February. And now, winter birthdays, go out, your power, speed, dexterity show. Attention! We start the competition.

Divide children into two groups: "Snowflakes" and "Ice".

Relay 1. Running in one boiler.

Funny, fun, interestingly passes the relay, when the children are required from participating children to reach as soon as possible until a conventional place and return back to his team, putting on the leg of a large (44-45 size) boots. A participant who fulfilled the task reports the next participant in the team. The relay continues.

Relay 2. Tightening on the bench.

On the signal, the task is performed by the first participant in the team. He needed to lie down the stomach on the bench, tighten with his hands, clasped the bench on the side. Run to a landmark and run back to your team. The task performs the following participant.

Relay 3. Winter words.

Teams get up against each other. They should call words related to winter. The team whose player last called the Word "Winter" wins. December, January and February helps to carry out relay. The account is determined by the winners.

December. It's time for us to leave. Bye.

January. Let you come next year.

February. Hear someone sings? This is a beautiful beauty.

Months go. Sounds the play "March" P. Tchaikovsky from the album "Seasons". Included spring, dancing.


You carry your warmth,

So that everything is bloody around

So that the sheets bloomed,

Birds of songs were poured,

Brighter the sun shone,

Earth has warmed our land.

Birthdays Spring Congratulations to all.

Let it rights on the holidays cheerful children's laughter.


We are brave

And in the palm loudly clap

Walking around: "Congratulations!"

Birthdays to play for war.

Competition "Tie a scarf on a cap."

Participate all the birthday women immediately. Participants give out each one paper cap and golk. At the team, every child must put on the cap first, and then tie a shy at him. The child wins, the first to cope with the task.

Competition "Collect the flower."

Participate all the birthday women immediately. On the floor, there are many multicolored petals cut from paper napkins. The task of players - in 30 seconds to collect the petals of the same color and fold the flower from them.

Spring helps in carrying out these contests.

Kesha.What are the guys guys! With any task coped.

Clep. Guys, and let's sell the proverbs about it in the spring?


March - with water, April - with grass, and May - with flowers.

Spring red flowers, and autumn - cakes.

Red Spring, yes hungry.

One swallow does not make spring.

What goes around comes around.

Pasha plow - do not make hands.

May Cold - a year hungry.

Spring thanks children for proverbs, leaves.

Kesha. I want to congratulate the birthday of the children born in the summer. And prepared for all an interesting focus.

It is said that witchcraft -

Nonsense and balletness.

Although I do not believe in nonsense I

Quietly sorcerer.

(Kesha shows for all children the focus "Wake up a candle.") Plant the candle - there is nothing easier. But try to blew her through a wide funnel, blowing into it through a narrow end, or through a paper tube, folded candy. If the candle costs you just before the middle funnel, blend the candle is completely impossible, but try to put a candle so that it is at the edge of the funnel, and the flame will go out. It happens because the jet of air, emerging from the mouth, pass through a narrow part of the funnel and dissipated in its wide part, then they are already walking along the walls of the funnel and the flames of the candle. If the candle stands to the closure with the edge of the funnel, then the same jet of air poices him. This focus will seem interesting and strange viewers.

(Child, whose birthday in summer, shows the next focus "reviving the turtle".) At first, the child passes around the hall and shows the picture on which the turtle is drawn and the box. Box at first glance is empty. Then puts the picture into the box and covers it with a cloth. To be more interesting, focus is shown to the music. It takes out the box already a living turtle.

Klepa thanks Keshu and the child for interesting tricks.

Kesha. What miracles can do people on earth!

(Kesha invites birthday women to get in a circle and dance the rhythmic dance "Bugi-Vuy".)

Clep. Our holiday comes to an end. I want to once again congratulate all the children happy birthday. Wish a lot of smiles, warmth. To obey the parents. Have a lot of good and faithful friends, grow always healthy.

Kesha. And now we invite everyone for festive table. (Tables are prepared in advance by parents. So that children do not quarrel, you can discuss in advance who and where will sit. For example, for the winter birthdays, put the blue towels on the backs of the chairs, for spring, for summer - yellow, for autumn - orange. Kesha and Klepa helps to treat children.)

Tatyana Danilova
Child birthday script in children's garden (senior and preparatory group)

(For fun music, children enter the hall.)

Ved.: Guys, we gathered today in this wonderful room for no accident, because ... today! For small and adults,

Obedient and disobedient

Cheerful and sad

Our coolest,

The most space

Representation, under the name ... day birth!

Ved.: And invited us all today on your day Birth of Ksyusha and Gleb. And today it turns 6 and 7 years! Let's greet them! (Vedas. Invites the guys of the birthdayrs to the center of the hall, draws attention to what they are elegant, etc.). And you know guys that the other day birthday there are all sorts of chasing, congratulations, sculptures and players ... And today, Ksyusha and Gleb, we will congratulate you, because you today have the most wonderful holiday of your day Birth. Ved.: And congratulations from us will be not ordinary. Now I will read the wishes of Ksyusha and Gleb, and you guys will help me. Answer yes-yes-yes, on those wishes that you like, and no no, no, which well, will not want to want to wish to guys. Just answer it is necessary loud. And at the end you need to say a friendly happy day Birth! Agreed? Ready? "Congrators" and "Groceries" With day birth congratulations!

And, of course, we wish!

1. Grow the guys more! Yes Yes Yes!

2. Be sure to become thorough! No no no!

3. Be beautiful, kind, nice! Yes Yes Yes!

4. And shouting, and drachy! No no no!

5. To love mom! Yes Yes Yes!

6. The strap so that beat more often! No no no!

7. Well, okay. So that chupped chups feed! Yes Yes Yes! 8. Everyone is bad setting! No no no!

9. Be Ksyusha with Gleb good and cute! Yes Yes Yes!

10. Naughty, drachy! No no no!

11. To love mom! Yes Yes Yes!

12. And ice cream fed! Yes Yes Yes!

13. Be healthy and cleaned! Yes Yes Yes!

14. How crocodiles are green! No no no!

15. Let you expect you everywhere! Yes Yes Yes!

16. You guys are best! Yes Yes Yes!

Ved.: And all together with the day Birth! (All this time, birthday women stand in the center of the hall).

Veda: (praise children) Guys and what day Birth without a festive cake, right? Here we are with you now and bake him, and all your friends will help you, because they came to congratulate you on the day birth, So help.


(All children are taken by arms and lined up in one long chain, ahead of all the birthdays. At the team, children start a "cake oven": the birthday officers turn around them, winding the entire chain, spinning until the big "cake" is turned off. (Condition - Hands do not discharge. Once the whole chain rolls around the birthdayniki, you should stop.)

Ved.: So the cake turned out! (asks children) And what is your cake today? (With pineapple, with jam, with cream, with berries and bananas) Ved. :: But what is missing in the birthday cake? Of course, candles. Raised all the hands up. That's how many candles! And now everyone let him take himself on a piece of our delicious cake. (Children scatter in different directions.)

Ved.: Here is our cake opened: delicious, sweet, with pineapples, ice cream, jam and candles! And now, guys, rather get up in a circle. We will play the game "Cut the banana!"

THE GAME "Chatting Banana"

(Children get up in a circle. Ksyusha runs a banana in a circle, Gleb tries to catch up with a banana. You can sick, move, let the banana in the opposite direction. At the end of the game, the banana turns out of Gleb in his hands.)

Ved.: This is not a real banana, but we and the real bananas have. It's time for us to eat. And at the same time we check, the friendly guys gathered here.

THE GAME "Who will eat the banana faster?"

(Veda divides children for 2 teams. Teams are built up in 2 ranks. Each team gets on a banana. At the command you need to bite the banana and transfer the following. Whose team will eat all the banana, that team. (Condition: Banana should be enough for everyone. Vedas Pravit children.) Ved.: And I still know the game about kids. Let's play? Guys, you probably remember with what babe you were before and moms all the time peelled you. And so I wanted to shake and you broke out of the diaper all the time. Remember? Here we now play the game ... game "Baby Dumps" (The presenter causes three teams of 2 people. One player from the team is given a roll toilet paper. At the signal, players begin to wrap their comrade. The task of another child stand smartly. Wins the one who fastened the comrade faster.)

Ved.: Well, and how, conveniently you in diapers? Oh, no? Then my team quickly melts.

At the command of the infants tear "diaper", freeing from them. The baby won the baby who fastened from the diaper.

Ved.: And now who will quickly gather trash!

(As a rule, children are glad to clean the scraps of papers, quickly cleaning the pad for the following games.)

(After gathered garbage, sit down children.)

Now I will make riddles, and you quickly guess them.

On the lakes, in the swamp

Of course you will find them

Grees, laughter,

Puchglase ... Frogs!

In heaven is easy to float

Figgy ... Airplane. I come with gifts

blood lights bright.

Elegant, funny

on the New Year I am main. (Christmas tree). If it was not, I would not say anything (language). Ved.: Look, the tongues of the guys got off! So it's time to sing. And what they sing on the day birth? ("Let run clumsily!")

(Build children in a circle, to the center of birthdays, dance with them. On loss children dance arbitrarily.) Song "LET RUN CLUMSILY".

A small disco.

Ved.: Well, guys, rested? Let's hang a little and play all together


Ved.: How are you?

---:Like this! (Show the thumb)

Ved.: How to go to kindergarten?

---: Like this! (walking in place)

Ved.: How to wear home from kindergarten?

---: Like this! (running on the spot)

Ved.: How do not seek without an educator?

---: Like this! (kick your feet)

Ved.: And how in a quiet hour you sleep?

---: Like this (folded palms to the cheek, close your eyes)

Ved.: How do you laugh at jokes?

---: Like this! (climbing behind the stomach, laugh)

Ved.: How do you cry when mom is chocolate?

---: Like this! (Drive Eyes, depicting crying)

Ved.: How are Shawit?

---: Like this (Inflatable cheeks, slapping)

Ved.: Well done, and now let's see who we have the most sweet tooth.

"Sweet Quiz"

1. What medication does Carlson be treated? (jam)

2. What sweetness inside is a small toy? (Kinder Surprise)

3. What loves vini-fluff? (honey)

4. What is the name of a round lollipop? (Chupa Chups)

THE GAME "Magic Pouch"

(For the game it will take a beautiful bag, in which sweets or small fruits lie. Take 3 - 4 people for the game, the birthday women are the first. Children putting his hand in the bag spiered, Find and guess sweetness. Who guess, takes it to himself as a prize).

THE GAME "Find a friend in a candy outfit"

(Two pairs are called for the game. The task: Attach candy to clothespins clothes)

Ved.: Oh, what beautiful outfits from us turned out! But unfortunately we can not walk like that, so they will do another game:

THE GAME "Collect sweets"

(Other players are called for the game to disassemble the outfit)

Ved.: Guys, and who is the biggest trees, raise your hand?

Probably none of you love to be a chinese, however, guys? But today we have a fun holiday - BIRTH, and at the bottom birth is allowed. So let us now lose a little with you? Agree? Then I declare a contest for the best zada. And our guests will help me in this.

THE GAME "Jadda"

(For the game to cook in another room more inflated balloons. Two participants are selected. The team needs to collect and keep as many balls as possible during a certain time. Who has more balls, he won. You can play several times.

Air balloon salute

(By the team children throw balls up and screaming: "Hooray!")

Ved.: Guys it seems to me that you are already tired, and you need recharge. And what are you charged, our swelling?. Of course what day birth without cake and treats!

(Parents make a birthday cake make a desire and bloody candles)

Tea drinking and disco.

Scenario Entertainment on the topic:

"Birthday in kindergarten"

purpose : Development of interest in joint activities.

Tasks : - To promote the manifestation of friendly feelings to your comrades, the desire to give gifts, good wishes.

Improve the skills and skills when performing game assignments, relay and contests. Create a joyful, cheerful mood.

(Song sounds "In the summer of autumn ..."

(Birthdays stand in DR.KOMNATE)

Veda: Guys, we gathered today in this wonderful room for no reason, because

... (there is a knock on the door, clown runs outClown

Hi, hello, and here I !!! I am happy to see you friends!

Ved. . You're very much, Klepa! We have fun today!


Why do you have fun?

Holiday here, what about you?

All children:



Birthday with us!


What is a birthday?


This is joy and fun.

These are songs, jokes, laughter,

The day that is best!

And no wonder our kindergarten

The holiday celebrates

Happy birthday guys

Our congratulates!


That's it! Allow me to participate in the congratulation of birthdays.
So! I declare:

Today! For small and adults,
Slim and thick,
Obedient and disobedient
Cheerful and sad
Our coolest,
The most extended entertainment, under the title ...
Children: Birthday!
Veda: And they invited us to your birthday guys: (calls by name)

Children in turn under applause come to the group.

(The host draws attention to what they are elegant, etc.).


Who are lucky with us?

We want to see you! (Puts on the children of caps)

Oh, my handsome man!

Well, give us the answer:

How old are you today?




And you know guys that the other day of births are made all sorts of chasing, congratulations, shank and players.


Make your own circle rather

We gathered on you.

To all of us it was fun

"Caparaway" We want for you we sing!

Horovoode "Caparaway" (two concentric circles, birthday in the middle)


Congratulations on the birthday of the guys!

Let everything come true what they want.

Let the fun do not shine, ringing laughter.

Let them sing and dance better than all

(Song sounds "Happy Born

And congratulations from us will be not ordinary. Now I will read the wishes of children, and you will help me. Answer yes yes, yes, on those wishes that you like, and no no no, which will not want to wish at all. Only you should shout loudly. And at the end you need to smoke together: "Happy birthday" agreed? Ready?
Happy Birthday!

Congratulations on Birthday! (Yes Yes Yes!)
All bad attitude! (No no no!)
Be guys cute (yes yes yes!)
Naughty, punchy! (No no no!)

Grow you all more. (Yes Yes Yes!)
Be sure to become thorough!
(No no no!)
To mommy love! (Yes Yes Yes!)
And ice cream fed! (Yes Yes Yes!)
Be smart, healthy! (Yes Yes Yes!)
Like a crocodile green! (No no no!)
Let you be waiting for you great success! (Yes Yes Yes!)
You guys are best! (Yes Yes Yes!)

Klepa: ( praw children). Guys, Well, what day is the birthday without a festive cake, right? Here we are now and bake it.

Guys, get up soon in the circle!

Sounds Merry Song "Chalubashki"

Game "Cake"
All children are taken by arms and lined up in one long chain. Ahead of all clown, behind the tutor. At the team, children begin the "furnace cake": the clown turns around him, winding the entire chain. Twist smiling until a big "cake" is turned out. Condition - hands do not exercise. As soon as the entire chain rolls around a clown, you should stop.
Clown: So the cake turned out! (asks children) and with what is your cake today?
Responses of children: With pineapple, with jam, with cream, with berries and bananas ...
Clown: And what is missing in the birthday cake? Of course, candles. Raised all the hands up. That's how many candles! And now everyone let him take himself on a piece of our delicious cake.
Children scatter in different directions.

Clown: Guys, how we have fun! Let's play on!
Leading: Who to play with? Look. The guys tongues stick to the nebu.
Clown: Truth? Horrible! Urgently need charging for the tongues!
Now we will make riddles, and you quickly guess them.


On the lakes, in the swamp
Of course you will find them
Grees, laughter,
Puratelase ...
Children: Frogs!
TO: In heaven is easy to float
Figure ... (Show if not guess).
Children: airplane.

CL: I come with gifts, shook the lights bright.
Elegant, funny, for the new year I am main. (Christmas tree).

CL: If it was not, I would not say anything (language).

Movement: Look, the gene, the tongues of the guys got off! So it's time to sing. What are they singing at the bottom of birth?
Children: That's right, the crocodile song of genes.
Song in honor of the birthday



Children, I got telegrams with congratulations for the birthdayricians, but from whom they do not understand. Let's find out. Reading telegrams

Happy Birthday! I can not arrive for you, because you got a jam at the birthday of the kid! " Carlson

"Hugs and kisses. Congratulations to all of you! I can not come, shoved my long nose into a narrow hole, I can not pull out. Waiting for help friends " Buratino

. "Happy Birthday! Well, birthday girls, wait! "



And now we will play with you.

The game "That's the way!"
How are you?
Children: like this! (Show big finger)

How to go to kindergarten?
Children: like this! (depict walking in place)
How to run home from kindergarten?
Children: like this! (running in place)

How do not seek without an educator?
Children: like this! (kick your feet)
And how in a quiet hour sleep?
Children: like this! (folded palms together, apply to the cheek, closed eyes)

How do you laugh at jokes?
Children: like this! (climbing behind the stomach laugh)

What about crying when mom does not give chocolate?
Children: like this! (Drong Eyes, depict crying)
How are Shawit?
Children: like this! (Inflatable cheeks, clap on them)

Klepa: I see. I also like, just I want to have fun. And you guys?

Fixikov's song "Ambulator"

"Stop, Toy" game (Become a Circle)

"Play a pyramid" (two teams fold cubes on each other)

Game 1. "Love your house" (play all)

Arrange chairs with a circle, not by number of participants, and so that 2-3 participants in the chairs did not get. For music, participants run around their chairs-houses, at the time of turning off the music, participants must take any house, 2-3 participants remain without houses. Play 3-4 times in the game (every time with all the participants, and if we make the game with a competition, we play until the last and remove 1-2 chairs every time, the last participant receives a prize). .


We played, sang songs.

But the farewell hour came.

There will be the most interesting

MiG on holiday with us

We once again happy birthday

You congratulate you from the heart.

Birthdays gifts

Will be very good!

The game is held "Choose a gift"

Gifts lie on the table, children tie their eyes, they choose a package with a book


You cook a gift

Klepa tried

To celebrate our cheerful

In memory remained.

Song sounds " Happy Birthday" ,guys go from the hall