How to get electricity from available tools. Free electricity in a private house

Electricity bills are an inevitable expense item for any modern person. Centralized power supply is constantly becoming more expensive, but electricity consumption is still growing every year. This problem is especially acute for miners, because, as you know, the mining of cryptocurrency consumes a significant amount of electricity, and therefore the bills for its payment can exceed the profit from. Under such conditions, it is worth paying attention to the fact that almost all natural resources can be used for conversion into electricity. Even in the air there is static electricity, all that remains is to find ways to use it.

Where can I get free electricity?

You can get electricity from everything. The only condition is that you need a conductor and a potential difference. Scientists and practitioners are constantly looking for new alternative sources of electricity and energy that will be free. It should be clarified that free means the absence of payment for centralized power supply, but the equipment itself and its installation are still worth the money. True, such investments are more than repaid later.

At the moment, free electricity is obtained from three alternative sources:

Method of obtaining electricity Features of power generation
Solar energy
Requires the installation of solar panels or a glass tube collector. In the first case, electricity will be generated due to the constant movement of electrons under the influence of sunlight inside the battery, in the second, electricity will be converted from heat from heating.
Wind energy
When the wind blows, the blades of the wind turbine will begin to actively rotate, generating electricity, which can be immediately supplied to the battery or network.
Geothermal energy
The method consists in obtaining heat from the depths of the soil and its subsequent processing into electricity. To do this, a well is drilled and a probe with a coolant is installed, which will take part of the constant heat that exists in the depths of the earth.

Such methods are used both by ordinary consumers and on a large scale. For example, huge geothermal plants are installed in Iceland and generate hundreds of MW.

How to make free electricity at home?

Free electricity in the apartment must be powerful and constant, therefore, a powerful installation will be required to fully ensure consumption. The first step is to determine the most suitable method. So, for sunny regions, installation is recommended. If solar energy is not enough then wind or geothermal power plants should be used. The latter method is especially suitable for regions located in relative proximity to volcanic zones.

Having decided on the method of generating energy, you should also take care of the safety and security of electrical appliances. To do this, the home power plant must be connected to the grid via an inverter and a voltage regulator to ensure the supply of current without sudden surges. It should also be borne in mind that alternative sources are quite capricious to weather conditions. In the absence of appropriate climatic conditions, power generation will stop or will be insufficient. Therefore, you should also acquire powerful accumulators for accumulation in case of a lack of production.

Complete alternative power plant installations are widely available on the market. True, their cost is quite high, but on average they all pay off from 2 to 5 years. You can save money by purchasing not a ready-made installation, but its components, and then independently design and connect the power plant.

How to get free electricity in the country?

Connecting to a centralized power supply system is a problematic process and often summer cottages remain without electricity for a long time. This is where the installation of a diesel generator or alternative mining methods can come to the rescue.

At dachas, a huge number of electrical appliances are often missing. Accordingly, electricity consumption is significantly lower. To begin with, you should determine the preferred period of time that will be spent indoors. So for summer summer residents, solar collectors and batteries are suitable, for the rest, wind methods.

You can also power individual electrical appliances or light a room by collecting electricity from grounding. Scheme for getting free electricity: zero - load - ground. The voltage inside the house is supplied through the phase and neutral conductors. By including the third load conductor to zero in this circuit, from 12 W to 15 W will be directed into it, which will not be recorded by metering devices. For such a circuit, it is imperative to take care of reliable grounding. Zero and earth do not carry the danger of electric shock.

Free electricity from the ground

The earth is a favorable environment for extracting electricity. There are three media in the soil:

  • moisture - drops of water;
  • hardness - minerals;
  • gaseousness - air between minerals and water.

In addition, electrical processes constantly take place in the soil, since its main humus complex is a system, on the outer shell of which a negative charge is formed, and on the inner shell a positive one, which entails a constant attraction of positively charged electrons to negative ones.

The method is similar to that used with conventional batteries. To obtain electricity from the ground, two electrodes should be immersed in the ground to a depth of half a meter. One copper, the second galvanized iron. The distance between the electrodes should be about 25 cm. The soil between the conductors is poured with saline, and wires are connected to the conductors, one will have a positive charge, the other negative.

In practical terms, the output power of such an installation will be approximately 3W. The charge power also depends on the composition of the soil. Of course, this power is not enough to provide energy supply in a private house, but the installation can be strengthened by changing the size of the electrodes or connecting the required number in series. Having carried out the first experiment, you can roughly calculate how many such installations will be needed to provide 1 kW, and then calculate the required amount based on the average consumption per day.

How to get free electricity out of thin air?

For the first time, Nikola Tesla spoke about obtaining electricity from the air. The scientist's experiments proved that static electricity exists between the base and the raised metal plate, which can be accumulated. In addition, the air in the modern world is constantly subjected to additional ionization due to the functioning of many power grids.

The soil can be the basis for a mechanism for extracting electricity from the air. The metal plate is placed on the conductor. It should be placed above other adjacent objects. The outputs from the conductor are connected to a battery, in which static electricity will accumulate.

Free electricity from power lines

Power lines carry huge amounts of electricity through their wires. An electromagnetic field is created around the wire in which the current flows. Thus, if you place a cable under the power line, then an electric current is generated at its ends, the exact power of which can be calculated, knowing what power the current is transmitted through the cable.

Another way is to create a transformer near power lines. A transformer can be created with copper wire and rod using the primary and secondary winding method. The current output power in this case depends on the volume and power of the transformer.

It is worth considering that such a system for obtaining free electricity is illegal, although it does not have an actual illegal connection to the network. The fact is that such a wedging into the power supply system damages its capacity and can be punished with fines.

Free electricity from the surge protector

Many seekers of free electricity have probably found on the Internet versions that an extension cord can become a source of endless free energy, forming a closed circuit. To do this, take a surge protector with a wire length of at least three meters. From the cable, fold a coil with a diameter of not more than 30 cm, connect it to the outlet of the electricity consumer, isolate all free holes, leaving only one more outlet for the plug of the extension cord itself.

Next, the surge protector must be given an initial charge. The easiest way to do this is to connect the extension cord to a functioning network, and then close it in itself in a split second. Free electricity from an extension cord is fine to power lighting fixtures, but the free energy on such a network is too low for anything else. And the method itself is quite controversial.

Free electricity from magnets

A magnet emits a magnetic field and as a result, it can be used to generate free electricity. To do this, wrap a magnet with copper wire, forming a small transformer, placing it near the electromagnetic field, you can get free energy. The power of electricity in this case depends on the size of the magnet, the number of windings and the power of the electromagnetic field.

How to use free electricity?

When deciding to replace the centralized power supply with alternative sources, all necessary safety measures should be taken into account. In order to avoid sudden voltage fluctuations, the electric current to the devices must be supplied through voltage stabilizers. You should definitely pay attention to the dangers of each method. So, immersion of the electrodes in the soil implies the subsequent filling of the soil with a saline solution, which will make it unsuitable for further plant growth, and systems for the accumulation of static electricity from the air can attract lightning.

Electricity is not only useful but also dangerous. Incorrect phasing can lead to electric shocks and a short circuit in the network - to fires. The approach to providing a home with electricity at home is necessary with a detailed study of the methods and laws of physics.

It should also be borne in mind that most methods do not provide stable power and depend on many factors, including weather conditions, which are impossible to predict. Therefore, it is recommended to either store energy in batteries, and just in case have a spare type of electrical supply.

Forecast for the future

Alternative energy sources are already widely used. The lion's share of electricity consumption comes from household electrical appliances and lighting. Replacing their food from a centralized one to an alternative one can significantly save the budget. Miners should pay special attention to alternative sources of power supply, since mining on a centralized power supply can take up to 50% of the profit, while mining on a free power supply will bring net income.

More and more homes are switching to power from solar panels or wind farms. These methods provide much less power, but are clean energy sources that do not harm the environment. Industrial alternative power plants are also being constructed.

In the future, this area will only be supplemented by new methods and improved analogs.


Electricity can even be obtained from the air, but to cover all consumption needs, it is necessary to design a whole system of alternative electricity generation. You can go the easy way and buy ready-made solar panels or wind farms, or you can make an effort and assemble your own power plant. Now free electricity is not fully explored area and opens up a lot of opportunities for independent experiments.

Employees at the University of Alberta have found a fundamentally new way to get electricity from water. The first prototype of an electrokinetic battery produced 1 milliampere of electricity with a voltage of about 10 volts, which was enough to light an LED.

The invention uses the effect of charge separation. There is a phenomenon called an electric double layer, when water ions flow through a channel with a diameter of 10 microns with non-conductive walls, a positive charge appears at one end of the battery, and a negative charge at the other.

The prototype had about 400-500 thousand separate channels.

Professor Kostyuk believes that in the future such water batteries can be used as batteries for smartphones and PDAs.

Nothing is impossible. It seemed that two different things, two different hypostases - electricity and water, practically antagonists, but it is possible to obtain electrical energy in this way.
To do this, you need two metals that form the anode cathode, one of them needs to be stuck into the tree, and the other into the soil.

New technology for generating electricity from ordinary water

The Tata Group recently signed a partnership with Daniel Nocera, an MIT scientist and founder of SunCatalytix. The subject of their agreement was a technology developed by a scientist for generating electricity from ordinary water. Although aspects of their cooperation have not yet been disclosed, it is already clear that the new energy technology will provide more than three billion people with electricity around the world! Moreover, Daniel Noser's technology is said to generate energy more efficiently than solar panels.

Nocera and his team recently discovered that artificial cobalt and a phosphate-coated silicon wafer placed in a jar of water generate electricity. As in photosynthesis, this process occurs due to the "knocking out" of hydrogen from the water molecule under the influence of sunlight. All the secrets of the new method of generating electricity have not yet been revealed, but it has already been proven that the technology allows you to get enough electricity from 1.5 liters to provide it with a small house, and a whole pool of water, in which it will be renewed once a day, will produce so much electricity, that it will be enough to start the plant!

Despite the fact that the work is still in the testing phase, the team of Tata Group and Daniel Noser already foresees how many billion people they will be able to provide with electricity. However, with the proviso that the regions, which are especially experiencing a shortage of electricity, most often feel a shortage of water necessary for their technology. Having united into one team just a month and a half ago, Tata Group and Daniel Nocera have already wondered how, based on their discovery, to realize the generation of electricity using land instead of water.

How to get electricity from hydrogen

Environmentally friendly production of electricity from electrolytically obtained hydrogen and oxygen is a promising technology for generating electricity. You can make sure of this yourself by building a mini electrolysis power plant at home.

Step 1: make electrodes

Take a thin platinum wire and cut two pieces of 15 centimeters from it. Wrap the first piece of wire tightly around the thick nail to form a spiral. Remove the coil from the nail. Repeat for the second piece of wire. These two spirals will serve as electrodes.

Platinum wire or platinum-coated nickel wire should be used as electrodes.

Step 2: Connect the wires

Take four short wires and strip the insulation from the ends. Then twist the end of the first wire to the end of the second and to a straight section of the spiral wire. After that, repeat the operation for the remaining spiral - twist its free end with the ends of the third and fourth wires.

Step 3: secure the electrodes

On a wooden stick from ice cream, fix the electrodes with electrical tape next to each other so that under the electrical tape there are twisted wires with electrodes, and the spirals of the electrodes themselves are not covered with electrical tape.

Step 4: prepare the glass

Place the stick with the wires attached to it on top of the glass of water so that the spirals of the electrodes are submerged in the water. Glue the ends of the stick to the edge of the glass with small pieces of duct tape. Make sure that only the coils are immersed in the water, the strands of the wires should be out of the water.

Step 5: Connect the voltmeter

Connect one wire from the first coil and one from the second to the voltmeter. At the same time, the voltmeter should show zero voltage.

Sometimes the voltmeter can show a non-zero voltage, for example. 01 V.

Step 6: Connect the battery

Connect a 9-volt battery to the remaining ends of the wire for a few seconds. You will see that gas bubbles have started to form on the surface of the electrodes immersed in the water. This phenomenon is called electrolysis. At the same time, hydrogen is released on one electrode, and oxygen on the other.

Step 7: Disconnect the battery

Disconnect the battery. You will see that the voltmeter is still showing some voltage. It is the platinum electrodes that cause the free oxygen to react with hydrogen, producing enough electricity even to power some low-voltage electrical device.

In the process of obtaining such electricity, no environmentally harmful waste is generated, because all that is obtained in the end is water and water vapor.


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In this article, we'll talk about how you get electricity.

The main and, perhaps, the most important part of any power plant that provides electricity, of course, is an electric generator. This electrical device is capable of converting mechanical work into electricity. Outwardly, it looks like a regular electric motor, and inside it is not very different.

The basic principle of operation and operation of an electric generator is based on Faraday's law of electromagnetic induction. For EMF generation, two conditions are necessary. Firstly, this is a circuit in the form of a copper winding and the presence of a magnetic flux, which, as a rule, is created by an ordinary magnet or an additional winding.

Thus, in order for the desired EMF to appear at the output of the electric generator, it is necessary to set in motion a magnet or winding relative to each other. The magnetic flux, passing through the circuit, as a result, creates electricity. Moreover, the rotation speed directly affects the value of the generated voltage. Now, having an idea of ​​an electric generator, we just need to find a source of motion for it, that is, sources of electricity.

In 1882, the great scientist Thomas Edison launched the world's first thermal power plant (TPP), powered by a steam engine. At that time, the steam engine was the best device for creating the movement of a steam locomotive and a production machine.

Of course, the power plant was also steam-powered. When water is heated in the boiler, high-pressure steam is formed, which was supplied to the turbine blades or a cylinder with a piston, thereby pushing it, as a result, producing a mechanical movement due to water heating. Coal, fuel oil, natural gas, peat are usually used as fuel - in a word, what burns well.

Hydroelectric power plants are special structures built on the places where the river falls and using its energy to rotate an electric generator. Perhaps this is the most harmless way of generating electricity, since there is no fuel combustion and no hazardous waste.

Nuclear power plants are, in principle, very similar to thermal ones, the only difference is that CHP plants use combustible fuel to heat water and generate steam, while in nuclear power plants the heat generated by a nuclear reaction serves as a heating source. The reactor contains a radioactive substance, usually uranium, which, during its decay, releases a large amount of heat and thereby heats up the boiler with water, followed by the release of steam to rotate the turbine and electric generator.

On the one hand, nuclear power plants are very profitable, since with their small amount of matter, they are capable of producing a lot of energy. But not everything is so cloudless. Although nuclear power plants provide for a high degree of safety, there are still fatal mistakes, like the Chernobyl nuclear power plant. And even after the nuclear fuel has been used up, waste remains and cannot be disposed of.

There are also many and much less used sources of electricity, in contrast to the main ones. These are, for example, wind power generators, which convert the usual wind force directly into electric current.

Recently, solar panels are gaining popularity. Their work is based on the transformation of the sun's rays of the sun, or rather, its photons. The photocell consists of two thin layers of semiconductor material, when solar radiation hits the interface between two semiconductors, an EMF arises, which can subsequently produce an electric current at its output electrodes.

In the modern world, when energy resources are constantly becoming more expensive, many people turn their eyes to the possibility of saving their money through the use of any alternative sources of electricity.

This problem occupies the minds of not only home-grown inventors who are trying to find a solution at home with a soldering iron in hand, but also of real scientists. This is a question that has been discussed for a long time, and a variety of attempts are being made to find new sources of electricity.

Is it possible to get electricity out of thin air

Perhaps many might think that this is outright nonsense. But the reality is that getting electricity out of thin air is possible. There are even schemes that can help create a device capable of obtaining this resource from literally nothing.

The principle of operation of such a device is that air is a carrier of static electricity, just in very small quantities, and if you create a suitable device, then it is quite possible to accumulate electricity.

Experiments of famous scientists

You can refer to the works of already famous scientists who in the past tried to get electricity literally from the air. One of these people is the famous scientist Nikola Tesla. He was the first person who thought about the fact that electricity can be obtained, roughly speaking, from nothing.

Of course, at the time of Tesla it was not possible to record all his experiments on video, so at the moment specialists have to recreate his devices and the results of his research according to his notes and old testimonies of his contemporaries. And, thanks to the many experiments and research of modern scientists, it is possible to build a device that will make it possible to obtain electricity.

Tesla determined that an electrical potential exists between the base and the raised metal plate, which is static electricity, and he also determined that it can be accumulated.

Subsequently, Nikola Tesla was able to design such a device that was able to accumulate a small amount of electricity, using only the potential that is contained in the air. By the way, Tesla himself assumed that the presence of electricity in its composition, the air owes to the sun's rays, which, when penetrating space, literally divides their particles.

If we turn to the inventions of modern scientists, we can give an example of a device by Stephen Mark, who created a toroidal generator that allows you to hold much more electricity, in contrast to the simplest inventions of this kind. Its advantage lies in the fact that this invention is capable of providing electricity not only to weak lighting fixtures, but also to rather serious household appliances. This generator is able to carry out its work without recharge for quite a long time.

Simple circuits

There are fairly simple schemes that will help create a device capable of receiving and storing electrical energy that is contained in the air. This is facilitated by the presence in the modern world of many networks, power lines, which contribute to the ionization of the air space.

You can create a device that receives electricity from the air with your own hands, using only a fairly simple circuit. There are also various videos that can become that necessary instruction for the user.

Unfortunately, creating a powerful device with your own hands is very difficult. More complex devices require the use of more serious circuits, which sometimes significantly complicates the creation of such a device.

You can try to create a more complex device. On the Internet, there are more complex schemes, as well as video instructions.

Video: homemade free energy generator

We bring to your attention interesting solutions for low-current improvised electrical appliances - flashlights, chargers, lighters. The article contains detailed photos and video instructions on how to assemble original sources of electricity from improvised means with your own hands.

It's no secret that energy literally surrounds us and its carriers can be not only valuable minerals - oil, gas, coal, but also metals, carbohydrates, objects moving due to natural reasons. Let's take a closer look at how you can extract electrical energy from available tools.

In this section, we will clearly demonstrate the ability to extract electricity using a chemical and electrolytic reaction.

Carbon batteries from aluminum cans

Conventional carbon batteries can be made by hand. For this we need:

  1. Two 0.5 liter beverage cans.
  2. Two graphite rods Ø 15-20 mm in length along the height of the can + 20-30 mm.
  3. Plain coal or ash.
  4. Paraffin or wax.
  5. Several copper wires, a knife.

The method provides for the enlargement of miniature batteries for household appliances.


  1. Cut the tops of the cans, leaving the beads.
  2. Place 30 mm foam on the bottom.
  3. Install the rods inside the cans by immersing them in the foam.
  4. Cover sinuses with charcoal. 10-15 mm should remain to the edge of the can.
  5. Pour salted water over the sinuses (1 tablespoon per 1 liter).
  6. Pour melted paraffin or wax into the empty space in the jar (up to the top).

Each of the cans will be identical in energy capacity to one 1.5 V finger-type battery. They can be connected in series, recharged and used in household appliances - a clock, a receiver, and LED lamps.

Tin can batteries - step by step video

Electricity from oxidation

Proteins, fats and carbohydrates are energy sources for the human body. It is extracted through reactions in the stomach and intestines. Namely - when the stomach acid acts on the carbohydrate, the energy contained in it is released. What if we tried to replace stomach acid with more familiar - acetic acid?

For experience we need:

  1. Refined sugar - 2 pieces.
  2. Anodized self-tapping screws 15 mm - 2 pcs. (copper-plated and galvanized).
  3. 1.5 V diode bulb with wires.


  1. We drill (not completely!) Holes in the sugar.
  2. Carefully, so as not to crush the refined sugar, we screw in the self-tapping screws.
  3. We connect the wiring of the light bulb to the heads of the self-tapping screws.
  4. We moisten the refined sugar with vinegar.

Video how to extract electricity from sugar

Of course, this is not about sugar, but about the chemical oxidation of copper and zinc. Refined sugar is only an acid retention agent. At the point of contact between the oxidized surfaces and the acid, an electrochemical reaction takes place with the release of a small amount of energy. Theoretically, refined sugar can be replaced with a dense sponge, but the screws will completely oxidize over time and become unusable.

This effect is described more clearly and precisely in a similar experiment with lemons.

Electricity from lemon - video tutorial

And a very popular method using potatoes.

Video - how to extract current from potatoes

Emergency power source

The principle described above can be used to create a charger from available tools. This will require simple parts that can be found in waste disposal material after repairs.

To create an energy source you will need:

  1. U-shaped galvanized plasterboard hangers (thickness does not matter) - 10 pcs.
  2. Thin copper wire - 15 m.
  3. Thin cotton fabric - a few scraps, as a last resort - toilet paper.
  4. Threads.
  5. Water, salt.

Work progress (for one battery):

1. Wrap the plates with cloth (or paper) in 2 layers.

2. Wrap the wire over the fabric (not thick, the fabric should be visible).

3. Release copper wires from each element.

4. Wrap the element with cloth again and fix it with threads.

5. Moisten cloth with salted water and keep it wet.

One element produces approximately 0.33 V. For the LED to burn, 5 elements are enough, to recharge the phone 13-14 pcs.

Electricity will be generated while the oxidation reaction is in progress, i.e. as long as there is electrolyte between different metals (salted water). If the cell is dry, it is enough to wet it and the reaction will resume until the brine has corroded the zinc coating. Ideally, it is best to use fully zinc plates.

Individual parts and salt can be taken with you on a hike or you can keep ready-made items along with a candle in case of a power outage. At nightfall, all that remains is to connect them together and moisten.

Pneumatic lighter

The gases that make up atmospheric air have a common property - they can get very hot with increasing pressure. This effect can be used to craft an Eternal Lighter. The manufacturing method will require the skills of a locksmith.

For work you will need:

  1. Round bar, possibly made of soft metal (copper, aluminum) Ø 30 mm and 200 mm long.
  2. Steel rod Ø 10 mm and length 200 mm.
  3. Rubber rings from a plumbing set.
  4. Cotton fabric, foil.
  5. Access to the lathe.


  1. Drill out a thick rod to the diameter of a thin one + 1 mm (cylinder).
  2. Make grooves for compression rings on a thin rod (piston).
  3. Drill out a recess at the end of the piston.
  4. Install rubber rings in grooves.
  5. Wrap the fabric in foil and burn over the fire (tinder).

In order to use a lighter, you need to put a tinder in the recess of the piston and insert it into the cylinder. Then sharply apply a force along the axis of the piston and remove it from the cylinder. The tinder at the end will smolder and you can fan the flame from it. It is this effect that is used in diesel engines.

Pneumatic lighter in action on video

The examples described above may not be of high practical value, but they clearly demonstrate the possibilities of obtaining alternative energy for solving daily problems. In the following articles, we will look at other ways to realize natural and magnetic energy.