Classic lasagna recipe with béchamel sauce step by step. Classic lasagna recipe with béchamel sauce

Cooking instructions

1 hour 30 minutes Print

    1. I buy sheets of lasagna that don't need to be boiled (it's easier this way). First, prepare the filling for the lasagna.
    Fry 1 medium onion (finely chopped), 1 medium carrot (finely grated) in vegetable oil. Crib How to chop onions

    2. Add 500 g of minced meat (beef or beef + pork) to the pan, add 2-3 cloves of garlic.
    Crib How to cook minced meat

    3. Then add chopped tomatoes with peeled skin (if medium - 2 pcs., Small -3 pcs.); everything should be stewed together for 10-15 minutes, at the same time add salt, a mixture of peppers (a little), Provencal herbs, basil.
    Crib How to prepare tomatoes

    4. When the minced meat is ready, make the bechamel sauce. Melt 4 tablespoons of butter in a saucepan, add 4 tablespoons of flour, stirring thoroughly so that there are no lumps. Then gradually, in a thin stream, stirring constantly, add 500 ml of milk. Salt to taste. The process of pouring milk and thickening the sauce takes about 10 minutes (stir all this time).

    5. When the bechamel sauce has thickened, immediately collect the lasagne. Grease the bottom of the mold with oil, put dry lasagna sheets on the bottom (the number of sheets depends on the form in which your lasagna will be prepared), on them - a layer of minced meat, then pour bechamel sauce, sprinkle with grated cheese. We alternate the layers until the shape is filled (I get 3 layers). The last layer (4th) - lasagna sheets, béchamel sauce, grated cheese.
    Crib How to make béchamel sauce

There is probably not a single person who has not heard of such a sauce as bechamel. It is also called basic white sauce. It is prepared from flour sautéed in butter (professional cooks call such a sautéing process "ru") and milk.

This sauce is basic. On its basis, a variety of derived sauces are prepared, and also used to prepare soufflé, lasagna and other European dishes. Béchamel is prepared very quickly and easily, as you can see by reading my recipe.

Kitchen appliances and inventory: scales, frying pan, whisk, spatula.


How to choose the right products

  • For the sauce, very fresh milk of medium fat content is needed - I take 2.5%. If you are unsure of the freshness of the milk, boil a small amount in a saucepan on the stove. If this does not curd milk, you can use it.
  • Take wheat flour, premium. And be sure to sift it so that no impurities get into the sauce.
  • The oil must be fresh and of very high quality, with a fat content of 82% and higher. Be sure to check its composition so that there is nothing but milk cream.

Step by step cooking

  1. Lightly fry 3 tablespoons of flour in a dry skillet until golden brown. Make sure that the flour does not burn, it only slightly changes color - it becomes beige.
  2. Add 50 grams of soft butter. Mix well and fry the flour in oil for several minutes with low heat.

  3. Pour in 400 ml of milk at room temperature.

  4. We boil the bechamel until thickened for 3-4 minutes, stirring it continuously so that it does not burn.

  5. Add half a teaspoon each of salt and ground nutmeg, as well as a little white ground pepper.

  6. We boil the sauce for literally 1-2 minutes and turn off the stove.

  7. Put the bay leaf in the bechamel, cover the sauce with a lid and let it brew for 8-10 minutes.

  8. We take out the leaves. Serve sauce for white meat, vegetable and egg dishes.

Video recipe for making béchamel sauce for lasagne

See how to make a classic béchamel. Its preparation will not take much of your time.

Béchamel derivatives

Cheese sauce

A mixture of grated parmesan and gruyeres is added to the hot béchamel.

For 450 grams of bechamel, take 30 grams of Parmesan and 60 grueres, mix the sauce thoroughly and taste it - if necessary, add more salt and pepper.

If the Parmesan is very salty, add a little, tasting the sauce as you add the cheese.

Cream sauce

A glass of cream, 30% fat, is added to three glasses of bechamel. The taste of this sauce needs to be balanced with lemon juice, salt and white pepper, as it turns out to be quite fatty. To make the sauce thick and completely smooth, use only very fresh cream.


  • To avoid lumps, pour milk hot into the flour sauté and stir the mass vigorously with a whisk.
  • If lumps do form, rub the bechamel through a strainer and boil again if you use it for serving.
  • In order not to form a film on the surface of the sauce, I advise you to "pinch" it with butter, spreading small pieces of butter on its surface.

Other cooking options

Bechamel is used to prepare other versions of this dish, for example, vegetarian. You can also make the cooking process much easier by cooking.

If you prepared bechamel according to my recipe and were satisfied with the result, write about it in the comments. I am also looking forward to questions and suggestions. Good luck and new culinary discoveries!

  • Ready-made lasagna dough - 0.5 pack;
  • Minced meat (pork) - 0.5 kg
  • Parmesan cheese - 200 gr.
  • Onions - small head 1 pc.
  • Medium carrots - 1 pc.
  • Tomatoes (pasta) - 50 gr.
  • Butter - 50 gr.
  • Nutmeg - 15 gr.

Perfection of taste and an unsurpassed bouquet of aromas - you will find all this in our recipe for lasagna. How to cook minced meat lasagna and béchamel sauce in your kitchen? To prepare an incredibly spicy dish Lasagna with minced meat and Bechamel sauce, we will need about two hours.
Making lasagna with bechamel sauce and minced meat according to the recipe with a photo will be easy even for an inveterate bachelor. To prepare this amazing recipe for lasagna with minced meat, you need to arm yourself with high-quality and fresh products and the necessary utensils.
Having once tasted an incomparable dish according to the recipe for lasagna with minced meat, you will definitely fall in love with the cuisine of the Italian people and will certainly want to pamper yourself and your family with this luxurious Mediterranean masterpiece.

We offer you a detailed step-by-step recipe for lasagna with minced meat with a photo.

At the very beginning, we prepare all the above-mentioned products for cooking and kitchen utensils. Bechamel sauce plays a key role in the recipe for Lasagne with minced bechamel sauce. Let's learn how to cook it. Separate a small piece from the total amount of oil and set it aside. It will be useful to us a little later for frying minced meat. Dissolve the rest of the oil in a pan.

Heat the milk (leave the glass for later use).

Add warm milk to the flour fried in butter. Beat the entire contents with a regular fork.

Nutmeg will make the sauce special and unique.

We fry our vegetables.

We add minced pork.

Pour in red wine and add tomato.

Add 100 grams of water, salt, pepper to taste and simmer until the minced meat is completely cooked. Pour in the remaining milk 15 minutes before cooking.

We rub the cheese on a coarse grater.

Now that everything is ready, we begin to collect our gourmet dish. Sprinkle the bottom of the container with olive oil and put the layers of dough.

With the next layer, lay out some of our meat mixture.

Then pour the minced meat with béchamel sauce.

Season generously with grated Parmesan.

The next step is to repeat the combination of layers a couple more times.

Season the very last layer generously with sauce and cheese. Now the lasagna is collected, we put it in the oven to bake for about 25-30 minutes.

Lasagne with minced meat and béchamel sauce, the recipe with a photo is absolutely not intricate and understandable even for a novice housewife. We hope that now you will be asked how to cook minced lasagna.

We wish you bon appetite!

Greetings to all site visitors! Today I want to talk with you about the most famous, apparently, French sauce called "Béchamel", which is often found in recipes for cooking various dishes and, according to my information, often causes trouble for inexperienced cooks in this area. We will discuss the basic principles of making this famous white sauce, and in addition, I will share with you small nuances and secrets that will help you never again experience a fiasco and any surprises with it.

Béchamel sauce - what is it?

First of all, perhaps, one should give a precise definition to the main character of this article. Bechamel sauce is a thick white milk sauce of French origin, which is the basis for the preparation of many Mediterranean dishes. Translated from French, the word "bechamel" means exactly "white sauce", and its white color is determined by the content of milk and flour in it.

A feature of the Bechamel sauce is the fact that it is almost never used for serving ready-made food, but only in the process of preparing (most often baking) various dishes. Perhaps that is why it has a rather neutral and not very pronounced mild milky taste. But in combination with various products, for example, cheese, pasta, vegetables and other ingredients of dishes, it is able to create an unusually harmonious union and form the most delicate velvet structure.

Bechamel sauce can be used in dishes of very different composition, since it goes well with almost all types of products. Traditionally, it is included in many types of Italian pasta, primarily lasagna, as well as the most famous Greek casserole "moussaka", some French open pies called "quiche" and many other dishes. In addition, seafood, fish, vegetables and various types of meat products are often baked under béchamel sauce.

The composition of the Bechamel sauce

The main ingredients of Bechamel sauce are milk, flour and butter, and in addition, salt, pepper and ground nutmeg are added to it for taste. Despite the fact that the flour is pre-fried for several minutes in butter, it is very important not to allow it to brown or even slightly change its color. The classic Bechamel sauce must necessarily have an even milky-white hue with only a few dark blotches of spices added to it.

In order for Bechamel to have a calm mild taste, it is not customary to season it with a lot of spices. In addition to salt, you can use a little ground black pepper and always a pinch of fragrant nutmeg. However, since nutmeg has a pronounced specific spicy shade, you should never overdo it with this spice. To a large saucepan, add a very small pinch of ground nutmeg, or, as is often said, on the tip of a knife. In addition to the above ingredients, you can also use a single bay leaf when heating milk for Bechamel, but must be removed before use.

As for the proportions of the main components for making Bechamel, flour and butter should be taken in equal quantities, and the ratio of milk to flour depends on the desired thickness of the sauce. Since flour is mainly intended for the formation of the correct structure of the Bechamel sauce, its quantity is a decisive factor in the preparation of this dish. On the one hand, it is very important not to overdo it with flour, otherwise the sauce will turn out to be too thick and mealy. On the other hand, an overly liquid sauce can also lead to an incorrect consistency and generally ruin the dish.

How to make Bechamel sauce

Since this famous classic French sauce consists of only three ingredients, there is nothing particularly difficult in its preparation. The main thing is to consistently and accurately follow all the recommendations given here, and then the delicate milk sauce will become an excellent addition to your dishes. Since the main problem in making sauce is the appearance of lumps in it, I will tell you how you can avoid this unpleasant phenomenon.

1. When choosing utensils for making the sauce, you need to take into account the fact that you will have to stir a lot and vigorously in it. Therefore, it is better to take a deep and not very wide pan or ladle with a coating that will not be damaged when wielding a metal whisk.

2. First of all, in a ladle, you need to melt and warm a little high-quality butter. It is better to choose oil "traditional", which has the highest fat content (82.5%) and, consequently, the lower content of unnecessary moisture. It is advisable to cut the butter into cubes and melt over low heat, periodically shaking the ladle so that it melts quickly and evenly. After turning into a liquid state, the oil should be kept on the fire for about a minute, so that excess moisture evaporates from it and the flour is then fried faster. All this time, you need to stay close to the stove and watch carefully so that the oil does not start to burn.

3. Pour all the flour into the melted butter at once, and then immediately begin to intensively stir with a whisk so that the flour does not stick together, is evenly soaked in oil and fried on all sides. Fry the flour over low heat for 2 to 3 minutes until you feel a light nutty flavor. The flour should not be fried further, otherwise it will begin to change its color and the sauce will no longer be milky white.

4. Now you need to gradually pour warm milk into the Bechamel sauce. You need to warm it up in advance, while the first stages of cooking are performed, in a separate ladle on the stove or in a large measuring cup in the microwave. It is most convenient to add milk to the sauce from a dish with a spout, as otherwise the stove will most likely get dirty and maybe even the floor. First, milk must be poured into the flour in a thin stream or in very small portions, stirring vigorously with a whisk to prevent the formation of lumps. When the sauce is already a thick sour cream consistency, the remaining milk can be poured in much faster, but still without stopping the whisk.

5. When all the milk has been added, you can turn up the heat and while stirring the sauce, bring it to a boil. Then Bechamel must be seasoned with salt and spices, reduce the heat again so that the sauce barely gurgles and cook it, stirring often, for 5 - 10 minutes to the desired consistency.

6. It is important to remember that within a few minutes after preparing the sauce, a dense foam will form on its surface, which will not disperse back, so it will have to be removed immediately before using the sauce. Therefore, it is advisable to add the sauce to the dishes immediately after cooking, or cover it on top with cling film so that it fits snugly to the surface and prevents the formation of milk foam.

Béchamel sauce - a classic recipe at home - a step by step recipe with a photo


  • 650 ml milk
  • 50 g butter
  • 50 g flour (2.5 tablespoons)
  • a pinch of salt
  • a pinch of ground black pepper
  • a pinch of nutmeg
  • 1 bay leaf (optional)


1. In order to prepare the Bechamel sauce according to the classic recipe, put a deep saucepan or ladle on a low heat. Add the butter and let it melt completely, stirring occasionally or shaking the pan with it. Hold the melted butter on the fire for another 1 - 2 minutes, until the strong hissing, which is emitted by the water that is part of the oil, subsides. But you should not overexpose, otherwise the oil will begin to burn and form black carbon deposits on the bottom and walls of the dishes.

2. Pour flour into boiling oil and immediately start stirring it intensively with a whisk. By the way, in addition to the usual cheap metal whisks, there are also sometimes more fashionable silicone devices on sale that can be used without fear in dishes with a non-stick coating.
3. Fry the flour in butter for 2 - 3 minutes until a subtle nutty aroma appears, not allowing the flour to darken.

4. While the butter is melting and the flour is fried, in parallel, the milk should be slightly warmed up, without bringing it to a boil, so that no foam we do not need is formed. If desired, you can put bay leaves in cold milk for flavor, but remove it before adding it to the flour.

5. As soon as the flour is fried to the desired condition, warm milk should be poured into it in a thin stream, carefully working with a whisk so that no lumps form in the Béchamel sauce. After adding about a third of the milk, a thick, homogeneous mass will turn out, and the remaining milk can be safely poured out in one fell swoop, after which everything is mixed very thoroughly.

6. Bring the sauce to a boil over medium heat, then season with salt and pepper and season with a pinch of nutmeg. Then reduce the heat and cook the sauce with frequent stirring for about 5 minutes until noticeably thickened.

Advice! This sauce is quite capricious, but since it does not take long to cook, it is better not to leave it so as not to get any trouble.

Delicate French white Béchamel sauce, prepared according to a classic recipe at home, is ready!

Bechamel sauce for lasagne

Lasagna is a delicious Italian dish that is indispensable without Bechamel sauce. This sauce needs to be impregnated both top and bottom, and every layer of this magnificent tiered pie, to combine all the many ingredients of the lasagna into one harmonious structure. As a result, the dish is the most delicate in consistency, which has received well-deserved recognition and has won an honorable place in restaurants around the world. Although the composition and principles of preparation of Bechamel sauce for lasagna remain the same, nevertheless, there are a number of features that I want to tell you about.

1. Bechamel sauce for cooking lasagna will need a lot or even a lot, which directly depends on its size and the number of layers. In any case, you need to use at least 1 liter of milk, and if your cake is designed for a very large company, then it is better to multiply all the numbers by two.

2. It is very important that the consistency of the Bechamel lasagna sauce is not too thick. The fact is that in most cases lasagna sheets are not pre-boiled and are used raw, so they reach readiness during the baking process. To do this, the pasta sheets must be in a boiling liquid, which mainly comes from the Bechamel sauce. In the process of baking in the oven, the pasta absorbs some of the moisture and swells, while the sauce itself thickens and the ideal consistency of the dish is obtained. Too thick sauce contains little liquid, so the lasagna sheets may simply not cook.

Important! When preparing Bechamel sauce for lasagna for 1 liter of milk, use 50 g of flour and the same amount of butter. It takes about 10 minutes to boil the sauce on the stove so that it thickens only a little, but remains sufficiently liquid and fluid.

3. Before assembling the lasagna, be sure to pour a little Bechamel sauce on the bottom of the mold so that the bottom sheets of the lasagna are soaked and literally boiled in it.

Each layer of lasagna should be generously watered with Béchamel sauce and at the same time make sure that all the pasta sheets are completely covered with the sauce, adding it as needed to the "bare" places. The very top layer of the sheets should be poured abundantly with Bechamel so that the sauce flows down and creates an excellent bonding base for this delicate Italian dish.

During baking, the sauce thickens strongly and forms a single creamy-cheese-pasta mass.

Dishes with Béchamel sauce

And finally, I would like to tell you what is so tasty and unusual you can cook with Béchamel sauce. Probably one of the most popular dishes can be considered the magnificent Bolognese lasagne, which is made from spicy minced meat with tomato, therefore, I will tell you a secret, it is able to pave a path to any man's heart 🙂

A detailed step-by-step recipe for the classic meat lasagne can be viewed.

I also recommend trying an unconventional type of lasagna that includes ham, fresh tomatoes and cheese.

It can be done quite simply and quickly, for this I have a detailed and understandable one on the site.

Another dish that no eggplant lover cannot pass by is the traditional Greek moussaka, which is not at all difficult to prepare even in our Russian realities.

However, eggplant alone is not the secret to the worldwide popularity of moussaka. Minced meat, tomatoes, cheese and tender Bechamel sauce - you will certainly love this dish if you try to prepare it as described in detail.

From the category of unique and unusual recipes with Bechamel, one can name an amazing taste and consistency French pie or quiche stuffed with smoked fish.

A pie made of the most delicate crumbly shortcrust pastry with a filling that combines the spicy taste of fish and soft milk Bechamel will become a real decoration of the festive table and amaze the imagination of your guests. So be sure to try this awesome and not too difficult one.

Well, for a snack, I suggest you cook and taste a delicious one.


I hope that the recommendations given in this article will help you to prepare the classic French white Béchamel sauce and many different dishes with it without any problems. If, nevertheless, something went wrong with you and lumps in the sauce suddenly appeared, then do not rush to get upset and throw the sauce in the trash can. Since Bechamel is almost always used as an ingredient in another dish, you and your guests will not feel any lumps in the final meal. If the lumps are too large or you decide to serve this sauce separately to the table, then it will be enough just to pass it through a sieve or grind it with a blender to get a velvety consistency of the dish.

Based on my rich experience, I want to finally note that the first time you try to make this sauce, lumps may appear in it, despite all the efforts. However, the more experience, the easier and better “Bechamel” turns out and, most likely, sooner or later you will forget about the lumps forever and will be surprised at the simplicity of making the most delicate and correct milk sauce. I am sure that the basic principles and important nuances set out in this article will help you cope with problems and easily make a wonderful French Béchamel sauce for cooking the most delicious and delicious dishes. I wish you good luck and many exciting culinary discoveries!

1. Cooking the filling for the lasagna - Chop the onion and garlic finely.

2. Grate the carrots on a medium grater.

3. Remove the skin from the tomatoes (put the tomatoes in boiling water for 1-2 minutes, then easily remove the burst skin with a knife), chop the pulp in a blender or rub through a sieve.

4. Fry the onion and garlic in a pan with the addition of vegetable oil.

5. Then add the grated carrots.

6. Add minced meat to the fried vegetables, season with salt, pepper and simmer until tender (20-25 min.).

7. Five minutes until tender, add tomatoes to the minced meat.

8. Cooking Bechamel sauce- melt the butter.

9. Fry the flour in butter, stirring constantly, until golden brown.

10. Pour hot milk into the fried flour in a thin stream, mix well and bring to a boil. Salt, if desired - add nutmeg or garlic. The finished Béchamel sauce should resemble liquid sour cream.

11. We continue to cook Lasagna: Grate the cheese on a medium grater.

12. On the bottom of a greased baking dish, put sheets of lasagna (here a form 20 * 30 cm., 5 cm high). If you are using ready-made lasagna sheets, read the instructions carefully - they may need to be boiled beforehand!

13. Put half of the meat sauce on top of the lasagna sheets.

14. Drizzle with 1/3 of the Bechamel sauce.

15. Sprinkle with 0.5 parts of grated cheese.

16. Top with sheets of lasagna.

17. Add the remaining meat sauce.

19. Again a layer of grated cheese, this time pour out the rest.

20. Arrange with lasagna sheets.

21. And, using the remaining Béchamel sauce, pour over the surface of the lasagna.

22. Bake the Lasagne in the oven for 40-45 minutes. at a temperature of 180 degrees. In 5-10min. until ready to sprinkle with Parmesan cheese.

23. It will be very tasty if you serve tomato sauce with lasagne: Fry onions, carrots and garlic, add tomatoes, salt and pepper. Simmer for 20-25 minutes. Enjoy your meal!

How to make lasagna sheets:

We need: flour, 3 eggs, 100 ml. milk and salt.

Sift flour, add eggs, milk and salt. Knead the dough like dumplings. For 30-40 minutes. put in a plastic bag, then the dough will become elastic and soft. Then roll out the dough, cut it into rectangles and boil for 5 minutes. in boiling water with the addition of 2 tbsp. vegetable oil. Take out the finished dough, put it on a napkin, dry it.