Is it possible to get a tattoo. Places not to get tattoos


When you can't get a tattoo

The process of tattooing is inextricably linked with damage to the skin and the introduction of foreign materials into the body - this is the essence of the technology for applying a body pattern. As a result, even in such a widespread case there are limitations and contraindications that cannot be ignored.

Decompensated diabetes

An absolute contraindication to tattooing. If diabetes is compensated (sugar level is normal and there are no complications), tattooing is acceptable. However, there are a number of necessary precautions:

  • before a tattoo session, be sure to visit an endocrinologist, take the necessary tests and check the condition of the body;
  • control of sugar levels is important during the entire tattooing procedure;
  • in order to avoid unpleasant consequences, do not get a tattoo at the injection sites;
  • it should be borne in mind that with compensated diabetes, the healing process of a tattoo can be lengthy.

Skin diseases (psoriasis, eczema, etc.) in the acute stage

An absolute contraindication to tattooing. It is considered acceptable to carry out the procedure in the stage of remission of the disease, however, in this case, experts advise still to limit ourselves to a small drawing, since the risk after the tattooing procedure is still very high.

Diseases associated with reduced blood clotting

Contraindication directly related to the complicated process of wound healing. In such a situation, there is a greater risk of getting blood poisoning, as well as scarring during the healing of the pattern. Among other things, there is a possibility that with prolonged bleeding, the pigment will come out along with the blood and lymph and will not take root. In this case, instead of a bright, saturated pattern, only its contour of healing scars will remain on the skin.


A mild contraindication with a high degree of individuality - it all depends on the factors that can provoke an attack.

Malignant neoplasms, oncology

An absolute contraindication to tattooing.

HIV infection, AIDS, hepatitis

These factors carry several risks at once. In people with low immune status, the wound healing process is very slow and painful. In addition, there is a high risk of infectious diseases and blood poisoning. Another thing is also important. Tattooing is impossible without the release of biological fluids that can serve as a source of infection - first of all, a tattoo artist. If you are a carrier of these diseases and want to get a tattoo, then you must warn the master about them. Traditional, generally accepted security measures guarantee the safety of craftsmen and their clients - however, information is never superfluous.


If you have a tendency to allergic reactions, then it is useful to test yourself for the effects of various components used in the tattoo industry. First of all, you should check for metal allergies. The needles are made of surgical steel, and are unlikely to cause a negative reaction, but the composition of paints almost always contains metal oxides, including rare earth ones. They can be allergens. You should also pay attention to other drugs - means for cleaning and disinfecting the skin, anesthetics, healing and care products. Allergies are closely monitored by the tattoo industry, and many of the ingredients that cause negative reactions are being eliminated. Nevertheless, allergy is an individual thing, and it is impossible to completely exclude the risk of its manifestation. The most versatile and effective way to check is on yourself. A small amount of the drug - paint, cream, gel - is applied to a hidden area of ​​the skin, and after a few hours the reaction is checked.

Fever, general malaise, colds.

"Common" diseases are not an absolute contraindication for a tattoo, but it is better to wait for a full recovery. In addition to the fact that in this state, a tattoo session will seem like an eternity to you, there is a risk of getting even more painful. In this case, healing will take longer and more painful. Therefore, it is best to postpone tattooing for a while.

Alcohol intoxication

Alcohol raises blood pressure and dilates blood vessels, which leads to profuse bleeding during tattooing. It will be more difficult for the master to achieve the desired color, since the blood will push out the pigment. This will increase the working time and, consequently, the duration of the painful sensations. In addition, do not forget that alcohol greatly affects a person's condition. Working with a drunk is unpleasant, sometimes unbearable. Therefore, it is better to wait a day or two, and you certainly should not make the decision to apply a tattoo, being "under the degree." If only because in a tattoo parlor that respects itself and its name, clients who are in such a state will not be served.


Strictly speaking, pregnancy is not an absolute contraindication. However, this is a special condition of the body. In order to avoid undesirable consequences, you should not expose the body to unnecessary stress during pregnancy. The risk in this case is unjustified.


During the "critical days", sensitivity is aggravated, so the pain from applying a tattoo will be felt several times stronger.

Sleepless night, stress

All factors that negatively affect the emotional state and immunity can be considered as not conducive to tattooing. At the very least, this causes increased pain.

Skin lesions

Not all, of course - only in the area where the drawing is planned. Scratches, cuts, abrasions, bruises - you will need to wait until they are completely healed. The area of ​​the skin on which the tattoo is planned should be in the state in which it usually stays.

Tattooing is a decision that many tend to underestimate the degree of responsibility. Most tattoo artists do not have a medical background. Even if it were, the maximum that a tattoo artist can do is to take maximum measures to protect himself and his clients from infection with diseases transmitted with biological fluids. Many diseases and conditions, for which tattooing is contraindicated, are not outwardly diagnosed, so all responsibility rests entirely with the client. Therefore, it is better to start a visit to a tattoo parlor with a consultation with a doctor. Having made the decision to apply a tattoo, comparing and studying all the possible risks, you take full responsibility for the decision made and its consequences.

Tattoos are an integral part of our culture and in recent years they have become especially fond of young people. Today, drawings on the body can be seen on both adults and even young guys and girls, and in the most unexpected places. Many people have dreamed of such an ornament since school years, but from how many years they have been making tattoos - not everyone knows. We will understand in detail this issue and find out all its subtleties.

How old can you get tattoos?

Many people dream of getting a tattoo, especially in adolescence. Someone wants to stand out from the crowd or express their bright individuality, someone wants to emphasize their style or image and show belonging to a particular subculture. For many, this is a way of expressing public protest, rebellion, which is characteristic of young people and especially adolescents.

Is it possible to get a tattoo up to 18 years old? A heated debate is raging around this issue. Without going into the details of the question, most professional tattoo artists will answer firmly: no. But why, and at what age can you go to the salon and get a tattoo?

Ideally, you shouldn't get a tattoo until you turn 21. It is at this age that the body stops its active growth phase. A stable immunity is established in it, it becomes resistant to infections and allergens.

Until this age, the human body is still unstable. It continues to grow and form, complex internal biological processes take place in it. A tattoo for such an organism will become a strong shake-up, as a result of which various complications may arise: from allergies to paint to deformation of the pattern.

This is a physiological aspect. But there is also a psychological one. This point will surely cause protest and outrage among young people. But it is still true: a person under 18 or even 21 is not yet internally ready to make such a decision. And the fault here is hormones. A person at the age of 15 can be smart, organized, responsible and erudite, but it is impossible to fight hormonal processes, this is physiology.

A surge in hormonal activity in adolescence leads to excessive emotionality, irascibility, and as a result - to rash decisions. So I want to get a tattoo, and it seems that if this is not done, the world will collapse. Will not collapse! But if you fill it, then in a couple of years you will have to regret it. So this should not be done until the age of 21. Well, or at least up to 18, because the ban will no longer be legal.

Is it possible to get a tattoo up to 18 years old?

If you see a tattoo on a young man or girl at the age of 15, do not rush to envy. The fact is that in Russia it is legally forbidden to get tattoos under the age of 18. What does it mean? That he (or she) got a tattoo illegally, which means - from a bad master. And most likely, in a year or two, this drawing will look just disgusting.

Tattoo parlors and masters working legally provide services to the population, that is, they conclude an agreement with their clients on the provision of cosmetic services. It is impossible to conclude a contract with a minor from a legal point of view.

Tattoo can be done exclusively in the sanitary conditions of the office, using special disposable instruments, antiseptics, disinfection.

Young people under 18 cannot buy plane tickets themselves or get a job, go to college or cross the state border. For the same reason, they cannot do a tattoo for themselves. Because this is a serious decision for which an adult must be fully responsible.

Moreover, the parents of a child who came home with a "drawing" have the right to sue the would-be master for such an action in court. It is as illegal as selling alcohol or tobacco to minors.

Well, if you get a tattoo done by a “self-respecting” master, that is, illegally, then that's a different story. Unfortunately, such “masters” who bought a car and beat “beauty” right at home are not uncommon. And the results of their work can sometimes be found on young bodies. These are unsanitary conditions and working conditions that are completely unacceptable.

Besides, such a “master” is hardly good at what he does. Most likely, instead of the desired "tattoo", he will make it is not clear what, and after a year or two the pattern will creep under the skin, lose color and change its shape. This is a sheer risk, but no joy, because instead of a beautiful drawing, the client will receive complete disappointment.

Is it possible to get a tattoo at the age of 14, 15 or 16 with parental consent?

It is believed that even at the age of 14, you can get a tattoo if the parents or guardians give their consent. And here the question is very controversial. Is it possible to get a tattoo for an underage guy or girl if the parents do not mind?

From a legal point of view, this is not prohibited if the parents bring a permission with their own signature and bring their child to the salon. Then the responsibility falls on the parent's shoulders, and the tattoo artist has the right to do his job.

However, things are not so simple. The cons and risks of turning to a bad, unprofessional master were discussed in detail above. A good and professional master is unlikely to agree to do the work even with the permission of the parents, since he knows at what age it is possible to get a tattoo calmly and without risk, and what the result can be if the client is a minor.

The fact is that almost every good master strives not only to make money: it is important for him what the result will be. He wants his work to beautify bodies and be truly a source of pride. He will never do the job once in order to forget: it is important for the master how the tattoo will look in a year and five years. And if you apply such a pattern on a growing child's body, then in a year the image will change. It may not take root at all and it will be extremely difficult to correct it.

Most likely, the client will turn to the same master with a claim, and they will have to suffer for a long time, trying to bring the tattoo into its proper form. And taking into account the young body, there may be allergic reactions, or the body will not accept the paint and it will lie badly. And take into account the low pain threshold of adolescents - it will really hurt them, and it is not a fact that the client will withstand the procedure! In a word, it's better not to take it.

Example of parental consent for tattoos for teens

No tattoo artist will ever agree to tattoo an underage client. As soon as a child enters a tattoo parlor, they will immediately require an identity document to check their age. No one wants to risk their reputation, career, and finances.

If you find a salon in which you agree to get a tattoo with the permission of your parents, then do not hope that the permission can be faked. In addition to the signature, the document contains the following data:

  • the parent's passport and the child's birth certificate (to prove that the adult is indeed the parent or guardian);
  • home address;
  • parent's contact phone number;
  • name, surname and patronymic of the parent and child, date of birth of the child;
  • free-form application.

For example:

I, the full name of the parent, residing (residing) at the address: (full address of residence), contact phone number (indicate phone number), I give my permission to my child (name, date of birth) to get a tattoo in the salon (name of the salon). I attach copies of documents to the application. I have no complaints about the salon. Then the date and signature are put.

It is worth remembering that a tattoo is serious and for a long time. Although there are removal procedures, it is always painful, difficult and very expensive. Therefore, it is worth treating the issue wisely, not rushing into a decision and weighing this important step, so that you do not regret the decision later.

Are you thinking about what? Why not! It is stylish, effective, and can also be individual.

How high-quality and durable your tattoo will be depends largely on the artist who will make it, but there are a number of nuances and questions that concern almost all clients of tattoo parlors - especially before their first visit.

And since some of these questions sound rather stupid, we decided to ask them instead of you to a professional in their field, tattoo artist Nikita Kozlov. And this is what he answered us.

1. Does it hurt a lot?

The question of how painful the procedure is, is often asked not only by girls, but also by guys. By the way, from my practice I can say: girls complain less about pain, and they have to give ammonia less often.

In general, in addition to the individual factor, three more points affect the pain: skin density, distance from the bone and the number of nerve endings in the place where we get the tattoo.

V top most painful places includes the solar plexus, ribs, armpits, neck, abdomen, and wrist.

2. What are the most painless places?

In my opinion, the forearm. By the way, it is more convenient to work on it. I myself, when I got a tattoo on this place, felt such light goosebumps. In general, people usually adapt quickly enough, and clients often, 10-15 minutes after the start of the session, give out the following phrase:

"I thought it would hurt more."

I have never had such a thing that someone was indignant, why it hurts so much. But I advise you not to forget that in any case you are going to voluntarily injure the skin, so you need to mentally prepare for this.

3. Can I have a drink before getting a tattoo?

In addition to the fact that it will not be fun for the master to work with a drunk client, there is another good reason why you should not drink alcohol before the session.

It dilates blood vessels and thins the blood. An abundant flow of ichor begins, and this greatly interferes with the work. In addition, paint may leak because of this, and the work will "float".

4. What about a sedative?

If this helps the client, then why not. It will not affect the structure of the skin in any way.

5. How long does the whole process take?

And how long it will take depends on many factors at once: the size of the drawing, technique, complexity, and so on. When you agree on the sketch, the master will estimate how many sessions it will take.

Sessions, by the way, are different in time. For me, for example, an average session takes five hours. Suppose that you are going to stuff your sleeve - it is quite possible to spend a whole year on it, because it is stuffed in 7-9 sessions, but you need to take breaks between them to allow the skin to heal.

6. How long does the tattoo color last?

The presentation of a tattoo - how cool it looks, depends 50 percent on the artist, and 50 percent on the client. After you, you need to take care of it not only in the first two weeks, but also then in the summertime do not forget to lubricate it with sunscreen so that there is no burnout and loss of pigment contrast.

Colored tattoos require renewal after 5-7 years, black and white - after 7-10 years with good care. Correction, by the way, will take a maximum of an hour and a half to two.

7. What time of the year is it better to get a tattoo?

I like winter. The fact is that the first time after application your tattoo will "burn", in winter this factor is much more pleasant than in summer. There is no dust in winter, and it is easier to wear a bandage on a fresh tattoo at this time of year.

8. What should not be done after the session?

Visit the bathhouse, sauna or take a hot bath for the first five days. A fresh tattoo oozes out, releasing excess paint, and opening the pores with hot air will cause additional paint loss and the tattoo will fade.

9. How realistic is it to get infected with HIV during a session?

The chances are almost nil. Every normal technician disinfects his instrument, uses antiseptics and disposable needles. There is simply no point in reusable needles - they become dull by the end of the first session, and they are only sharpened in prisons.

// HIV is transmitted during sex and through blood transfusions. There is no need to fear direct contact with blood: the virus does not live without a carrier and quickly dies in the air. It is impossible to become infected with HIV neither in tattoo parlors, nor in piercing parlors, nor in beauty salons. If a person cuts himself and there is blood on the tools, after it dries, the virus dies. - Approx. ed. //

10. How to choose a master?

And customer reviews are desirable, because, unfortunately, sometimes there are unscrupulous tattooists whose real work is very different from the one in the photo in their profile.

The price is proportional to the quality, so if it is very low, then you need to be ready to become the "meat" on which the beginner will get his hands on. Considering that you wear this tattoo (and constantly), I advise you not to skimp on it.

11. What else do you need to know before getting your first tattoo?

The more you think, the more you doubt, so if you want to get a tattoo, then do it. But be ready to get hooked: having made the first upgrade of your body and enjoying the result, you may well want more and more.

  • author

You've probably been thinking about a tattoo for a long time. At first I wanted a fairy, then a cat, then a bird ... Then I grew up and thought that it should be a drawing with meaning. And meaning is usually harder to find than just a cute picture. And then she doubted 300 more times and eventually forgot. But for the time being. Until suddenly the perfect master and the right symbol were found. But something bothers you here too? I decided to answer my (and your) questions and finally resolve all doubts. How? From my own experience - yes, I got a tattoo! This is an adventure like no other!

For a session to Yulia Shpadyreva to the tattoo studio Faux pas (verbatim "False step"- how do you like such a disturbing name?) I signed up, as it usually happens, by accident. But it was time to change my mind - a whole month. No prior consultation was required. I had a simple tiny symbol and a sea of ​​enthusiasm... I thought, if we start, then small - at least check the pain threshold. I signed up and forgot. And only the previous morning I realized what was waiting for me. I’m lying, it’s impossible to realize this in advance, it just shakes you, like in childhood before an appointment with the dentist. On the other hand, the excitement is very pleasant.

So I did not feel the ground under my feet when I came to the session at the appointed time. The first 10 minutes you just don't understand why everyone around is so calm, because your fate is being decided here!
"Well, if you want, we'll just draw a line on your hand", - suggested Julia in response to my indistinct remark about the pain threshold. It is logical, I think. But that's not why I came here! First, the master proposes to make a larger symbol, but then we agree that the tattoo will be small so that it fits on the side and does not wrinkle. The picture is pre-printed on special paper and transferred to the hand, and only then along the contour the drawing is stuffed with a needle. Julia suggests adding white paint, as any tattoo stretches over time, and in a small drawing it is always noticeable. White ink helps to hold the lines together.

- Will there be several needles? - I ask.

- No, there is only one needle, but it consists of seven tiny needles,- Julia answers, in parallel preparing the workplace.

This is where an impressionable young lady can definitely faint. The master takes out tools from the cabinet: tattoo machine, needles, gloves, solution, petroleum jelly, paints ... Julia has it all: a turquoise machine, and on the jars there are stickers with Hello kitty... In order to somehow distract myself, I ask my miracle master if she stuffed any absurd or strange tattoos.

- To be honest, I don't even know what can be called strange ... - Yulia smiles.

Inside, everything shrinks as I sit down on a chair and reach out. The master does not stand on ceremony, he begins to draw lines just like a felt-tip pen on paper. It scares me at first. The first three minutes squinting and grimacing - unpleasant. Feeling that the skin on the hand is being burned, but burn out extremely carefully. Then you get used to it and realize that you can endure everything steadily. I borrowed my drawing from Julia minutes 15... The final touch is white paint in the triangle and month intervals.

“I advise you to take a picture of the tattoo before I start driving in white ink, otherwise it will be a bloody mess,” she said. The photographer and I exchanged glances. It sounded intimidating. But the advice was followed.

It turns out that things are more complicated with white paint than with black.

- White ink is harder to drive in, so it may hurt more- says Julia. Indeed, the skin began to pinch even more, and blood appeared in the intervals of the drawing, which the master immediately blotted with napkins.

I looked at this whole process with one eye, turned away more often, although I do not faint from the sight of blood. Thousands of thoughts rush through my head... Well, wow, this is for life! All the prickly phrases of the grandmothers immediately come to mind: "As if I came from the zone!" or mom, who will allow you to do this only "through my corpse." But everything falls into place when you see the end result. Surprisingly, while the picture is on paper, you can't imagine that it will look so great on your hand!

And immediately it feels like a new life has begun... You experience a similar experience in childhood before the New Year.
"On the way" I was provided with a set of care: a special healing and moisturizing cream, postoperative plasters (a very convenient thing), a care sheet and napkins. Of course you can buy at the pharmacy "Panthenol", but I had no time for that, so for additional 500 rubles I have acquired such a bonus package.

Usually such "art" heals within 10-14 days... For the first three days, you need to constantly keep the tattoo slightly moisturized and it is advisable not to wear tight cuffs, watches, bracelets, etc.
Keep in mind that the cost of a tattoo always depends on the level of the artist and on the drawing. And here it is not only about the size of a particular picture, but also about the presence of small details that need to be worked out.

In the photo on the right, a tattoo after three days

Should I do it or not? Only you can answer this question. If you have been carrying an idea in your head for a long time and you have a good master in mind, then you can consult not with friends and parents, but with him. As a rule, such people immediately see if you really want it. Getting a tattoo that doesn't mean anything is also good. Today, many are "hammered" just for the sake of aesthetic pleasure. But do not forget that you run the risk of falling out of love with your tattooed peonies or devil after a while. A tattoo is like a talisman. You can wear a ring or pendant, put a charm in your purse, or you can draw it on your body. It already depends on the position in life, desire and agreement with oneself.

Painfully? No, it's bearable.

How will parents react? Mom, seeing my delight, said: "Well, at least don't regret it later" (although she was always categorically against it).

Many fear the tattoo will stretch or blur over time. The main thing is to properly care for her in the first month. In no case should you go sunbathing and swimming with a fresh tattoo. Otherwise, no problems should arise. The tattoo may deform a little, but it will be almost invisible. But if you have not yet given birth to children, then it is better not to make a colored dragon in full belly.
But this is everyone's choice. After all, you do the tattoo for yourself, not for others.

I feel absolutely happy! And I'm even thinking about stuffing something else. But time will tell.

Going to get a tattoo, whether in first time or not, this is an exciting time. But before you sit down and watch the ink begin to flow over your skin, here are some tips on how to get it right.

1) Don't drink alcohol before getting a tattoo

You shouldn't drink alcohol before you are going to get a tattoo. Despite the fact that no reputable or responsible tattoo artist would tattoo a person who has been under the influence of alcohol, it is not a good idea for another reason either. Alcohol thins the blood and getting a tattoo will cause more bleeding on the skin... This in turn will push the ink outward and the result will be a very pale and uneven tattoo... And also, being under the influence of alcohol, you can dull your sense of the right choice and get a bad tattoo, which in the end you will not like.

2) Eat a light meal before your tattoo session

Eat well and lightly before your tattoo session and you will feel more comfortable. It's hard to relax if you're feeling hungry, so eating ahead of time is a really good idea, if you don't have time to eat, then at least grab a bite. will raise blood sugar levels.

3) Wear comfortable clothes that provide easy access to the place where you want to get a tattoo and in which you yourself will feel comfortable

It is very important to choose clothes that will provide your tattoo artist convenient access to the place of the future tattoo... The tattoo artist will do everything possible to prevent ink from getting on your clothes, although sometimes it does happen, so when choosing clothes, also take into account that you do not mind getting dirty. And of course, the clothes should be comfortable, especially if the tattoo is large and the session takes many hours.

4) Take your friends with you

If you have friends, they will help you have a more fun time and share your fun tattooing experience... Do not bring with you a crowd of friends, this can embarrass the tattoo artist and disrupt the atmosphere of the process.

5) get a good night's sleep the night before your tattoo session

It's a very good idea to get a really good night's sleep and be rested before your tattoo session. This will make you feel more relaxed, cheerful, and less irritated.

6) do not sunbathe before a tattoo session

Avoid sun exposure prior to tattooing... The sun can leave a painful burn on your skin. The heat will induce sweating, but if you are too cold, it will slow down your circulation, which is also not desirable.

7) Do not take medications, unless absolutely necessary, before you are going to get a tattoo

Pain relievers will cause increased bleeding. Some people take aspirin every day to thin their blood. This is highly discouraged if you are going for a tattoo session, as with alcohol, aspirin thins your blood, bleeding increases and displaces ink from under the skin... Any drug that affects your skin will also affect your tattoo. Accutane is a form of vitamin C. Dermatologists generally recommend wait at least six months after stopping this medication as it may otherwise contribute to scarring... If you are using this type of medication, it is best to wait before getting the tattoo.

Heat will cause excessive sweating, and cold will slow down circulation, so both should be avoided.

Illegal drugs like cocaine and methamphetamine will cause bleeding problems. Marijuana promotes some blood thinning, and some people, based on their experience, report that marijuana can also increase pain.

8) Limit coffee consumption before tattooing

Coffee actually makes you nervous and decreases your ability to withstand pain... So avoid coffee, or at least cut back on coffee a few days before your tattoo session.

9) Choose the area for your first tattoo carefully

Different people experience different levels of pain on various parts of their body when they get a tattoo. It is a very good idea to discuss the area you are going to tattoo with your tattoo artist, especially if this is your first tattoo, in order to avoid any further inconvenience.

There are other factors that you should think about in advance, namely whether there are health risks and the least difficult post-care for the tattoo until it heals.

10) Health risks associated with tattooing on the body

You should always choose an area for your tattoo that has optimal hygiene conditions. The needles used by the tattoo artist should always be disposable, otherwise there is a risk of serious infections and diseases such as hepatitis C, tetanus, AIDS, leprosy and skin infections.

Although rare, some people experience allergic reactions to the dyes used by the tattoo artist, especially the red and green dyes that contain metallic elements. Reactions can include itching, discharge, and in extremely rare cases, anaphylactic shock.

11) take care of your tattoo

After applying the tattoo, it is advisable to put a sterile bandage on this place for the first three hours. After that, the bandage can be removed, let the air interact with the tattoo and smear the tattoo several times a day with a soothing protective ointment or Bepanthenol, although petroleum jelly or moisturizer are often used as well. Tattoo should be wash daily and protect from sunlight... Do not remove any peeling skin that forms on the tattoo. Don't use alcohol on your tattoo. Avoid swimming, saunas, steam baths, or prolonged exposure to water for two weeks after the tattoo has been applied to your skin. The clothing that will touch your tattoo should be clean and soft. Your tattoo should be fully healed within twenty to thirty days after getting it filled.

The lifespan of your tattoo and the preservation of its brilliance depends on caring for it in the first days and first weeks.... Don't be surprised if your tattoo colors fade a little during the healing process, don't worry, they'll return once the area is completely healed.

12) How to choose a safe tattoo parlor

One of the most important questions when thinking about getting a tattoo is choosing a good salon.. And the key point is an hygiene in a tattoo parlor. You should not even consider options for places where sanitary and hygienic conditions are inadequate, this should include the use of special equipment, means of sterilizing it. V tattoo parlors must take new needles from sterile packaging bags with you to prove their safety and sterility b. The master should also use a new pair of latex gloves during each procedure. If the studio offers piercing services, then they should take place in a separate area from the one where the tattoos are done. The tattoo artist must be qualified and experienced. The health risks associated with getting a tattoo are greatly increased if you try to get the tattoo yourself or go to a non-professional tattoo artist. Ink is another important factor. The ink used in the tattoo must be taken from the container and then placed in a separate special plastic small cup that must be disposed of as soon as the tattoo is completed. Leftover ink should never be returned to the main container... When choosing a tattoo, try to ask as many questions as possible about the experience of the master, ask to see previous works... Make sure the tattoo artist understands what you want. Ask, if possible, to see the tattoos of other clients of this artist live. In this way, you will collect all the information you need to know about hygiene and customer care. Also, if possible, it would be very helpful to talk to previous clients or ask them to read a review book if they have one. Check out several different tattoo studios before deciding.

13) Can X-rays affect my tattoo?

If you need to get an X-ray, then don't worry, X-rays have no effect on tattoos... Nevertheless magnetic waves can affect... They can heat the ink in the tattoo, which can burn the skin.

The best way to avoid this is to cover the tattoo with a cold, damp cloth. Be sure to alert your doctor if the tattoo is in the area that needs to be scanned..

14) Tattoo artist is not a doctor

Go to the doctor if you think you have an infection. Ointments provided by tattoo parlors cannot cure infections, they can only help to prevent them.... While your tattoo artist can tell you how to take care of your tattoo and suggest the best way to take care of it to prevent infection, if you do get an infection, only a doctor can help you. Feel free to seek medical attention if you have any skin infection or other complication after getting a tattoo.