Great hoarseness of the voice. Osip voice: what to do, how to treat? Diseases of organs and walls of the chest

Hoarseness is a pathological condition that manifests itself in dysfunction of the vocal cords. It is characterized by changes in the timbre of the voice, when wheezing, whistling are heard during a conversation, the usual voiced pronunciation is disturbed.

This condition often occurs when the vocal cords are overstrained. After a long loud conversation, singing, shouting, etc.

The reasons may vary. Let's list briefly the most frequent ones:

Inflammatory diseases of the larynx.

A viral infection that affects the nasal, oral cavity, as well as the larynx and trachea.

Consequences of sore throat. Most often this is typical for patients with chronic forms of ENT diseases.

Allergic reactions of the body.

Regular overstrain of the ligaments. It is often found in people of certain professions: teachers, singers, actors, orators.

Factors provoking pathology include: inhalation of harmful vapors, polluted, dusty air. In addition, hoarseness of the voice may indicate the presence of some other serious ailments.

The doctor will help to carry out the correct diagnosis, determine the cause of the pathological condition, and prescribe an adequate one. A hoarse voice in an adult can occur for various reasons, so the treatment for this pathology also differs.

For example, if the cause is acute laryngitis, in addition to the main treatment, the doctor will recommend using sprays:, softening drugs with menthol or sage.

When treating, in fact, hoarseness, rinse with a solution is used. The drug "" gives a good effect. It is useful to gargle, calendula, with a solution (1 tsp in a glass of water).

You need to follow a certain diet: eat slightly warm food, avoiding very hot or cold. Strongly contraindicated, hot drinks that irritate the throat, spicy, sour, bitter, very salty dishes. It is useful to increase the consumption of pure water, in particular mineral water without gas.

It must be remembered that if an acute inflammatory process of the throat is diagnosed, heating procedures cannot be used: steam inhalations, local heat. They can only increase inflammation. Under the influence of heat, the infection penetrates deeper into the body, spreads with the bloodstream to healthy internal organs, tissues, worsening the patient's condition.

If the reason for the hoarse voice is an allergic reaction of the body, treatment with antihistamines is carried out. In any case, for any negative manifestations, changes in the pharyngeal area, loss of voice, you should seek medical help.

After consulting with your doctor, you can supplement the treatment with folk remedies. This will enhance the effect of the main therapy and accelerate the healing process. Here are some proven popular folk recipes:

For laryngitis, prepare an infusion: chop a handful of dried, pour into a thermos. Pour half a liter of boiling water. After an hour, pour into a clean dish through a fine strainer. Drink half a glass several times a day.

It will help to get rid of hoarseness caused by a cold. Wash it well, dry it. Cut off the top, but don't throw it away.

Using a knife, metal spoon, remove a little pulp from the middle (up to half of the fruit). Fill in the groove. Cover with the cut top, leave until juice appears. Take 1 tsp. as fluid accumulates.


The voice plays an important role in the body, and if it, for some reason, disappears, it brings a lot of inconvenience. As luck would have it, the voice becomes hoarse before an important event, when you need to speak loudly, beautifully, and loudly. The hoarse voice problem becomes a real disaster for artists, radio hosts, singers and other entertainment workers. But in everyday life we ​​cannot remain without a voice - we need to hold meetings, seminars, teach lessons or just communicate with colleagues. In this article, we will talk about a hoarse voice, the reasons for this phenomenon, as well as simple and real ways to quickly treat this condition.

Why does the voice get hoarse

It is difficult to confuse a hoarse voice with something else. During such a state, a person cannot speak normally, as a rule, this is accompanied by a sore throat, it is difficult for the patient to swallow food and even drink. In the later stages of the development of the symptom, the voice becomes hoarse, any reproduction of sounds brings painful sensations. But why the voice becomes hoarse and is it always associated with colds, let's try to figure it out.

  1. Most often, the vocal cords become inflamed due to colds of a bacterial or viral nature. The voice often becomes hoarse with angina, tonsillitis, pharyngitis. With laryngitis, the vocal cords are so inflamed that the voice becomes very deaf, and the cough becomes barking.
  2. Often, changes in the vocal cords are due to an allergic reaction. Anything can be an allergen - an insect bite, food irritant, cosmetics, medications, etc. When the allergen enters the body, edema develops, which can also spread to the area of ​​the larynx with the vocal cords.
  3. Ligaments can be damaged by a burn of the mucous membrane, when a person mistakenly can sip vinegar or strong alcohol. Ligament damage can be caused by a foreign object, such as a fish bone.
  4. Very often, the voice becomes hoarse when the vocal cords are overstrained. If a person is forced to speak for a long time, the capillaries of the ligaments fill with blood and swell. This symptom often occurs in young teachers who, out of habit, have to teach and speak throughout the day. Often, overstrain of the ligaments develops in children who scream, squeak and talk a lot. In this case, no treatment is required.
  5. The change in voice in a boy may be associated with puberty, when hormonal changes affect the vocal cords and the timbre of the voice changes.
  6. The voice can become hoarse when dehydrated, which can be caused by food poisoning, an infection, repeated vomiting, or diarrhea. In this case, perspiration, discomfort when swallowing is felt in the mucous membrane of the larynx, the mucous membrane of the throat, as it were, adheres to the opposite side of the throat.
  7. The voice may change in cold or very dry air.
  8. The voice often becomes hoarse in smokers from the large effect of nicotine on the mucous membranes.
  9. In some cases, hoarseness of the voice is observed after surgery, when the patient was forced to stay with artificial oxygen supply to the lungs for a long time. Prolonged stay of the tube in the larynx leads to a temporary change in the timbre of the voice.
  10. In some cases, the voice may disappear due to nervousness - after a strong fright, bad news, worries, etc.
  11. Sometimes hoarseness can occur against the background of oncology, when an internal swelling in the throat simply squeezes the vocal cords. Since cancer pain occurs only in the later stages of development, hoarseness will allow you to see a doctor as soon as possible and identify the disease in the early stages.

Since in most cases a hoarse voice is a consequence of colds, we will pay special attention to this. If you have a banal ARVI, you do not need to take special medications, the body can cope with the disease on its own. However, you must help him - you need to drink as much as possible, about three liters of warm liquid per day for an adult. Be sure to take medications according to your symptoms - antipyretic, anti-cough, etc. If your throat hurts, you should use a topical pain reliever lozenge and lozenge. It is very effective to use disinfecting sprays, which will suppress inflammation and eliminate bacteria on the mucous membrane of the throat. Among the most popular remedies for sore throat are Septolete, Geksoral, Strepsils, Ingalipt, Lizobakt, etc. They need to be injected at the time of inhalation so that the particles of the drug get as deep as possible into the throat.

With colds, and especially with laryngitis, you need to take antihistamines. They will relieve swelling of the mucous membrane and improve the condition of the voice. Take in the morning and evening what you have at home for allergies - Suprastin, Zyrtec, Diazolin, Zodak, Ketatifen, etc. With laryngitis, it is imperative to follow a diet, since many foods can irritate the mucous membranes. Give up for a while from sweet in any form, unleavened milk, honey, eggs, citrus fruits, red fruits and vegetables. Diet, taking symptomatic medications and drinking plenty of fluids will give results, and the voice will be restored in a couple of days.

What to do if the voice is hoarse

Depending on the reason for changing the timbre of the voice, you need to act differently.

  1. If your voice becomes hoarse due to an allergic reaction, you need to identify the allergen as soon as possible and eliminate it. Take an antihistamine - your voice will be restored within a few hours. If the vocal cords are impaired due to Quincke's edema, you need to get to the hospital as soon as possible, otherwise it can be fatal, because the edema closes the breathing passage.
  2. In the event that the voice is hoarse from overexertion, you just need to give the vocal cords the opportunity to rest. To do this, stop talking, singing and shouting for at least a day. If absolutely necessary, you can talk in a whisper. Drink warm milk, warm tea with ginger and lemon. This will allow the ligaments to be restored fairly quickly. It is necessary to act according to the same scheme after the operation, if the person has lost his voice from the prolonged presence of the tubes in the throat.
  3. If a foreign object such as a fish bone is stuck in your throat, you need to eat a crust of bread so that it pushes the bone into the stomach. If the item is not edible, you cannot swallow it, you need to go to the hospital to remove it. If the throat is injured by large objects that do not allow breathing normally, you need to quickly call an ambulance resuscitation team. A breathing tube may be needed.
  4. For any inflammation of the mucous throat, inhalation is very effective. You can prepare a decoction of medicinal herbs, pour it into a basin, cover yourself with a blanket or towel and inhale the healing vapor through your mouth. A better result can be achieved with a nebulizer. It sprays a medicinal liquid into the smallest particles, which directly fall on the mucous membrane of the throat and act on it. The hoarseness of the voice is significantly reduced after the first procedure.

You should also go to the hospital for a burn of the mucous membrane, even if the person does not feel any special manifestations other than hoarseness. In the treatment of hoarseness, you need to pay attention to the quality of the air - it should be cool and humid. This will protect the vocal cords from drying out again. But what to do now, when the voice needs to be returned as soon as possible?

How to quickly cure a hoarse voice at home

  1. Lemon. Cut off a small wedge of lemon and suck it up within 10 minutes. When the lemon itself runs out, be sure to chew the skin as well - it also has a lot of anti-inflammatory components.
  2. Yolk, sugar, butter. Combine one yolk with a lump of butter and a pinch of sugar. Drink the prepared composition in small sips, preferably through a straw. This tool will help you get your voice back in just a few minutes, this is the secret recipe for many artists.
  3. Chamomile decoction. Chamomile helps very well - it relieves inflammation and swelling of the throat, relieves redness, soothes the mucous membrane. It is necessary to prepare a decoction - about a tablespoon of inflorescences per liter of liquid, drink it in small sips or gargle with the composition of the throat.
  4. Warming potato compress. This is a very effective way to get your voice back quickly and safely. Boil the potatoes and crush them. When warm, transfer the mashed potatoes to a bag and wrap with a towel. Place a compress on your neck and leave to warm for 15–20 minutes until the puree has cooled.
  5. Gargle onion. Onions need to be baked in the oven and then rubbed through a sieve. Dilute the pulp with water and gargle with this mixture as often as possible.
  6. Aniseed decoction. Anise seeds can help soothe damaged or inflamed vocal cords. Mix them into a solution and gargle every hour. The voice will be restored after 2-3 rinses.
  7. Milk, iodine and soda. It's a quick and useful lineup that will help you get your voice back literally right away. In a cup of warm milk, dissolve three drops of iodine and a pinch of baking soda. Drink in small sips before bed.
  8. Honey. Although honey is an allergenic product, it can be taken against hoarseness if you are not allergic. Just suck on a piece of candied honey and wash down the delicious medicine with hot tea.

These simple recipes will help you if there is an important event on your nose in which you have to give a speech or even sing.

The voice is a very important tool for expressing one's feelings, emotions, for conveying information. You can kill a person or resurrect him with a voice. Surely you know the famous story of the announcer Yuri Levitan, for whose head Hitler promised a lot of money during the Second World War. And all because the voice of this man could raise the people, make people fight and fight, even when there was no more strength. Your voice is a unique instrument that can do a lot. Take care of this instrument and take care of the health of your vocal cords!

Video: how to treat a hoarse voice in children and adults

Many people often face the problem of sore throat and other respiratory organs. Hoarseness, muffledness and decreased sonority are symptoms of various respiratory diseases. What cure for hoarse voice in adults can be used and what treatments are really effective?

Hoarseness: Causes and Treatment in Adults

There are many conditions that can cause hoarseness and hoarseness. From a medical point of view, provoking factors can be divided into several groups:

  • inflammatory, which include infectious and non-infectious;
  • structural;
  • systemic;
  • neurological.

Most often, hoarseness occurs against the background of a cold. As a result of irritation of the mucous membranes, their dryness and inflammation, the voicing of the voice decreases, and in some cases it disappears altogether. Similar symptoms can also occur as a result of bacterial or fungal infections.

Hoarseness can result from:

  • laryngitis;
  • pharyngitis;
  • whooping cough;
  • flu;
  • scarlet fever;
  • tracheitis and other diseases.

In this case, it is necessary to pay attention not only to the vocal cords, but also to the lesion itself. If the voice of an adult is hoarse without signs of a cold, then we can talk about completely different root causes.

Most often this happens due to such phenomena as:

  • excessive overexertion of the vocal cords - a strong cry, prolonged conversation, singing (most often occurs in singers, teachers, artists);
  • excessive smoking or alcohol consumption;
  • severe stress or fear can cause not only hoarseness, the voice can disappear altogether;
  • disorders in the thyroid gland;
  • various kinds of education in the larynx;
  • pathology of development of ENT organs.

A general list of causes of hoarseness:

  1. Infection in the larynx, vocal cords.
  2. Diseases in which there is a dry cough.
  3. Vascular pathologies - aortic arch, aneurysm, etc.
  4. Ischemic or hemorrhagic stroke.
  5. Poisoning with chemicals. Fluoride, chlorine, ammonia, and other hazardous irritants can cause hoarseness.
  6. Disrupted metabolism.
  7. Lack of fluid in the body.
  8. Burns and mechanical damage to the larynx.
  9. Dry, cold or too polluted air.

Complex therapy, correct selection of medicines and suitable procedures will help you quickly get rid of the problem.

Informational video, which provides recommendations for eliminating hoarseness using folk recipes.

Effective cures for hoarseness

If such a problem occurs, it is necessary to seek advice from an ENT, who will conduct an examination and, based on the primary diagnosis and cause, will prescribe the appropriate treatment.

Drugs for hoarseness are prescribed to eliminate an infectious lesion, as well as to alleviate symptoms. Due to the defeat of the throat by viruses, fungi or bacteria, very unpleasant sensations can occur, such as a burning sensation in the throat, pain when swallowing, talking and so on. For a faster recovery, as well as to alleviate painful sensations, certain medications are prescribed.

Antibacterial drugs

Many are interested in the question: what to take with a hoarse voice? The first thing that doctors prescribe is antibacterial agents. With the help of them, the inflammatory process in the larynx and vocal cords is removed. This helps reduce reporting and pain. With proper treatment, after three to five days of antibiotic therapy, the process of voice restoration begins.


Antihistamines are required if hoarseness is caused by an allergic reaction. They will help muffle the effect of the pathogen on the body, as well as eliminate the disturbance that has arisen. This will help avoid a more complex allergen reaction and reduce symptoms.

Antiseptic drugs

No treatment of ENT organs can do without local antiseptic drugs. They act directly on pathogenic microorganisms, like antibiotics. Antiseptic sprays, lozenges, ointments, and rinses are commonly used to treat hoarseness.

Combined funds

With the help of such pharmacological preparations, a complex effect and therapy of a hoarse voice is performed. Depending on the available components, combined drugs help to eliminate not only the main symptoms, but also the main pathogens. Usually, several groups of drugs are prescribed as therapy.

How to treat hoarseness in adults?

For hoarseness, pharmacological agents are used that have a disinfecting effect on the mucous membrane and eliminate pathogens - pathogenic microorganisms in the larynx. This helps to moisturize the tissues, protect them from re-infection and damage, which will lead to a speedy recovery.

In addition to pills for hoarseness in adults or children, local drugs and additional therapy are prescribed, which will help restore the vocal cords as quickly as possible. To do this, use inhalations, lotions, warming up and other procedures.

The most popular drugs for hoarseness

There is a list of commonly used medications that act on the main lesion and help restore the sonority of the voice.


Sold in the form of syrup and tablets, it has an anti-inflammatory effect. Its main properties include:

  • removal of laryngeal edema;
  • an increase in the lumen of the bronchi;
  • improving breathing;
  • improving the sonority of the voice.

Adults are usually prescribed Erespal in tablets, and the form of the syrup has a faster effect and effect, more often used for children.


It is a powerful antiseptic that actively fights against viruses and other microorganisms. Sometimes Miramistin is prescribed instead of antibiotics, since the effectiveness of the drug is quite high.

Miramistin is available in two forms - an aerosol and a solution for local treatment of mucous membranes. The aerosol is more convenient to use.

Falimint or Septolete

Typically, Falimint and Septolete-like lozenges can help restore lost voice faster, relieve sore throat, and reduce coughing. They have a mild effect on the mucous membrane, relieve inflammation and slow down the multiplication of pathogenic viruses and microorganisms.

Contribute to moisturizing overdried tissues by enveloping them with a special protective film. Lozenges have a pain relieving effect and are great for both adults and children.


It is an antibiotic spray. Promotes rapid reduction in reporting, relieves pain and inflammation. Bioparox does an excellent job of destroying fungi and viruses, that is, it has a disinfecting effect. It is often used for severe and especially dry coughs. It has quite a few contraindications and side effects.


Ingalipt is a proven combination drug for the treatment of hoarseness and sore throat. The main components are sulfonamides, which eliminate fungi and bacteria. The tool has a slight analgesic effect, which is achieved by removing the inflammatory process in the larynx.

Home treatment with folk methods

Home therapy with traditional medicine can help reduce pain and restore your voice faster. In combination with drug treatment, folk methods help to significantly speed up the healing process.

Herbal decoctions are very effective, relieving coughing and mildly affecting the site of infection. The most suitable for this is a decoction from the following plants:

  • oregano;
  • coltsfoot;
  • sweet clover;
  • tricolor violet;
  • liquorice root;
  • eucalyptus.

Decoctions can be taken orally warm or used as a gargle. Also, to protect the mucous membrane and soften it, you need to consume more honey.

An effective recipe:

  • dessert spoon of honey;
  • ground cinnamon on the tip of a teaspoon.

Both ingredients are mixed, after which the product is ready for use. With a strong cough, such a folk medicine will help soften the throat.

We cannot leave aside such an effective procedure as inhalation. However, it is worth remembering that inhalation with a high body temperature cannot be done. This can aggravate the situation by raising the temperature and causing more inflammation in the body.

It is advisable to use a special device for this procedure - a nebulizer or an inhaler. If this is not possible, then you can use a heating pad, kettle or just a saucepan. It is best to use dry eucalyptus for inhalation or eucalyptus essential oil, as well as chlorophyllipt. Such inhalations perfectly clear the bronchi and help mucus to go out faster.

Also, from folk recipes for inhalation, you can use:

  • boiled potatoes;
  • coniferous essential oils;
  • sea ​​salt;
  • medicinal herbs (chamomile, sage, calendula);
  • alkaline mineral water - Borjomi, Essentuki and so on.

Additional measures

With an existing predisposition to hoarseness, it is worthwhile to carry out prevention in advance. Timely strengthening of immunity, as well as elimination of allergic reactions and hardening of the body, will help to avoid such a condition. Doctors advise getting rid of bad habits by reducing the amount of alcohol consumed and reducing the number of cigarettes. Remember not to overextend your vocal cords.

You need to adhere to these rules:

  • walk more often, breathe fresh air;
  • avoid contact with allergens;
  • ventilate the room more often and humidify the air in it;
  • avoid dry and dusty air;
  • refuse carbonated drinks, do not eat too hot or too cold foods;
  • additionally, do not irritate the throat with sour, salty or too bitter foods and dishes.

In addition, if hoarseness occurs, the stress on the vocal cords should be relieved immediately. If this problem arose as a result of severe stress, then you need to take sedatives. If the voice has disappeared completely, you must immediately consult a doctor for diagnosis and selection of drugs for hoarseness.

Summing up

There are many methods that can help you cope with the problem of hoarseness. Due to the timely market of pharmaceutical products, it is possible to select the most suitable drug. Pills for hoarseness of the voice should be prescribed only by the attending physician after a thorough diagnosis and examination. Adhere to general recommendations and carefully monitor your health, because even such a symptom as hoarseness can indicate the presence of a serious pathology in the body.

Video "How to get a lost voice back?"

For citation: Karpova O.Yu. Violation of the voice is a symptom of not only laryngeal diseases // BC. 1999. No. 9. P. 11

The vocal apparatus is a complex system in which the functions of the constituent parts are interconnected and controlled by the central nervous system. It consists of a primary sound generator - the larynx, the energy section - the lungs, resonators - the nasal cavity and nasopharynx, paranasal sinuses, pharynx, trachea, bronchi and articulatory section - neck muscles, tongue, soft palate, teeth, lower jaw. Disruption of the normal morpho-functional structure of each of these departments adversely affects the process of voice formation and voice-leading, leads to the development of functional and organic dysphonia.

G the vocal apparatus is a complex system in which the functions of the constituent parts are interrelated and controlled by the central nervous system. It consists of a primary sound generator - the larynx, the energy section - the lungs, resonators - the nasal cavity and nasopharynx, paranasal sinuses, pharynx, trachea, bronchi and articulatory section - neck muscles, tongue, soft palate, teeth, lower jaw. Disruption of the normal morpho-functional structure of each of these departments adversely affects the process of voice formation and voice-leading, leads to the development of functional and organic dysphonia.
Many chronic diseases of organs and systems that are not part of the vocal apparatus can cause the inferiority of its function even in the absence of any changes in the larynx. This includes diseases of the lungs, cardiovascular, nervous and endocrine systems. So, chronic diseases of the organs of the chest and abdominal cavity adversely affect the voice due to a violation of the ability of the diaphragm to move normally. When even small areas of inflammation appear in the lungs, the mobility of the diaphragm decreases, as a result of which the timbre of the voice changes, its rapid fatigability appears, pains in the larynx occur, even with an insignificant voice load. A symptom of a high standing of the diaphragm and pronounced changes in the acoustic properties of the voice in pulmonary tuberculosis, even with a small primary focus, are described.
Voice disturbances are often only a symptom of a disease. Therefore, if the patient does not have any changes in the vocal apparatus, then he must be subjected to a thorough and comprehensive examination. So, for example, hoarseness of the voice can be the first symptom of diseases such as cancer of the apex of the lung and cancer of the thyroid gland, myasthenia gravis and a number of other diseases of the chest organs.
Vocal disorders are collectively known as dysphonia. They are conventionally divided into functional and organic. If, during the examination of the larynx, the vocal folds and its other elements have a normal configuration, the usual color of the mucous membrane, and voice disorders come to the fore, then such diseases belong to functional dysphonia. Organic dysphonia caused by diseases of the larynx of an inflammatory nature (acute and chronic laryngitis, marginal and vasomotor chorditis, contact ulcers), neoplasms of the vocal folds (nodules, polyps, angiomas, fibromas, papillomas, intabutational granulomas, cancer) and paralysis of the larynx (peripheral and central genesis).
The larynx is a hormone-dependent organ. The vocal apparatus is under the influence of the endocrine glands, not only during the period of growth and development, but also throughout a person's life.
Voice disorders in girls during the period puberty accompanied by dryness, soreness, tingling, and sometimes sore throat, hoarseness. Such disorders are most often associated with acute respiratory diseases, and therefore inappropriate treatment is carried out. In women, voice disorders can occur a few days before or immediately during menstruation, while the voice becomes dull, lowish. Therefore, during this period, women of voice-speech professions should limit their voice load. At use of contraceptive drugs due to the androgenic effect of the progesterone component - testagen, signs of voice virilization may appear. To exclude such complications, the use of these drugs should be limited to a period of up to 3 months. If the smallest changes in the timbre of the voice are detected, even without any narrowing of the vocal range, it is necessary to stop taking these drugs. At later stages, voice changes become irreversible.
In recent years, for some infectious and other diseases, after severe injuries and burns, accompanied by loss of protein, they began to use anabolic steroid- nerabol, retabolil, etc. The use of these drugs can lead to voice disorders in women: voice fatigue quickly occurs, high tones from the range disappear, the voice becomes lower. Women may also develop hair on the face and legs. The onset changes very slowly regress after discontinuation of the drug.
A close relationship has been established between voice disorders and thyroid dysfunction. In this case, there is rapid fatigue and weakness of the voice, hoarseness, narrowing of the range due to the loss of high sounds. The voice becomes muffled due to a sharp decrease in the tone of the vocal muscles. Most patients with hypothyroidism have a gelatinous edema of the vocal folds. These patients also have dryness and pallor of the skin, puffiness of the face, and pasty extremities. Treatment is hormone replacement therapy. With diffuse toxic goiter, voice disorders are manifested by rapid periodic changes in pitch and timbre, rapid and pronounced fatigue of the voice, a feeling of "constriction" in the larynx. This is probably a consequence of an increase in the level of cholinesterase in the blood, which, through acetylcholine, inhibits the conduction of nerve impulses. Treatment is usually surgical.
Voice disorders are largely associated with dysfunction of the adrenal cortex... In case of insufficiency of its function, weakness and rapid exhaustion of the voice are observed, which is especially pronounced in the evening hours and is accompanied by a feeling of "constriction" in the larynx, up to a complete suspension of speaking. In Addison's disease, the administration of deoxycorticosterone can significantly improve the voice. With hyperfunction of the adrenal cortex, which is mainly observed with its tumors, there is a virilization syndrome in women - a voice similar to a man's appears, its range narrows.
Thus, if dysphonia appears in patients with hormonal disorders, it is useless to use inhalations and other physiotherapeutic procedures for this, the underlying disease must be treated, and as the hormonal disorders normalize, the voice will also improve.
In the pathogenesis of functional diseases of the larynx, an important role is played by concomitant vertebral pathology: cervical osteochondrosis, craniovertebral blockade, spondylodystrophy of the cervical spine, detected during X-ray and neurological examinations. So, with cervical myofascial syndrome, along with parasthesia of the pharynx, dysphagia, patients complain of hoarseness, a rough voice, rapid voice fatigue, a feeling of stiffness in the larynx. And all this against the background of sharp pain in the neck, behind the corner of the lower jaw, in the floor of the mouth. With this disease, painful muscular seals are revealed along the anterior and posterior surfaces of the sternocleidomastoid, chewing and wing - palatine muscles. Treatment of patients with vertebral pathology includes manual therapy, novocaine blockade and various types of physiotherapeutic and drug treatment. With professional treatment of this pathology, voice disorders quickly disappear.

Inflammatory diseases of the larynx

The problem of voice restoration in patients with inflammatory diseases of the larynx is one of the most difficult and urgent in laryngology. This is due to the prevalence of the disease, which reaches 61.2 cases per 10,000 population (Yu.S. Vasilenko, 1995).
Distinguish between acute and chronic inflammatory diseases of the larynx. Of the acute, the most common are acute catarrhal laryngitis and lining laryngitis in children.
Acute catarrhal laryngitis quite rarely occurs as an independent disease. Usually it is a symptom of ARVI and infectious diseases such as measles, scarlet fever, whooping cough. The cause of acute laryngitis is an infection, the causative agents of which saprophyte in the larynx and are easily activated under the influence of a number of exogenous and endogenous factors. Exogenous factors include general or local hypothermia, alcohol abuse, excessive voice load, exposure to vapors, dust, gases and other occupational hazards. Endogenous factors include dysfunctions of the autonomic nervous system, metabolic disorders, decreased immunity and diseases such as rheumatism, tuberculosis and others, in which there is an increased sensitivity of the laryngeal mucosa even to mild stimuli.
Patients complain of hoarseness up to aphonia, a feeling of dryness, sore throat, dry cough. The general condition remains good, the temperature rarely rises to subfebrile numbers. Laryngoscopy reveals hyperemia and edema of the laryngeal mucosa, drying out of lumps of mucus on its surface. Treatment includes: 1) voice mode - the patient should be silent or speak in a soundless whisper, since with a formed whisper, the load on the vocal apparatus is 2 - 3 times greater than with spoken speech; 2) a diet with the exception of cold, hot, spicy and salty foods, alcoholic beverages; 3) alkaline-oil inhalation; 4) antihistamines.
Usually, with the correct treatment, the voice is restored in 7 to 10 days. Particular attention should be paid to people with a voice profession. They can start working (regardless of the duration of treatment) only after elimination of inflammation in the larynx and full restoration of voice function.
With various acute infectious diseases, certain changes in the larynx can be detected. In some cases, these are the usual catarrhal laryngitis (scarlet fever, whooping cough), in other cases, the changes are pathognomonic. These include: enanthema with measles, pustules with smallpox, fibrinous deposits of a dirty gray color with diphtheria, perichondritis with typhus, ulcers with typhoid fever and others. The course of the inflammatory process in the larynx largely depends on the patient's condition and the severity of the underlying disease. Treatment is primarily general. Local has no peculiarities, those measures are used that correspond to this form of the disease of the larynx of a non-acute infectious nature. Especially carefully it is necessary to monitor patients who develop edema, perichondritis, necrosis in the larynx, so as not to miss time for emergency intervention (intubation or tracheotomy).
In children from acute inflammatory diseases of the larynx, in some cases, lining laryngitis (or false croup) occurs. In this disease, there is a narrowing of the larynx in the subglottic region due to inflammatory edema. The development of subglottic laryngitis is facilitated by the narrowness of the lumen of the larynx and a pronounced loose submucosal layer in the subglottic region in children of the first years of life. Usually these children suffer from allergic diseases.
The clinical picture is usually of the same type. The attack begins suddenly at night. There is a paroxysmal barking cough, acrocyanosis, inspiratory dyspnea, retraction of the compliant areas of the chest and epigastric region. The attack lasts from several minutes to half an hour, then the child sweats a lot, falls asleep,
and in the morning he wakes up in a normal state. Because seizures can recur, parents need to be taught how to provide first aid to their child. The child should be picked up and tried to calm him down. The air in the room should be humidified, for which you can bring the child into the bathroom and let hot water out of the shower; a hot foot bath is recommended. Give the child a warm drink from a spoon. With laryngospasm, a gag reflex should be induced by pressing with a spoon on the root of the tongue. Since there is edema in the subglottic region, antihistamines are prescribed in the form of microclysters, rectal suppositories or injections. If the attack is delayed and the listed measures are ineffective (and this sometimes happens when an attack develops against the background of a cold), medical assistance is required: prednisolone is injected intravenously at the rate of 1 - 2 mg per 1 kg of body weight. After this, the child's condition usually improves rapidly.
Separately, one should dwell on acute stenosing laryngotracheobronchitis in children. This disease always occurs against the background of a viral infection. Gradually, hoarseness joins the usual clinical picture, then dry, and then a cough with phlegm; signs of stenosis of the larynx gradually increase: inspiratory dyspnea and retraction of the pliable areas of the chest, acrocyanosis, the child can only be in a semi-sitting position. The disease develops within a few days against a background of high fever. In these cases, urgent hospitalization of the child in a specialized ENT department is indicated.
Chronic laryngitis usually occurs under the influence of the same reasons as acute inflammation, if they were not eliminated in a timely manner and continued their harmful effect for a long time. These reasons include the following factors: persistent breathing through the mouth; chronic sinusitis (especially purulent); chronic diseases of the lower respiratory tract (bronchitis, bronchiectasis, tuberculosis); occupational hazards (dust, vapors, gases); sudden temperature fluctuations, excessive dryness or humidity; improper use of voice when singing and speaking; smoking and alcohol abuse. Chronic diseases of the cardiovascular system, leading to stagnation of blood and lymph in the neck, also lead to chronic laryngitis.
However, recognizing the role of individual factors in the development of chronic laryngitis, it was found that each of the harmful substances is much less likely to lead to a disease of the larynx than their combination.
There are three main forms of chronic laryngitis: catarrhal, hypertrophic and atrophic.
At chronic catarrhal laryngitis patients complain of slight hoarseness, rapid voice fatigue, sore throat, frequent coughing with mucous sputum. During an exacerbation, these phenomena intensify. With laryngoscopy, moderately pronounced hyperemia and edema of the laryngeal mucosa are determined, with phonation - incomplete closure of the vocal folds. During the period of exacerbation, treatment is the same as for acute catarrhal laryngitis. The prognosis is favorable, if you exclude the reasons that led to the onset of this disease.
Chronic hyperplastic laryngitis characterized by the proliferation of both the epithelial and submucosal layers. Distinguish between diffuse and limited form of hyperplastic laryngitis. In the diffuse form, there is a uniform thickening of the laryngeal mucosa, most pronounced in the area of ​​the vocal folds. Sometimes the vocal folds are covered with hyperplastic vestibular folds. The limited form manifests itself in the form of singing nodules, leukoplakia, pachydermia and hyperkeratosis. One of the constant symptoms of all forms of hyperplastic laryngitis is hoarseness, the severity of which depends on the stage, form and duration of the disease. The diagnosis is made on the basis of characteristic laryngoscopic signs.
People with hyperplastic laryngitis often have bacterial, inhalation, or food allergies. So, with edematous hyperplasia of the vocal folds (Reinke-Gayek edema), increased sensitivity to inhalation allergens (nicotine) prevails, with diffuse forms of hyperplastic laryngitis, great importance is attached to bacterial allergies, and food allergy can in some cases lead to hypertrophy in the area of ​​the inter-head space.
In the diffuse form of hyperplastic laryngitis, conservative treatment is usually carried out: injecting anti-inflammatory and hormonal drugs into the larynx, quenching the mucous membrane of the larynx with silver nitrate. With limited forms of hyperplastic laryngitis, surgical treatment is indicated. It is advisable to carry out operations with direct subanesthetic microlaryngoscopy. Hyperplastic epithelium, leukoplakia, pachydermia, polyposis changed mucous membrane of the larynx. Histological examination of remote formations reveals the initial signs of laryngeal cancer in 1 - 3% of cases. Limited hyperplastic laryngitis in the form of foci of keratosis is a precancerous condition. Therefore, these patients should be under compulsory dispensary supervision. Since almost all of these patients are smokers, it is very important at this stage to convince them to quit smoking, thus, if possible, preventing the transition of hyperplastic laryngitis to laryngeal cancer.
Chronic atrophic laryngitis may occur in persons working in chemical industries who have suffered laryngeal diphtheria, who were in the zone of increased radiation, in patients with diabetes mellitus and renal failure. Usually, an atrophic process in the larynx accompanies the same process in the nose and throat.
Patients complain of dry and sore throat, hoarseness, coughing with crusts, sometimes streaked with blood, in some cases there is difficulty in breathing due to partial closure of the larynx lumen with dried crusts. With laryngoscopy, a dry and thinned mucous membrane of the larynx, covered with crusts, is determined, mainly in the area of ​​the vocal folds and in the inter-scion-like space.
Treatment is mainly symptomatic: alkaline-oil inhalations, lubrication of the mucous membrane of the larynx with Lugol's solution, infusion of vegetable oils into the larynx, except for sea buckthorn, vitamins A, E, K, B1, iron preparations, biostimulants (aloe, ATP, vitreous), proserin electrophoresis and diadynamic currents to the larynx region. The disease is difficult to treat, but it is quite possible to alleviate the condition of patients.
In the development of chronic inflammatory changes in the larynx, the value of the release of the contents of the stomach and esophagus into the lower parts of the pharynx has been established. At the same time, diffuse catarrhal, infiltrative inflammatory changes in the mucous membrane of the larynx, as well as local trophic and hyperplastic changes in the region of its posterior third, were noted. The indicated organic changes in the mucous membrane of the larynx in this group of patients with secondary laryngitis are facilitated by the violation of the immune resistance system, revealed during the study of the state of general humoral and local immunity.
Currently, the participation of the immune system in the formation of chronic inflammation of the mucous membrane of the larynx is generally recognized. There is evidence of the effective use of the phytopreparation "Erakond" in the treatment of these diseases, which regulates reparative processes and has a pronounced anti-inflammatory and immunomodulatory effect. The drug is administered by infusion into the larynx.

Movement disorders of the larynx

Movement disorders in the muscular system of the larynx occur either in the form of a sharp increase in their function, or, conversely, a weakening and complete suppression of it. An increase in reflex excitability of the neuromuscular apparatus of the larynx is more common in childhood in the form of diseases such as spasmophilia, rickets, whooping cough, and others. It is expressed in fits of convulsive closure of the glottis, which can be repeated many times. Laryngospasm can appear as a result of reflex irritation of the larynx by a foreign body, from the use of cauterizing agents, inhalation of irritating gases. In other cases, laryngospasm may be of central origin, such as in hysteria, epilepsy, tetanus. Treatment should be directed at the underlying disease. Laryngeal paresis and paralysis can be myopathic and neurogenic ... Myopathic paresis and paralysis arise as a result of inflammatory changes in the internal muscles of the larynx. These phenomena can be observed in acute and chronic laryngitis, some infectious diseases (diphtheria, influenza, typhoid, tuberculosis), a large voice load. In myopathic paralysis, the process involves mainly the constrictors of the larynx; the laryngoscopic picture depends on which muscle or muscle group is affected. So, against the background of influenza, paresis of the vocal muscles often develops, and the glottis acquires a fusiform shape. As a result of incomplete closure of the vocal folds, the voice in these patients is weakened, has a hissing character.
Due to the increased air consumption, shortness of breath develops during prolonged and tense conversation. If you do not start treatment in a timely manner, then the voice may remain hoarse for a long time. Neurogenic paralysis of the larynx are central and peripheral. And the central ones, in turn, are subdivided into organic and functional. Organic central paralysis of the larynx occurs with brain lesions (tumors, hemorrhages, syringomyelia, acute poliomyelitis, tick-borne encephalitis, syphilis). At the same time, isolated paralysis of the larynx does not happen, they are usually combined with damage to the IX, XI and XII cranial nerves, which is detected during neurological examination. In the case of signs of laryngeal stenosis, tracheotomy and treatment of the underlying disease are indicated.
Functional central paralysis larynx occur in neuropsychiatric disorders, due to a violation of the interaction between the process of excitation and inhibition in the cerebral cortex. Hysteria is a prime example. One of the manifestations of movement disorders in hysteria may be breathing difficulties associated with the paradoxical closing of the vocal folds on inspiration. As a rule, these changes occur in young women with a labile nervous system who have previously had colds. Usually the diagnosis was made: bronchospasm, laryngospasm, uncontrolled bronchial asthma, and treatment with bronchodilators and hormones was unsuccessful. The duration of the disease can range from a few hours to 10 years or more.
Differential diagnosis between true stenosis of the larynx and respiratory disorders in hysteria, requiring a diametrically opposite approach to treatment, causes certain difficulties in some cases. It is characteristic that during the day, in the presence of strangers, these patients have noisy stridorous breathing, but when the patients are distracted during a conversation, breathing becomes more free. It is characteristic that patients breathe quite calmly during sleep. With laryngoscopy, the periods when the vocal folds on inspiration are located almost at the midline (lumen 1-2 mm at a rate of 14-16 mm) alternate with the discrepancy of the vocal folds in full, which never happens with organic stenosis of the larynx. In the study of the function of external respiration, despite the apparent difficulty in breathing, hyperventilation is revealed in patients, which is so characteristic of hysteria.
A hasty diagnosis, when momentary symptoms are taken into account without taking into account its dynamics, can lead to an unjustified decision to perform a tracheotomy. With this type of stenosis, tracheotomy is impractical. Moreover, it can only aggravate the manifestation of hysteria. Subsequent decannulation, given the psychogenic cause of the disease, will be extremely difficult. These patients will never die of suffocation, and their treatment should be carried out only in a neuropsychiatric hospital (hypnosis, drug hypnosis, etc.).
Peripheral paralysis arise as a result of damage to the laryngeal nerves, primarily the lower laryngeal or recurrent. Due to the peculiarities of the passage of the recurrent laryngeal nerve in the chest cavity and on the neck, its conduction may be disturbed in case of damage to various organs. Since the left recurrent laryngeal nerve enters the chest cavity, numerous pathological processes in this area can lead to its compression (aneurysm of the aortic arch, dilated cardiomyopathy, cancer of the apex of the left lung, tumors and cysts of the mediastinum, tuberculous infiltrates, enlarged lymph nodes, etc. ). Various processes in the neck can also lead to compression or injury to the nerve (esophagus, trachea, thyroid cancer, neck injury, subclavian artery aneurysm, thyroid surgery). If a patient has a limitation of the mobility of the left half of the larynx, first of all, it is necessary to do tomography of the lungs and mediastinum, and then an X-ray examination of the esophagus and trachea, ultrasound of the thyroid gland. With unilateral paralysis of the larynx, patients complain of pronounced hoarseness, sometimes aphonia, shortness of breath when talking, difficulty in coughing up phlegm. With laryngoscopy, the vocal fold usually occupies an intermediate position; with phonation, a gap of about 2 - 3 mm remains between the vocal folds. Because of this, pronounced voice disturbances are observed. Treatment is aimed either at bringing the paralyzed vocal fold to the midline (Teflon insertion into the vocal fold, suturing of the vocal fold at the midline, reinervation of the laryngeal constrictor muscles), or at compensatory entry during phonation of the healthy vocal fold beyond the midline to close with the paralyzed vocal fold (voice and breathing exercises, acupuncture, stimulating physiotherapy procedures). If unilateral paralysis of the larynx occurs after surgery on the thyroid gland, as a rule, as a result of removal of the nodular goiter and the voice disappears immediately after surgery, treatment aimed at restoring voice function can be started as early as 1-2 weeks. Using reflexology in combination with forced vocal exercises, we usually managed to achieve a significant improvement in vocal function in 2 weeks, and after discharge the patients could start working. In cases where the start of treatment was postponed for 3-6 months or more, atrophy of the paralyzed vocal fold often developed. In these cases, the prognosis for voice restoration is poor. With bilateral paralysis of the larynx, usually observed with neck injuries and operations on the thyroid gland, patients complain of severe difficulty breathing, with a practically unchanged voice. There is often an idea that if the voice is not changed, then the disease is not associated with the larynx. And in these patients, difficulty breathing is often associated with heart disease or lung disease and inadequate treatment is carried out, therefore, tracheotomy has to be done for urgent reasons. Treatment of these patients is only surgical and consists of various plastic operations aimed at fixed expansion of the lumen of the glottis. The voice worsens after these operations, but it becomes possible to get rid of the constant wearing of a tracheotomy tube.

Laryngeal neoplasms

Among diseases of the larynx, a significant place are occupied by benign tumors... They are more often diagnosed in persons of voice-speech professions, who usually notice even minor changes in voice faster and turn to a laryngologist. Benign neoplasms of the larynx often develop against the background of chronic laryngitis. These include fibromas, angiomas, angiofibromas, cysts, papillomas. All these tumors, with the exception of papilloma, grow slowly, sometimes over several years and are characterized by a smooth surface, the presence of a pedicle, the absence of infiltrating growth and metastases. The subjective feelings of patients with benign neoplasms are different. The nature and degree of disorders are determined by the localization, size and degree of tumor mobility. Voice disorders are often exacerbated by inflammation in the larynx. If the neoplasm has a wide base hoarseness is persistent. If the tumor is on the pedicle and descends into the subglottic space, then the vocal folds close tightly and hoarseness does not occur. In cases where the tumor is pinched between the vocal folds, there is a sudden interruption of the voice during conversation. Difficulty breathing occurs rarely, only with rapidly growing laryngeal papillomas. The diagnosis is made on the basis of laryngoscopy data. Treatment for benign laryngeal neoplasms is surgical. After that, all patients, especially people with a voice-speech profession, should undergo phonopedic therapy.
From malignant neoplasms the most common cancer is the larynx. Risk factors are smoking, alcohol abuse, voice overload, occupational hazards (dust, soot, aniline dyes, radioactive substances). Precancerous conditions include all types of dyskeratosis (hyperplasia, leukoplakia, keratosis, pachydermia), degenerative proliferative processes (contact ulcers and granulomas), all benign tumors. Localization distinguishes between cancer of the upper (vestibule), middle (vocal folds) and lower (subglottic) parts of the larynx. More often, the upper section is affected by a cancerous tumor, less often - the middle and even less often - the lower section. In cancer of the vestibule of the larynx, the earliest symptom is painful or painless dysphagia. Since the voice does not change with this localization of cancer, diagnostic errors often occur (pharyngitis, tonsillitis, pharyngeal neuroses are treated, but without effect). Therefore, for such complaints, examination of the larynx should be mandatory. When the vocal fold is damaged by a cancerous tumor, the main complaint is hoarseness, which should force the patient to see a doctor. But there is an opinion that a hoarse voice in a smoker is a normal condition, and patients are in no hurry to consult a doctor about this.
In case of cancer of the lining section, the main complaint is difficulty breathing, and this, as a rule, manifests itself already at the 2nd - 3rd stage of the disease.
Laryngoscopy, microlaryngoscopy, fibrolaryngoscopy, stroboscopy and tomography of the larynx are used to diagnose laryngeal cancer. Treatment for cancer of the larynx is combined: surgical and radiation. In cases where the tumor has grown into the surrounding tissue, tracheotomy and chemotherapy are performed.

Functional dysphonia

In recent years, the number of people with functional diseases of the larynx has sharply increased, which, according to many researchers, is associated with an increase in the load on the nervous system and the human psyche. Diseases of the larynx, which impede speech communication, reduce performance and pose a threat to professional unfitness. Specialized care for these diseases contributes to the restoration of voice function and the return of people to work. A decrease in the sonority of the voice, the appearance of hoarseness or the absence of a voice is usually considered a sign of a disease of the larynx. However, indirect laryngoscopy in some patients with a changed voice does not reveal organic changes in the larynx. Such disorders are considered functional. Dysphonias are subdivided into hypotonic, hypertonic, and spastic. Functional aphonia are divided into paretic and spastic, and phonasthenia - into acute and chronic. Voice and speech production is carried out thanks to the coordinated activity of the respiratory, vocal and articulatory apparatus, the interaction of which is provided and controlled by the cerebral cortex. Functional dysphonias occur when this coordination is impaired in any area and are manifested by many subjective symptoms, which are divided into two main groups: general neurological and local disorders. The general neurological includes the patient's peculiar behavior: anxious and gloomy experiences, depression, fear of an unfavorable outcome of treatment, increased irritability, mood instability, irascibility, sometimes apathy, sleep disturbance. Local manifestations are characterized by voice changes, sensory and secretory disorders. Functional voice disorders are observed in persons weakened by various somatic and infectious diseases, suffering from chronic diseases of the upper respiratory tract, as well as using the wrong technique of phonation and breathing. Let's consider some forms of functional disorders of the voice.

Hypotonic dysphonia- a decrease in the muscle tone of the vocal folds. The main causes of this disease are voice load during or after ARVI, tonsillitis, bronchitis, tracheitis; vegetative-vascular dystonia, hormonal dysfunctions, stressful situations. Patients complain of rapid voice fatigue, hoarseness, and a decrease in the strength of the voice. The mucous membrane of the larynx and trachea is without inflammatory changes, the vocal folds are mobile, their tone is reduced, during phonation, a non-closure of about 1 mm is noted. Laryngostroboscopy reveals sluggish, weakened vibrations of the vocal folds. The maximum phonation time has been shortened. Usually, treatment includes the use of drugs aimed at increasing the tone of the muscles of the vocal folds: tinctures of eleutherococcus, aralia, ginseng root; anticholine-esterase drugs - proserin, galantomin; electrophoresis of proserin and sinusoidal modulated currents to the larynx region, acupuncture. It is obligatory to formulate correct breathing, speech and vocal phonopedics.

Hypertensive dysphonia- increasing the tone of the vocal muscles. It develops with a forced, forceful manner of speaking and singing, especially in a noisy environment. There is a constant overstrain of the abdominal muscles, jerky movement of the diaphragm, tension of the muscles of the face and neck, accompanied by swelling of the veins of the neck. The main complaints of patients: hoarseness, pain in the larynx, pharynx and neck, a constant desire to cough up mucus and phlegm, fatigue of the voice, periodic laryngospasm. The voice of patients is sharp, piercing, with a metallic tinge, sounds tense. Noteworthy is the tight closure of the vocal folds during phonation. The following types of treatment are usually used: intranasal novocaine blockade, electrophoresis with euphyllin on the larynx region, low-frequency magnetic field on the paravertebral region. In the treatment of these patients, we successfully used intradermal novocaine blockade in the Zakharyin-Ged zone in the larynx region. Breathing exercises and phonopedic exercises were gradually connected.

Spasmodic dysphonia - neurodynamic phonation disorder, expressed in excessively intense activity and discoordination of the internal and external muscles of the larynx, as well as the respiratory muscles. The onset of spastic dysphonia is most often associated with mental trauma and stress overload, but in some cases it can occur in persons who have previously had acute infectious diseases, such as influenza. The voice of patients with spastic dysphonia is monotonous, low, with different overtones, tense-squeezed phonation, often accompanied by grimaces, tension of the muscles of the neck and face. Many sufferers prefer to speak in a whisper. When singing, crying, laughing, and after drinking alcoholic beverages, the voice becomes normal. Treatment of patients with spastic dysphonia presents significant difficulties. The leading role in the treatment is played by the prescriptions of a neuropsychiatrist, combined with a strict voice regime. From physiotherapeutic procedures, aminophylline electrophoresis is prescribed to the larynx region. The use of acupuncture is effective. The development of physiological phonation respiration and the formation of a new mechanism of voice formation are of great importance. With the ineffectiveness of conservative treatment in severe cases, they resort to cutting or crushing the recurrent laryngeal nerve on one side. In functional aphonia, vocal disorders are based on hysterical disorders. The disease occurs suddenly in persons with a labile nervous system under the influence of stressful situations. Patients complain of a feeling of a "lump" in the throat, "sticking" of mucus, but the main thing is aphonia. They seek to emphasize the severity of their illness, express disbelief in the possibility of recovery and restoration of their voice. Hysterical subjects often have relapses of aphonia. Functional aphonia can also develop in persons who have had acute inflammatory diseases of the larynx or exacerbation of chronic laryngitis. During the period when they communicate in a whisper, the wrong mechanism of voice formation is fixed. Functional aphonia is characterized by the absence of a sonorous voice, while loud coughs and laughter are sonorous. The laryngoscopic picture is variable. Some doctors are of the opinion that if a person has lost their voice, then the best treatment is silence. In the case of inflammatory changes in the larynx, this is justified, but for a short time, and in case of functional aphonia, treatment should be started as early as possible. According to our data, acupuncture is the most effective method of treating functional aphonias, thanks to which it is usually possible to restore the voice in 1 - 3 sessions, without additional drug treatment. For the treatment of patients with functional diseases of the larynx, the methods used for the treatment of organic diseases of the larynx are not suitable. And the treatment of this group of patients, as a rule, is carried out by specially trained otolaryngologists and phoniatrists. In the clinic for ear, nose and throat diseases, MMA them. THEM. Sechenov, the problem of treating patients with functional diseases of the larynx has been dealt with since 1985. Along with the use of various methods of treatment, the high efficiency of acupuncture has been proven in the treatment of patients with this pathology. The simplicity of the method, cost-effectiveness, the absence of toxic and negative side effects on the body, the possibility of using both in inpatient and outpatient conditions give us the opportunity to recommend this method of treatment for functional diseases of the larynx, which makes it possible to quickly save the patient from prolonged suffering associated with absence or pronounced impairment of the voice. In addition, reflexology helps to normalize the activity of the nervous system, and breathing and vocal exercises help to strengthen the neuromuscular apparatus of the larynx, eliminate a defect in phonation breathing and lead to coordination of the activity of individual parts of the vocal apparatus. The effectiveness of acupuncture in the treatment of various, especially functional diseases has been proven by centuries of practice. Currently, many doctors have received special training and are proficient in reflexology techniques. These are mainly therapists and neuropathologists. There are only a few specialists in otorhinolaryngologists. In our opinion, acupuncture of ENT patients should be dealt with by an otorhinolaryngologist who is well versed in his specialty. Only in this case, he can adequately solve the question of whether only acupuncture is indicated, or it must be combined with traditional methods of treatment, and dynamic observation of the patient will help to adjust the treatment.

The hoarse timbre of the voice sounds sexy only in famous singers and movie characters, and this symptom causes a lot of trouble for ordinary people. The voice becomes hoarse, usually as a result of colds, but there are other provoking factors: smoking, hypothermia, bacterial infection, etc.

This symptom is possible in both adults and very young children: even babies can cry with hoarseness. In the article, we will consider the issue of treating a hoarse voice: we will find out what to do if this symptom occurs in an adult and in a child.


Before considering how to treat a hoarse voice, it will not be superfluous to understand the reasons that cause it.


Most likely cause of a hoarse voice. Laryngitis is usually caused by causes of a cold, infectious nature, it can be a complication of sore throat, flu, and other diseases. But what are the symptoms of laryngitis in adults, and what such a disease looks like, this will help to understand

Overstrain of ligaments

This cause of a hoarse voice is caused by too loud singing, screaming, and other factors. An overly emotional manner of conducting a conversation can also play a cruel joke, especially if you speak in a raised voice. If for these reasons you have it, you can use both folk remedies and pharmaceutical preparations.


Prolonged exposure to cold with an unprotected neck is fraught with hypothermia of the vocal cords. As a result, wheezing appears, and a sore throat is possible.

Cold drinks

If the immune system is low, and the throat is not resistant to external stimuli, it is better not to risk it by drinking cold drinks. They can even lead to sore throat, rather than hoarseness.


This factor provokes the development of hoarseness in the voice. In this case, a slight hoarseness will go in the background. In addition, smoking also causes frequent sore throat, and the formation in the respiratory organs of a large amount of mucus containing carcinogenic substances.


Sometimes an overly nervous life also leads to the fact that the voice becomes hoarse, hoarse.


Wheezing in the voice can be caused by diseases and an allergic nature. In this case, along with wheezing, there will most likely be a cough, a sore feeling, nasal congestion, and a runny nose is also possible.

Adult treatment

Rinsing and rinsing

The use of saline and other healing fluids to flush the throat is a very effective measure in this case. In addition to sea salt, for the preparation of solutions, you can use:

Ready-made medicinal solutions are also an excellent solution for eliminating hoarseness.


Inhaling the moist, warm steam has a wonderful effect on the throat and ligaments. Thanks to inhalations, you can quickly, safely and gently return the lost timbre, and at the same time get rid of other symptoms of sore throat.

For inhalation, it is better to take a special nebulizer, and in the absence of this device, use an ordinary saucepan with hot water or boiled potatoes. The procedure can be carried out only in the absence of high fever and suppuration in the throat.

Add a few drops of pine, cypress, sage, anise, or rosemary essential oils to the inhalation solution. These medicinal plants will have a beneficial effect on the ligaments, help them return to normal. Keep in mind that after inhalation, it is undesirable to go outside for an hour, so as not to chill your throat even more.


Foot baths with mustard powder or essential oil will have a beneficial effect if the voice is hoarse due to hypothermia. This traditional method of treatment can be used only if there is no high fever. The bath must be taken within 15 minutes, after which you need to wipe your feet dry and put on warm wool socks. Drinking warm tea with lemon or milk with honey after the procedure will enhance its positive effect.

Irrigation of the larynx with special aerosols will help to quickly restore the ligaments, and. The composition of these preparations-sprays include healing components: mint, sage, menthol and others. They have a bactericidal, anti-inflammatory and sedative effect on the epithelium of the larynx.

Treatment of children

We will find out what methods will allow you to get rid of the child's hoarse voice.

In this case, you need to be especially careful. Observe the condition of the baby, and if it does not cause concern, then it is possible to treat a hoarse voice and at home on your own. But be sure to see a doctor if wheezing is accompanied by the following symptoms:

  • severe cough;
  • high fever;
  • shortness of breath;
  • heavy sweating;
  • general weakness of the baby.

In the presence of these symptoms, we are most likely talking about a serious viral or bacterial infection, which must be treated under medical supervision.

Treatment methods

Lozenges for sucking

This delicious medicine is very popular with children and helps to cope with a hoarse voice. In addition to lozenges, lozenges and tablets are also good.


Special sprays with medicinal solutions effectively irrigate the larynx, delivering the liquid preparation to the farthest corners of the throat. Children tolerate irrigation quite easily, this procedure does not cause them any negativity. Medicinal components of aerosols destroy pathogenic microflora, relieve symptoms of inflammation, and soothe irritated mucous membranes and ligaments. In the case of laryngitis, this remedy is irreplaceable, and is part of the complex therapy.


It is best for children to breathe in steam with a nebulizer. Breathing in steam over a saucepan of hot water or potatoes can burn the mucous membrane, so it is unsafe. As solutions for inhalation, children are suitable:

  • soda;
  • coniferous and mint essential oils;
  • saline (water with sea salt).

But how inhalation is done with a nebulizer for laryngitis in children is described in this

Licorice syrup

This sweet medicine is usually enjoyed by children. The syrup has a viscous consistency and a sugary-sweet taste. In addition to its direct beneficial effect on the affected ligaments, it also has an immunomodulatory effect. But how to use this tool correctly is described in detail in this


Warm ones on the neck are also well suited for treating a child. However, they cannot be used at elevated temperatures and in the case when the hoarseness of the voice is combined with a purulent infection in the throat. As a basis for you can use a warm woolen scarf, as well as boiled warm potatoes wrapped in polyethylene.

A crust of brown bread warmed up in a water bath is also an excellent remedy that has a long-term warming effect. When applying a warming compress, try to fix it as tightly as possible to the body: this way the therapeutic effect will be more pronounced. But how to do it, is described in this article.


Traditional methods

During the recovery period of the vocal cords, it is important for the child to drink a lot. Drinks should be warm, not too sweet or sour. Raspberry tea, chamomile tea or rose hips are great. In addition to moisturizing the mucous membrane, they also help destroy pathogenic bacteria.

Gargling with decoctions of medicinal herbs- safe and effective treatment. For this procedure, in addition to herbs, soda, a weak solution of furacilin, a mixture of baking soda and sea salt are also suitable. Rinsing can be done more often - this will increase the effectiveness of the procedure.

Drinking honey is an excellent remedy for a hoarse voice. Add honey to tea, milk, you can give it and just dissolve it to your child. Chewing propolis is also beneficial, as it helps rid the throat of the pathogenic environment.

Features of the treatment of babies

What are the safe methods to help eliminate wheezing in the voice of a nursing infant?

In this case, the whole matter is complicated by the fact that many medicines and methods of treatment for the baby are simply not suitable due to his tender age.

Therefore, an examination by a doctor is first necessary, and only then - treatment. For example, antibiotics are prescribed to a baby in the most extreme cases, and certainly not when a hoarse voice is the most severe symptom.

Inhalation is well suited for a nursing baby. You can do the procedure only if there is no temperature. It is best for the baby to breathe with soda solution, eucalyptus or mint broth.

An infant may be helped by lubricating the throat with diluted apple cider vinegar to eliminate pathogens. Lugol's solution, which is iodine dissolved in glycerin, is also excellent for this purpose.

Let the child drink more, provide him with peace and a warm comfortable "shelter". A light massage and a warm bath with medicinal herbs will make your baby's sleep more sound and calm, and will speed up recovery.

Simple tips to avoid throat problems.

In the cold season, be sure to protect your neck with a scarf. This simple and stylish accessory will help prevent colds and hypothermia.

If you still feel that you are overcooled, perhaps you got your feet wet, drink a glass of warm milk with honey before going to bed, and put on warm woolen socks on your feet. Sleep in them. The next morning, most likely, the voice will be in order.

Eliminate irritants from the diet: spicy, salty, sour. This measure will avoid the occurrence of unpleasant symptoms in the throat.

Do not drink cold drinks in cold weather. Ice cream on the street in winter is also not recommended.

Speak softly and practice your auditory hygiene. Singing out loud in karaoke in the morning can result in a complete loss of voice, and not just the appearance of wheezing.

We examined the features of the treatment of hoarse voice in adults and children. There can be many reasons for this fact, however, the methods of therapy for getting rid of this symptom will be similar in almost all cases. See your doctor in order to accurately establish a diagnosis - only in this case, the treatment is guaranteed to benefit.