Grease traps for sewerage from npo industrial water treatment. The device of grease traps for the sewerage and the principle of operation Installation of grease traps on the sewerage

The main problem of sewage water is the high content of fats, debris, etc. The wastewater treatment is aimed at effectively removing suspended solids, forcing them to precipitate. Most of the chemical pollutants can simply be eliminated from wastewater, preventing the ingress of harmful substances already at the first stage. It is impossible to remove fatty compounds from the sewer drain, therefore it is important to separate them from the liquid at the beginning of the cleaning chain. For this purpose, grease traps are installed in the sewage system. These devices are designed to separate fatty acids and liquids using the difference in specific gravity of the substances. The bulk of the separating devices is intended for industrial use, but household samples are also produced. We will understand the advantages and features of installing installations for home use, and also consider the diagram of a device available for DIY construction.

The need to install a grease trap

A household grease trap will prevent pipes from obstruction and breakage, as well as the appearance of a fetid odor

The need to install grease traps at industrial and catering facilities is due to the current sanitary norms and rules. But is it really necessary to install this device at home? To understand this issue, let's analyze what effect fatty substances have on the sewage system.

First, fatty acids, after cooling, are flocculent mass that can adhere to sewer pipes, significantly reducing the flow of water. Over time, such a blockage leads to complete obstruction of the pipes, which makes it necessary to resort to cleaning the system or repairing it.

Secondly, fats form corrosive substances over time, causing a persistent fetid odor.

Thirdly, the chemical compounds arising from the oxidation of fatty acids corrode the elements of the sewage pipelines, rendering them unusable.

All this speaks of the relevance of grease separators even for apartment owners, but if you are the owner of a country house with an autonomous sewage system, then perhaps installing a fat separation is just a necessity for you. We are talking about the case when a filter well is used to remove wastewater. The adhesion of fats on its walls, over time, completely stops the access of liquid to the drainage layers, turning the drainage system into an airtight container. The consequence of this will be a constant overflow of the drain collector and the need to pump out the waste. It is not easy to eliminate this problem, it is much easier to prevent such situations by installing a grease separator in the sewer system.

The device and the principle of operation of the installation

The principle of operation of the grease trap is based on the gravitational separation of liquid layers

Depending on the purpose, grease separators are divided into:

  • devices designed for domestic purposes (for internal and external sewerage systems);
  • installations for the treatment of industrial effluents.

A household grease trap is a sealed container made of food grade plastic, divided by partitions into several compartments. The outer chambers are equipped with fittings for tapping into the drainage pipeline, and the structure itself is equipped with a removable cover. The choice of material is simple - food grade plastics are chemically resistant materials with a smooth surface and low weight. This allows them to be used in an aggressive environment, as well as, if necessary, quickly wash the walls of the structure from fat deposits.

The principle of operation of the separator is based on the gravitational separation of the runoff into layers of different density. The cleaning process begins with the fact that the drain from the sink or sink through the inlet pipe of the grease trap enters the container. Thanks to partitions installed across the wastewater flow, fat is taken from the surface of the liquid with further transfer of this mass to a special storage. The cleaned drain continues its way through the outlet of the device. As the fat is collected in the storage chamber, the grease trap must be cleaned by hand. Industrial plants have a similar design, however, they have a larger number of separation chambers and are made of both plastic and stainless steel. The most productive of them are equipped with a system for controlling the amount of fat and the ability to remove it using sewage trucks.

Industrial grease separation plants have more separation chambers

Features of grease separators

Depending on the capacity, the fat separation plants can be produced from:

  • polypropylene;
  • fiberglass;
  • of stainless steel.

There are practically no household grease traps made of stainless steel on the market, while polypropylene and fiberglass models are very widely represented. Based on the type of installation, all devices can be divided into four types.

  1. Grease traps designed to be installed under the sink.
  2. Models for installation in a separate room.
  3. Devices for installation in basements.
  4. Devices for outdoor installation.

For the first three types, any materials can be used, while devices for outdoor installation are made only of fiberglass or stainless steel, which is explained by the higher strength of the latter. It is better to give preference to plastic reinforced with fiberglass when installing the device inside buildings. The only drawback of such models is the relatively high cost.

Compact grease trap designed to be installed under the sink

Due to the high manufacturability of polypropylene, it allows the manufacture of installations of any shape and size, so it will not be difficult to choose a grease trap for specific installation conditions. The only thing, in this case, the performance of the device should be taken into account. For household grease traps, this figure ranges from 0.1 to 2 l / s. Installations with a capacity of more than 2 l / s are classified as industrial devices. Remember that installation in the ground will require the installation of a fan riser, so stock up on this element of the system in advance.

Cleaning of the grease separators installed in the room is done manually through special hatches in their housing. The need to remove fat deposits in this case is monitored visually. Cleaning is carried out by means of improvised mechanical and chemical means (various scrapers, scoops, ladles, household chemicals).

Selection criteria for grease separators. Equipment manufacturers

Before choosing a grease trap, they are determined with the place where the unit will be installed. Depending on this, the model is selected not only by the type of installation, but also by the material of manufacture. In the case of outdoor installation, fiberglass or stainless steel devices will be required.

Next, the performance of the device is calculated. To do this, you can use the formula P = 0.1n, where n is the number of connected drains. The coefficient 0.1 in this formula represents the average water flow rate (0.1 l / s). It should be understood that this formula is only valid for flow drains. If a grease separator is installed in the area between the common drain and the riser, this value must be increased, taking into account the drainage of the bath, shower, etc.

Based on the first two factors, a device of the required shape and size is selected.

Fifth Element household grease separator

In the trading network, you can find both imported products and products of domestic manufacturers. There is no particular difference between the units of the same type due to the simplicity of the design. In addition, almost all companies, including Russian ones, use polypropylene and reinforced plastic.

There are no prerequisites for choosing foreign equipment, besides, domestic grease separators have a lower cost.

Among the Russian companies, one can single out the Fifth Element and Evo Stok. The companies produce plants mainly from polypropylene and fiberglass. Grease traps designed for installation under a sink have all certificates of conformity and quite affordable prices. Foreign companies Wavin Labko and Flotenk (EuroREK) produce similar fiberglass products, and Helix units are intended for catering.

DIY grease separator

Scheme for self-manufacture of a grease trap

For those who are familiar with the technology of diffusion or adhesive bonding of plastics, it will not be difficult to make a grease separator with your own hands. For this you will need:

  • sheet polypropylene or any other plastic;
  • glue for connecting parts;
  • sanitary silicone;
  • piece of PET pipe Ø50 mm;
  • PET elbow Ø50 mm;
  • PET tee Ø50 mm.

Plastic cutting can be ordered in a specialized workshop equipped with a machine with a laser head, or you can do it yourself using a metal hacksaw or jigsaw. Of course, in the first case, the final product will be much more accurate. The assembly process is carried out according to the presented scheme:

  • glue the body of the future grease trap from the cut sheets;
  • glue the bottom;
  • install a partition (note that its height is about a third lower than the side walls of the device);
  • all joints are sealed with sanitary silicone;
  • a Ø50 mm PET elbow is installed as an inlet pipe;

All joints and abutments of parts of a homemade grease trap must be sealed with sanitary silicone.

  • the outlet is assembled from a pipe and a PET tee Ø50 mm;
  • make the cover of the device. In the places where its surface adjoins to the body of the grease separator, strips of a rubber seal are glued;
  • having checked the tightness of the device, connect it to the sink or sink drain.

The operation of this simple grease separator is based on the possibility of separating the fat layer in a thin-layer spout under the influence of gravity.

A carefully crafted device is no different from an industrial design

Remember that the efficient operation of the grease system is only possible when the waste water temperature does not exceed 40 ° C. At higher temperatures, active fat melting occurs, which greatly reduces the efficiency of wastewater treatment.

Grease trap installation

The grease trap is easy to install, but special requirements must be met. Let's talk about them in more detail, presenting all the stages of installing the device.

  1. Having decided on the place for mounting the grease trap (under the sink, washbasin or in the drainage area from several devices), measure the dimensions of the free space. Remember that the operation of the device will require service or repair.
  2. Prepare the surface for the grease trap. It must be horizontal, otherwise waste overflow cannot be avoided.
  3. Make sure that all necessary connections, fittings, clamps, and fasteners are included with the instrument.
  4. Connect the grease separator to the sewer line according to the manufacturer's instructions.
  5. Despite the urge to close the unit with a box as soon as possible, put the test of time by waiting for the first cleaning.

During the installation of the grease trap, seal all joints with sanitary silicone, fum tape, etc. This will avoid future leaks.

After installing the separation unit, do not forget to service the device in a timely manner. To do this, not only remove grease and oil from the drive, but also clean all chambers of sludge and dirt.

Grease trap operation (video)

Installing a grease trap in the sewage system allows for preliminary wastewater treatment, eliminating fats and suspended matter. At the same time, already at this stage, the degree of purification approaches 25%. Therefore, the installation of a grease separator is recommended both for owners of country houses with an autonomous sewage system, and for every zealous owner who cares about the safety and normal functioning of the wastewater drainage system.

Thanks to my versatile hobbies, I write on various topics, but my favorites are engineering, technology and construction. Perhaps because I know a lot of nuances in these areas, not only theoretically, as a result of studying at a technical university and graduate school, but also from the practical side, since I try to do everything with my own hands.

Kitchen sewers often suffer from blockages. The most unpleasant of these are associated with the accumulation of fat in the pipes. Traditional chemistry like "Mole" in advanced cases can be powerless. But such an ingenious device as a grease trap will help to avoid blockages. How to build it, we'll talk in this article.

Unit for prevention

Grease trap is an installation, figuratively speaking, separating the grain from the chaff. It is built into the sewerage system to prevent fatty deposits in the pipes. And this technique is based on one simple principle - fat always rises to the surface of a certain volume of cool water. Most often, such devices are used in canteens and cookery, where it is justified by sanitary standards. But at home, you can make a homemade grease trap. After all, its advantages are obvious:

  • it prevents very unpleasant blockages in the sewer;
  • the device of such a household installation is simple;
  • maintenance of such equipment is minimal.

Let's first consider what the simplest "filling" of a household grease trap is. The main elements that a simple separator includes are shown below.

  • Inlet branch pipe.
  • Partition.
  • Sewer outlet, usually in the form of a tee.
  • All this is in a box-shaped plastic case, the inlet and drain pipes look outward.

Diagram of a household grease trap

In the presence of all these elements, the principle of operation is as follows: water with fat enters through the inlet from the kitchen sink. Inside our unit, the liquid fills the primary chamber, where it settles a little, and the fat rises in the meantime. This chamber is separated from the rest of the device by a partition.

However, this wall does not stretch all the way to the top. Its height is about two-thirds of the height of the box. Thus, there is a gap. It is through this upper "vent" that the fat-free water flows into the adjacent chamber and, at the very bottom, enters the outlet pipe, which is most often made in the form of a tee. After which, in fact, the liquid flows into the sewer.

At the same time, all the collected fat remains on the surface of the constantly maintained volume of the working medium. Therefore, the described separator is serviceable. As the unpleasant suspension accumulates, the device must be completely disconnected from the line, and then released from the contents. This operation must be done at least once every two weeks. It all depends on the amount of contamination, on the intensity of the use of the sink. Next, consider the process of creating such a home appliance that needs to be cleaned periodically.

How to make a grease trap yourself

Material selection and calculation

Usually, materials such as are used to create grease traps

  • food grade plastic;
  • fiberglass;
  • polypropylene;
  • stainless steel.

But in our case, it will be enough to use the harmless materials available on the farm. The body of a homemade separator can be made from a plastic toy box with a tight-fitting lid. Standard branch pipes are suitable. For input, as well as for output, a new sewer elbow will fit, if necessary supplemented with a purchased piece of pipe. The diameter of these links, as a rule, corresponds to the common size of sewer communications for an apartment, that is, equal to 50 mm.

To determine the approximate dimensions of the body, in other words, the volume of the grease trap, the performance of the unit should be calculated. For industrial enterprises, the calculation method is rather complicated and takes into account several factors that in our case do not matter. Therefore, it is enough to make a simplified calculation using the formula:

Р = nхPs, where

  • P is the capacity of our separator, l / s,
  • n is the number of washes in the premises,
  • Ps is the water flow rate in the water supply system, which is usually approximately 0.1 l / s

Let's say we have one kitchen sink. Then we get P = 1x0.1 = 0.1 l / s. Now you can directly calculate the volume of our installation using the following formula:

V = 60хPхt, where t is the average duration of fat settling, equal to about 6 minutes.

Then, for our example, we get the required volume V = 60x0.1x6 = 36 liters. Now you can adjust the size of the used box. It is easy to understand that, say, the following dimensions are ideal: 0.3 mx 0.3 mx 0.4 m.If you multiply them, you just get 0.036 m3 or 36 liters. Moreover, the height of the body can be taken as equal to 0.3 m, and equal to 0.4 m.

Household grease trap drawing

The height of the location of the inlet and outlet holes must be taken constructively, based on the following principle. The center of the outlet should be 3 to 5 centimeters lower than the center of the inlet. In this case, the input should be located as close as possible to the box lid.

Finally, it's time to get to the main stage: assembling the homemade separator.

DIY making

For work, we need the following tools and materials (instead of a partition in the structure, you can use a low pipe with a large diameter of 100 mm):

  • box of suitable estimated dimensions (or slightly larger);
  • knee type PET with a diameter of 50 mm;
  • tee type PET with a diameter of 50 mm;
  • a pipe with a diameter of 100 mm and a length of about two-thirds of the height of the box;
  • the same length is a piece of a PET branch pipe with a diameter of 50 mm with a mounting extension and a rubber cuff at the end;
  • jigsaw or file;
  • sanitary sealant;
  • sandpaper;
  • rubber sealing tape with an adhesive layer.

Let's start creating a homemade homemade grease trap.

Connecting our separator to the sewage system is easy. It is enough to install it under the sink. Then you need to pull out the drain corrugation from the main sewer pipe and insert the end of this drain into the input elbow of the grease trap. In this case, the outlet tee of the device must be connected to the sewer with another corrugation.

Installation under the sink

Important to remember! Effective separation of fat from waste water occurs only at low temperatures, up to 40 degrees Celsius. Therefore, try to place your unit as far away from the sink siphon as possible. This is necessary so that the hot water has time to cool down during the current.

During the operation of the described unit, you can enjoy clean sewage pipes. The main thing is that every two to three weeks, or better still more often, turn off and completely empty our apparatus, clean it, and then re-install it into the network.

The device of the grease separator, which we have described here, will ensure uninterrupted operation of the installation for a long time, namely, for several years. After all, it is not much different from the factory one. So feel free to start making it!

Greetings, comrades! Let's find out what a grease separator is, what it is for and how to choose the right parameters. I am sure that the topic will be interesting not only for the owners of catering establishments, but also for the owners of private households equipped with an autonomous sewage system.

Why is it needed

The specifics of the work of public catering and a number of food production enterprises imply a large amount of effluent containing fatty and oil suspensions. According to the legislation, the discharge of such wastewater without preliminary treatment into the city sewer is unacceptable.

What is the threat of refusal to install such equipment:

  • Penalties. Any manufacturing enterprise or catering point is not allowed to discharge industrial effluents without preparation. A substantial fine is provided for a violation. It is clear that an industrial well is not needed for cafes or restaurants; they can do with a separator under the sink;

  • Reduced service life of sewer pipes... Pumping waste water with a high content of oil and fatty suspensions threatens to deposit contaminants on the inside of the pipelines.

You should not rely on polymer pipes - even on their smooth surface, fat will adhere over time, which will lead to clogging and narrowing of the lumen, and subsequently to the failure of the sewage system as a whole.

The scheme and principle of operation of the grease trap

Responsible for such cleaning are oil-grease traps (grease traps), which subject the wastewater to mechanical treatment.

The principle of operation of mechanical and gravitational devices is based on the difference in the specific gravity of water and fat particles:

  • Heavy particles of effluent settle at the bottom;
  • Particles of fat and oil remain on the surface and are retained in the primary chamber by partitions;
  • Treated wastewater flows into the secondary chamber and from there it enters the central sewerage system.

The frequency of cleaning the grease trap is determined in two ways:

  1. With the help of a special filling sensor;
  2. Visually through the inspection hatch or with a dipstick.

Solid sediments and accumulated fat are pumped out and transported to special landfills by utilities.

According to their characteristics, the following modifications of industrial grease traps differ:

Illustration Description

Mechanical separator - sealed container with separate chambers and partitions. A mesh receiver is located at the top of the camera.

Passing through the mesh, fatty and oil suspensions settle on it and on the internal partitions.

Device advantages:

  • Long service life;
  • Ease of repair and maintenance.


  • Low productivity - some of the fats still end up in the sewer network;
  • The need for regular cleaning of the grease trap.

Gravity separator. It differs from the mechanical one by the absence of a mesh collector, as well as by modifications using chemical reagents.

Thanks to them, fatty deposits react faster with the formation of heavy conglomerates, which settle at the bottom of the grease trap well.

Of the minuses, I note:

  • Reagent costs;
  • The need for periodic cleaning.

Among the advantages is a high cleaning speed, which is of great importance for a number of processing enterprises.

Biodestructor- sewage treatment with the help of microorganisms. Thanks to them, fatty compounds are almost completely eaten up (destroyed), and the effluents themselves are converted into chemically neutral compounds.

And although it is also necessary to clean the biodestructor, nevertheless, it is cleaned much less frequently.

Another of the advantages should be noted the fact that the fat does not have time to stick to the walls, and does not rot, respectively, such a grease trap does not emit unpleasant odors.

Grease trap design

Modern grease traps are classified according to:

  • Installation method and installation features;
  • The type of materials used;
  • Scope of application.

Let us consider these classifications in more detail.

Classification of grease traps by installation method

Existing wells - grease traps installed outside buildings and industrial buildings are divided into two categories:

Features of installation are the need to strengthen the structure in a dug pit, for which it is used:

  1. Monolithic reinforced concrete base;
  2. Steel or synthetic cables for fastening the structure.

As for grease traps for installation inside buildings, there are no special requirements - such products are quite compact and lightweight. The only thing that is necessary is to provide for unhindered access for maintenance.

Classification by type of material

In the production of grease traps, several types of materials are used that are resistant to aggressive environments:

Illustration Description

Stainless steel. Their use is justified at large enterprises in the food industry.

They are the most expensive in terms of cost, since food grade steel AISI 304 or AISI 430 is used for production.

Fiberglass. Products made from it are lightweight, tolerate temperature fluctuations well, which allows them to be used both outside and inside buildings.

Products from it are in the middle price category in terms of cost.

Polypropylene. The cheapest in cost, and at the same time the most fragile material. Grease traps made from it are made small-sized and installed exclusively inside buildings.

Classification by scope

As we found out earlier, grease traps are necessary for almost all enterprises, in the course of which they generate waste water containing oils of vegetable and animal origin, as well as fats.

Among them:

  • Industrial enterprises- meat and poultry processing plants, enterprises for the disposal of animal carcasses, soap and canning industries, oil and fat factories;
  • Procurement companies- cattle slaughterhouses, churns;
  • Fast food establishments- kitchen factories and kitchens of restaurants, hotels, canteens, snack bars, cafeterias, etc.

Accordingly, each area requires a certain type of equipment:

Illustration Description

Industrial grease trap. This equipment is rather large and is intended for use both inside and outside, for example, in car washes, canning shops, poultry processing industries, etc.

Often, the operation of such equipment is automated, control systems inform about the filling of the chamber and the need to pump out or add chemical preparations.

Workshop grease separator. Scope - meat and sausage workshops, soap factories, large food factories (airports, railway stations).

Such a grease trap is installed directly at the sink or in a brick technical room.

It is often made individually, for a specific production. Dimensions, technical parameters and work automation - optional, at the request of the customer who approved the project.

Household grease trap... A fairly compact unit installed directly under the sink, connected to the water supply and sewerage system. which, due to its small dimensions, can be installed under the sink.

It is in demand in cafes, snack bars, grill bars, canteens and other catering facilities with relatively small volumes of wastewater.

It can also be installed in private households and city apartments, cleaning from solid waste is performed manually.

Installation features

Despite the tightness of grease traps, their manufacturers recommend installing them away from drinking wells in order to prevent possible contamination. It is also necessary to remember that groundwater can push the structure to the surface, for which it will need to be reliably anchored.

As for compact models, depending on the configuration and dimensions, grease traps are installed:

Illustration Description
Floor level and below. Installed in high-capacity catering premises.

In the technical room... This type of equipment is used in cutting and boning workshops for poultry and meat processing industry.

Directly under the sink- the oil and fat trapping unit is relevant for cafes-bistros, street fast foods with low productivity.


I am sure that now you have no gaps in the selection and installation of standard catchers and their scope. If any questions remain unclear for you, write about it in the comment form - I will definitely answer. And don't forget to watch the video in this article. Good luck, comrades.

Not everyone knows. Various kitchen appliances (we are talking about a deep fat fryer, wok, combi steamer, grill, dishes and sinks for washing it) pollute the sewer system with fatty waste. Grease trap for sewerage from the dining room will help to avoid this.

In contact with

Features of the device

What is a grease trap - This is a container that is located on the way of drains from catering establishments: restaurants, canteens, cafes, cheburek, food production facilities, private houses and apartments, rushing into the sanitary collector.

Tank purpose:

  • separation, collection and removal of oil and fat from drains;
  • protection of sewerage and treatment tanks from possible grease plugs;
  • savings on.

It is enough to attach the grease trap to the sewer pipe, it will be possible to avoid many of the problems inherent in catering enterprises and industries related to the manufacture of food.

The purchase of this uncomplicated device that separates fatty waste from water will save money on cleaning the drainage pipes.

Attention! The cheaper the device for collecting fat, the greater the effort, financial and time costs of its maintenance.

The right grease catching and drain protection devices can help those who are concerned and the problems associated with it. You cannot open a food service point without this equipment, a large amount of fatty drains damages the sewage system.


We know from high school physics that fats are lighter than water. Due to the low specific gravity, oil particles can accumulate on the surface, and it is possible to collect and remove them. The principle of operation lies at the heart of the device.

A device that catches fat from sewerage, will be it is not difficult to do it on your own, but you can buy it in the store. Sewer grease catchers also called separators.

The principle of operation is as follows:

  • the flow of wastewater from sinks and other kitchen equipment is slowed down by a grease trap;
  • the fat in the water is intensively cooled and, solidifying, thickens and rises to the surface, where special traps are waiting for and holding it, and heavy kitchen waste sinks to the bottom of the device;
  • water purified from fat fills the sewer pipes.

The functioning of the sewer separator is provided by the following components:

  • nozzles that are installed at the inlet, when discharging treated effluents;
  • damping baffle flow rate;
  • separation chamber;
  • the first and second separation partitions;
  • settling compartment;
  • seal for the tightness of the structure;
  • reservoir cover.

Fat formation, passing into a non-emulsified form, is collected from the surface twice a week, and, if necessary, more often. This is the basis the principle of operation of the grease trap under the sink.


Drains can be cleaned in three ways:

  1. Mechanical - the most common (the option is described above and has disadvantages: low level of cleaning, the need for regular cleaning).
  2. Gravitational - similar in design to the previous one, but there is a difference in technology. The drains settle (within a day), almost all fatty impurities are collected at the surface. The cleaning level is close to 98%, but the fat must be removed and disposed of manually.
  3. Biological - with the help of destructors. Special microorganisms added to the effluent convert the fatty component into a neutral sludge.

It will not hurt to install special devices on kitchen hoods. The fat vapor deposited there reduces the level of pollution of ventilation systems. Grease traps for sewerage can be distinguished by the criteria that are reflected in the table:


Manufacturing material Plastic or propylene Serves up to 30 years;
Harmless to people and the environment
Fiberglass For prom. separators,
durable, reliable,
chemically resistant
Cink Steel
Stainless steel
Affordable price
Costly, corrosion resistant, aesthetically pleasing
type of instalation Under the sink Easy to install
and clean
In the basement Expenditure on earth
work, concreting
In a separate room With a large number of points
Cleansing type from
body fat
Manually Inside apartment kitchens
Automatically In industry,
using special equipment and pumps

Sewer separators differ in the reception of wastewater: a salvo discharge or a uniform reception of wastewater.

Important! All variants can be used with the Custom GT Grease Trap Tablets, which decompose removes unpleasant odors and makes cleaning easier.

Top 5 manufacturers

When choosing, some prefer cheap and popular models, others buy more expensive, functional, durable - with a 30-year service life. When evaluating grease traps, one should pay attention to their performance.

The Top 5 in terms of popularity includes several well-known manufacturers:

  1. Evo Stok - offers inexpensive devices made of durable reinforced plastic.
  2. FloTenk - is engaged in the production of high-performance GRP grease traps, mostly round in shape. The products of this brand have a high price, but a longer service life.
  3. The Fifth Element is a brand specializing in the production of steel and plastic devices with a removable water flow restrictor, its products are adjusted to the individual parameters of kitchen sinks.
  4. Wavin Labko - offers automated fiberglass models that capture grease with high performance. There is a sensor that informs about the level of accumulated fat in the container.
  5. Vortex - manufactures devices with a durable reinforced plastic case, including models for non-standard sewer systems. Special ribs on the body give the cage better resistance to mechanical deformation.

Separators made of stainless steel from the ACO Group, as well as from polypropylene "Termit", which are used in small-scale catering enterprises, are in demand. Automatic Grease Guardian products are installed in all McDonald's.

Attention! Up to 10 washing tubs can be connected to high-quality, energy-saving and efficient HYDRIG grease traps for effluents from cafes and restaurants.


In fact, it is a simple process. You can do without calling the wizard, really cope with its installation yourself. The best place to install is under or next to the sink.

Sewer separators are often built into kitchen sinks. To install grease trap under the sink, the device is connected to the sewer. The kit contains everything you need for this purpose.

During installation, place the device on a firm and level surface. The main requirement for a separator is that the container must be accessible for regular cleaning.

Sequence of work:

  • the sink drain hose is connected to the inlet pipe, rubber gaskets are lubricated with silicone;
  • the drain pipe is connected to the sewer using a corrugated hose with the same diameter using rubber seals;
  • the container is filled with water to check how tight the structure is (if there is even the slightest leak, it is eliminated);
  • after closing the top cover, the device will be ready to receive drains;
  • it remains to complete the installation of the outer part of the household grease trap, connecting it to the sewer.

A professional in an industrial enterprise is performed by specialists who are obliged to instruct the technological personnel in detail regarding the correct operation, as well as cleaning the grease trap.

Nuances of choice and use

In order for the device to work clearly and reliably protect pipes from blockages, it is important to choose the right one. For everyday life, it is enough to have a device with a productivity of 0.1-2 liters of wastewater per second. If we are talking about the purification of restaurant drains or pipes at enterprises where food fat-containing products are produced, one cannot do without solid industrial grease traps.

The capacities for the production of milk products are equipped with pumps that evacuate effluents, sensors that control the filling of the container.

Rotting fatty waste with a nauseating specific smell emanating from them, alas, has become a kind of "visiting card" of catering washes in Russian cities. Although it really solves the problem of HYDRIG working in automatic mode.

Many models of the device remove fats into a special container, so that their maintenance will take 1-2 minutes a day. And there will be no smell.

When cleaning the installed ones, it is worth checking the pipes and removing large particles from there. Bottom sediment can be removed using any detergent. Will not interfere with high temperature water from time to time, preventing blockages.

Important! At catering establishments, it is worth keeping a special control log in which to record the date of maintenance and cleaning of the grease trap.

Making your own fat trap

Manufacturing do-it-yourself grease trap for sewage starts with calculating its parameters. The performance of the device P is calculated by the formula:

P = n x Ps, where n is the number of washes in the house, Ps is the water flow rate in the system - the average is 0.1 l / s. If there is only one sink in the kitchen, n = 1. Then P = 0.1 l / s.

To determine the volume of the device, use the formula V = 60 x P x t, where t is the fat settling time, on average 6 minutes. We get 36 liters or 0.036 m³. Now it is easy to find out the parameters of the container for the grease trap - 0.3 m, 0.3 m and 0.4 m.

In order to design, you need to study the following step-by-step instructions:

Useful video: grease traps for sewage

The key to a successful grease trap operation- timely cleansing from fat. Some models of grease traps are capable of self-cleaning automatically. Anyone who does not want to spend money on buying a factory apparatus can do This will allow you to use the sink without fear of sewer blockages.

Fatty elements contained in wastewater can block the pipe, causing a blockage. Fatty acids tend to corrode the metal and destroy the pipeline, due to which the sewage system becomes unusable.

Grease traps for the sewage system, which are installed in the riser to the point of discharge of used water, will help to solve this problem. In this material, we will talk about the design features of these devices, their types and features that you need to pay attention to when choosing a grease trap for your home.

The main function of the grease trap is to filter wastewater from grease, oil and solid impurities that pollute the environment.

The equipment consists of a number of elements, these are:

  • instrument compartment in which fat and oil are collected;
  • flask from 2-3 compartments, designed for settling effluents;
  • outlet pipeline connected to the sewer system;
  • inlet pipeline;
  • sealed removable cover that prevents unpleasant odors.

The sewer grease separator consists of a one-piece sealed body with a lid. The removable cover allows for preventive maintenance or manual tank cleaning when required.

There are 2 branch pipes connected to the body - inlet and outlet. The reservoir is divided into 2 or 3 compartments, which communicate with each other and are designed to separate oil, grease, and solid particles.

From the last compartment, degreased and cleaned wastewater is discharged into the sewer pipeline.

The most simple, inexpensive models of grease trap have 1 chamber and are installed under the sink

Any model of a fat trap for the sewer works on the principle of gravity. Grease and oil particles accumulate on the filter surface as they are much lighter than water.

Then they enter a special sump, from there they are easily removed manually, using special equipment or machinery.

Special enzymes are usually added to the device to break down the accumulated fat. They can significantly increase the time between device cleanings.

Purpose and benefits of grease traps

More sophisticated models of fat traps are used in large enterprises and are designed for efficient wastewater treatment from solid particles, fat-containing and oil impurities.

According to sanitary standards at meat and dairy industries and at public catering establishments, the installation of fat-collecting equipment on the sewer is mandatory.

Industrial devices are installed at the outlet of a wastewater treatment plant that performs primary wastewater treatment.

Installing a grease trap will protect the sewerage system of any public catering or production facility from contamination with fat and oil inclusions

Industrial devices are designed by manufacturers so that clean water, purified from impurities by separating and further removing the fatty component of the waste mass, gets into the sewer system.

Installing a grease trap will avoid the failure of the sewage system due to the effects of fatty deposits. It also protects the environment from the release of harmful impurities that can cause irreparable damage to the environment.

Such separators are irreplaceable not only in production, but in everyday life. They reliably protect sewer pipes from grease valves or blockages. At the 1st stage, the device receives domestic water, separates fat and oil accumulations.

At the 2nd stage, the final separation of fat deposits and the discharge of effectively purified water into the sewer system is observed. The device retains non-emulsified fats and removes them from waste water.

The grease trap installed under the sink is often used in home kitchens, cafes, restaurants, pastry shops and fast food outlets.

The use of grease collection equipment has a number of advantages:

  • Equipment tightness... Due to the tightness of the housing, the possibility of foreign liquid entering the filter is excluded.
  • Practicality and versatility... Installation of various additional devices is possible. The sensor of accumulation of harmful substances is in special demand.
  • Lack of unpleasant odors... Due to the tightness of the case, odors usually occurring during the decomposition of fats do not penetrate into the room.
  • Ease of installation... Installation of indoor grease traps does not require any special skills and is performed in 4 steps.
  • Ease of maintenance. Cleaning of most models of grease traps does not require much effort, it can be done manually using available tools.
  • Acceptable cost... The devices have a low price compared to other types of filters.

In addition to these advantages, the device that collects fat has a long service life. All equipment is made of high quality and durable materials, which guarantees its durability.

An important plus of using a grease trap is the preservation of the environment, which is especially important in modern times

Types of grease traps by purpose

Household equipment is installed under the sink in residential buildings, apartments and small catering establishments - in bars, restaurants, cafes, pastry shops and canteens.

There are 2 main types of fat traps:

  • household appliance;
  • industrial.

They are indispensable elements of the sewerage systems of restaurant-type establishments. The devices filter the grease that forms after washing dirty dishes.

Household grease traps are manually cleaned and used at a liquid flow rate of up to 1.5 cubic meters per hour. Industrial traps of fatty impurities are installed in industries in the effluent of which there is a significant amount of fatty, oil and other foreign impurities.

The use of an industrial device for trapping fat is mandatory in large enterprises if the water consumption is more than 2 cubic meters / hour. Their cleaning is carried out automatically - using special mechanisms.

How to choose the right grease trap?

Each buyer independently chooses the model of the grease trap, depending on the requirements for the device and financial capabilities. Regardless of the model you like, it will be possible to solve the urgent problem of the accumulation of fat and oil impurities, which can lead to a blockage of the sewer system.

Grease traps by installation type

There are several criteria for choosing a special fat trap.

According to the method of installation, separators are divided into 2 types:

  • installed outdoors;
  • used indoors.

There are separate models for each mounting method. It is rare to find "mixed" solutions that are installed both outdoors and indoors.

Grease traps of any kind are mounted in the sewer system. In catering establishments and in the meat, dairy and fish processing industries, the use of fat separators is a must.

Indoor devices are easy to install and cost effective

Household fat separators can be installed in different ways:

  • in a separate room;
  • under the plumbing equipment;
  • in the basement.

The choice of the best option depends on several criteria: the size of the equipment and the ease of use.

Outdoor grease traps are made from more durable materials, since they must effectively resist external soil pressure.

The installation of such a fat separator is a complex and multi-stage process. At the first stage, earthwork is carried out, then concreting of the site is carried out, and only then you can proceed to installation.

Therefore, for the installation of fat traps, they usually turn to specialized companies.

The capacity of street grease separators is much higher than that of indoor grease separators

What material is the equipment made of?

The grease trap body can be made of plastic, fiberglass or stainless steel.

Plastic grease traps are characterized by the following properties: attractive appearance and low throughput. They are mainly intended for domestic use, so they are installed indoors.

Advantages of plastic grease separators:

  • Environmental friendliness of the material... Plastic is considered safe for the environment and people.
  • Practicality... The material allows manufacturers to manufacture devices in standard sizes and tailored to individual customer requirements.
  • Ease of service... Cleaning of equipment can be done manually using available tools.
  • Durability... Plastic has a long service life, the device can last up to 30 years.

Plastic grease separators are aesthetically pleasing and compact. They can be installed in rooms of any purpose

Fiberglass is made from fiberglass and a polymer binder. Grease traps made of fiberglass are distinguished by excellent strength indicators. Due to this, they can be installed both indoors and outdoors.

The main advantages of a grease separator made of durable fiberglass:

  • Resistant to aggressive environments... The devices are resistant to extreme weather conditions and harmful chemicals.
  • Increased strength... Grease traps made of fiberglass have proven to be durable and reliable equipment.
  • Light weight and easy maintenance. The GRP grease separators are easy to clean.

The design of fiberglass grease traps can be horizontal and vertical

The fat layer accumulates inside the device to a certain level, it is easily pumped out through the hatch

Robust stainless steel grease separation equipment is the most expensive among the different models. It can be installed outdoors and indoors.

Separate manufacturers manufacture grease separators from galvanized steel. The quality characteristics of such devices are lower than those of stainless steel devices.

The stainless steel grease separator installed in the room looks aesthetically pleasing. The equipment not only effectively performs its direct functions, but also stylishly decorates the interior

Grease traps made of stainless steel are distinguished by high hygienic properties, excellent operational characteristics, as well as a long service life. It is also worth noting the high anti-corrosion qualities of stainless steel separators.

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Review of popular manufacturers of grease trap

A wide range of fat separators made by foreign and domestic manufacturers is presented on the modern market. It should be noted that there are no significant differences in the equipment of different companies.

Devices of any brand work on the same principle - they function due to the force of gravity. Many manufacturers offer additional equipment in addition to traps, for example, a stand.

The stand is intended for use with fat traps that are installed directly under the sink in restaurants, canteens, cafes and cutting shops of large supermarkets

When choosing the optimal model, you should focus on the purpose of the fat trap, as well as on the prestige and reputation of the manufacturer.

Grease traps from companies are in special demand:

  • Helyx;
  • Wavin Labko;
  • Evo Stok;
  • Flotenk;
  • UE "Polymerkonstruktsiya".

Helyx Is a popular manufacturer that mainly manufactures industrial vertical and horizontal grease traps. The separator is used as an initial cleaning system.

It is installed at the place of discharge of industrial sewerage, which contains contaminated and greasy wastewater.

Wavin labko- Finnish developer and manufacturer of innovative electronic meters for the level of fat accumulation and traps made of fiberglass, polyethylene.

Wavin-Labko's EuroREK grease traps are used in restaurants, cafes, canteens, gas stations, meat processing plants and slaughterhouses.

Russian manufacturer Evo Stok manufactures equipment for various purposes from heat-resistant reinforced plastic that is resistant to corrosion.

The devices are equipped with hermetic seals, which effectively prevent the penetration of unpleasant odors into the room.

Company Flotenk manufactures industrial and household appliances made of durable fiberglass reinforced plastic

The advantages of Flotenk fat traps are aesthetics, a level indicator, a degree of purification up to 50 mg / l, and durability. The manufacturer manufactures vertical and horizontal traps for fatty impurities.

The fat trap from the Unitary Enterprise "Polymerkonstruktsiya" is a container made of a spiral-wound pipe, with inlet and outlet pipes.

Grease trap can significantly reduce the risk of corrosion on pipes and clogging of the sewer system. The equipment does not require special maintenance, it is only necessary to clean the filter in a timely manner.

A well-chosen and correctly installed grease trap will effectively purify water and protect the drainage system from global pollution.

Do you already have experience with personal use of grease traps for sewage? Tell us which device you preferred, are you satisfied with its work? Perhaps there are some peculiarities of using this device? Leave your comments, ask questions in the block below.