What can be planted in May in open ground. May in the country: what remains to be done in the garden Plant in May

Parsley, dill, salad are not afraid of the cold

As soon as the ground has thawed, boldly plant them in the beds. Only a few weeks will pass - and fresh greens on your table.

Early planting requires not only greens, but also some types of vegetables. So the middle of spring is a hot season for summer residents. You have already prepared the seeds, grown seedlings, dug up beds, thought out where it will grow. It's time to start planting the first, most frost-resistant crops. Here it is necessary, as they say, to rush slowly. Sow too soon - the first sprouts can destroy night frosts. You’ll be late - the soil will be overdried, then you will not count the crop.

Each vegetable has its own degree

Here are some examples of acceptable temperature conditions for early crops:

  • sorrel, radish, radish germinate at a soil temperature of 1-2 degrees of heat;
  • salad, dill, cabbage - at 2-3 degrees;
  • celery, beans, carrots - at 3-4 degrees;
  • potatoes, celery - at 5-8 degrees.

Most of these plants can be sown without regard to the cold, they can withstand quite severe frosts.

Seven earliest crop planting dates:

1. Radish, radish.Prepare the first beds under them. You can sow radishes many times during the season, but the first term is immediately as the ground thawed. In order to eat fresh radish all summer, spend each subsequent sowing when the first leaves appear in the previous one. Three crops can be harvested from the same beds per season.

Take large, full-weighted seeds, dip them in saline and discard the pop-up seeds. The distance for sowing is 2-4 cm from each other, the depth is about 1-2 cm. Radishes and radishes love moist and thoroughly loosened soil.

2. Sorrel.This is one of the earliest vegetable crops, its shoots appear as soon as the snow melts. If your garden does not have this useful perennial, you can sow its seeds in open ground at almost any time, but the sooner the better - the sorrel loves the ground to be moist enough. It is advisable to fill the soil with organic fertilizers.

3. Salad.   If you did not sow it before winter, start sowing as early as possible. The salad is unpretentious, and if you plant it in fertilized soil, it will thank you with a special harvest. Spring varieties are early ripening, they must be planted first. The seeds of this cold-resistant culture at a temperature of 5 C germinate after 5-7 days. Young plants tolerate frosts to -6 C. If you want to grow lettuce throughout the season, renew your crops every two weeks.

4. Carrots.   Its hard-coated seeds germinate slowly, and if you are late for sowing, you will have to water the beds with carrots abundantly every day. In dry land, seeds may not sprout at all. It is better to sow carrots in rows rather than scatter so that there are clear aisles. She loves to grow in open, well-lit areas.

5. Celery.It is best to plant seedlings, but it had to be prepared from February. Bury the roots so that only leaves remain on the surface. Root crop of celery is rarely planted (with an interval of 45 cm and 30 cm between rows), because stalks that look like bulbs sprout on the surface of the soil. When grown by seeds, sowing begins early, as soon as the soil warms up. Before sowing, the sprouted seeds are slightly dried and mixed with sawdust - 1 part of seeds to 5 parts of sawdust. The seeding rate is 1 gram of seeds per ten square meters. To obtain a high yield, add manure and compost to the bed prepared for celery, loosen the soil slightly and plant seedlings or seeds after two weeks. Frosts up to 5-6 degrees are not terrible for plants.

6. Dill.This is perhaps the most popular culture in the country from early spring to late autumn. So that young greens are always on your table, sow dill during spring and summer with an interval of 10-15 days. And the first sowing in open ground is possible immediately after the soil has thawed.

7. Parsley. It is sown in two terms: in early spring and autumn - in October. Parsley seeds are hard and should be soaked and sprouted in spring sowing. This culture requires the soil deeply loosened, not afraid of shade. It does not accept too much humidity: it loses much in yield and becomes unsuitable for storage. And on dry soils it grows lean and lacking in vitamins. Seeds are sown in grooves to a depth of 3 cm. Good predecessors of parsley - white and cauliflower, early potatoes, cucumbers,

By the way

  • Carrot seeds do not lose their germination for 3-4 years, but it is better to sow fresh.
  • A good potato crop can never be obtained in shady places, on damp lands, on heavy clay.
  • To protect the planting of cabbage from various pests, the planting site can be fenced with linden pegs stuck in the ground. The smell of strongly smelling plants will also scare away the cabbage white caterpillars and the cabbage fly larvae. It is recommended to sow peppermint, tansy, savory and sage near the cabbage plantings.
  • Cabbage and celery get along well with each other. It stimulates the growth of celery, and it drives away butterflies-whites from cabbage. But next to corn, potatoes, parsley, carrots, celery is not recommended to be planted.
  • Dill also does not like the neighborhood with carrots and parsley, as well as with celery, but cabbage is the best companion for dill.


To whom are cacti prickly and useful?

“Cacti get along well in Russian gardens,” says Zoya Ashikhmina, a reader at RG-Week.

“I have been breeding them for almost forty years,” she writes. - For the winter, of course, you have to clean them in the house. And in the summer I plant plants in the garden. The main place in my beds is occupied by the "Australian prickly pear" - it is a bizarre form of cacti, covered with long yellow spines. The prickly pear has bactericidal properties - heals wounds, stretches abscesses. It was even used in hospitals during the war when there was not enough medicine. I experienced her capabilities on myself. Five years almost did not go, but began to chew the green flesh of the prickly pear and stood on her feet.

Zoya Guryanovna Ashikhmina,

Krasnodar Territory, the city of Abinsk, st. Krasnoarmeyskaya, d. 46.


In May, spring fully takes over, filling the air with warmth, drying the earth and allowing working in summer cottages to their full potential. This is an excellent period due to which in the fall it will be possible to collect a plentiful crop of greens, vegetables, garden crops.

Outdoor work

If at the beginning of the month the soil warms up to 10 ° C, you can begin to process the soil for sowing beans and peas. There is one small secret, thanks to which summer residents manage to artificially stretch the ripening period of these crops for 1-2 weeks. You just need to do it gradually, dividing the site into zones in May in such a way as to complete the planting only after 5-7 days. Such a strategy facilitates the harvest process, because you can engage in its conservation, freezing for a whole week, avoiding the standard emergency.

In addition, being carried away by work on the earth, close attention should be paid to the following cultures:

  • cabbage:
  • carrots;
  • parsley;
  • bow to feather.

At the same time, it is worth sowing several beds of beets in order to be able to prepare various dishes and salads from it during the summer months. A similar approach requires a radish, which also needs to be planted in May, in the garden it should be located quite rarely, allowing root crops to develop well.

Attention to thermophilic plants

In particularly comfortable conditions, corn is needed, the planting of which is especially beneficial for feeding chickens, pigs, goats, rabbits. It is also widely used in cooking, because corn saturates the body with many useful trace elements, vitamins. Caring for the proposed culture is simple, but if the question is whether to plant it in open ground in May and acquire another species of plants, the additional area of \u200b\u200bwork remains open, for starters you can select a very small area for it.

Under cucumbers, without which summer salads seem scarce, it is best to process beds located on small elevations and well warmed by the sun. If the soil is well fertilized, the first seedlings of plants will rise above the ground in 1–1.5 weeks. However, in order to ensure a good harvest, it is worthwhile to install a drip irrigation system or daily irrigation of the settled water.

Planting seedlings of tomatoes, peppers, zucchini

Given how many different varieties of tomatoes you can choose in stationary and online stores, it is a pity to miss the spring without providing yourself with the fruits of this culture. The question of what to plant in open ground in May will remain unanswered if the owner of the dacha does not decide to provide the family with vegetables such as tomatoes. The best yield is provided by seedlings sown for seedlings at the end of winter, in early spring, varieties. However, if the climatic conditions of the region allow, planting directly into the ground is also possible. Even better when a greenhouse is used for this. At the same time, it is also worthwhile to deal with pepper, the conditions for growing, planting and caring for which are very similar.

At the dacha throughout May in the open ground seedlings of vegetable marrows are necessarily planted. This garden crop very gratefully reacts to regular watering, top dressing, weeding and mandatory thinning. After all, if the bushes of the vegetable marrow grow strong, getting enough space and light for development, they are able to give many more crops than weaker relatives, sprouting in cramped areas of similar size.

Potato - the king of vegetables

The only crop that sprouts in almost all summer cottages and does not cause confusion about what to plant in May in the country is potatoes. It is advisable to place the tubers in the open ground in the first week of the month, especially if the site is sufficiently dried up for spring work. The best indicators of planting material are:

  • weight about 80–100 g;
  • exposure for some time in the light;
  • lack of damage, traces of the disease;
  • disinfection with boric acid or hot water.

It is advisable that the soil at the landing site be loamy, chernozem or sandy. If the land is heavy, not nutritious, as it is not prepared for work in the fall, in spite of the painstaking work of growing a good crop, you can not wait.

It is advisable to plant tubers, like all plants, in moist soil at the beginning of May; the depth of the holes varies between 5–12 cm. In most cases, tubers are thrown into grooves or holes, but if the plot is too wet, you can take advantage of the ridge planting.

Growing spices, salads and flowers

The life cycle of spices indispensable in the kitchen also begins at the end of spring. Mistresses who prefer tasty healthy food must definitely take small areas for planting parsley, basil, sage, oregano, thyme. It is also worth paying attention to spinach, even if it has already sprouted in the garden since April. The fact is that too early harvest, spinach by the summer can no longer be used due to the appearance in the taste of light bitterness. Thanks to the repeated process, tender lettuce leaves will be on the table until the fall.

Watercress and parsnip are also planted in early May. Thinking of getting beds with similar vegetation, we must not forget about the frequent moistening of the soil, thinning and intensive weeding. If the size of the plot does not allow too much "walking", spices and salads will perfectly develop in small containers. It is worthwhile to show imagination in their design, so that designs with greenery serve as the original decoration of the site.

And, of course, we must not forget about the aesthetics of the garden, which provide all kinds of flowers. At the end of spring, in most regions, dahlia bulbs, cannes, lilies, and gladioli are planted. In the second week of the month you need to do the sowing of digitalis, balsam, snapdragon and perennials such as saxifrage, shaving, cloves, delphinium, phlox.

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What to plant in May in open ground

In May, spring fully takes over, filling the air with warmth, drying the earth and allowing working in summer cottages to their full potential. This is an excellent period due to which in the fall it will be possible to collect a plentiful crop of greens, vegetables, and garden crops.

Using Blueberry Seeds

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April 25, 2017

In May, a lot of crops are planted in open ground, because the weather is already quite warm and, most importantly, stable. There is an opinion that the May plantings are late, and not so effective, but this is true, only for some plants, and in the southern regions. Often, late vegetables, even overtake in growth, their earlier relatives. In the middle zone, where snow may still be lying in April, work is carried out, as a rule, in greenhouses and greenhouses. But with the arrival of May heat, gardeners come to life, but what exactly to plant, let's find out.

What vegetables are planted in open ground in May:

This list is pretty impressive, let's see what is best to plant in the garden:

  • Peas, beans. In order to collect the entire crop without missing a single bush ripening, I recommend to sow this crop gradually, over the course of a week, in identical batches.
  • Beets, it is best to start planting at the very beginning of the month, in order to get the crop early, this vegetable does not like a dense planting.
  • Radish, although it is customary to eat in the spring, if planted in May, you can enjoy it in the summer.
  • It is very easy to grow cabbage, of course, there are some diseases and pests, you can cope with them using folk remedies.
  • Planting carrots is carried out right up to mid-summer, to collect it in the fall, and to avoid storage problems.
  • Corn, it is loved by children and adults, and also with its help you can make a hedge in the garden, protecting plants that are afraid of the open wind and drafts.
  • Onions, very handy for summer salads.

What thermophilic plants are planted in open ground in May.

  • Cucumbers do not like cold, so they are grown closer to summer. If you plant cucumbers in the open ground in May, then they sprout very quickly, and in a week the first sprouts will appear. It is necessary to provide Zelentsy with a fairly fertile soil, and also not to forget to constantly water it, because they love moisture so much. Dig trellises next to the bushes to tie up the cucumbers in the future.

  • The May period is also suitable for planting zucchini. Often, gardeners forget that this vegetable needs space, and therefore the bushes grow literally on top of each other, it is better less and better, here is just what we need. If you have already made such a mistake, thinning out the rows is best right away, get rid of weak bushes safely.
  • Peppers are very compact and bear fruit well, they do not need a lot of space. This culture is planted only when the final heat has already arrived, if the spring is cold, it is better to use the seedling method of cultivation.
  • Tomatoes, depending on the variety, and on the weather, of course, if it is not very friendly, then a seedling method of growing is also preferable.

Spicy herbs for salads: basil, sage, thyme, chicory and parsley.

Planting melon in open ground:

This gourd is planted mainly in the southern regions, but it can also be grown in the middle lane. The main thing is to choose an open area that warms up well in the sun. 10-15 days before planting seeds, the soil is covered with a dark film, thereby heating it. Make holes in this covering material and place dyne seeds right there.

Flowers in May:

But not only vegetables prevail during this period, you can also deal with flowers. Well, firstly, these are: dahlias, gladioli, cans, as well as other annuals. And what perennial flowers can be planted: delphiniums, phloxes, empty chimes, carnations, Iberian, medium bells.

Also, do not forget about such annuals as: geranium, pansies, fuchsia, cosmea.

Also this month, daffodils and tulips are transplanted. Caring for other plants is also necessary, do not forget to level the lawn, and watering, because it is during this period that the phase of rapid growth of all living things begins.

It's that simple, we collected a lot of plants that feel great when planting in the open ground in May, so get down to business and your work will be rewarded, so as not to be a hassle in the garden read our site, we will give you many useful recommendations , see you again and good luck!

In May, a lot of crops are planted in open ground, because the weather is already quite warm and, most importantly, stable. There is an opinion that the May plantings are late, and not so effective, but this is true, only for some plants, and in the southern regions. Often, late vegetables, even overtake in growth, their earlier relatives. In the middle zone, where snow may still be lying in April, work is carried out, as a rule, in greenhouses and greenhouses. But with the arrival of May heat, gardeners come to life, but what exactly to plant, let's find out.

What vegetables are planted in open ground in May:

This list is pretty impressive, let's see what is best to plant in the garden:

  • Peas, beans. In order to collect the entire crop without missing a single bush ripening, I recommend to sow this crop gradually, over the course of a week, in identical batches.
  • Beets, it is best to start planting at the very beginning of the month, in order to get the crop early, this vegetable does not like a dense planting.
  • Radish, although it is customary to eat in the spring, if planted in May, you can enjoy it in the summer.
  • It is very easy to grow cabbage, of course, there are some diseases and pests, you can cope with them.
  • Planting carrots is carried out right up to mid-summer, to collect it in the fall, and to avoid storage problems.
  • Corn, it is loved by children and adults, and also with its help you can make a hedge in the garden, protecting plants that are afraid of the open wind and drafts.
  • Onions, very handy for summer salads.

What thermophilic plants are planted in open ground in May.

  • Cucumbers do not like cold, so they are grown closer to summer. If you plant cucumbers in the open ground in May, then they sprout very quickly, and in a week the first sprouts will appear. It is necessary to provide Zelentsy with a fairly fertile soil, and also not to forget to constantly water it, because they love moisture so much. Dig trellises next to the bushes to tie up the cucumbers in the future.

  • The May period is also suitable for planting zucchini. Often, gardeners forget that this vegetable needs space, and therefore the bushes grow literally on top of each other, it is better less and better, here is just what we need. If you have already made such a mistake, thinning out the rows is best right away, get rid of weak bushes safely.
  • Peppers are very compact and bear fruit well, they do not need a lot of space. This culture is planted only when the final heat has already arrived, if the spring is cold, it is better to use the seedling method of cultivation.
  • Tomatoes, depending on the variety, and on the weather, of course, if it is not very friendly, then a seedling method of growing is also preferable.

Spicy herbs for salads: basil, sage, thyme, chicory and parsley.

Planting melon in open ground:

This gourd is planted mainly in the southern regions, but it can also be grown in the middle lane. The main thing is to choose an open area that warms up well in the sun. 10-15 days before planting seeds, the soil is covered with a dark film, thereby heating it. Make holes in this covering material and place dyne seeds right there.

Flowers in May:

But not only vegetables prevail during this period, you can also deal with flowers. Well, firstly, these are: dahlias, gladioli, cans, as well as other annuals. And which ones can be planted: delphiniums, phloxes, barbells, carnations, Iberian, medium bells.

Also, do not forget about such annuals as: geranium, pansies, fuchsia, cosmea.

Also this month, daffodils and tulips are transplanted. Caring for other plants is also necessary, do not forget to level the lawn, and watering, because it is during this period that the phase of rapid growth of all living things begins.

It's that simple, we collected a lot of plants that feel great when planting in the open ground in May, so get down to business and your work will be rewarded, so as not to be a hassle in the garden read our site, we will give you many useful recommendations , see you again and good luck!

The list of work in the country in May

May is the most blooming month of the year. There is even a saying: “Spring day feeds and decorates a year.

In the last month of spring, fruit trees and many flowers begin to bloom: tulips, daffodils, muscari, forget-me-nots, daisies, primroses, alissum, bought, etc.

Work in the garden and in the garden is in full swing - you have a lot to do.

May signs

If it rains in May, wait for the harvest.

If May is warm in the beginning, then from the second half wait for colds.

If bird cherry blossoms early, the summer will be hot.

May lunar calendar works

New moon. At this time, you should not sow, plant, transplant or crop anything.

Waxing Crescent. Favorable time for planting and replanting berry bushes (raspberries, gooseberries, honeysuckle) and fruit trees. ^

You can make mineral fertilizers, plant roses.

You can engage in loosening and mulching, garbage collection on the site.

The best period for weed control, fertilizing strawberries with complex fertilizer. Transplanting new strawberry bushes to the place of the dead, planting grapes is recommended.

Garden works for May

In May, green manure plants are sown under the trees, which will help get rid of some pests and diseases. For example, from aphids, you can plant nasturtium, from fungal diseases - garlic.

So that flowering trees do not crumble ahead of time, they are provided with the correct irrigation regime.

During the swelling of the buds from the trees, the apple weevil, flower beetle, cherry weevil, and fruit sawfly are shaken.

It is best to deal with pests in the morning when the temperature is not above +10 ° C. Repeat the procedure after 5 days 3 more times. If there are many pests, then 4 times.

Planting vegetables in May

Until the end of May, white and red cabbage of late-ripening varieties, then mid-ripening, are planted in open ground. In the last days of the month, seedlings are planted (preferably under temporary shelter) seedlings of tomatoes, corn, basil, as well as cucumbers.

At this time, cucumber seedlings, which were grown up to two cotyledon leaves, take root well. Humus is poured around young plants so that they take root.

In May fleas appear on cruciferous plants. Against them helps pollination of seedlings with pyrethrum, tobacco dust or ash.

Pinch the cucumbers. When a second true leaf appears, the growth bud is removed. The second time the cucumbers pinch over the 5-7th leaf, on the side shoots - 8-9th leaf.

In May, beets are planted. Choose a bright area rich in humus. Before sowing make compost. You can not plant beets after spinach or chard.

Tomatoes are grown in greenhouses. They need to provide moist soil and dry air. Humidity should be no more than 70%, otherwise the plants will get brown spotting. Tomatoes can be aired as they are not afraid of drafts.

In May, abundant watering requires cabbage. Watering can be combined with the introduction of organic and mineral fertilizers.

After rain or watering, the soil is loosened between rows with vegetable crops to a depth of 1-2 cm. Greened rows are mulched with sifted compost. Too thick shoots thin out.

From the second half of the month, low-growing varieties of cucumbers, peppers, tomatoes and eggplant are also grown in hotbeds.

Cucumbers in the greenhouse are watered with warm water on sunny days in the morning or in the evening. In the heat they are watered every other day. After 7-8 days, add mulch from fresh soil, compost or humus (1: 1). Aerate the greenhouse with cucumbers carefully, avoiding drafts.

Tomatoes and eggplant are watered every 5-7 days until the fruits are tied. In this case, watering should be plentiful, the soil should be moistened to a depth of 30-35 cm. The next day after watering, the soil is loosened, and the bushes are spud. Then mulching is carried out with half-ripened compost.

Peppers are watered after 3-4 days, the soil is loosened, but the plants do not spud. Mulch the culture only 1 time, a few days after planting.

Regular watering is needed only by some vegetable plants in late May and in dry weather. For example, radishes should be watered every other day, so the root crops will be small. Cabbage on hot days should have a shower with cold water. Loves moisture winter garlic. Its roots are not deep, so if the soil layer of 15 cm begins to dry, the leaves of the plant will turn yellow.

❧ If there is a risk of frost, the trees during flowering are protected by smoke or covered with plastic wrap at night.

If there is a winter greenhouse on the site, in May the heating in it can be turned off. Peppers, tomatoes, eggplant and other heat-loving crops may well develop without additional heating.

Shrub Care in May

In May, as soon as the threat of frost disappears, bushes of currants and gooseberries can be mulched. And crops like raspberries and blackberries prefer a permanent layer of mulch. However, it is not worth the rush to mulch strawberries, as it can suffer from return frosts. Mulching is best after the appearance of the ovary.

In May, raspberry beetle is harvested from raspberries. The collection is carried out before he begins to lay eggs, because the larvae can damage the berries. They collect beetles early in the morning, brush them on plywood, oiled with petroleum jelly, or in an old umbrella.

If the weather in May is dry, then the berries are watered before flowering, especially if they are on a site with light soil. It is recommended to combine watering with top dressing with organic fertilizers, which are diluted with water 10-20 times. When the first leaves appear on the gooseberries and currants, they must be covered with a dark plastic wrap or other material so that pests do not appear on the bushes. After flowering crops, berries affected by the ognevka are harvested and destroyed.

Works in the flower garden in May

In May, heat-loving annual flowers and begonia tubers are planted in the ground. After the first decade, seedlings of petunia, zinnia and salvia, marigolds, and fragrant tobacco are planted in open ground. About 14 days before planting, seedlings are hardened.

At the same time, planted tuberous begonia and dahlias are planted. The distance between begonia tubers should be 20-25 cm. This plant is best planted on light soils with a neutral pH. The area where begonia grows should be partially shaded.

Begonia should be watered regularly and abundantly. 2 weeks after planting, the plant is fed. Make infusion of mullein (1:10) or chicken droppings (1: 20) with the addition of ammonium nitrate. Subsequent feeding is carried out every 10-12 days, adding to the solutions 20 g of superphosphate, 12 g of potassium sulfate per bucket of infusion.

In May, they plant dahlias. The distance between plants is 60-100 cm, depending on their height. Cutted dahlias are planted to a depth of 13-16 cm. It is best to plant these flowers in the evening or on cloudy days, after watering abundantly. Planted dahlias are immediately tied to stakes so that they do not break from the wind.

Flowers grow quickly and need constant and plentiful watering, especially in hot weather. After watering, the soil must be loosened. Form dahlia bushes immediately after planting.

At the beginning of the month, peonies enter the budding phase. At this time they need to be fed with mullein infusion (1: 20) with the addition of 20 g of superphosphate, 15 g of potassium sulfate, 10 g of ammonium nitrate per bucket of solution. Fertilizer is poured under each 5 - 6-year-old plant into a groove previously made around the bush.

Phlox, daylily, delphinium, feverfew, novyanik, poppy, lichenis, rudbeckia, gaillardia are fed with infusion of mullein (1: 15) or bird droppings (1: 25) with the addition of 20 g of ammonium nitrate, 20 g of superphosphate, 15 g of potassium salt and 25 g g of wood ash per bucket.

In the first half of the month, lilies are fed, combining the application of fertilizing with watering.

Gladioli are fed in the phase of the 5-6th leaf. At the end of the first ten days of May, dressings are added for clematis (infusion of mullein (1: 10) or bird droppings (1: 15) with the addition of 10 g of ammonium nitrate, 10 g of potassium sulfate, 20 g of superphosphate per bucket of solution). At the grafted roses in May, rosehip shoots are cut out. Make it a pruner closer to the root. It happens that the shoots of wild rose appear far from the rose bush. Then they need to be pulled out of the ground and cut out.

All flower crops require watering in order to develop well and bloom profusely in dry weather. Faded tulips, daffodils and hyacinths also require watering.

Demanding for irrigation such annual plants as sweet peas, calendula, lobelia and nasturtium. From biennials: daisy, forget-me-not, violet Vitrocca, from perennial - delphinium, gladiolus, aquilegia, tuberous, begonia, lily of the valley, daylily, dahlia, clematis and function.

In the first decade of May, many varieties of peonies form buds. In order to get large, full-fledged flowers, leave one bud on the stem, pinch the rest.

At the beginning of the month, plantations of nasturtium are thinned out.

At the end of May, a daisy, forget-me-not, Vitrocca violet and hesperis are sown.

May vineyard care

In the early days of the month, green operations begin in the vineyard. Break off the extra shoots before the buds open. On perennial parts of the bush, unnecessary swollen buds are removed. In addition, on fruit arrows, doubles and tees should be removed. You can leave only the most developed. The next fragment of shoots is performed when the shoots reach a length of 10-15 cm. The third fragment is carried out when the length of shoots reaches 35-40 cm. Holding the chip allows you to finally establish the load of the bushes. Green shoots are removed on the sleeves, and excess shoots are removed on the underground part of the bush. After 4-5 leaves appear on the bushes, they are treated with fungicides from diseases and pests.

At the end of the month, about 10-12 days before flowering begins, a second liquid top dressing is performed. On the growing shoots, stepsons are removed. To adjust the load on the bush, the excess upper inflorescences are removed, and the lower ones are left.

At the end of the month, the planting of annual lignified seedlings is completed. After the threat of frost passes, green vegetative plants can be planted in pre-prepared pits.