How and when is it better to transplant gooseberries. Correct gooseberry transplant How to transplant an adult gooseberry

Gooseberries can be transplanted both in autumn and spring, but an autumn transplant is always preferable to a spring one. This is due to the fact that the vegetative period of gooseberry begins very early, and if you do not have time to transplant it before the leaves bloom, this operation will negatively affect the growth of the plant. Therefore, if it so happened that in the fall you did not have time to move the plant to a new place, do it in the spring, but as soon as possible - into the first warm “window” after the winter.

Site preparation

If the plot for the spring planting of gooseberries is littered with weeds, then it must be prepared in the fall. The earth is dug up, and all roots of weeds are selected. This is done so that subsequently the bush does not become clogged with perennial grass, which will be very difficult to get from the thorny branches of gooseberries. Compost is made for digging, and if the soil is clay, sand should also be added. In the spring, having dug up a landing hole, 200 g of lime, and humus are introduced into it, and all this is dug up at the bottom of the hole.

How to dig a gooseberry bush?

During the transplant, the bush will be pruned and this can be done before it is dug up so that the thorny branches interfere with the transplantation process as little as possible. All branches damaged during the winter and all very old and lignified are cut. Branches are also cut, leaning too low to the ground and thickening the middle of the bush. One and two year old shoots are cut to a third of the length. Such a hard pruning will contribute to the fact that the forces of the plant will be directed primarily to its rooting, and gooseberries will take root more quickly in a new place.

Having departed from the bush 40 cm, it is deeply dug. If roots appear under a shovel, they just need to be cut with a pruner, not trying to dig out the root system completely. When the moat around the bush is enough to pull out the bush, you need to pull it by the branches, grabbing them at the base. The assistant at this time should help by lifting the bush from below with a shovel. The dug plant is transferred to a new place and is located in the center of the planting pit.

Gooseberry Planting

40 g of superphosphate and potassium sulfate and a bucket of humus are added to the earth, which was extracted from the new pit, and mixed. This mixture is poured between the roots of gooseberries, which is shaken from time to time to fill the voids as best as possible. When the pit is full, it is poured with two buckets of water and wait until it is absorbed into the soil. After that they add more soil and watered again. The earth around the bush is mulched with peat or humus. Fertilizers laid in the pit during planting will be enough for the bush to feed on them for 3-4 years without additional fertilizing.

In the year of planting, the gooseberry crop will be very weak, or it will not be at all, but over the summer, with good watering, the bush will come into effect, and will bear fruit in full force next year.

Relocation of berry bushes is a rather frequent need. Plants respond differently to the procedure, depending on the timing of the procedure. The transplantation of gooseberries in the fall to a new place requires special attention, since many factors have to be taken into account.

Transplant goals

Bushes are transferred from place to place for the following reasons:

  1. Redevelopment of the site associated with the construction or the need to plant new crops.
  2. Planting the cuttings or layering to a permanent place.
  3. Plant transfer, if it was originally planted in an unsuitable place for it: insufficient lighting, stagnant water, and this leads to frequent illnesses, or nearby are unsuitable or overgrown neighboring crops that cannot be transferred.
  4. Natural aging of the bush or its overgrowth.

Dates for spring and autumn transplants

Gardeners clearly believe that the best time to transplant gooseberries to another place is autumn. The thawed plant completes the vegetative cycle, plunging into a dormant state. Any manipulations carried out with him will not bring harm. From mid-September to mid-October, and in the southern regions a couple of weeks later, the best transplant dates.

The optimum temperature is from 8 to 15 ° C. Before cold weather, the bush should have time to take root in a new place, so the margin of time before frost should be at least 20 days. The deadlines when it is permissible to transplant gooseberries in the Volga region are the third decade of October, in the Moscow Region and the middle lane — until mid-October, in Siberia and the Urals region, transplantation begins in August. In the spring, you should not disturb the bush: it wakes up early, with the first warmth.

It is very difficult to catch the moment when the two most important factors for a successful transplant converge: a spring transplant is carried out when the buds have not yet swollen, but the ground has warmed up well. The experience of summer residents shows that this is rarely successful in practice. The root system in the spring works on the development of the aboveground part, the adaptation of the plant in a new place takes a long time, the risk of its diseases increases, it gives an unimportant crop.

Remember! Weak, diseased bushes are transplanted only in autumn, in extreme cases in summer, if their condition threatens crops growing in the neighborhood.

It happens that circumstances force the summer resident to solve the problem of whether adult gooseberries can be transplanted in summer. But during this period there is an active build-up of shoots, the formation of fruits. Therefore, the procedure is postponed until the fall, except in extreme cases.

Preparation of tools for work

To conduct a gooseberry transplant, according to all the rules, you will need tools:

  1. Secateurs or clippers.
  2. Shovel.
  3. Pitchforks, sometimes crowbar, to extract the roots of overgrown adult bushes.
  4. Ax, they can be chopped off with thick, dry or diseased roots.

Work tools sharpen well, cutting surfaces are treated with any disinfectant.

Landing place

The correct choice of a place for planting gooseberries is the main factor that determines the normal development of the bush, its fruiting and protection from diseases.


The plant needs a lot of sunlight, so even semi-shaded areas are unsuitable for planting. An area open to the sun all day, protected from drafts and gusts of the north wind, is the best place for gooseberries.

Note! If you plan to plant bushes along the hedge or walls of the structure, at least one and a half meters are indented from them to ensure good ventilation of the bush and convenient picking of berries.

The best predecessors

It is best to plant gooseberry bushes in those areas where before that potatoes, beets, and legumes grew. As a rule, the soil after such crops (they are called row crops) remains loose, with a small number of weeds, and after legumes - saturated with nitrogen. The worst predecessors are black or colored currants, raspberries. Not only do they drastically deplete the soil, these plants have common pests and diseases, therefore they even avoid their proximity.

Soil requirements

The best soil for gooseberries is considered fertile loamy, with medium density. If the soil of the summer cottage is different from the ideal, it is ennobled by introducing baking powder or compactors. The plant loves neutral soil, and this factor completely determines the health of the bushes - in an acidic or alkaline environment, they immediately begin to hurt. If the pH of the soil in the area is far from neutral, corrective additives are added.

Important! The proximity of groundwater, moisture stagnation after rains or snowmelt is unacceptable, because gooseberries, including new varieties, have low immunity to fungal diseases.

Transplant technology

The work does not take much time from gardeners, if you follow the instructions on how to transplant gooseberries in the fall to a new place.

Landing pit

Prepare a pit for gooseberries a month before the estimated date of movement of the bush. During this time, the prepared soil mixture will sit well, nutritional supplements will come into contact with it. The depth of the pit is 50–55 cm, the perimeter depends on the volume of the root system of the transplanted bush. It is usually determined by the size of the crown, given the upcoming pruning.

4–5 buckets of water are poured into the dug hole and two layers are laid out:

  • drainage from beaten red brick, pebbles, gravel or crushed stone of average fraction;
  • fertile - part of the extracted soil with the addition of nutrients.

How to prepare and dig a bush

The step-by-step process of preparing the gooseberry bush for transplantation is as follows:

  1. They trim, removing old and unpromising branches. Leave 6-8 healthy shoots. They are also trimmed by about a third.
  2. Note! The root shoots are chopped off, because it will take away the forces required for full rooting.
  3. Dig a bush around a circle, departing from the center by 30–35 cm.
  4. Thick roots that go beyond the boundaries of the circle are cut.
  5. With a shovel, pitchfork, in difficult cases with a crowbar, the bush is removed from the ground, laid on a piece of tarpaulin or plywood sheet.
  6. Move the bush to a new place.

Traditionally, autumn transplantation of an adult gooseberry is combined with the division of an overgrown plant into several new bushes. To do this, the mother plant must be completely freed from the earth and divided into parts so that each has a main and subordinate roots.

Transshipment (with the preservation of an earthen coma) is transplanted by young, not very overgrown bushes. Only a healthy shrub is transshipped so that the pathogens are not transferred to the soil with another soil. If the transplant is caused by the need to change the place due to diseases, the earth is completely removed, the roots are carefully examined and rotten, dry, suspicious are cut out.

In order to plant a bush, a low earthen mound is poured at the bottom of the pit, a gooseberry is set on it, directing the roots along the slopes. Then the pit is gradually filled with earth with the addition of compost, moderately tamping. The near-stem circle is watered with water from a watering can with several receptions, adding soil mixture as it settles. You can deepen the root neck, but not more than 2 cm.

Gooseberry planting methods

There are three ways of planting: bush, tape, single. The bush method is suitable for spacious, sun-exposed areas. Landing pits are arranged in rows, keeping between 2.5-3.0 m interval between them. The scheme is chosen linear (in one row), chess, in several rows. Tape landing is carried out in trenches with a width and depth of 50 cm.

Seedlings are arranged obliquely, in increments of 50 cm. The fruiting bushes will look like a comb, They usually leave 3 shoots from each year’s growth each pruning. The advantage of the tape is that the bushes form a trellis, which is easy and convenient to care for on both sides. A single landing is chosen if there is not enough space.

On a well-lit area with dimensions of at least 2.5 × 2.5 m, one bush is placed in the center. Usually abundant fruiting varieties are chosen in order to get a decent amount of berries. Such a bush will become an element of the design of the site.

After landing care: watering, mulching, preparation for winter

Immediately after transplantation, gooseberries are watered and mulched soil under the bush. Prior to the final cooling, the main care care remains maintaining the soil moist, preserving the mulching layer. Watering is carried out every 3-4 days, pouring under the bush 5 l of standing water. Before pouring water, the mulch is pushed back, then again cover it with a trunk circle. With frequent rains, the frequency of irrigation is regulated based on the condition of the soil.

In order for the transplanted gooseberry bush to winter without loss, the trunk circle is covered with a thick layer of sawdust. In regions with cold winters, the base of the bush is covered with dry leaves. With the onset of spring, the insulation layer is removed.

Possible errors and their consequences

Preliminary excavation of bushes. Roots without earth dry out very quickly, and the plant does not take root well in a new place, it often gets sick. If this happens, the bushes are immersed for several hours in a tank with well-maintained slightly warm water.

Digging a hole on the day of transplantation. The soil does not have time to compact, which is fraught with excessive deepening of the root neck. In this case, when planting, the bush is fixed with auxiliary means so that the root neck is at the level of the earth's surface. During backfill, pay attention to the fact that a sufficient amount of rammed soil mixture falls under the base of the bush. Adding mineral fertilizers to the soil on the day of planting. This is generally not recommended, and if unknowingly granules and dry mixes have been added, the soil is replaced. Autumn transplantation does not practically harm the plant.

A gardener who knows when and how to transplant gooseberries in the fall, choose the right place for the plant and prepare it for planting, can count on a full, quick adaptation and an excellent berry harvest next season.

It often happens that a place for growing gooseberries was initially chosen unsuccessfully. It’s not worth worrying about this, since the bush is not whimsical and fairly stable transfers the change of scenery, namely, a transplant from one place to another. So, the question arises - how to transplant gooseberries correctly, and when is the best time to do this?

There are many opinions about the ways and methods of transplanting gooseberries. But if the question arises of when it is better to transplant gooseberries - in the spring or in the fall, then it should be said right away that the best time to transplant the bush is precisely autumn. Closer to winter, all life processes gradually subside, the plant is preparing for wintering. In the spring, the bush wakes up very early, the root system begins to function actively. Therefore, transplanting gooseberries in the spring is not recommended. A plant in cold soil may simply not adapt and die soon.

When to transplant gooseberries in the fall? The best time to transplant gooseberries is late September or early October. It was at this time that the bush began to prepare for hibernation (the leaves were falling, development was dulled, the activity of growth of the root system was inhibited). You need to choose a non-sunny day with high humidity and begin to prepare the bush for transplantation.

Some summer residents are interested in whether it is possible to transplant gooseberries in November? In the early onset of stable frosts, this is not recommended. But if in the region for the next three weeks an acceptable, relatively warm weather is promised, with a minimum of + 5 + 8 0 C outside temperature, then gooseberries can be transplanted in November. It’s better, of course, not to take risks and do everything on time.

How to transplant gooseberries

Both young (2-4 years), and more adult bushes are subject to transplantation. In a new place, they take root equally well. Despite the fact that gooseberries are picky plants, a number of recommendations and rules must be followed when transplanting. How to transplant gooseberries? First, you need to prepare the bush by holding. Remove should be more than half of the old shoots. After such a cleaning, a place is freed up for the growth of fresh branches, the bush is immediately rejuvenated. It also helps to adapt the root system to a new location. When pruning, you must definitely use garden pruning shears. If you break off the branches, you can not only damage your hands, but also harm the plant. When transplanting a young gooseberry bush, it is necessary to trim weak and non-fruiting branches. Strong, remaining, should be cut from above, backing off about 10-15 cm from the top.

Secondly, after trimming the bush, gooseberries should be dug at a distance of about 40 cm from the base in a circle. Old, dry roots can be safely removed with an ax. Cut the root system should be sprinkled with wood ash.

Next, the bush must be carefully removed from the created nest and put on a sheet or a cart. So it will be more convenient and safer to transport it to a new place. Now you can transplant gooseberries from place to place.

The third step is to dig a hole. It should be at least 60 cm deep, with a diameter of about 60 cm. If there are several bushes, it is necessary to maintain a distance between them of 150 cm.

It should be remembered that the bush should be approximately 5-7 cm deep in a new hole. 10 liters should be poured onto the bottom of the resulting hole. sprinkle water and top with a mixture of soil with humus in equal proportions, and also add 1/3 of wood ash, about 150-200 g of superphosphate, 60 g of potassium fertilizer (potassium salt or nitrate).

When the bush is installed, it is necessary to straighten the twisted roots and fill in the empty spots with soil residues. A 3-5 cm embankment is also recommended. The final stage of transplanting gooseberries is watering and mulching the soil. Under the bush and around it is necessary to pour in about 4 buckets of water. You can mulch the soil with humus, straw, or sawdust. Most summer residents spend the winter mulching with straw. A double layer of mulch is justified if the winters in the region are very severe.

Having completed all the activities, you can leave the bush until spring. During wintering, no measures to care for transplanted gooseberries are needed.

How to transplant gooseberries, video

Sometimes you have to do a redevelopment at the cottage or in the garden. To do this, you have to cut down trees and transplant shrubs. Then the question arises - when can I transplant gooseberries? The answer is simple - gooseberries are transplanted in the fall or spring.

How to choose a place for a gooseberry transplant?

Autumn or spring is the best time of the year to arrange a gooseberry transplant. And yet, when is it better to transplant gooseberries?

The most optimal season for the gooseberry transplant process is autumn, or rather October or September.

During this period, the shrubs are in "calming", he already bears fruit, and, let’s say, went for the winter. This is due to the fact that gooseberries are not whimsical, and they quickly switch from the cold season to the warm one. At this time, he is already preparing for maturation, his kidneys are poured early, and during the period of swelling of the kidneys, the root system should not be injured. Having faithfully organized the gooseberry transplant process, it will help the bush to rejuvenate and bear fruit more. The most important thing in this process is to choose the right place for a transplant.

When choosing a site for the necessary gooseberry transplant in autumn, some important points should be taken into account:

  • Gooseberries love places where there is good sunshine;
  • Where the wind blows, gooseberries cannot be transplanted;
  • The soil should not be moist and without proximity to groundwater, since gooseberries do not like permanently moist soil;
  • The earth should be loamy, if it does not fit, then it is easy to fix it, for example, if there is a lot of clay, or the soil is heavy, then it is advisable to add a little sand, and otherwise you can add clay;
  • It is unacceptable that the soil has a high acidity, in this case you need to add lime to reduce acidity;
  • Gooseberries are not recommended to be transplanted to areas where currant or raspberry bushes were previously grown due to common pests, in which case they will very quickly harm the bush.

After making the selection of the area for the gooseberry transplant process, dig up the earth and remove the remains of various rhizomes and all weeds. Further, at the bush, all unnecessary and old branches should be cut off, leaving no more than seven of the youngest and most healthy processes that should be shortened before transplanting, leaving two-thirds of the entire length of the shoot.

Subsequently, annual pruning of the bush is necessary, since only branches and stems that grew last year bring berries. Only six or eight new shoots should be left each year. In this case, the bush will bring a large harvest of gooseberries.

Possible ways to transplant gooseberries

The process itself does not take so much time. Everything is done sequentially and in stages:

  • The prepared gooseberry bush is dug around, the distance directly from the bush should be at least 30 centimeters.
  • If there are thick roots, then they can be easily chopped, either with a shovel or an ax.
  • Subsequently, using a crowbar or shovel, the bush must be removed from the soil and it must be put on a plastic film so that it can be transported to a new site for transplantation.
  • A pit breaks out in the selected area for gooseberry transplantation; it needs to be made a little larger in diameter than the gooseberry root system.
  • The depth of the pit should be approximately 50 centimeters.
  • The pit is plentifully supplied with water, for this you need to pour about 70 liters of water into the pit, this is about 3-4 buckets.
  • Then part of the removed earth should be mixed with compost, and in no case with, otherwise the root system will be damaged and the final result will be disastrous.
  • After the gooseberry bush is installed in the pit, the remaining gaps should be filled with earth.
  • The earth should be compacted and again watered with a good amount of water.
  • At the end of the gooseberry transplant, the bush is sprinkled with dry soil, and sprinkled with mulch on top, peat chips can be used.
  • Before the onset of frost, the shrub should be systematically watered.
  • It is not necessary to cover the bush for the winter.

There is another way to transplant gooseberries, but it is suitable for mass transplantation, that is, in large summer cottages:

  • The main difference is to immediately prepare a place for a gooseberry transplant, where to outline the pits for transplantation.
  • Bushes are transplanted in an ordinary way, including inter-row space (the distance between the rows should be at least 1.3 and not more than 1.5).
  • If several bushes undergo a gooseberry transplant at once, then you need to know that the distance between the bushes should be at least 1.5 and no more than two meters.
  • Next, bushes are dug up according to standard technology.
  • Gooseberries need to be transplanted one by one bush into prepared pits.
  • If the diameter of the pit is less than the rhizome of the bush, then it must be increased.
  • The rest of the procedure is done exactly the same as with a separate bush.

If necessary, you can see how gooseberries are transplanted in the fall, the video provides an opportunity to visually verify that a lot of effort and time are not required.

In the fall, gooseberries are transplanted, not only because it can be late to transplant in the spring because the shrub has already begun to prepare for fruiting, but also in order to clear part of the plot under, or the lawn.

Also, gooseberry transplant methods can be useful to gardeners for propagating this berry bush. Gooseberry transplant in the fall guarantees a high survival rate of the bush, so a good harvest of berries will already appear next year.

A little bit about leaving after a gooseberry transplant

Gooseberry shrubs are not whimsical. Care is limited to the removal of weeds, which is desirable to be done by hand, since roots that are located close to the surface of the earth can be damaged by tools designed for weeding.

Of course, gooseberries require watering and top dressing. In order to satisfy the need of a gooseberry bush in obtaining nutrients, it is only necessary to create a new protective layer only once a year in autumn, which consists of earth mixed with and compost. If desired, the mulching layer can be increased, it will contribute to good fruiting and faster growth of the bush.

How to transplant gooseberries (video)

Gooseberries are transplanted, like other shrubs, in autumn or spring. Moreover, autumn is the preferred season. After fructification, the bush is preparing for winter; it has a period of rest.

In this state, gooseberries will better tolerate a change in habitat. The best month for a transplant is October, before the onset of frost. Sometimes the circumstances are such that in the fall it was not possible to transplant the plant. For example, due to early autumn frosts or due to the lack of free time at the gardener.

In this case, you can transplant the bush in the spring. But there are nuances. Gooseberries belong to the type of shrubs that wake up very early, literally with the onset of the first warm days. Therefore, it is important not to miss the moment.

If the buds have already started to grow, then the roots of the bush also began to grow. In such conditions, the bush may not at all take root in a new place or it will hurt and lag behind in growth. The best spring month for a transplant is March. In the northern regions, this may be the beginning of April.

In order for the gooseberry bush to take root well and bear fruit regularly, you need to choose the right place for it.

It must meet the following requirements:

  1. Good sunshine.
  2. There is no constant blowing by the winds. Plants feel good near some buildings that protect them from drafts.
  3. Gooseberries love moist soil, but can not stand the close occurrence of groundwater and stagnation of water. The place on the site where the rainwater is poorly absorbed by the soil does not fit the bush.
  4. Gooseberry bushes grow well on fertile and light soils, reacts negatively to an acidic environment. If the soil is too acidic, it can be deoxidized with ash or lime. Clay soil is fertilized with sand, humus or peat.
  5. Among the predecessors of gooseberries, there should not be raspberries or currants. These plants are prone to the same diseases, so the bush will hurt and lag behind in growth.

First, the landing site should be cleaned of debris, weeds and other vegetation.

The easiest and fastest way to determine the level of acidity with litmus paper. If you do not have it, the folk method will help. It is necessary to pour a handful of cherry leaves in a jar of boiling water and wait for the infusion to cool. After that, a lump of earth is thrown into the jar from the place where you need to determine the acidity.

Look at the color of the water:

  1. Greenish tint - normal acidity.
  2. Reddish - increased.
  3. Bluish - lowered.

First of all, we will decide on when to transplant gooseberries in the fall. Most gardeners agree that the best time to transplant is early spring and fall after harvest.

In spring, a tree wakes up literally with the first warm days, so transplanting gooseberries in the spring in the stage of its active growth is not recommended. That is why the gardener who decided to carry out this work in the spring will have the strength of several weeks to carry out this work.

Speaking specifically about the best time when you can plant gooseberries in the fall, then this is the end of September - the beginning of October. At this time, the gooseberry bush is preparing for hibernation, so it can be easily transplanted without fear for subsequent growth.

But at the end of October and November, this work is not recommended. At this time, the first frosts are not uncommon, and in the cold a plant can die quickly. Let's talk about how to transplant gooseberries.

The correct choice of a place for planting gooseberries is the main factor determining the normal development of the bush, its fruiting and protection from diseases.