Is it possible to transplant gooseberries in May. When to transplant gooseberries in spring or autumn? Soil and fertilizer requirements

Gooseberries remain a favorite among Russian gardeners thanks to their unpretentiousness, high yielding capacity and excellent taste. From the gooseberry to the jam, jams, compotes or just eat it like that. If enough favorable conditions are created for the gooseberry bush, it can actively bear fruit not one and not two years, but as much as 20 years. In some cases, even a twenty-year-old is a limit.

Gooseberry: transplant in spring and autumn, its goals, features of growing a bush

In order for your bush to bear fruit as long as possible and more efficiently, you need to create certain conditions for the plant. So, for example, for large sweet berries you need a lot of light, but not too much water so that the roots do not rot.

You need to carefully monitor the condition of the bush to understand when you can transplant gooseberries to another place. Most often, gooseberries can bear fruit in the same place for a long time, however, the gardener may have reasons for transplanting: there are no more places, redevelopment of the site, the shade of the place of initial planting.

  As a rule, immediately after the decision to transplant, the question arises when is it better to transplant gooseberries in the fall or in the spring. Experienced gardeners recommend replanting the bush in early or mid-autumn, when the plant has already finished bearing fruit. So it is easier to survive the transplant, adapts to a new place faster due to the completion of sap flow and wintering, and the gardener does not have to worry especially about leaving after the transplant.

Transplantation to some extent promotes the rejuvenation of the plant. If the bush was originally planted in a well-lit place, but the berries are still small, it is worth trying to transplant it to a new place for updating.

If desired, you can transplant gooseberries in the spring. He tolerates this procedure well, but if there were already problems with the bush and he is in a weakened state, it is better to wait until the fall, so as not to injure the bush during the sap flow.

To get a large harvest of gooseberries, do not try to grow it on clay, heavy or acidic soils.

The gooseberry bush has a powerful developed root system, so it does not need frequent watering. For the same reason, do not plant the bush in the area where groundwater is closely located. Gooseberries can produce their own moisture, but it starts to hurt when waterlogged.

A transplant is required if several bushes planted nearby have grown and interfere with each other. In this case, they will not have enough lighting and power. If the bushes are very spreading, between them you need to observe an interval of 2 meters.

Gooseberries will grow and bear fruit better if you regularly loosen the soil. This is especially true for heavy soils. However, it is worth remembering that the roots can be located very close to the surface, so you need to loosen carefully.

How to transplant gooseberry bush: transplant rules

For those who do not know how to transplant a large bush of gooseberries, there are a large number of video materials on the Internet. However, this procedure is very simple, a novice will be able to cope with it. Gooseberries take root very well in a new place and do not cause any trouble.

Subject to these simple rules, gooseberries quickly adapt and begin to bear fruit the next year after transplantation.

How to transplant gooseberries to a new place: choosing a place and leaving after a transplant

Before transplanting a gooseberry bush, it is worth carefully considering a new place for its cultivation, since the crop will depend on the correct choice of place. There are several features to consider when choosing a new gooseberry patch.

  • Choose places with good lighting, but protected from the wind. If there are buildings and fences near the place, they should not cast a shadow on the bush.
  • Do not plant gooseberries in the place where currants or raspberries grew before it. These shrubs have common pests that can persist in the soil.
  • The soil on the site should be fairly light, fertile and neutral. If the soil is acidic, add lime to it before planting, and sand to heavy clay soils and clay to sandy soils to create a loamy soil suitable for gooseberries.
  • No need to plant gooseberries in the lowlands, as there is often waterlogged soil. For gooseberries, a large amount of moisture in the ground is destructive. It is best to plant gooseberry bushes on small hillocks.

After transplanting the bush, you need to pay special attention to it. If you set out to transplant an old gooseberry bush to rejuvenate it, annual pruning will be required. Only last year’s branches bear fruit best, so every year before wintering, old branches are cut off at the bush and only 6-8 pieces are left.

Transplanted gooseberries must be freed from weeds by weeding the soil near the roots. This must be done with your hands so as not to damage the root system.

Gooseberries do not need frequent top dressing. It is enough in the autumn to fertilize the soil with compost and organic fertilizers, so that the shrub actively fructifies and grows. You can also mulch the soil to slow down the growth of weeds, reduce moisture evaporation and contribute to the fruiting of gooseberries.

It is advisable not to touch the transplanted bushes until spring, and in spring you can treat them from pests. The treatment of bushes with boiling water, which is carried out in early spring, when the snow has not yet melted, helps a lot.

Gooseberry bushes are intertwined with each other over the years, in order to put this shrub in order, it must be transplanted. Such events are also carried out in cases where there are problems with productivity, when the place turned out to be inappropriate, and the plant becomes weaker every year. Sometimes the need for a transplant is caused by the desire to make room for other purposes.

When to plant and how to choose a place to plant?

When can I transplant gooseberries? The most suitable time for these works is autumn. The positive points in favor of choosing this time of year are as follows:

Gooseberries are best suited for places well lit by the sun and not blown by the wind.

Raw and clay soil is not suitable for it; such a soil will contribute to the development of fungal diseases. It is not worth waiting for a good harvest from a bush planted in such a place.

When choosing a place for gooseberries, you should pay attention to the following features:

If you are planning to plant bushes near the fence or next to young trees, you need to consider their future growth.

Methods and rules of transplantation, preparation of seedlings

Spring transplant should be carried out in exceptional cases. For example, if a gooseberry transplanted in the fall fell under frost because of the early arrival of winter.

The complexity of transplanting shrubs in the spring is that due to the early appearance of buds, you have to constantly be near it. If you miss this moment, then the gooseberry transplant will be delayed until next season.

Due to damage to the roots, and this can not be avoided during transplantation, a blossoming bush in a new place may not take root.

In gardening, there are two ways to plant and propagate plants: together with an earthen lump and in the form of seedlings. Sapling is a woody plant whose roots are peeled from the ground. They are not subject to long storage, and they take root more difficult, since their root system has been severely damaged.

Both options are suitable for autumn shrub transplantation, but for spring planting with seedlings is not an option. Their root system does not have time to take root before the movement of juice begins.

Young seedlings, which are only 1 or 2 years old, are most suitable for breeding gooseberries, they take root much better than older seedlings. The main roots covered with a yellowish bark should be at least three, and in length they should reach about 15 cm.

The fibrous roots should also be developed, the upper part should consist of two stalks reaching a height of 0.4 m. There should be no leaves on the prepared seedling. If there are unhealthy roots, they must be removed. After the preparatory measures, it remains to carry out stimulation of the root system.

To do this, seedlings (15-20 pieces) must be placed in the mashroom prepared according to the following recipe:

  1. Chernozem - 1 kg.
  2. Clay - 1 kg.
  3. Kornevin - 1 or 2 sachets.
  4. Aktara - 6 g.

Combine all components and add 3 l of water.

Compliance with the rules of transplantation will contribute to better rooting of bushes, namely:

At the new location, the landing depth should be 5 cm more compared to the previous location. While the temperature is outside, the gooseberries need to be watered all the time.

When watering, mulch needs to be removed, after the event, it needs to be returned to its place. In winter, the landing site must be insulated with sawdust, this will be enough.

Gooseberry propagation and care

In order to propagate plant bushes, the most common method can be applied: the horizontal layering method. In early spring, without waiting for the buds to open, the parietal area must be shaped like a saucer.

Healthy young branches should be bent to this site and fastened to the ground with wooden hooks. From the side buds located on these branches, new shoots will grow. They, having reached 10 - 15 cm, should be sprinkled with earth. With the advent of autumn, they should be dug up and those that have developed well can be planted in a permanent place.

Another method of propagation of the bush is carried out using cuttings. In mid-September, you need to cut off a certain amount of lignified shoots. The upper soft part needs to be cut, then you need to make two slices: one - above the kidney, and the second - below 25-35 cm from it.

Then, in the prepared strip, deepened by 20 cm, you need to install these shoots with an interval of 15 cm, two buds should remain above the ground. After the trench should be covered with earth and compacted. After a year, they need to be planted in a new place.

Gooseberries, as well as other berry bushes, must be taken care of, otherwise the bush will cease to bring crops. In autumn, measures should be taken to protect the plant from diseases and pests.

The harvest next year depends on how gooseberries are processed. To protect the bushes from fungal diseases, you need to use a product prepared by diluting 50 g of Chloroxy copper in 10 l of water, or Bordeaux liquid. A composition prepared from 20 g of Karbofos and 10 l of water will help protect against aphids, sawflies and fires.

Before spraying, you need to shrub and clean the area around it. Processing sites near the trunks should begin with the removal of weeds. It is advisable to remove them along with the root, otherwise their presence will be constant. Next, you need to loosen the earth and mulch.

Simultaneously with the treatment of periostemal circles, it is necessary to feed the plant, for this you will need Potassium and Phosphorus, it is enough to take 20 g and 30 g per bush, respectively. It will not be amiss to make a nutritious mound, not more than 10 cm, under a plant of humus or peat mated to wood ash. It is advisable to feed the bush before the onset of cold weather.

If it’s rainy autumn, you don’t need to water the gooseberries, if there is no rain, you need to water the gooseberries. At the same time, the norm for one bush is 30 liters.

In order for the shrub to bring a good harvest, it is necessary to trim the branches of gooseberries. In the first and second year after the planted plant, it is necessary to cut off shoots that are damaged and located close to the ground.

There are such varieties of gooseberries, in which many shoots appear near the roots. These bushes for 3 to 4 years need to be thinned out, it is enough to leave 2 or 3 healthy, young shoots. When the bush is 5 or 6 years old, the number of branches should be 15 - 18 pieces. Further, every year 1–2 old and weak branches are subject to circumcision. Circumcision of the plant can be performed in autumn when the leaves are discarded. For work, use a sharp secateurs, then the slices will be smooth and even.

In addition to care, which is carried out in the autumn, it is important to pay attention to other activities.

During winter, the earth becomes dense, so with the advent of spring it will be necessary to loosen it. Since gooseberries love loose soil, for the whole season it is advisable to loosen the soil 4-5 times. Throughout the season, after it has been watered or rained, it is necessary to mulch the soil in order to maintain moisture and prevent the appearance of weeds.

It is useful to know about how to transplant gooseberries in the fall not only to those who need to renew the site, but also to those who are interested in how to plant the gooseberries and when to transplant gooseberries to increase the area planted with this plant.  When replanting and planting bushes of a given crop for the first time in autumn, one should not worry that they will not take root well.

For various reasons, it is necessary to transplant gooseberries in a summer cottage: overgrown bushes, an initially improperly selected place or allocation of territory for construction. Sometimes you have to completely remove all the bushes, sending them to a new place of residence. At the same time, it is important to adhere to certain rules so that plants take root more quickly.

When to transplant

Gooseberry transplant can be done in spring or autumn. Spring transplanting is less desirable since:

  • the plant "wakes up" very quickly after winter dormancy, in connection with this it is difficult to choose the optimal time for the procedure, because the procedure must be performed before the sap flow begins;
  • during the formation of kidneys, gooseberry roots are undesirable to injure, since the main forces of the plant are aimed at developing the upper part, and not strengthening the underground.

As a result, the transplanted bush adapts slowly, develops poorly, the quality of the crop decreases.

In the summer, it is also undesirable to transplant gooseberries, because at this time the green mass is growing, damaged roots will adapt for a long time.

It is better to give preference to the autumn procedure, because:

  • the bush has already completed fruiting, so all the forces will be directed specifically to strengthening the root system, and not the development of the upper part;
  • he gradually passes into a stage of rest, so he can easily adapt to new conditions;
  • transplanting gooseberries in autumn is much easier than in spring.

It is better to transplant gooseberry bushes in the fall after falling leaves. The optimal time for a culture transplant to a new place is September-early October. A month or two and a half is enough for the bush to strengthen before the onset of frost.

Choosing a place for a gooseberry transplant

The correct plot is a certain guarantee that the bush will not just take root, but also increase fruiting. When choosing a place you need to consider the following nuances:

  • currants and raspberries will not be the best neighbors or predecessors, because they have common pests and diseases with gooseberries that can be inherited;
  • gooseberries can be transplanted after potatoes, legumes and beets, clovers or lupins;
  • the culture loves sunlight and humidity, but wetlands with stagnant water should be avoided: under such conditions, a fungus develops well against which many gooseberry varieties do not have protective immunity;
  • the place must be protected from the winds.

An important role is played by the type of soil on which the crop will grow. It should have the following characteristics:

  1. Ease. Gooseberries grow well on loam. Heavy soil can be alleviated by adding sand and peat, while clay that is too light is desirable.
  2. Weak acidity. To check it, put a few leaves of currant or cherry in a container, fill them with boiling water (0.5 l), cover. When the water cools, a lump of tested soil is sent to it. If the water remains green, then the acidity is normal, if it turns red it is acidic, and the bluish blue indicates insufficient acidity. Acidity can be reduced by adding lime or dolomite flour.
  3. Fertility. So that the bush can receive from the soil the nutrients necessary for it to restore strength and development.

Having picked up a site, they dig it up and clean it, removing all plant debris, mark out places for planting. After that, they go directly to the procedure.

How to transplant gooseberries

There are two ways to transplant a gooseberry bush: together with an earthen lump or a seedling.

Planting a bush with a lump

Before planting, adult old gooseberries cut out all the old and excess shoots. As a result, no more than 7 of the youngest and most healthy branches should remain. They are shortened by 1/3.

Now you can dig up the bush. For this:

  • dig it around the circumference at a distance of about 30 cm;
  • chop the thick roots that stretch further;
  • carefully remove the bush from the soil with a shovel and lay it on the film so that it can be transferred to a new place.

When transplanting a large bush of gooseberry, the diameter of the part to be dug is determined by the size of the crown and is taken out very carefully so as not to damage the numerous roots.

Further actions are carried out in stages:

  1. Pit preparation. It is dug up about half a meter deep and slightly larger in diameter than the size of the bush. Several buckets of water are poured into it.
  2. Installation of a bush.
  3. Sleeping voids with a mixture of earth and compost.
  4. Tamping soil.
  5. Abundant watering of a bush fixed in the ground.
  6. Dry falling asleep and mulching.

If a massive gooseberry transplant is planned, it is important to consider the following:

  • the landing site is prepared in advance, pits can be dug right before landing, but it is better to outline their place in advance;
  • shrubs are planted at a distance of 1.5-2 m;
  • between the rows leave 1.3-1.5 m.
  • transplant bushes one at a time in separate holes;
  • if the diameter of the dug hole is small, then it is increased.

By transshipment, you can transplant a small plant at any time (except winter, of course). You only need to dig in a portion slightly larger than the crown, so that when digging out as little as possible damage the root system. Further - according to the general scheme. In August, very small gooseberry processes can be transplanted using the same method.

Planting a seedling

The main difference of a sapling is the root system cleared of the soil. That is why they cannot be stored for too long, and they adapt to the new conditions for a long time, because their roots were injured when digging and cleaning. For the spring landing of gooseberries, this option is definitely not suitable, since the roots do not have time to adapt before the sap flow begins.

For planting, take a young bush (no older than two years), on which there are at least three main roots with a length of about 15 cm. The adnexal roots must also be developed. The aerial part consists of two shoots about 40 cm long, freed from leaves.

The preparation of gooseberry seedlings for transplantation consists in removing unhealthy roots and stimulating the entire root system in a specially prepared talker (1 kg of clay and black soil, a bag of Kornevin and 6 g of Actara are taken for 3 liters of water).

Transplanting gooseberries in the fall to a new place with seedlings is similar to the previous method:

  1. Prepare the pit.
  2. A small mound of earth is poured into it.
  3. Set a seedling on it vertically or slightly inclined so that the root neck is deepened by 7-10 cm.
  4. Holding the trunk, they fill the soil, periodically compact it. At the same time, the bush is shaken a little so that the earth fills all the internal voids.
  5. Shed and mulched, the branches are cut to the lower kidney.
  6. For winter, seedlings are covered with sawdust.

Gooseberry care after transplantation is timely watering. Before the procedure, the mulch is removed, and after moisturizing, it is returned under the bush. Gooseberries do not need shelter for the winter. It is enough just to warm with sawdust.

Gooseberries are transplanted, like other shrubs, in autumn or spring. Moreover, autumn is the preferred season. After fructification, the bush is preparing for winter; it has a period of rest.

In this state, gooseberries will better tolerate a change in habitat. The best month for a transplant is October, before the onset of frost. Sometimes the circumstances are such that in the fall it was not possible to transplant the plant. For example, due to early autumn frosts or due to the lack of free time at the gardener.

In this case, you can transplant the bush in the spring. But there are nuances. Gooseberries belong to the type of shrubs that wake up very early, literally with the onset of the first warm days. Therefore, it is important not to miss the moment.

If the buds have already started to grow, then the roots of the bush also began to grow. In such conditions, the bush may not at all take root in a new place or it will hurt and lag behind in growth. The best spring month for a transplant is March. In the northern regions, this may be the beginning of April.

In order for the gooseberry bush to take root well and bear fruit regularly, you need to choose the right place for it.

It must meet the following requirements:

  1. Good sunshine.
  2. There is no constant blowing by the winds. Plants feel good near some buildings that protect them from drafts.
  3. Gooseberries love moist soil, but can not stand the close occurrence of groundwater and stagnation of water. The place on the site where the rainwater is poorly absorbed by the soil does not fit the bush.
  4. Gooseberry bushes grow well on fertile and light soils, reacts negatively to an acidic environment. If the soil is too acidic, it can be deoxidized with ash or lime. Clay soil is fertilized with sand, humus or peat.
  5. Among the predecessors of gooseberries, there should not be raspberries or currants. These plants are susceptible to the same diseases, so the bush will hurt and lag behind in growth.

First, the landing site should be cleaned of debris, weeds and other vegetation.

The easiest and fastest way to determine the level of acidity with litmus paper. If you do not have it, the folk method will help. It is necessary to pour a handful of cherry leaves in a jar of boiling water and wait for the infusion to cool. After that, a lump of earth is thrown into the jar from the place where you need to determine the acidity.

Look at the color of the water:

  1. Greenish tint - normal acidity.
  2. Reddish - increased.
  3. Bluish - lowered.

First of all, we will decide on when to transplant gooseberries in the fall. Most gardeners agree that the best time to transplant is early spring and fall after harvest.

In spring, a tree wakes up literally with the first warm days, so transplanting gooseberries in the spring in the stage of its active growth is not recommended. That is why the gardener who decided to carry out this work in the spring will have the strength of several weeks to carry out this work.

Speaking specifically about the best time when you can plant gooseberries in the fall, then this is the end of September - the beginning of October. At this time, the gooseberry bush is preparing for hibernation, so it can be easily transplanted without fear for subsequent growth.

But at the end of October and November, this work is not recommended. At this time, the first frosts are not uncommon, and in the cold a plant can die quickly. Let's talk about how to transplant gooseberries.

The correct choice of a place for planting gooseberries is the main factor that determines the normal development of the bush, its fruiting and protection from diseases.

Autumn is the best time of the year when it is better to transplant gooseberries. The season is already over, the berries from the bushes are harvested, which means that after transplanting to a new place, the shrub will direct all its efforts to rooting and better take root.

Choosing a suitable place for a gooseberry transplant

Not everyone succeeds in initially planning the arrangement of beds, shrubs, trees and flower beds on the site so that later they would not have to regret their decision. The reasons why there is a need for redevelopment of the site may be different: someone comes up with an idea in front of the house, others experience inconvenience from overgrown trees and shrubs, and still others try to save the weakened plants that were planted in the wrong place for them. And if adult fruit trees in most cases have to be cut down under the root, then the situation with shrubs is much simpler - for example, transplanting gooseberries in the autumn does not require much trouble from the gardener and does not take much time.

As you know, the gooseberry grows and bears fruit best, which is planted in places open to the sun, protected from strong winds. In damp areas where groundwater is too close to the ground, and in areas with heavy clay soil, the bush will often be exposed, and if the berries appear, they will be very small.

Gooseberry transplant video

To get a good harvest from gooseberries:

  • choose areas with light loamy soils, sandy loamy soil can be diluted with clay, and clay can be added with clay;
  • since gooseberry does not favor acidified soil, if necessary, add lime to it immediately before planting bushes;
  • after raspberries and currants, it is better not to plant gooseberries, because after them the soil is depleted, and the pests of these crops are common - they will gladly pounce on weakened gooseberry bushes;
  • adhere to the most suitable dates when you can transplant gooseberries;
  • remember to carefully weed the ground before replanting the bushes.

Gooseberries, which are planted in open places in the sun, grow best and bear fruit.

If you need a gooseberry transplant in order to free up space on the site, then you can place bushes along the fence, at a distance of one and a half meters from it, or near young trees, leaving a free distance of at least two meters.

Step-by-step instructions on how to transplant gooseberries

Although each gardener has his own opinion on when to transplant gooseberries more convenient and efficient, in the spring transplanting is undesirable because this thorny bush blooms very early. You can easily skip the suitable dates for transplanting gooseberries, and after the appearance of buds on the branches, damaging the root system of the bush is highly undesirable.

In autumn, in September-October, you will be in time by removing all the old spiky branches and leaving only the youngest, strong shoots (they will need to be shortened by a third), making it much easier to work with the bush.

In autumn, in September-October you will be able to cut gooseberries, removing all the old spiky branches

Transplantation of gooseberry bushes occurs as follows:

  • cut gooseberries are dug from all sides at a distance of not less than 30 cm from the base of the bush, all thick roots are chopped with an ax;
  • then the bush with the help of a shovel or crowbar is taken out of the ground, put on film and transported to the transplantation site;
  • a hole of slightly larger diameter is excavated in the selected area than an earthen lump with a root system (about 50 cm deep);
  • 4 buckets of water are poured into the pit;
  • a mixture is poured from the top layer of the removed fertile soil with compost (it is better not to add fertilizers so as not to burn the roots);
  • gooseberry bush is installed in the pit and the gaps on the sides are filled with the remaining fertile mixture;
  • the soil around the bush is compacted and watered with three buckets of water;
  • dry earth and peat crumb as mulch are poured on top.

Gooseberry Care Video

The transplanted gooseberries should be buried five centimeters deeper into the ground than they used to grow. Before the onset of cold weather, the bush will need to be regularly watered, pushing the mulch and returning it to its place. For the winter it will be enough to fill up the near-trunk circle with sawdust; there is no need to cover the bush.

Gooseberry transplant in the fall can be used not only in order to clear the area under the lawn or move the bush to a more comfortable place. This information is useful to those who are interested in how to plant gooseberries with a view to propagating it. Autumn transplant provides excellent survival of shrubs, so you can safely propagate gooseberries not only by layering, but also by dividing the bush.